Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file)

Study Documentation

October 24, 2017 Metadata Production

Production Date October 20, 2007 Table of Contents

Overview...... 4 Accessibility...... 4 Files Description...... 5 LFS15WORKER_032007_F1...... 5 Variables Group(s)...... 6 Worker file...... 6 Variables Description...... 13 LFS15WORKER_032007_F1...... 14 Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Overview

Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file)

Overview Identification LFS15WORKER!032007

Countries South Africa

Accessibility Confidentiality

- 4 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Files Description

Files Description

Dataset contains 1 file(s)

LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Cases 74591 # Variable(s) 140

- 5 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

Variables Group(s)

Dataset contains 1 group(s)

Group Worker file

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 UqNr Unique household identifier discrete character-14 74591 0 -

2 PersonNr Person (respondent) number discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 -

3 PSU Primary sampling unit discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 -

4 Prov Province discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Derived variable: Derived from the first digit of the Unique Number

5 DC District council/metro discrete character-14 74591 0 -

6 Gender Gender discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 This is a derived variable indicating the gender of the household member. Gender of the household member is derived from the question C of the questionnare’s FLAP.

7 Age Age discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 This is a derived variable indicating the age of the household member. Age of the household member is derived from the question D of the questionnare’s FLAP.

8 Agegrp Age group discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived from age

9 Popgrp Population group discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 This is a derived variable indicating the population group of the household member. Population group of the household member is derived from the question E of the questionnare’s FLAP.

10 Q13aHiEd Highest education level discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 The derived variable indicating the highest level of education of the household member. . This variable was derived from the question 1.3a.

11 Q13bArea Study field discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 The derived variable indicating the study field of the household member. This variable was derived from the question 1.3b.

12 Q14Skltr Skills/Training discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 This is a derived variable indicating whether household member have been trainned in skills that can be used for work. This variable was derived from the question 1.4.

13 Q20SelfR Person him/herself discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the person him/herself responding to responding questions?

14 Q21aOwnB Economic activity: Own discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Run or do any kind of business, big or business small for himself/herself or with one or more partners?

15 Q21bPaid Economic activity: Paid work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Do any work for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind (excluding domestic work)?

16 Q21cDome Economic activity: Domestic discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Do any work as a domestic worker for a work wage, salary, or any payment in kind?

17 Q21dUnPd Economic activity: Unpaid discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Help unpaid in a household business of work any kind?

- 6 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

18 Q21eFarm Economic activity: Farm discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Do any work on his/her own or the work household’s plot, farm, food garden, cattle post or kraal or help in growing farm produce or in looking after animals for the household?

19 Q21fCons Economic activity: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Do any construction or major repair Construction or major repair work on his/her own home, plot, work cattle post or business or those of the household?

20 Q21gCtch Economic activity: Catch fish discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Catch any fish, prawns, shells, wild animals or other food for sale or household food?

21 Q21hBeg Economic activity: Beg for discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Beg for money or food in public? money/ food

22 Q22HaveW Temporary absent but have a discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Even though …… did not do any of job these activities in the last seven days, does he/she have a job, business, or other economic or farming activity that he/she will definitely return to?

23 Q23Rsnab Main reason for absence discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 What was the main reason …… was from work absent from this activity in the last seven days?

24 Q24Start When intend to start working discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 When does …… intend to start working?

25 Q31OddJO Supported by: Did odd jobs discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Did odd jobs during the past seven days

26 Q31inHHP Supported by: Persons in the discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Supported by persons in the household household

27 Q31notHH Supported by: Persons not in discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Supported by persons not in the the household household

28 Q31Chari Supported by: Charity, discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Supported by charity, church, welfare, church, welfare etc

29 Q31UIFSU Supported by: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Unemployment Insurance Fund

30 Q31Savin Supported by: Savings or discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Savings or money previously earned money previously earned

31 Q31Pensi Supported by: Old age or discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Old age or disability pension disability pension

32 Q31Othrs Supported by: Other sources discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Other sources, e.g. bursary, study loan

33 Q32YnotW Reason for not working discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Why did …… not work during the past seven days?

34 Q33JobOf Any job offered discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Has ……been offered any job in the past 6 months and he/she turned it down?

35 Q34WrkRe Knowledge of any available discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does …… know of any available work work for which he/she ….has the relevant qualification but is not willing to do?

