


Minutes 1. (a) Draft minutes of 18 September 2012 (attached)

(b) Matters arising

2. Future business programme (PB/S4/12/225)

3. Scotland Act 2012, Standing Orders rule changes (PB/S4/12/226)

4. Finance Committee – request to meet outside of (PB/S4/12/227)

5. Legislation Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill – referral (PB/S4/12/228) of Bill at Stage 2 and timetable at Stage 2

6. Procedural motion: Approval of SSI Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification) Order (PB/S4/12/229) 2012 [draft]

7. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 2 October 2012




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below.

S4M-02677# Fiona McLeod: The Third Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference That the Parliament recognises the third international Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference, which is scheduled to taking place in Stockholm from 27 June to 1 July 2012; understands that the conference, which is being organised by the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA), will bring together leading dermatologists and rheumatologists from around the world; notes that this year's event will look at areas including the psychosocial impact of the conditions on quality of life; commends the previous conferences, which, it understands, focused on issues such as clarifying the connection between psoriasis of the skin and psoriatic arthritis and on highlighting the condition as a complex and chronic inflammatory disease with a number of comorbidities, and notes that people in Strathkelvin and Bearsden and across Scotland with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis will be represented by Janice Johnson, the hard-working founder of IFPA member Psoriasis Scotland Arthritis Link Volunteers (PSALV).

S4M-02899# Christine Grahame: A Scottish Media Panel—That the Parliament would welcome a panel of experts to provide advice to ministers on Scotland’s media industry to help identify a strategy and direction, to help enable stability and growth and ensure that there is no democratic deficit in reporting on the Parliament and politics at what it considers this most important time of social and political change in the , Midlothian and elsewhere in Scotland; while acknowledging that this is a time of financial restraint, believes that funding such a panel would have longer-term benefits for both the industry and democracy, and understands that such a proposal is currently under consideration by the Welsh Assembly Government.

S4M-02923# Murdo Fraser: John Muir Award—That the Parliament commends all the schools taking part in the John Muir Award, an educational initiative of the John Muir Trust; recognises that the John Muir Award is an environmental award scheme focused on wild places and encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with, enjoy and care for these; acknowledges the importance of outdoor learning and activities for young people and thanks all the charities, groups and teachers in Mid-Scotland and Fife and across Scotland who dedicate their time so that young people can learn new skills while enjoying Scotland’s outdoors and appreciating its natural environment, and believes that there should be greater opportunities for young people to take part in environmental and outdoor award schemes and activities.

S4M-02952# Kezia Dugdale: The Living Wage and the Private Sector—That the Parliament welcomes the report, What Price a Living Wage? Understanding the impact of living wage on firm-level wage bills, produced by the IPPR and Resolution Foundation, which, it understands, analyses for the first time, the estimated wage bill that UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange would face were they to adopt a living wage of £8.30 in London and £7.20 in Lothian and across the rest of the UK; considers that changes to the UK tax credit system mean that the real-terms value of the national minimum wage is now at 2004 levels; notes the substantial progress made across the public sector, but believes that, to effectively deliver the living wage through procurement contracts and through the private sector, there are huge challenges ahead, particularly with regard to the retail distribution, manufacturing and hospitality sectors in which, it understands, progress has been slow;

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reaffirms its commitment to the campaign for a living wage, and would welcome the promotion of the merits of a living wage to the business community.

S4M-02954# : East Kilbride Disability Sports Coach Wins National Award—That the Parliament congratulates David Gillespie from East Kilbride on winning the Daily Record Our Heroes 2012 Sporting Hero award; commends his work with special needs badminton players and his contribution to the sport for over 30 years, including, it understands, having founded the Glasgow Disability Badminton Club where he continues to coach six nights a week; recognises Mr Gillespie’s numerous achievements, including as head coach of the Special Olympics Great Britain in 2010, helping the team of six win five gold, five silver and three bronze medals and, most recently, with his athletes at the 4 Nations Para-badminton Championships, where they won three gold and three silver medals, and expresses pride in the achievements of all of Scotland’s disability sport athletes and their coaches.

S4M-02960# Linda Fabiani: Girl Power in East Kilbride—That the Parliament congratulates Tilly Dunnachie, Hannah Herd, Anna Hunter, Preethy Mathew, Ciara Oates and Chantele Walls, S3 pupils from St Andrew’s and St Bride’s School in East Kilbride, along with their teachers, their mentor from DTA Architects in East Kilbride and South Lanarkshire Council on winning the National Final of the Go4Set Celebration and Assessment day, organised by the Engineering Development Trust; commends all of the teams who took part for their innovative designs of ―A biomass heat and power plant for your school‖; notes both the need for engineers in Scotland and the particular shortage of young women who choose to enter the field, and recognises the work of the Engineering Development Trust with young Scots, educational establishments and industry to understand and address science, engineering and technological issues.

