
California Sttte Library Perodical Dept. S-crarento, 9, Calif.

JOHNSON 'TRAPPED' BY San Pie State &lila BEAUTIFUL CHORINES Al Johnson, man of the hour, Director of Revelries, and unwilling Daily accomplice in the "inauguration" finally of partan the Art wing mistletoe, was cornered at the spot by four members yesterday. "I of the chorus VOL. XXXIV SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 No. 43 was trapped," said Johnson. (Gadzooks, he gets four of the loveliest girls on campus under a tree-full of mistletoe, and he says, "I was 30 CLUB MEMBERS trapped!") Howeve:, it helped to clear the air when he added: "I Clothing Drive Is On! only had to stand out there for five or six hours, but they finally caught Please come to Room 11 to- o'clock for me." Entirely incidental, of course, was the fact that Photographer day at 4 an im- port ant .special meeting to elect Boxes Ready To Receive Johnny Umphries happened along at the right moment to get the officen. All members are re- picture, but he did, and the evidence is final and unequivocal. The quested to attend this after- Garments For War Victims four young ladies who executed the coup, Jay Ventre, Jessie Stein- noon's meeting. Today is the day of the San Jose State clothing drive. Now is regular meeting will nagle, Virginia Birmingham, and Merry Page, are fewer than half of The next the time to turn in these old clothes and bedding that will bring he Tuesday, February 12. new (Continued on Page 4) warmth and life to the many unfortunate peoples of Europe and Asia. Boxes have been placed near the Science building, the Art building, the Morris Dailey auditorium, and the Library ara to receive thc bundles of clothes. MEET "MORAL" QUOTA SPARTAN SPEARS The drive is sponsored by the tudent Council with Jackie tleorge as student chairman. Al- CONTINUE CAMPUS though no specific quota has been set, San Jose State has a "moral" quota to meet, so bring those old MARCH OF DIMES clothes! Any articles of clothing will be The Spartan Spears are on the accepted. Those most badly need- march this week for the March ed are: shoes, dresses, trousers, of Dimes. The drive will be car- sweaters, underwear, shawls, bed- ried on through Friday by the ding, and many others. Spears, who will collect donations HELP THESE ' from students. Tins for donations Bring clothes and help relieve are also placed around the cam- such situations as these: War vic- pus in such convenient spots as tims in the Philippines are wearing the Co-op and the booth in the garments made of pounded tree Library arch. bark which cost about $2 each. ' The money collected each year This is a high price for an uncom- through the March of Dimes drive fortable garment, considering that goes for the support of the Na- $20 is the average monthly wage tional Foundation for Infantile there. Clothing Collection Paralysis. This money is provided The Victory is remnants, draperies, by the people of the United Stats asking for pieces of discarded blackout ma- for "polio" victims of this coun- terial, which will make more prac- try. And it is the people themselves tical and comfortable clothing for who carry on the work, since the the Philippine people. foundation is staffed by volunteer workers who carry on the 'Aar- ' round fight against infantile pa- ralysis in their area. frosh-Soph Classes ' The activities of the foundation Al Johnson, Revelries director, is cornered under the mistletoe by (from left to right) Chorus Girls are many. It plans, inaugurates, Jay Ventre, Jessie Steinnagle, Al (the lucky man), Virginia Birmingham, and Merry Page. Plan Dance and financesthrough grants to The combined efforts of the laboratories, universities and other freshman and sophomore classes Co-eds Consult X-ray Here Today BARGAINS AT organizationsa nationwide pro- will be presented February 8, gram of research into the cause, when both The X-ray unit of the Santa classes sponsor a dance prevention and cure of poliomye- for the lower-division students and Date Directory Clara County Tuberculosis as- LOST, FOUND litis. their guests. sociation will be at the east Co-eds in search of a date for SALE TODAY The foundation is ever alert and Dancing will be from 8 until 11 door nearest the Health office Saturday night's girls-date "Stet- Spartan Spears are conducting ready to combat epidemics when- o'clock in the Women's gym. today and tomorrow, January 30 Music ever and wherever they occur. will be off-the-record, and the son Stomp" may consult a "date and 31. a sale of the unclaimed Lost and price will be 13 cents. Committee directory" in the Spartan Shop, All entering students who did Found articles from last year in front of Mortis Dailey Auditorium chairmen promise refreshments, where fellows may sign their not have X-rays taken Satur- USO GIRLS' MEETING entertainment, and stunts to those, day, January 5, are requested today. The sale began at 9 in the names and telephone numbers. morning and 4 in attending. to report at the unit during a will last until SCHEDULED SUNDAY Benny Glassman's orchestra will the afternoon. 'The classes are holding the com- free period on one of these days. A conference for LSO girls will furnish music for the dance, which Many valuable articles will go bined affair this quarter in place be held in the YWCA from 2 to will carry out a dude ranch theme. on sale at prices ranging from of the usual quarterly class mixer. 