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INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS. Brick-earth of Sussex, 62. Copper-mines of Namaqualand, R. N. British and foreign tertiaries, Mr. Prest- Rubidge on the, 233. wich on the, 89. Correlation of the eocene tertiaries of British species of fossil Mastodon, 322. England, France, and Belgium, Mr~ Bruxellian tertiaries, 106. Prestwich on the, 89. Buist, G., on the occurrence of crystal- Crag, Dr. Falconer on the age of the, lization i*n a stucco-casting, 11. 359; mammalia of the, 351 ; the Mas, Bulgaria, Capt. Spratt on the geology todon of the, 322, 347. of parts of, 72. Cretaceous fossils of Aberdeenshire, Mr. Bunbury, C., on peat-deposit, noticed, Salter on the, 83. cxxxiv. Crete, notice of the late earthquake at, Calcaire grossier and Bracklesham 240. saRds, compared, 90. Crimea and Bulgaria, Capt. Spratt on Cambrian rocks, annelide-burrows in the comparison of the geological fea- the, 199. tures of, 79. Campbell, R., on the occurrence of an Crustacean, fossil,from the lias bone-bed, earthquake at Rhodes, 176. 360; from the coal-measures, 363 ; Cephalaspis Murchisoni, 284. from the magnesian limestonez 213. ornatus, 285. Crystallization in a stucco-casting, Dr. Salweyi, 283. Buist on the occurrence of, 11. Chalk, allophane in the, 13. Cuba, description of copper-lodes at San Chalk-flints and greensand of Aberdeen- Fernando in, 240. shire, fossils from the, 83. Cyprina Fergusoni, 87. Changes of level in Hants and the Isle Dardanelles, marine deposits at the, 81. of Wight, 64. Dartmoor, the rock-basins of, 231. Charlton, allophaue in the chalk at, 13. Degous~c and Laurent on the Valen- Chemnilzia Roessleri, 216. ciennes coal-basin, noticed, exix. Chile, the occurrence of bones of Mas- De la Harpe on the English eocene todon in, 291. flora, noticed, cviii. Chiton Howseanus, 216. Dentaliurn cwlatum, 87. Loftusianus, 216. Dentition of Dichodon and allied ani- Clarke, Capt., on the mean density of mals, 194; of Mastodon and Ele- the earth, noticed, cxxx. phant, 312. Clarke, Rev. W. B., additional notice of Deshayes, G., on the Paris tertiary mol- the occurrence of volcanic bombs in luscs, noticed, cv. Australasia, 188. Dichobune, description of the genus, by Cleghorn, J., on the rock-basins of Prof. Owen, 258. Dartmoor, 231 ; noticed, cxxxv. Dichobune woina, 254. Coal in Siam, 188. Dichodon cuspidatus, Prof. Owen on Coal-shales at Medlock Park Bridge, the, 190. description of a new crustacean from Dichodon, description of the genus, by the, 363. Prof. Owen, 190. Coan, Rev. T., on the volcanic eruptions Dinotherium, Dr. Falconer on the, 310. in Hawaii, 170. Donations to the Society, ix, 135, 219, Cocchi, I., on the geology of Tuscany, 294, 371. noticed, cxiii. Dorset and Hants, the gravels of, 40, 45. Cololites, Mr. Salter on, 204. Drift-clay of Sussex, 55. Columnar rocks near Varna, 75. Ducktowu in East Tennessee, U.S., de- Committee, Report of the Library and scription of the copper-lodes of, 244. Museum, iii. Durham, Mr. Kirkby on some Permian Concordia mine, Namaqualand, 234. fossils from, 213. Conglomerates and quartzites of North- Earthquake at Crete, 240; at Rhodes, west Scotland, 17. 176. Copperberg in Namaqualand, 234. Egerton, Sir P., palichthyologic notes, Copper-lodes at San Fernando, near No. 9, on some fish-remains from the Cienfuegos in Cuba, Prof. D. T. An- neighbourhood of Ludlow, 282. steal on the, 240; near Sykesville, in Elephants occurring in the fossil state Maryland, North America, 242 ; of in Great Britain, Dr: Falconer on the Ducktown, in East Tennessee, U.S., species of, 307. description of the, 245 ; map of the Elephas, Dr. Falconer's diagnosis of the Ducktown mineral district, 247. genus, 317. INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS. Eocene tertiaries of England, France, tiary deposits of the Sussex coast, 40 ; and Belgium, Mr. Prestwich on the noticed, xcvi. correlation of the, 89. Goniodactylus (recent), 368. Euboea, the coast of Greece, and Salo- Gossan-lodes in the Ducktown mineral nika, Capt. Spratt on the freshwater district, U.S., 248. deposits of, 177. Gould, Charles, description of a new Euelephas, Dr. Falconer on the, 315. fossil crustacean (Tropifer l~evis, C. Falconer, Dr. H., on the species of Mas- Gould) from the lias bone-bed, by, todon and Elephant occurring in the 360. fossil state in Great Britain, Part I. Granite of Namaqualand, 235. Mastodon, 307 ; description of two Gravels of Dorset and ttants, 40 ; Sus- species of the fossil mammalian genus sex, 41, 47. Plagiaulax from Purbeck , 261. Greece, Capt. Spratt on the freshwater Ferguson, W., on the chalk-flints and deposits of the coast of, 177. greensand found in kberdeenshire, 88. Greensand in Aberdeenshire, fossils of Fish-remains from the neighbourhood the, 85. of Ludlow, 282, 290. Gr~s de Bcanchamp, 107. Flustrellaria dentata, 86. Hants, the gravels of, 40. Forbes, E., on the tertiaries of the