Photo by Peter Teago AN CARRANNACH The General Interest Magazine of Lochcarron, Shieldaig, , Kishorn, & Kinlochewe Districts.



Well, well, Lachie, let’s be seeing to you. You’ve finished your mash, I see. Would you like your bucket of water now? I’ll just draw it off for you.

There, boy, you’re enjoying that. This heat’s not what you’re used to back home, up and down the ben with the gralloched beast on your back. It’s a trauchle for all of us, far from the shores of Loch Carron, or wherever we’ve come from. Maybe these hardy wee Indian lads can take it, or the big strapping Aussies with their shady hats. But Roddy and me, we’d rather be out in the boat off Plockton after the cuddies in a good rainsquall from the Cuillins. These Turks up there on the heights are laughing at us, I’ll be bound. It’s us’ll be trying to take the smile off their faces the morn’s morn.

Let’s be seeing to your coat now. My goodness, these ticks are a right pest, we’d better be getting some of them out and squashed. Ay, it’ll be a warm day tomorrow, I’m thinking. As bad as that first day, off the ‘Euryalus’ on to the beach at Cape Helles and up thon blasted cliffs. You mind, Lachie, you spent most of the day ferrying the ammo and water to these poor devils of the Lancs stuck halfway up the rocks for half the night. A lot of them bought it that day, and a few good ponies forbye. Not what you were trained for. You’d know you were doing your job if you had the barrel of a screw -gun on your back footing it up the brae to a fine gun-position, so’s Roddy and Uisdean and myself could get it set up on a nice line of fire. But I’m thinking you’ll be out of it again the morn. Looks like these Gallipoli cliffs will be too much even for you. So us Lochcarron and Stornoway lads will be putting our backs into it and humphing the bits ourselves under all that the Pashas can fling at us. Good job we’re the tallest lads in the whole British Army, the biggest targets as well, I’m thinking.

Ay, it’ll be a warm tomorrow all right. But I’ll see you in the early morning, as we’ll be loading you and the other garrons up with the guns and ammo to take to the assembly points. Then you’ll be back and forth most of the day bringing up the spares and extra ammo and, maybe, carrying a few of us back to the docs. Let’s hope I don’t see you then.

Well, I’ll just say oidche mhath leat, a’ Lachaidh, and hope to see you if we’re spared and well. Time for a few verses from the Good Book before I turn in. Not that I’ll sleep much, I’m thinking.

Alan MacGillivray

(The Ross Mountain Battery, part of the 4th Mountain Brigade of the Royal Artillery, the only mountain artillery unit in the British Army, was recruited from , with sections based in Stornoway, Lochcarron and Dingwall. Along with the Argyll and Bute Batteries, it deployed the ‘screw-guns’, 10-pounder breech-loading cannons capable of being quickly assembled from sections carried on the backs of Highland ponies, or garrons, up mountainsides to commanding positions. It first saw service in Gallipoli in 1915 and suffered heavy losses. Between April and June, 62 officers and men were killed or wounded out of about 600; further losses forced the amalgamation of the Ross and Argyll Batteries into one before the Gallipoli force was evacuated in December 1915. The Mountain Batteries went on to serve in Mesopotamia and Salonika, where they ended the war in 1918. Because they could not adequately cope with the terrain, the ponies were replaced by locally-sourced mules.)

1 All Saints (Scottish Episcopal) AN CARRANNACH Mission Kinlochewe Published by An Carrannach Society, Lochcarron.

Chairperson: Joanna Macpherson

(part of the world-wide Deputy Chair Roger Cundiff

Anglican Communion) Editorial Content Material for publication must be emailed to Michelle Teago at [email protected] or a phone invites you to services on the call to 01520 722688 first Sunday of the month at Sub Editor Joanna Macpherson

2.30pm Area Representatives:

Applecross: Kishorn: Carol Cocks 01520 733 213 (Church of Kinlochewe Shieldaig: Helen Collins [email protected] building) Torridon: Features: A Word from the Church/On Reflection

Gardening – To be confirmed Nature Notes – Hatty Arthur – Everyone welcome 01520 722 551 Email: [email protected] Further info: (01445 781454) Advertising: [email protected]

Local Rate: Entertainments, Sales, Services, Trade (Scottish Charity Number: Whole Page £28, Half page £18, Quarter page £10 SCO04655) Out of Area Rate: Please email us for prices

Mailing: Hilary “Post” Rooke

Distribution: Anthea Zell

Treasurer: Alec Cormack Mackays Cottage Strathcarron IV54 8YX 01520 722603 [email protected]

Insertions: Births, marriages, deaths, acknowledgements. Congratulations, thanks notices – No charge

Subscriptions: 11 issues post paid, U.K. £25.00 Europe £54.00 Australia £66.00 Canada and USA £60.00 Contact [email protected]


Material intended for publication must include your name and address.

Please note we can now accept copy in any format..



The An Carrannach Society does not accept responsibility for the content/accuracy of reports, articles and advertisements received. The views expressed by contributors are NOT necessarily those of the Society.

2 FREE CHURCH LOCHCARRON & CHURCH OF SCOTLAND APPLECROSS APPLECROSS, LOCHCARRON & TORRIDON Charity No: SCO32334 You are welcome at our services Lochcarron Church Street IV54 Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, there 8YP are no church services or other church activities until restrictions are lifted. Sunday 11am and 6 pm However, this does not mean that the church is on a break! We are still here to (Crèche and Sunday school) serve our communities in whatever way Midweek Wednesdays 7.30pm we can. We produce a newsletter every week to encourage each other and to Applecross Camusterrach IV54 ensure that we feel connected and united in our faith. 8LU

3 pm every Sunday If you would like to talk to someone or

would like a prayer, please feel free to Other events as intimated. contact our Minister, Rev. Anita Stutter Scottish Charity SC038169 on 01520 722783 0r 07469759457.