7 o'clock Sunday, February 3. Jeans and gingham will be worn five cents and up. Among the Purpose will be for the many new Speakers for the occasion will by those attending the affair. many articles for sale are ban- members of the class to get ac- SJS Hopes To Get include representatives from the Four candidates have been en- danas, jewelry, binders, sweaters, quainted with one another and Navy and the Red Cross. There tered so far in the Outdoor Girl shoes, pens, umbrellas, a set of the old class members. will be awarding of pins to junior and Boy contest. Phil Richards, Funds For Dorms brand new zoology instruments Sophomore committee members hostesses, and refreshments will Sue Dee Smart, Carroll Cowles, The problem of housing for vet- and many others. for the dance are: Jim Bartolom- be served at 5 o'clock. All USO eoni, Patsy Young, Frances Fitz- and "Moe" Richardson are com- erans was brought before the Co-chairmen for the sale are girls are urged to attend. and Bev Clay. peting. Organizations are remind- State Senate Education Commit- Beverly Sack and Barbara Jensen, gerald, ed to name candidates as soon as tee and the Assembly Ways and who agree that there are many possible. Means committee last Thursday articles useful to the students at Art Department Bids are on sale at a booth in by President T. W. MacQuarrie pricellfthat will suit the students. Program Successful; the Library arch for $1.25. The and San Jose State college vet- The money that the Spartan 100 Attend Sunday's Presentation dance will take place in the erans Henry Tonini and Virgil Spears receive from this sale will, Sunday afternoon's Art program was tremendously successful, ac- Women's gym from 9 to 1 o'clock Young, as always, be used for the bet- cording to Art department instructors and from comments of the Saturday night. Dr. McQuarrie and the students terment of the college or the visitors. Bids were made by a committee drove to Sacramento to speak in Health Cottage. With nearly 100 townspeople in attendance, the program was headed by Kay Goepfert and Con- connection ' with Senator Sals- smoothly conducted. Dr. Stephen Kayser spoke on water color paint- nie Jones. They are made in the man's bill to appropriate $5,830,- shape of little Stetson hats. Red Cross Chairmen ings. He gave the historical background of water colors and showed 000 for state college dormitories, Deliver The Goods prints and slides comparing different types of water color paintings. $738,000 of which will go to San DISPLAY ARTISTS college. Tickets Now On Sale Jose State Tonini, Young, Phil Johnson and Dot McCul- Painters whose works were on exhibit attended the gathering /5 For 'Penthouse' Play and Dr. MacQuarrie plan to go lough, student co-chairmen of Red and several took part in the round-table discussion. Alexander Nepote, again to Sacramento later this Cross, took finished materials to assistant professor of Arts and Crafts in Oakland; Leon Amyx, Art Tickets for the comedy, "Brief week when the bill will be before the local Red Cross headquarters department head at Salinas JC; Halley Cox, Art department head of Music," to be presented in the the Senate Finance committee. Friday and picked up more ma- Santa Clara High school; and J. Theodore Johnson of the San Jose lounge of the Student Union Feb- The bill has gone through the terial for sewing for Philippine State staff carried on the vital and interesting discussion. ruary 5 through 9 are on sale committees satisfactorily so far relief. COMMITTEES this week and next between the and has a very good chance of Work by San Jose State stu- The group then surveyed the pfctures and visited with the artists. hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Stu- being passed by the Senate soon, dents which was turned in in- Hosts for the affair were Mrs. Nadine Hammond, Miss Oma Strain,' dent admission is 35 cents, general Dr. MacQuarrie asserts. -Sena- cluded six 48 square or small af- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Franklin, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Kayser, admission is 60 cents. tor Salsman and Assemblymen ghans, three 96 square or large Dr. Marques Reitzel, and Mr. J. Theodore Johnson. Mrs. Gladys Vogel- The play will start at 8:30 p. m. Thompson and Miller are doing afghans, three navy sweaters, six man was the decorator. and be presented in what is a bang up job on this bill. They army V-necked sweaters, one navy The program was so successful that several of the visitors suggest- known as "penthouse style." The are giving it a great deal of at- scarf, two pairs of navy mittens, ed that the same sort of program take place again, discussing oil style is a new one; the audience tention, and have been highly two pairs of army. socks, and 12 paintings the next time. However, as yet no plans have been formed sits on all sides of the stage area. successful," he said. wash cloths. as to this suggestion, the Art department reports. \GE TWO SPARTAN DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 Editorial Page THRUST AND PARRY ORCHIDS TO TWO mid-terms.) the Dailies as I'll be on my way To Johnsonyou can't do this, home shortly and they would Thrust and Parry: old man. It is not your choice, never reach me in time. I have Orchids to Dean Pitman and but the decision of fate and his- missed State very much; much Mr. Adams for the job they did tory. You belong to the times to more than I could tell at this e allege11YSta on the recent "Public Law 16" come. What will our grandchil- time. Thank all of you and also Issue. The men (you know who dren