ORPS’PONDENT C Vol. 38, No. 6 November - December 2014 Christmas 1964: Remembering and learning from Oregon’s historic flood. R CONTENTS November - December 2014 1.75” x 1.25” pg.5 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pantone 032 = Red CMYK = C0, M100, Y80, K0 3 Commander’s Column: Portland District Teammates 4 Portland District People: Julie Ammann 5 Facing yesterday’s storm today 8 How it all came down: pg.8 Extreme weather conditions deliver the Christmas Flood 10 It came and it conquered 12 New technology means better water management when flood season arrives 14 Regulators behind the scenes keep reservoirs, rivers on target pg.10 16 Volunteers: vital to community preparedness Errata In the September/ October Corps’pondent Nick Cooper was pg.12 incorrectly identified. This is Mr. Cooper. We regret the error. Cover photo: The 1964 Christmas Flood brought immeasurable loses. Corps of Engineers Archives. Corps’pondent is an authorized unofficial newsletter for Department of Defense employees and retirees. Editorial content is the responsibility of the Public Affairs Office, Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208. Contents herein are not necessarily the official views of, Commander: Col. Jose L. Aguilar or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. Layout and printing by USACE Enterprise Chief, Public Affairs: Matt Rabe Information Products Services. Circulation 750. Contributions and suggestions are welcome by mail, phone at (503) 808-4510 or email to
[email protected] Check out Corps’pondent Editor: Erica Jensen online at www.nwp.usace.army.mil/library/districtpublications.aspx ® 2 November - December 2014 Corps’pondent ® R Commander’s Column Portland District Teammates, Thank you for your tremendous contribution to the success of the District’s 1.75” x 1.25” mission this past year.