Poppyland Benefice Bulletin Antingham, , , , , ,

Sunday 22nd August The twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Services for August

22nd August 10am Southrepps 29th August 10am Sidestrand

Letter from Rev Siân

Do you remember that commandment from George Orwell’s Animal Farm?

“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”

We all like to think that we are equal to one another or at least created that way, there is after all in this country a whole raft of legislation in place to try to ensure that we are all treated equally but in reality, we know that, that is not the case. There is always someone who is richer, stronger, more powerful, better educated, healthier than we are, who will have better opportunities in life than we will. And likewise, we should all by now be well aware that there are many millions of people in the world who are poorer, weaker, with little opportunity for an education or to receive health care than we have, and even in this country that can be the case. It seems that there are very few places in this life where we are truly equal. Maybe in the West we could say that we are equal in law or in a democracy equal in the polling booth. But we are also all aware of the possibilities of corruption that can strip us of that equality.

There remains however one place where we are still truly equal.

Standing before God.

As we stand before God, we are stripped of all the things that separate us from one another. For God judges us not on what we have done or said, the front that we have put up. But on what is in our hearts. For me one of the most powerful prayers in our service is the Prayer of preparation.

Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden.

When we stand before God there is nothing that is hidden from him. No matter what we may want to hide from each other, no matter what we may want to hide from ourselves. God sees it all. He knows all the secrets of our hearts.

And that’s a little scary!

Being totally open and honest before God is hard even when we know that he already sees all the secrets of our hearts, because it means being totally open and honest with ourselves. Really looking at our thoughts, our actions. Seeing all that we do and say for what it really is. After all we may be able to pull the wool over another’s eyes, we may even be able to kid ourselves, but we cannot fool God. All that we do, all that we think, all that we believe is laid bare before him. And when we look at it that way, then none of is worthy. We are all miserable sinners. But that is Ok, because its when we are truly open and honest before God, when we stand before him and ask him to help us, to show us what is really in our hearts, when we are aware that it is only through his strength, his mercy that we can ever really change then we will also be justified.

For it is then that we will come to God, not full of puffed-up pride or false humility, but as we are. A child of God, holy and humble before him.

“cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord .Amen.”

Prayer Chain and Pastoral Support Confidential requests for prayer can be sent to Rev Siân either email [email protected] or ring 01263 833790 (please leave a message) and I am happy to receive calls or emails about any pastoral matters and very happy to have a chat with anyone if they ring so please do get in touch. Thanks.

For General enquiries or for Liz: [email protected]

Address for correspondence: St James Church, Southrepps, Norwich NR11 8NR or leave in the green post box just inside the gate at St James Church