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The BG News September 27, 1995

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.... , ^ ., ,.... , ,., Inside the News Sport& ;.. J ir • • ••--.'■'..■ Opinion • Kim and Dan's favorite things a Volleyball coach Van P« City • Hope House offers chance for better life Wajie got her 250th win against Dayton. ,■'"* State • A couple battles with Alzheimers Ir. •^ Page 7 N1 K* Nation • Congress battles over social programs NEWS ' "CM

Wednesday, September 27.1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 84, Issue 17 PLO says accord'has holes' Officials claim Lack of specific dates for redeployment creates conflict Hilary Appelman BG water safe The Associated Press

JERICHO, West Bank - The Israel-PLO agreement supposed for residents to be signed Thursday in Wash- ington still has significant holes, Leah D. Barnum higher in May and June, as the with time running out to fill The BG News spring rain washes the chemi- them, a senior Palestinian nego- cals from the fields to the Bowling Green officials said tiator said Tuesday. water system. The year-round the town's water is well within The PLO is waiting to hear averages of the chemicals federal guidelines regarding must be below the government from Israel on a timetable for pesticide levels. starting the withdrawal of Israeli levels, though, not the aver- Officials spoke in response ages of the peak months. troops from Palestinian cities in to a study released in August the West Bank, said Saeb Erekat, Sharp said. by the Environmental Work- minister of local affairs in Yas- As for harm caused to the ing Group that found Bowling reproductive system, Sharp ser Arafat's Cabinet. Green water to contain dan- "At this moment we have not said, a 20- or 22-pound child gerous levels of pesticides - would have to drink 2 liters of yet finalized dates for the rede- levels that the group says ployment, and that's a major water with 3 ppb of atrazine could harm the reproductive every day for 70 years to have hanging issue in the whole systems of children and in- agreement," Erekat said at his any effects, according to cur- fants. rent studies. office in Jericho. "I hope that we Although the study found Dr. Cynthia Bearer, a neona- will be able to finish." that levels of pesticides in the tologist at Rainbow Babies & The accord on expanding peak months for contamina- Children Hospital in Cleve- Palestinian self-rule in the West tion - May through July - land, said even a brief expo- Bank was initialed Sunday in were above the federal sure to elevated pesticide Taba, Egypt. It calls for a step- guidelines, the average over levels can affect the repro- by-step pullout of Israeli troops the entire year is well below ductive system. from Palestinian towns and guidelines, said Doug Sharp, But Sharp said short-term villages. The disputed city of unit supervisor of the Public effects of atrazine or cyana- Hebron would be last, with sol- Drinking Water Program of zine would only occur if chil- diers remaining in some parts of the Northwest branch of the dren were exposed to 100 ppb the city to protect Jewish settlers Ohio Environmental Protec- over a 10-day period. living there. tion Agency. The Environmental Working Hebron has been the site of al- Jerome DelayAThe Associated PICSB Norm Langenderfer, super- Group also states in its study most daily clashes in recent intendent of the Water Treat- that "infants and children are months. On Tuesday, Palestinian Palestinian youth throw stones and bottles at an Israeli army checkpoint In downtown Hebron Monday. Clashes erupted In Hebron a day after Israel agreed to pull most of its troops out of this troubled town ment Plant, agreed that ac- exposed to unsafe levels and youtlis in Hebron pelted Israeli by spring. cording to current findings, mixtures of pesticides in in- soldiers with bottles and stones. there is no danger in drinking fant formula, juices and In Nablus, where three Palestin- Bowling Green water. drinks reconstituted with tap ians have been killed in the past or what would constitute comple- timetable as too long, and the Is- to be held before March, the While federal health stan- deadline for Israeli troops to water." week, about 70 supporters of the tion. raelis were supposed to come dards allow a maximum aver- The federal EPA issued a peace agreement marched Erekat said it was essential to back with a new proposal. redeploy in Hebron. Palestinians will elect an age of three parts per billion statement that it will conduct through the middle of town, fir- agree on a starting date for a Last-minute talks were expect- level of atrazine, the average a study to determine the ef- ing weapons in the air. troop pullback before the agree- ed to be held Tuesday night after 82-member Palestinian Council to administer the autonomous concentration found in the fects of exposure to multiple Under the accord, Palestinian ment is signed. the end of the Jewish New Year study, called "Weed Killers by areas. chemicals. elections are to be held 22 days "It's really very serious," he holiday, and perhaps even in the Glass," was 3.4 ppb. Thir- Although the city's water is Washington before the signing Erekat said Islamic militants after redeployment is completed. said. "Every effort is being exer- ty-eight percent of 16 samples well below the federal stan- Erekat said Tuesday there was cised now." ceremony Thursday. would not be barred from run- ning for office. He added that were above the federal stan- dard for pesticide levels, it is no agreement yet with Israel on Erekat said the Palestinians Palestinian sources said Tues- dard. conducting a pilot program to when redeployment would begin had rejected one proposed Israeli day that elections were not likely candidates or parties that "com- mit or advocate racism" would The government allows a determine the need for a bet- maximum yearly average of 1 be disqualified. It was not imme- ter water filtration system, diately clear how those criteria ppb of cyanazine, but Bowling Langenderfer said. would be applied. Green's average level (over the three-month peak period) "The Environmental Work- Candidates or parties that ing Group is just trying to List narrows in quest "pursue the implementation of was found to be 1.58 ppb. Fifty prey on people's emotions - their aims by unlawful or non- percent of the samples con- tained more atrazine than the with the cancer and the chil- democratic means" would also be government allows as a yearly dren - they're not doing a sci- disqualified, according to the average. entific study," Langenderfer for 'Master Teacher' elections agreement. Pesticide levels are much said. Five faculty members named as finalists

