Mathematical Conversations

,&.&!,p$.l,lQ,poe$qf ellar:f snv,exigs.,&pgirn

His total research outllut in the fornr of research papers, scholastic articles ancl books exceecls 230 in nunrber; his collaborative rese.rrch is procligious. His nrost famous book Convex Ana/r'-si-c, pr-rblishecl in 1970, is the first book to systematicallv cleielolr that area in its own right and as a franrerlork fcir fornrr-r lating ancl solving optimization ltroblen'rs ir.r -oconon'rics ancl engineer-ing. lt is one of the most highlv citecl books in all of nrather.natics. (Werner Fenchel

1 905- I 988 r rvas generouslv acknor'r,l eclgecl as an "honorary co-author" for Iris pioneering influence on the subject.) ln aclclition, Rockafellar has written five other books, two of them r'r,,ith research partners. His books have been influential in the development of variational analysis, optimal control,

matlrematica I programm i ng and stochastic opti m ization. I n Ra ph T. Rockafe ar fact, he ranks highly in the Institute of Scientific lnformation (lSl) Iist of citation indices. lnterview of Ralph Tyrrell Rocl

i nternationa I jou rnals on appl iecl rrathenratics, opti m ization While he was attending theThird SinoJapan Optimization ancl mathenratical finance and continues to do so for at Meeting (3'l October 2 November 2005), which was leastfour major journals. He has contributecl organizational organized by the National University of Singapore and services to the Mathenratical Prograrnming Society, the the first such meeting to be held outside China and Japan, for Applied Analysis, lnternational Institute Systems lnstitut that celebrated his 70th birthday. ln Janr-rary cles Sciences Math6matiques (Montreal) and the FONDAP 201 1, he was invited to NUS's Risk Managenrent lnstitute, Program in Applied Mathematics in Chile. its Department of [)ecision Sciences and its lnstitute for

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Mathematical Sciences. He was also an invitecl sgteaker at instead of proceeding ln,ith educatir-rn. llcrvr:vt-'r, Sputnil< the Institute's Workshop on the Probabilistic lnr ltu Ise lteh incl ihen rrent u1; and evervthing changed. I found oilt tlrat .l Modern EconomicTheory, held from 1 to 1 8 ianr-ran 201 I . I coulcl be cleferrecJ from the nrilitary once more. lt lvas On behalf of lmprints, Y.l(. Leong took the opportLrnitr to air.eacJr too late to apltiv to Harvard itir graduate studies, interview him on 1 B January 201 1 . The followrng is an ecJitecl ,

One also sees a less well-known side of hinr a spirit of fi;ilolving \,€-.;rr {lpp{}r'iurrities came up to g{:l either to l-.larr,,arci physical adventure that is closely intertwined with the spirit ol tc-r Princeton. I Cecided on H.rrvard because I krrelo,'tlre of mathematical exploration. place r.t'ell, lr.rd friends there, anri enjoyed thr: cultura! liie in Boston. lPrinceion is in a snlall lourn mor.. tlran an hcur Imprints: You went to University of Bonn on a Fulbright south oi Nerv klrk City.) Scholarship in 1957. What attracted you to Bonn then? /.'You took your PhD at Harvard University. What was the j:..1j+:: ;t':'rl',!.: ili:-:r:.:1.:ti'r:i'j';,r': Thal gr:es back lu the earli, topic of your PhD thesis and who was your thesis advisor? davs oi |ry .areer rvhei-r l r-jid irot l

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ioi,rnders of optinrizatiolr. lt \\ as lre n ho had arranged that irecause their follt.i itself ntore ancl trete upcor1ictrtal;1e I coi;ld h;rve pursuer{ graclr,rate stuclies at Princeton insiead. rvith sonre nrisurrder:tanciing createcl increastnglr ltr its He ivas able to tell m1, .rclvjsor sonretinres: "He's ol<;lv. Wh;lt criginal name. "Programnring" as optinrization referreci this yclung nran is doing is gooc1. Dor-r't \\'orrv." My arlvisclr to a ne\,v kind o{ nrathematics rvhich clenranclecl ireslr lrimself dlrJ not knor,r' hoir' to cleal ,,.r'ith nre except alwayg r.vavs of lookirrg ai fhings. lgot 1'ascinatecl ltr.the il'reon to sa;' "\,!osi< harder, u,ork longer." That's holv I rvas able io irehind it - how to rreate the needed lnaihenratics. l',,'e tinish. AnC a rDLrllie cf reris aiter I got out. Tr-rcker irrvited aiwal,s been nrclre of a theorv builrjer. I lil

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/: You wrote a book on convexity. Was that tlre iirst book /: lt seems that this book is more of a theorv book than a on convexity? r-nethods bool<.

