Red Zone Future Use Pines and Kairaki Beaches
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V3 19/05/2014 Future use of former Red Zone land at Pines and Kairaki Beaches V3 19/05/2014 Future use of former Red Zone land at Pines and Kairaki Beaches This page contains the main points. Details relating to each point are in the following pages. Some relate to CERA issues, some to WDC issues. “Recovery” is the R in CERA. Kairaki an !ines "eaches have $een ecimate $% the post earth&uake situation an nee some o$stacles remove to $e a$le to recover an move forwar . 1 The “Red Zone” is over! 1!1 't was onl% an area where an offer was ma e. 1!" That offer is finishe . 1!# The ”re )one “ la$el has create many misconceptions an pro$lems. 1!$ %e &ill refer to the area in this document as the “ recovery area” 1!' Action re(uired) re*lace the red +one la,el to ena,le recovery! 1.5.1 When * +ow Who* CERA " The Community is stayin- "!1 Twent% properties remain in Kairaki recovery area. "!" All services are staying in Kairaki. "!# 't has $een prove that it is via$le an safe to $uil in most of the area. "!$ !ines has a few recovery area stayers an a functioning green )one. "!' 't is a strong eclectic community who have en ure much. "!. The strong resi ents association has $een going for more than ,- years. "!/ The communit% is capa$le of looking after the area. "!0 Action re(uired) remove threat of com*ulsory ac(uisition. 2.8.1 When * +ow Who* CERA "!1 Action re(uired ) Com*lete demolitions 2 so& -rass and fence! 2.9.1 When * +ow Who* CERA "!13 Action Re(uired) Re,uild the road and storm&ater! 2.10.1 4*date) The road and draina-e is a,out to ,e re,uilt and should ,e com*lete ,y the end of 5uly! # This *lan considers the needs of the #!1 Resi ent community #!" CERA #!# WDC #!$ the wi er community. The Future 4se Plan 4 6hort term solutions).ow impact an capital uses while other ecisions are ma e. $!1 Community initiate uses. $!" Community maintenance. $!# /aintain eclectic nature of the $each. $!$ Action re(uired ) Licences to occupy and Lease arrangements! 4.4.1 When * +ow Who* CERA, WDC0 4.4.2 1overnance* Wdc, CERA or resi ents association. ' 7on- Term 4ses '!1 Sell $ack into in ivi ual ownership. '!" !ossi$l% retain some licences to occupy. '!# Action re(uired) Sell back into individual ownershi*! 5.3.1 When* as soon as politicall% an practicall% possi$le Who* CERA . The 7and and Technical Cate-ories .!1 2ses appropriate for the lan . .!" Engineere foun ation solutions are re&uire . V3 19/05/2014 1 The “Red Zone” is over! 1.1 't was onl% an area where an offer was ma e. 3.3.3 The “ Re 4one( 'n reference to the court of Appeal case /inister for Canter$ury Earth&uake Reco#ery v 5owler Developments .imite 67-389 +4CA :;; <8 Decem$er 7-38= The >u ge efine what the re )one i an i n?t o. “[27] ... I set out what the red zone did not do: (a) It did not prohibit building or the granting of building consents in the area for repair or rebuilding. (b) it did not prohibit residents from continuing to live in the red zone. (c) It did not re!uire residents to demolish or repair their houses. [2"] In terms of what the creation of the red zone did do# it created an area in which $%&' would make offers to purchase the properties of insured residents.) 3.3.7 The criteria for the re )one inclu e many things $ut timeliness an uncertainty were key elements. The% are no longer rele#ant three an a half years after the event. 1!" That offer is finished! 3.7.3 All Sales have $een complete an past owners have move on. So the “Re 4one” now has no meaning. 1.3 The ”re )one “ la$el has create many misconceptions an pro$lems. 1.3.1 /any people an $usinesses still $elieve that there is an issue with li#ing or owning in a re )one simpl% $ecause of the title. This has ma e life as normal, impossi$le for resi ents. 1.3.2 The laugha$le @A valuations ,which sees a roa $utt value at many times an a >oining service resi ential property with a house on it are one example of that. 1.3.3 The use of the term “zone” was critici)e $% the >u ge in the a$ove case. 't is normall% use in con>unction with istrict plans an the R/A. What are the legal ramifications in perpetuating the “zone” la$el after it?s usefulness? 