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/. California Sttte Library Perodical Dept. S-crarento, 9, Calif. JOHNSON 'TRAPPED' BY San Pie State &lila BEAUTIFUL CHORINES Al Johnson, man of the hour, Director of Revelries, and unwilling Daily accomplice in the "inauguration" of finally partan the Art wing mistletoe, was cornered at the spot by four members yesterday. "I of the chorus VOL. XXXIV SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 No. 43 was trapped," said Johnson. (Gadzooks, he gets four of the loveliest girls on campus under a tree-full of mistletoe, and he says, "I was 30 CLUB MEMBERS trapped!") Howeve:, it helped to clear the air when he added: "I Clothing Drive Is On! come to only had to stand out there for five or six hours, but they finally caught Please Room 11 to- day at 4 o'clock for an im- me." Entirely incidental, of course, was the fact that Photographer port ant .special meeting to elect Boxes Ready To Receive Johnny Umphries happened along at the right moment to get the officen. All members are re- picture, but he did, and the evidence is final and unequivocal. The quested to attend this after- Garments For War Victims four young ladies who executed the coup, Jay Ventre, Jessie Stein- noon's meeting. Today is the day of the San Jose State clothing drive. Now is regular meeting will nagle, Virginia Birmingham, and Merry Page, are fewer than half of The next the time to turn in these old clothes and bedding that will bring he Tuesday, February 12. new (Continued on Page 4) warmth and life to the many unfortunate peoples of Europe and Asia. Boxes have been placed near the Science building, the Art building, the Morris Dailey auditorium, and the Library ara to receive thc bundles of clothes. MEET "MORAL" QUOTA The drive is sponsored by the SPARTAN SPEARS tudent Council with Jackie tleorge as student chairman. Al- CONTINUE CAMPUS though no specific quota has been set, San Jose State has a "moral" quota to meet, so bring those old MARCH OF DIMES clothes! Any articles of clothing will be The Spartan Spears are on the accepted. Those most badly need- march this week for the March ed are: shoes, dresses, trousers, of Dimes. The drive will be car- sweaters, underwear, shawls, bed- ried on through Friday by the ding, and many others. Spears, who will collect donations HELP THESE ' from students. Tins for donations Bring clothes and help relieve are also placed around the cam- such situations as these: War vic- pus in such convenient spots as tims in the Philippines are wearing the Co-op and the booth in the garments made of pounded tree Library arch. bark which cost about $2 each. ' The money collected each year This is a high price for an uncom- through the March of Dimes drive fortable garment, considering that goes for the support of the Na- $20 is the average monthly wage tional Foundation for Infantile there. Clothing Collection Paralysis. This money is provided The Victory is remnants, draperies, by the people of the United Stats asking for pieces of discarded blackout ma- for "polio" victims of this coun- terial, which will make more prac- try. And it is the people themselves tical and comfortable clothing for who carry on the work, since the the Philippine people. foundation is staffed by volunteer workers who carry on the 'Aar- ' round fight against infantile pa- ralysis in their area. frosh-Soph Classes ' The activities of the foundation Al Johnson, Revelries director, is cornered under the mistletoe by (from left to right) Chorus Girls are many. It plans, inaugurates, Jay Ventre, Jessie Steinnagle, Al (the lucky man), Virginia Birmingham, and Merry Page. Plan Dance and financesthrough grants to The combined efforts of the laboratories, universities and other freshman and sophomore classes Co-eds Consult X-ray Here Today BARGAINS AT organizationsa nationwide pro- will be presented February 8, gram of research into the cause, when both The X-ray unit of the Santa classes sponsor a dance prevention and cure of poliomye- for the lower-division students and Date Directory Clara County Tuberculosis as- LOST, FOUND litis. their guests. sociation will be at the east Co-eds in search of a date for SALE TODAY The foundation is ever alert and Dancing will be from 8 until 11 door nearest the Health office Saturday night's girls-date "Stet- Spartan Spears are conducting ready to combat epidemics when- o'clock in the Women's gym. today and tomorrow, January 30 Music ever and wherever they occur. will be off-the-record, and the son Stomp" may consult a "date and 31. a sale of the unclaimed Lost and price will be 13 cents. Committee directory" in the Spartan Shop, All entering students who did Found articles from last year in front of Mortis Dailey Auditorium chairmen promise refreshments, where fellows may sign their not have X-rays taken Satur- USO GIRLS' MEETING entertainment, and stunts to those, day, January 5, are requested today. The sale began at 9 in the names and telephone numbers. morning and 4 in attending. to report at the unit during a will last until SCHEDULED SUNDAY Benny Glassman's orchestra will the afternoon. 