Export Summit IV Country & Corporate Branding: Enhancing Extroversion 15th of June 2016 Makedonia Palace hotel programme

09:30 - 10:00 Registration

10:00 Opening - Welcoming Remarks

• Kyriakos Loufakis, President of the Board, Greek International Business Association - SEVE • Maria Kollia - Tsaroucha, Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (for Macedonia and Thrace) • Dimitris Mardas, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

11:00 Keynote Speaker - Country Branding

Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor’s Professor of Marketing and International Business, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

11:30 - 14:00 Successful International Brands

PANEL I • Ioannis Capras, Representative of Bosch Group in and CEO Robert Bosch SA with responsibility for Greece, Cyprus, Albania and Malta • Konstantinos Deligiannis, General Manager for Southern Eastern Europe, General Electric HealthCare • Ion Voreopoulos, Country Leader, 3M Hellas • Jerome Gregoire, Country Managing Director Greece, Cyprus, Malta, FERRERO Moderator: Yannis Hajidimitriou, Professor, Chairman Dept. of Business Administration, University of Macedonia


• Vassilis Gounaris, Managing Director, BASF Hellas • Vassilis Rabbat, President & CEO, Xerox Hellas • Dimitris Kossyfas, Head of Travel Vertical, Google Greece Moderator: Dimitris Karavassilis, Founder - Managing Director DK Consultants, Member of the BoD SEVE

14:00 - 15:00 Light Snack 15:00 City Branding • Yiannis Boutaris, Mayor of Thessaloniki • Reiniera van Pallandt, Head of Financial and Business Services, Amsterdam in Business, City of Amsterdam • Nikos Koutsogiannis, Mayor of Naoussa Moderator: Nikolaos Varsakelis, Vice - Rector of Finance, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

16:00 Country Brand and Investment • Christos Staikos, Chairman, Enterprise Greece • Panagiotis Frountzis, President, Export Credit Insurance Organisation • Dimitris Makris, CEO, Thessaloniki Port Authority SA • Dimitris Tsakonitis, General Manager of Mines and Works, Grecian Magnesite S.A. • Orestis Omran, Counsel, Head of Greek Desk, DENTONS Moderator: Rallio Lepidou, Journalist - Founder www.ka-business.gr

17:00 Greek Success Stories


• Spyros Theodoropoulos, CEO, Chipita SA • Paul Efmorfidis, Founder, COCO-MAT SA • Michalis Panagiotakis, Deputy CEO, DODONI SA • Evangelos Gerovassiliou, CEO, Ktima Gerovassiliou SA Moderator: Yiannis Perlepes, General Manager, NAFTEMPORIKI


• Gedeon Voulis, CEO, Voulis Chemicals • Aris Kefalogiannis, CEO, Gaea Products SA • Yiannis Ververidis, Principal, CITY COLLEGE, International Faculty, University of Sheffield Moderator: Panagiotis Hassapis, Financial Supervisor SEVE

19:00 Closing Remarks

Andreas Chasapis, General Manager, Commercial Banking, EUROBANK

Cocktail programme

09:30 - 10:00 Εγγραφές

10:00 Έναρξη - Χαιρετισμοί

• Κυριάκος Λουφάκης, Πρόεδρος, Σύνδεσμος Εξαγωγέων Βορείου Ελλάδος - ΣΕΒΕ • Μαρία Κόλλια - Τσαρουχά, Υφυπουργός Εσωτερικών & Διοικητικής Ανασυγκρότησης (για Μακεδονία - Θράκη) • Δημήτρης Μάρδας, Υφυπουργός Εξωτερικών

11:00 Κεντρικός Ομιλητής - Country Branding

Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor’s Professor of Marketing and International Business, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

11:30 - 14:00 Επιτυχημένα Διεθνή Brands

PANEL I • Ιωάννης Κάπρας, Εκπρόσωπος της Bosch Group στην Ελλάδα & CEO Robert Bosch SA για Ελλάδα, Κύπρο, Αλβανία και Μάλτα • Κωνσταντίνος Δεληγιάννης, Γενικός Διευθυντής Southern Eastern Europe, General Electric HealthCare • Ίων Βορεόπουλος, Country Leader, 3M Hellas • Jerome Gregoire, Country Managing Director Ελλάδα, Κύπρος, Μάλτα, FERRERO Συντονιστής: Γιάννης Χατζηδημητρίου, Καθηγητής, Πρόεδρος Τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας


