Campuses Need to Get Involved in Environmental Clean-Up

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I cir, SflJU rip r:otU I I ~~ I 1~~~~~~Uk~M I Georgi.a Institute olTt<hnology ADDRESS I 1f ..lI.allll I 212 College of MaNlg~nt NAME~~~;:====== MAlLAtWlbl,TO: GA 30332 CITY/STATE/ZIP I cla.u of «ICi41 RCllrity no. I TO ENROLL: __ FALL I School ofLaw, Admissions Office, P.O. Box 248087, it I Leading Business To Innovation IL Coral Gables, FL33124. Telephone 305-284-2523 ~IJ ~ LSAT GMAT MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE BARBRI PROFESSIONAL lESTING CENTERS will help you to prepare for the vital GMATand LSAT exams. Calrtodayand find outhowourtest/study programcan make a difference in increasing rour score. Also ask about our free introouctory seminars given at different colleges and cities throughout Florida. r----------------, FOR DETAILS ON COURSES/REGISJRAnON IN YOUR AREA 1 1 Coli 1-800-777-EXAM 1 $15011 1 1 any Regis perm 1 [ Mention this ad for a $25 discount on any course ] STUDENT REPRESENTAnvES NEEDED ON AU CAMPUSES 1 ReGIS HAIRSTYUSTS i L .~ns _ I PNSIl"IIIa: Il$-NO 't)oj,tJ,,- discOUlU. at_ 1tv:llf89 .J (OO;[Jf,rl I'IIOIUSIOH"'L lUllHG C€HT(..S ",HSACOlA. TAllAHASUE. JACKSONVlu.E. QAlNESV\UE. OIrLANOO ReGIS HAIRSTYLISTS MEUOURHE. TAM'''. wm PAlM lEACH. FORT LAUOEROAU:. MIAMI Throughout Florida A HafCotXt &oce Jovanovich Company • Back to School 1989 Volume 7 Number I I~I 1989 N"nONAL W....ER FOR EOfTORlAl exCEllENCE BY THE SUCCESSFUl MAGAZINE PUBUSHERS GROUP PubU.ber W.lL "Butch" Oxendine, Jr. Edltor·ln·Chler Christine Lenyo Bualn_. Lisa W. Sunsen Art Director Jeffrey L. Riemersma Editorial A..utant. Dawn Douglau, Kelly Moore. Patriela Sprott. Jand Thomas, Becky Vincent Advertlslna: Al;autant Raul Albomoz PuhUc Relation. Auutant Amy Wood Contributors Kim Burley, Ovistine Clromen. IN THIS ISSUE Scott Homer. George Humphrey, John Jee, Bruce Kassover. Michael Koretzky, Tom Labaff. From the Editor _ 5 Don Landgrm. Michael Smith, Rid: Varan From the Publisher ...................................................................................•.......... 7 Buslnen Advl.ors Vinc:ent A. Brown, N.C. Cummings, CAREERS AND MAJORS Randall L. McCtady, W.H. Oxendine. Sr. Florida utukr magazine (lSSN 089&-4387) is ·'Growth"·Oricntcd Majors in Aericuhurc 14 pUblished quarterly by Oxendine Publishing, Job Options for Liberal Arts Majors 15 Inc.. 738 NW23rd Ave., GaineJville,FL 32609. W.H. "Butch" Oxendine. Jr.• p~ident; W.H. Oxendine, Sr.• viccFsident. CopyrightCl1989 EDUCATION IN FLORIDA by Oxendine Pubhshing. Inc. All righu reo served. All materials including adveniscmenu Meet a Few Genuine Student Leaders 8 may not be reproduced without wriuen consent. The 1989 "Florida College Student of the Year" Comments on Leadership 9 Correspondence to: COVER: Should Universilies Adopt Parents' Role? 10 Florida under magazine. clo Oxendine Pub­ lishing. lne., P.O. Box 14081. OaineJville, FL EXCLUSlVE: Interview with Presidenl George Bush 12 32604·20g1. (904) 373·6907. Member The Collegiate Ndwort. F10ridl Mlglzine As· fOciation, Gainesville Clamber of Commerce, News from Florida Schools 28 Succcuful Magazine Publishen Group. ENTERTAINMENT AND COLLEGE LIVING Floft4<o u ~...--1bI'l.....oal· Ie",,: FI Ad..... thiowoily. 11_. "tOD: ~ ~0:JlIcae-. Do)"Cll'& Ileoo:h ~ CdJc.. EID­ College Bands Hit the Books 22 tlry-Rl6o\lo.~~.Dll)'t_. haCb.;SIIIIl· ..., ~. De1aJI4; N..... U iIy.. n. 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Un!