Rev M. Florit 01520 722999 Email [email protected]

[email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME

3 and receiving kindness is a great blessing which I am enjoying exploring afresh. ON Of course, my worry- control knob is turned up full as I forget to lay all my REFLECTION worries at the feet of our risen Lord. It’s the children and the far flung family and I don’t expect for one moment that I shall precious friends many of whom feel they have been the first person to think about are bullet proof, who worry me most; Dickens’ novel ‘A Tale of two Cities’ over nothing will happen to them...they all the past weeks and that opening paragraph wheedle into my thought processes every which announced ‘It was the best of times, day not just at morning and evening prayer. it was the worst of times’ as we applied “Could do better” my old primary school those prophetic words to what I have come teacher would have said of me. to think of as a kind of plague. Well, like you, I am doing my best to be ‘Tired of watching and listening to the kind, helpful, gracious, grateful and in latest figures on the pandemic? You answer to those who like to ask me why wouldn’t be alone in that and yet keeping God allows this stuff to happen, I have to up to date with happenings in our world say, I get a bit huffy. Is it not enough that and our communities is a responsibility we God walks with us through all our difficult all need to take seriously if we give any times I ask back? Having a Buddy, nay a thought to the commandment to love one Divine Buddy feels very comforting to me. another. Let’s keep on keeping on. Say our prayers “Keep safe, keep well” I read in most of when we can. Cherish the human spirit my incoming e-mails and letters and find with all its shortcomings and please, God, myself saying the same back over the any chance of a Crunchie Bar today? phone. It’s simple enough to be loving: we Revd Pam all want the best for each other whether we are people of faith or not. The human spirit is interesting and wonderful to explore. The kindness of which Revd Anita spoke in the last edition of An Carrannach is something I couldn’t do without in our vexed existence at present. It’s been a bit of an eye-opener to realise that most of us are isolating in some way and also that the notion of ‘essentials’ has needed a rethink on my part! Those choccies, cakes, a daily paper might not seem essential to you but living with someone who cannot speak civilly unless he has digested his daily paper and consumed his chocolate flake, is something I really don’t want to contemplate. So, the kindness of friends, neighbours and strangers has visited us in abundance as we have gone without little and gained valuable insight into what being kind does for us when we practice it. Smiles and warm glows are much in evidence as we espy the retreating figures from our ‘drop off box’ at the gate. The notion of giving








5 Lochcarron Golf Club - Newsletter April 2020 - well, who thought two short months ago life would have changed so drastically. The Committee and members of the club hope you are all safe and well and adapting to these strange times. As it turned out we had to cancel the Flag Day, our traditional start to the season, and all competitions until the crisis has abated. Unfortunately, we have also had to close the course for all play by edict from Scottish Golf and little or no maintenance will be possible in the short term. It was ironic that the weather changed a few days before the scheduled start of the season, at the end of March, allowing some work to start on the greens - it would have been a dry and bright start but our hopes now must be for good weather later in the year so we can all get out and about. If you have not paid your golf membership subs for this year and you feel able to help the club through these difficult times it would be much appreciated. Alfie Edwards presenting a cheque for £2000 to Chris W for the helipad fund. We reiterate our special offer for this year - when we are able to enjoy the outdoors and get some much needed exercise don’t forget the golf club is a community facility and you do not have to have played before ! Our special offer this year:- whether you have played before or are a complete novice buddy up with a member for a free 18 holes of golf and, if convinced, join at more than a 50% reduction on the first year’s fees - a year of golf for only £75!! This offer is also available to former members of Lochcarron Golf Club if they have not held membership for at least two years. Junior Members (under 16) have free membership.

If you require any further information or want to arrange a round, or indeed join the club, please contact Nigel Barnard on 01520 722872 or email [email protected] [Subscription Fees are now payable by Bank Transfer or cheque.] Lochcarron Golf Committee



All aspects of tree surgery & felling undertaken by certified and insured operator.  Chris on 01520 744452 Or email [email protected]

7 To Lochcarron Community Council, AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION Having read the draft Community Council minute of the meeting on the 9th of March I would like to correct the statement that, "They" (the members of a community steering group) "have raised a few questions with Mark Pattinson. No reply has yet been received and no formal written offer has yet been made by Lochcarron Estates."

Last Autumn Mr Pattinson approached me CALLING ALL YOUNG AMATEUR with the proposal to donate a large part of his PHOTOGRAPHERS! Lochcarron Estate to our community. While Here is an opportunity for all young it is true that "no formal written offer has talented photographers to enter a been made", Mr Pattinson and his legal competition. We are looking for a suitable representatives have been very helpful and photograph to print on the front cover of forthcoming. It is clear that Mr Pattinson the An Carrannach every month of the year wishes this offer to proceed and he has been (except January). Each month a different driving it from the start. No new questions photograph will be selected. This will then were asked of him and therefore it would be be entered into the competition final to win incorrect for the Minutes of the Community the PRIZE of £100, to be awarded for the Council to record that he had failed to answer Best Photograph of the Year, in December them. 2020. How to enter: At the inaugural meeting in February those 1. You must be under 21years of age on present suggested that the proposed area of February 1st 2020. benefit could be the catchment area of 2. Only one entry per person, per month. Lochcarron Primary School and tasked 3. The subject must be landscape or themselves to gather information. The plan local wildlife. was to contact other communities who had 4. Submission as a jpeg in black & white participated in a community land transfer and or colour to source accurate maps of the local crofting township boundaries. The next meeting, due 5. Your name, age, and contact details to be held on 15th March was postponed must be included. because of the Covid19 crisis. The intention 6. Send photos to had been then to present the findings to a [email protected] public meeting, open to all members of our By the 12th of each month community, to discuss the proposal and to gauge whether or not there would be support Best of luck and get out and about with to take it forward. your camera!

This is an opportunity for our community to own and manage the estate for the wider benefit of all. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic has called a halt to public meetings which would be the essential next step. It is intended that the public meeting will be held in Village Hall when the restrictions have been lifted.

Yours sincerely,

Dr David Murray 8 Lochcarron and District Business Association We at LaDBA would like to take a moment to thank all our local volunteers who are keeping things going within the Community. We should say a big thank you to Emma & Hector and all their staff at Lochcarron Food Centre, and Duncan & Chrissie and staff at Lochcarron Garage, for supporting everyone by staying open at this time and offering a vital delivery service. Thanks to the Community Car Scheme, The NHS Staff, Posties, Delivery Drivers and all other key workers within the area keeping things moving. Also thanks to the Hazel Boswell and her team at the Community Support Network for issuing the thumbs up thumbs down posters and getting a team of volunteers in place ready to support our village.

*********************************** LaDBA has created a village news centre on our website homepage and we are updating this regularly with infor- mation that is useful for our community and business members alike. You will find links to government schemes, community support, local resources and as much information as we can gather. Please visit the website There is also a Handy Government Summary Page for all support options available in Scotland, including small businesses and the self-employed, along with individuals and employees:

Information includes: Job Retention Scheme; grants enabling companies to pay 80% of wages to employees Sickness and disability support and procedural changes The latest travel advice Community advice including domestic violence support Action Fraud and scam protection Self-employed Income Support scheme Business Interruption Loan schemes Business Support Grants

HMRC helpline for businesses and self-employed - 08000 241222. 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Scottish Government’s Business helpline: 0300 303 0660. Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Select option 1 to speak to the COVID-19 team.