36 Q35WhyNo Reason not willing to work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Why would ………….not be willing to do this work?

37 Q36Accep Accept job if offered discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 If a suitable job is offered, will … … accept it?

38 Q37WhnSt How soon can start working discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 How soon can …… start work?

39 Q38LookW Look for work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action:Look for work?

- 7 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

40 Q38BgnBu Start business discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action:Start business?

41 Q39SeekHh Steps taken to look for work discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 In the past four weeks, what has …… or start business done to look for work or to start a business?

42 Q310TimSe Time seeking work discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 How long has …… been trying to find work or start a business?

43 Q311RsnN Reason why not look for discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 What was the main reason why …… did work not try to find work or start a business in the past four weeks?

44 Q312Ever Ever worked discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Has …… ever worked for pay, profit or family gain?

45 Q313TmGa Time since last worked discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 How long ago was it since …… last worked?

46 Q314Occup Kind of work done in last discrete numeric-4.0 74591 0 What kind of work did …… do in his/ occupation her last job? Give occupation or job title.

47 Q315Indu Industry activity of last job discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 What were the main goods and services produced at ……'s place of work? What were its main functions?

48 Q41Occup Kind of work done in main discrete numeric-4.0 74591 0 What kind of work did …… do in his/ job her main job during the last seven days (or usually does, even if he/she was absent in the last seven days)?

49 Q42Indus Main industry activity discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 What are the main goods and services produced at ……'s place of work? What are its main functions?

50 Q43Mwork Main work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In ……'s main work was he/she

51 Q44NrEmp Number of employers discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does …… work for working for

52 Q45Years Year commenced working discrete numeric-4.0 74591 0 When did …… start working with the (main) employer mentioned above (firm, institution or private household)? Give year.

53 Q45MnthS Month commenced working discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 When did …… start working with the (main) employer mentioned above (firm, institution or private household)? Give month.

54 Q46LengJ Work status discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is ……'s work

55 Q47Tools Tools and/or equipment discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Who owns the tools and/or equipment that …… uses at work?

56 Q48WrtnC Written employment contract discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does …… have a written contract with the employer?

57 Q49Super Work under supervision/ discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does anyone directly supervise the independently work …… does or does he/she work independently?

58 Q410WhoP Who pays income discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Who pays ……?

59 Q411Pens Contribution to pension or discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does ……'s employer contribute to any retirement fund pension/retirement fund?

60 Q412Leav Paid leave discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does …… get any paid leave?

61 Q413TrdU Trade union membership discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is …… a member of a trade union?

62 Q414Typbb Type of business or discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Is the business or enterprise/branch enterprise where …… works

- 8 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

63 Q415aSal Total salary/pay discrete numeric-7.0 74591 0 What is ……’s total salary/pay at his/her main job?

64 Q415bSal Salary period discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Only if amount given in 4.15.a Is this

65 Q415cSal Income categories discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable

66 Q416NrWo Number of employees discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 How many regular workers has the organisation/business/ enterprise/branch where …… works, including him/ herself?

67 Q417Regi Registered company or close discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ corporation branch where… works a registered company or close corporation?

68 Q418UIFC UIF Deductions discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where… works deducting UIF contributions for him/her?

69 Q419MedA Medical Aid or health discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Does the organisation/ business/ insurance enterprise/ branch where…works provide contributions towards membership of a medical aid fund or health insurance for him/her?

70 Q420VatR Registered for VAT discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where…works registered for VAT?

71 Q421Inco Registered for income tax discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where…works registered for income tax?

72 Q422Sect Type of business sector discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where …… works

73 Q423Locaa Location of business/ discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Where is the business/ enterprise/ branch enterprise/branch where …… works located?

74 Q424aHrs Hours worked past week: discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours, including overtime, Main job did …… work during the last seven days

75 Q424bHrs Hours worked past week: discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours, including overtime, Other activities did …… work during the last seven days

76 Q424cHrs Hours worked past week: In discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours, including overtime, total did …… work during the last seven days

77 Q425aHrs Hours usually worked: In his/ discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours per week, including her main job/activity overtime, does … usually work?

78 Q425bHrs Hours usually worked: In all discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours per week, including other activities overtime, does … usually work?

79 Q425cHrs Hours usually worked: In discrete numeric-3.0 74591 0 How many hours per week, including total overtime, does … usually work?