do when they come to the editor who first started to you are) that were worried about no kissing send me the Dailies in 1943 Published every school day by the Associated Students of San Jose State College State? There will be when last under at the Press of Globe Printing Co. Entered as second class matter at the San Jose quarter's eligibility spot; so they will live four years I left for the army. Post Office. "P.L. 16" can now rest at ease. without a satisfactory chance of Sincerely, Member Associated Collegiate Press We know the Dean is very busy expressing their libido. Reflect, oh S/Sgt. Richard E. Calvello. DAY EDITORTHIS ISSUEBARBARA CAMPBELL and we appreciate his unceasing tall one, what bearing will this efforts on our part. The matter have in view of the new ratio? IT'S ONLY PUBLICITY has been cleared up completely, WOMEN ARE M.-I-LING D . . . EDITORIAL . . . thanks to those two gentlemen. FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. A Dear Thrust and Parry: We are behind you 100 per cent, kissing spot would solve many My, my, how conceit does ap- gentlemen, and thanks again. problems. It's really getting to pear in print! The owner of the US vs. USSR??? --ASB 981 such a pass that you have to same is Mr. Al Johnson, the man _ have an excuse to smootch your who thought he did the cast of Outward Bound a great Rumors are rampant in -th-etitiited States today on the sublect LET US MEDITATE gal. Pause and think, blonde one, favor by of the Soviet Union. Rumors are scintillating table-talk. We can and then be the salvation of the appearing with them. always be assured of an audience by relating a tale of the latest Thrust and Parry: undergraduate Id. What do we read when we go In reference to Miss Anzalone's to check on the progress Russian scheme to over-run the Americas. Also, we can be certain P. S. If you won't kiss the of tne article addressed to my roomie, Revelries in the Spartan Daily? of being quoted if we will furnish the rabble-rousers with ammunition chorus, I will one at a, time, Mr. Caldwell, by way of this col- girls. Al Johnson looks over chorus for their next barrage against harmonious relations between the US umn your torrent of verbosity Aristophenes, ASB 1209. girls with roving eye! Al Johnson an and the USSR. was obviously the result of Writ by the request of Mary is in danger of being trapped by The man who nudges your elbow at a coffee shop and eagerly emotional jag as evidenced Jeanne Anzelone. To Sul . . . I under mistletoe by girls of the termin- insinuates that he heard from a very reliable source that the Russians your immature usage of am only kidding, honest. Revelries cast! Al Johnson is play- ology and the unethical corruption ing "hard-to-get"! have plans to blot out New York at an early date, is either an am- of Mr. Caldwell's suggestions. I hope Miss Margaret Moore bassador of discontent, germinous with delibera- NEW DISEASES? spreading his ideas To be sure, no institution is STRANGE and the girls of the chorus will tion, or he is merely the witless carrier of them. One is as dangerous above censure and criticism, and Thrust and Parry: not throw themselves from the to our future as the other. Considering the amount of propaganda who is better able to improve A recent article appeared in the Golden Gate Bridge if this campus with which we came into contact during the war years, it is amazing our own brain factory than a Daily last week concerning the IDOL fails to do them the honor! who has its best interests that we can be sucked in by a bit of trite hue and cry. student Health Office. I agree on the idea a disgusted reader, and general welfare at heart? I that this department needs some SBC 1939. True, we should not turn a deaf ear to the operations of the am certain that the administra- further investigation. The treat- Communist Party in America today, nor should we disregard reports tion would be the first to agree ment of colds and flu is its of the internal developments in Russia. But we must supply ourselves that the registration mill is in strongest stand. But there are with facts in order to counter-attack the growing distrust of Russia need of vast change and improve- numerous other types of illnesses only to observe DANCE that has been conceived and fostered by sensationalists and antagon- ment. One need besides these that seem to com- U.S.O. the much over-worked Doctor El- Of- ists. We must not let ourselves be swept along with the uninformed, pletely befuddle the Health der patiently slaving away over fice. basing our beliefs on the lurid propaganda that is so much in evidence, the programs of confused fresh- Most of us know the correct CALENDAR even here on our campus. Our generation that has performed so men, green from the provinces, treatment of the common ailments spectacularly during the past must not be so gullible as to swallow while an infinite number of new mentioned, but if ever we have January 28 - February 4 problems stand stretched out clear any illness new to us, we might the ravings of the Doubting Thomases without demanding facts to WEDNESDAYDance at Plaza to Alviso. Witness the be-sweated as well go to a doctor up town. substantiate their assertions. USO. Seventy-five girls. Sign up brows of our professors; what We'll be recommended to one, There is at YWCA from Monday at 12:30 so much being published in our newspapers and magazines could better call for a change? anyway, and if it requires an p. in, to Wednesday at 2 p. m. today