9 Coronavirus and the Dear Editor Howard Doris Centre Update. An Carrannach The Board of the Howard Doris Centre issued the following update on 17th April 2020. Global warming Continuing Care Our primary responsibility is to protect, support and care for the tenants and patients within the Centre. Every day we are reminded of the damage Taking account of advice from the Scottish mankind is doing towards global warming Government and Highland Health Board to protect and the weather. vulnerable people, until further notice we have: I was born in Lochcarron in 1943 and then • Suspended our Day Care service all the houses produced smoke after burning • Closed the building to any meetings involving coal, peat, wood and anything else. While the general public • Closed the building to all visitors steam poured from the trains as they belched Members of staff have been reminded of the smoke. Industrial Scottish factories importance of social distancing both at work and produced vast amounts of smoke and city when at home. They will be scrupulous with hand buildings were black as a result. There was washing and will self-isolate if required. smoke everywhere. Support in the Community Then, however, we enjoyed a regular Our secondary responsibility is to continue to support our Day Care clients who are no longer able weather pattern. We had recognised winters to attend the Centre as before. We contact them by springs, summer and autumns. Nowadays telephone daily and have been delivering a hot, two the weather is all over the place. How or course meal to up to 28 households throughout the why? It is not because of the pollution Lochcarron area. In addition, we are very grateful to Britain produces today. local businesses and individuals who have been donating PPE and gifts that have been included with the food deliveries. These have included home Electricity baking, knitted teddy bears, fresh eggs, Easter eggs (a special mention for the sweet little hand-knitted Electricity came to Lochcarron in 1949. My chickens - each about to lay a Cadbury's egg!), hand brother Alasdair won a toaster for writing an cream, soaps, sweets, biscuits and flowers! essay on its benefits. Possibly the first We'd like to thank the Carron Restaurant, Attadale Home Farm, Sara Banting, Lochcarron Knitting toaster in Lochcarron. Two electricians Group, Lochcarron Community Support Group, started wiring Lochcarron Hotel and then Joanna MacKinnon, Lochcarron Candles, Loch worked their way down the village. I Duich Plants, Bill Allan, Island Bakery Mull, Carol remember running messages for them. MacMillan, Rita Wale, Ivor & Lynn Savage, and On weekends, they went home. One of Karen Molloy for their generosity. What wonderful them lived in Dumfries. On one occasion, support we have had — sincere apologies to anyone I have missed out! he went to a pub and got drunk. Before We are coping! leaving he was heard to say that he was The centre can seem to be very quiet these days with going to shoot the first policeman he saw. the lounge and dining room empty. However, the That he did and after due process of law, he kitchen and care staff are still very busy preparing was hanged. meals and arranging their delivery. At the same time The main source of news, in those days, was they are taking care of and protecting our tenants and patients in their flats and not forgetting the ten- the radio and newspapers, and I always ants of the sheltered housing at Allt a Chuirn and remember the queue of villagers outside Millbrae. Maclean the paper shop (today Spar), and We remain very grateful to our volunteers who have many in tears. I was too young to know manned the reception desk since October. Since the why they were crying as I grew up, I heard Lockdown we have been running with fewer staff of the hanging and as a result I am against and have redeployed some of our staff to alternative duties. So far, we have not had to call upon the capital punishment. But in my opinion, generous folk who have offered to volunteer. Be there are horrendous crimes committed, assured we are very grateful for all offers of help where it should be an option. and will contact you if needed. Dr David Murray, Yours faithfully On behalf of The Howard Doris Centre Board 17/04/20 Jim Michael

10 MAY @ THE INN Hello,

Not sure what we are going to be doing when you read this, but if we all are well and strong, that is what matters most.

Tributes are amazing in the whole of the UK, however never felt more privileged to live in such a great community as we all do, including support from every surrounding community too is beyond words. Our local NHS and care workers, our shops and suppliers, our delivery guys and binmen, our key workers in all departments, eternal never ending appreciation from us all.

We shall be back in some way or another, when safe to do so is our only prediction at this time, as we follow guidelines from the ones with the very hard decisions to make in doing what is best for us all.

During the past weeks we have been serving Take Away from Applecross-Inn-Side-Out on a Friday night from 5pm to 7pm , it has been very well received but we follow guidelines of pre order and pay , or contactless on collection , we ask for pre orders and times and strict social distancing on collection , no need to leave your car if preferred. Tel. 01520 744262 or email/Messenger Info on our Facebook page accessible to all .

Haddock/Monk /Chips/ Mushy Peas Selection of Aron’s Ice Creams Kids and veggie options too & Specials as per advertised

We are also licensed for Carry Out Ales/Wines/Spirits again please contact for details I am not here all the time!

We do have many items in stock for store cupboards if things become scarce please ask.

Stay Safe, love to all including our staff , we miss you all xxxxxxxx

Please check out our website for more info on upcoming local news and follow us on Facebook for updates! [email protected] @applecrossinn

