MORMON EXPERIENCE SCHOLARSHIP ISSUES & ART D. Michael Quinn SUNSTONE on Early MOrMOnisM’s culturE Of ViOlEncE (p.16) Gary James Bergera documents thE MOnitOrinG Of Byu faculty tithinG PayMEnts (p.42) rEturn Of thE natiVE Fiction by levi s. Peterson (p.54) yOur OlD wOMEn shall DrEaM DrEaMs Essay by sara Burlingame (p.66) MOrMOns talk aBOut sEx (p.70) triButEs tO chiEkO OkaZaki anD MariOn D. hanks (p.82) uPDatE The Mormon Moment; The Book of Mormon Musical; Moroni is an alien? Mormons in the news; more . October 2011—$7.50 00b_inside cover:Cover.qxd 10/6/2011 9:03 PM Page 1 What’s your taste? android coming soon Attention SunSTone Print Subscribers You will soon have online access to ALL issues of Sunstone To get early access to this feature, send your full name as printed on the mailing label of SunSTone and your current email address to
[email protected]. Put “online Access” in the subject line. Thanks! 01_TOC:01_toc.qxd 10/10/2011 5:15 PM Page 1 SUNSTONE MORMON EXPERIENCE, SCHOLARSHIP, ISSUES, & ART OCTOBER 2011 Issue 164 FEATURES 16 D. Michael Quinn . THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE IN JOSEPH SMITH’S MORMONISM 39 Noah Van Sciver . VAN SCIVER’S BOOK OF MORMON 42 Gary James Bergera . THE MONITORING OF BYU FACULTY TITHING PAYMENTS: 1957–1963 54 Levi S. Peterson . RETURN OF THE NATIVE: Fiction 66 Sara Burlingame. YOUR OLD WOMEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS POETRY 2 Paul Swenson. GRAPHIC NOVEL 65 David Lawrence. BIRTHDAY PARTY SUNSTONE (ISSN 0363-1370) is published by The Sunstone 78 Anita Tanner .