S4M-03079# Linda Fabiani: East Kilbride Champions for Change—That the Parliament congratulates Duncanrig Secondary School in East Kilbride on becoming the first school in Scotland to achieve the Champions for Change accreditation award; commends the work of Nil by Mouth and partners on assisting with anti-sectarian work in schools by developing the accreditation standard; welcomes what it sees as the holistic approach taken by Duncanrig, with the involvement of pupils, parents and staff, to tackle sectarianism across the community; praises the S6 pupils who produced the school’s anti-sectarian charter, which has been endorsed by pupils and parents, and looks forward to the inter-schools football tournament between Duncanrig and the neighbouring St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School, an event that has been organised by the pupils to celebrate their anti-sectarian achievements.

S4M-03081# Jackie Baillie: UNICEF Report Card 10, a Focus on Household Income— That the Parliament notes UNICEF’s publication on 28 May 2012 of Report Card 10: measuring child poverty, which shows the performance up to 2009 of economically advanced countries, including the UK, in tackling child poverty; notes that, alongside measures of relative poverty based on household income, the report sets out a child deprivation index; understands that, in the early years of the global economic crisis, the UK did better collectively than many other rich countries in reducing child poverty and protecting children from deprivation in Dumbarton and across Scotland, and believes that, at this time of exceptional financial pressure on families, there is a need for a clear focus on the poorest children to ensure that they are not placed at a disadvantage as a result of cuts in public spending.

S4M-03413# Roderick Campbell: The Vivarium Trust and Co-housing for Older People—That the Parliament welcomes the efforts by the Vivarium Trust to publicise the benefits of co-housing in North East Fife and across the country; supports efforts to establish a trial project in order to highlight what it considers to be the benefits associated with co- housing for older people, including security and mutual support among peers, autonomy, people retaining control over their own circumstances, companionship instead of isolation, a sense of belonging, community and commitment and affordability through shared costs, and understands that, since its inception in Denmark, these positive attributes have been widely associated with co-housing.

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S4M-03421# Linda Fabiani: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—That the Parliament recognises the important role of the Scottish Government’s Detect Cancer Early initiative; notes that the first cancer type to be targeted by this will be breast cancer; understands that 460 women in the NHS Lanarkshire area were diagnosed with the condition in 2010 and that the earlier cancer is detected, the better the chances of successful treatment; welcomes the role that Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October plays in promoting early detection and the work of all cancer charities in raising awareness, and acknowledges the work of Breakthrough Breast Cancer and its memorable breast awareness message, Touch Look Check, which promotes knowledge of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and the importance of regular checking. R

S4M-03469# Elaine Murray: Congratulations to Nith Inshore Rescue—That the Parliament congratulates Nith Inshore Rescue (NIR) on receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, presented by the Lord-Lieutenant for Dumfries, Jean Tulloch, on 22 June 2012; notes that NIR is an independent lifeboat based at Glencaple and that the crew of unpaid volunteers is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year and has saved or rescued over 100 people since NIR was formed 32 years ago; applauds the support that it receives from the community, and wishes NIR many more years of saving lives and preventing water-based accidents.

S4M-03561# Jamie McGrigor: The Pathway to the Isles—That the Parliament welcomes the results of a study by Scottish Natural Heritage into a new ―pathway to the isles‖ from Tyndrum to Oban; congratulates the instigators for what it considers their inspirational idea, which the report suggests could bring in tourism income of around £1 million per annum to the villages along the way, with a possible extra 32,000 visitors; notes, in light of what is seen as an upsurge in interest in pilgrim routes across Europe, that the route was previously a pilgrim’s path to Iona and might now pass through the villages of Dalmally, Lochawe, Taynuilt and Connel before reaching Oban, known as the gateway to the isles, and would link in with the West Highland Way and the Oban to Fort William cycle route; believes that this route would pass through some of Scotland’s most stunning mountain and loch scenery, including Ben Cruachan and Loch Awe; further believes that local residents and businesses would give a very warm welcome to extra visitors to the area attracted by the path, and hopes that the proposals will be taken forward and will boost tourism and raise the profile of one of the most scenic parts of Scotland.