*: lt rnras, at least in combirring convcx seis rlrth con\ e\ , Th.rt's rieht. C)ptinrization has an unusual status in functions and in that rvay with anal_v.cis. The title of this book nratlrcr.natir.s. It reallv has to starrcl on three legs. One was suggested Lr,v Tur:l

D ifferenti;,rtion corresponds tr.l a Jrprox ! nrations that I i nea ri ze On the other hancJ, ihe morjels you sei up slrould be ones these grairhs. But in rnur:h of optimization ,vcu shouldn't suitable for firrcling solutions efiectively. The ch;rlienges ot look at a fr,rnction tlris way; you should focr-rs instead on the nrorieling anrJ r:ompuiation inspire aclvances in theor,v. The

:. ..: : epigraph - the set of points on ancl above the graph. Conver troubie with this three-legged fielcl oi optinrizatiorr, hor,vever, '1 .', ''':,;;-.' functions are characterized by the iact that the epigraph is a is that it cloesn't fii intc a singie branch of mathernatics. :.;:;:,:,,;; .; ' . The epigraph rrav no{ havc a snrooih bounclary pr.rre, appliecJ or rrurnerical. So it doi:sn'i realiv har,€: a 'i';:.','.,;;; suitable for linearization, but nonethelr:ss there can ire honie 1l.,ir-ighsl. ';..;,, : ' conv€tx tangential apprrjxinrations leaclirrg to ne\Ai {orms of ':::;.:':.:';. - driferentiation, ancl so forth. This creates a lvhollv differeirt /: Or it belongs everywhere ... ',,,':;:t';:;, outlrioi< on analysis. The convex analysis book is ':,:,;,,:1 :::1 .: people best know nre for. I wrote it at the heginning oi nry ;i: Belc;ngs evervlvhere^ lf vou lock at lhe acadenric world :.'.'t: ":: thirtie,c, very early in my career, and it pLlt the subjeci on there are tradit!ons" Chemistr'/ belongs to the scirool of the rnap. science, Llutv,rhere is opiimization-iYou tind it irr errgir-reeri'rg :chools, mathematics departmenls. busilres,s schcols. You

/; What about a Iater edition? Dicl vou revise it? find it irr all sorts af diffr:rent locations. lt has urrciergrine a sort of randonr soci;ll developn-lent in ciiifererri urrivcrsities lf: Never hacl a chance to reall,v revise it. Sorry about that, ancl countries. but there also riidn't seem to be much rreed. I have a friend at Mathentatital Rer.,ieivs. Fle had acclrss to certain /; That's very interesting. This book came out before personal

databases that they i

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linear programming there is something called the "sirnpiex business sc.hool at the l{atiorral Universitr of Sirrgapore, metlrod" inrrerrtecl b1'Ceorge Dantzig l(1 914-2005)1, r'vhich l,,ho are connectecl in one \.\iay or another to optinrizltion. turns out lo be ertremel,v efiicient for solving rnany practical problerns. These are problems u,e coulrj never solve by hancl. /; Are you also interested in economics? That is basicallv the spark that nracle ev€rrvthiris qrorv, in 'l 949, eight years b€lfore I started tr: be involveci. iil: From the ver;' beginning I was interested in econc,rnics. One of the reasons is that a lot of nraihematicai econom ics /: You have been Visiting Professor in quite a number of involves conv€x sets ancl convex functions. Another

universities in Europe between 196,1 and 1 997. Does Europe funclanrental reason is that a lot of economic icleas hold a certain kind of attraction for you? involve optinrization, ior example in nraxinrizing utilitv or nrininrizing cost. That conrrection has continued to grolv, i: lt does frr:nr a number ot angles. Cne is that Europe and nor'v l'm all the more er']gagerJ lviih ei.onomics. As volr is easy to understand beyond mathematics, everr lvith nry perh;lps knort, l lvas invclved with an economics conference lirniterd bacl

