Curriculum Vitae Mirek Dymitrow Unit for Human Geography +46 (31) 786 1384
[email protected] Academic degrees Ph.D., Human Geography, University of Gothenburg Master, Geography, University of Gothenburg Bachelor, Geography, University of Gothenburg Positions within academia: Researcher, Lund University, Department of Human Geography Doctoral student, University of Gothenburg, Department of Economy and Society Guest, University of Gothenburg, Department of Economy and Society Guest, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities 2017 - Other, Chalmers University of Technology / Mistra Urban Futures (Research coordinator) 2014 - 2016 Committee member, Unit Research Committee, Human Geography Unit at the Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg 2013 - 2015 Board member, Research and Postgraduate Education Board, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg 2013 - 2014 Council member, Department Council, Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg Main research fields: Human Geography, Critical Geography, Cultural Geography, Historical Geography, STS (Science, Technology and Society) Main teaching fields: Human Geography, Rural/urban theory, Discourse analysis, Binary theory, Social Geography Academic experience Head of research project: 2017 - 2019 Research Forum Urban Rural Gothenburg International research projects: 2019 - Rural/urban redux, R. Brauer (René Brauer (University of Surrey, UK), J. Biegańska, E. Grzelak-Kostulska, (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland), R. Krzysztofik, (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland), M. Stenseke (University of Gothenburg) 2013 - 2018 Knowledge production and implications of concepts, René Brauer (Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland / University of Surrey, UK / University of Hull) 2014 - 2018 Rural-urban linkages in the context of dysfunctionality: Post- agricultural state farms and post-military estates, Biegańska, J., Grzelak -Kostulska, E. Środa-Murawska, S., Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Rogatka, K.