'The classes are holding the com- free period on one of these days. A conference for LSO girls will furnish music for the dance, which Many valuable articles will go bined affair this quarter in place be held in the YWCA from 2 to will carry out a dude ranch theme. on sale at prices ranging from of the usual quarterly class mixer. 7 o'clock Sunday, February 3. Jeans and gingham will be worn five cents and up. Among the Purpose will be for the many new Speakers for the occasion will by those attending the affair. many articles for sale are ban- members of the class to get ac- SJS Hopes To Get include representatives from the Four candidates have been en- danas, jewelry, binders, sweaters, quainted with one another and Navy and the Red Cross. There tered so far in the Outdoor Girl shoes, pens, umbrellas, a set of the old class members. will be awarding of pins to junior and Boy contest. Phil Richards, Funds For Dorms brand new zoology instruments Sophomore committee members hostesses, and refreshments will Sue Dee Smart, Carroll Cowles, The problem of housing for vet- and many others. for the dance are: Jim Bartolom- be served at 5 o'clock. All USO eoni, Patsy Young, Frances Fitz- and "Moe" Richardson are com- erans was brought before the Co-chairmen for the sale are girls are urged to attend. and Bev Clay. peting. Organizations are remind- State Senate Education Commit- Beverly Sack and Barbara Jensen, gerald, ed to name candidates as soon as tee and the Assembly Ways and who agree that there are many possible. Means committee last Thursday articles useful to the students at Art Department Bids are on sale at a booth in by President T. W. MacQuarrie pricellfthat will suit the students. Program Successful; the Library arch for $1.25. The college vet- The money that the Spartan and San Jose State 100 Attend Sunday's Presentation dance will take place in the erans Henry Tonini and Virgil Spears receive from this sale will, Sunday afternoon's Art program was tremendously successful, ac- Women's gym from 9 to 1 o'clock Young, as always, be used for the bet- cording to Art department instructors and from comments of the Saturday night. Dr. McQuarrie and the students terment of the college or the visitors. Bids were made by a committee drove to Sacramento to speak in Health Cottage. With nearly 100 townspeople in attendance, the program was headed by Kay Goepfert and Con- connection ' with Senator Sals- smoothly conducted. Dr. Stephen Kayser spoke on water color paint- nie Jones. They are made in the man's bill to appropriate $5,830,- shape of little Stetson hats. Red Cross Chairmen ings. He gave the historical background of water colors and showed 000 for state college dormitories, Deliver The Goods prints and slides comparing different types of water color paintings. $738,000 of which will go to San DISPLAY ARTISTS college. Tickets Now On Sale Jose State Tonini, Young, Phil Johnson and Dot McCul- Painters whose works were on exhibit attended the gathering /5 For 'Penthouse' Play and Dr. MacQuarrie plan to go lough, student co-chairmen of Red and several took part in the round-table discussion. Alexander Nepote, again to Sacramento later this Cross, took finished materials to assistant professor of Arts and Crafts in Oakland; Leon Amyx, Art Tickets for the comedy, "Brief week when the bill will be before the local Red Cross headquarters department head at Salinas JC; Halley Cox, Art department head of Music," to be presented in the the Senate Finance committee. Friday and picked up more ma- Santa Clara High school; and J. Theodore Johnson of the San Jose lounge of the Student Union Feb- The bill has gone through the terial for sewing for Philippine State staff carried on the vital and interesting discussion. ruary 5 through 9 are on sale committees satisfactorily so far relief. COMMITTEES this week and next between the and has a very good chance of Work by San Jose State stu- The group then surveyed the pfctures and visited with the artists. hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Stu- being passed by the Senate soon, dents which was turned in in- Hosts for the affair were Mrs. Nadine Hammond, Miss Oma Strain,' dent admission is 35 cents, general Dr.