__ lhy orWcoI Aorido, Po....oola; P1ar1do A ok M UnlYCtoil)', Students Need to Push for Environmen tJ Clean-Up 20 Tall.h......; Bcl<c,d.ColIo•••t. ht.nbllJ't; Unl_· .11)' or S"''''' P1orid.a, Unl""..1l)' af Tompe, Tempt!; one( Cove.. Art by Tom LaBatr RolliN CallciC. WlAt.r PlIrt. 4 A.ORIDALEADER· BaektoSehool1989 CALL SUPERIOR FIRST CHALLENGING CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE Superior WITH THE RENTACAR FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDITOR ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Rent A Car From Help Florida conserve its Christine Lenyo environmental values and our quality of life... be a big part avrng several projects or activi­ of the solution. ties going on at lhe same time $69:::PICK-UPSI H seems to improve !he resulting Engineering Positions quality ofeach projcct. But taken on one F••lurlng 1990 OM c.,.. at a time, the projccts don't seem to be as Annual Salary good or as enjoyable. My friends and I EngineerI $22,336- $39,21 a have noticed that when we take on a full Challenging engineering positions with com­ load of classes and work, ~ then fill up the remain­ petitive salaries and excellent benefilS are ing free timewithaelivi­ lumina 4-<1r. Sedan available in Ground Water, Domestic and In­ tics, we end up with beuer FT. MYERS 813-7&8-2882 dustrial Waste, Stormwater Manag9ment, GPA's,m~moncyand GAINESVillE AIRPORT 9O-4·372·72n Solid and Hazardous Waste, Air Quality, and terrifie social1ives. We JACKSONVILLE 904·74'·6026 Potable Water programs. KISSlMf.EE 407·396-4446 attribute this improve­ MIAMI 305-649-7012 Minimum quallllCilIlDns: ment to the logic-defy­ ORlANDO 1Nrt. OR. 407-352-8171 A bar:nekx's orMaster's deguHI ing rules of deadlines. ORlANOQHWY "36 407·658·7800 with a major'" an area d ~ ORLANDO AIRPORT 407-857-2023 For example, students SARASOTA AIRPORT 813-3$.8864 can't write a tenn paper ST. PETE BEACH 813-360-5594 Send a Letter of In~erest that's due at the end of ST. PETEIClEARWATER ....'RPT 813-S30-0428 TAMPA 813-289·8129 Mentioning This Ad To: the semester over a pe­ JaonOwen riod ofthree months; they Call 1-800·237-8106 Recruitment COordinator can and usually do write papers during the The Florida Department three days preceding and in the early of Environmental Regulation morning hour.; of the day !hatlhe assign­ ~._lq:o:~iS~~!!U.:,', 2600 Blair Slone Road ment is due. Also, whethcr it's one paper or three, students get lhcm writtcn, but it 0( Rot.....Hot V"'" Wi....., e-- Ooooounl 01*. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 always seems ....... to take the same amoWlt of _----------' time. This quirk in logie suggests that stu­ dents who want to get the most out of school can put themselves on a tight sched­ ule that combines school, work and fun. Cramming aday full ofclasses, work and activities is even more beneficial whcn WHERE IN THE WORLD those activities involve community serv­ ice, student leadership or special interest groups. Such activities build character, would you like to gO? hclp the community lUld its people, assist fellow students, and depending on thc cause one assists, beller the comlllWlity. AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND. THE ORIENT Witl. all of these advantages, why not take that clIlra class, get a job-and most AESU offers fun-filled travel programs designed JUSt for students. ofall- get involved with school activi­ Great people. great places and great low prices.
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