languages, said he is also hon- Heather Cvengros will have his or her name in- Witness claims deputies The BG News scribed on a personal plaque as ored and flattered to be nomi- well as on the plaque at the nated. "I want to do the best job I Mileti Alumni Center. Five University faculty can teaching," Hebein said. "I Vincent Kantorski, finalist fired first at Ruby Ridge members have been chosen as want my students to learn as finalists in the Undergraduate and associate professor for much as I can possibly teach their guns first in the 1992 shoo- Alumni Association's 1995 music education, said he is them." Pete Yost and that "I just wheeled and shot Master Teacher Award. very honored but humble. The Associated Press tout on the northern Idaho moun- Marshal Degan for no more "It's a true mixture of feel- The selection process con- tainside, killing the Weaver fami- Finalists include Elliott sists of students nominating a reason than that he called out to Blinn, professor of chemistry; ings," Kantorski said. "I'm WASHINGTON - Declaring ly dog. me," said Harris. teacher they believe possesses that "someone needs to tell you "We were just walking along Paul Haas, professor of eco- very flattered and proud but the qualities of a Master What the deputies "say is nomics; Richard Hebein, there are other wonderful the truth" about Ruby Ridge, a the trail ... making a perfect tar- false," Harris testified. Teacher. friend of white separatist Randy get of ourselves," Harris said of professor of foreign language; teachers also." The 10 semi-finalists are Harris conceded that he prob- Kantorski's main for his Weaver testified today that de- the exchange of gunfire that Vincent Kantorski, associate narrowed down to five fina- ably killed Degan - he said he professor of music; and Lorna students is to help them learn puty U.S. marshals lied by saying killed Deputy Marshal William fired his gun into the brush be- lists. This is done through they were ambushed. Degan and 14-year-old Sam Gonsolves-Pinto, assistant how to learn. classroom visitations by the cause shots were being fired at "I don't want to just spoon Choking back tears before a Weaver. professor of ethnic studies. Master Teacher Selection him. He insisted that the shootout The Master Teacher Award feed them information," Kan- Senate subcommittee, Kevin The deputy marshals say they Committee, who observe the Harris said the deputies fired were ambushed by the Weavers is sponsored by the Under- torski said. "I'm working with candidate's teaching style. See RUBY, page four. graduate Alumni Association. future teachers - I want them The Master Teacher is se- to feel good about themselves Since 1982, an outstanding lected following a second as teachers, they need to think member of the faculty has round of classroom visitations for themselves and teach each been recognized yearly with an and an Interview with the Gingrich frustrates Clinton award administered by UAA other." selection committee. and monetary support of the t Kantorski added students need to realize they can leam Nathan Boyle, UAA presi- Alumni Association. dent, said one of the main qua- The qualifications include without a teacher. President accuses House speaker of 'blackmail' "My students are eager to lities evaluated during the full-time status at the Univer- selection process is classroom sity and a minimum of three learn and are committed," he Tom Raum him on the budget and says the Clinton said, recalling shaking said. "I like the positive atti- interaction. The Associated Press Republican House speaker was hands with Gingrich in New years teaching experience. Boyle also said the award is a tude." wrong to back out of a deal to ap- Hampshire last June on a pro- The winner will receive a great honor because it is a $1,000 award, recognition as Richard Hebein, finalist and WASHINGTON - President point a commission on lobbying posal to set up a bipartisan corn- the 1995 Master Teacher and associate professor of romance nomination from students • Clinton is accusing Newt Gl- reform. ngrich of trying to "blackmail" "i mean, that frustrates me," See CLINTON, page four. rfiV *R /» ion The BG News page two Wednesday, September 27,1995 The BG News Friends relieve boredom Due to the fact that our neigh- Mr. Simon plays some of the ed followers of the Funky Town moments. It's a great show to "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence" bor left us a huge bag of Smar- greatest music of all time, during music scene. Although most of watch if you have nothing better ties, we are both on sugar highs all times. He writes songs that these bands are from Funky to do, or even if you do, from 12-2 and cannot function normally. mean something 20 or 30 years Town, its next to impossible to am. Leah Barnum Jim Vickers Our brains are just going crazy. see them here. But they do all We also enjoy spending good editor-in-chief managing editor For the time being, we cannot play in Toledo. quality time with our friends. We think coherently about any one usually like to go for a cup of cof- issue, so instead we will write Mote is the raddest thing on fee and play cards. We believe if Dawn Keller Larry Hannan about a variety of things that we eight legs. Ribcage Houdinis are everybody in town served coffee news editor assistant managing editd like. always a great show - both a and allowed card playing, this These are just a few of our pleasure for your ears and your town would be a better place to favorite things... eyes. Jimmy Branson will just live. Aaron Gray Robin Coe Many of our faithful readers about rock your pants off. We When we get bored with cards, already know, our favorite thing we like to bust out a game of City editor also really like Wally Pleasant. editorial editor to do is sit on the bench on the He plays funny, funky acoustic Scattergories, or Spoons. Scat- corner of Woostcr and Main. This music about life. He is a really tergories is a great thinking is a great place to sit, relax and down to earth and decent fellow, game, and Spoons is our favorite watch the world move by. Too plus he laughed when we sent contact sport next to soccer. When all else fails, we regress bad it is getting a bit cold to do him enlarged photocopies of him Work programs this, so to warm up we move on we had colored green. into our childhood and go puddle into Cosmos. jumping. This is soooo much fun. K.ini&- If you really do not feel like go- It really feels good to get soaking Cosmos is a great place to ing out to hear these bands, or do wet, then go home and put on cut back crime study and warm our cold rears not have a way to Toledo, you can some dry, warm clothes and sip with a piping cup of joe. They always listen to WBGU 88.1 FM. on a cup of coffee. If it's cold out- side and all the puddles have fro- A popular concept in law enforcement today is to re- also have some groovy bath- This is by far the coolest thing on rooms when you are sitting on later, a real rarity in the music your radio dial. They play all the zen over, we like going sled rid- habilitate the prisoner rather than simply punish the bench and really have to go. world. Most of all he is still crazy greatest music from the under- ing. Frostbite is not as much fun Iiim or her; to make the offender into a productive mem- Of course if sitting and relax- after all these years. ground. Of all their great pro- as wrinkly fingers, but again it's ber of the community. ing is not what we feel up to, we Pavement and Sonic Youth, gramming we truly enjoy the great to go home to warm clothes This is the theory behind the Wood County Jail In- can go on over to Howard's Club both rock our worlds also. Pave- Kristen and Kim Show, Wednes- and warm cocoa. dustries Program, a service of the county which is aimed H. They have a great juke box ment is just plain rad, and Sonic days from 2-4 p.m. and the Har- OK, so now you know the truth at rehabilitating convicts by giving them something to and some of the most happening Youth has Kim Gordon, what vey and the Wonder Hamster about us, we are boring and very do with their hands and letting them have pride in an walls in Funky Town. Besides more do we need to say? Show, Fridays from 4-6 p.m. All easily entertained. We promise honest day's work. these great assets, they also have this great stuff, plus they killed next week will be better. We feel friendly bartenders, good prices, Dan's favorite band is South- their mascot. a little bad leaving you with no The News believes programs like Wood County's are moral or anything, so we will try key to creating a world where crime is less of a threat cool pinball and some super ern Culture on the Skids. These If you were to get bored listen- dupcr pool tables. If the juke box self-described 'geek rockers' are ing to the radio, you could always to tie it all togther right here. The than it is today. Too many times a criminal is released moral is: Do not hang out with from jail only to commit another crime and land right at Howard's does not satisfy your the coolest thing to hit the earth watch the Simpsons, or if you can musical hunger, you can get your since fried chicken. They sing afford cable, Whose Line Is It Dan and Kim; they will bore you back where he started from. Certain problems, however, own at Madhatters. about everything southern and Anyway? Both are funny, origi- to death. No, that does not work. are inherent in such a program, and steps need to be tak- everything white trash. Rock-a- nal shows. They are the best How about, there is a lot out en to correct them. Jim, Billy and Kathy are the billy is here tostay. things happening on television. there to do if you don't mind Just this summer, a worker at the program told his su- coolest. (Sorry to anyone we for- A close second to these two spending a little time with your pervisor he was running an errand -- an errand which got.) They will help you get your Kim holds in very, very high shows is Mystery Science friends and using a few brain cost him his life after he kidnapped a woman and was fingers on anything you could regard, Perry Farrel. Let's just Theater 3000. Mike or Joel and cells to entertain youself. shot at a gas station by a police officer he drew his gun want. If they do not have it, they say she has dedicated a whole the 'Bots will help you laugh your Send comments and on. will get it for you. They, of wall to him. night away. They use obscure suggestions to 210 West Hall or e- course, carry all of our favorite Along with these great, estab- references while making fun of mail Dan and Kim at music, like Paul Simon. [email protected]. While some may look to point figures at the person lished bands we are also dedicat- Hollywood's most embarassing who permitted the man a furlough, workers in the pro- gram are not inmates. The man could just as easily have waited until the end of his shift to commit these crimes. So perhaps the answer lies in rethinking the policy of al- -^JoNattiRoffsU> byBftriLfe^ lowing the program's participants to roam freely. The mission of the Jail Industries Program may be |>JS7" &MUM. :/?(/»; commendable, but an incident such as this is indicative of a need for tighter security measures. ^—-\_^_— 4 While there may be nothing in many of these crimi- nals' pasts that would give any clue that they are capable of violence, they still are convicted criminals. They are already being given a significant gift by being allowed to »»»»*»■>*» m'*t participate in the Jail Industries Program and earn a wage. Giving them the freedom to go wherever they please might be going to far. These people are in jail for a reason, and too many freedoms may lessen the puni- tive effect of the prison experience. Ogtbr -l&~ The News hopes, however, that this program will not be permanently tarnished by the past summer's inci- dent. While unfortunate, it is not reflective of the whole program, which by and large has been a success. Although the program may have bugs in it, it has gar- Students misled in capital nered acclaim from almost all camps as a wonderful It was a weekend of thinking, We received statistics on the alternative to the unproductive and potentially hate- much to the government's dis- problems of alcohol abuse on breeding enviornment of a jail cell. Authorities from may. Advertised as a journalism campuses, specifically, a well-k- several other counties have come to Wood County to see conference - for free, no less - it A journalist's nown study by a Harvard profes- the effectiveness of the program in action. The efforts of seemed like a fabulous opportu- sor that found 85 percent of col- those involved with the program should be commended nity to travel to Washington D.C., lege students binge drink at least and the hard work should be continued. learn about journalism and see once every two weeks. Binge the sights. drinking was defined as having Instead, it was a three-day ral- perspective at least five drinks in a 24-hour ly against drugs and alcohol. The Copyright © 1995 by The BG News. Reprinting of any malieral in period. government said, and it just this publication without the permission of the BG News is strictly pro- wanted us to do. Instead, many That may be true, in fact, It hibited. students took a little time to think charge. They looked at each editorial decisions that cannot be may be more than 85 percent by The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 ami the situation through. other. They took deep breaths. made without bias. There is no that definition of hinging. is published daily during the academic year and Wednesday's in the It was called "Symposium on They smiled and one said, "Well, such thing as total objectivity summer. Alcohol and Other Drug Issues sure, of course we don't want to when human minds make de- Regardless of those statistics, Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student on Campus: The Reponsibility to throw any ideas out yet." cisions. it is no secret that there is a lot of body, faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in Inform, the Power to Act." Why should the idea be thrown But our job is not, however, to drinking happening on and off columns, cartoons and etters are not necessarily those of The BG News The Department of Education, out at all? tell people what to do with their this campus. Our job is to tell you Letters intended for publication must be 200-300 words long, typec which sponsored the event, paid The situation is much more lives. If they want to do drugs, it is happening, and that there are and include the writer's name, phone number and University affiliation for 50 students' airfare and two enjoy doing drugs and don't hurt social consequences, such as date nights in an upscale hotel. Organ- if any. The BG News reserves the right to edit any and all letters. anyone else in the process, who rape and domestic abuse. Those izers had this strange idea that are we to tell them they have a The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any error.' things have been proved. because they flew student jour- problem? That's for them to de- in stories or photograph descriptions. nalists to the capitol and told Leah cide. It has also been proved that them that drugs are bad, they This is not to say that social people can drink for social would in turn run home and arnum problems don't result from drug reasons without causing any The BG News Staff spread the news via student and alcohol abuse. If problems harm to anyone. newspapers. photography editor Kelly Rigo result from the drug or alcohol Knowing those things, It Is up The students in attendance complicated than organizers co-sports editor Scott Brown use, such as DUIs, rapes or rob- to you to decide whether you went to several workshops, and envisioned. co-sports editor Patrick Murphy beries or other abuses of human want to drink alcohol or use we put together a mock news- One question hammered assistant sports f.ditor Christian Pelusi life, it is our job to report it, as drugs. If you decide to do that, it paper, complete with anti-drug through my head: Is this the well as an analysis of the situa- assistant city editor Joe Boyle is your job to determine when ads and anti-drug articles. media's job? Is it our responsibil- tion. enough is enough. graphics editor Rochelle Slosser In an attempt to gain a more ity to tell people drugs are bad The government taught us how Weekend Reality editor Melissa Lipowski open perspective on the entire Is- without informing them of other to "launch a campaign against The government thought it was Weekend Reality assistant editor Aaron Epple sue, Joe Boyle, who also repre- perspectives? drugs." ours and spent a lot of money to copy chief Kristin Stadum sented the University at the con- It's the age-old question of But "campaign" alludes to "a- tell us that. speical projects editor Amy Johnson ference, asked the "discussion" whether the media's job is to re- genda". Those are things journal- Tell us, they did. Do, we did assistant special projects editor Jim Barker leaders: Shouldn't we include flect what the people want to ists should strive hard to stay not. stories on people who enjoy using know, or to set the agenda for away from. 204 West Hall drugs and don't necessarily have what they think people should The government didn't seem to It is not our job to solve social Bowling Green State University a problem with them? know. understand this - or if it did, it problems, it is our job to inform Bowling Green, OH 43403-0726 Looks of pure panic crossed There is no doubt that what the assumed all the free stuff may people about them. The rest is up [email protected] the faces of the two women In media chooses to print reflects change our minds. to you. The BG News oritis Wednesday, September 27, 1995 page three Campus No cavities o n kf. tants or troubles in Benghazi, 410 policemen and an intormer as- Rebellion threatens Li- miles away across the Gulf of sisting their investigation were bya Sirte. A 19-year-old student arriv- attacked by a mob and killed TRIPOLI, Libya - Long spared ing from the city Saturday con- after being disarmed. Back-up the bloodshed of Algeria and firmed the latest clashes. He police arrested five people fol- USG pushes peti- Egypt, Col. MoammarGadhafi is counted 10-15 checkpoints on the lowing a shootout. getting a taste of the Islamic re- road to Tripoli. The area where the attack oc- tion bellion that has bedeviled his "There were some problems curred is considered a stronghold Undergraduate Student North African neighbors. two weeks ago, but it's quieted of the Zulu nationalist Inkatha Government is urging stu- Armed Muslim militants down," Khaled Mohammed said Freedom Party, and Inkatha offi- dents to sign a petition to clashed with police in June and at the main bus station in Bor- cials blamed police for starting try to get voting rights and again this month in Benghazi and guiba Square in downtown Tri- the fight. admittance to executive other towns in eastern Libya, dip- poli. "It's returned to normal." KwaZulu-Natal is the tra- Tim SharpH'hc Associated Press session for student trustees. ditional Zulu homeland and site lomats and witnesses said. The Will Papanthanaclou, 4, looks Into the mouth of Big Tex, the State "(The students] need to death toll was put as high as 110, of years of fighting between sup- become a full and equal porters of the African National Fair of Texas mascot, before the head was placed on the body of and hundreds were said to be ar- Violence hits Zulu the 52-foot giant cowboy Monday morning in Dallas. The State member on the Board of rested in an ensuing crackdown. Congress and Inkatha. The vio- Trustees," said Marc Ross, The government denies any homeland lence occurred over the three- Fair of Texas opens Sept. 29 and continues through Oct. 22. USG national, state and such uprising, saying the clashes JOHANNESBURG, South day Heritage Day weekend, community affairs cabinet were between police and drug Africa - Gunmen opened fire on which celebrates the country's member. "They can handle smugglers. The diplomats, who worshipers in a house being used diverse ethnic heritage. it as he was being driven to designed by Paris mint sculptor the responsibility and re- spoke on condition of anonymity, as a church, killing 12 people dur- Inkatha, a Zulu nationalist NATO headquarters in Brussels, Pierre Rodier, will be issued Oct. quirements of the job." said Libya's strong reaction to ing a weekend of violence in the group, wants autonomous powers Belgium. Police found plans for 6, according to Jean Arthuis, min- Students can sign the pe- the clashes showed the govern- traditional Zulu homeland. for the province and accuses the the assassination attempt when ister of economy and finance. tition in the Union Oval to- ment fears a Muslim revolt. Attacks, faction fights and ANC of seeking dictatorial con- they arrested another Red Army The coins are worth about SO day and Thursday from 10 In June, authorities cut off crime-related violence through- trol that would destroy Zulu cul- Faction member. cents each. a.m. to 2 p.m. telephone links for at least a day out the country killed at least 80 ture. Hofmann was sentenced to 15 The 100th anniversary of to Benghazi, Libya's second- people over the three-day holiday years in prison in 1982 for the at- Pasteur's death is on Thursday. largest city. After the early Sep- weekend, including 70 in KwaZu- tempted kidnapping of a German In November, a special one- Thai troupe coming tember clashes, police set up lu-Natal province, police said Terrorist convicted bank chairman. He died in the at- franc coin will be issued marking The University's Ethnic roadblocks and prevented people Tuesday. STUTTGART, Germany - A tempt, but Hofmann was not the bicentennial of the Institute Cultural Arts Program, with from leaving or entering the city In one case, four policemen and judge today convicted a Red charged with his death. of France and bearing the work the College of Musical Arts for 24 hours as they pursued mili- an informer investigating a mur- Army Faction terrorist in the Last May, five days before she of sculptor Raymond Corbin. and the Asian studies pro- tants in what diplomats called a der in a rural area of KwaZulu- kidnap-murderofaGerman in- was scheduled for an early There are 600 million one-franc gram, has announced its "virtual siege." Natal were shot to death by a dustrialist and in the 1979 at- release, charges were brought pieces and 250 two-franc pieces. first event for the 1995-96 The size of the opposition is mob, illustrating the heightened tempt to assassinate then-NATO against her in the Schleyer and academic year will be a per- unclear, and there does not ap- political friction in the region. military commander Gen. Alex- Haig cases. tmtmi COUPON ■ ■"" ^ formance of traditional pear to be any immediate threat "The tension has increased, ander Haig. Today, Hofmann was convicted dances from the Far East. to Gadhafi, who has held power there is no doubt about it," police Sieglinde Hofmann.50, was of five counts of murder in the VOTED The Thai classical Music for 26 years by keeping a tight Lt. Col. Bala Naidoo said. sentenced to life in prison. Schleyer case and of three counts "BEST PIZZA!" and Dance Troupe of Bang- rein on the military, police and The attack on worshipers oc- Hofmann tried to approach the of attempted murder in the kok will appear at 8 p.m. the intelligence service. curred Monday night near Port judge during the brief hearing, bombing. Under German law, her Friday, Sept. 29, in the Joe Like militant Muslim move- Shepstone, a coastal town south but was held back by a guard. She sentence can be reviewed after LG. 2 ITEM $7 E. Brown Theatre at Uni- ments in other nations, opponents of Durban wracked by factional refused to sit as the verdict was 15 years, and she could then win [Add Breadslicks For Only $2.00 versity Hall. of Gadhafi's secular-oriented fighting in recent months. read, and pounded on the table early release. A judge could rule I The troupe performs both rule want to establish an Islamic Seven adults and five children while complaining that she was anytime in the interim that her Coupon Goo] At Al traditional Thai music and state, but more specific goals are were shot to death by gunmen allowed no visitors in prison. crimes were "especially severe" E«.re» Partcpalng I Localtor* dance, including classical not known. who opened fire after being told a Prosecutors charged that in and effectively bar her release. 10-'S95 and folk dances, as well as Isolated clashes with Islamic man they were seeking had left 1977, Hofmann pushed a baby masked dances. The per- militants have occurred since the the house where a church service carriage in front of the car of formance is free and open 1980s, and six militants were re- was being held, Naidoo said. The German Employers' Council Pasteur honored -PisorielteVi to the public. portedly executed in 1992. attackers set fire to the house be- President Hanns-Martin PARIS -- France is honoring the Founded 35 years ago in The latest unrest follows grow- fore fleeing, he said. Schleyer to make it stop; then she 100th anniversary of Louis Pizza' ^i Thailand, the company's ing frustration among Libyans Police Commissioner George and others took weapons out of Pasteur's death with a two-franc performances are distinc- over three years of U.N. sanc- Fivaz condemned the killings of the carriage and opened fire, kill- coin featuring the French scien- FREE DELIVERY [ tive for their use of exotic tions that have banned air travel the four policemen, who were ing Schleyer's driver and three tist who developed the steriliza- costumes and ornate masks. in and out of Libya and sales of shot Monday in Impendle, near police officers. Schleyer was tion process named after him. ^35 2- 51 66J This long-standing Thai some oil-drilling equipment. The Pietermaritzburg, about 240 kidnapped and slain later. Nearly 10 million of the coins, tradition inspired the elab- sanctions were imposed to force miles southeast of Johannesburg. In 1979, a mine exploded sec- orate costumes, masks and Libya to turn over two men want- According to police, the four onds after Haig's car passed over dances seen in Rodger's and ed in the 1988 bombing of a Pan Hammerstein's "The King Am jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, NATIONAL Weather and I." that killed 270 people. The AccuWeather* forecast for noon, Wednesday, Sept. 27. For furthur information, With the sanctions, the contact the Ethnic Studies government has become increas- Unas separate rugri temperature zones lor (he c Department, located in the ingly isolated, and inflation has theatre department, at (419) begun to hurt people on fixed sal- 372-2222. aries, mainly government em- ployees. 60s FEATURING: Get pictures taken The Islamic opposition appears Senior portraits are now to have religious rather than eco- being taken. All seniors can nomic grievances. Libya's oil ex- Jake Reichbart have their picture taken for ports, not affected by the sanc- next year's yearbook. To tions, still assure a far healthier -Playing the schedule an appointment economy than in Egypt or Al- call the Key yearbook office geria. Gadhafi has kept a close Guitar or call 1-800-969-1338. eye on the mosques, and some of his unorthodox interpretations of Islam may have alienated more Graduate student conservative Muslims. 104 S. MAIN BOWLING GREEN. OH 353-0988 wins award Gadhafi is an advocate of Pan- Terrence Lavin, a gradu- Arabism, which Muslim radicals ate student in the Universi- reject as detracting from the goal COLO WARM STATIONARY O 199S AceuWralhor. Ini ty school of art, is one of of a union of Muslim countries. three students nationally to While his policies have tended H L H QQ EZ3ESO ¥±d£L receive an award from the toward the secular, they have M/QM lOW SMOWetS RAIN TSTORMS FlUBRitS SHOW )Cf SUHNV PT ClOOOf CLOUDY Society of North American taken on a religious cast as Islam- Goldsmiths Educational ic movements have grown as a mmmmmmmmmmmsm Endowment. force in the region. Gadhafi has Any metalsmithing stu- suggested that theft be punished dent in North America is el- according to Islamic law - cut- igible to apply and this year, ting off a hand. If you think the books 39 students did so. In Tripoli, people were reluc- tant to talk about Islamic mil i- Summertime--and swimsuit you read aren't time-is leaving us! banned... Now's the time to walk, step, and pump your way to a think again, trimmer you-not just to look good, but to feel good all year round! • Weightlifting Benches • Weights • Treadmills

