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fHF DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, MONDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1927 Page Five WORKERS PARTY ASKS SOCIALIST PARTY TO JOIN IN “Red Bazaar” Success; Paris Demonstration PARTY FORMATION OF UNITED LABOR TICKET i INDUSTRIAL LOAN Thousands Attend Rev. Straton in ACTIVITIES for Sacco and Vanzetti i 1 1 (Continued from Page 1). NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY The socialist party is invited to IMunicipal Court of Manhattan. The concluded with an elaborate theatric- IN' SOVIET UNION al performance. Court Tries to join in the formation of a campaign in the Second Municipal Despite the Government Unitedl c Open Meetings Tonight. Labor Ticket in the frothcoming elec-' District1 is a special situation in Hundreds of Party and sympathetic Air PARTS, in a letter from the City \which we believe the Workers (Com-; Oct. o.—Thousands of labor organizations cooperated in this Rutgers Square. Speakers: Solon tion Cam-! ( French paign Conference of the Workers imunist) Party and the socialist party! workers paraded before the I I IS 810 SUCCESS affair for the benefit of the Labor Imprison Idea de Leon, George Primoff and 11. Gor- (Communist) Party to August Claes- can make a united campaign as a! ; death masks of Sacco and Vanzetti Press. don. c |on the of Paris this < . Vast Crowds. sens, secretary of Local New York, demonstration of class solidarity j outskirts as- Society for the Ad- Seventh Ave. and 136th St. Speak- i ternoon in silent to the two ( into The American socialist party. ! against the candidates of the capi- tribute 100,000,000 Roubles Are Jammed every inch of space vancement of Atheism, through its ers: William L. Patterson and G. i murdered j “Garden,” E. The letter was communicated to ttalist parties. workers. The masks ! in the huge workers came president, Charles Smith, is defendant Powers. Weinstone, "We feel that Jacob Pancken could; were fastened with black and red Raised in First Week to purchase articles of every descrip- 1 Claessens by William W. in a criminal suit brought in a New Prospect Ave. and Speak- organizer, be one of the of such a drapery on a special stand erected tion from the 50-odd booths which 163 d St. Workers Party district 1 candidates (Snecial Cable 1o Daily Worker). Y’ork court by the fundamentalist. ers: Charles Mitchell, Max voices the Ticket. In spite of our at St. Ouen Cemetery. were established. Large numbers had Schact- last night. The letter United1 Labor I Oct. 9. Thruout the Rev. John Roach Straton. John S. ;nan ; MOSCOW. affair on and A. Gussakoff. Party so- The demonstration was held in attended the the previous * « agreement of the Workers to fundamental differences with the U. S. S. during the past week, l Sumner, secretary of the Society for * i spite of the French government R., three nights, the candidacy for re-election of t cialist parity, of which he is a mem-! large public subscriptions have been and thousands of others the Prevention of Vice, who helped which had attempted to (came for the Saturday. ( Sub-section 3-E Meets Tomorrow. Judge Panken, on the grounds that ber, and our criticism from the work- j forestall Industrialization first time on draw the complaint against Smith, 1 it by routing Miss spe- raised for the Loan. | A special membership meeting “differences and shortcomings should ers’< viewpoint of the conduct of this Vanzetti's i Great Activity. was one of about 150 spectators at of cial Car, containing the All layers of the population of the Clothing, groceries, jewelry, Sub-section 3-E will be held tomorrow, not be allowed to divide labor’s i office and the nature of his electoral ashes of hats, the opening of the case in Jefferson the two Soviet Union, particularly the toiling 6.15 m. at 100 West 28th St. forces in this campaign.” campaign< as carried on thus far. still | workers around Paris to j' hooks end art works ami n.iscellan- , Market court. n. All the ! masses contributed to the success of members Sacco and Vanzetti Cited. we feel these differences and short- i I Mondane on Italian border. eous articles were sold at the booths “1 with must attend. — _ promote charge Dr. Straton bad this loan whose object is to which enjoyed flourishing activity. The letter cites the Sacco-Vanzetti c comings should not be allowed to di- j j;Soviet i faith,” Smith’s lawyer told the court. industry. Officials at the; huge Garden de- Can You Help At W. P. Office? is case as recent outstanding proof jof vide labor’s forces in this campaign! In all factories, the wokers created i “If it were not for his bigoted, 1 dared that the were larg- ? the need for a Labor Party. ; and result in the victory of capitalist j crowds the | views no man would Carpenters, painters, sign paintera