• Βασίλης Γούναρης, Γενικός Διευθυντής, BASF Hellas • Βασίλης Ραμπάτ, Πρόεδρος & Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Xerox Hellas • Δημήτρης Κόσσυφας, Επικεφαλής του τομέα Travel, Google Greece Συντονιστής: Δημήτρης Καραβασίλης, Ιδρυτής - Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος DK Consultants, Μέλος ΔΣ ΣΕΒΕ

14:00 - 15:00 Ελαφρύ Γεύμα 15:00 City Branding • Γιάννης Μπουτάρης, Δήμαρχος Θεσσαλονίκης • Reiniera van Pallandt, Head of Financial and Business Services, Amsterdam in Business, City of Amsterdam • Νίκος Κουτσογιάννης, Δήμαρχος Νάουσας Συντονιστής: Νικόλαος Βαρσακέλης, Αναπληρωτής Πρύτανης Οικονομικών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

16:00 Country Brand and Investment • Χρήστος Στάικος, Πρόεδρος, Enterprise Greece • Παναγιώτης Φρουντζής, Πρόεδρος, Οργανισμός Ασφάλισης Εξαγωγικών Πιστώσεων (ΟΑΕΠ) • Δημήτρης Μακρής, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Οργανισμός Λιμένος Θεσσαλονίκης AE • Δημήτρης Τσακωνίτης, Γενικός Διευθυντής Μεταλλείων & Εργοστασίων, Ελληνικοί Λευκόλιθοι ΑΜΒΝΕΕ • Ορέστης Ομράν, Counsel, Επικεφαλής του Ελληνικού Τμήματος, DENTONS Συντονιστής: Ραλλιώ Λεπίδου, Δημοσιογράφος - Ιδρυτής www.ka-business.gr

17:00 Ελληνικές Επιτυχημένες Ιστορίες


• Σπύρος Θεοδωρόπουλος, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Chipita ΑΕ • Παύλος Ευμορφίδης, Ιδρυτής, COCO-MAT ΑΕ • Μιχάλης Παναγιωτάκης, Αναπληρωτής Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, ΔΩΔΩΝΗ ΑΕ • Ευάγγελος Γεροβασιλείου, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Κτήμα Γεροβασιλείου ΑΕ Συντονιστής: Γιάννης Περλεπές, Γενικός Διευθυντής, ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


• Γεδεών Βούλης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Voulis Χημικά • Άρης Κεφαλογιάννης, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, Gaea Products ΑΕ • Γιάννης Βερβερίδης, Διευθυντής, CITY COLLEGE, Διεθνές Τμήμα του Πανεπιστημίου του Sheffield Συντονιστής: Παναγιώτης Χασάπης, Οικονομικός Επόπτης ΣΕΒΕ

19:00 Κλείσιμο

Ανδρέας Χασάπης, Γενικός Διευθυντής, Εμπορική Τραπεζική, EUROBANK

Κοκτέιλ speakers

Boutaris Yiannis, Mayor, Municipality of Thessaloniki Mr. Yiannis Boutaris was born in Thessaloniki in 1942 and obtained his Degree in Chemistry in 1965 from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and his Diploma of Oenology from the Wine Institute of Athens in 1967. From 1969 till 1996, he served successively as Assistant Director, Technical Director, and Managing Director at the family wine industry J. BOUTARI & SON S.A. In 1998 he created KIR YIANNI winery, located at the privately-owned vineyards of Yiannakohori and Amyndeon, run today by his two sons. He led “Protovoulia for Thessaloniki” at two successive municipal elections in 2006 and 2010 as candidate for Mayor and was elected Mayor of Thessaloniki in November 2010 (first term Jan 2011 - Aug 2014) and in May 2014 (present term Sept 2014 - Aug 2019).

Capras Ioannis, CEO, Bosch Hellas Mr. Ioannis Capras graduated and obtained a Master degree in Business Administration at the University of Munich. He began his professional career in 1992. In April 2000, he joined Allianz SE as Regional Director for Europe and in 2006 he was appointed CFO of Allianz Greece. Since January 2012, Mr. Ioannis Capras has been the representative of Bosch Group in Greece and CEO of Robert Bosch SA, with responsibility for Greece, Cyprus, Albania and Malta.

