East Ramblers

September 2015

Have you thought about how this wonderful group of about 250 members actually functions?

How does it manage to provide so many varied walks each week, a series of social events over the year, a holiday programme both at home and abroad, a footpath maintenance programme, a system of communication to members by newsletter and website, and most importantly a general good atmosphere where all these things seem to be just the usual? The answer is, of course, volunteers, organised through a vibrant committee.

This committee is a statutory requirement as part of the national Ramblers organisation and we have a current problem and YOU may be the answer. We must have a Group Secretary and Group Treasurer to be able to continue and at the AGM this November both these positions fall vacant. If the group is to progress then somebody has to step up and continue the great work done by those who got us this far. Could that be YOU? You know you would miss your walks and the good company they give you access to.

So some serious thoughts are needed as to whether it's about time to take your turn to keep us all walking. There are lots of members of this group who have the organisational skill set and interpersonal skills that would keep Ramblers on the right path for the next few years so step up now!.

If you want to know more about what, when and how then any member of the current committee would be willing to discuss it with you. (Details are included within the AGM notice below)

As I said in the last newsletter I am also stepping down at this AGM so this is my last effort. Thank you for all the support over the last 3 years and please be as generous to who ever volunteers to take over! (Mick Gould)

Walks programme

You should receive the Winter (October – March) walks programme with this letter. Programme Secretaries are: Weekend – Beryl 01283 534127, Wednesdays – Paul T. 0771 0237919, Fridays – Diane 01283 547450 The overall walks co-ordinator is Peter – 01283 713209, [email protected].

We have had difficulty filling the programme this time – thanks to all those members who have provided walks. You will find some weekends and Wednesdays have only one walk – I don't think we have any with none ! Next year we will run another map course and hopefully we will gain some new leaders. If you are interested and have a favourite walk you would like to offer next summer then please contact a member of the committee (details below) and they will help you – or at least give you the name of someone who can 'buddy up' with you !

On the Winter programme, we have some walks in different areas, they do not take longer to get to in many instances so give them a try and support these leaders. Also, Wendy is taking us to Tinkersley (because she liked the sound of it) on 8th November and Beryl to Hellbank Plantation on 14th November. Brian and Diane are offering the chance to see the autumn colours and as we approach Christmas, Jane is offering a 6 mile walk with the opportunity to visit Ashbourne afterwards (that place we always drive through and don't stop for a look around !). So enjoy and if you think you would like to try leading a walk, then please come forward.

Don't forget that you can also access the walks programme to find walk details and start locations via the group website. Walk leaders can use this method to enter walk numbers and save phone calls. (Members password coffeestop)

As winter approaches can we remind you if the weather is forecast to be bad, or there is a likely chance of flooding on the walk, please check with the leader that it is going ahead.

What have we been up to?

The Pie and Claret evening held at Len and Pauline's was a most enjoyable evening with a walk led by Brian, lovely food produced by a small team of cooks and very pleasant conversation in a lovely setting. A big thank you to all who contributed.

The Picnic in the park was well-support by 31 people !! The weather stayed kind to us and a short walk to Scaddows Farm and returning by Carvers Rocks was followed by a lovely shared picnic at Foremark – if you haven't yet been on one then come along next year – you will have a good time !!

High Peak weekend - Jane

The High Peak weekend was again based in Glossop. As usual we had a wet showery day on the Saturday although I believe in Burton you were sun-bathing ! Someone was overheard to say 'There doesn't appear to be any paths !' Well done to Peter for leading us safely over the moors. On Sunday we walked – in sunshine – on Bleaklow to Alport Castles and back to the cars at Birchin Clough car park, to finish with a welcome drink at The Snake Inn before we returned home. The walk was eventful with several people gently sitting on their bottoms, although Martin excelled himself by 'headbutting a stream' not once but twice at the same place !! I am not sure what he told people for the next week as he sported a very impressive black eye !!

Ribble Valley

Whilst writing this, we are just waiting to go down to dinner on Sunday night – did I order roast beef or sweet and sour pork – it doesn't really matter as I don't have to cook it ! The hotel is very nice – most of us appear to have a large lounge area as well as a large bedroom – as Brian remarked you could easily get 4 in his room comfortably – I am not sure if he meant the room or the bed – either would work ! Thank you to Beryl for finding the place and for organising the walks.

On Friday, we all met up for a a walk from Ribchester – luckily the minibus just fitted in a car parking space and only had to pay £1.90 for parking and not £9 ! On Saturday there was a choice of two walks – the Tolkien Trail from Hurst Green followed by an afternoon in Clitheroe, or a longer walk on Longridge Fell. On Sunday, we all went to Slaidburn for a short walk followed by a visit to Dunsop Bridge (a short riverside walk) and the Trough of Bowland or a longer walk to Stocks Reservoir. Thanks to Bob and Joyce for leading the longer walks – we were grateful they had recce-ed Saturday's walk as although shorter than planned we did not fancy walking through slurry ! On Sunday, we are hoping for good weather as on offer is the Downham Classic walk followed by sight-seeing in Whalley or a walk up Pendle Hill.

