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FIVE THOUSAND RUPEES T : thç1itPcpINbIA NON JUDICIAL FIVE THOUSAND RUPEES t • .•••• •••l lt I •jk £ sw...v.....v...,, r1&t iici WEST BENGAL D 423285 .. - *IJT_ - ..--,IQS. T1S qnams USL IuI SS.D M —I__s S t• -. ddI. DIst8UiRegistrar, Sdar Krishnanagar, Nadia 4 19 EC 2017 d ft CIJ - itTJyIJ oo,000.00FcW, CT1W - 'rP'{'51, 1T1 - Cft - .fl, 9fflq - o.o f'it o.00 c c'1 t11' I PAN .ADJPD7286R fm - - 1' c - - I1tt 1it1t T Cfr1, .hb1r& aii'iI N7c1 dJ 1i¼t .Q /—v7 '4 LIOZ 33U 6 1 'pe4 'ePueut1:JJ)4 ia ipp gt.a- dø4i/ c -88- CII1- 1FI1t, PAN-AGYPDO647C , YcT!1t WI'L cI'I1 - 51TR PAN .BWWPD2O74A - C* 'T1 1, C3 ci - 8, 1i1 cic c I iu mi Fijit i1tfl 11 1c 1& ZCGI< i1 t-i, Wti1cc R~i ii c.11l1G1 iI1G1 t31tI 1 Ct b i1 'WN1 1L5fl. 1ci CI4I1GI1 TI1 C1 1I C11U 'T11 kt1 1i't )i11cI CiC13I 1tT 'S * c11M JtII1 YtC C[' i1i TMT 'o 0 .ko 08 3 T1 flf '1ii i& crM1 iii 1ii *i - ttt - G1\tt4 \1T c1i k8 1t11'31 ili 1fl fz 1 flT1f 1f1 'S QIT 1T Cfl .J1f 'S tN1F c flT NT - crn (G11 11\M 1 9 1r T11T 'S iii1cf 1cN ii11 Mc 's -1c• DIRt. Subiegjqf. Scjar 1 9 DEc ?17 -3'g— 1' c rc 1 ifi 111c t'ttft f[1f%1 1it cni c1i1it1 iii ic4itt q t,00,000,00 ( 1 vM i) st1J ci1rn \11c' '8 tI1 ~M 11*114I1 CTI ij 9f - '8,k,kb.00 ( c11r'i G1 Z)1t JII W1T i4i 1 (A111G11 1511fTMi1i r1T1I1 '8 'iM CT 9 J Tf%t i1i1c 1 , i, 1itf f i *ff Zc' i Tt,r tI5TMrt 211 11;G1'2 i ncf c 1 1u*1 1V 1% rt t4 11CG11)'2 1dJI9f : c?1c1T '8 -. 1Tf 1\si 'i1 fl iH, i1 -t PN'1c\& , cflmf, 1c fm iu I ii ii PCrI 'i1i tc'i 1ICM 1{I III1 11fl Pri 1q1 11 c1c'M'i1 R ciWii 1GI ici , i41'1c 1fr'2 111 Z(.q '1 R, ii,if ttt i1ii1 i4i '2 T 1i IC1 PJ1 I Tf 1uc rirt wr c* 1jt3tt 1JQn1Tm I CW fflC1' I 1iG1 1C', 5TT(, 5TTP ¶jttc, \ic'1ic1 lci1c1, t OPC1\F 113I i1i1 ttic c1i1iMTM1il1c i1 tflti ZT191 8811CG1f tt- OOL I 8 • Ji,• 01st. Sub-gIstrar, Sadar Krihnaigr1 Nadra 1 9 oc 7fl17 -S 8 5- - - c1'i -' 1-1,*t oct c'11 C :ii<1*i c*fl cfl 1Cc11 tCCIc (Mc1T T1'T. 8 c, 8 '2 WL'1cf. 8 11 , 'b8 o o.o 11p\! 000 o.o i11 .1. flTfl i ci 1T 9ff rtT 1ic\ 11J Q1ica1 L113 ci'1 8 c& c'C TilCG11 11 J& GI1GI b\1N1 C1\V Lt 1'ffl m1rii ZGI ltI1cGII I'i 4ii Zi ii4t 1c'i 1ii'c -O I ctfl - - 'i1Lf. 8 8 , 41c. S8 k'k', (c'P5f1'I, cii* {I1i O.00 jIfij'u Aj;I'T 'b-8O '1 t o.o -g 'sc - 1ct-c -1i.ii Ci1\ '5 ' 11CG14 ?f 1 d% I - ti ?1 - - ,Oo,OOO.00 '1Ncfl 'i i1iici 1'1'3I TII1t Ci :j oo,o 00.00 JII (it flk 1txI ij1, - UTBIH 17347890425), ~it crt kct,00,000.00tfl 11'T I ci Dist. 3ub-gistrr, Sd,r (rishnanqir, rfl- 19 DEC 2017 c1TI - ' i 1iifl1 \11N flT ffi if ZG1 I t 1,11CG1i II'I 1113t '1D Ti1flfT f15 i1t N1ic rfiii 11tic pcZc1 ri1 (&&d1) J1t' - W.B. 2486/1999 T *rt I fit' am-, ?T'rn, 1T1 I 'th?. Djt. Sub.Registrar, Sdar Krishnri3gar, Nadii 19 DEC 7flhl dL Ost. Sub.Re91StTi Sadac Shfl3flag't Nadia 1 9 DEC 717 '4.1t1 1T flw r / tr . Oist. Sub.R!eg(sfrr Sa, KT!Shnaagar, Ndia 1 DEC fli7 StTE PLAN ON R.S PLOT NO.(2329,2326) L.R 3840 IN MOUZA - KRISHNAGAR J.L, NO. 92, P.S. KOTWALI, DIST. NADIA. WARD NO.15 HOLDING NO 45 AT D.L ROY ROAD UNDER KRISHNAGAR MUNICIPALITY SCALE-NOT TO SOLD SHOP AREA COLOURED IN RED N 41_ t)i' — NAG1N BASAK .I . SURVEyQp R.No.C/O5/2000 Signature of Vendor W.B.S.r.C* B,P,C.j CONO. COVER Land Schedule MOUZA PLOT NO KH.NO NAME OF VENDEE AREA IN KRISHNAGAR R.S= LR= SUSANTA DAS 0.9 DEC J.L NO 92 f29 26426 1.2326 Sb Lf GOURANGA (H DAS L.R = 3840 MORE OR LESS 1tI. Dfst. Sub.Rgistrar, Sadar Krishna nagar, Nadia 1 9 DEC 7017 'lo 1.