regarding our economic and diplomatic relations with the Soviet It is indeed cause for chagrin X-ray we'll have to go up town Union, that it is difficult for one person to acquaint himself with all the upon the part of a serious stu- and pay, regardless. We appre- THURSDAYDance at Plaza pertinent facts, and become truly well-informed. We need, then, dent to see a top-notch PhD. act- ciate the generous offer to come USO. Seventy-five girls. Please noteSign up at YWCA only. forums, speakers who are up-to-date, and informal get-togethers to air ing as a general office boy filling to the Health Cottage for curing Open to all USO Girls. our views, so that we may promote among ourselves a thorough under- out forms. flu, but if it's something else, True, we must be patient and we'd better figure out our own FRIDAYDance at Catholic standing of our mighty world neighbor who carries such a big stick. await a Fabian change, for the remedy. Women's Center. Open to all USO Shall we allow thoughts to be put into our heads, and words entire school is in the throes of re- ASB 1162. Girls upon presentation of cards. +o be put into our mouths by men whose aim is not our welfare, but conversion and each problem must SATURDAYDance at Plaza our destruction? We fought hard for a tentative peace, a young, await its turn. Let me urge pa- THANKS TO THE DAILY USO from 8 to 11 p. m. 85 girls. tience and, to you, Miss Anzalone, wobbly peace, for which we must provide a firm foundation. We 247 Q.M. Depot Company Sign up at YWCA from Thursday literary faux pas was not must see that it does not follow its your Okinawa Base Command at 12:30 p. m. to Saturday at 2 predecessor of 1918 into the waste- you. This time we will worthy of APO 331. p. m. basket of eternity. Berne Deane Durgy you, but don't let it hap- forgive Dear Thrust and Parry: SUNDAYOpen HousePlaza again. And, Miss Anzalone, pen For many years the Spartan USOfrom 6:30 to 10 p. m. Open the last to say "grow I would be Daily has followed me to many to all USO Girls. Sign up at up"; rather I would THE WEAVER up or shut remote parts of the Pacific and YWCA from 12:30 p. m. Friday commend this medium of By DAVE WEBSTER even I want to thank all those who to Sunday at 2 p. m. 100 Girls. expression of your suppressed made it possible for me to re- DIBBLE HOSPITAL WARD Cartoonist Sansone's "Wolf" has put 30 cocker spaniels on the pay emotions for after all we do learn ceive them. The Dailies have kept RECREATION--Saturday, Febru- nothing on Al Johnson, director roll to help locate fire hydrants." by making mistakes. Away from me informed on all the activities ary 2, 12 Girls. Leave from YWCA of this year's Revelries. Al was this worldly strife, let us medi- of San Jose as well as the col- at 5:30 p. m. Sign up at YWCA. fi the only man privileged to stay Saw another show last Satur- tate. lege; especially the changes that in the Morris Dailey auditorium day evening up at ASB 1209. DIBBLE HOSPITAL INFORM- UC. That was Voltaire, have taken place since I left. last Tuesday afternoon to watch the Glee Club and Treble AL RECREATION Saturday, Clef There is so much I could say at the girls tryout for the chorus. show, "Pollen - Aise," or "The February 2. 25 Girls. Sign up at HERE'S A VOLUNTEER this moment, but I am afraid "All work and no play makes Plight of the Humble Bee." YWCA. Leave from YWCA at 6 As that other Spartans have written Jack (or Al) a dull boy," you a musical variety show, it was Thrust and Parry: p. m. so much about war and strange know. very fine, but was Flash" Johnson complains USO GIRLS CONFERENCE- - hampered by lands that you would only be And speaking of Al, the thorus poor direction which simply yet. The chance of a lifetime YWCA on Sunday, February 3 didn't bored with repetition. I'm just girls are working on an angle in stack up alongside the baton-ology and he balks. Bah! he has shat- from 2 to 7 p. m. tired of this life and all I can the matter of getting him to help practiced at San Jose State. The tered the great conception of think of now is the day when dedicate that growth of mistletoe program was directed by Johnson (the Hamster). Behold, Mr. I get home. RECITAL SCHEDULED out by the corner of the Art Ralston, possessor of the fellow students, the idol of the longest You may discontinue sending wing. When they catch him, there baton we've ever seen -- almost stage, the poor man's Orson Advanced students of the Vocal shouldn't be any lack of male three feetbut came the finale Welles refuses to inaugurate the department will give their annual talent standing by to give as- and a special director, Iva de kissing spot by entering a lip TEACHER FLIES recital Tuesday evening, February sistance if Al gets tired. In fact, Hiat. She wrestle with our own glamorous 19, at 8 in the college Little transformed the group Mrs. Lillian Gray, associate p. m, it sounds almost like those recep- with her chorus. Is he mad? (Maybe he's Theater. dynamism, and managed professor of education at San tion lines at weddings, only the the long and difficult going stir at the prospect of Solos, duets, and large ensembles modern Jose State college, will speak at parts are reversed. number, "New York," with string obbligato will be fea- with com- a reading workshop meeting at plete tured on the program. finesse. "Dick DeForest, singing 'Person- Sacramento Saturday. Despite that one Miss Maurine Thompson of the Hansen's creamery, out in Wil- criticism, the ality' "; and 'Somebody Loves Me, Instead