S4M-03620# : Saving Lives in Glasgow and Beyond—That the Parliament acknowledges calls from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service to save more lives in Scotland by increasing the availability of defibrillators and the provision of emergency life support training in schools; notes that in some parts of Scotland the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests can be as low as 1 in 100; is aware that for every minute that passes after a cardiac arrest without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by about 10% and that publicly sited defibrillators with simple instructions have already meant the difference between life and death for many people, including at least one person in Glasgow in the last year; believes that defibrillators should be easily accessible in as many public places as possible; applauds the efforts of those public bodies and commercial organisations that have taken a lead on this and, in particular, Glasgow Life and Strathclyde Passenger Transport; would welcome widespread uptake of the BHF-subsidised defibrillator and free training initiative; congratulates all those who participated in the BHF Scotland Saving Lives in Glasgow appeal, which raised over £100,000 to fund these life-saving machines, and looks forward to many more lives being saved.

S4M-03713# Christine Grahame: Centrica Profits an Obscenity—That the Parliament notes that British Gas Residential, which is owned by Centrica and includes Scottish Gas customers, has made £1.9 million profit per day in the most recent reporting period, fuelled in part by what the Parliament considers are inflammatory price hikes to consumers whose bills now average £1,260 per annum, £200 higher than two years ago and considers this to be obscene profiteering at a time when all household budgets are under stress, particularly those

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of vulnerable people, older people and young families in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale and the rest of the country.

S4M-03715# Christine Grahame: Bill and Ted @ Black Diamond—That the Parliament congratulates 89-year-old Bill Prentice and 87-year-old Ted Comerford, believed to be the oldest broadcasters in Scotland with their weekly show on Sunday from 5-6pm on Black Diamond, Midlothian’s community radio, broadcasting from Newtongrange on 107.8FM; notes that their show, devised by them, has been running as long as Black Diamond, five years, and can be heard from Arbroath to Edinburgh and across the Borders, and commends them for demonstrating that just because you are octogenarians does not mean that you spend your days in carpet slippers, sipping tea.

S4M-03740# Rhoda Grant: Recognising John McEwen, an Advocate of Land Reform— That the Parliament recognises the 20th anniversary of the death of John McEwen who, it understands, was a lifelong forester, socialist and advocate of radical land reform; considers that the people of the Highlands and Islands and across Scotland owe him a debt of gratitude for what it considers was his painstaking work in cataloguing land ownership in his book, Who Owns Scotland?; believes that this work exposed inequity in land ownership patterns and helped foster debate about land reform; acknowledges the early work of the Parliament in passing what it considers to have been important legislation that encouraged changes in land ownership patterns and removed feudal rights; notes with pleasure the use of this legislation by many communities and what it considers are the many benefits that community ownership brings; considers these to be welcome and important developments but believes that the fundamental inequity of land ownership has changed little since John McEwen’s work was published, and believes that, in order to permit a wider and greater stake for the people in the ownership of land and in pursuit of the changes and economic and social advances that were advocated by John McEwen and, it believes, are still needed, it would be a fitting tribute to his memory if the debate about the future of the country embraced more widely what it considers to be the need for further land reform measures.

S4M-03812# John Mason: Gambling Proliferation—That the Parliament notes the recent comments made by the former Leader of the House of Commons, Harriet Harman MP, when she said that the previous UK administration had made a mistake by allowing an increase in the number of betting shops on the UK’s High Streets; further notes the study by Professor Jim Orford of the University of Birmingham, which suggests that, on average, richer areas have around five betting shops for every 100,000 people, whereas less well-off areas have up to twelve; believes that many forms of gambling are effectively a tax on the poor; understands that money spent on buying lottery tickets in poorer areas is considerably higher than that being invested back into these communities, and would welcome a review of the legislation on gambling in order to protect vulnerable people in Glasgow Shettleston and the rest of Scotland.

S4M-03904# Elaine Murray: A Warm Welcome to Wildlife at Crichton Royal Dairy Research Farm—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) on signing a memorandum of agreement (MoA) at the Crichton Royal Dairy Research Farm in Dumfriesshire on 2 August 2012 that sets out how the organisations will aim to work together to increase wildlife on the research farm; understands that the signing of the MoA formalises and strengthens a partnership between the two organisations that has been ongoing for 10 years; notes that the purpose of the partnership is to develop and demonstrate simple and cost-effective methods of increasing biodiversity without impacting on the profitability of the farm and that their work, which has involved participation by schools, has resulted in increasing numbers of birds on the farm; congratulates SAC and RSPB on what it considers has been their successful partnership to date, and believes that the results of this work can make a valuable contribution to shaping the successor to the Scottish Rural Development Programme when the common agricultural policy is expected to be reformed in 2013.