11 NATURE NOTES Eliot Howard (an English amateur ornithologist 1873- th 1940) said the song contained ‘a peculiar cheerfulness, Up to April 15 2020 which alone seems to transform winter into In this strange and somewhat spring’…..’His rich and liquid notes will bear surreal time, it has been comforting comparison with those produced by any other known to experience the natural world species; it is, in fact, difficult to conceive of more carrying on as normal. beautiful notes being uttered’. There are two old Spring has truly sprung – we have country names for this species which in my mind, say had some lovely warm and sunny days, leaves are it all … opening on trees treating us to beautiful fresh green Mock Nightingale and Northern Nightingale. colours, grass is growing(!), all sorts of plants are We are privileged to have the Tawny Owls that I wrote ‘coming to life’ again, the early morning concert that about for the March edition of An Carrannach nesting the dawn chorus brings has been getting more vibrant nearby – the female has been hunkered down and heart-lifting and many summer visiting birds have incubating eggs since early March and every now and returned. then, I have witnessed the male bringing her food Whilst, like others, I haven’t been out and about very during the day. He calls to her some way away from much there has still been plenty to see and hear in our the nest and if she calls back, he then flies in with garden and on short walks down the village. supplies …. such a treat to see. Here’s hoping for a The Curlews that have been feeding on the shoreline successful outcome. and shinty pitch throughout the winter have now All sorts of birds have been busy nest building in moved away to their breeding grounds. I miss their various and appropriate places in the garden. I have beautiful calls but know that they will return in the been observing Song Thrushes, Mistle Thrushes, autumn. th Dunnocks, Blue Tits, House Sparrows, Goldcrests, We were delighted to see 150+ Redwings on April 8 . Robins, Blackbirds and Wrens collecting their They suddenly appeared mid-morning and fed on the preferred nesting materials. pitch for 40 minutes or so before moving off and It was a Wren that I watched for the longest time. The landing in the trees up behind the house. They stayed male builds 5 – 8 nests in hollows, crevices or holes in there for about half an hour with their soft, thin ‘seeip’ banks, walls or trees. The nest is made from moss, calls cascading from the branches and, occasionally, I leaves and grass and is a domed structure with a hole in could hear some of these birds giving their delightful, the side. The female choses one and lines it with liquid twittering song. As mentioned in previous notes, feathers and other materials and she lays 5 or 6 eggs Redwings are notable for singing only before they that she incubates for about 16 days. The fact that the leave for their breeding grounds in Iceland, bird I was watching was collecting moss and leaves led Scandinavia, north-east Europe and northern Russia. me to believe it was a male. There are often two broods However, it is just possible that some of these birds and some males in woodland have two (or more) might stay as there is a very small breeding population mates…. Now, that would make for a VERY busy in Scotland. male as both parents feed their young, which fledge A rather surprising sighting was reported by Kay th after 15-19 days, after which they are tended by their Liston – on March 11 a single Waxwing was spotted parents for a further 9-18 days. perched high in a bare poplar at Tullich. It was We first saw Peacock and Tortoiseshell butterflies in surrounded by Chaffinches and Goldfinches. Books the garden on March 26th and on quite a few occasions will tell you that these birds first arrive in October/ since then, along with good numbers of Bumble and November and normally stay until April, the numbers Honey Bees. generally being fewer than 1000 seen in Britain and Our Wood Anemones and Marsh Marigold plants have Ireland. However, during eruption years numbers may done well this year, as have our Primroses (there is increase to 11,000 or more. We have had years in always a wonderful sweep of these at the bottom of Lochcarron and surrounding areas where huge numbers Colonel’s Road) and Wild Garlic is growing in have occurred but not so these last three winters or so. profusion. Three years ago, I saw a lone bird in a near neighbour’s I have spotted Eiders close to the shoreline and heard front garden, also accompanied by Chaffinches and (and seen) Ringed Plovers on the shore. The singing of Goldfinches. Siskins, Goldfinches and Greenfinches rain down on us These birds can live for up to 13 years – perhaps it was daily from our trees and our resident Hedgehogs are the same one that had come back to enjoy our beautiful out and about every night. surroundings and to catch up with his mates…. th It is such an uplifting time of year and by the time On March 30 , I heard the unmistakable song of a May’s An Carrannach is published, Swallows will be Chiffchaff coming from the trees at the bottom of our back with us. If you are someone who appreciates the garden and ‘our’ Willow Warblers returned on April th natural world, you will, I hope, find many things 11 . happening out there to cherish and lift your spirits. To date I have not heard a Blackcap singing but sight I hope you are all keeping well and safe. XX of a female bird in the village was reported on March th Happy listening, looking and watching. 29 . There have been reports over the years of some of Hatty called on the 17th April to say a Blackcap had these birds over-wintering here. Along with the song started singing in her garden. of Willow Warblers, that of a Blackcap is, for me, one Hatty Arthur of the most beautiful sounds in the garden and one of Bank House the best indicators of the transition to spring. Henry 722551 [email protected]


Groceries delivered to your doorstep. Bedding plants and compost available. We can also pick up your medicines. Please call on 01520 722997.

13 CNOCAN NAN ÔG next party arrived. Alpine hut life – a kaleidoscope of The Hills of our Youth characters. But for us time was running out and I for one was feeling frustrated at the lack of climbing. The weather My enthusiasm for the hills and wide-open spaces has for the next day looked reasonable so we prepared our never diminished. It came about through the Senior packs and settled into our bunks early with the alarm Scout movement. I took part in a hill walking and set. I was up at 2.30am but there was wind and rain. adventure camp in the Cairngorms in my final year at The same at 3.30, but at 4.30am there were clear skies school. For two weeks we camped where Glenmore and a light wind so I was up and had the porridge and Lodge now stands and although the weather was not tea ready and part way down Dave’s’ throat before he great we had some marvellous days on the hill, as well could protest. It was late for the climb I was as touring parts of Scotland on bike and on foot, This anticipating. Dave wondered what we were going to lit the enthusiasm for the hills which has never do? Glacier Peak (9865 ft) on the main divide I said. diminished and what follows is the result of that early The late hour meant soft snow and rock fall would be introduction. From these small beginnings. I walked more likely as the sun rose but I was determined to and climbed all over the UK – Snowdonia, the Lake make a go of it. District, Glencoe, Rhum, the NW Highlands and elsewhere. Eventually the chance came to work abroad We set off at a fast pace with little being said between and I chose New Zealand. I very soon gained friends in us. We had our own thoughts (Dave “too late for this their climbing and tramping (walking) circles and and I was enjoying my sleep”?) but I was determined through this I was introduce to the Alpine hills of the to make a go of it. Once across the Rudolf glacier, and North and South Islands. The following account is the onto the lower slopes we came across some ice and result of this. hard snow which meant putting crampons on. An hour when we had anticipated one and a half was a good In between jobs, I meet Dave, (a Kiwi) with whom I sign. Barring our way was a shallow snow basin across had done a lot of previous climbs We met at the which there were signs of a stone shute so we did not Hermitage in the Mount Cook National Park , and we tarry and crossed without mishap. Eventually we had four weeks at our disposal. This was the Christmas gained the main snowfields, three in all. The summit holiday period in New Zealand but the weather was ridge was getting nearer but the slopes were increasing, mixed which meant that we had frequent days hut with the final one the steepest and glistening with ice. bound, though we did manage Christmas Dinner in the We were three hours out and it looked like another middle moraines of the Tasman Glacier halfway three hours. It was exhilarating and even with a fair between huts. We had attempted two climbs but had way to go the weather was holding, the suns shadows been thwarted by either bad weather or snow decreasing as it rose into the sky. I sensed that Dave conditions but finally arrived at the NZ Alpine Club was accepting that there was the possibility that we hut - De La Beche at the junction of the Rudolf and could make the ridge. Up and up and I wasn’t going to Tasman glaciers, awaiting a break in the weather, both stop. The snow was firm with a dusting of powder of us frustrated and wanting to do a peak. drifting over it but the crampons were biting well. The last snowfield proved the crux and Dave was forced, So here we are ensconced, Dave and I relaxing on our first to front point and then to cut diagonal steps to gain bunks with five students already existing here, they the arête. We could now see the dramatic sweep of the being well dug in after three days. Being by themselves snow ridge up to the summit ridge so with good shaft they had spread themselves out. The cooking bench belays we inched up holding on when gusts of wind covered in food, the main table full of dirty pots and swept over the ridge. Ten rope lengths and we were dishes, poly bags, eating bowls, cutlery, wet socks, just below the ridge of the main divide. Dave let me cut boots, instant rice, parkas (anoraks) green red and blue, through the cornice to step on to the Main Divide, and a home-made banjo, biscuits and other essential lead the rest of the way to the summit. survival items. Apart from the dishes being washed, all else remained static, we in our bunks, they in their There before us was the West Coast of South Island bunks and the food and other flotsam on the table. The and the Tasman Sea. We paused and I felt the rush of snow fell and we all slept, read or daydreamed. exhilaration, the wonder of the view that was spread Suddenly a sodden figure came in through the door, out in its vastness below us. A myriad of snow capped with a sodden beard and a heavy pack. He was peaks on either hand, separated by bush clad valleys followed by three others, one a lassie with hair wet lower down, were there for anyone who was willing to around her shoulders. We all woke up. They went out explore in their own time and by their own efforts. The to the bivvy. Changed, they came back in to cook. One descent was uneventful – an ice piton on the steep dressed himself in a blanket, shunning the offer of a pitch, some soft snow down the gulley, a drink at the shirt. The ‘toga’ was more spectacular!! The girl stream and a few glissades took us down to the Rudolf managed a brief pair of shorts to sport her very fine Glacier and eventually back to the hut, both tired but legs which pleased every one. After the usual talk had satisfied after a 13 hour day in the high hills. Was this died down they settled themselves to preparing a meal a “stolen climb”? Certainly, it was ‘cnocan nan ôg’. of vast proportions. The tables had by this time been cleared of one heap of food to be replaced by another. Doug Angus The banjo was strummed, primuses hissed, some of us went back to dreaming, reading or sleeping until the

