Faculty Activities
Faculty Activities left to right Bruce Ackerman Ian Ayres Jack M. Balkin Robert A. Burt Guido Calabresi Morris L. Cohen Bruce Ackerman 7, 2005, available at http://slate.msn.com/ Robert A. Burt Publications id/2114441/; Ask Iraqi Voters: Do You Want Lectures and Addresses The Art of Stealth, London Review of Us To Stay?, Hartford Courant, Jan. 28, Jewish Federation of New Haven,“The Books,Feb. 17, 2005, at 3; Loyal to Rumsfeld? 2005 (with B. Nalebuff); Going Soft on Jewish Presence in American Law”;The or the Constitution?, Am. Prospect, Microsoft? The EU’s Antitrust Case and Hastings Center,“The End of Autonomy in November 2004, at 6; Voting with Dollars Remedy, The Economists’Voice,Vol. 2: No. Biomedical Ethics.” (with comments by Barney Frank and Nick 2, Article 4 (2005) (with B. Nalebuff); Publications Littlefield), 57 Bull. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci., Encouraging Suggestive Behavior, Harv. Moral Offenses and Same Sex Relations: Summer 2004, at 18; Immune to Bus. Rev. 18 (December 2004), (with B. Revisiting the Hart-Devlin Debate, 1 Democracy, N.Y.Times, March 4, 2005, at Nalebuff); Should Heterosexuals Boycott Journal of Law 70 (2004); Review of A21 (with J. Ackerman); The Filibuster Rule: Marriage?, Issues in Legal Scholarship Jocelyn Downie, Dying Justice: A Case for Play by the Rules, Philadelphia Inquirer, (2004): Article 2 (with J. Brown); Decriminalizing Euthanasia and Assisted March 16, 2005; Em Defesa de uma Heranca Anonymously Yours, Worth 32 (November Suicide in Canada, 352 New Eng. J. Med. Social de Cidadania, in Ideias e Politicas 2004); Microsoft I: A Remedy Worthy of 1501 (2005).
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