S4M-03943# John Finnie: BBC Highlands and Islands Job Cuts—That the Parliament notes BBC Scotland's announcement that 50% of its senior journalist posts at BBC Highlands

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and Islands are to be lost; believes the level of job losses faced by the Inverness newsroom is disproportionate, and considers that such a move has the potential to adversely affect the ability of BBC Highlands and Islands to continue to deliver what it sees a high-quality of local news and public scrutiny of issues and events across a vast and diverse region.

S4M-04027# Jim Eadie: Caring for and Curing Boys and Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy—That the Parliament commends the work of Action Duchenne in supporting boys and men across the Lothians and the United Kingdom who are living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which affects one in every 3,500 male births in the UK; welcomes what is considered groundbreaking research such as the AAV U7 trial being conducted at Royal Holloway College, University of London, into potentially highly effective "exon skipping" treatment for the currently incurable muscle-wasting disease; recognises that DMD is caused by a genetic variation in the dystrophin gene and can result in boys affected requiring a wheelchair by the ages of 8 to 11; notes that the current research is expected by Action Duchenne to produce the first wave of genetic medicines by 2014, with the potential to benefit at least 14% of patients, and has the potential to realise even more successful treatments in the future; believes that a simplified means of clinical trials for genetic medicines should be explored to promote further research, and looks forward to continued work toward improvements in the care and treatment of the boys and men living with DMD and the ultimate goal of an effective cure.

S4M-04043# Kevin Stewart: Work Capability Assessments—That the Parliament understands that there are ever-increasing concerns in Aberdeen and across Scotland regarding the work capability assessments for Disability Living Allowance that are being carried out by Atos; notes the reported fears of stakeholder organisations and individuals that similar concerns will be reproduced with assessments for Personal Independence Payments, and understands that members are receiving significant casework from constituents regarding negative experiences of work capability assessments.

S4M-04048# Neil Findlay: CAB Report on the Rising Demand for Food Parcels—That the Parliament acknowledges the recent report that was published by the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) Scotland, Welfare changes: Voices from the frontline, The rising demand for food parcels; notes that, in 2011-12, CAB helped clients make over 2,200 applications for charitable support; understands that this was more than double the number of claims in 2009- 10 and that the majority of these concerned essential goods and services, such as food and heating; praises what it sees as the excellent work of charities such as the Trussell Trust in providing lifeline services to people in Lothian, and welcomes steps being taken to support people who lack the basic necessities required for life.

S4M-04051# Iain Gray: Value of Instrumental Music Tuition—That the Parliament recognises the key role that music can play in children’s academic and social development; notes that a five year study by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Boston College, published in 2008, concluded that children who play a musical instrument display better motor, auditory, vocabulary and non-verbal reasoning skills; notes that children in 24 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities are charged up to £340 per year for instrumental music tuition; believes that every child in Scotland should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument; welcomes Scotland on Sunday’s Let the Children Play campaign; shares the concern of the Educational Institute for Scotland that music tuition charges may deny children from poorer backgrounds the chance to develop their musical talents, and commends the eight local authorities in Scotland, including East Lothian, that make no charge for instrumental music tuition in schools.

S4M-04081# David Stewart: Isle of Gigha, 10 Years of Pioneering Land Reform—That the Parliament congratulates the community of the Isle of Gigha on the tenth anniversary of what is considered its pioneering community buy-out; acknowledges the efforts of the Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust to redevelop the community by introducing development projects in the area; understands that, over the 10 years, the population in the community has risen from 96 to 160; welcomes the inspirational example that it considers those on Gigha have set for other communities; believes that there is much work still to be done throughout Scotland regarding

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land reform and that valuable lessons can be learned from Gigha, and calls on the Scottish Government to support future community land reform across the country by committing to legislate on the recommendations of its Land Reform Review Group before the end of the parliamentary session.

S4M-04110# : Drumchapel L.I.F.E—That the Parliament congratulates Drumchapel L.I.F.E. (Living is For Everyone), an award-winning healthy living centre based in Drumchapel, on securing a grant of £361,813 through the Big Lottery’s investing in Communities Life Transitions fund for its Moves project; notes that the Moves project aims to improve the financial capability, financial management skills, financial resilience and wellbeing of people from a range of disadvantaged groups who live in the Glasgow West Community Planning Partnership area, which includes some of the most economically disadvantaged areas in Scotland; commends all of the staff at Drumchapel L.I.F.E. for their dedication and commitment to the work that they do with individuals, communities and organisations throughout Drumchapel, Yoker, Scotstoun, Whiteinch and Knightswood, and wishes them continued success in the future.