14 SLUMBAY HOUSE - LOCHCARRON Holiday let in the heart of the west coast.

Slumbay House is a modern, architect-designed, four-bedroom house overlooking Loch Carron on the west coast of Scotland. The house offers self-catering accommodation for up to seven people. It is generally available for rent for full weeks only, Saturdays to Saturdays, but partial-week rentals can sometimes be arranged depending on the season and availability.

For more information, please visit our website or contact us.

Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)7480 064 793

15 the children whilst our schools and nurseries are closed. We are developing and refining many new skills ourselves, such as using online learning and social media to interact with children and their parents or carers, and so all your continued support and ideas in enabling our work to continue is really appreciated. News from Applecross and I am still available through my work-based email Lochcarron Primary Schools address if you do have any questions, ideas,or Naidheachdan bho Bun-sgoiltean suggestions, [email protected] Please do contact me at anytime. A’Chomraich agus Loch Carrainn Take care

Robert Gill, Thank You……… Cluster Head Teacher, It has been just over 3 ½ weeks since the schools Lochcarron and Applecross Nurseries and Primary and nursery provision at both Applecross and Schools April 11th 2020 Lochcarron have been closed and we have, like our wider community, entered into uncharted The Virus territory as we try to ensure that we all look after one another and stay safe. At this strange and difficult time, I would like to I need to express enormous thanks and gratitude to mention how hugely fortunate we are to live here. all the staff from our schools and nurseries for the care and professionalism they have shown in Having lived 82 and 90 years, what does a few responding to the undoubted challenges which months shut in matter-----in the comfort of shutting down at such short notice has thrown up. centrally heated homes, with large amounts and Clearing the school/nursery buildings, preparing selections of food stuff, tv, phone, laptop, i pad---- work packages for the children at very short messages, prescriptions, lunches delivered---- notice, and importantly ensuring the health, phone calls from neighbours and friends and the support, and wellbeing of the children, their churches. families, and their colleagues is an emotional, tiring and challenging task to which all the staff At 8pm Thurs, we clap, bang shout for the NHS, have risen in a fantastic and positive way. Many others, our shops, local caterers, postmen, drivers, thanks to you all. delivery men and women, daily newspapers etc, We were really looking forward to all the planned etc opportunities of our forthcoming summer term. Life-developing residential trips for the older We give thanks for our open spaces to breathe children, a visit from the children of Eigg Primary lovely pure air that money cannot buy and feast School to Applecross, and the re-development of our eyes on our very special loch and hills. the old Lochcarron classrooms in order to welcome the nursery, highlighted just how When remembering with gratitude all our luck, let positive, exciting and ambitious our work was us think of those on 10th floor flats, in refugee going to be. I also think that with the weather camps, those without food for their starving improving, and lighter mornings and evenings, children, etc this is a time when all the children can get outdoors and really enjoy the very best of what life in our beautiful part of the world is all about. Yes, we are very, very lucky Carrannachs. But my commitment, with your help and support, is that when we get through this period of uncertainty, and a sense of normality starts to return, that we provide the children with a This is a story about four people named renewed sense of belonging, care, and, above all Somebody, Everybody, Anybody and Nobody. else, kindness. I would sincerely like to ensure that There was an important job to be done. these planned activities are just put on “hold”, and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do that through lots of creativity, energy and joined it, but Nobody did. Somebody was angry up thinking we can still make them happen. I am sure that you will join with me and agree with because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody these sentiments. thought that Anybody would do it. It ended up In the days and weeks ahead our staff will with Everybody blaming Somebody when continue tirelessly to provide work and support for Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

16 SAMARITANS Whatever you’ve done. Whatever life’s done to you. Call Samaritans. No pressure. No judgement. We’re here for you any time. 0845 790 9090.

