Durha.M. Haugbton ·Le-Sker~ E
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• DIRECTORY.] DURHA.M. HAUGBTON ·LE-SKER~ E. 2.)1 Post & M. 0. Office. John William Butler, sub-post from Haughton and 4 north from Darlington. The old master. Letters arrive from Darlington; delivery, Stockton and Darlington (North Eastern) railway passes 7.15 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; dispatch, g.Io a.m. & 5.30 &; through this township. The chapel of St. Mary Magda 8. IS p.m.; sundays, delivery, 7·45 a.m. ; dispatch, lene, built in 1865, is a beautiful structure in the Early 8.5 a.m. Darlington, 1! miles distant, is the nearest Pointed style, and is served from the parish church of telegraph office Haughton-le-Skerne. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners Wall Letter Box, Great Burdon, cleared at 5 p.m. week are lords of the manor. The area is 1.745 acres; rate days only able value, £2,496; the population in 19II was 129; Public Elementary School (mixed &; infants), founded the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas and clover. in I813, &; considerably enlarged during the incum Post Office.-Mrs. Mary Outhwaite, sub-po~tmistress. bency «>f the Rev. Edward Cheese M.A. &; again in Letters received from Darlington; delivery at 7 a.m.; 1887, when it was entirely refitted, for 200 children, dispatch at 5· IS p.m.; no sunday delivery. .A.ycliffe & again in 1905; average attendance, boys & girls, is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 1 mile 104 & 56 infants; Thomas Calow, master; Mrs. Annie distant .Calow, infants' mistress The children of this place attend the school at Brafferton GREAT BURDON is a village and township, on thP 'high road from Darlington to Stockton, half a mile north WHESSOE forms a township (Whessoe-with-High ~ast; the land is chiefly the property of the Dean ann Beanmont Hill) in the parish of Haughton. Both are Chapter of Durham, who are also the owners of the mine~ on the west side of the Great North road and are re and minerals. The area is 6ox acres of land and 4 ol spectively 2 and 3 miles north of Darlington. The manor water; rateable value, £z,oos; the population in Igr. of Whessoe is held by leas.e, or c0opy of court roll, under was 94· the see of Durham. Divine service is held in St. Peter's Haughton-le-Skerne is the nearest money order office & Sunday schools, built by the late Rev. Edward Cheese Darlington, about 2 miles distant, the nearest tele M.A. in the year x871. The principal landowners are graph office the Dean and Chapter of Durham, Sir Edmund Stracey Hardinge bart. D.L., J.P. and James Senior esq. The BA.RMPTON is a township, 2 miles north-north-east acreage is 1,444; rateable value, £4,469; the population from the. church and 3 miles north-east from Darlington of the township in I9II was 368. The principal landowne11s are Richard Johnson esq. Joh11 Letters through Darlington, which is the nearest money William Page-Page esq. of Norton, Mrs. Jane Waldy, order & telegra•ph office, 2 miles distant -and the Croft and Thornton trustee!. The area is 1,539 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value, £I,738; HARROWGATE HILL was. formerly a civil parish, :tlse population in 19II was 87. formed under the provisions of the "Local Government Haughton-Ie-~Skerne is the nearest money order office & Act, 1894,"' from the township of Whessoe and civil Darling<ton, 3 miles dristarut, the ne~J.Test telegreph office pari&h of Haughton-le-Skerne, and wa.s by Local Govern ment Board Order No. 47>853, dated Oct. I, 1907, COA.THAM-MUNDEVILLE is a village and township, added to the municipal borough of Darlington, under -situated on the Great North road, 4 miles north-north-vrest which place ~he names will be found. HAUGHTON-LE-SKERNE. Crowson Waiter, market gardener Pattison Clhristiana (Mrs.), market. