Issue 12 RESEARCHING THE GREAT LAKES AND THEIR TRIBUTARIES SINCE 1966 Great Lakes Center Newsletter Spring 2018

A hornshell (P. popeii) in the Rio Grande. IN THIS ISSUE Texas hornshell listed as an

Texas hornshell listed 1, 2 endangered species

by Lyubov Burlakova

GLES 4+1 pathway 2 After almost a decade of delay, the Texas population assessment is conducted, and this hornshell (Popenaias popeii) has been listed as is especially true for endemic species, which an endangered species. It wasn’t supposed to have a limited range restricted to remote Student shadow 2 take this long. In 2008, the ongoing process of regions with difficult access. listing the species was halted when we found a previously undescribed population of the In North America, three quarters of all mussels in the Rio Grande. freshwater mollusc species are considered Slender false brome 3 imperiled or extinct, which is a higher rate The Texas hornshell is a unionid mussel than fish (39%) or crayfish (48%) species. endemic to the Rio Grande. It was first Globally, molluscs represent 42% of all WNY PRISM grows 3 described by the American conchologist Isaac extinct animals and 25% of those critically Lea in 1857 from the Devils River in Texas and endangered. Yet less than 10% of all molluscs the Río Salado in Mexico. Since the mid-1970s, have been evaluated for extinction risks, Pawpaw donation 4 no live Texas hornshells had been found in the compared to 100% of mammals and birds. Rio Grande drainage in Texas, and the only This lack of attention is remarkable because known population persisted in a small river in the vanishing molluscs constitute a large New Mexico. In 2008, Alexander Karatayev, part of biological diversity in threatened Bye Science Building 5 Tom Miler (Laredo Community College), and freshwater ecosystems and provide important I were doing a state-wide survey of unionid ecological functions and services. mussels in Texas when we found a few live Career Fairs at BPS 5 Texas hornshells in the Rio Grande. We felt lucky, but little did we know that our finding of a handful of mussels would halt the process for the endangered species listing!

To assess the degree of species endangerment for any species, we need reliable and quantitative measures of how large their populations are now and historically. However, lack of information on mollusc distribution range and population size greatly hampers the assessment of their conservation status. As a result, mussel species may become rare, Lyubov Burlakova with Texas hornshells and the air boat they used to reach remote regions of the Rio endangered, and even extinct before the first Grande. GLC NEWSLETTER | Issue 12 2

Texas hornshells, cont. mark and recapture study near Laredo, gluing The remaining population of this species in little tags to mussels so we could count how the Rio Grande is fragmented, with a single many of them were recaptured, to estimate 190 km stretch still supporting high densities. their growth, and document changes in the The species has been extirpated from two Rio population. On the third day of marking, we Grande tributaries. ran out of tags! Brian Lang, our colleague from New Mexico, asked me why I only purchased 200. I thought it would be a waste of money to buy more since less than 200 mussels had ever been found!

Steve and Don Barclays, Alexander Karatayev, and Because of the mark-recapture study, we Tom Miller (left to right) on the Texas hornshell survey. started to realize that the population above The air boat allowed them to access remote locations Laredo was larger than anticipated, although of the Rio Grande where few people have been. it must have been much larger historically. The habitat for the Texas hornshell has shrunk After our discovery, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife since the Rio Grande in Texas is now much Service funded our surveys to estimate the smaller and drier due to over-withdrawal of size of the Texas hornshell population in Texas. The survey crew of divers on the final follow-up study water, and since these sensitive molluscs on the Rio Grande in 2014. Mussel hunting is most successful when the cannot withstand the water pollution below water level is low, often in March, but during Laredo or the large impounded areas of the Our paper was published in 2015, right in time that time it is passable only by a kayak. Our Amistad and Falcon reservoirs. Calculating for the final species assessment. On February surveys would have required months of the available habitat was not an easy task: it 9, 2018, the Texas hornshell was listed as an paddling, so we decided to use an airboat. This required making many assumptions about endangered species. Now the species and its was our adventure time! We visited amazing historical densities and distribution, and the habitat will finally have federal protection. places on the Rio Grande where few people GIS expertise of Mary Perrelli (Geography We are very happy that we have contributed have been. We quickly figured out that in this and Planning). After months of calculations to the conservation of this endemic species. flash flood-prone river, where the water level and several revisions, we found that the total The protection of the Texas hornshell will can rise by dozens of feet overnight, mussels length of the river populated by this mussel also mean the protection of many other rare find flow refuges hiding underneath large has declined by 75%, and the total Texas species in the Rio Grande. • rocks and ledges. We also started a four-year hornshell population size has declined by 72%.

