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TI C & AKSTAR SPECIAL CAMPAIGN ISSUE VOLUME XXIV HOUGHTON COL LEGF HOUGHTON, N Y \1 \R(HIM !)42 %LMBER 21 DRIVE BEGINS FOR NEW MUSIC BUILDING Department Has Music Training for A Music Building New Credits Music Dept. Christian Service Next to the College of Arts and To Be Given Many Needs Sciences, the School of Music is the Progresses With the increased enrollment in largest department of Houghton As has been said so often this g College This there are five ac week, Houghton College School of With the advent of the new Pub- the Department of Theology there is year Lookmg back upon che Music De- tive members on the faculty of the Music has made remarkable progress i lic School Music Course added to the a growing demand for special train- i partment of Houghton from irs be- School of Music and over one hun during the past few pears There has regu|ar certificate course in piano and ing along the line of evangelistic song i glnnlng, It Ls a source of pleasure to voice, the Mmc Department of leading and choir directing Preach- 1 dred students are enrolled m the de been one forward step taken this year, note the steady upward progress Houghton College has grown by ers and Chrisnan workers often find I Partment Courses are given in The which is as ) et nor generally known E In 1905 the music dpartment em- leaps and bounds themselves handicapped because of lory Piano, Voice, Violin, and Public Early in the lear application has So much so that the department has the lack of such knowledge Classes ] School Music, and all of the work is made to grant the degree of Bachelor | FloyedI lessons one In teacher1908 Miss who Bessie taught Farns- piano our grown its present facilities I m conducting have been carried on ful! accredited by the Department of Science with a major m Music i worth a graduate ot the Ne. Eng- of Education ot Ne. Fork State eduLation Thi, las been caretulk Studio space is at a premium that 1 for some time for music students, but land Consenatory, became dtrector ot no price can buy One protessor has f thus far no spectal course has been Student. graduating from the Pubh. Lonsidered bp the State and while ' music introductng a sisrematic piano School Music course r..,tu special d,hm[. permission hal. nor a, er been his studio m his home, h hile another I designe d for theologues or .tudents courbe leading to graduation She has no regular studio, but ihares a haing a limittd knowledge ot muc certihcar. trom Iht State to teach giken, 1[ 15 quite .ertain [hat we .111 also organized a small chorus and an class room with se,eral high sihool who art prepartng tor Chrthrian .ork muv. In the publi. hools ot the be all„wed to .,Wir thts degre. ro our or:he.[ra St'lt, .tud.n[. Dr Cooper ot :he Snie t.achers This means that the pro With added facilities and a suiftant In 1911 a ,ocal rea,.her \las Lura Departmtit i. .oon to make a 11.I' fessor thu, en,olvid has to reach a f demand ir .III be po>,ibl. to Ogir Biiau„ ot thi mar,Llou. growth Grime. .a. emploped Two .ear 12 of inspection ·ind itter hi. r.pi,rr w. Ier school hours and een in th. even such a count Ther. 1. ampli oppor „t all dipar[Intn. and epe,jaiA Ik [-r appli.i[:on .as made at *lban> .iII kno„ dehnite|, „har . [e be tor plano credit In Regents and recog- ing after dinn.r, in order to prop,de tunit; tor pra.[ appl!.atton m .ru .au.. „t the wond.rtul growrh ot tilt done himself .,th a place m .hi,h to dints' praur meeting koung ptople. School „t \Iu,ic, ther. 1. no longer ninon re.eiked Th. ga,e new In- U h.n thi. ne. .our,i goes inro teach serl lies Sunday School, ,nd outsid room tor the School ot Must. m th. Detu, ro rhe piano department so thar elteit it .1 11 mean i great deal ro the held h, Christian work,r. prt..nt but!ding, Th,r. tort it the an assi[ant Etac her uas emploped Conditions under which srudents student> #,ho desire to make music The rudiments It misti dculopmint 01 the in.titution K no[ The .ocal department was com- practice are tar from ideal At pres rhear lite .ork One hundred and such as time and ke, signatur.s art w b. r.[ ir is abolute!