THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No .. 86 :MILITARY· AREA No. 10 (CHR1STCHURCH)-oontfflU8d. MILITARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH}-contfflUBd. 543230 Skelton, George Arthur, company secretary, l Crichton 510848 Smith, Richard, store foreman, 350 Barrington St., Adding- Tee., Sydenham. ton. 584596 Skilling, Benjamin Leslie, blacksmith, McMurdo St., Tinwald. 555105 Smith, Robert Cyril, grocer's assistant, Cox St., Geraldine. 514208 Skilling, Raymond Stanly, contractor, Grove St., Tinwald. 573465 Smith, Robert Henry, labourer, 276 Hereford St. 601441 Skipworth, Ivan Horace, schoolmaster, 20 Harakeke St. 582162 Smith, Roy Adolphus, baker's machinist, 129 Sea View Rd., 514219 Skipworth, Reginald Gershom, engineer, 4 Tanner St. New Brighton. 484657 Skudder, Charlie, shepherd, Holme Station, Timaru. 630439 Smith, Russell Crawford, 60 Esplanade North Beach, New 550182 Skurr, Lester Gordon, farmer, Rural Delivery, Oxford. · Brighton. 629722 Skurr, Ronald Walter, farm assistant, care of Mr. J. E. ' 546730 Smith, Sydney Maxwell, farm labourer, West Coast Rd., Skurr, Sheffield. ., Waddington, Sheffield. 584593 Slade, Keith, labourer, 11 Fielding St. 529680 Smith, Thomas, driver, 239 Opawa Rd. 562238 Slade, Reginald George, manager, 16 White St., Timaru. 483586 Smith, Thoma,s- Albert, newspaper assistant, 18 Shrewsbury 514767 Slattery, Thomas James, company-manager, 6 Grasmere St., St., Merivale. Timaru. 562287 Smith, Thomas James, farmer, Fernside, Rangiora. 596903 Sleeman, Allan George, journalist, 24 Clifton Tee. 594496 Smith, Thomas James, labourer, McKenzie St., Fairlie. 514205 Sloan, Adam Gillespie, farm labourer, Montalto, Mayfield. 555111 Smith, Thomas McGhie, flour-mill employee, Featherstone 469056 Sloan, Ernest Herbert, decorator, 15 Rotherham St. Ave., Kairaki. 530406 Sloane, Arthur Ronald, turner, 64 Matlock St., Woolston. 528949 Smith, Thomas William, boilermaker, 2 Paeroa St., Rio 550l93 Sloss, Alexander Williamson, farmer, Leamington, Cheviot.
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