S4M-04134# Jamie McGrigor: HMS Duncan—That the Parliament notes that the last of the Royal Navy’s Type 45 air defence destroyers, HMS Duncan, left BAE’s Scotstoun shipyard on 31 August 2012 to begin an extensive period of sea trials off the coast of the Outer Hebrides; understands that she is named after the famous Scottish admiral, Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, who took his title from the scene of his famous naval victory; congratulates the team at BAE Systems Surface Ships Scotstoun on the River Clyde on building what are considered to be the six most advanced destroyers in the fleet; recognises that four of the ships have already been commissioned and that HMS Duncan and HMS Defender are expected to follow in 2013; considers that UK defence contracts are of enormous importance to employment on the Clyde and notes what it sees as pride in Clyde-built products; offers its support to HMS Duncan and her crew on attempting to successfully complete the extensive Royal Navy tests and trials, and wishes the ship and her company every success in any future global maritime operations.

S4M-04160# David Torrance: 5th Fife Scout Group, Kirkcaldy, Scottish Championship Award—That the Parliament congratulates the 5th Fife Scout Group, Kirkcaldy, on becoming the Scottish champions, having won the Black’s of Greenock National Camping Competition 2012; recognises what it considers to have been the significant contributions and hard work of Jenny Ritchie, Reagan McLauchlan, Chloe Whyte, Kiah McIntosh, Robbie Swanson and Olivia Ewan in the last six months, resulting in winning the Kirkcaldy District competition, competing in the zonal qualifiers and culminating in winning the final of the national competition; acknowledges Black’s of Greenock, who has supported the Scout Association in Scotland for a number of years and who, it believes, has helped make this a very successful competition; considers that the Scout Association has been very successful in its work with young people in Scotland through encouraging them to use a range of life skills, and praises the association for providing an opportunity for young people to undertake new challenges and adventures and, as a consequence, help them toward recognising and fulfilling their potential as individuals and as active members of society.

S4M-04204# Liam McArthur: No to Nuisance Calls—That the Parliament understands that nuisance calls blight the lives of many people in Orkney and across Scotland; believes that these calls are particularly distressful for older, vulnerable people; is concerned that a quarter of a billion nuisance calls are made to Scots each year and that complaints about silent or abandoned calls in the UK have trebled in 2012; believes that poor regulation is failing to address the problem and that the rise in companies offering redress for missold payment protection insurance and a lack of consumer knowledge are exacerbating the situation; considers that more must be done to tackle nuisance calls and other forms of unsolicited contact, and would welcome a single, simple point of contact for any individual wishing to protect their privacy from unwanted calls, texts, faxes and emails.

S4M-04212# Colin Keir: Scotland’s Aviation Sector—That the Parliament acknowledges the importance of the aviation sector in Scotland to the country's economy, business

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development, tourism and jobs; welcomes figures published by BAA at the start of 2012 showing an increase in passengers at Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen airports; understands that, despite a difficult economic climate, all of the country’s airports have seen a growth in passenger numbers; notes that, in 2009, Edinburgh Airport is estimated to have contributed around £118.4 million of gross value added (GVA) to the city region and £146.2 million across Scotland; understands that the airport supports 3,530 full-time equivalent jobs directly on-site and 290 off-site as well as a further 1,520 in the city region and 2,370 indirectly across the country; believes that all of Scotland’s major airports, including Inverness and Prestwick, have a significant impact on local and regional economies; considers that international connectivity is key to boosting economic growth, and supports measures that will attract investment to airports across Scotland with a view to increasing direct routes to international destinations.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 8 June 2011

