Volume 38 Issue 1 January 2011 Nestor Biiblliiogrraphy ooff AAegean PPrrehiissttorry aand RRellatted AArreass Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati Editor: Carol Hershenson P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221‐0226, U.S.A. Assistant Editors: Charlotte H. LaKeotes, http://classics.uc.edu/nestor Benjamin Leonard, and Anna
[email protected] Werner COMMUNICATIONS From the Editors One of the most requested features for the improvement of the online Nestor database is the ability to download full citation information for use in bibliographic software. Nestor bibliography listed in the years 2007‐2010 is now visible to the free Zotero bibliographic plug‐in for Firefox. Stand‐alone versions and versions compatible with other browsers are planned but currently in early stages of development. Zotero allows you either to store your bibliography on your own computer, or optionally to sync it to Zotero’s servers with a free 100MB limit. Even more usefully, it collects bibliographic information from web pages such as those of many library catalogs, OCLC records, Jstor, and other sources that embed their full bibliographic citations in their webpages. To take advantage of this, install the Zotero plug‐in in your Firefox browser (http://www.zotero.org). Next, go to the Nestor Bibliography search page and search for an item (http://classics.uc.edu/nestor/index.php/nestorbib). In the results page, look for a folder icon in the Firefox address bar. You will see a sheet drop down with the bibliographic entries and some checkboxes. Select the items that you want to add to your library and hit the OK button.