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17 Shieldaig News Kishorn Notes It's hard to comprehend what has Never have we had so many invitations! happened in the last 4 weeks and it is Would we like to join so and so for lunch, certainly with a different tone, I write this tea, supper or a drink, partake in a month's article. splendid yoga class tailored to fit all ages On a global and national scale, it is at and ranges of fitness, enjoy a free tutorial times, overwhelming. The numbers of to learn how to paint the Spring infections and deaths are almost on a scale too hard to imagine. countryside, learn how to speak Arabic But it is easy to get caught up in news and (not the easiest invitation to accept), social media. When actually there is engage on a course learning how to sew, much, we can be positive about. take up an opportunity to study We are living in one of the most stunning horticulture, hone your cookery skills, places in the world, locked down, during learn to play the ukulele, compete in a the most beautiful months of the year and we have the place to ourselves. family quiz session, come to our Shieldaig is showing itself, as we always party...well! of course it is all 'online' . We knew it to be, a caring and respectful are so lucky to be able to communicate community. like this, but actually I haven't got TIME! A local resilience group has been created on the back of the newly reformed The garden calls, the dogs need walking, community council, and is keeping locals the food needs ordering and the shopping updated. Hand sanitiser has been sourced so kindly delivered has to be sorted, and distributed. The Easter bunny has meals have to be planned and cooked, the visited all the local children with a bag of telephone calls answered, the washing chocolate goodies. Essentially, everyone has been looking out for each other. done and pegged firmly out in the wind to Having just finished reading the new dry... and there have to be quiet times too, Shieldaig community booklet, (available to listen to the willow warbler who has to purchase now) it makes me feel like we just arrived, watch the blue tits building have stepped back, to what the their nests, smell the primroses as they lift community was like in the past. their beautiful pale yellow flowers from The local community car scheme has been providing vital deliveries of prescriptions their hiding places, read all those and more importantly, has enabled those wonderful books ...oh! and wood has to without transport to get to hospital for be chopped and grass to be cut - so who essential appointments. can possibly find time to embark on an Finally, thank you to Cathryn and her Open University Course on Politics? staff, Mairi and Jamie at the shop, who have stayed open and adapted to the The thing I really miss is playing changes put in place, even stocking toilet bridge...what do you miss most paper! Also, a huge shout out to all the (discounting family and friends of heroes; NHS staff, posties, delivery course)? drivers, care home staff and more. You are all amazing and we thank you so much for Keep going, Keep Safe and above all all you are doing. Stay safe. Keep Well.

18 19 20 21 Communications telegrams were dreaded as they all too often brought bad news. This fact was I am useless with modern technology but largely to blame for the demise of the this week my sister-in law has been able to telegram and the service was withdrawn. skype her son in hospital in the Middle This brought an end to the wedding East where he is recovering from a severe telegram a happier custom, for which the attack of Coronavirus. This set me about Post Office had a specially decorated form thinking how much communications have to send. All neighbours and friends who changed in my life time. were unable to attend the wedding sent a telegram to the wedding venue where it The main form of communications with was read out by the best man at the absent friends was by letter. How reception. Some could be very funny but astonished our present youngsters would be most were banal. The Postmaster must if confronted by a long-ago red phone box. have dreaded writing out fifty or more of Not that they were at all common and very these messages. Most of us oldies have a few private houses had a phone, but if the bundle of telegrams at the back of our doctor was required for instance, a visit to wedding album. the phone box, where you put a coin in the slot, and the telephonist at the exchange The distinctive red telephone box of yester would say 'number please,' and in due year is becoming an increasingly rare sight, course you would be connected to your especially one that works! Most that number. On hearing the voice, you would remain have been converted to a different press button A and if unsuccessful, press usage. How long before the modern black button B whereupon your money would be phone boxes become history? Indeed, in returned. this rapidly changing world letter writing is Even in the 1960's it was difficult to get a becoming history. The age of email is here phone installed as the local system could and there is no going back. only cope with a number of lines. (but there is nothing as good as receiving a Then came the great day when local letter!) exchanges became history, and one could Helen Murchison direct dial on a circular dial on the home telephone. Rapid progress in communications brought the mobile phone. Lochcarron Afternoon Tea Set These were literally the size of a brick until modernisation enabled the working parts to be compressed into the dinky little things they are today. Afternoon Teas are cancelled until further notice The telegram was the quickest way to send a message. You went to the nearest Post Watch this space for Office and wrote your message in as few news when we can words as possible on a form which you resume serving delicious handed over the counter with the required cakes and savouries fee. It was then transmitted to the Post Office nearest to its destination, written out In the meantime, we by the clerk and put into a distinctive send good wishes to yellow envelope and delivered by the all our customers Telegraph Boy on a bicycle. In the country the solitary Postmaster/ Keep safe and well Postmistress was often hard pushed to find a means of delivery. During the war,


Ticks and Lyme Borreliosis by Robert Gordon How do you get Lyme disease? Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is transmitted by ticks that are infected with I'll go back once more to visit that shore, Borrelia spirochaete ( a strain of bacteria). Humans can get it if they are bitten by an in- where we used to fish in days of yore. fected tick. It normally takes 24-48 hours for This I remember, no longer to be, the bacteria in the tick to pass into the human after they bite. Therefore, if you remove a tick where the pebbles on the foreshore soon after being bitten, you are very unlikely meet up with the sea. to develop Lyme Disease, even if the tick is infected.

Where the boatie we launched with the help of a lunn Lyme borreliosis symptoms: The early stage, and the most common, is the development of a rash (erythema migrans) at to row for the spots we knew there in the the site of the tick bite. This rash can appear 3-30 days after cuan. the bite. There is usually a single circular red mark that spreads outwards slowly over several days. Where the fish would have gathered A paler area of skin emerges on the inner looking for something to eat, part of the circle. It can range in size from a few up to 30cm. It is not usually painful or this we would give them, a cockle to itchy. Other early symptoms tend to be flu- treat. like with headache, joint pain and muscle aches. Later stages and further complications can affect different parts of the body. Waiting for the tug, the signs of a bite, then hauling it up, eager to see Treatment: All stages will respond to antibiotics so you should arrange to see your GP if you develop any of these if what we had caught symptoms. Simple tick bites with no sign of infection do not we thought it to be. need medical review.

A haddock or whiting, plaice or a Tips to prevent against infection: flounder, Wear long trousers and tuck them into your socks. cod or a cuddy, something for tea . Wear light-coloured clothing - this makes ticks easier to see. Walk in the centre of paths, away from vegetation. Consider using an insect repellent - one that contains DEET To take home to one's mother 25% can be sprayed directly on to skin. Premethrin-based ones can be sprayed on to clothing. who would welcome it all, Inspect your entire body every day for ticks, paying special a gift from the Creator, attention to your hair, underarms, behind knees and groin. To keep pets tick free, use vet-recommended treatments, and a blessing, et al. check them daily for ticks. Carry a tick remover. Sadly no longer this is the case, Remove ticks as soon as possible – there is no need to see a doctor or nurse for this. what have we done with all the largesse. We used it, abused it, and now it is gone, Tick removal: Tweezers - Use fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as just a memory for those who recall close as possible to the skin. Pull upwards with an even when an evening was spent steady pressure. Do not twist, as this may cause the tick to regurgitate and increase the risk of infection. reeling in the haul. Tick removal tool - There are various tools. The tool is A Pater Noster, no more, a hook or a line, inserted from the side, lifted slightly, and rotated two to three times. Twisting is OK with this method, as the tool what we used to use, all of the time. doesn’t exert pressure on the mouth parts or abdomen in the The youth of today, no longer believe way that tweezers do.

that fish once existed just out from the Sometimes the tick’s mouthparts may remain in the skin, but quay. they will eventually come out without intervention. Further attempts to remove them may break the skin and cause infection. For them you need to proceed to Rockall somewhere like that, or perhaps Donegal:

somewhere exotic, with a flavour of Further information can be obtained via romance. here, off the shore, not a chance

23 On a happier note..... During March, nearly 80 representatives from the North and North West Highlands tourism industry came together over two days in Gairloch to discuss how to drive the area towards a more sustainable future. The event also featured a well attended networking session on day two called “BLEAT“ that showcased leaflet exchanges between local businesses, and a great opportunity to get to meet and mingle with others in the industry.