Date MSP Party Subject 8/6/2011 Marco Biagi SNP Green Investment in Edinburgh 9/6/2011 Elaine Murray LAB Ban on Use of Wild Animals in Circuses 15/6/2011 Bob Doris SNP Fighting Sectarianism and Anti-Irish Racism 16/6/2011 Mark McDonald SNP North Sea Taxation 22/6/2011 Elaine Smith LAB There is a Better Way 23/6/2011 Stuart McMillan SNP David MacBrayne Group Supports Coastguards 29/6/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland 30/6/11 SNP The Scheme 7/9/11 David Stewart LAB Young Drivers 8/9/11 Aileen McLeod SNP Flavour Fortnight 2011 14/9/11 Rob Gibson SNP Remembering the Russian Arctic Convoys 15/9/11 Hugh Henry LAB Upper Clyde Shipbuilders 21/9/11 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011 22/9/11 SNP Save the Children Report, Making Work Pay – The Childcare Trap 28/9/11 SNP Battling Scotland’s Drinking Culture 29/9/11 Paul Martin LAB Stop the Closure of Lightburn Hospital 5/10/11 Rob Gibson SNP Germany Exits Nuclear Energy 6/10/11 Christine Grahame SNP Jeremy Hunt Doesn’t Get the Picture so Neither Does the Borders 26/10/11 Jenny Marra LAB Fuel Poverty in Scotland 2/11/11 Sandra White SNP Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower 3/11/11 James Kelly LAB Nail the Rogues Campaign 9/11/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Prescription Medicine Waste 10/11/11 Liam McArthur LD Damaging Impact of Air Discount Scheme Changes 16/11/11 Dave Thompson SNP The People’s Bible 17/11/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start Event 23/11/11 Jim Eadie SNP Act of Settlement 24/11/11 John Scott CON Provision of Orthopaedic Trauma Services at Ayr Hospital 24/11/11 Christina McKelvie SNP Nuclear Test Veterans

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Date MSP Party Subject 30/11/11 Kevin Stewart SNP St Andrew’s Day 1/12/11 Neil Findlay LAB Community Benefit and the Cumulative Impact of Windfarm Developments in Communities 7/12/11 Sandra White SNP Truth About Youth Project 8/12/11 Rhoda Grant LAB MS, Better Care 14/12/11 Stuart McMillan SNP Commending Petrol and Diesel Watch 15/12/11 Sandra White SNP University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK 21/12/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB Disability History Month 22/12/11 Jim Eadie SNP 10 Years on from Harkin-Engel, Child Trafficking in the Chocolate Industry 11/01/12 Annabel Goldie CON Volunteer Centre East Dunbartonshire 12/01/12 Margaret Burgess SNP High-interest Payday Loans 18/01/12 Elaine Murray LAB Independence Referendum, Let Wallace Vote 19/01/12 Joan McAlpine SNP Save Introducing in Scotland 25/01/12 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 26/01/12 LAB Save Glasgow’s Local Train Services 01/02/12 Colin Keir SNP Drum Brae Library and Community Hub Project 02/02/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too 08/02/12 Jamie McGrigor CON Designation of Special Areas of Conservation 09/02/12 Helen Eadie LAB Celebrating the Value of Co- operatives Internationally 22/02/12 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorders, Raising the Awareness 23/02/12 SNP Take a Step in 2012 for Fairtrade 29/02/12 Iain Gray LAB Protecting Access to Justice across Scotland 01/03/12 Sandra White SNP BBC Scotland Job Cuts 07/03/12 SNP Save Gadburn School 08/03/12 John Park LAB The Living Wage, Tackling In-work Poverty 14/03/12 Sandra White SNP Commonwealth Week 2012 15/03/12 Mark McDonald SNP Changing the January Pay Date 21/03/12 CON Local Rail Services to Berwickshire and East Lothian 22/03/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Green Investment Bank 28/03/12 Jim Eadie SNP Violence in Syria 29/03/12 Jim Hume LD The Road Forward for Community Transport 18/04/12 David Stewart LAB Devolution of the Crown Estate 19/04/12 Christine Grahame SNP Community Radio Coming from a Station Near You 25/04/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Allotments Regeneration Initiative in North Ayrshire 26/04/12 Richard Baker LAB UCAN’s Campaign for Robot-assisted Surgery 02/05/12 George Adam SNP National MS Week 09/05/12 Elaine Smith LAB Beyond the Frame 10/05/12 Dave Thompson SNP Centenary of the Dewar Report 16/05/12 Alex Fergusson CON A Road to Health 17/05/12 Paul Wheelhouse SNP Addressing Alcohol Abuse among

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Date MSP Party Subject Scotland’s Armed Forces 17/05/12 Christine Grahame SNP Commemorating James Graham, Marquis of Montrose and Member of the First Scots Parliament 23/05/12 Jenny Marra LAB Deaf Awareness Week 24/05/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Glasgow Epilepsy Genetics Service 30/05/12 Aileen McLeod SNP Rio+20 31/05/12 Elaine Murray LAB Improvements to the A75 06/06/12 Colin Keir SNP Royal Highland Education Trust 07/06/12 John Mason SNP The Death Penalty in India 13/06/12 Liz Smith CON Scotland’s Mountain Rescue Teams 14/06/12 John Park LAB Celebrating Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre 20/06/12 Rob Gibson SNP Remember Cunningham Graham 21/06/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP Time for an International Arms Trade Treaty 27/06/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Scottish Government Cuts Threaten Creativity 28/06/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Success of Armed Services Advice Project 04/09/12 George Adam SNP Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, Shining the Light for Community- based Events 05/09/12 Kenneth Macintosh LAB Humankind Index 06/09/12 Annabel Goldie CON River City 11/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Aberdeen City Centre 12/09/12 SNP Scottish Steelworkers’ Memorial Fund 13/09/12 Claire Baker LAB Welcoming Fife Diet’s New Food Manifesto 2012 18/09/12 SNP Keep Scotland Beautiful 19/09/12 Christine Grahame SNP The Great Polish Map of Scotland 20/09/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Fair Access to the Legal Profession