■swwwwwwwwwwww ftWBWBKWWKVK • Steppers • Indoor Heated Pool & Spa SALES PERSON OF THE WEEK • Sauna 9/18-9/22 Jl Facility Locker Rooms o UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO "GUEST PASS "1 *1 FREE VISIT* I ull Memberships . wants to know why ... Swimming Memberships ' your parents deserve to be BGSU's Family Memberships I Must Be 18 Or Older For Free Visit i ^ Parents of the year JEN PALER REASONABLE RATES Tell us why in 300 words or less by WE WELCOME YOU completing the statement, "My parents TO COME SEE WHAT have helped me become the person I am todav _by...". WE HAVE TO OFFER Pick up applications Keep up the good work! (they have all the details you need) In the HS@ office on the 3rd floor of the Union. CHERRYWOOD Entries arc due by 12:00 PM September 29thI HCAITH SPA St TANNING CCNTCA I** Winning parents will be honored during Parents' Weekend. * * UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO UAO Corner 8th & High Sis. 353-7141 SSOSSSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSaSSBZ^^ The BG News page four Wednesday, September 27,1995 Local homeless City 'Briefs find help, 'hope* ■ University Public Safety Division, 515 E. Poe Road, next Director Roger Dennerll has to the City Services Building. Andrea Wood state. The rest of their need, been selected as the volunteer ■ Ground was broken near The BC News about $100,000, is donated. chairperson for the 20th An- Woodland Mall Tuesday Women and their children may nual Water Safety Canoe and afternoon at the site of Alpha Thanks to Hope House, Find- stay at Hope House for a total of Kayak School and the follow- Tube Corporation's future ■ An unknown newspaper his car. lay's homeless women and their 24 months. The women are hawker called a Fifth Street resi- ■ A man allowed into a South up Whitewater weekends. The headquarters. When com- Main Street house Friday morn- children have a chance for a bet- taught living and parenting American Red Cross and the pleted in 1997, the $17 million, dent Friday and tried to get her ing allegedly "abused" the privi- ter life. skills, career development and Ohio Department of Natural 350,000-square-foot facility is to buy The Blade. The resident Hope House is located in what are aided in finding and securing Resources, Watercraft Divi- expected to be process nearly told the caller she did not want lege as he was observed by one of the residents to be holding his was formerly known as St. Mi- permanent housing. sion, selected Dennerll for the 10,000 tons of steel per month. The Blade. The alleged salesper- penis in his hand. He was let in chael's Church's Convent in Find- Sammie Rhoades, executive position, which he has agreed By 1999, it is expected to have son ended the call by saying the house to use the phone be- lay. Once home to nuns, Hope director, said Hope House has to serve for the next three a permanent workforce of "You're going to get The Blade." House now provides support and seen two-thirds of the women years. nearly 240 employees. ■ A Parkview Avenue resident cause the resident felt it may housing for a total of nine home- who have gone through to find ■ City residents are being told police a person harassed her have been "an emergency." less women and nine children. independence and permanent urged by the Ohio Department ■ Volunteers are invited to at work Friday, telling her she ■ A Fifth Street resident Jennifer Morelli, resident housing. The remaining one-third of Natural Resources, Fores- help clean up trash at any one "should 'go to bed with [her] received a call from a man who manager and volunteer coor- either returns to an abusive situ- try Division, to recycle wal- of three places along the Por- son's big brother'." The big claimed he was "a grad student dinator, said Hope House first ation or remains homeless. nuts and walnut seeds, which tage River Saturday from 9 brother is reportedly from the with BGSU" and was doing a opened in Nov. 1990. Morelli said "It's very unique getting to will be seeded in the Zanesvi- am. to noon. The closest loca- Big Brothers/Big Sisters pro- survey. According to the police Hope House is affiliated with the watch these women make prog- lle Tree Nursery. Walnut tion will be in Pemberville, be- gram. report, he wanted to know if the United Way, and 22 percent of ress with their lives," said bearers are welcome to depos- tween New Rochester Road at ■ A Main Street man was cited phone call was being recorded. their funding comes from the Rhoades. it their loose goods in a desig- SR 199/US 6 and the Wayne for possession of drug parapher- The resident told the man she nated area at the Public Works Road Bridge. nalia in the parking lot of thought he was "sick, needed Gamer's Saturday morning. The help and was lying to her." responding officer observed the ■ A resident of the 200 block of man smoking something out of a Napoleon Road asked police to pipe. When a wooden dugout pipe check out a suspicious person. was discovered in his car, every- According to the police report, a ACLU leaves one denied it was theirs. The man was heard outside the driver was cited because he had window saying "that's my blood been observed using it and it was man." Lucas County RUBY ■ Robert D. Baughman, 215 E. being arraigned on charges of Continued from page one. Poe Road, has been indicted on gross sexual imposition. Thoma- began when deputy marshals charges of domestic violence. Harris insisted that he was in son allegedly engaged in a non- shot the dog and then started plain view of deputy U.S. mar- The charge stems from a July 25 off target list consensual sexual act with a shooting at him and Sam Weaver. shals when he went up to the incident during which Baughman 4-year-old girl on May 15. He said deputies didn't identify body of Sam Weaver after he had allegedly beat his wife. Baugh- ■ Kelly Cans, 2328 Eastbrook The Associated Press concerned with the monument at this time. themselves until "pretty much been hit in the shootout. man has a previous conviction Drive, Toledo, has been indicted after" the shootout had ended. for a similar offense. TOLEDO -- The American Civil It is busy fighting cases involv- "I put my rifle down on the on charges of theft and tamper- Sen. Herbert Kohl of Wiscon- ground and lifted up my hands ... ■ Lisa Montana, 909 E. Ban- Liberties Union of Ohio will not ing prisoners' rights to clergy, ing with records. Caris allegedly sin, the subcommittee's senior and said ... 'I just wanna check on croft St., Toledo, has been indic- bilked the Wood County Depart- challenge the Ten Command- prayer in public schools, Christ- ted on charges of theft. Montana ments monument on the lawn of mas displays and City Council Democrat, said that while the Sam.' ment of Human Services for deaths of Sam and Mrs. Weaver "I walked down to where his allegedly attempted to steal more the Lucas County Courthouse, prayers. more than $19,000 worth of med- resulted from the FBI's "mis- body was, in plain view of the than $300 worth of Super Nin- ical services and food stamps because the local chapter is too busy to pursue the issue. Northwest Ohio ACLU Chair- takes, miscommunications and men," Harris testified. There, tendo and Sega video games from from July 1991 through April man Jeffrey Gamso said the Sears department store on July errors ... clearly you were vic- Harris turned the boy's body 1994. "Lucas County isn't necessar- group believes that the Ten tims, but you were not heroes." over. 31. ■ An indictment is pending ily on the target list right now," Commandments are an expres- Harris said he had never met "The killing shot ... went right ■ Kim L. Snyder, S12 Main St., against Jody Sheets, 424 W. Sixth sion of a religious tradition and Degan, "but everyone says that through him, from the back, and Rising Sun, has been indicted on Christine Link, ACLU executive St., Perrysburg, for rape. Sheets, director, told The Blade in a sto- should not be displayed on the he was a very good man." He pierced his heart," said Harris. charges of felonious assault 34, allegedly carried on a sexual courthouse lawn. stemming from an Aug. 19 inci- ry published Saturday. "The added, "I'm very, very sorry that Federal law enforcement offi- relationship with a girl under the But the chapter is not inter- dent during which Snyder alleg- northwest Ohio chapter already he's dead. ... I think it's possible cials have said they didn't know age of 13 from Aug. 1993 ested in eliminating the tablets. Sam Weaver had been killed until edly beat a 10-year-old boy be- has a full load." that he was just like I was - in through Aug. 1995. the middle of something that two days later, when they bull- hind a public elevator. According ■ Lawrence E. Garrett, 1520 But the organization does plan Within six weeks, the Ohio shouldn't have happened, that he to police reports, Snyder said he dozed a building where the Clough St., Bowling Green, has a statewide campaign targeting ACLU will send one or two Weavers laid the teen-ager's "had to straighten him out." didn't start and that was out of been indicted on charges of rape counties that have the monu- county boards letters explaining control." body. ■ Larry O. Layson, 2608 Ma- and sexual battery. Garrett al- ments on government property. why their courthouse monu- plewood St., Toledo, has been in- legedly raped and battered an un- The ACLU has said the presence ments are unconstitutional, Link CLINTON dicted on theft charges. Layson identified woman on Aug. 4,1995. of the tablets on government said. The organization will con- allegedly stole a pair of circuit ■ Kimberly Roman, 1041 Hard- property is a violation of consti- tinue to communicate with offi- Continued from page one. breakers from a Northwood ing Drive, Toledo, has been indic- tutional guarantees of the separ- cials. Sears department store on Aug. ted on charges of forgerv and un- ation of church and state. mission to study lobbying and po- lation increasing the nation's 19. licensed practice of nursing. If the boards refuse to move litical reform. debt limit until Clinton endorses ■ John Thomason, 14100 New Roman allegedly used a false The Fraternal Order of Eagles the tablets, a local ACLU mem- "We should have done it," Clin- a GOP plan for balancing the Rochester Road, Pemberville, is nursing license. erected Ten Commandments tab- ber will file suit. A local lawyer ton said. budget in seven years. lets at courthouses throughout must volunteer to prosecute the The president elaborated on "Blackmail is not the way to do a*#fe the state in 1957. case. Local ACLU board member his differences with Republicans it. And I'm not going to be Harland Britz told The Blade his today as he met with Democratic blackmailed," Clinton said. "We NG^#XSAlfI< "I'd guess that at least a third group was taken by surprise by members of the House Ways and are not going to have a unilatera- of the 88 counties in Ohio have the Ohio ACLU's plans to chal- Means Committee. lly dictated budget." these monuments," Link said. lenge the Lucas County monu- He said budget-cutting plans Gingrich's position is both But she said a decision in one ment. would "deny 300,000 elderly peo- wrong and irresponsible, Clinton county would set a precedent "We were here on the firing ple the right to be in nursing asserted. A