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a Continued from page I 5

/.' Do you still do mountain climbing? rnorJelecl by equatiorrs, but nor"'in economics and svstems managenreirt, for exanrple, there are different neerjs. What ir'; I stiil do nrountain i:limbing in ihe form of off-trail hiking I believe is that aplinrization theory has contributeel to a and exploring" I also do kayaking, but there are irvo kincls rrerv kincl of nrathematics, a new l

have new ideas in a lgebra, analysis and Urvasevl a dozen y€rars ago" He's 20 years youngLrr than I contributed to fundamental advances in optin-rization? am aird he's at the LJnivers!tv of Florida.

ii: I Iike this question bccar-rsc I can turn it canrpletely I: Your work is mainly in the theoretical aspects of arouncl. I think it suggests that optinrization is an JleJ optimization. Has the computer come up with results or lvhich tal

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or anything that reserlbles that. Horvever, there's an /.' I believe that you work on several projects with different important aspect r'vhich, as they sar', boggles the mind. lt people at the same time. What are the areas of application is that optimization deals with irrcrecliblv large problems that you are working on now? in which you can have nrillions of variables and iniilions of inequality constraints. Hour are vou going to solve ,t: M,v current work is in three separate areas biisicailv" them? You can oniy hope to clo rt rvith careful attention One is on the pure mathematical side in tlre sense oi to structure. That may involve discretlzation in space or theoretical developnrent such as in tire book I tolcl yor-r abr:ut tinre, or stochasilc represer-itatioll, or a nrore novel kincl llmplicit Funlians and Solution Mappings|, r,t'hich is sort of of approxinration, and \'ve get into territor;' bevoncl llirai outgrorvth of convex analysis ancl variaticnal anaiysis. By people can lrsualiy imagine. Witir advances in com;ruters, the \vay', the book Variational Anal ,vsis by Roger Wets [and ro;hat is very important is the feedback ironr rompr-rtaiional rnel, rvritten about I2 years ago, was already number 50 in rneihods what can be done and what can't be cione. that list of top 100 cjted. This r'"-as only several years a{ter it After all, optinrization ivas originalll, inspired bv broacler aanre olrt. 5o that's orre side. Another side of m,v current work capabilities in computing. As more computational abilit-v is econonric nrode lling, specifically economic equilibrium com€:s up, it's not jr-rst that vou compute bigger prablerns. lt's in nrarkets. That's nTostly r,vlrat I do in rny collabor;rtion in that you have. new ways of thinking about ihr.m, requrring Chile and ;rlso now with Wets. The third sirJe is the tireorv exteirsive rnathematical deveiopnrent" oi risk which is ior-used at the University of Florida, ancl thai

is r'vhat is propeiling a Iot of the speaking invitatioirs I get" I /; What do you think about quantum computers? got int€rested in risk LrecaLrse i like to'"1'ork Lrn topics r,vhiclr have practical applicaiions and at the same tinre exhibit .#: Wc have problems irr optimizaiion rrhich are still the beauty r:f thought that i denrarrcl as a rnathematician. lar br:yond our ability tn solve. They pyg probiems ivith You clon't nrant to waste tirne on something thal is ad hoc enormous number,c oi variables ancl constraints, lvhich arise and femporary" You want to thirrk you have found the reai for exanrple through, discretization as alreadv nreniioned, essence oi a topic sr.) -vou can put it together i-rseiullv for or in stocirastic representation. In Monte Carlo nrethocis, ihe next gerreratiorr. The theorv o{ risk is morecrver deeply say, ,vou can generate approxinratii.rns thror-igh statistical involved lt,ith t-onvex analysis. That started in finance. I sanrpling, and an explosion in ilre dimensionaiity can Lxrclrr" have long been lvorking in optirrization problems where But iiyoLr lrave a system evolvirrg in a lot clf time periocls and there is uncertaintv - yor: have make decisior-ls in advance each ;reriod lras suclr ;:rr erplosion of stochastic irranches of fullv l

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/: You are also involved in stochastic analvsis, isn't it? a lower ievel of the mountairr" As they do this, there are micro-earthquakes caused by the blasting ancl there are ii': That's right. This is another underpinning of work in cracks, shears, slips and all that. My colleagues in Chile risl<, because optimization with uncertainty gets very nruch are modelling the geophysics of it, but then risk comes in" involvecl with stochastic analysis in the sense that, in nral

/: Have you done any consultation work with industry? ff: There were various opportunities, but somehow they didn't realiy come to fruition until recently. l'm now doing some consulting with Coclelco r'vhich is a gigantic copper company in Chile, and that's why l'nr going back there in March. This has to do with risk, and reliable engineering is behind it as nell. To see how all these things fit tr:gether, l'll describe briefly. Codelco has copper mines which can involve mal