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 4


Frequency (no.) 51 27 9 2 0 0 89 Frequency % 57.30 30.34 10.11 2.25 0 0 100

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 24 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 25 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Public Consultation on the Carloway Report (Reforming Scots Criminal Law and Practice)

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business S4M-03812 John Mason: Gambling Proliferation

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees 26 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Health and Wellbeing

1440-1700 Scottish Government Debate Green Bus fund

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business S4M-04043 Kevin Stewart: Work Capability Assessments

Thursday 27 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Common Agricultural Policy

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if 1140-1200 General Questions required)

1200-1230 First Minister Questions 1700 Decision Time

1230-1315 Members Business Debate: S4M-03551 Hugh Henry: NSPCC

Friday 28 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 01 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 02 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1425 - Standards Procedures and Public Appointments committee debate: Standing Order Rule Changes

1425-1540 Scottish Government Debate: Women’s Employment Summit

1540-1700 Scottish Government Debate: National Gaelic Plan 2012-2015

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business S4M-04204 Liam McArthur: No to Nuisance Calls

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) Wednesday 03 0900-1300 Committees 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Infrastructure, Investment and Cities; Culture and External Affairs

1440-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Employability

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business S4M-03421 Linda Fabiani: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Thursday 04 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Labour Party Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1140-1200 General Questions 1700 Decision Time 1200-1230 First Minister Questions

1230-1315 Members Business Debate S4M-04081 David Stewart: Isle of Gigha, 10 Years of Pioneering Land Reform Friday 05 Constituency Constituency

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DAY MORNING AFTERNOON Monday 22 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 23 0900-1300 Committees 1400 Time for Reflection

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1405-1420 Topical Questions

1420-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if Wednesday 0900-1300 Committees required) 24 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Education and Lifelong Learning

1440-1700 Scottish Government Business

1700 Decision Time

Followed by Members Business

Thursday 25 0900-1100 Committees 1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required)

1430-1700 Scottish Government Business

Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion 1140-1200 General Questions (if required)

1200-1230 First Minister 1700 Decision Time Questions

1230-1315 Members Business Debate

Friday 26 Constituency Constituency

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Date of Lodging: 25 September 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 2 October 2012

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Debate: Standing Order Rule Changes followed by Scottish Government Debate: Women’s Employment Summit followed by Scottish Government Debate: National Gaelic Plan 2012-2015 followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 3 October 2012

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Infrastructure, Investment and Cities Culture and External Affairs followed by Party Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 4 October 2012

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

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2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Employability followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 23 October 2012

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 24 October 2012

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 25 October 2012

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

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Date of Lodging: 25 September 2012 Short Title: Business Motion Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that consideration of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2 be completed by 9 November 2012.

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1. The Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee expects to report to the Parliament on 28 September 2012 recommending changes to Standing Orders to implement one of the requirements of the Scotland Act 2012.

2. This paper provides background on the changes and on why a short debate is required before the October recess.

Requirement for changes

3. Currently, proposed Bills cannot be introduced until the Presiding Officer has issued a statement on the proposed Bill’s legislative competence. In addition, proposed Government Bills require a similar statement from the Minister in charge of the Bill.

4. Section 6 of the Scotland Act 2012 amends section 31(1) of the Scotland Act 1998 to state that every proposed Bill – i.e. not just Government Bills – requires to be accompanied by a statement from the member in charge in relation to its legislative competence. The Presiding Officer’s obligations remain unchanged. Section 6 comes into force on 15 October and, since it takes precedence over any provision in Standing Orders, it is highly desirable for Standing Orders to be brought into line with the Act on the same date.

5. The Committee had originally anticipated reporting on this issue in June. However, new issues raised by the Scottish Government delayed the finalising of the new rules. These issues have now been resolved.


6. The Committee requests a short (five minute) debate on its report in the week of 2-4 October.

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee September 2012





Nature of request

1. The Finance Committee invites the Parliamentary Bureau to approve its request to meet in Hawick on Monday 5 November 2012 as part of its consideration of the 2013-14 budget process.