Sara Cr Thomson Lizzy Da Casey Wagner 135 N Main THC M€NU HAS ARRIV6D 353-6912 Parking in Rear Melinda Fisher Sarah Ward Appetizers Homemade Join the Fun!!! Wino^Hcrl.MW.Hickon, Pizzas Mi an iNinei tiiwil Menu tl i untlt »wl n tecmi the ciiti swim i Mon. Night Football Carrie Foor Jenni Ziegler . Fr«*hHomu» Dough Mad* Beer + Dog & Pizza Mh«tt MUi tflcmin ii INMM, im il that geuoa ■« HI nad he tali. BeMnDip FtnhOdy (ChtMtaDip) 12 llama Avadabt. Special Cinart kan all* lanttii all al itmirti If an rnfeai after natal aarr m Carrie Zir Homemade Thurs: Ladies Night BANNED BOOKS WEEK Calzoncs Turtuir CM Italan Fri-Sat: Bands & £,iltiiatiii III filial! li Kill' Ham 14 Filogi Availabi* Salami Tuna Salad MORE!!! Mir MM* Chrokan Salad University Bookstore Ono ChloUn Salad Odds & €nds Tuna Salad • ft!**.* AbovatlanaMth Doga Mayo, Lanuo*. Tomato, Braa - gr.ilad Onion, •(Onion, Pappao. Man Kraut. Drat ting OiaanPappa. The BG News Wednesday. September 27, 1995 page five Autograph Hound Brain disorder runs with family's hearts Woman's struggles through tunnel of Alzheimer's disease continue despite the loss of her sanity and husband's life Wes Hills turned his .38-caliber revolver on Finally, he said, his exhausted The Associated Press himself. father told hin, "'I can't do this Mrs. Buchiet recovered. Her no more.'" He said there wasn't DAYTON - They enjoyed tan- husband succeeded in killing much to live for anymore. dem biking and swimming. They himself. And their family's pain "Dad and Mom were very pri- liked to walk along beaches remains. vate people," he said. "They together. They had a cottage in Bob Buchiet, 42, blames him- didn't show their feelings to any- Canada and a home in Florida. self for a lot of what happened - body. I tried to get Dad into sup- Life was good to Charles and for not seeing the toll his moth- port groups. He went once or Esther Buchiet, who remained er's care took on his father. twice with me. Then he said, deeply in love more than five "We all thought he was Super- "That's not me. I can't tell a group decades after they met in high man," the son said. "There wasn't of people I don't know about my school. too much he couldn't fix. He al- feelings.'" He was a World War II veteran ways took good care of us and His mother's decline accel- who retired with a generous always took great care of Mom." erated. General Motors pension in 1975 But the proud and independent On the morning of July 2, Bob after 34 years at Oelco Products. Charles Buchiet couldn't fix the Buchiet and his sister tried to Charles Buchiet, 77, symbolized ravages of Alzheimer's. call his father, but got no answer. the fulfillment of the American "And I couldn't take this mon- When he went to his father's Dream. ster away from my mom," Bob home to cut the grass, he was The realization that things Buchiet said, crying. surprised to see his father's car were going to change - that And Charles Buchiet became in the garage. things were starting to go wrong increasingly alone with a wife Bob walked back toward his - began about eight years ago. It who could no longer feed herself, father's bedroom, where he came in little ways - like the wore diapers, sometimes called found his wounded mother and night Esther made spaghetti for him by her son's name and his father's body. dinner and forgot to cook the thought her wedding ring was a Bob Buchiet remains outraged pasta. gift from her mother. that the nursing home never re- A little thing that wasn't, it His father sold the home in ported his father and mother turned out. Florida and the cottage in Can- missing. Al Rchrman/Thc Associated Prcif Doctors' evaluations con- ada. Charles Buchiet remained When his father, who had House speaker Newt Gingrich autographs a book for U.S. Congressman Frank Cremens followlne a firmed that Mrs. Buchiet was determined to keep his wife at never taken his mother out of the fund-raising breakfast in Cincinnati. Tuesday. about to join millions of Ameri- home. nursing home overnight before, cans in a slow descent into the "One night ... it might have picked his mother up on the day abyss of Alzheimer's disease. been early morning ... his pa- prior to the shootings, he told the The descent was rocky and tience was wearing thin and I nursing home staff tha" they painful - and ended bloodily. On walked into the bathroom," Bob were "going for a McDonald's Pending state proposal said. "He was saying, "She's got July 2, one month short of the and a drive," Bob Buchiet said. Buchiets' 55th wedding anniver- to go because one of the things "If I were to say I don't agree sary, a sick and distraught the doctor was saying is that if with what he did, it's only be- impedes tax increases Charles Buchiet shot his 76-year- she didn't stay regular it was go- cause I want him here with me," old wife in the chest and then ing to cause trouble.'" he said. Amendment would requirethree-fifths majority The Associated Press the House and is pending in the prospect. But I'm a little disap- Senate, would change the Ohio pointed by what I consider to be a COLUMBUS - The group that Constitution to require a three- sluggish public hearing sched- as* successfully backed term limits fifths majority to pass a tax in- ule." for Ohio officeholders will push crease. Currently only a simple Blackwell has said he will sup- for an amendment that would re- majority is required. port a petition drive to put the quire a 60 percent legislative "We have an uphill climb with proposal before voters if law- makers don't put it there them- *2* majority to approve state tax in- the Senate," Ohio Treasurer creases. Kenneth Blackwell said. "I'm not selves. "We'll go to the people," The amendment, which passed by any means discouraged by the Blackwell said. RECREATIONAL SPORTS FACULTY/STAFF DAY Cross SEPT. 30, 1995 Consulting Training. 9 RM - 9 PM