I am sure those people on the minibus would join me in thanking John for driving.

So what next?

Sunday 27th September Coach trip to Malvern

The coach will leave Shobnall Leisure Centre at 8.00 am, and will leave Malvern at 5.00 pm arriving back at about 7.00 pm. There will be 3 walks as usual ranging from a longer 12 mile walk to a much easier, short walk for those wanting more time in Malvern itself.

Sunday November 15th East Staffordshire Ramblers AGM (with light refreshments) Hall 2 – 4 pm.

If you wish to be on the Committee, want to nominate a committee member, or raise an issue for the agenda please contact Jackie on 01283 530749 or [email protected], all items for the agenda should be notified in writing by Sunday 8th November, at the latest. Otherwise just come and enjoy an afternoon in good company.

After the last group AGM, the committee and their contact details were as follows:

Group Secretary* Mrs Jackie Thompson 01283 530749 Group Treasurer Mr Graham Goodall 01889 563474 Chair Vacancy Newsletter Mr Mick Gould 01283 703615

(These posts are all going to be vacant at the next AGM and volunteers for the first two are essential for the group to continue to be part of the Ramblers nationally.)

*If you are interested in the position of Group Secretary, it is possible to come on as Minute Secretary, with the aim of taking over the other responsibilities as and when you are ready.

Other posts at present are:

Area Rep/Holidays Mrs Jane King 01283 543483 Vice Chair/Membership Mr Len Smith 01283 820673 Social Secretary Mrs Mary Jones 01283 567055 Social committee Mrs Jill Bates 01283 713586 Social committee Mrs Anne Scott 01283 814425 Website/Footpath Mr Peter Clark 01283 713209 Working Group Countryside/Access Mr David Hewett 01889 563474 Walks Programme Mr Peter Clark 01283 713209 co-ordinator Weekend Mrs Beryl Meadows 01283 534127 Wednesdays Mr Paul Thompson 0771 0237919 Member Mr Bill Miles 01283 531897

Friday 11th December Christmas Lunch – Ramblers Retreat, Alton

An (optional) short 4.5 mile walk followed by Christmas Lunch at the Ramblers Retreat, Alton. A deposit of £5 per person is payable by 25th October, the remainder payable on the day. The menu is on the return form at the end of the newsletter, could you please let us have your choices when you send your deposit.

Friday 18th December Christmas Dinner – Lakeside, Moira

Following the popularity of last years evening meal, we are offering it again.

A £10 per person deposit is required, with your choices, by 25th October. The balance will be payable by 1st December. Menus at end of newsletter.

Advance Notices for 2016

May/June Group Holiday to the Gower

Could you please indicate on the return slip if you are interested. We have been having difficulty finding suitable accommodation, when we have done so we will contact you. Decisions will probably have to be made before the December newsletter goes out, so please let us have your names or you may miss out.

September/October Another holiday

This time we are leaving the decision to you – we have three different destinations in mind – Isle of Man, north coast of Madeira and Austria/Germany – the choice is yours !!

Footpaths, Walking Environment and Access Report (David Hewett)

County Council Constraints Mark Winnington, Cabinet Member for Economy, Environment and Transport, sent out a letter to user groups in early July warning that reduced staffing would result in the prioritisation of footpath work on health and safety issues and on promoted routes. He wrote “if and when we have extra resources we will carry out vegetation clearance, waymarking, furniture repair and work to process public path orders.” Be warned, but do not stop sending in complaint reports: if a stile is collapsing or an obstruction is dangerous, SAY SO. Don't forget that under Section 130 of the Highways Act 1980, the Highways Authority has a duty to “assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of all their highways” apropos of which – Ploughing and Cropping Landowners and big agriculture will make hay (well no they won't, they will plant maize and rape and forget to unblock the footpath) as County Council efforts are in decline. Don't struggle or get soaked in silence REPORT IT!

See also Peter's contact with the Council cuts in the next section!

County Estate

On 31st July, Area Officers met Ian Wykes (Commissioner for the Rural County) to discuss the options for the future management of the County estate. The Ramblers representatives pressed very strongly for the retention of the Ranger Service and The Rights of Way team, as they are regarded as essential in the approach to footpath and access issues. Any commercial developments associated with Country Parks and other areas with public access must take due account of the expectations of the public.

DMMO claim for Mayfield Local people in Mayfield are in the process of claiming a length of footpath in the village which has been walked for many years, but which has now been blocked by a locked gate and “Private Property” signs. The path runs south from Gallowtree Lane to join Mayfield No. 21 west of the village school and park. The claimants are seeking evidence of use from anyone who knows the area. Contact [email protected].