Chasapis Andreas, General Manager, Commercial Banking, EUROBANK Mr. Andreas Chasapis, General Manager, is heading Commercial Banking, the unit responsible for SMEs corporate clients, since July 2014. He is also Chairman of the Board for the 100% subsidiaries ERB Leasing S.A. and ERB Factors S.A. Prior to his current appointment, Andreas Chasapis headed the Group Transaction Banking and Large Corporate units and his experience in the Banking & Financial Services industry exceeds 25 years. He holds a Bachelor Degree in International Business & Management and an MBA in Finance & Investment Banking from Pace University, New York. He speaks Greek, English and French.

Deligiannis Konstantinos, General Manager, General Electric HealthCare Mr. Konstantinos Deligiannis was born in 1972. He graduated from the Physics Department of the University of Athens in 1994. In 1998 he received PhD degree in Solid State Physics from University Southampton of United Kingdom. He worked as a researcher tier 1B for one year at the same university. He was awarded, in 1998, with the EU Marie Curie Fellowship in the field of materials science at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique), in Grenoble (France). He joined GE Healthcare in 2003, where in 2005 he was appointed as Sales Manager of Greece, in 2010 as Zone Manager of Central and West Balkans, and since 2013 he is the General Manager of South Eastern Europe. He has been honored with the Bodossakis Foundation Scholarship.

Efmorfidis Paul, Founder, COCO-MAT SA The naked abundance of the Laconian field is my birthplace. I have an everlasting yearning for knowledge but I pride myself only for knowledge that cannot be taught. I am insatiable for new travels, which makes me supremely rich. My wisdom is the price for my mistakes. One companion, four children, my brother and a handful of friends are the source of my inexhaustible inspiration. I long to reach out for the unknown and for everything that resists its unravelling. I have been walking this world for more than half a century being constantly at war with tallow until I transform myself into pure energy. COCO-MAT is merely a stop in my life’s journey. My destination is the salty taste of seaweed in my mouth, the shaking of the leaves at noon, the gasp of my lungs when I try to climb that steep road, the love that blooms between two quadriceps and two bicycle wheels, the bursting laugh in the dead of night. The naked abundance of the Laconian field. Frountzis Panagiotis, President, Export Credit Insurance Organization (ECIO) Mr. Panagiotis Frountzis has been appointed President of the Export Credit Insurance Organization (ECIO) in April 2016. He holds a BA in Business Administration from the University of Macedonia. For more than 30 years he has been working as a consultant in private sector, where, among others, he has served in managing positions as CFO as well as General Manager. He has also been member of the board of directors of companies specialized in development of value added services. He is a founding member of the Hellenic Association of CFO’s (SEODI).

Gerovassiliou Evangelos, CEO, Ktima Gerovassiliou SA Mr. Evangelos Gerovassiliou was born in Epanomi. After fulfilling his studies of Agriculture, at A.U.Th, he continued his studies at University of Bordeaux and specialized in Oenology, Viticulture, Wine-Tasting and Technology of Oenological Machinery. During his studies he worked with the team of legendary consultant Emile Peynaud. From 1976 to 1999 he worked as Chief Oenologist at Porto Carras, producing some of the most distinguished Greek wines. He was the first to isolate, propagate and vinify Malagousia, an almost extinct indigenous grape variety. In 1981, he began the renovation of his family vineyard and created the Ktima Gerovassiliou. In 2001, along with oenologist Vassilis Tsaktsarlis, he created in Kavala the Biblia Chora Estate.

Gounaris Vassilis, Managing Director, BASF Hellas S.A. Mr. Vassilis Gounaris studied Agriculture with focus on Marketing, Sociology and Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Vassilis Gounaris is the Managing Director of BASF Hellas S.A., a position he assumed in 2009. He started his career in 1988 at Shell Co. Hellas S.A. and soon he became Sales Manager. When the crop protection unit of Shell was acquired by Cyanamid Hellas S.A. he maintained his position as Sales Manager until 1998, when he was promoted to General Manager. In 2000, when Cyanamid Hellas S.A. was acquired by BASF, he assumed the position of Managing Director of BASF Agro Hellas S.A. until 2008. Gounaris is President of the Hellenic Association of Expanded Polystyrene (ΗEPSΑ), Vice-President of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries (HACI), Member of the Board of the Association of Chief Executive Officers (ACEO) and President of its CSR committee. He is also Member of the Board of the Foundation for Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) supporters club.