80 Q426Fixe Flexible working hours discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Can …… decide on the number of hours per week during which he/she works, or are these fixed by the employer?

81 Q427More Willing to work longer hours discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Do/Does …… want to work longer hours?

82 Q428Star Willing to do extra work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 If extra work was available, would …… be able to start such work in the next four weeks?

83 Q429Look Action to look for extra work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action to look for or prepare for any

- 9 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

84 Q430Seekk Activities done to look or discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 What activities did …… do to look or prepare for extra work prepare for extra work?

85 Q431TypX Type of extra work looking discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Was …… mostly looking for for

86 Q51Epwpk Ever heard of the EPWP discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Has …… ever heard of the Expanded programme Public Works Programme (EPWP)?

87 Q52Epwpt Participation in the EPWP discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Has …… participated in any EPWP programme programme or project during the past six (6) months?

88 Q53GovJo Participation in the job discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Did ……. work in any government job creation programme creation programme or project during the past six (6) months?

89 Q54ProgN Name of the job creation discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 What is the name of the programme or programme project that ……. worked/participated in during the past six (6) months?

90 Q55aProvv Province of programme/ discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Where was/is the programme or project project in which ….… worked/participated based?

91 Q55bTown Nearest town to programme/ discrete numeric-5.0 74591 0 Where was/is the programme or project project in which ….… worked/participated based?

92 Q56aCons Acquired skills: Construction discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. related acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

93 Q56bHome Acquired skills: Home based discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. care acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

94 Q56cChil Acquired skills: Early discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. childhood development acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

95 Q56dFore Acquired skills: Forestry discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

96 Q56eAgri Acquired skills: Agriculture discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. and animal husbandry acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

97 Q56fNume Acquired skills: Numeracy/ discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. literacy acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

98 Q56gHiva Acquired skills: HIV/AIDS discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. awareness acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

99 Q56hCare Acquired skills: Career discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. awareness acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

100 Q56iBusn Acquired skills: Business discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. related acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

- 10 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

101 Q56jOthr Acquired skills: Other discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

102 Q57Still Still working in the job discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Is …… still working/participating in the creation programme programme or project?

103 Q58aSust Benefit of participating: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 What, if any, were/are the benefits Permanent job of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

104 Q58bStar Benefit of participating: Start discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 What, if any, were/are the benefits business of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

105 Q58cFurt Benefit of participating: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 What, if any, were/are the benefits Further training of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

106 Q58dTemp Benefit of participating: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 What, if any, were/are the benefits Temporary work of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

107 Q58eOthr Benefit of participating: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 What, if any, were/are the benefits Other of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

108 Q61FarmA Farming activity discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Did …… grow or help to grow any produce, e.g. maize or other crops, vegetables or fruit, or keep, or help to keep, any stock, e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, horses, even chickens, for sale or for household use during the last 12 months?

109 Q62Mar06 Farming activity: March discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

110 Q62Apr06 Farming activity: April 2006 discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

111 Q62May06 Farming activity: May 2006 discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

112 Q62Jun06 Farming activity: June 2006 discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

113 Q62Jul06 Farming activity: July 2006 discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

114 Q62Aug06 Farming activity: August discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

115 Q62Sep06 Farming activity: September discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

116 Q62Oct06 Farming activity: October discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

117 Q62Nov06 Farming activity: November discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

- 11 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Group(s)

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

118 Q62Dec06 Farming activity: December discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2006 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

119 Q62Jan07 Farming activity: January discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2007 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

120 Q62Feb07 Farming activity: February discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 During which months was …… engaged 2007 in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

121 Q63FarmW Reason for farming discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Why does …… grow or help in growing farm produce or keep stock for the household?

122 Q64Volun Voluntary work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In the last 12 months, did …… do any uncompensated work for the benefit of a community, neighbourhood, or an interest group?

123 Q65aVday Voluntary work: Help the discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated sick work …… did in the last 12 months?

124 Q65bMedC Voluntary work: Medical discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated care work …… did in the last 12 months?

125 Q65cTrai Voluntary work: Provision of discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated training work …… did in the last 12 months?

126 Q65dLawk Voluntary work: Law and discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated order work …… did in the last 12 months?