<Fb4 GlalW ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA IDENTITY CARD DMB0035659 :Tt Electors Name Phaiguni Das Husbands Name : Hernanta Das ftw/Sex :IF wl I Date of Birth 1 XX,1972 I DMB0035659 s,4coa5 'w -I2 ciqiI 74t 101 Address: Nabadwip Road word No-12 kotayall Nadla 741101 Date: 08109/2007 cas Facsimile Slnature of the Electoral r Re9lstration Officer for 75-Ktishnagal East Constituency $45t8 Pt '* \z ciT'1 'a 9c R't 'J .I19Qc 06W5 se'k •cset;u tel In ruse of cherrgi In addreaa nantbn lola Card No, In the relevant Form br Including your name In the rot at thi changnd address and to obtaIn the card - stir sans rwmb.r. 141D.( q4a.{ ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA IDENTITY CARD XZF2283612 Fathers Name Hemanta Dan &vF 2711111995 X2F2283612 rl.l 515. ..iceigtlit, eitti. 741101 Address: NABADWIP ROAD, KRISHNANAGAR. KOTWALI, NADIA. 741101 Date: 26111/2015 U Facsimile Signature of the Electoral Registration Officer for 83-Krishnanagar Uttar Constituency lwI s oi c m a 47 'Oa mu Ml. a4 In case c( change in addrou mention thin Card No. in the relcvanl Form (or including your name in the I roll at the changed addrcv and to obtain the card -, with same nurnba. 'flee, t? ,•aev .7 $4. -,-,.. ELECTIONCQMMJssoI .. fqTb4 IRO D' 3 - . Fani $ignatute CtQ ratiori-Offcsr or 075 -Krishnagar 4.ssembly Constituency Eçt9I. Name Das Susanta o.a therRsAoter/ J-usbands Gouranga 'I*ihmaga Sex M Ageason11,i9g5 u -: :: - - . -4..- . - I bI' -i-. 5J1 - .--' çcA 2 S.,. • . ---. :;' i 1Tf TR iic fTT GOVT. OF INDIA INCOMETAXDEPA1 SHREVASI DAS HEMANTA DAS 27/11/1995 Permanent Account Numbel BWWPD2O74A Signature wij* ii 9 I ftn, rt 4. 34, • 997/8, Tt1P 8T9, % t4JIOI6 UMi.t cwd er los/somrg Pleinform/rejunuo Income Tax PAN Servicea Unit, NSDL 5th llooj, Majttri Sterting, Plot No.241, Survey No. 997/8. Model Colony..Ncur Dçp Bungutow Chowk. Punc.4U016 e.mail 2l 8081 1T rr?f JNOMETAp : GOVT.OFINDLA I SUSANTA, DAS DAS 07105/1958 Prj, co a_• 4 I Major Information'of the Deed Deed No: 1-1302-0935712017 Date of Registration 19/12/2017 Query No! Year 1302-0001730775/2017 Office where deed is registered Query Date 17/12/2017 10:50:12 AM A.D.S.R. KRISHNANAGAR, District: Nadia Applicant Name, Address Prasenjit Das & Other Details Thana: Krishnanagar, District: Nadia, WEST BENGAL, PIN -741101, Mobile No. 9434159927, Status :Advocate Transaction Additional Transaction (0101] Sale, Sale Document [4308] Other than Immovable Property, Agreement [No of Agreement: 1] Set Forth value Market Value Rs. 27,00,000/- Rs. 34,27,228/- Stampduty Paid(SD) Registration Fee Paid Rs. 2,05644/- (Article:23) Rs. 34,279/- (Article:A(1), E) Remarks Received Rs. 50/- ( FIFTY only ) from the applicant for issuing the assement slip.