Wagon Tracks. Volume 21, Issue 4 (August, 2007) Santa Fe Trail Association

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Wagon Tracks. Volume 21, Issue 4 (August, 2007) Santa Fe Trail Association Wagon Tracks Volume 21 Issue 4 Wagon Tracks Volume 21, Issue 4 (August Article 1 2007) 2007 Wagon Tracks. Volume 21, Issue 4 (August, 2007) Santa Fe Trail Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Santa Fe Trail Association. "Wagon Tracks. Volume 21, Issue 4 (August, 2007)." Wagon Tracks 21, 4 (2007). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks/vol21/iss4/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wagon Tracks by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Wagon Tracks. Volume 21, Issue 4 (August, 2007) SANTA FE TRAIL ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY VOLUME 21 AUGUST 2007 NUMBER4 SFT SYMPOSIUM TRINIDAD, COLORADO SEPTEMBER 27-30,2007 8 WONDERS OF KANSAS NEEDS YOUR VOTE The Kansas Sampler Foundation is sponsoring a contest to select the 8 Wonders of Kansas. This project, de­ SYMPOSIUM 2007 signed to increase awareness of the many wonders of Kansas and en­ Willis & Ann Warner and daughters ac­ TRINIDAD, COLORADO cepting Faye Anderson Award. SEPTEMBER 27-30 courage tourism throughout the state, has received national and in­ WARNER FAMILY RECEIVES ''Where the Mountain Branch ternational attention. FAYE ANDERSON AWARD crosses the Purgatoire" People any where in the world TOUR ROUTES may vote to choose the 8 Wonders THE WetlDry Routes Chapter pre­ by Richard Louden from a list of 24 places nominated by sented the Faye Anderson Award to As a help to Symposium visitors it a special committee. Three of these the Warner Family, whose ranch is has been suggested that a bit of de­ places have a Santa Fe Trail connec­ located northeast of Dodge City, in tail about the two different tour tion, and all members are urged to February 2007. This award is pre­ routes would be helpful to potential vote for these in their list of 8 sented annually to some individual tour goers in making decisions about choices: Fort Larned National His­ or group who has made a significant the tours they might like to take. toric Site, Cimarron National Grass­ contribution to the propagation and preservation of the Santa Fe Trail. THE MOUNTAIN BRANCH TOUR land, and Cheyenne Bottoms/Qui­ The award is named in honor of Faye This tour will begin in Trinidad vira National Wildlife Refuge. Selec­ tion as one of the 8 Wonders will pro­ Anderson, a charter member of the and head northeast along the Trail chapter. visiting points of interest between vide more publicity and draw more there and La Junta. Points of inter­ visitors than any amount of money The Warners are descendants of e~t concerning the Trail will be noted could buy. Willis B. Warner who immigrated to in Trinidad and Hoehne area, and Voting will take place until the Ford County in 1884 from the Hud­ the first discernible ruts, deep end of this year, and the results will son River valley in New York. He enough to require dams to check the be announced by Governor Kathleen purchased 160 acres of a relin­ erosion, will be visited east of Sebelius on Kansas Day, January quished homestead near the Hoehne. An eroded basin to be 29, 2008. You may vote online (pre­ Hodgeman-Ford County line along viewed was the Hole-In-The-Prairie, ferred unless you do not have access the Sawlog Creek. In time, that first a water camp on the Trail and the to a computer) by going to quarter section grew to include a site of an 1 866 stage station. About <www.8wonders.org> (a family may considerable number of acres, a por­ 12 miles further along will be the fa­ vote up to three times from any e­ tion of which was traversed by the mous Hole-In-The-Rock site men­ mail address) or you may mail in an Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Road, the tioned by Susan Magoffin and many official printed ballot one time only eastern end of the Santa Fe Trail for others. A stage stop was also located per person (Leo Oliva will gladly pro­ a brief period in 1867-1868. Ruts of the road can still be easily traced \ here. The next stop is Iron Spring, vide a ballot for anyone wishing to I across more than two miles of War­ " another stage station, burned by the vote by mail-leave your name and Cheyennes in 1864. The final stop address at his toll-free number 888­ ner Ranch land. will be at the picnic shelter near Met­ 321-7341). When you vote, you must Succeeding Willis Warner was his calfs Ranche and stage stop on Tim­ select 8 from the list of 24. son John who marked the road with pas Creek. Detailed information about each American flags which were proudly MILITARY FREIGHT ROUTE TOUR of the 24 places nominated is