Gregoire Jerome, Country Managing Director, FERRERO Greece, Cyprus and Malta Mr. Jerome Gregoire joined Ferrero Group 12 years ago and was appointed Country Managing Director for Ferrero GCM in January 2013. After several executive roles within international retailers such as Kipa-Tesco and Gib (Carrefour), Mr. Gregoire demonstrates a strong combination of cross functional experience in Trade Marketing, Financial Control and Sales Development within FMCG brands.

Kefalogiannis Aris, Founder & CEO, Gaea Products SA Mr. Aris Kefalogiannis studied at the Legal School of Athens and holds a Master’s degree in Competition Law from London School of Economics & a Master’s degree in Finance and International Trade from City University Business School. Mr. Kefalogiannis is the founder and CEO of “Gaea Products SA”. In 2013 Gaea was the first Greek company that managed to win the European Business Awards, among 15,000 leading European companies. In addition, Mr. Kefalogiannis is Vice Chairman of SEVITEL (Greek Industry Association of Standardization of olive oil). speakers

Kollia – Tsaroucha Maria, Deputy Minister, Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (for Macedonia & Thrace) Mrs. Maria Kollia – Tsaroucha was born in Serres. She is attorney-at-law, graduate of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki’s School of Law. In 2000, she was the first woman to be elected as a Nea Dimokratia MP for the constituency of Serres and she was re- elected at the elections held in 2004, 2007 and 2009. At the elections of 2012 as well as all the following elections she was elected MP with the party of Independent Greeks. She has twice been pointed Vice-President of the Greek Parliament and was chairman of the Special Permanent Committee on Equality, Youth and Human Rights as well as of the Standing Committee on Cultural and Educational Affairs. Since January 2015, she has been a member of the Greek government being pointed as Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (for Macedonia & Thrace).

Kossyfas Dimitris, Head of Travel Vertical, Google Greece Mr. Dimitris Kossyfas leads the sales team for the Travel vertical at Google Greece. He provides strategic services regarding online advertising to leading companies in Travel & Tourism and has been with Google for the past 5 years. Prior to joining Google, Dimitris spent 5 years in London working in consulting for Accenture. He holds a Master’s degree from Imperial College and an MBA from INSEAD. Outside work, he enjoys cross-training and is passionate about photography, music and radio producing.

Koutsogiannis Nikolaos, Mayor, Municipality of Naoussa Mr. Nikolaos Koutsogiannis is Mayor of Naoussa, founder and director of Naoussa International Film Festival (NIFF) and North Greece Investments. He graduated from University of Macedonia (International and European Finance and Politics Dpt.). He has a Master Degree in International Relations and one in Business Administration specializing in Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations. His basic goal is to promote the recognition of Aristotle’s School. He has established, in association with the University of Macedonia, the “Summer School of International Relations”, a workshop attended by a number of foreign students and university professors. He is also the person who first organized the festivities “Naoussa the city of wine”.

Loufakis Kyriakos, President, Greek International Business Association (SEVE) & President and CEO, Loufakis Chemicals SA Dr. Kyriakos Loufakis was reelected President of SEVE in May, 2016. He is also the President and CEO of Loufakis Chemicals S.A. Dr. Loufakis holds a PhD, and an MSc from Renselaer Polytechnic Inst. in N. York and a BSc from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki all in Chemistry. He has been a research assistant and guest speaker in several Universities and Institutes in USA, China, Europe and Greece. Since 1988, after his return to Greece, he has been working in the Chemical Industry. He is or was a member of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists (AATCC), American Chemical Society (ACS), New York Academy of Science, Textile Institute and the Greek Association of Chemists. He has been enlisted in “Who is who in science and engineering” since 1988 and “Who is who in the world” since 1995. He is also member of the board within local companies and organizations.