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dawson Thomas & Phillip, agricultural gardener, Uplands implement makers, Haughton mills Rickinson Edwin, farmer .Arnet Henry S. Garmonsway Dawson Joseph Wm. cab proprietm Sanderson David, farmer Atkinson William Dolphin Joseph (Mrs.), farmer, Hamlet Mrs Harrowgate house OOATHAM-MUNDEVILLE. .Banks John Doug-ill Thoma.s E. farmer, Redhall Jackson Coiling-wood, Coatham hall Banks Miiil'i farm east Summerson Robt. Bradley,Hall garth Barnett Rev. Robert George (curate Fe-etham Arthur, solicitor, Brough ho ('OMMERCL\L. of St. Andrew) Fryer Frederick, grocer Bateman John William, The Bungalow HauO'hton-le-Skerne Club & Institute Biglin Edward, farmer, Whiley hill ffioom Robert James, White hall (R"obert Raine, sec) Gent Nicholas, farmer, Stanley farm Cundell Mrs Headley Robson farmer Hodgson Geo. farmer, Greystone frm Dixon Thomas, Chilton villa Hodgen Robert, 'market gardener Knox Thomas, farmer Feetham Arthu~, Brough house Hodgson Geo. frmr. Redhall frm. we Lawson Robert H. farmer Feetham John, JUn. Ga:te house :vrartin Lee, farrroer, The Grange Marquis William, farmer, Dean head F.eetham John J.P. Whmfield Metcalfe Thos. Highland Laddie inn Outhwaite George, joiner Fellowes Rev. John Charles M.A Nel~on Thomas Chri~topher, farmer, Outhwaite Mary (Mrs.), sub-postmist (rector), The Rectory Muscar house Pallister Richd. farmer, Coatham ho Hag~ie D~vid Aubrey, Red.hall Parlour John Henry, market gardener Plews William, Foresters' Arms inn Holhs Ch.arles ~L The Ol?se . Pigg Sarah Ann (Miss), grocer Robson Wm. farmer, Humbleton farm Macdermid Colm, Brooks1de villa Richardson Thomas, ~licitor & com- Vickers Chas. farmer, Newhouse farm McGregor Robert A. Sundale cottage missioner for oaths Nevison William Rickinson Thomas, jun. farmer, Pros- WHESSOE. Ric~ardson Thomas pect house Beadle George Smith Esau Jameson Robinson John market gardener Merrell George Stewart Frederick, Mountain Ash Stabler George' market gardener Elm Robinson William SnmmerRon Miss, The. Laurels Tree house ' ' Yam• Col. the Hon. William Lyonel 'fodd Mary (Mrs.), market gardener COMliERC1AL. D.L., J.P. Haughton hall Todd John blacksmith Alderson George, cowkeeper Warwick Mrs Whitfield Charles, boot maker Baldwin Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wigfield Charles, Hopewell house Brown John, farmer BARM!PTON. Brown Michael, farmer, Low Beau- COMM~:RCIAL. mont hill Allison Adam Moscrop, tchr. of music Crowson Geor~e, market gardener Dunwell James, brick & tile maker "Banks Mary (Mrs.), butcher John"on Richd. farmer, Skerningham Fawbert John, farmer "Beadle James R. farmer, Back lane Knox James, farmer, Dales house Forster Robert, cowkeeper Eeadle John Robt. farmr. Glebe farm (lettf'rs thrDugh Sadberge) Hogg John, farmer, Little Whessoe "Beasley Thomas, market gardener Richardson William, farmer, Barmpton Ho1;~ William, farmer,LittleWhessoe Bell George, farmer, Firthmoor Hall farm Paxton Rebecca (Mrs.), farmer, High 13utler J. W. & M. J. deoorators & Vickers Brothers,farmers, Moor house Beanmont hill upholsterers for fetes, bazaars &c. ; W olfe Alfred, farmer, Barmpton farm Pearson William, shopkeeper entertainments provided with lime Raine Michael & John, farmers, High lights, banners, dissolving views &c. GREAT BURDON. Boo.umont hill ~ also tents, garden seats & marquees Richmond Sarah (Mrs.), White Horse "Butler John William, agent for the Jone<: Mr~. Ann hot~>l . Allan Line of steamers, Post office Stainsb,- Mrs Robin--on John, shopkeeper Chalmers Thomas Hamilton, laundry, Wolfe Alfred, Burdon hall Ro bson J. &; T. farmers, Burtree ho Hill crest Blair Thomas, farmer Smith Robert, farmer, Mver's• fiat 'Coakes George (Mrs.), cowkeeper Booth Arthur, smith Sntton Robert, farmer Crowe Charle;;;, Grey Horse inn Firby Christopher, market ~ardener Trotter William & Sons, farmers. Crowson George, market gardener Jones Robt.cattle dlr. & millt>r (watr) Whe<:soe hom;e DURHAM 17 .