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Ernst & Young, an equal opportunity employer, values the diversity of our workforce and the knowledge of our people. REGISTER Bring your family, and join FOR PRIZES TO BE GIVEN Ml ERNST &YOUNG LLP us for FREE fun-filled day! AWAY Nation The BG News Wednesday, September 27,1995 page six Clinton, GOP battle Funny Long-range budget dispute hard to resolve

Alan Fram the GOP drive to balance the "We see no reason for any kind The Associated Press budget by 2002. "They devastate of layoffs," House Speaker Newt families, they devastate workers, Gingrich, R-Ga., told reporters. WASHINGTON - Agreement they cripple the economy." "We see no reason for any prob- appeared near Tuesday on keep- With fiscal 1996 to begin Sun- lems at the beginning of the fis- ing the government operating for day, Congress sent to President cal year. We've taken rational six weeks while congressional Clinton on Tuesday the first two steps to make sure that the Republicans and the Clinton ad- of the 13 annual spending government can continue over ministration battle over what measures needed to keep agen- the next six weeks, while we federal social programs will look cies operating. They're likely to complete" work on the remaining like next year. send him one or two more, at spending bills. But Democrats demonstrated best, before Sunday, necessitat- House leaders planned to bring that the long-range budget dis- ing a stopgap measure to keep the stopgap measure to the floor pute will be hard to resolve as agencies from sending some Thursday, with the Senate acting they declared that GOP cuts in workers home. as early as that day, too. three big 1996 spending bills But fearing blame by voters were so drastic that they would weary of stalemate in Washing- One possible roadblock to final simply let the measures move to ton, both sides were working passage, however, seemed to be the White House by week's end -- toward an agreement that would Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Mn. He for a presidential veto. keep the government operating was unhappy over a GOP propos- J. Scolt Applcwhitc/Thc Associated PrcM "They're extreme in every until Nov. 13 at lower spending al, included in an early version of way," Senate Minority Leader levels than this year's. Officials the temporary spending bill, to Rep Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., right, shares a laugh with President Clinton during the meeting between Tom Daschle, DSD., said of from both sides said they were block new funds for home- the president and the Democratic members of the House Ways and Means Committee to discuss Med- planned Republican reductions moving toward a compromise on heating aid for the poor. icare. The president attacked the Republican budget for imposing drastic cuts in programs for the in education, job training and a financing formula, and a deal "That's just not acceptable," poor and elderly. other programs that are part of seemed imminent. said the liberal lawmaker. Prosecutor's murder Senate keeps Space Station NASA alumnus leads fight to keep program Katherine Rlzzo said. "Maybe we're going to get a hind Congress' original commit- possible assassination ment to the Space Station and its The Associated Press few more homeless people on the Earth. All so we can pay for five previous refusals to kill the Robin Estrin a gun to McLaughlin's face and .•.as the first state, local or fed- shot him as he was about to get eral prosecutor ever shot, let WASHINGTON - Famous this?" program. The Associated Press "What we are talking about is into his car to drive home, police alone killed, in eastern Massa- NASA alumnus John Glenn Much of the opposition came chusetts. helped lead the opposition Tues- from Sens. Barbara Mikulski, very basic, fundamental BOSTON - A state prosecutor said. research," he said, pointing to Witnesses said the killer, de- "Paul was a major prosecutor day as the Senate turned back an D-Md., Kay Bailey Hutchison, on an anti-gang task force was the unique environment of space scribed by police as 14 or IS and prosecuted some of the annual attempt to kill the Space R-Texas, and Glenn, D-Ohio. shot to death by a hooded teen- Mikulski and Hutchison repre- for doing research into osteopor- ager outside a train station in years oil, ran down the tracks toughest customers in the city of Station. sent two of the states with the osis, colon cancer, breast cancer what police said may liave been and o;xa ped. Boston," Attorney General Scott The Senate voted 64-35 to keep Harshbarger said. "He was the the Space Station, despite Sen. largest stake in Space Station de- and other ills - research impos- an assassination. JVilice fanned out across Bos- sible to duplicate in Earth's grav- ton (nl uesday in a hunt for the leading prosecutor on our safe Dale Bumpers' fervent plea to ax velopment; Glenn, whose state "It sounds more like Colombia has a smaller part of Space ity. than Massachusetts. We've killer. More than 75 police re- neighborhood initiative." the $1.8 billion appropriation to Station research, is the Senate's "What if we have a new break- crossed over the line," said cruils combed the commuter free up money to help low-paid expert on NASA, having staked through in just one of those Al Sweeney. railroad tracks near where Harshbarger added: "We are workers and children who "did clearly looking at the possibility not happen to choose their par- his place in history as the first areas? It would be worth every- Paul R. McLaughlin, 42, was M-.-liiughlin was slain, and an thing that was spent on the whole killed Monday evening in the ci- v\ idence team placed several that any of the individuals here ents as well as I did." American to orbit the Earth. involved had to do with cases that "We're going to cut food Glenn asked the Senate to con- Space Station program," Glenn ty's West Roxbury neighborhood. it':msinbags. argued- A teen-ager in a hooded shirt put McLaughlin's office said he Paul prosecuted." stamps," the Arkansas Democrat tinue the long-range thinking be-


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i Sports The BG News Wednesday, September 27,1995 page seven Falcons picked no worse than fourth Pat Murphy first with 100 points and Lake The BC News Superior State was second with 86. DETROIT - Bowling Green "If it was that easy we would hockey coach Buddy Powers collect all the points [for opened his comments at the wins]right now," said Michigan eighth annual Central Collegiate head coach Red Berenson, who's Hockey Association Media Day team won last year's CCHA title. by saying that last year was a "What we did last year doesn't great year for Bowling Green mean anything." hockey. In the media poll BG slid to So great, that the expectations fourth spot, trailing Michigan for BG, 25-11-2 last year, are high State by one point. The Wolver- this season. In the two polls taken ines and Lake Superior finished by the CCHA the Falcons fin- in the top two spots. The Brown .ished no lower than fourth, and Orange garnered votes rang- whereas last year they were ing from second to fifth in the picked fifth in both. two polls. BG was picked to finish third "Last year was a great year for by the league's coaches, receiv- Bowling Green hockey," Powers ing 78 points. Michigan received said. "We made great strides and 10 of 11 first place votes, was look to carry on from there."


1. Michigan (10) 100 2. Lake Superior (1) 86 3. Bowling Green 78 4. Michigan State 77 5. Western Michigan 62 6. Miami 57 7. Ferris State 43 The uc Ncwiffllc phot. 8. Notre Dame 39 Falcon center Mike Hall dumps the puck into the Michigan State zone the two league polls released yesterday. 9. Illinois at Chicago 29 during an earlier game. BG was picked to finish third and fourth in 10. Ohio State 19 11. Alaska Fairbanks 15 Holtz worried over Buckeyes Nancy Armour a long afternoon," Holtz said. played a game in this hostile an be good enough?" CENTRAL The Associated Press "They've embarrassed a lot of atmosphere since 1989 at Miami, It doesn't help that Notre Dame COLLEGIATE' SOUTH BEND, Ind. - When No- people in that stadium." Holtz said. HOCKEY-^ probably will liave to play with- ASSOCIATION- tre Dame coach Lou Holtz That defeat cost Notre Dame a out another of its starting watched film on Ohio State for national championship, and Holtz offensive linemen. Tackle Mike the first time, he wondered if he "We will face the best said he won't make the same mis- Doughty sprained his ankle had been a little hasty with his Ohio State team of take this week of underestimat- against Texas last weekend and recovery from spinal surgery. ing the crowd. Players will miss is questionable. If he can't play, "I said, 'Oh, I can't make this the year. I don't class Friday so they can get to freshman Mike Roscnthal will game, my neck's bothering me believe that Ohio Columbus early and do a walk-th- start. M€Dlfl Pn€-S€flSON POLL too much,'" Holtz said Tuesday. rough of the stadium, Holtz said. Holtz said he'd rather not start "They're just big and strong. State will ever play Holtz will be in the press box Rosenthal against Ohio State's They're bigger than us, they're with any greater calling plays instead of on the bruising defense, but he doesn't 1. Michigan (25) 335 stronger than us and in all prob- sidelines, and he's already asked have much choice. The entire No- 2. Lake Superior (4) 302 ability, more physical." dedication, any the older players to keep an eye tre Dame team is going to be a 3. Michigan State (1) 261 The No. 7 Buckeyes are also greater motivation, on the freshmen so they don't get little undersized compared to the 4. Bowling Green (1) 260 spoiling for a fight Saturday. It's too overwhelmed. Buckeyes, he said. been 60 years since the Irish up- or any greater resolve "I'm anxious to see how are "We will face the best Ohio 5. Miami 209 set Ohio State 18-13 in "The than they will this players are going to respond to State team of the year," Holtz 6. Western Mlchgan 204 Game of the Century" and the week." this type of environment because said. "-I don't believe that Ohio 7. Ferris State 141 Buckeyes still hold a grudge. it will not be an easy challenge State will ever play with any 8. Illinios at Chicago 106 Holtz was an assistant at Ohio for us," Holtz said. "What I'm greater dedication, any greater 9. Notre Dame 104 State in 1968 under Woody Lou Holtz concerned about is we might not motivation, or any greater confi- Hayes, so he knows what a moti- be able to hold up physically. dence or any greater resolve 10. Alaska Fairbanks 77 vated Buckeye team can do to an head Notre Dame football coach "I don't think we're going to be than they will this week." 11. Ohio State 47 opponent. intimidated in there, I really That's not to say Holtz has first place votes in parenthesis "If something goes wrong very No. IS Notre Dame (3-1) hasn't don't," he said. "I think we're go- written off his team. For as big as early in this football game and played Ohio State (3-0) since ing to meet a great football team. this game is to Ohio State, it's they jump on top of us, it could be 1935, and Notre Dame hasn't The question is, are we going to just as important to Notre Dame. Van De Walle wins 250th game Steve Wlldman kills with 4.5 a game. cold, but not against Dayton. The BC News The Falcons were hitting only "Usually we come into the .174 on the season coming into third game really flat, tonight we Tuesday's match but they hit .308 came out and flattened Dayton," Denise Van De Walle racked up against Dayton. Passing was the Van De Walle said. her 250th win as head coach of key to success. Dayton came into Tuesday's the Bowling Green volleyball "Our passing was so much bet- game with a 11-2 record, and the team as the Falcons beat Dayton ter tonight, it allowed Carlyn team's serving was its downfall. at Anderson Arena Tuesday. [Esslingerjand Lori [Hilton] to "Dayton is a quality team, but I The Falcons have field days," Van De Walle think their serving errors took took three out said. away the momemtum they built of four games Jodi Olson's setting controlled up from the second game," Van from the the tempo of the match. Olson set De Walle. Flyers. The 58 times. While Esslinger and Olson Falcons won "Jodi [Olson] is our quarter- were standouts, it was a team 15-12, 15-5, and back out there, she mixed it up win. 15-13. The sec- very well, she set a great game," "It was total team effort out ond game was Van De Walle said. there, everybody played well," the only set- Van De Walle said. back for BG as Van Dc Walle The Falcons made an adjust- they lost 15-17. "Our passing was so ment in their lineup against Day- "I've been couching at Bowling ton. Green for 13 years - I am very much better tonight. "We switched Wendy [Wat- exited about my 250th win," Van It allowed Carlyn kins] and Jenny [Ostrom], we put De Walle said. On the same night Jenny on the right where Wendy Van De Walle is recording her [Esslinger] and Lori usually is, I think that made a 250th win, middle hitter Carlyn [Hilton] to have field difference on how we played," Esslinger was hitting an error- Van De Walle said. free match. However, Esslinger days." After Saturday's disapointing wasn't aware she was hitting a loss to Akron, De Walle told the perfect match. Denise Van De Walle team it was a new season, start- "I'm surprised ~ I have been ing that day. making mistakes lately but Jodi [ head Bowling Green volleyball "I said the season starts today Olson], was setting me so good - coach - we're 0-0 - and tonight they it was easier to keep the ball in played like it was a new season," the court," Esslinger said. The Falcons went into inter- Van De Walle said. "They played Esslinger was the dominate mission tied 1-1 with Dayton. like they haven't lost all year." The BG Newn/Kclly Riga force on offense as she recorded This season the Falcons have The Falcons are now 7-5 over- Bowling Green middle hitters Carlyn Esslinger and Wendy Watklns challenge an effort by a Dayton 29 kills. She is leading MAC in been coming into the third game all and 2-2 in the MAC. nlayer. BG beat Dayton in three games.

