No. 694,904. W
No. 694,904. W. YOULTEN, Patented Mar. 4, 1902. SGHTING DEVICE FOR FIREARMS. (Application filed May 13, 1901.) (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet . Inventor. Vailorne yS. No. 694,904. Patented Mar. 4, 1902. W. YOULTEN. SGHTING DEVICE FOR FIREARMS. (Application filed May 18, 1901.) (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 2. hitnesses. Zee Inventor: a s vittorneys. No. 694,904. Patented Mar. 4, 1902. W. YOULTEN. SIGHTING DEVICE FOR FIREARMs. (Application filed May 18, 1901. (No Mode.) 4 sheets-Sheet 3. 7fitnesses: Anventor 2...took 87%uchun, 22e.23. 77ttorn e/s. No. 694,904. Patented Mar. 4, 1902. W. YOULTEN. SIGHTING DEVICE FOR FIREARMS. (Application filed day 18, 1901.) (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 4. WILLIAM YOULTEN, OF WESTMINSTER, ENGLAND. SIGHTING DEVICE FOR FIREARMs. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 694,904, dated March 4, 1902, . Applination filed May 13, 1901, serial No. 60,114. (No model.) to all whom it may concern: , With reference to Figs. 1 to 5the reflect Beit known that I, WILLIAM. YoULTEN, a ing instrument is shown made in two parts a subject of the King of Great Britain and Ire and b, fitting together by means of cylindrical 5 land, residing at 159 Victoria street, West flanges or projections atc. a. and b are tubes 5 minster, in the county of London, England, square in cross-section. The tube a contains have invented Improvements Relating to the two mirrors die, Fig. 4, and the tube b two Sighting of Rifles and other Firearms, of mirrors fg. Each tube has an aperture, the which the following is a specification.
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