The History of Campsea Ashe Rev
The History of Campsea Ashe Rev. F G L Lucas, 1909 THE HISTORY OF CAMPSEA ASHE by Reverend F G L Lucas, Rector begun in 1909 In long past days orthography was an art even less universally acquired than it is at the present day. Every man spelt as seemed right in his own eyes, apparently with no sense of consistency, especially with regard to proper names, for the same name often appears with different spelling, perhaps twice in one line. Thus it is that the name of our Parish has been spelt in many ways:- Campesse, Capesea, Capsea, Camsey, Camesy, Campes, Campsey, Campsea etc. Ash, Ashe, Ahys, Ayssch, Asshe etc. Ayssch next Campsey, Ashe juxta Campessy, Ash by Campsey, Ash next Campsey, Campsey Ashe, Campsea Ashe. The derivation of the two names (originally they were two separate parishes or villages) is very uncertain. Canon Raven, in his ‘History of Suffolk’, speaks of the reverence in which the Ash tree was held in olden times. The yggdrasil, or maybe mystic Ash, was considered by the ancient Teuton races to be both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, with roots reaching down to the abode of the Old Dragon, to the Fountain of Wisdom and to the Seat of Judgment. The god Odin was walking one day, with Haener and Loden, two other gods, near the sea: they found an ash and an elm, whereof they constructed the first man and the first woman. The Scandinavian and Teuton invaders of our Island were probably delighted to find these two trees indigenous to the British soil and the words ash and elm were attached by them to various localities: e.g.
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