committees and organized collective: est fundamentalist - yet handled for an general ai approaching another elec- reaction in the Second District Muni- Workers j affair of this offense. and comrades for work are "We e School take What’s offensive in i subscriptions. Facilities wore pro- tion in the city and state of New cipal District. ! kind. birth control?” wanted by the National Workers Par- | vided for the payment by installments, i The bazaar', i ! organized jointly‘ by ty Office to help put the office York with labor’s forces divided on All Shades of Labor. and thus rendered possible for a huge “It’s as offensive as hell itself," the in the political field in the face of a 0, | The DAILY WORKER 'and The order today and tomorrow. Report at ! preacher replied from witness I “Such a ticket and labor candidates Emphasizes S. number of workers to subscribe sums i the East crying need for a Labor Party,” the . ; FREIHEIT is said to have been one ; stand. 43 125th St., first floor. f be larger than their monthly incomes. * * ¥ should one on which all shades of lof the most ambitious undertakings f letter said. t the labor movement could unite re- Enthusiastic Response. Very Annoying Indeed. the last election the big lof its kind ever undertaken in this ! Young Workers League .Meeting. "Since ( gardless of such political differences Characteristic of the enthusiastic! Smith is charged with sending an- city. , | business interests that firmly control j Class Struggles jspirit of the of the | ¦ Ihe District Executive Committee, between the various parties and ten- workers Soviet noying letters to the reverend doctor. have been Organizations ('ooperatc. Young Workers League is calling a 1 the American government ( dencies. Such a program should in- j Union, the yielded a hun- One letter introduced in evidence in- foisting reactionary laws upon Cooperating with hundreds of meeting of all executive more ( clude such points as the following: An outstanding difference between ji dred million roubles—a half of the vited him to debate against Clement committees and have been using (total Party, labor and fraternal Qiganiza- to take uj; a number of very im- the workers "1. Against the use of injunctions the Workers School of New York and ( loan. Wood, poet and novelist, at the Jnger- the courts, ! tions in this city and in portant questions. The will ever more openly police, . and police in disputes. previous institutions for Marxian la- The enormous success of the loan ; various soil Forum, on divorce, free will, the meeting labor cities thruout the the bazaar j be held tomorrow, 6 p. m. right city, state and national power against j “2. For freedom of organization, bor education in the States is j is declared to be the best refutation j country, virgin birth, birth control and evolu- after United succeeded in obtaining; work at 108 14th St. the working class. speech,; press and assemblage. the insistent emphasis that the Work- I of the lies, of the canita'ist class re-! committee tion. East "The murder of Sacco and Van- [thousands of dollars worth of mer- t “8. For a Labor Party and United ers School catalog and list of courses j | garding the "economic crisis” in :he “It was offensive to me to have demonstrates that this reaction chandise which was placed on sale at Night Workers Section. zetti j Laborj Ticket. lay upon studying American condi-1 I U. S. S. R., and the “failure’' of the i bad neighbors and to have them use is in the first place against Madison Square Garden. The directed j "4. The issues in the local city and tions, American phenomena and present loan. At the same time it ; i my name and my church as part of executive committee of the Organized booths, j the working class. s state situation referred to above. American problems. There was a ten- also testifies to the absolute confi- in active work- their propaganda,” the reverend doc- Night Workers Section will meet Road of Reaction. “5. Against the Baumes laws. dency in previous education ventures dence of the population in the Soviet | ers representing these organizations i tor explained, referring to the tomorrow, 3 p. m., at 108 East 14th reaction in rent- "To this general the: “6. For recognition of Soviet Rus- of a similar character slavishly to | | government as well as the people’s ir.- i took charge of the sales of these j ing of quarters in Carnegie Hall by |St. State * * * country, New York City and , sia: and should clarify the task of imitate European Marxism, which | teiest in Soviet industry.. I articles to thousands during the past ! the Ingersoll Forum. exception. New York City days. this are no and t the working class and the conduct ap- was an application of the methods of The results of the first week <.f | | four Especially active in Smith’s counsel questioned Sub-section 2 A.