127 Q65eComu Voluntary work: discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated Maintenance of community work …… did in the last 12 months? resources

128 Q65fOrge Voluntary work: Organise discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated cultural events work …… did in the last 12 months?

129 Q65gColl Voluntary work: Collect discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated money work …… did in the last 12 months?

130 Q65hFund Voluntary work: Fund raising discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

131 Q65iOthr Voluntary work: Something discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 In which areas was the uncompensated else work …… did in the last 12 months?

132 Sector Sector of work discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Derived variable: Derived from Questions 4.1 and 4.22.

133 Indus Main industry discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable: Derived from Question 4.2.

134 Occup Main occupation discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable: Derived from Question 4.1.

135 IndusP Previous industry discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable. Derived from questions 3.8 and 3.11.

136 OccuPrev Previous occupation discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable: Derived from questions 3.8 and 3.10.

137 IncmGrp Income group discrete numeric-2.0 74591 0 Derived variable. Derived from questions 4.15.a, 4.15.b and 4.15.c.

138 Status1 Official unemployment discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Derived from a logical series of definition questions: see metadata

139 Status2 Expanded unemployment discrete numeric-1.0 74591 0 Derived from a logical series of definition questions: See metadata

140 Workers_wgt Weight discrete numeric-13.4 74591 0 -

- 12 - Labour Force Survey - March 2007 (Worker file) - Variables Description

Variables Description

Dataset contains 141 variable(s)

- 13 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # UqNr: Unique household identifier

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=character] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Notes This is the unique household identifier, which can be used to link data from this file with data on the same households from other files.Users should be aware that Stats SA has introduced a new numbering system in the LFS13 (March 2006) dataset. This was deemed necessary since, if analysed in a particular way, the old numbering system did not preserve the confidentiality of individual records to the satisfaction of Stats SA.As a result of the changes made, there is no link with some of the previous datasets. # PersonNr: Person (respondent) number

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-27] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Notes The two fields above (unique number and person number) can be used to link data from this file with data for the same individuals from other files.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 29424 13235545.7 40.8% 2 21444 9485674.8 29.2% 3 11737 4847848.8 14.9% 4 6347 2621202.5 8.1% 5 3058 1263245.3 3.9% 6 1381 547579.1 1.7% 7 628 240932.7 0.7% 8 293 107943.4 0.3% 9 135 53169.6 0.2% 10 69 29862.4 0.1% 11 30 10122.6 0.0% 12 15 4765.6 0.0% 13 11 3198.6 0.0% 14 6 1721.9 0.0% 15 5 1897.8 0.0% 16 1 153.3 0.0% 21 1 153.3 0.0% 22 1 153.3 0.0% 23 1 153.3 0.0% 24 1 153.3 0.0% 25 1 153.3 0.0% 26 1 153.3 0.0% 27 1 153.3 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # PSU: Primary sampling unit

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-89] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Notes (See also unique household identifier)

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 6019 2271911.6 7.0% 2 6048 2284135.2 7.0%

- 14 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # PSU: Primary sampling unit

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3 5503 1934663.3 6.0% 4 5426 1884144.8 5.8% 5 4854 1757251.8 5.4% 6 4305 1439727.0 4.4% 7 3666 1275946.6 3.9% 8 3319 1173290.6 3.6% 9 3100 1099000.0 3.4% 10 2690 861392.4 2.7% 11 2471 882569.6 2.7% 12 2310 787373.7 2.4% 13 1988 730689.8 2.3% 14 1909 678562.9 2.1% 15 1631 559123.3 1.7% 16 1534 573957.1 1.8% 17 1260 523508.5 1.6% 18 1090 465773.6 1.4% 19 884 434070.3 1.3% 20 833 399548.4 1.2% 21 829 471822.4 1.5% 22 733 371183.3 1.1% 23 647 329117.3 1.0% 24 598 325180.9 1.0% 25 529 262533.8 0.8% 26 501 348805.0 1.1% 27 408 258812.1 0.8% 28 375 221546.1 0.7% 29 383 218881.9 0.7% 30 411 284181.1 0.9% 31 411 241400.3 0.7% 32 371 210159.9 0.6% 33 325 230465.7 0.7% 34 372 250591.6 0.8% 35 276 179419.2 0.6% 36 412 212972.2 0.7% 37 287 195730.8 0.6% 38 280 189055.6 0.6% 39 247 217833.9 0.7% 40 233 164273.5 0.5% 41 229 189400.8 0.6% 42 176 201068.2 0.6% 43 194 166136.3 0.5% 44 195 145417.9 0.4% 45 215 225658.0 0.7%