of a long trip by car show was first rate Music department faculty will di- low Glen, is two-timing us now. entertainment, I wonder why!" or train which would ordinarily the rort of thing that we at rect the presentation. Dottie Flif- Seems that Mary Jeanne Anza- San It was a good show, but with take three hours, Mrs. Gray is Jose little of. let, and Janet Meyer will accom- lone is helping out her brother, see too Going over complete loyalty to all things San flying to the capital city, which the program, we would pany. who just bought the place. It's pick out Josean, we still think State can will bring her there in less than these numbers as outstanding: This recital is open to the pub- no use, fellows; she works every do better. one hour's time, in 42 minutes to "Casey lic free of charge. night. played with the straw- be exact. berry blonde, and the band walked To return to the favorite topic The trip by air will be an inno- off"; "Jewel Song, a gem by Ara- NOTICE Up in Moscow, Idaho, Columnist of women MEN, that is we vation as compared to the many belle Hong"; "Jane Boswell Jack Shurman claims there's gives heard the filosifer comment re- times Mrs. Gray has driven to Christian Elciencc organization a new slant on pin-ups with "more ice on the sidewalk than 'The cently that "a man can find a Sacramento on school business; meeting today at noon in room Gamma Picture That's Turned to the on a (Idaho version) pearl in an oyster, but it takes although she is very much inter- 155, Students and faculty mem- yester- Wall' "; "'June Is Busting Out from Phi's left hand, and, Just a woman to get a diamond ested in aviation, and flies fre- bers are invited. day, the city's fire department All Over’ Guess Who June Ls!"; an old crab." quently. inet 11

SPARTAN DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 PAGE THREE PortalAppointedTo TRACK SEASON WILL OPEN Boxing Committee EARLY IN MARCH, ANNOUNCES At the recent meeting of the NCAA, Spartan Boxing Coach DeWitt Portal, better known as COACH "BUD" WINTER The possibilities of a game with independent outfits better get "Dee," was appointed to the Box- This year's track season will start around the second week in the University ing Rules committee of the of Santa Clara I your players signed up for the as- March, when a huge sign-up rally will be held, announces Coach have been exhausted, reports sociation. This places "Dee" r apidly approaching softball "Bud" Winter. At least 100 men are expected to turn out and the basketball Mentor Walt Mc- league, to start early in the among the few nationally recog- coach plans to carry a proportionately Pherson, The Spartan cage sched- Spring quarter. nized boxing coaches, and con- high number of these candi- ule has been completed and the Rules and a league manager fers the first honor of its kind dates, "The majority of the track and field men who were on 1942's Broncos are not on it. have as yet not been designated, on a Spartan mentor. championship squad have signified their intention to return to this Perhaps, for the Broncos' sake, but it is believed that the same Coach Portal joined the SJSC college in the spring quarter, when it was just as well, for the high rule in regard to the number of athletic staff in 1934, when he they will also return to the track riding Spartans are believed to varsity baseball men eligible to graduated with a special secondary Spartan Tankmen squad," the coach declared. have a little more talent than play on a single team will stand credential in Physical Education. To date the only man enrolled the young Barsi-men at the Mis- (three). He will shortly be discharged vs. Cal Swimmers here from that record-breaking sion school. The defending champions are from the Navy. squad of the '42 season is Billy The Santa Clarans got dumped (plug) the Spartan Daily, which Here Friday, Feb.1 Rhyne, who was known as _"The badly by the University of Cali- yours truly was fortunate enough one-man track team" when he ran Spartan tankmen will meet the fornia Saturday night in Berke- to manage. I played for the U. SI Maritime service last a little, too, JOHNSON NAMED University of California swimming ley, 56-42. Big Ed Wolfe, one of believe-it-or-not. I wasn't year. always team here Friday. The Spartan the nation's leading scorers, took as shot as I am now. ON SCHEDULE BASEBALL COACH student coach, Don Thomsen, has high point honors with 17 tallies Other members San Jose State has many meets of that win- hopes for "a fairly easy victory" to his credit. The younger, inex- ning club, that had Spartan on the tentative side of the pic- a record of senior Ralph Johnson over the Berkeley squad and feels perienced Broncos were led by nine wins against one was named student ture, but other than the AAU in- loss, in- coach of base- confident that his swimmers will Holm and Nicholas, who gath- cluded: Jack door meet to be held in Oakland Marcipan, Bill Mc- ball yesterday by the Physical be more than equal to any com- ered in 10 points apiece. Farland, Herman Education department March 16, the definite dates have Wreade, Ed administra- petition the University can fur- not been set. Meets are scheduled NEW BEAR COACH I.ouden, Milo Badger, Charlie tion. nish. with the University of California, Speaking of the Bears of Cali- Christensen, Andy Stevenson, Art Johnson, who was assistant Led by a diving trio of cham- Stanford university, Fresno, Santa fornia, I see where they have Jacobsen, and Ken McGill (he coach of baseball