Niger J Paediatr 2020; 47 (2):119 –187 PANCONF 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE Abstracts of Proceedings CC –BY 51th Annual General and Scientific Conference of the Paediatrics Association of Nigeria (PANCONF), 21st - 24th January, 2020 OCAR1 mary hypertension among apparently healthy secondary Large cardiac rhabdomyoma in two infants; good students in Osogbo, Nigeria. response to medical management: A brief report Materials and methods: A school-based cross-sectional study involving 404 students selected from 6 different Chinawa JM 1*, Swati G 2, Trivedi B 2 schools in Osogbo. Six BP measurements were taken at 1 Department of Paediatrics, University of Nigeria/ different visits using auscultation method after a nega- University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu State, tive urine dip stick test result in every subject. Anthro- Nigeria. pometry was also done while those with persistently 2 Fortis Hospital limited, Bhandup (West), Mumbai, elevated BP had electrocardiography, echocardiography India. and renal scans. *Email:
[email protected] Results: Of the 404 students studied, 14 students (3.5%) had hypertension while 25 (6.2%) had prehypertension. Background: Rhabdomyomas are rare tumours in chil- All students with elevated BP had normal renal scans. dren often associated with tuberous sclerosis. They are However, 7 (29%) of the 24 students who had echocar- usually diagnosed during antenatal period as an inciden- diography and electrocardiography done, had evidence tal finding. of left ventricular hypertrophy. Case presentation: The first case is a 2.5-month-old Conclusion: Hypertension with evidence of target organ who was diagnosed to have rhabdomyomas at gesta- damage exists among adolescents in Osogbo.