A GLES 4+1 pathway by Kelly Frothingham We are happy to announce a GLES M.S. 4+1 degree program and an accelerated course of biology, chemistry, earth sciences, geography, Pathway program. The 4+1 Pathway allows study toward an advanced degree. or geology should consider this pathway to undergraduate students to complete course an advanced degree. For more information requirements for their bachelor’s degree while The GLES M.S. is a Professional Science about the GLES M.S. 4+1 Pathway, please taking select graduate-level courses during Master’s (PSM) that combines coursework in visit the GLC website (http://greatlakescenter. their undergraduate study. As a result, the environmental science with communication or 4+1 Pathway provides qualified students with strategies and project management classes contact the GLES Program Coordinator, Dr. seamless entry to the GLES M.S. master’s and an internship experience. Students in Kelly Frothingham. • programs leading to a bachelor’s degree in

Visiting student shadows researchers by Susan Daniel On March 13th, the Great Lakes Center hosted populations. Julianna was also able to meet a graduation its youngest scientist yet! Thirteen-year-old requirement for eighth grade students at Julianna Ducato, from Saint Benedict’s school Halfway through her tour, the building had a Saint Benedict’s that includes the completion in Amherst, asked to shadow GLC researchers fire drill that lasted 45min! To pass the time of a Career Education course and a cumulative to better understand the career field. She Julianna, Susan, and Lyubov talked about the shadowing experience with an employer. participated in sample identification, talked ups and downs of being a scientist over some We were so happy to host Julianna, and we with senior researchers about the grant hot chocolate to warm up. Julianna’s main look forward to helping to grow her career in writing process, and viewed videos taken interests are in oceanography and marine science. • from Lake Ontario to assess invasive mussel sciences, but GLC researches may have swayed her to freshwater! GLC NEWSLETTER | Issue 12 3 Invasive species spotlight: Slender false brome by Brittany Hernon

WNY PRISM has been awarded $300,000 from presence/absence of slender false brome, herbicide application, or a combination the EPA through the Great Lakes Restoration data will be collected on other invasive of mowing and herbicide treatment. Plot Initiative (GLRI) to establish the Great Lakes species present, overstory cover, soil sampling will occur during the same time- Slender False Brome Working Group. moisture, disturbance type and severity, period in 2019 to assess the success of and habitat type. Three interns will conduct management efforts. Slender false brome Slender false brome (Brachypodium surveys in different geographic areas: in and production will be quantified as well. sylvaticum) is an invasive species of grass around Onondaga County, near Syracuse; which reproduces rapidly by seed to form roads, trails, and rights-of-way near known dense clumps, creating monocultures that infestations in Wyoming and Genesee can overtake an area, outcompeting native Counties; and natural areas in Western New vegetation and reducing biodiversity. It was York that were unexplored during previous initially identified in Oregon and has now survey efforts. Another intern will focus on GIS spread throughout the Pacific Northwest habitat suitability modeling and education and into Canada. In 2009, it was identified in and outreach. and is currently found in Genesee, Wyoming, Onondaga, Tompkins, and Dutchess Counties. While it is unknown how this species was introduced to our region, WNY PRISM has identified slender false brome as a high-priority early detection species. This project will allow us to address These boot brush stations will be installed at trail the threat posed by slender false brome within heads near slender false brome infestations. Credit: the Great Lakes Basin by increasing awareness WNY PRISM and coordinating management efforts. In addition, boot brush stations will be Slender false brome grows in a wide variety installed near populations of slender false of habitats, from open grasslands to forest brome to facilitate spread prevention. Hiking understories, and areas with various amounts boots can spread the of invasive of sunlight and disturbance. It appears that a Dense clumps of slender false brome at Genesee species caught in mud and dirt in the treads, limiting factor may be soil moisture; it doesn’t County Park and Forest. Credit: WNY PRISM so cleaning boots is essential. Boot brush like extremes in wet or dry. A component of stations include a heavy-duty brush affixed this project is to develop a habitat suitability WNY PRISM will also conduct research on the to a sign explaining their purpose along with model to help focus survey efforts on areas comparison of four different management information about invasive species to look most likely to be invaded. As more is learned methods on known infestations at Letchworth out for in the area. The hope is people will be about environmental factors that influence State Park and Genesee County Park and curious and read the sign, then have no excuse this species’ distribution, the habitat Forest, and work alongside independent but to use the convenient boot brush to clean suitability model will become more effective management efforts at Bergen Swamp. Initial off their shoes. at predicting areas of potential infestations. plot sampling will occur in early summer to examine percent cover and density of slender WNY PRISM is honored to have support from Surveys for slender false brome will be false brome, native species, and invasive many partners on this exciting project. To conducted within the Great Lakes Basin of species. Later in the summer, infestations will learn more about WNY PRISM, please visit our New York this summer. In addition to the be removed using manual removal, mowing, website, •