at Modesto last pions, Bob Whitehead, Frank Barbara, and San Diego State col- signed a new grid mentor, namely played a mean right field). year, has returned to San Jose Petty, and "Boogey" O'Brien, the lege, as well as the Fresno invita- Frank Wickhorst, former assist- CAGE GAME CALLED OFF to obtain his special secondary swimming squad is ably manned tional, Compton invitational, and ant to "Stub" Allison. Next Tuesday night's home credential in physical education. by a succession of real swimmers Los Angeles Coliseum invitational Wickhorst played his collegiate game with El Centro Marines has He left college several years ago who have shown considerable relay meets. Invitations have been football at Annapolis, where he been called off. That was the to seek employment in a differ- form and speed in their practices. received to the Texas invitational was named all-American tackle. next scheduled home appearance ferent line elsewhere. After the records set in the last at Texas university and the Drake He was recently discharged from of the high Flying Spartans, and He was teaching on a tempo- four years in which SJSC parti- tourneys, but limited available the Navy where he held a com- Coach Walt McPherson is at- rary certificate at the Modesto cipated in CCAA sports and cap- lunds on the track budget will mission as a full commander. tempting to arrange a contest Junior college last year, when he tured all but one first place, the keep the Gold and White of San He has named his assistants as with a bay area club to fill the made the decision to enter the Mermen are hoping that they can Jose State from appearing in any Vic Bottari, former star halfback vacancy. physical education field perma- add to the renown of the swim- of the more distant meets. on the '37 Bear club, and Iry it Is impossible to arrange, nently and so returned to Sparta. ming teams from this college. Called "The fastest clay track Uteritz, backfield coach, the next home contest will be in the country" by Coach Winter, SPRING SOFTBALL played on February 9 against the the Spartan track has been under- You fraternal INDIVIDUAL SCORES organizations and College of Pacific. going minor repairs which will put it in top shape for the forth- coming spring track season. Gamma Phi's, Beta Chi's Featured MAGGETTI STILL ON TOP INTERCLASS MEETS In Tomorrow's Inte r-Frat Cage Tilts Inter-class meets will be the WITH 181 TOTAL POINTS main events in the preparatory schedule for the regular season, Gamma Phi Sigma and Beta back in '42. By virtue of his 17 point spree use it a bit in the Fresno series and a great deal of interest in the Chi Sigma, currently leading the In the other half of the double- against the Pacific Tigers Satur- if the boys adapt themselves to sport is expected to develop from fraternity basketball league, will header played last week, Gamma day night, Ed Maggetti continued the change appreciably. them. The coach urges all men meet tomorrow night in the fea- Phi Sigma defeated Alpha Pi his pace-setting tactics in the in- Name G FO FT Total who can run to turn out for track, ture game of a scheduled double- Omega to take over undisputed dividual scoring race to bring his Maggetti 17 76 ,29 181 and they will "at least get valu- header. possession of first place in this total to 181 markers. He has Stevenson 19 52 35 139 able training, if they are not good DTO will engage DSG in the year's league race. dumped in 78 field goals and 29 Robinson 17 43 31 117 enough to be included in the final other half of the twin bill to be MORE GAMES free throws to amass this total. Keene 14 39 24 102 played in the Spartan gymnasium, Other games scheduled for the The remaining order of the Holmes 19 29 23 81 roster of the cindermen." starting at 6:30. month of February include: Feb- scorers was the same, as Center Lindsey . 5 20 12 52 A highly successful season is an- Last Thursday night Beta Chi ruary 7, Beta Chi Sigma in a re- Wes Stevenson rested in second Boysen 8 18 8 44 ticipated by Winter, who has been was knocked over by DSG in turn game with Gamma Phi Sig- place with 139 markers and Bert Borg 15 13 12 38 track coach here since the 1942 somewhat of a surprise upset. The ma, and APO versus DTO. Robinson held on to third place Helbush 11 8 4 20 season. big cog in the upset win was the Feb uary 14: Gamma Phi versus with 117 counters. Jones 7 8 2 18 sharp shooting of DSG's Doug DTO and DSG vs. APO. KEENE HOLDS ON Flake 17 5 6 16 Bacon. Doug racked up a total Even though he played in only Denevi 6 6 2 14 NOTICE of 22 points, as he hit them from NOTICE 14 games and is now in the army, Davilla 6 5 3 13 Results for the Inter-Society all angles. Rally committees: We will have George Keene, former Modesto Marcipan 5 4 0 8 Red Cross competition of last FORMER PREXY held on to fourth place our pictures taken Wednesday at JC star, Moore 6 2 2 6 quarter will be in the sorority Bacon was recently discharged with 102 digits. The fifth regular, 12:30. Please be prompt. All mem- Diercks 3 1 1 3 boxes by 2 o'clock tomorrow. from the armed service. He will Ted Holmes, has sent in 29 field be remembered as a former DSG bers are expected to show up: goals and 23 charity tosses from DiPietro 6 0 3 3 After these results have been fraternity president, and star bas- We will meet out behind the his guard position to score 81 Filice 3 1 0 2 verified by the sororities, they "Pub" office. ketball player of his organization points. Chargin 1 1 0 2 will be published in the paper.