- 15 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # PSU: Primary sampling unit

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 46 232 157508.7 0.5% 47 253 180781.3 0.6% 48 184 164773.6 0.5% 49 213 242351.4 0.7% 50 194 178447.1 0.5% 51 172 205813.1 0.6% 52 146 132795.3 0.4% 53 171 210692.7 0.6% 54 80 146297.6 0.5% 55 120 142813.3 0.4% 56 94 97560.8 0.3% 57 118 127379.0 0.4% 58 80 83226.6 0.3% 59 145 137179.3 0.4% 60 122 133175.0 0.4% 61 162 176288.0 0.5% 62 141 143705.9 0.4% 63 126 139173.5 0.4% 64 83 96577.9 0.3% 65 148 160156.0 0.5% 66 136 181568.7 0.6% 67 109 130079.2 0.4% 68 88 101149.5 0.3% 69 100 86627.5 0.3% 70 108 88246.9 0.3% 71 111 117999.9 0.4% 72 70 71128.9 0.2% 73 16 16884.8 0.1% 74 20 26606.0 0.1% 75 14 17365.8 0.1% 76 24 27402.0 0.1% 77 27 27713.5 0.1% 78 24 28583.0 0.1% 79 27 20678.2 0.1% 80 24 37559.5 0.1% 81 13 29716.8 0.1% 82 23 30054.9 0.1% 83 15 24422.4 0.1% 84 28 47994.3 0.1% 85 26 37991.8 0.1% 86 30 32111.0 0.1% 87 28 31087.2 0.1% 88 46 42235.2 0.1%

- 16 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # PSU: Primary sampling unit

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 89 23 15745.9 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Prov: Province

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable: Derived from the first digit of the Unique Number

Notes South African provinces

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Western Cape 8839 3485322.0 10.7% 2 Eastern Cape 9366 4450436.8 13.7% 3 Northern Cape 4939 632839.1 1.9% 4 5372 2063413.6 6.4% 5 KwaZulu-Natal 19479 6525520.2 20.1% 6 North West 6315 2676686.5 8.2% 7 Gauteng 7755 6928504.8 21.3% 8 Mpumalanga 5374 2149847.2 6.6% 9 Limpopo 7152 3543367.1 10.9% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # DC: District council/metro

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=character] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Notes South Africa comprise of 53 district councils (DCs).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) CBDC1 CBDC1 : Kgalagadi District Municipality 966 125469.5 0.4% CBDC2 CBDC2 : Metsweding District Municipality 759 104597.8 0.3% CBDC3 CBDC3 : Sekhukhune Cross Boundary District 1340 699530.3 2.2% Municipality CBDC4 CBDC4 : Bohlabela District Municipality 814 378284.2 1.2% CBDC8 CBDC8 : West Rand District Municipality 1112 517760.2 1.6% Cape Town Cape Town : City of Cape Town 1822 2394490.6 7.4% DC1 DC1 : West Coast District Municipality 1295 164593.6 0.5% DC10 DC10 : Cacadu District Municipality 1397 271246.3 0.8% DC12 DC12 : Amatole 1351 1191548.8 3.7% DC13 DC13 : Chris Hani District Municipality 1506 539173.2 1.7% DC14 DC14 : Ukhahlamba District Municipality 972 197931.7 0.6% DC15 DC15 : O.R.Tambo 1376 1101501.3 3.4% DC16 DC16 : Xhariep District Municipality 1083 78217.9 0.2% DC17 DC17 : Motheo District Municipality 1058 625557.2 1.9% DC18 DC18 : Lejweleputswa District Municipality 1227 523776.8 1.6% DC19 DC19 : Thabo Mofutsanyane District 921 503658.3 1.6% Municipality DC2 DC2 : Boland District Municipality 1683 429266.3 1.3%

- 17 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # DC: District council/metro