avail­ displayed on appropriate holidays. Leaving Trinidad, the tour will go able on the 8 Wonders web site. Members of John's family, following by Gray's Ranch, an early stage stop Please take time to look at all of in their father's footsteps, continue where the Trail crossed the Purga­ them before you select your choices. to take pride in protecting the road toire. The next point of interest will Please include the sites with Santa and prove to be hospitable hosts to (continued on page 5) Fe Trail connections on your ballot. those who frequently visit the ruts. August 2007 1 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 2007 1 Wagon Tracks, Vol. 21 [2007], Iss. 4, Art. 1 PRESIDENT'S COLUMN All matters relating to Wagon WAGON TRACKS (ISSN 1547­ Trachs should be directed to SFTA 7703) is the official publication of IN this issue I will write about the Editor Leo E. Oliva, PO Box 31, the Santa Fe Trail Association, a chapters of the Santa Fe Trail Asso­ Woodston KS 67675. nonprofit organization incorpo­ ciation. It wasn't long after the for­ Toll-free Phone: 888-321-7341 rated under the laws of the State of mation of the Santa Fe Trail FAX: 785-425-6865 Colorado. Letters and articles are Association that chapters began ap­ E-Mail: <[email protected]> welcome, but they become the property of WT and may be edited plying for affiliation. At the June Headquarters ofthe Santa Fe Trail or abridged at the editor's discre­ 1988 board meeting, the Cimarron .Association are located at the office tion. All rights reserved. Annual Cutoff Chapter was accepted as the of Treasurer Ruth Olson Peters, subscriptions are obtained through Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 first chapter of the SFTA. At the membership in SFTA; dues are set Hwy, Larned KS 67550; Office per calendar year. Checks should same meeting, Charles Pitts of the Manager Linda Revello. be made payable to the Santa Fe Texas Panhandle Chapter reported Telephone: 620-285-2054 Trail Association and sent to the on their chapter's formation and ac­ FAX: 620-285-7491 treasurer (address below). tivities. At the time, they had 24 E-Mail: <[email protected]> Membership Categories members and asked to be named the Association Manager is Clive Sie­ Life $1,000 first "off the trail state" to have a gle, 9908 Shoreview, Dallas TX Patron $100/year. chapter in theSFTA. The board 75238. Telephone: 214-349-7419 Business $50/year E-Mail: <[email protected]> Nonprofit Institution$40/year unanimously granted their request. Family $30/year At the September 1989 board VISIT SFTA ON THE INTERNET Individual $25/year meeting two more chapters, Wagon­ <http://www.santafetrail.org> Youth (18 & under) $15/year bed Springs and Heart of the Flint Editor: Leo E. Oliva, PO Box 31, Hills, were given formal recognition ciation. Chapters shall hold regular Woodston KS 67675,888-321-7341, and in May 1990 End of the Trail meetings not less than annually, and <[email protected]> President: Joanne' VanCoevern, Chapter and Corazon de los Caminos shall conduct such programs and un­ dertakings as shall serve to educate 4773 N Wasserman Way, Salina (Heart of the Trails) were recog­ KS 67401, 785-825-8349, <jvanco­ nized. Officially recognized as chap­ members and the public concerning [email protected]> ters of SFTA at the September 1991 the general and regional history of Vice-President: John Atkinson, board meeting in Arrow Rock, Mis­ the Santa Fe Trail, the activities of 1113 Safari Dr, St Joseph MO 64506, 816-233-3924, <atkinson souri, were the Mountain Branch the Santa Fe National Historic Trail and the Association, and which shall @stjoelive.com> Chapter, the Wet/Dry Routes Chap­ Secretary: Kathleen S. Pickard, ter, the Missouri River Outfitters, otherwise promote the protection 4001 N Crystal Springs Rd, Salina and the Dodge City/Fort Dodge and preservation of the Santa Fe KS 67401, 785-309-0694, <kath Chapter (now know as the Dodge Trail and enhance awareness of its [email protected]> City/Fort Dodge/Cimarron Chapter). historical legacy. Any chapter that Treasurer: Ruth Olson Peters, dissolves shall inform the SFTA Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 At the June 1994 meeting, SFTA Hwy, Larned KS 67550, 620-285­ Vice-President Mark Gardner re­ president and be removed from the 2054, FAX 620-285-7491, <trail ported that two new chapters had list of chapters. [email protected]> been formed-Bent's Fort Chapter "Section 2. REPORTING, ANNUAL 2007 Symposium Coordinator: and Cottonwood Crossing Chapter. VISIT Richard Louden, PO Box 8, Bran­ son CO 81027, 719-946-5513 Gardner also noted that the Moun­ "Activities ofeach chapter shall be Publicity Coordinator: Michael.
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