(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,384,668 B2 Barney Et Al
USOO8384.668B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,384,668 B2 Barney et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 26, 2013 (54) PORTABLE GAMING DEVICE AND GAMING 2,752,725 A 7, 1956 Unsworth SYSTEM COMBINING BOTH PHYSICAL 3.29. A 2. E. West AND VIRTUAL PLAYELEMENTS 3,395,920k - - A 8, 1968 Moeaylor 3,454,920 A 7, 1969 Mehr (75) Inventors: Jonathan A. Barney, Newport Beach, 3.456,134 A 7, 1969 KO CA (US); Denise Chapman Weston, 3.474.241 A 10/1969 Kuipers Wakefield, RI (US) D220,268 S 3, 1971 Kliewer (Continued) (73) Assignee: Creative Kingdoms, LLC, Wakefield, RI (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS - CN 1032246 4f1989 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this CN 1338961 3, 2002 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 13/589,034 Richard Borovoy et al., “Groupwear: Nametags That Tell About (22) Filed: Aug. 17, 2012 Relationships.” Chi98, Apr. 1998, pp. 329-330. (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2012/0309528A1 Dec. 6, 2012 Primary Examiner — Abbas Abdulselam (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Related U.S. Application Data Bear LLP (60) Continuation of application No. 13/452.508, filed O (57) ABSTRACT Apr. 20, 2012, now Pat. No. 8.248,367, which is a continuation of application No. 13/314,980, filed on A wireless input device for playing an interactive motion Dec. 8, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,164,567, which is a sensitive game using a wireless-compatible game console in continuation of application No.
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