Footpath Working Group (Peter Clark)

We have had 3 more sessions since the last report. First was to finish off three stiles in the Draycott and area, then we installed a kissing gate at the end of a path behind Morrisons (Branston FP14). The Clerk of Branston Parish Council applied for a grant to purchase the kissing gate and an extra £100 to donate to ESRA for our help to install it. was our latest venue at the end of July. On my last visit to collect material from the SCC depot on Marquis Drive I was told that the supply of short supports for steps was so low that I couldn’t have any at all but I could have double the amount of long supports because they had plenty! The solution was that the Abbots Bromley Footpath Society (i.e. Ron Sayers) gave us £35 to buy the short lengths that we needed. A note from Ron said “East Staffordshire is very fortunate to have a group of skilled people prepared to give their time to work on the footpaths and we are looking forward to your next visit.”

Past progress and future arrangements for the Working Group can also be found in the group website by clicking on the 'Footpath' item in the menu on the right-hand side of the web-pages or please contact Peter 01283 713209.

Website (Peter Clark)

Photos of the High Peak weekend have been added to the Gallery page on the website. If any of you have photos that could enhance the web page please email them to Peter [email protected].

Publicity (Peter Clark)

The Big Pathwatch was launched on 13th July and was supposed to be the big publicity event of the year but it doesn’t seem to have inspired the amount of interest that Central Office was expecting. The lack of interest is probably because the whole emphasis of the exercise is that it is based on a smartphone app which 80% of our members do not possess. Have you tried using the app and completing a map square? Any comments would be welcomed.

The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity ( & Wales No. 1093577, Scotland No. SC03799] and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (No. 4458492). Registered office: 2nd Floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SEl 7TW EAST STAFFORDSHIRE RAMBLERS

Could you please indicate if you will be attending an event. It may still possible to attend events after the cut off date, please ring Mary 01283 567055.

Please return by the 25th October, 2015, cheques payable to 'RA. East Staffordshire Group' Mrs Mary Jones, 20 Dovecliff Road, Stretton, Burton-upon-Trent, DE13 0DH

Name:...... Telephone: …......


Please send me details of the Gower holiday, when available Yes / No

Autumn Holiday. I am interested in (please circle preferred choice)

Isle of Man / North coast of Madeira / Austria or Germany

Christmas Lunches:

12:30 Ramblers Retreat – Friday 11th December

Two courses: £ 16.75 Three courses: £ 18.95 £5 deposit payable by 25th October, balance to Ramblers Retreat on the day

Homemade Cream of Parsnip Soup Chicken Liver & Cranberry Pate Warm smoked mackerel fillet Melon Platter with a spiced Berry Coulis

Staffordshire Roast Turkey with all the trimmings Staffordshire Roast Beef Braised Lamb Shank in a Mint gravy Home-made Steak, Ale and Mushroom Pie Poached Salmon Fillet served with a creamy dill and mustard sauce Mature Cheddar & Nut loaf served with a plum and port sauce

A choice of a delicious homemade dessert with cream, icecream or custard Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce

Coffee or tea served with Homemade mincepies and chocolate mints

Number of people : …...... £5 deposit pp £ …......


Main Course:......


7.00 for 7.30 pm, Lakeside – Friday 18th December

Two courses - £ 19.00 Three courses - £24.00 £10 deposit by 25th October. Balance by 1st December

Red Thai chicken soup Pressed ham hock and grain mustard terrine Duck and orange salad Duo of prawns – chilli and mango king prawns and a king prawn twister deep fried and served with dressed leaves and a sweet chilli and red onion jam Wild Mushrooms, stilton and cranberry filo basket

Roast Turkey - served with a sage and cranberry stuffing, bacon rolls and rich pan gravy Braised topside of beef – slowly braised in beer with onions and baby carrots, set on a Double Gloucester cheese mash, finished with a rich pan gravy and Yorkshire pudding Apricot and prune stuffed pork loin – carved onto carrot & swede mash, finished with a brandy & cream sauce Cod Loin – simply poached in white wine and set on buttered spinach and asparagus, topped with smoked salmon, cream cheese and chive cream sauce. Mushroom, cranberry, hazelnut and brie wellington – served with a creamy mushroom sauce

Christmas pudding with brandy sauce Sticky ginger pudding – topped with a stem ginger & toffee sauce, served with a vanilla bean ice-cream Torta Frutti de Bosco (Fruit of the forest tart) – served with fruit coulis & double cream Chocolate mint cheesecake – served with a crème de menthe coulis and double cream Cheese and biscuits

Freshly Ground coffee and Chocolate mints

Number of people : …...... £10 deposit pp £ …......

or TOTAL cost £ …......


Main Course:......


Muddy Boot Award If you would like to nominate anyone for this – please give details below.

Any general comments, ideas, suggestions on walks, social programme, the web-site or newsletter.

The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales No. 1093577, Scotland No. SC03799] and a company limited by guarantee,