1!$ Action re(uired) remove the “ red +one” la,el to ena,le recovery and re*laced &ith another term! “REC89ER: AREA”? <as a *ositive rin- to it! 3.C.3 When * +ow Who* CERA 1.4.2 This is essential for our communities recovery! 3.C.8 't is un erstoo that other re )ones are in a ifferent situation an time frame. Dowever there is no reason for this not to happen in our case. 1.4.4 Recovery is the R in CERA. Without removing the la$el our communities recovery is severel% impe e . V3 19/05/2014 " The Community are stayin- 2.1 T&enty *ro*erties remain in Kairaki recovery area! 7.3.3 Eust un er one thir . The highest percentage in any recovery area. 2.2 All services are stayin- in Kairaki! 2.2.1 To @uote Eim !almer CEF Waimakariri District Council “*he $ouncil has restored essential services of +ater and ,ewer to -airaki and had done so prior to any rezoning decisions. $learly that infrastructure will remain in place and is also re!uired to service the -airaki motor camp. 's for all parts of our district# should there be another ma/or event all infrastructure issues will have to be reconsidered at that time. &oading improvements have yet to be undertaken in -airaki and will be considered as part of the decisions on the future use of the &ed 0ones, but the road access will need to remain# in any event# to service the &iver mouth and motor camp.( 2.2.2 The roa an stormwater is a$out to $e re$uilt , completing or infrastrucure. 2.3 =t is via,le and safe to ,uild in most of the area! 7.8.3 Several owners have one testing an have engineere solutions for $uil ing in the area. 7.8.7 A num$er of geotechnical tests have $een one $y insurance companies the results $eing that generally a TC8 type foun ation is suita$le. 7.8.8 The new community centre is un er esign at the moment. 7.8.C Fwners un erstan that a itional foun ations are re&uire $ut consi er that worthwhile given the special nature of the area. 7.8.: To &uote a recent floo risk report for a Kairaki property $y ECA+ . “The property is located on the floodplains of the +aimakariri and 'shley &ivers. %$'1 flood modelling for the 'shley &iver does not show the property flooded in the 233 and 233 year return period scenarios modelled. *he flood level in the 433 year return period scenario is 2.55 metres above mean sea level (m.a.m.s.l.) which e!uates to depths up to about 633mm across the property. %$'1 has modelled several breakout scenarios for the +aimakariri &iver. 7n the north side of the river these have been breakouts upstream of the -aiapoi &iver /unction and have not resulted in flooding at -airaki 8each. 8reakouts downstream of the -aiapoi &iver /unction have not been modelled because of the likely low probability of occurrence.) 2.4 Pines has a fe& recovery area stayers and a functionin- -reen +one! 2.5 =t is a stron- eclectic community &ho have endured much! 7.:.3 Aery wi e socioGeconomic range. 7.:.7 A iverse range of $uil ings from very $asic $aches to su$stantial homes. 7.:.8 The remaining resi ents are scattere throughout the )one. 7.:.C The generic evelopment of the area as happens with most new su$ ivisions woul estroy the special eclectic nature of the $each. 7.:.: Strong recreational interests. "!. The very stron- residents association -oin- for more than 13 years! 7.H The communit% is capa$le of looking after the area. 7.H.3 The !K"A is $uil ing a new communit% centre. 2.8 Action re(uired) remove threat of com*ulsory ac(uisition. 7.;.3 When * +ow Who* CERA 7.;.7 The well $eing of resi ents will $e greatl% improve if this possi$ility is no long hanging over their hea s. "!0!# %e understand that it is *art of the Cera act and &ill remain But a letter statin- that there is no intention to use it in Pines Kairaki &ould do! V3 19/05/2014 "!1 Action re(uired ) Com*lete demolitions 2 so& -rass and fence! 7.,.3 When * +ow Who* CERA 7.,.7 The now a$an one $uil ings cause several pro$lems. Arson, fly umping, floo ing, rats, mosquitoes, spee ing traffic, crime. 7.,.8 Resi ents well $eing is affecte $y those issues as well as the unsightliness of a$an one properties. 7.,.C 5or the large num$er of recreational visitors the unsightliness is an issue.