Organised by Visit and the Wester Ross Biosphere, there were a number of presentations made to the Where to start...... audience, including a direct video link with a tourism group in Iceland (which almost worked!) It's going to be a radically different year for us all, of course - and particularly for the tourism industry. There has been a great deal of information flying about in the media about what's happening, where to go for assistance – what you need to be doing to safeguard you and your business - and so on. Especially on Social media (where everybody suddenly turns into an expert on all sorts of subjects) an amount of this has been misleading and often misinformed. As Visit Wester Ross, we're not going to try and be experts on this. Our advice has been to look at one or more of these resources listed below: Highland Council - Federation of Small Businesses - Note that this source is open to ALL, whether members or non - members - Scottish Tourism Alliance - Association of Scotlands Self Caterers -https:// Other presentations included ones from Green Tourism Ltd, Scottish Tourism Alliance, and a look at how highland - based UNESCO sites (such as the Wester Ross area) can deliver a package of sustainable tourism goals. A talk from North Coast 500 on the second day showed how we can all work together to develop a sustainability ethos across a diverse range of interests and organisations. There was plenty local input as well, with a look at sustainability in the farming sector, and how many of us need to distance ourselves from making cost the decisive factor in buying produce – buy local and you buy sustainably, creating benefits to the local economy and businesses in your area.

The event finished off with an excellent presentation on the new Destination Management Plan for the Wester Ross area. If you are on Facebook (which many of you are) – try This will be a partnership proposal driven forwards by Visit and pass by the more sensationalist comments, and Wester Ross and the Biosphere, but has a target of being a stay on track with the facebook pages at: wholly inclusive long term project for the area. Support for the event came from a variety of sources, Visit Scotland: including University of the Highlands and Islands, FSB, vshighlandbusinessgroup/ North Highland Initiative, and the Gairloch High School. NC500 Business Owners Discussion Group: https:// Through an ongoing involvement with the area and the High School, North Highland Initiative played a key part in a push (Note: the NC500 page is NOT through North Coast 500 - for local produce to be used throughout the event, and school it's an independent) pupils impressed everybody there by producing and catering for a full lunch menu for everybody on day one, with some And a new resource, which has information designed as a of the media studies pupils also practising interview skills one -stop shop for business, personal, and general with a variety of attendees. information across a variety of subjects, including kids, mental well being, advice and local services Finally – absolute top marks for the Gairloch high School Highland Covid-19 - and the Gairloch hotel for all the hospitality, help, good humour, and general assistance during the preparations On our part, Visit Wester Ross has extended all our and the actual event. memberships to 18 months for the current year, and will review this as the weeks pass. The actual fee is still £40, Who are we? Why...... we are: though – members pay at different times of the year, so it would be very difficult to adminster mid term changes.


SWRCCS News and Update April 2020

What we are doing

Prescription Runs In cooperation with the local medical practices we are currently doing the following prescription runs:-

From Lochcarron Medical Practice Strathcarron / Achnashellach – Monday Church St, Slumbay, North Strome, Ardaneaskan – Tuesday Main Street, Murray Square, Park Road, Kielburn Crescent – Wednesday Kirkton, Sage Terrace – Thursday Kishorn – Friday From Torridon Medical Practice Torridon, , Alligin and – Tuesday Shieldaig – Wednesday Kinlochewe – Friday From Applecross Medical Practice Applecross and surrounding area Fridays

If you need a prescription delivering simply call the medical practice and ask for it to be delivered through the car scheme.

If you are having difficulties getting food delivered, our local shops are doing a fantastic job delivering to people and we have been in touch with them all offering our support if they need it.

Keeping in touch with People Our telephonists are keeping in touch with people who want a regular call. At the moment it is our previous users who are getting the phone calls but if you are self-isolating and feel you could do with a regular check up call then let us know (01445731436) and we can add you to the list. Some of the local resilience groups are also offering this service so do check with them too. Research into other services If you are finding it difficult to find a service or someone to do something (like fix a faulty boiler or mend a leaking tap) then you can ask one of our telephonists to do some research on your behalf, Simply phone our booking line on 01445791436 and talk to our telephonist. However we must stress that this is not a recommendation of any particular service from SWRCCS but only what we have found out about services currently available.

If anyone has ideas about what else we could be doing to support the community we would love to hear from you.

Volunteer Volunteers Volunteers!!!

We have had a fantastic response from people in the communities we serve volunteering to drive or act as telephonists. Many of our original volunteers are in the ‘vulnerable groups’ and so have had to withdraw their services for the time being (very frustrating for some!) so this new influx of volunteers is very welcome.

All our volunteers receive guidance on deliveries and have access to sanitiser, disposable gloves, SWRCCS car sticker and an emergency card to support them to make the deliveries in as safe a way as possible.

We currently have 24 new volunteers all waiting to help in whatever way they can.