/ ne paramel, small for xeral peers, un ent practice 8 scheduled in varied and m.nt, eight hour, wil be required a part of the instruction Th. course .es•an thit a mu.1. building b. er til 1926 .hen Protessor Herman Ba scattered places under surroundings ,1 for graduation Four hours credit per none too conducive for concen[ration wit also include methods ot organiz ..r.d thi. ,ummer .uilicienrl, larg. ker graduate ot Northwestern Um- pear (or a total ot wrreen hours) , and managing church .hot„ to me.r the nteds ot the School ot kerstri became the director He m- and for rhe production of a fine type 'ng 411! be allowed tor pripate or class , , of work Special study wall be d.voted to songs Must, tor xwral & ear, to com, i troduced the large College Chorus, applied must. This ts the hrs[ rtme and anthem. suitable tor choir ula j and the Men's Glee Club During There ts a distinct need for prac- we are anuctpating one other Ar the annual meeting of the rhar College credit has been given for 1 rice rooms which are far more sound that pear application was made ar Al- coursea course in Hvmno|og> Local Board ot Managers ot Hough applied music (Credit to be given I i proof than the room used for prac- oany tor Regents credit in Voice. which will give Theological credit ton College held in Houghron onl. to students w ho are taking the i Orchestra . and Chorus, also for Col- tice m the Markee Cottage at the pres- -HC- Collegeic .as,oted during m recommendthe month ot toJanuar>. the newIContinued course) There on Page are Three four Ihelds lege crecitt m Public School Music \L e who .ere m Houghton ar the Board ot Trustees of Houghton Col -HC- ferentflin nranhilv=re- Dept. Orchestral I nme when President Lucke, made I lege that quarters be built for the ac dormitory is a problem which the mu I rhe mier.iew .ith the authorities at sic faculty has mans time considered commodation of rhe Musk Depart Senior Party Held Instruments Addedl Albank, telt certain that it has in The distance between class rooms menr ar a cost not to nceed 96000 00 i answer to praier that recognition was provided rhe music faculn can rais, and various places of practice which In Gymnasium 1 granted w promptlp Immedtatel, must be transversed by the student At the beginning of this year the , at least 02000 00, rhe plan to be department of orchestral instruments subject ro the appro. al ot the Execu Th. gpmnasium wa. the *ene of a W upon receiving State approval, our clips ren minutes from each hour 1 I ocal enrollment increased , was added ro the curriculum of the n,e Board This recommendation .as Senior Class parn sponsored b, the , scheduled for work If a centralized Miss Ruth Zimmerman,BFA place of practice, such as would be i1 School of Music Hitherto. onli wo approied bi the Board ot Trustees male clement ok the Senior Class lebra.ka; gas elected as , Im had been taught With the add, in the annual meeting held m Sira Wedne.da% aening Mar.h 16 found in the new school of music an asiociare .oci! rea.her She Intro- building were had. much of this dift tion of this department prture and .uk during the month of Februari It .as d..orated 1-9 Lolor, 0: daed th. Colle<e GlriS' and the hcula could be removed class |mon. art gi.en in pract,calk and in hirmon, with thi, rtiommen blue, ,(11- irten and or,nge and 311 ot the in.rrument. of th. ah . dation a building t. plann.d .melled ok hot pop.orn and hambur high 14001 Gir'. Glce Clubs, which 9 1,4„Ii %'Ioundra,(Art,(r, 2,2. t,th:'F Ira Tht. brinkh ot the mu.i. %,4 rhlt .111 wn[-111 tittiul or Renn ger..111.h ga.. ort tamiliar impre„ butmi; for dellizhrid th. thr.t Elm.Houghion m Ae audi hts- dents who wi.h to .rudw Eor th. offer, ,onit mmendou. possibilitin prarict- room, w ir .un .tudim lum The must, ficult hau distrid [,1 pa.. Bo or thrie .17..rom. in iudiror ton ot Houghton th. C.illeg. Girls' best good of all concerned a situa on to th, itudent. somi i,t it £Mm. turn -1 ..tint room i mu.1. libran Ainugmnt. wr, ·,p.n r, 111.ho Gl.e Club had i ,tries d .ngage tion i htch .ould insure no incomen .ould Join Conrist. ind gim.. ..r. ment. m neighboring towns That and tor the departm,nt ,nd an off i.. tor th. 1).in ok th, tence or mitrference to an> would bo .,intinuilli b.,ng pli,cd ind Tht L m vme ,elr .1 \ tohn Department Nas , \I lili the introduction ot th.