: Sport;. The BG News page eight Wednesday, September 27, 1995 Falcon golfers survive The BG News wet weather conditions Pigskin Picks BradBeebe against nine Big Ten and Mid- course." "We went in with a The BG News American teams were seniors good attitude, and it just did Week Four Jason Carbone and Ed Niemi, not work out that way. The Games of September greens were very undulating, Before last weekend's Invi- sophomore Scott Cashell, 30 October 1, 1905 tational in Ann Arbor, Mich., sophomore Mike Kotnik and and I did not chip and putt cold wet weather was fore- freshman Otto Larson. Larson well," Carbone added. casted. Ironically, the weather tied 28th overall and led the Competition was very tight Circle Your Pick* and Win! worked in different ways for team with a three-round total between first place Minnesota Scott Brown Pat Murphy Christian Leah Barnum the men's golf team. of 228. Also. Niemi (232) pro- (897), second place and MAC Co-Sports Co-Sporti Pehui Editor In Friday, a wet and windy day, duced his second straight good rival Miami (899) and third Editor Editor Aaat. Ed. Chief the Falcons played well, and outing for the Falcons. place Indiana (900). The top Last Week 13-7 the last two days, which were Hill commented on the score, 218, was reached by 9-11 12-8 9-11 warm, Bowling Green did not team's performance this week- three players; Johnathan Season Standings 43-17 39-21 43-17 39-21 play as well. As a result, BG, end. Clark, Marshall; Kyle Voska, Mid-American Conference Miami; and Matt Doyle, Minne- led by assistant hockey coach, "The guys played very well Bowling Green at Temple BG Temple BG BG Brian Hills, who subsituted for on Friday, and only a couple sota. Toledo at Cincinnati coach Todd Brunsink, finished guys played well on Saturday "We have to work on our Toledo Toledo Cincinnati Toledo 17th out 21 teams. and Sunday," Hills said. "It is a short game this week," Hills Miami (OH) at Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Competing for the Falcons great course, a real tough said. Ohio at North Carolina UNC UNC UNC UNC CMU at Akron CMU CMU CMU CMU WMU at Kent WMU Kent WMU WMU Women golfers finish eighth Ball State at Purdue Purdue Purdue Purdue Ball State Around College Football Notre Dame at Ohio State OSU OSU OSU OSU at Ferris State Invitational Colorado at Oklahoma Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Alabama at Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia "Playing at home will help us "We seemed to play as a team, Brad Beebe Wisconsin at Penn State Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. The BG News out," said head coach Todd Brun- but our players can play better sink. After a disappointing open- golf than the last three tourna- Indiana at Northwestern NW Indiana Indiana NW After traveling to Michigan for ing round on Saturday, the Fal- ments. The lack of course man- Syracuse at Rutgers Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse the second straight week, the cons improved by 19 strokes on agement on one or two holes hurt Pro Football women's golf team finished Sunday. our team this weekend." eighth out of 10 teams competing "Sunday was our best round of "We had a bad round on Satur- San Diego at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh San Diego Pittsburgh San Diego at the Ferris State Invitational. the year," said Brunsink. "Three day but bounced back on Sun- Miami at Cincinnati Miami Miami Miami Miami Pleasant weather and a great golf of our four rounds were in the day," added senior co- Kansas City at Arizona Arizona Kansas City Arizona Kansas City course accompanied the Falcons 80s." Heather Lantz. "Sometimes, we St. Louis at Indianapolis Indy in their third of four road tour- Freshmen Amy Miller and Ja- put too much pressure on our- Indy Indy St. Louis naments this fall. mie Jones, and sophomore Heidi selves. If someone has a bad hole, Dallas at Washington Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Hanson led the Falcons this she has to put it out of her mind." New England at Atlanta N. England N. England N. England Atlanta weekend at Big Rapids, Mich. BG finished 69 shots behind Denver at Seattle Denver Denver Denver Denver Others competing were captains the University of Toledo who fin- Heather Lantz and Sue Brenner. ished first at Ferris State. UT Brunsink talked about the was led by Cindy Gant who fin- Submit entries at The BG News, 204 West Hall GOING ID THE tournament from a team per- ished first overall with two round Entry deadline is Friday at 1:00 p.m. Ue AGAIN? spective. total of 157. Last Week's Winner: PHIL STUART (17-3), 516 E. Merry ...LABS «RI IOR HICI UNIVERSITY UNION * Best Values on Campus 353-BWWW 353-BWWW WEDN ESDAY 176 E. WOOSTER WINNER m m 176 E. WOOSTER itonr-vf;iti:i:»i:itY IMIIAS \ VI ROOM 50 WINGS / 2 BASKETS O" CHIPS


(air YOUi $5.20 + tax $4.95 111 V«l CrW EAT. BG soccer earns sixth All You Can Eat plus Wnrl. (or I.L,1 .Um. .,..., ...I. JMMRM • "ill. > MM tax nrPCmtJ I. I.-Iron, ,L r.,,,,,,,,1,, i „„„,„,i. Incl: Salad bar, baked win over Hilltoppers potato, veggie & Incl: Salad & Garlic N.nU. (maSl l(l-,„„|ll„„.| ,,„I„,U unlimtied beverage Bread Robert Field the day, one coming off a pen- son Began. The BG news alty shot. Steve's second goal [HrQfflrACJORY OPEN 4:30-7pm came off a rebound of junior Junior midfielder Joe Burch phone: 354 2110 OPEN 4:30-7pna The Bowling Green soccer defenseman Peter Kolp's shot scored two goals on a crossing 1 • All students meal plan cards -email rentals'-' ■ All Student meal play cards team traveled to Western Ken- that Klein put away with au- passes from sophomore mid- accepted accepted tucky this Sunday to try and reality: 10B S.Main. Downtown thority. Klein was named the fielder Jon Giganti. extend their record to an im- Mid-American Conference pressive 6-1. The Falcons ac- Player of the Week for his per- Defense also played a part in complished that and more with WOOD formance. the Falcon win. Even though an 5-3 win over the Hilltoppers. "We clicked offensively, Dan Western Kentucky scored Junior midfielder Steve Kindl and I were passing and three goals, the Falcon 'D1 held O0d3LECOMM Klein led the scoring attack for switching like madmen. We all tough and kept the Falcons fly- YOUR LOCAL CABLE TV CONNECTION the Falcons with three goals on did well," said mid-fielder Ja- ing high. Special Discounts for Bowling Green State University students!

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Thanks to HBO & Cinemax for their continued support ot these promotions! 1992 - $10.00 d HB0 3MHHB 1991 - $10.00 » Non-cable ready TV sets, premium channels or PPV will require a (Previous years also available) converter with deposit. *» Cable services are available on a monthly fee basis. *• Changes of service may require a fee. *• Packages provide Basic installation - All equipment for one outlet. Stop by the KEY office at 28 West Hall. This Offer Won't Last- M-F, 9-4 or call 372-8086. Don 'l Be Left In The Dai The BG News Sports Wednesday, September 27,1995 page nine Garden engraved in fans' memories Howard Ulman muter train station. They lost The Associated Press 95-92 to Orlando and were eliminated from the playoffs. BOSTON - It began nearly The last event at the Garden 67 years ago when the Cana- will be a two-hour closing diens and Bruins played the ceremony on Friday night. first game in brand new Bos- The new FleetCenter, adjacent ton Garden. It ends with the to the Garden, holds its open- same rivals skating in the last ing ceremony Saturday night. game in the aged arena The Bruins' first game in Much has changed between their new home is Oct. 7 Nov. 20, 1928 and Tuesday against the New York night's exhibition, and much Islanders. Capacity for hockey has stayed the same in the will increase from 14,448 to building known for historic 17,200, and the rink will be events and hard seats. regulation 85 feet by 200 feet The Bruins and Celtics had instead of the Garden's 83-foot their brilliant and bad seasons. by 191-foot surface, smallest Bobby Orr and Larry Bird in the NHL. came and went, leaving their The Garden opened Nov. 17, retired numbers to hang on 1928 with Dick "Honey Boy" banners from the rafters. Finnegan's boxing victory From opening day, there over world featherweight was never air conditioning in champion Andre Routis. the landmark that lingered Three days later, the Bruins' while other teams in other cit- played their first game there, APpholo/JImRobash ies moved into new, more a 1-0 loss to the Canadiens on comfortable homes. Sylvio Mantha's goal with two president Harry Sinden and gen- Ray Bourque and Canadiens Mike Kcane face off. "This is 1995," Orr said. seconds left in the second eral manager Serge Savard each drop ceremonial pucks as Bruins "We've got to go on." period. First, there was Tuesday The Bruins won their first night's game and festivities that season. They recognizing past Bruin greats won their fifth Cup in 1970, a and not-so-greats. triumph preserved by the pho- Indians to draw playoff tickets Fans lucky enough to come to of Bobby Orr floating up with a ticket could see through the air in front of the MR. Kropko games at Jacobs Field if the team sio est imated tliat the team would unbiased as possible. That's all former Bruins and outstand- St. Louis Blues net after his The Associated Press plays in the ALCS and the World select at least 17,500 pieces of that people can ask of us and we ing opposing players take to overtime goal gave the Bruins Series. mail by Wednesday morning, as- will deliver on that promise," the ice one last time in the old the title. CLEVELAND -- The Cleveland After obligations to major suming that each piece contains a DiBiasio said. building. Orr remembers his first Indians said Tuesday that fans league baseball and the team's request for the maximum four He would not reveal the means Billed as "The Last Hur- game at the Garden when he looking for postseason tickets season ticket holders are met, the tickets. the team planned to use in mak- rah," the evening was sched- absorbed a hard hit by De- sent in an estimated 2 million Indians expect to have about ing the selections. uled for two 25-minute halves troit's Gordie Howe. He re- pieces of mail - mainly letters, 10,000 seats available for each rather than three 20-minute members his first goal "like but also a few baseball bats or possible game at Jacobs Field, "We are going to be DiBiasio said the selection also periods, and halftime and yesterday." balls and even a coconut. which has a capacity of nearly will provide for sale of about post-game ceremonies. There were Boston's 18 The team with the best record 42,000. as fair and unbiased 1,000 seats which other major Banners honoring the straight playoff series losses in the major leagues announced The team last week requested as possible. That's all league teams have returned for Bruins seven retired numbers to the Montreal Canadians, a last week that it would conduct a mail-in ticket requests and set a the divisional playoff series were to be lowered by the four streak starting in 1946 and drawing to determine who would Tuesday dealine. The mail was that people can ask of starting Oct. 3. The first-round living honorees and relatives ending in 1988. Boston made it get purchase rights to the re- stored in an alcove of the ball- us and we will deliver series was previously described of the other three. Ex-players to the 1988 Cup finals where, maining tickets for possible park's service tunnel underneath as being sold out. were to join current Bruins in Game 4, a mid-game power American League Championship Gateway Plaza. on that promise." "We're trying to make sure for one last post-game skate failure at the Garden caused a Series and World Series games at Most of the mail was in white that ticket brokers don't tap into on the ice. postponement. Jacobs Field. envelopes. But it was common to Last May 5, the Celtics "It's time," Orr said. "It's The Indians will need to sur- see decorated envelopes. One BobDiBiasio all of the tickets. That's the one played their final game in the creaky, and we all get a little vive the first round of the AL was covered with hand-drawn Cleveland Indians spokesman thing we're trying to avoid," Di- rat-infested, dust-encrusted creaky. But the memories playoffs next week to get into the hearts and flowers and the words Biasio said. arena that sits atop a com- we'll always have." championship series. There "Please Pick Me!" The Indians will take as long as could be as many as seven more Indians spokesman Bob DiBia- "We are going to be as fair and two weeks to mail tickets. // You're finally 9°'n9 to receive your diploma after 5 (or 6) years... ©end a smile