Number of participants

2. It is anticipated that all Committee members will attend. In addition, four members of the clerking team would be required to attend, given the clerking and administrative functions which need to be performed. This meeting forms a fundamental part of the budget scrutiny process, and therefore it is also necessary for the Committee’s budget adviser to attend. Appropriate staff from security, broadcasting and official report will also attend.


3. The Committee has agreed that it wishes to follow a format used successfully by the Finance Committee in previous parliamentary sessions of holding a meeting outside Edinburgh at the draft budget scrutiny stage of the annual budget process. The meeting will involve morning workshop sessions with representatives of local organisations, and a formal Committee meeting in the afternoon during which the Committee will take evidence from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth.

4. During the morning session, the workshops (which will start at 9.30am) with local organisations are intended to provide Committee Members with an insight into how national priorities and spending plans impact on the local area, and to discuss the organisations’ engagement with the budget process. Representatives from a range of local groups with different perspectives will be invited to these workshops with members of the Committee, to discuss how the budget affects them at a local level. This will help to inform questioning in the Committee’s subsequent formal meeting, as well as its report on the budget and the subsequent Parliamentary debate.

5. The proposed meeting will be held on a Monday, and travel plans have been arranged so as not to cause disruption to the business of the Parliament or members’ attendance at other committees.

6. The Committee meeting and workshops will form part of the inaugural Parliament Day with a reception on the previous Sunday evening which all Committee members are expected to attend.

Venue 7. During the first three sessions of the Parliament the Committee held meetings across Scotland (in Orkney, Skye, Kirkcudbright, Perth, Motherwell, Cupar, Elgin, Dumfries, Dundee, Ayr and Glasgow). Last year the Committee held a very successful event in



Largs. The Committee chose to hold this year’s meeting in Hawick. The Tower Mill (the Heart of Hawick, a multi-purpose venue) has been identified as the most suitable venue.

Benefit 8. The Committee believes that the meeting will help realise the Parliament’s aim of taking the work of the Parliament to the people, to encourage public participation and raise awareness of the work of the Parliament. In addition, it would encourage participation by those who are unable to, or have difficulty, in attending a meeting in Edinburgh.

Conveners Group 9. The Conveners Group has endorsed the request and approved the associated Committee Office costs (a summary of which is provided below). Costs are all contained within the current financial year. There is sufficient budget available to cover the costs.



Return motor mileage from Edinburgh and 700 constituencies Expenses

Overnight expenses for 7 Members, 4 clerks 76 0 and the budget adviser

Room hire

Hire of large room and small rooms for formal 695 meeting and workshops Catering

Lunch and incidental catering 340 Total 2,495


10. In accordance with Rule 12.3.2, the Parliamentary Bureau is asked to approve the request of the Finance Committee to meet in Hawick on Monday 5 November 2012 as part of its consideration of the 2013-14 budget process.

Clerk to the Finance Committee September 2012





1. On 18 September 2012, the Parliament agreed to the general principles of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill.

2. The Bureau is invited to refer the Bill to the Health and Sport Committee for consideration at Stage 2 and to recommend to the Parliament a deadline of 9 November 2012 for that Stage.

Parliamentary Business Team September 2012






1. The Bureau is invited to agree the following motion—

Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees that the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification) Order 2012 [draft] be approved.


2. Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 creates a framework to provide increased protection for homeowners who use the services of a property factor. It has three main elements—

 a compulsory register for property factors;  a code of conduct with which all registered property factors will be required to comply; and  a new statutory dispute resolution mechanism, to be known as the homeowner housing panel.

3. The purpose of the draft Order is to amend the Act to allow material about individuals directly concerned with the control or governance of property factors to be omitted from the register of property factors when it is made available to the public. The material which may be excluded is material which falls within section 5(2) of the Act—

 conviction of any offence involving fraud or other dishonesty, violence or drugs;  practice of unlawful discrimination on the grounds of any of the protected characteristics in Part 2 of the Equality Act 2012; and  contravention of any provision of the law relating to tenements, property or debt.

4. These details would be deemed to contravene the European Convention on Human Rights were they to be made available to the public and Scottish Ministers consider that full disclosure of such personal information would not be in the public interest. If homeowners wish to raise concerns regarding an individual involved in factoring they can do so via the relevant authorities.

Consideration by committee

5. The instrument was considered by the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee at its meeting on 19 September 2012. After debate, the motion to approve the instrument was agreed to.

Parliamentary Business Team September 2012