Oral Assembly Questions tabled on 3 November 2004 for answer on 17 November 2004

R - Signifies the Member has declared an interest. W - Signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.

(Self identifying Question no. shown in brackets)

To ask the Minister for Local Government and Public Services

1. Mick Bates (Montgomeryshire): What is being done to increase the number of women in senior management in local authorities. (OAQ39385)

2. Irene James (Islwyn): Will the Minister make a statement about the take-up of council tax benefits. (OAQ39396)

3. (Vale of Clwyd): Will the Minister make a statement on the ways in which the Spatial Plan will take forward our vision for a sustainable future for Wales. (OAQ39382)

4. Val Lloyd ( East): Would the Minister make a statement on the level of Assembly Government support for local government in Swansea. (OAQ39381)

5. Brian Gibbons (Aberavon): What is the Welsh Assembly Government doing to measure the performance of local authorities in Wales. (OAQ39421)

6. (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Minister held with colleagues at Westminster regarding replacing the council tax with a fair, progressive taxation system. (OAQ39417)

7. Denise Idris Jones (Conwy): Will the Minister make a statement about support for Councillors in Wales. (OAQ39397)

8. (Ynys Môn): Will the Minister make a statement on the impact of the local government settlement on Ynys Môn County Council. (OAQ39412)

9. Brian Gibbons (Aberavon): How does the Welsh Assembly Government work with local authorities in order to deliver its local authorities agenda. (OAQ39401)

10. Jenny Randerson (Cardiff Central): Will the Minister make a statement on the impact of Council Tax rebanding on Cardiff. (OAQ39367)

11. Val Lloyd (Swansea East): Will the Minister outline what the Welsh Assembly Government has done to facilitate achievements in the field of Local Government in Swansea. (OAQ39380)

12. Glyn Davies (Mid and West Wales): what discussions has the Minister had with the WLGA about next years Council Tax levels. (OAQ39393)

13. Brynle Williams (North Wales): How is the Welsh Assembly Government supporting Local Government in their aim to improve local services. (OAQ39376)

14. (South Wales Central): What recent discussions has the Minister had with local government regarding the development of public services. (OAQ39413)

15. Irene James (Islwyn): What action has the Minister taken to support local authorities to deliver good quality services. (OAQ39395)

To ask the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning

1. David Davies (Monmouth): Will the Minister make a statement on the School Transport Act. (OAQ39443)

2. (Cynon Valley): What action is the Welsh Assembly Government taking to encourage more young people into further education and training. (OAQ39507)

3. Brynle Williams (North Wales): Will the Minister make a statement on absenteeism in schools in Wales. (OAQ39496)

4. Carl Sergeant (Alyn and Deeside): Would the Minister make a statement on apprenticeships in Alyn and Deeside. (OAQ39492)

5. Glyn Davies (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Minister had with County Council about its plans to reorganise schools. (OAQ39480)

6. Jeff Cuthbert (Caerphilly): Would the Minister make a statement on the take up of Assembly Learning Grants. (OAQ39449)

7. Alun Cairns (South Wales West): Would the Minister make a statement on special needs education in Wales. (OAQ39452)

8. Helen Mary Jones (Mid and West Wales): Will the Minister make a statement about the availability of further education courses through the medium of Welsh. (OAQ39476)

9. William Graham (South Wales East): Will the Minister outline how her policies on University 'top-up fees' will reflect the view of the National Assembly for Wales that they are "in principle, wrong". (OAQ39484) 10. John Griffiths (Newport East): Will the Minister make a statement on progress with lifelong learning in Wales. (OAQ39506)

11. Janet Davies (South Wales West): Will the Minister make a statement on the teaching of modern languages. (OAQ39467)

12. (South Wales East): Will the Minister make a statement on the number of school bus services available in South Wales East. (OAQ39466)

13. (Ogmore): What action is the Minister taking to tackle truancy in schools. (OAQ39501)

14. (Brecon & Radnorshire): Will the Minister make a statement on assistance for student teachers. (OAQ39482)

15. Peter Black (South Wales West): Will the Minister make a statement on the guidance she has offered to the Rees Commission on structure of course fees in Wales after 2007. (OAQ39465)