If you would like to volunteer too email Peter at [email protected]

25 Community Councils’ Minutes Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Gearr-chunntais

Minutes (draft) of Torridon and Kinlochewe Community Helped to produce guidelines for people receiving Council (TKCC) Meeting held by Zoom on Friday, 3 food and other deliveries. April 2020 at 7pm Wrote to Ian Blackford MP and Kate Forbes MSP Present: Caroline Hamilton (Chair), Tom Forrest, Colin about the need to deter visitors to the area. Stevenson, Cllr. Alex McInnes, Ward Manager Robbie Bain Considered putting up signs to deter visitors, Apologies and quorum however decided the area was now so quiet, Anne Macrae (Secretary) had sent apologies on behalf of this would be best left until a later date if herself, Carol MacIver and Margaret Smith. This meant necessary there were only 3 members present. RB felt it was SSE has announced a fund of £325,000 for grants necessary to be pragmatic and confirmed that provided of up to £3,000 each for Community Council there was no dissent from other members to any Covid-19 initiatives. It was agreed at the decisions taken at this meeting, the decisions would be meeting that we should talk to the TDCA and valid. car scheme to see whether they would like Approval of minutes from meeting on 12 February TKCC to front an application. 2020 AMc said he was very relieved to hear how much is going Approved by CH, TF and CS. on in the area. Without wishing to be complacent, he Matters arising thinks the Ward is well covered. Notices: CH confirmed she had put notices on the Westerbus noticeboards in the area inviting people to contact CH reported that Westerbus had recently announced a TKCC if there were any matters we could help with. reduction in its service from Gairloch to Inverness via Torridon Play Park: RB said no application to the Ward 5 Kinlochewe from three to two days a week. Discretionary Fund had been received, however AMc said the HC had discussed providing funding for bus members at a recent Ward business meeting had agreed services to rural areas, and he expected further to pay for fixing the gate. This would be subject to information to come out about this later in the year. TKCC completing the necessary paperwork. After some CS commented that the new timetable was very difficult to discussion, it was agreed that £600 should be sufficient. read, however after some discussion it was felt the All present thanked RB very much indeed for this. service was not much used by local residents, therefore CH said she contacted the person who TKCC thought might the reduction in service would not affect local residents be interested in helping with the Play Park. She had a too badly. warm reply, although they did not want to get involved Committee roles/bank account signatories as yet. CH had also spoken to the Community Out West It was agreed it was extremely difficult, particularly at the Trust who potentially could be interested in helping current time, for members to contribute to the Council if once a community ‘champion’ was on board. they were not IT proficient and available by email and Covid-19 through internet conferencing facilities. CH reported that TKCC was working closely with other It was agreed to put the co-option of new members onto the organisations in the area to help protect the community agenda for the next meeting as this could enable the from Covid-19, in particular those who are most Council to operate more effectively. A new member vulnerable. Measures taken include the following: could potentially take on the role of Treasurer. Working with the TDCA and the Community Car Pending a new Treasurer being appointed, it was agreed that Scheme whereby groceries can be delivered to CH should collect the books and records from the the Torridon Community Centre and placed in previous Treasurer, and the bank mandate should be an area to be collected. For those self-isolating, amended to remove the signatories who were no longer the car scheme will then deliver groceries to members. TF agreed to act as a new signatory. people’s doors. Agendas and minutes The car scheme will also deliver prescriptions. It was agreed that minutes should be posted as soon as At the request of the HC, TKCC had provided a list possible after each meeting on Visit Torridon and the of community support groups in the area. Kinlochewe Facebook page. Where appropriate, these These include Torridon Stores which can will make it clear they are in draft. arrange food deliveries to the Community The issue of where and when to publish agendas will be Centre; Gille Brighde which can also order discussed at a later meeting. food; and the café in the Torridon Community Correspondence received Centre which is providing takeaway meals. CH confirmed she had received a large number of emails A few residents had expressed concern to TKCC from the HC concerning Covid-19 and related matters. about the safety of the takeaway service, Those containing useful information for the community however the TDCA had confirmed that all have been posted on Visit Torridon and the Kinlochewe takeaways needed to be ordered in advance and Facebook page. collected within a dedicated timeslot. Also that Planning applications all sanitising and social distancing rules were No notices of planning applications had been provided for being observed. the meeting. Acting as an interface between community groups AOB and the HC. The attached report was received from Torridon Fire Providing the community with useful information Service. In view of Covid-19, they have temporarily from the HC – for example, helplines, business suspended home fire safety visits. If people would like support, NHS guidelines etc. These are posted advice in the meantime, they are invited to contact on Visit Torridon and the Kinlochewe Firefighter Emily John on 07876610167 Facebook page. [email protected] or go to the SFRS website

26 The Forestry Commission is looking to close the toilets WEATHER RECORD - SLUMBAY permanently at Slattadale car park. TF agreed to investigate. MARCH 2020 Date of next meeting Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 7pm. Location or Zoom TBC. Max Temp Min Temp Rainfall in Missed Last Month’s issue? Date: in oC in oC inches

We distributed the April issue free through our normal outlets, so 1 5.70 2.80 0.40 some may have missed out on seeing it. So we have put it on our 2 5.30 2.10 0.69

website , we have also put the current 3 7.00 -0.50 0.08 4 5.70 0.80 0.15 issue up on the site as well. So even if you are self isolating and 5 6.10 -2.60 0.13 unable to get to the shop, you can still enjoy the local magazine. 6 5.80 -1.50 0.15 WANTED 7 9.80 3.90 1.10 8 7.00 3.10 0.25 9 8.40 4.10 0.58 Articles for your local paper. 10 8.20 1.90 0.42 Anything considered. Please 11 6.70 0.30 0.21 email Michelle at 12 5.10 0.80 0.40 [email protected] 13 7.90 1.10 0.03 14 7.80 3.60 1.02 15 8.30 -3.60 0.02

EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS 16 8.70 0.40 0.52 17 6.80 1.40 0.25 18 7.50 1.80 0.47 101(for all services) 19 8.80 -1.70 0.10 20 10.50 -0.40 0.01 Gas 21 8.70 2.20 ----- National Gas Emergency Tel 0800 111 999 22 10.70 5.30 ----- 23 9.90 7.60 0.64 Electricity 24 12.60 6.10 0.15 North of Scotland Scottish & Southern Energy Networks 25 7.60 0.10 0.29 Tel 0800 300 999 26 12.30 1.80 ----- 27 11.80 2.30 ----- National Power Cut Number 28 8.40 0.70 ----- Tel 105 29 7.60 1.50 0.08 Water 30 9.50 3.10 0.11 Scottish Water 0800 0778 778 (24hours) 31 8.40 4.60 0.12

TOTAL MARCH 2020 8.37 We hope you never need these numbers but find them useful if you do. RUNNING TOTAL 2020 31.55 TOTAL MARCH 2019 8.56 RUNNING TOTAL 2019 23.78 27 28 29


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36 Lochcarron Community Fund Annual disbursement from the Allt a Chonais Hydro Scheme to the Community. The scheme is open for bids. £4600+ available! Applications to the Lochcarron Community Fund are encouraged from individuals and groups within the LCC area. Projects must be for the benefit of residents within the LCC area. Applications can be made ANYTIME for the LCC to consider at their next meeting. Applications MUST BE MADE FULLY IN BOTH ELECTRONIC AND PAPER FORM. Application forms can be obtained from the Secretary, Lochcarron Community Council, Jacob House, Croft Road, Lochcarron, IV54 8YA or email:lochcarroncommunitycouncil

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