WNY PRISM continues to grow by Andrea Locke This year will see a large increase in staff As our partnership network and corresponding This year, in addition to the seasonal crew for WNY PRISM. When WNY PRISM began project load has continued to expand, WNY consisting of 1 E&O Assistant and 2 ISMAs, operations in 2014, I was the only full-time PRISM has recognized the need for increased we have hired 4 Slender False Brome interns staff member. Each summer season, WNY capacity. Lucy Nuessle, a former ISMA, and 2 Watercraft Inspection Stewards. PRISM hired a different crew consisting of one returned to our team as a full-time Project To accommodate the growing staff and Education and Outreach Assistant (E&O) and Manager in July 2017. Lucy’s duties include technology needs of the program, WNY two or three Invasive Species Management supervising the seasonal crew and assisting PRISM recently moved our main office to Assistants (ISMA), as well as multiple student with our early detection programs. Brittany a suite in the Classroom Building. The field interns. Over the past 4 years, we have hired a Hernon also joined WNY PRISM as a full-time crew will continue to be based out of the Field total of 22 temporary staff members, many of Project Manager in 2017. Brittany will be Station. WNY PRISM is looking forward to whom have gone on to permanent positions in leading the recently established Great Lakes the opportunities our growth presents and the field right here in western New York. Slender False Brome Working Group. welcomes the new additions to the team! • GLC NEWSLETTER | Issue 12 4 Pawpaw donated to Buffalo State College by Susan Daniel and Katie Hastings

Last fall, GLC staff Susan Daniel and Biology flocking to orchards and farmers markets in Grove is to provide a group of trees from that professor Robert Warren donated five September, making ice cream or brewing historic time period as a teaching opportunity pawpaw trees () to Buffalo beer with pawpaws, or planting it in their own about the co-evolution of trees and extinct State campus. Many of you may be unfamiliar yards. New varieties are being cultivated to megafauna. Besides pawpaw trees, there are with the pawpaw. It’s a small tree try to overcome some of these challenges, Kentucky coffeetrees Gymnocladus( dioicus), a native to North America that produces a large but so far most commercial production is in tree in the pea family that produces 5-10 inch edible . The fruit has a greenish-blackish southeastern Ohio. pods of beans that can be roasted for a coffee- exterior, is usually three to six inches long, and like drink. It is likely that both pawpaws and it matures in mid- to late-September. Inside is Kentucky coffeetrees relied on megafauna a creamy white to yellow pulp that has been like mammoths for dispersal and seed described as French custard in texture that germination. The grove is located in Upton tastes like a mixture of , , and Quad, just south of Upton Hall and adjacent to citrus. The pawpaw tree is common in the the Science building. Another contemporary Midwest but is classified as threatened in New tree in the grove is the honey locust (Gleditsia York State, possibly since New York is at the triacanthos), which is planted along the east northernmost part of its natural range. side of quad near Bulger Communication Center. Honey locust trees, with a 6-8 inch pod thinner than the Kentucky coffeetree, can be dispersed by modern grazers such as cows, horses, and . Robert Warren has studied the distribution of honey locusts in relation to Native American settlements.

Adult zebra swallowtail (P. marcellus). Credit: Megan McCarty - Own work, CC BY 3.0

Pawpaw fruit exterior. Credit: Scott Bauer, USDA ARS - Public Domain

The pawpaw isn’t widely cultivated for two main reasons. Even in the best of The grove of 5 pawpaw trees that were recently circumstances, fruit production is low. The planted. In the background, right in front of the flowers of the pawpaw tree produce a faint building, are several mature Kentucky coffeetrees, odor similar to rotting , which attracts with large dark seed pods. The grove will look much flies and instead of conventional more exciting once the new trees begin to out! like bees. Successful fruit Larval zebra swallowtail (P. marcellus), light morph. production may require cross- from Susan was so happy to donate several Some larvae have a darker coloration. Credit: Megan different trees or clones; some producers McCarty - Own work, Public Domain pawpaw trees because there was a grove resort to hand pollination. The other challenge in the woods behind her childhood home. is the fruit itself: it bruises easily and spoils Another feature of trees in the Since the tend to eat all the lower quickly, so it doesn’t transport well. It’s Asimina is that they are the only hosts for hanging , she and her sister would ride easiest to find fresh off the tree or shipped zebra swallowtail butterflies Protographium( their horses through the woods to collect as frozen. However, the pawpaw is gaining marcellus). The of this genus contain many of the higher fruits as they could find. popularity among foodies who are eagerly insecticides called acetogenins, so other Many times, there was just a single fruit. The insects and even most grazers leave pawpaw recently planted trees should reach mature leaves alone due to their noxious taste and age in about six years, or the fall of 2023. odor. The bold striped pattern of the zebra Whether they will produce fruit is unknown, swallowtail advertises that it consumes the but one can be hopeful! • toxin and warns predators to stay away. This toxic property of the pawpaw leaves also makes them attractive to organic growers since there are few pests. Sources: Asimina_triloba Susan and Robert donated the trees in collaboration with the Maud Gordon Holmes Arboretum and Steven Sypniewski, Arboretum thesalt/2017/09/15/550985844/this-once- Manager, as part of the Pleistocene Grove obscure-fruit-is-on-its-way-to-becoming- The fruit pulp with large brown seeds. Project. The objective of the Pleistocene pawpaw-pawpular GLC NEWSLETTER | Issue 12 5 Goodbye to the Science Building by Katie Hastings It’s been planned for a long time but it’s finally here. Over the next few weeks, the demolition of the Science Building will conclude, to make way for the final phase of the Science and Mathematics Complex (SAMC).