hto rateful parents^ Last week for 1st session Senior Portraits Schedule your appointment now by calling Carl Wolf Studio at 1-800-969-1338 Photos will be taken in the KEY office, 28 West Ha M-F, 10 a.m.-l p.m.; 2 p.m.- 6 p.m. Next session starts October 30th TheBG News page ten Wednesday, September 27. 1995

Women In Communications •UAO PARENTS WEEKEND ESSAY CON- Lawn Maintenance PT A FT. Flexible sched- USG ' USG ' USG CAMPUS EVENTS TEST" •"FREE TRIPS & CASH'" ule Call 352 5822 Thurs.. Sepl. 28.7:30PM 115 BA. Support your fellow studentsl Find out how hundreds ol students are Speaker: Sue Young from Co Op Office. Tell us why your parents deserve to be "Par- Lawn Maintenance - pi. & lull time. ents of the Year" in 300 words or less by com- Sign a petition thatwill give already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF Topic: Internships are vital to Finding Future voting rights to the student Flexible Schedule •UAO PARENTS WEEKEND ESSAY CON- pleting the statement. "My parents have CASH Employment. ^^^__^^_^^_ trustees on our Board of Trustees. Call 352-5822 TEST* helped me become the person I am today with America's §1 Spring Break company! How can they support USG if (hey Toll us wny your parents deserve to be "Par- by..." Contact UAO (3rd Floor Union} at 2-2343 Sell RESORT JOBS Siudenis Needed! canl make decisions about USG ents ol the Year" in 300 words or less by com- for details. Entries due by 12;00PM Fri. Sept. only 15 trips and travel Iree! Choose Cancun Earn to $12/hr. and dps. Theme Parks, Hotels. SERVICES OFFERED Union Foyer 10am - 2pm pleting the statement, "My parents have 29. Winning parents wilt be honored during Bahamas, Mazatlan, or Florida CALL NOW' Spas, and more. Destinations include Florida. USG * USG * USG helped me become the person I am today..." Parents' Weekond.O TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL Hawaii. Colorado & So. California. Call Resort Contact UAO (3rd floor Unon) at 2-2343 lor de- (800)95-BREAKI Employment Services 1-206-632-OiSO ext tails. Entries due by 12 00 pm Fri. Sept. 29. Do's by Drew at Trendsetters 9-Ball Tournaments every Wednesday at WANTED 100 STUDENTS! Lose 10-30 lbs. R55441 Winning parents will be honored during Par- 120 W.S. Boundary Perrysburg 7:30PM. Rail Billiards. $5 00 entry fee. Call Next 90 daysl New metabolism breakthrough. BG News Production Assistant ents'Weekend 674-4141 $5 off cut 25% off 353-7665. Dr. Recommended. $34.95 MOVisa. Guar Position Available Immediately SPRING BREAK" TRAVEL FREE with SunS- chemical service anytime. Mentor ad! anteed. Nadme DeMartmo \ -800 352 8446 Graphic Design Experience Helpful plash Tours. Highest commission paid, lowost Alpha Phi Omega Don't Dream It. Belli In interested. Go lo Student Employment prices Campus Reps, needed lo sell Jamaica. Are you interested in acting with the erotic Wanted: STAR WARS Co-ed National Service Fratemiry for information regarding this position. Cancun, Bahamas. Daytona, Panama City. Rush Information Nights nightmare review during the Rocky Horror Pic- Desperately seeking Star Wars toys. Acre Padre CALL 1-800-426-7710. Wednesday Soptembor 27,9 30pm PERSONALS ture Show at the Clazel Theatre? If so contact figures, and Ships! Cash Paid! No collection to CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Projt Main Lounge Jessica for more info. @ 372-5644. large or small! Call toll free 1-800-281-5637, Earn up to $2,000 plus/month working on Student with car needed Thursday. September 28. 7:00pm David. Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World for fall house cleaning. Rodgers 2nd Floor TV Lounge EAG- Environmental Acton Group meeting Wednesday Spaghetti Special at CAMPUS travel Seasonal & full-time employment avail- Call 686-4527 Jom Us'All Welcome' evoryWed @9 00 1003 BA. All Welcome' POLLYEYES' Includes one trip to salad bar able. No expenonce necessary. Rusn Alpha Phi Omega' T.A.S.P. International is looking for highly mo- Factory Outlet Store and garhc bread Only $3.99 tlam-9pnv Dine- For more information call 1-206-6340a68exl.CS544l. tivated, hard working students to Ml manage- Student Desks starling at $39.00 in and Pick-up only. ment positions for the summer of 1996. Gam Miller Woodworking Factory Outlet Are you a Christian? Why o< why not? Jom the Looking for healthy food choices Earn $500 or more weekly stuffing envelopes valuable experience m all areas of business Woodland Mall' 354-1614 Philosophy Club m examining this question as Take a Bite. 8 Week Program at home. Send long SASE to: Country Living while building your resume. Average earnings we look at Betrand R^ssei's lecture. 'Why I am Starts the end of Sept. WANTED Shoppers. Depl. Ul, P.O. Box 1779. Denham Aie between $7.000-$9,000. Positions in most not a Christian' This Thursday at 8 00pm in Learn how to survive (asl food Spri-qs. LA 70/27 FAR EAST ARTIFACTS SALE Cleveland suburbs. Akron. Canion, Youngs- (30l Shauel Hall. Readings can be picked up in lanes and dining choices Student Services Forum 10-4PM EBSCO Telemarketing Service (own, Sandusky. and Toledo are filled on a first '328 Shatzel Hall m the Phil Club mailbox. All Receive personallzsd plan Christian family of 5 needs wagon van Does come, first qualified basis For more inlorma- 1 Sept 27.28.S29- Mdse. from Welcome Back Students! are welcome to discuss views. Think about ll Taught by nurso & health educator 1 the Blade route. Willing to make monthly pay- Thailand. Nepal. India, and More 1994 Top 50 National Outbound Service lion call Matt Scherer (Si 800-543-3792 Choose Tuesday ilam-l2.30pm ments. Credit not good. Please call Roger any- FAR EAST ARTIFACTS SALE Sponsored by UAO. agency is currontly expanding its sales force. If Temporary Part-Time Technical Writer A cleri- or Wednesday 3 30 5pm time 354-6116. Student Services Forum to-4PM Call to register 372-9355 you are interested n earning top dollars ( $8 ' 0 cal help wanted for Mfg. Facility in BG. Corel- Sepl. 27.28.429 Mdse. from RESPITE CARE PROVIDER Persons needed per hr.) working flexible hours (mm. 1 Shrs/wk) Draw & Ventura experience desired along with 1 Free black and white tabby kitten Thailand. Nepal. India. & More to provide short-term, temporary care lor indi- receiving weekly pay and building your resume good computer skills. Please send resume to Sponsored by UAO' To a good home then call now lor interview 353-6662 or come in Call 352-7578 viduals who have developmental disabilities. Ciarke/Amencan-Lincoln, ATTN: Product En- High School diploma or GED required. Flexible to apply aM 13 N. Mam Si (across form Junc- if interested! gineering. 1100 Haskms Road, Bowling Green. Interested m the current middle ages? -EESAB- schedules. Application deadline 10/02/95. tion) _^__^_ OH 43402. Apply at Wood Lane School, Family Resources Sooery For Creative Anachronism Old&Nsw Members Evening office cleaning 10-12 hours per week. Toledo Country Club FREE FINANCIAL AID! Coordinator, 11160 East Gypsy Lane Road. now louKing to hire Thurs. 7:30pm Meeting: Wsd. Sept. 27 Own transportation required. Call 352-5822. waiters/waitresses We will work with your 257 Memorial Hall 9:00PM 2nd Floof ED Dldg Over $6 Billion in private sector grants and Bowling Green. Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- day, between 9:00am • 3:00pm. EOE. Frustrated schedules Call Chris lo sei up interview at More ^nfo' Call 353 6453 scholarships is now available. All students are 419382 3416 eligible regardless of grades, income, or par- Student/Graduate "Sigma Kappa' $4 K-Month ent's income. Subleaser wanted immediately WILDANDCRAZY INTO THE STREETS As the newest chapter (5yrs) at BG I spent over $20K and lour years in college and Let us help. Own bedroom with Break the 9-5 Drag Come hear a guesr speaker from Woodiane We're taking the campus by storm found myself looking at best a $30.000/year Call Student Financial Services: full personal balhroom. We have the best atmosphere in town and help plan upcoming events at our next job and no hope of getting ahead financially, t 1 800 2636495 e«t F55441 FREE shuttle service to 10 positions available. $300-400 ^weekly meeting. Wednesday, Sept. 2? at 9 00PM in Rush 1/2 years ago I met a man making over campus dally No exp. necessary, we tram. Room 105 8A Questions'' Call Erin at Sigma Kappa $30.000/monrh who was expanding a Na- $190 per month til May'96 No phone inte'v.ews. 8651075. 353-0508 or Steve al 354-5054. Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00pm Fun and Money tionwide Sales-Marketing Firm to Ohio He Call Lori at Window washing part and full time available. COMMUNITY SERVICE ?'s call 372 2385 3,000 per month helped me make over $15,000 in my first two 352-0517 Own transportation required. Call 352-5335. Looking for outgoing people who are money months off the efforts ol my sales team. I've 'Sigma Kappa* **■ '"kappa Alpha Order motivated. Part-time or full-time available. Call opened my own office in Toledo and I'm look- Sub'easor. Available Jan. 1: Kappa Alpha is sia'ting a new chapter on BG's Tim aif.419) 8658380 ing for five projects to do the same. Call FOR SALE campus and are looKing for a few good men; if 'Sigma Kappa* One bdrm. turn, swimming pool, shuttle to 868 3023. Ask for Tim GAMMA PHI BETA campus, quiet, air conditioning, ceiling fan. interested call Steve or Dave at 372-4664. RUSH Full Service attendant needed Peace, Love, and Sisterhood spacious, bey window. Call 3540251. leave Kappa Alpha Order Sisters of Gamma Phi Beta would like apply in person at Barney's 1985 Toyota Supra. Runs great Must sell Rush message lo invite you to open rush 181 1/2 S Main. BG $2000 OBO. 419-277-8039 or 419 878-9986. Sigma Kappa Pr» Physical Therapy Club Wed. Sept. 27 9i5pm - 10pm TELLER 1987 240 Volvo M«d Am Bank is seeking a long term part lime Local manufacturing company has need of Join us Wed. Sept. 27 Thurs. Sept. 28 8-9pm Good Condition 'Sigma Kappa* teller and switchboard operator for our Bowling part-time unskilled production employees 9 00PM 1007 BA Questions call Lisa at 372-4795 353-3086 Green Banking Center. Excellent communica- These jobs are mainly assembly of small parts tion skills, the ability to meet the public, and at- Work 15-35 hours a week around your school 85 Corrola 'Sigma Kappa' GREEK WEEK STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS tention to detail are prerequisites. Previous schedule. Only one block of! ol BGSU campus, Excelleni Condition LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TONIGHT cashier or teller experience helpful for the teller south ol Woosler St.. so you can walk or drive. T BO 352-7760 Sisterhood is power KICKBALL TOURNAMENT position. Apply In person at the Bowling Many BGSU students work at this plant. Rate FOR SALE Rush 4:30-dark m the SOLD is iookng for 'A Few Good Leaders ' If Green Banking Center @ 222 South Main o' pay is $4.25 per hour. Come by to pick up an CD Player. Stereo with large speakers Sigma Kappa field next to Olscamp Hall you are interested in joining us recognize and St. 10am-4pm Mon.-Frl. Mid Am values a di- application form. Advanced Specialty Prod- M-rcowavo Oven. Must Sell. 354-4317 ucts, Inc.. Clough Street. Bowling Green, OH help the outstanding leaders and organizations "Sigma Kappa* verse workforce and is. in principle as well as on campus, pick up an application in 405 Stu- GREEKWEEK practice, an Equal Ooponuniiy Errpioyer 43402. For Sale • Women's Leather biker jacket. dent Services or at the front desk of res-dence AGD'AGO*AGD Lamb skin. Originally $200 WANTED: 100 Studenls NATIONAL PARKS HIRING halls. Applications aro due m 40S Student Ser- WE LOVE OUR HIV Instructor NOW$i00o bo. to lose 10-30 lbs. * Seasonal and full-time employment available vices by OcroDer 2. 1995. NEW MEMBERS' Become an HIV instructor. Sat. Sept. 30 & Oct. next 90 days, at National Parks, Forests & Witdlile Preser- Queen size.sleeper sofa- $150. Matching HAVE AGREAT WEEK! 7 9am-6pm. Meeting Room @ Wood County Wake up to REGGAE SOUNDS Guaranteed ves. Benefits and bonuses' Call: swivel rocker- $35. Call 686-5197. AGD'AGD'AGD Hospital. Total Cost is $5000. For more info Every Thursday 6:00-10:00am Dr. Recommended. $36 S&H Incl. 1-206-545 4801 exi N55441 call Jeanne Wright @ 2-8302 by Fri. Sept. 29. Two Cedar Point Tickets. $40 For Both.Cail only on WBGU 88.1 FM FREE INFO #1-800-995-7458 NOW HIRING COOKS' 686-7206. AGD * ORDER OF OMEGA * AGD Huff's Used Furn. Apply M F 2-4pm at Pagiiai's Pizza Congratulations Opon From 6-7:30pm 945 S Mam Used Air Hockey table w/ electronic sconng Emily StoJU * 686-3251 -will deliver Great for dorms or fraternity & soror-y houses and HELP WANTED NURSING ASSISTANTS 1 yr. old/good condition. $250 or best .". ■ Emily Lausr FULL TIME/ PART TIME HOURS ON Call Jeff. 372-3530. for being tapped for Hustle 7-3AND3-11 SHIFTS FLEXIBLE Order of Omega I Local firm seeks individuals to help run sales SCHEDULING WITH 4 OR 8 OR 12 HOUR WaytoGol training center. No experience necessary. Neat 0TAAAA! Earn $2500 & Free Spring Break SHIFTS. FOR RENT AGD' ORDER OF OMEGA ' AGD appearance and positivo attitude a must. 2-4K Trlpsl Sell 8 Trips & Go Free! Best Trips & potential. Call to qualify. (419) 865-1635. Prices! Bahamas, Cancun, Jamaica, Flor* EXCELLENT BENEFITS FOR FT/PT Ida! Spring Break Travel! t-800-678-6386. AOII'AOII'AOII INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: 4-PLAYER AVAILABLE NOW: APPLY AT: The sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi congratulate VOLLEYBALLOCT.2.1995; WOMEN'S FLAG $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. i bedroom upper duplex. Large rooms, hdwd Lisa Schwotzor on her lavaliering to Trey Bick- FOOTBALL-OCT.3; MEN'S FLAG FOOTBALL No experience required. Begin now. For info floors. $385 +utilities WOOD COUNTY NURSING HOME ett of Phi Kappa Tau. - OCT. 4. ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4:00 P.M IN call 301-306-1207. Large sleeping room. Share kitchen and bath. 11080 E. GYPSY LANE RD. AOII'AOII'AOII 130 FIELD HOUSE- $175.00 • elec.Call to make appt. to see inese $35,0O0/YR. INCOME potential. Reading BOWLING GREEN. OHIO rentals Newiove Rentals, 328 S Mam (our KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA books. Toll Free (1) 800-898-9778 Ext R-2076 419-353-8411 only office). 352-5620. for details. AOII'AOII'AOII Please join the sisters of Our firm is looking for individuals who want lo AVAILABLE JANUARY 1: ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Congratulations to our positive person ol the Kappa Kappa Gamma for gam comprehensive management experience Two bdrm unfurn Newly remodeled Microw- Fishing Industry week: Kara Szalkowski. Open Rush next summer. Earn $6,000 to $10,000 per ave, wallpaper, ceiling fans. Free gas heal, AOII'AOII'AOII Earn up lo $3,000-$6.0O0* per month. summer. Positions available m select Cleve- Room & Board! Transportation! Male/Female. water, sewer. Call to make an appt to see Tuesday Sept. 26th B- 10pm land suburbs. Columbus, Akron, Canton, and these rentals. Newiove Rentals. 328 S. Mam No experience necessary! (206)545-4155 ext more. Call 1-800-887-1960. AOII'AOII'AOII Wednesday Sept. 27th 8-1 Opm A55441. (Our only office] 352-5620. A NIGHT FULL OF ACTIVITIES OPEN RUSH TONIGHT KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA 8:00 A 9:00 PM BE AT THE HOUSE AT EITHER Look Thing, Healthy OF THESE TIMES AND TRAVEL TO Campus Tanning The BG News THE REC FOR SOME FUN!! 352-7889 AOII'AOII'AOII