(Urban area) Land Details: District: Nadia, P.S:- Krishnanagar, Municipality: KRISHNANAGAR, Road: D.L. Roy Road, Mouza: Krishnagar, Ward No: 15, Holding No:45 Sch Plot Khatian Land Use Area of Land SetForth Market Other Details No Number Number Proposed ROR Value (In Rs.) Value (In Rs.) Li LR-3840 LR-26426 Dokan Dokan 0.9 Dec 26,00,000/- 32,72,728/- Width of Approach Road: 25 Ft., Adjacent to Metal Road, Grand Total: .9Dec 26,00,000 /- 32,72,728 I- Structure Details: Sch Structure Area of Setforth Market value Other Details No Details Structure Value (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Si On Land LI 206 Sq Ft. 1,00,000/- 1,54,500/- Structure Type: Structure Gr. Floor, Area of floor: 206 Sq Ft.,Commercial Use, Cemented Floor, Age of Structure: 0Year, Roof Type: Tin Shed, Extent of Completion: Complete Total: 206 sq ft 1,00,000/- 1,54,500!- I Seller Details: SI Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature No Name Photo Fringerprint . Signature Smt Falguni Das (Presentant) , .. Wife of Late Hamenta Das f. Executed by: Self, Date of . -, Execution 18/12/2017 ,i LAAAA.A /\ Admitted by: Self, Date of '. 1. '. Admission 19/12/2017 ,Place Office " 1911 212017 LT1 19112/2017 1911212017 19/12/2017 Query No:-13020001730775 /2017 Deed No :1 - 130209357/2017, Document is digitally signed. Query N: 1302.0.001730775 of 2017 Pi 17 rf 71 45,D.L Roy Road, Beladanga, P.0:- Krishnagar, P.S:- Krishnanagar, Krishnanagar, District:-Nadia, Vest Bengal, India, PIN - 741101 Sex: Female, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Business, Citizen of: India, PAN No.:: AGYPDO647C, Status :Individua, Executed by: Self, Date of Execution: 18/ 12/20 17 Admitted by: Self, Date of Admission: 19/12/2017 ,Place : Office 2 Name Photo Frinerprint Signature Shreyasi Das Daugther of Late Hamenta Das 'J Executed by: Self, Date of ;r tJt1JL 4 ,/ Execution: 18/12/2017 :1 • :[: 4zJ-1'-'& ,'/&) Admitted by: Self, Date of : Adm,ssion 19/12/2017 Place ' Office 19/1212017 Lii 19/1212017 19/1212017 45,D.L Roy Road, Beladanga, P.0:- Krishnagar, P.S:- Krishnanagar, Krishnanagar, District:-Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN - 741101 Sex: Female, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Student, Citizen of: India, PAN No.:: BWWPD2O74A, Status :Individual, Executed by: Self, Date of Execution: 18/12/2017 Admitted by: Self, Date of Admission: 19/12/2017 ,Place : Office Buyer Details SI Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature No 1 Shri Susanta Das Son of Late Gouranga Chandra Das Beladanga Ghosh Para 1st Lane, P.0:- Krishnagar, P.S:- Krishnanagar, lrishnanagar, District:-Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN -741101 Sex: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Business, Citizen of: India, PAN No.:: ADJPD7286R, Status :IndividuaI, Status: Not Executed Identifier Details: Name & address Shri Prasanta Das Son of Late Gouranga Chandra Das Beladanga Ghosh Para 1st Lane, P.0:- Krishnagar, PS:- Krishnanagar, Krishnanagar, District:-Nadia, West Bengal, India, PIN - 741101, Sex: Male, By taste: Hindu, Occupation: Business, Citizen of: India, , Identifier Of Smt Falguni Das, Shreyasi Das 19/12/2017 Transfer of property for LI Sl.No From To.
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