sokiniallWr" Aostostor Maggetti boasts an average of BUSINESS DIRECTORY nearly 11 points per game, but is THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH smississillsomruessois rooms being pushed more than a little threat, TWO SHOPS by the new found scoring For The hat in Horne Cooked Food- It's Fred Lindsey. Lindsey has played HILL'S FLOWERS in only five encounters, but has James C. Liston KEN'S PINE INN 52 points to his credit for a 266 Race Street Ballard 3610 slightly better than 10 point av- owffi?w erage. 34 E. San Antonio St. Bal. 4047 Ballard 2434 255 Se. Soessui St. NEW OFFENSE Coach Walt McPherson has We have complete lin of a FLOWERS post THE ARTISTS' MATERIALS been toying with the double cA of offense this week with style 1HE MOST HONORED WATCH ON Chas. C. NAVLET Co. the possibility of having a bit (Sinc 1885) more of his scoring power in the Aliaagg 28 E. San Fernemale Si. Bel. 126 game at the same time. He will

CHAS. S. GREGORY Otiany-Watretts Attractions SAN JOSE'S FIRST SA JOSE AUDITORIUM - SAN JOSE PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Designer and Maker of Distinctive Jewelry STRENGTH SHOW REPAIRING ENGRAVINIS Sponsored by FRANK L. FORSTER, Jr. 112 South Second St. Pins Sorority end Fraternity IL GRAND OM Thursday, January 31 - 8:30 P. M. 46 E. San Antonio St. Col. 452 Sat. Mat. HANSEL AND 2:30 Featuring: VISIT Bring Us Your Work FEB. 2 GRETEL JOHN GRIMEK ROBERT F. BENSON OUR SHOP IS FACTORY EQUIPPED Sat Eve. WORLDS FINEST PHYSIQUE 8:30 AIDA LEADING STRONG MEN OF THE BAY AREA Pottery and Gift Shop FEB. 2 LEONETTI'S 1.20, 1.80, 2.40 SHOE REPAIRING Montgomery Theatre - Civic Aud. Student Rates .95, 1.05 tax inc. Tickets obtained at 91 E. San Fernando Col. 14430 Box Office Aud. Col. 7087 "HEALTH UNLIMITED" 128 E. Santa Clara St. PAGE FOUR SPARTAN DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1946 Forthcoming oe y, ’Brief Music,' ' WSSF AIDS TB NEW OFFICERS DR. W. H. MYERS VICTIMS LOCALY IS HONORED Promises To Be Outstanding, Unique World Student Service Fund is ELECTED BY Dr. W. H. 5bers, Mathematics By BARBARA CAMPBELL working locally to help students in distress, it was revealed with department head, was elected If a second-week rehearsal is any indication of what "Brief Music," CLUB the release of the story of Wei NEWMAN chairman of the Mathematical As- coming comedy on college life, is going to be like, everyone had better Ta Huang, 26-year-old Chinese, a New officers for Newman club sociation of America In Berkeley do a bit of marking in his date book for one of the nights of February victim of tuberculosis. are president, Joe Moore; vice- on January 26. 5 through 9. Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock the cast was Under a program similar to the president, Eileen Mulcahy; record- Among the papers presented at ing secretary, Bobby Hill; treas- the meting was one by Dr. C. C. busy rehearsing the second act GI Bill, Chinese students are sub- urer, Ann Tomasello; correspond- Olds, assistant professor of math- of the play for all they were sidized while In schools in this ing secretary, Lucy Leone; ser- ematics, entitled, "An Asymmetric worth, and it was something to country with reparations money ORIGINAL THEME paid geant at arms, Pete Cerevelleri. Diophantine Inequality." see even in its unpolished con- to the United States by China Installation of officers will be held Other-officers elected were, dition, with improvised props and after the Boxer rebellion. (Continued from page 1) Thursday evening at 7:30. All George Polya of Stanford, no costumes. lovely chorines LEFT PENNILESS the 10 who will members are asked to be pres- as vice-chairman; and Professor COED TYPES Huang, however, who has stu- gambol across the stage of Revel- ent. Roessler of the University of Cali- The play is an especially ap- ries when the curtain rises on the died at the National Sun Yat Sen Beginning next week. Newman fornia at Davis, secretary. propriate one for production on a night of February 21. university in Canton and at Pek- hall will be opened for dancing college campus. All of the action Besides the chorus, there will ing university, was left without after the basketball games Stu- NOTICE takes place in a study in a girls' be original specialty acts; and any means of support when he dents will darrce-to 6ff-the-record Delta Phi Epsilon: Meeting dormitory. Main parts in e -WhOle is built arouhd-an or- had to drop out-of UC-at- Berke- music and a fee of 10 cents will Tuesday night at 7:30. Look on comedy are those of six co-eds iginal theme, a riot of laughs and ley. be charged. Cokes will be sold as bulletin board for meeting place. who are typical of the different dramatic pranks that will tickle A patient at Alum Rock Sani- refreshments. Phil. types found in a group of college the armor of any Spartan. torium, Huang's expenses ran girls. Revelries, with original music, about $125 a month and he was There's the dominating per- an all-student cast, student direc- soon out of funds. In desperation, sonality, the "frail flower," the tion and management, shows prom- he wrote a letter which brought grown-up, poised girl, the cal- ise of being the biggest and most his plight to the attention of culating type, and others. Two thrilling thing to hit the campus students on San Jose State cam- old-timers, Jo Hildebrand and since the veterans came back. The pus. HART'S Elda Beth Payne, are in the cast. show