The Science Building, or Science II as it used to be known, was constructed in 1962 as an addition to the existing Science Building (Science I). Over the years, the Science Great Lakes Center Building housed many GLC labs, including the About half of the Science Building has been Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Lab, demolished so far. Buffalo State College as well as offices for our researchers. Our main 1300 Elmwood Avenue office was most recently housed there from materials. Gradually I watched as fences were 2008-2012; we moved to our new offices and put up, windows were removed and covered SAMC 319 labs in SAMC at the beginning of 2013. with plastic, and trees and shrubs were Buffalo, NY 14222 removed (farewell, beautiful redbud trees!). The design to build SAMC has always included One day in early March, I noticed that the Phone: (716) 878-4329 the demolition of the Science Building. Phase windows and walls of the old GLC office were 1 of SAMC, where the Great Lakes Center gone and I could see directly inside! Not long Fax: (716) 878-6644 labs and offices are today, was constructed after that, a crane carefully removed the glass from 2009-2012. Phase 2 was the renovation walkway connecting Science I and Science [email protected] of Science I; construction took place from II. By the end of March, all the walls on the 2013-2016. In the fall of 2017, demolition exterior of the building had been removed of the Science Building began. Once it’s and loads of bricks and metal were being http://greatlakescenter. complete, Phase 3 will commence to build removed. I plan on monitoring the demolition, the final portion of SAMC, which will connect but now that much of the skeleton has been to the atrium in SAMC and house a spherical revealed, the demolition could go quickly. You GLC Personnel planetarium, a café, many more classrooms, can view pictures of the demolition in a photo labs, and offices, and a greenhouse. gallery on our website. Director

The demolition of the Science Building Questions about the SAMC construction Alexander Karatayev began with mostly internal demolition, project can be emailed to vpfm@buffalostate. deconstructing old furniture and equipment edu.• Research Scientists and removing asbestos and other hazardous Lyubov Burlakova

Mark Clapsadl

Career Fairs at Public Schools Knut Mehler by Katie Hastings Christopher Pennuto This spring, the GLC was invited to participate be useful in adulthood, and find that their in Career Exploration Fairs at three of career dreams can be turned into a series Alicia Pérez-Fuentetaja Buffalo's public schools. Katie Hastings visited of obtainable goals.” Students ranged from North Park Middle Academy #66 on March pre-K through 9th grade, and were broken up Research Technicians 15th; Susan Daniel participated at Lovejoy into smaller groups based on age and their Susan Daniel Discovery School #43 on March 21st; and expressed interests. About 1200 students Knut Mehler will visit Marva J. Daniel Futures were impacted by this program this spring. Brian Haas Preparatory School #37 in May. Katie and Susan told students about what Katie Hastings (Newsletter editor) Each school dedicated the full morning for it’s like to be a biologist working on the Great their students to visit with professionals Lakes. We also talked about what inspired WNY PRISM during five sessions. Between 20 and us and how we became scientists. Some 45 presenters visited each school, from of the students expressed interest in being Brittany Hernon professions in science and medicine as well marine biologists. Interestingly, the younger as musicians, bakers, martial artists, athletes, students were more engaged and willing to Andrea Locke (coordinator) and accountants. Some presenters just gave ask questions than the older students. Knut talks about how to find careers. The goal of will have a chance to tell students about his Lucy Nuessle Buffalo Public Schools, according to Kathleen experiences when he presents next month. Sciolino, College and Career Readiness Secretary Coordinator, is “to help each student explore It was wonderful to talk about our careers many careers, make the connection that the with young people. We look forward to being Susan Dickinson subjects that they are learning in school will involved in future Career Days with BPS. •