Farrukh Javaid Malik
I Farrukh Javaid Malik THESIS PRESENTED TO OBTAIN THE GRADE OF DOCTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX Doctoral School, SP2: Society, Politic, Public Health Specialization Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance By Farrukh Javaid Malik “Analysis of the medicines panorama in Pakistan – The case of antimicrobials: market offer width and consumption.” Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Albert FIGUERAS Defense Date: 28th November 2019 Members of Jury M. Francesco SALVO, Maître de conférences des universités – praticien hospitalier, President Université de Bordeaux M. Albert FIGUERAS, Professeur des universités – praticien hospitalier, Director Université Autonome de Barcelone Mme Antonia AGUSTI, Professeure, Vall dʹHebron University Hospital Referee Mme Montserrat BOSCH, Praticienne hospitalière, Vall dʹHebron University Hospital Referee II Abstract A country’s medicines market is an indicator of its healthcare system, the epidemiological profile, and the prevalent practices therein. It is not only the first logical step to study the characteristics of medicines authorized for marketing, but also a requisite to set up a pharmacovigilance system, thus promoting rational drug utilization. The three medicines market studies presented in the present document were conducted in Pakistan with the aim of describing the characteristics of the pharmaceutical products available in the country as well as their consumption at a national level, with a special focus on antimicrobials. The most important cause of antimicrobial resistance is the inappropriate consumption of antimicrobials. The results of the researches conducted in Pakistan showed some market deficiencies which could be addressed as part of the national antimicrobial stewardship programmes. III Résumé Le marché du médicament d’un pays est un indicateur de son système de santé, de son profil épidémiologique et des pratiques [de prescription] qui y règnent.
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