Isle Harkness, R., on the Dingle Promon- of Wight, noticed, ciii. tory, noticed, lxxxii; on the lowest Fossil crustacean, description of a new, sedimentary rocks of Scotland, no- by Mr. C. Gould, 360; from the coal- ticed, lxxviii; on the Permian rocks measures, description of, by Prof. of the south of Scotland, noticed, Huxley, 363. lxxxi; J. Blyth on the cleavage of Fossiliferous ironstone occurring on the the Devonian rocks in Ireland, no- North Downs, Mr. Prestwich on ticed, lxxxii. some, 212. Haughton, S., on the carboniferous and Fossils found in the chalk-flints and old red beds of Ireland, noticed, cxxi. greensand of Aberdeenshire, 83 ; from Hawaii, the volcanic eruptions in, 164, Bulgaria, 82; from Varna, the Bul. 170, 176. garian coast, and the Dardanelles, 82 ; Helminthites, Mr. Salter on, 204. of the Barton clay, 118 ; of the mud- Hennessy, on the earth's internal struc- deposits of the Sussex levels, 51. ture, noticed, cxxix. Fossil species of Mastodon and Elephas, Highcliff, sections at, 45, 108. 307. Hillier, C. B., and H. J. Moyle, notice vertebrm of a serpent (Laophis of the occurrence of metalliferous crotalo'ides, Ow.) discovered by Capt. ores and coal in Siam, ] 88. Spratt in a tertiary formation at Sa- Hippothoa Foigtiana, 217. lonika, 183, 196. Hopkins, W., on the internal structure French coast, gravels of the, 43. of the earth, noticed, cxxix. Freshwater deposits of Bulgaria, 80; Huxley, T. H., description of a new of Euboea, the coast of Greece, and crustacean (Pygocephalus Cooped, Salonika, Capt. Spratt on the, 177. Huxley) from the coal-measures, by, Geinitz, H. B., on the coal-formation 363. of Saxony, noticed, exxv. Hypsiprymnus Gaimardi (recent), 278. General Meeting, Annual, i. Ice-carried boulder at Borgholm, 189. Geological age of the Mastodons, 343. Ichthyodorulites from near Ludlow, history of the north-westeru di- 288. strict of Scotland, 36. Indian Geological Survey, memoirs of Geology of Namaqualand, Dr. Rubidge the, noticed, cxxiii. on the, 233; some parts of Greece, Ironstone, fossilfferous, of the North Capt. Spratt on the, 177 ; the:Bul- Downs, 212. garian coast, Capt. Spratt on the, 72; Isle of Wight, lower jaw and teeth of the N.W. Highlands, Prof. J. Nicol an anoplotherioid quadruped (Dicho- on the, 17; the Sussex coast, Mr. bune ovina) from the upper eocene Godwin-Austen on the, 40; Varna marl in the, 254 ; Dichodon cuspida- and its vicinity, Capt. Spratt on the, tus from the, 190; sectional lists of 72. the tertiarybeds at the, 109 ; sections Gneiss of Namaqualand,235 ; the north- of cliffs at, 108,109; the gravels of, 46. west of Scotland, 17. Jones, T. Rupert, on Esthcria minuta, Godwin-Austcn, R., on the newer ter- noticed, exxxix. INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS. Kelly, J., on the carboniferous rocks and tion of Manna Loa, 176; noticed, old red sandstone of Ireland, noticed, cxxxii. CXX. Mineral-veins of Namaqualand, 233. Kilauca, volcano of, 165. -------, Prof. Anstcd on some re- Kinahan, C. H., on the igneous rocks markable, 240. of the Berehaveu district, noticed, Mineral waters from the Turko-Persian .., CXXlll. frontier, 184. King, W., on the Permian formation of Molecular changes, Dr.Buist on, 11. Ireland, noticed, cxxviii. Moore, J. C., on the Silurian rocks of Kirkby, J. W., on some Permian fossils Wigtonshire, noticed, lxxxiii. from Durham, 213 ; noticed, cxxxviii. Morris, J., on the occurrence of allo- Kollyrite, Mr. Morris on, 16. phane at Charlton,Kent, 13 ; noticed, Kustenjeh, section at, 78. CXXXV. Laekenian tertiaries, 107. Moyle, H. J., and C. B. HHillier, notice Lake Van, analysis of the water from, •of the occurrence of metalliferous 186. ores and coal in Siam, 188. Laophis crotalo~des, 196. Murchison, Sir R., note on the relative Lias bone-bed;crustacean from the,360. position of the strata near Ludlow, Library Committee, Report of the, iii. containing the ichthyolites described Lima elegans, 85. by Sir P. Egerton, 290 ; reply on re- Permiwna, 217. ceiving for M. J. Barrande the Wol- Limestones, fossilfferous, of the North. lastou Medal, xxiv. western Islands, 17. Museum Committee, Report of the, iii. Limopsis texlurata, 86. Mysis (recent), 368. Livonati Hills on the Locrian coast, Namaqualand, Dr. Rubidge on the cop- section of the freshwater deposits per-mines of, 233. at the, 180. Newer tertiary deposits of the Sussex Longmynd, Mr. Salter on annelide- coast, 40. burrows and surface-markings from Nicol, James, on the red sandstone the Cambrian rocks of the, 199; and conglomerate, and the super- section of the, 200. posed quartz-rocks, limestones, and l,oxodon, Dr. Falconer on the, 315. gneiss of the north-west coast of Ludlow, Sir P. Egerton on some fish- Scotland, 17 ; noticed, lxxxiv. remains from the neighbourhood of, North America, description of some 282, 290. copper-lodes in, 242. Lyell, Sir C. (Vice-President), Address North Downs, some fossiliferous iron- on handing to Sir R.