Makris Dimitris, CEO, Thessaloniki Port Authority SA Dr. Dimitrios Makris received a Civil Engineering degree, PhD in port operations and MBA in Finance. He joined ThPA SA in 2000, working on Strategic Planning, Marketing and Sales Sectors. He is specialized in port management and operations, in port development and concessions, negotiations with major customers and investors. He also worked as Adjunct Lecturer and Assistant Professor in the University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Transport, Greece, from 1998 to 2012. Appointed National Coordinator for the “Portworker Development Program” (PDP) of International Labor Office in Greece, an international high quality modular training course for portworkers. He is Executive Committee member of ESPO (European Seaports Organization) and First Vice Chairman of Greek Ports Association (ELIME). Mardas Dimitris, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dimitris Mardas was born in , on March 25th 1955. He completed his basic university studies in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Economics. He completed his postgraduate studies in the Universities Paris I – Sorbonne (1979- 1980) and Paris II – Panthéon (1980-1982) in economy and he was awarded the PhD Diploma by the University Paris II – Panthéon (1990) in the field of International Trade. In January 2015, he was appointed as Alternate Finance Minister, responsible for the State General Accounting Office Matters. In the national elections of September 20th, 2015, he was elected as a member of the Parliament with and was appointed as Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, responsible for International Economic Relations. He has written the books: “Greece – EEC. Greek agriculture and the problem of its integration in EEC”, 1978; “Public Procurement Economics”, 1999; “EEC to EU”, 2005; “International Economic Relations”, 2006.

Omran Orestis, Counsel in the Brussels office, Dentons & Head, Firm’s Greek Desk Mr. Orestis Omran is a corporate attorney with extensive EU regulatory experience, including but not limited to financial services, data protection and energy. In particular, Mr. Omran advises international credit and financial institutions on regulatory financial services, banking laws and derivatives. He represents collective investment, hedge and pension funds, and he is often involved in cross border corporate debt restructurings and reorganizations. In addition, Mr. Omran advises energy companies on both contentious and non-contentious matters. He is often involved in transnational litigation and international commercial and investment arbitrations in the energy sector. As the Head of Dentons’ Greek Desk, Mr. Omran has developed a track record of successful representation of Greek and international companies in Greece, advising on all aspects of Greek and EU law, while he actively participates in the firm’s initiatives on privatizations in the country.

Panagiotakis Michalis, Deputy CEO, DODONI SA Mr. Michalis Panagiotakis has been holding the position of the Deputy CEO of the Diary Industry of Epirus DODONI SA, since July 3rd 2014. He also held important positions as senior leading executive. As CFA Services Officer at Public Transport Stasy SA, he contributed decisively to the company’s financial rejuvenation as well as growth of revenues and profitability. During his career, he undertook management of major Greek companies enhancing their organization level and rational function and development. Before STA.SY. SA, Mr. Panagiotakis was General Manager of EOMMEX (2009-2012) and Tram SA (2007-2009). In 2000, he was appointed General Manager of the company Blauel Organic Products which led to major export activity in olive oil food category.

Papadopoulos Nicolas, Chancellor’s Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada Dr. Nicolas Papadopoulos is Chancellor’s Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Sprott School of Business of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, where he has served, among others, as Associate Dean (Research) and Director of the school. His research focuses on international strategy and buyer responses to it and includes international expansion, place images and branding, foreign investment, and global market systems. He has 15 books and over 400 other publications and presentations, including articles in International Business Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, and other prominent journals. He consults and lectures internationally, including as the Royal Bank Distinguished Visiting Speaker (Montreal) and conference Keynote Speaker at the Congress of the Società Italiana di Marketing (Benevento), Academy of Marketing Science (Puebla), and Brand Value and Business Success (Budapest). He serves on the Editorial Review Boards of eight journals, and his work has been recognized through seven Best Paper Awards and numerous other distinctions. His designation as Carleton University Chancellor’s Professor (2008) was “in recognition of scholarly activities of outstanding merit”. speakers

Rabbat Vassilis, President & CEO, Xerox Hellas Mr. Vassilis Rabbat was born in 1967 in Beirut, Lebanon and has been living in Athens since 1975. He studied in the Economic University of Athens and graduated in 1990. He has been working in Xerox Hellas since 1989. He started as a Sales Representative, following a successful career in various managerial positions in the Sales and Marketing Departments. In 1994 he assumed responsibility for the Sales Department especially dealing with major clients. From 1997 until 2000 he was the Concessionaires and Indirect Channel Manager. From 2000 until 2002, he was Commercial Director responsible for the Sales and Marketing Departments of the company. Since January 2003, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Xerox Hellas S.A. He is a member and Secretary General of the Board of EASE (Greek Association of CEOs), member of the Leadership Commitee to the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and member of EEDE (Hellenic Management Association).