will run for three nights SOLVENT AGAIN Jo, as Rosey, the intellectual in February 21, 22 and 23. Forwarded to the Chinese Stu- the group, promises to be at her dent Christian Association, an af- riotous best, and Elda Beth in her NATIONAL PRES. filiate of the WSSF, Huang's plea HI-TEEN DEPT. role as Jinx, or Jennie James, the brought immediate results. Tly re- "nuisance," has an oportunity to HONORED AT K-P TEA turn mail there came a check for FEATURES THIS JUNE BENTLEY $75, and a promise of further give her all. Ruth Newby, national president assistance. Thanks to the money UNUSUAL STAGING honorary of Delta Phi Upsilon, given by fellow students through , "Brief Music" is being presented society, was kindergarten-primary the WSSF, Wei Ta Huang will be "penthouse style" with the aud- of honor given guest at a tea able to pay his bills and return ience sitting in a circle around Sunday by the San Jose State to school. the acting area. The lounge of college chapter. the Student Union will be the The tea was given at the home scene of the presentation. of Miss Mabel Crumby, Educa- New Lab Technician Productiofi of a play in "pent- tion professor who is the society's Leonard Beatty, who was dis- house style" involves a certain adviser, with alumnae and active charged from the Marine Corps skill and practice in order to get members of Delta Phi Upsilon two months ago after four years' sound, lights and action coor- serving as hostesses. Miss Newby service, 27 months of it overseas, dinated. The use of a curtain is is a teacher in the Pasadena is now laboratory technician for impossible, so blackening out the schools, the Health office. lights must substitute. While the Beatty received his training in lights are out, the scene must be the Marine Corps and saw service arranged and props carried on Snap-Shots Of Junior overseas from the Canal to Okin- and off the stage area by the Spartans In Album awa. actors themselves. The lights will He is originally from Ohio. be suspended from the ceiling Snap-shots of 18 little Spartans, and operated by a person sitting the offspring of former and pres- behind the audience. ent Spartans, are represented in HOUSING a large leather-bound photograph Room and hoard available for album compiled by Dean of one young man at $50 a month. Women Helen Dirrunick. Board only at $25 a month. You Can Be An The album is called "Junior Room for two young men at Spartans at Various Ages." It is $4.25 a week apiece. AIRLINE not necessary that both parents Single room for a young man STEWARDESS have attended San Jose State at $5 a week. college to make Spartan babies See Mrs. Helen Maxwell in the eligible for the scrapbook. Dean of Men's office. NOTICES Pictures of Social Affairs' mem- at 12 today to discuss plans for bers will be taken today at 12 the February 8 party. o'clock sharp in front of the Pub- lications office. Will the following men meet for Omega meeting Today United Air Lines is a short Alpha Phi seeking young women to begin Pi Nu Sigma meeting today, at 12:15 today in the Student the interesting career of flying the 12:30, in room S 227. All pre- Union: Stan Keiker, George Craig, nation's airways as stewardesses nursing students please attend. Carl Rosenberg, James Hoskins, on its Mainliners. Plans for a trip to Stanford hos- Gilbert Keller, John Benson, Jim The requirements are: pital will he made, also plans for Bartolomeonie, Jacob Hoover, Dan Herbert Age. 21 to 26 years a future speaker. Week, James Howie, Watrons, Jack Gillis, Dick Nev- 'Height 5' 2" to 5'6" Flying club meeting today at eine, Edward Garafolo, and Kenny WeIght-125 lbs.or less 12:30 in room 7. All you H-Ps Frank. 'Unmarried and interested students are wel- Glen Eglington. 'Good Health and Vision come. following please meet 'United States Citizen Will the Photo by Dolores Dolph, room 49 2 Years College, or Eros. Members and pledges meet with me today at 12 in Registered Nurse at 7 in Student Center. Officers in regard to the property commit- he theer at 6:30. Don't forget a tee for Revelries. If you are in- Successful applicants will be dressy-sports Joints meeting after. terested in being on the commit- furnished transportation to Chi- YUMMY! YUM! and are unable to attend the cago where they will receive tbur Bert tee for me in weeks training at full pay. meeting leave a note That "slurpy ice cream Publications office box: Vir- cone Margery Quist is eat- Young women who can meet AWA meet at 4 in room 24. the Joan. ginia Baker, Joan Benson, Pat the above qualifications but who ing looks good and so does that -pert" checked are not available for employment Cribari, Nadine Neel, Jean Stew- at the present time should apply art, Stephen Voorhies and Marge There will be a meeting of the dress. Part wool that is just right for breezy days. now for future Stewardess classes. membership committee of the McNeil. A new booklet "How to Be- Cosmopolitan club Way at 12 Dale Bower. come a Mainliner Stewardess" is In the Student Union. Mitsy Sau- 9-15 $12.95 now available. lakl, Carol Baumgartner, Carolyn To obtain one, write or apply Hackman. Bring along some good street Classified Ad in person at 421 Powell Ideas! brown - green - or black checks on San Francisco. Betty. For SaleNew and used dance a white background. orchestrations (stock). If inter- UNITED AIR LINES Jim Bartolomeoni wishes his ested, leave note in Co-op box. _ committee to meet in room 24 Jane Teubner.