COUNSELOR INTERNSHIPS Pregnant? Free Pregnancy Test. DEADLINE: One day prior lo publication. 2 p.m. Counseling internship positions are available Confidential & Caring. (The BG News is not responsible lor postal service delays) on a per diem basis. Learning experience with 354-4673 BG. Pregnancy Center residential clients in a chemical dependancy program. Salary - $7.21 per hour. Send re- RATES: pef ad are S .85 per line. S2.55 minimum. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 1"OR2"ADS SPORTS LOVERS DREAM sume to: S 60 extra per ad lor bold lace. 1" (8 line Maximum) $6.90 per insertion Cl, PO Box 4633. Toledo OH 43620. EOE. Approximately 35-45 spaces per line. Are you very sports-minded and athlete? We 2" (16 line Maximum) $13.30 per insertion DELTA ZETA are looking for 3 people who are very moti- Become a member ol the largest International vated, energetic, and outgoing individuals. Se Sorority. nous inquiries only. Call 419-865-8380. PREPAYMENT: is required (or all non- university related businesses and individuals.

RUSH DELTA ZETA The KEY Yearbook NOTICE: The BG News will not be responsible tor error due to illegibility or incomplete inlormalion. Please come lo 204 Sept 27 Wed. 8-9 Is looking Tor volunteers. Graphic designers, Wesl Hall immediately it there is an error in your ad The BG News will not be responsible lor typographical writers, photographers, & salespeople needed errors in classified ads lor more than two consecutive insertions. Our house is located at the end of to help produce the 1995/96 yearbook. Call 372-8086 or stop by the KEY office. 28 West University Lane on Wooster The BG News reserves the right to release the names ot individuals who place advertising in The BG News. The Hall. Ask lor Kristin co op credit available. decision on whether to release this information shall be made by the management ot The BG News. The Any questions call: 354-6054 There are only 3 days left tilt Cheo-O '951 purpose ol this policy is lo discourage the placement ot advertising that may be cruel or unnecessarily embarrassing to individuals or organizations. Cases ol Iraud can be prosecuted. USG * USG * USG * USG Register lo votel Union Foyer 10am - 2pm CLASSIFIED MAIL ORDER FORM You can make a difference! fBobgvaMS USG * USG * USG NAME (print) PHONE # RESTAURANT W ADDRESS PIDN# or ACCOUNT # (For billing purposes only) CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF Please PRINT your ad clearly, EXACTL Vhow you wish it to appear: (Circle words you wish to appear in bold type)

SEPTEMBER 30 Lime Glazed FROM THE TA| MAHAL, Chicken Classification in which you wish your ad to appear: ATLANTIC CITY Two boneless chicken breasts Campus & City Events* _Wanted seasoned with a lime cilantro Lost and Found _Help Wanted AT 8 p.m. glaze and charbroiled to lock Rides .For Sale in the juicy goodness. Served o\Bi_Fc:ovtvi Services Offered For Rent with long grain & wild rice, DINNER Personals PRICE$19.95 grilled vegetables and rolls. •Campus/ Clly Event Ads: $1.00/ 1st day with ■ 35 word limit. Subsequent dsys regular raw. (For an event 1 ba eligible tor this dlacount, the event must be a one lime event lor Non - Protlt.) TUNE TO CHANNEL 14 FOR Available after 4 p.m. daily. Dates to appear Mail to: (On or Off-Campus Mail) ORDERING INFORMATION $6.79 The BG News Ipc. dinner for $1.99 204 West Hall BGSU Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 (Checks payable to the BG News) Total number of days to appear SET m 1726 E. Wooster AkDttfBf MSkHML 146 North Main Bowling Green Phone: 372-2601 (Located Behind BP) _