Staikos Christos, Chairman, Enterprise Greece Mr. Christos Staikos assumed his duties as Chairman of Enterprise Greece in April 2015. He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Chemistry, with a specialisation in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Technology. He holds an MSc in “Chemistry and Environmental Technology” from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Sciences, Department of Chemistry. He worked as a researcher and participated in various projects on environmental management issues (climate change, waste management, water resources management). He has conducted studies on environmental management and on sustainable development issues for the private and public sector. He also worked in the European Parliament, at the European group GUE/NGL during the period 2014-2015.

Theodoropoulos Spyros, CEO, Chipita Mr. Spyros Theodoropoulos is the CEO of Chipita SA. In 1976, he started his career with a small family business named Recor SA, producing dairy products. In 1981, he became the General Manager of Aligel SA. and in 1986 he became the General Manager of Interia, a company producing hazelnut cream with significant export activities. During the same year, he acquired 50% of Chipita, a company producing snacks and in 1989 he acquired the remaining 50%. Today, he is a member of the Board of Directors of National Bank of Greece. In the past, he served as President of the Athens Stock Exchange Listed Companies Association, Vice President of Greek Federation of Industries and Vice President of Helex. Mr. Spyros Theodoropoulos is a graduate of Athens University of Economics and Business.

Tsakonitis Dimitris, General Manager of Mines & Works, Grecian Magnesite SA Mr. Dimitris Tsakonitis holds a Master’s degree in Science in Mechanical Engineering (Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics) awarded by University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England (1979) and a Bachelor’s degree in Science in Mechanical Engineering (First Class Honors) awarded by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1978). From 2008 he holds the position of the General Manager of Mines and Works at Grecian Magnesite SA. Van Pallandt Reiniera, Head of Financial and Business Services, Amsterdam in Business, City of Amsterdam Mrs. Reiniera van Pallandt is the Head of the financial and business services cluster at Amsterdam Inbusiness; the official foreign investment agency of Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. In that position she is responsible for positioning the Amsterdam metropolitan area as a centre for the financial and business services industry. She is also responsible for the investor development programme for existing financial and business services companies in the Amsterdam area and the acquisition of new international companies. Her task is to safeguard and enhance the investment climate in the Amsterdam metropolitan area for the financial and business services sector, working together with private industry, national government and knowledge institutions. Before joining the city of Amsterdam, Reiniera worked for 20 years at ABN AMRO Bank and ABN AMRO Asset Management in various positions, starting as an investment analyst and later fulfilling commercial and management positions.

Ververidis Yiannis, Principal, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, City College Mr. Yiannis Ververidis is the founding Principal of City College, which was founded back in 1989. From 2009 onwards Mr. Ververidis has been the Principal of the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, City College and a member of the Senate of the University. Mr. Ververidis holds a bachelor in Combined Science, a PgDip and an MSc in Computer Studies (Artificial Intelligence) and a PgDip in Education Research. He is elected a fellow of the Royal society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce from 1999 (FRSA). Mr. Ververidis is a General Secretary of the Hellenic Colleges Association that represents all Greek Colleges collaborating with UK Universities. He is also a member of national & international professional associations. He has chaired and been invited speaker in many conferences and other national and international events. Mr. Ververidis research interests are in Higher Education Policy & Management and particularly in the Entrepreneurial University.

Voreopoulos Ion, Country Leader, 3M Hellas Mr. Ion Voreopoulos is the Country Leader of 3M Hellas as well as the Country Business Leader of the Industrial, Safety & Graphics and Electronics & Energy Business Groups of the company. He has studied Business Administration in the American College of Greece and has obtained his M.B.A from the University of La Verne. Ion Voreopoulos started working at 3M Hellas in 2000 in the marketing field. During his successful 16 year career, he has assumed positions of increasing responsibility within sales and marketing areas always contributing to the growth of the subsidiary. In addition, Ion Voreopoulos has a deep and broad experience in business and channel strategy, differentiated product portfolio management as well as benchmark sales and marketing programs.

Voulis Gedeon, CEO, Voulis Chemicals Mr. Voulis Gedeon is the founder and CEO of VOULIS CHEMICALS which has been producing chemical products for cars since 1983 - fuel additives, auto clean and care etc. The company located in Naoussa - Imathia exports to more than 30 countries worldwide. Mr. Voulis is Vice President of the Greek International Business Association- SEVE and Member of the Board of HELEXPO, the Business & Cultural Development Center KEPA-ANEM and the Greek National Committee of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation-BSEC Business Council. sponsors

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