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) DC20 DC20 : Northern Free State District Municipality 1083 332203.5 1.0% DC21 DC21 : Ugu District Municipality 1845 449042.8 1.4% DC22 DC22 : UMgungundlovu District Municipality 1844 610544.6 1.9% DC23 DC23 : Uthukela District Municipality 1765 374252.6 1.2% DC24 DC24 : Umzinyathi District Municipality 1701 274721.6 0.8% DC25 DC25 : Amajuba District Municipality 2006 331504.0 1.0% DC26 DC26 : Zululand District Municipality 1859 468231.5 1.4% DC27 DC27 : Umkhanyakude District Municipality 1136 311775.6 1.0% DC28 DC28 : Uthungulu District Municipality 1681 561787.1 1.7% DC29 DC29 : iLembe District Municipality 1931 331187.3 1.0% DC3 DC3 : Overberg District Municipality 1869 136563.9 0.4% DC30 DC30 : Gert Sibande District Municipality 1902 545730.2 1.7% DC31 DC31 : Nkangala 1585 749946.3 2.3% DC32 DC32 : Ehlanzeni 1363 630848.5 1.9% DC33 DC33 : Mopani District Municipality 1307 595557.8 1.8% DC34 DC34 : Vhembe District Municipality 1279 748287.5 2.3% DC35 DC35 : Capricorn District Municipality 1153 873689.3 2.7% DC36 DC36 : Waterberg District Municipality 1540 438439.2 1.4% DC37 DC37 : Bojanala District Municipality 1243 1019112.6 3.1% DC38 DC38 : Central District Municipality 1368 452232.3 1.4% DC39 DC39 : Bophirima District Municipality 1130 278030.6 0.9% DC4 DC4 : Eden District Municipality 1098 325758.5 1.0% DC40 DC40 : Southern District Municipality 1257 444135.0 1.4% DC42 DC42 : Sedibeng District Municipality 1582 615376.9 1.9% DC43 DC43 : Sisonke District Municipality 1533 158662.0 0.5% DC44 DC44 : Alfred Nzo District Municipality 885 329861.8 1.0% DC5 DC5 : Central Karoo District Municipality 1072 34649.1 0.1% DC6 DC6 : Namakwa District Municipality 964 74453.7 0.2% DC7 DC7 : Karoo District Municipality 1294 118412.7 0.4% DC8 DC8 : Siyanda District Municipality 1456 151538.3 0.5% DC9 DC9 : Frances Baard District Municipality 1107 269078.3 0.8% Durban Durban : Ethekwini Municipality 2178 2653811.1 8.2% East Rand East Rand : Ekurhuleni Metropolitan 1559 2063550.0 6.4% Municipality Johannesburg Johannesburg : City of Johannesburg 2013 2522319.4 7.8% Metropolitan Municipality Port Elizabeth Port Elizabeth : Nelson Mandela 1879 819173.7 2.5% Pretoria Pretoria : City of Tshwane Metropolitan 1442 1514864.1 4.7% Municipality Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Gender: Gender

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

- 18 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Gender: Gender

Literal question This is a derived variable indicating the gender of the household member. Gender of the household member is derived from the question C of the questionnare’s FLAP.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Male 34105 15551345.2 47.9% 2 Female 40471 16899324.7 52.1% 9 Unspecified 15 5267.3 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Age: Age

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 999-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question This is a derived variable indicating the age of the household member. Age of the household member is derived from the question D of the questionnare’s FLAP.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 15 2440 939567.6 2.9% 16 2703 1072656.5 3.3% 17 2466 964056.0 3.0% 18 2616 1042285.8 3.2% 19 2258 935490.5 2.9% 20 2331 985204.3 3.0% 21 2229 956070.4 2.9% 22 2114 985312.3 3.0% 23 1959 860107.1 2.7% 24 1910 872304.7 2.7% 25 1827 939426.7 2.9% 26 1749 922901.0 2.8% 27 1683 852449.7 2.6% 28 1523 808098.3 2.5% 29 1460 783919.0 2.4% 30 1650 855652.5 2.6% 31 1282 679951.8 2.1% 32 1585 829981.2 2.6% 33 1330 716828.5 2.2% 34 1369 766705.6 2.4% 35 1446 642136.1 2.0% 36 1414 619342.4 1.9% 37 1337 579700.7 1.8% 38 1326 578427.1 1.8% 39 1265 505653.4 1.6% 40 1315 564762.9 1.7% 41 1020 411210.9 1.3% 42 1420 547530.2 1.7% 43 1164 454649.3 1.4% 44 1074 425673.9 1.3% 45 1179 518508.7 1.6%

- 19 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Age: Age

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 46 1069 426809.2 1.3% 47 1012 430743.1 1.3% 48 1029 411554.5 1.3% 49 1000 427867.6 1.3% 50 1122 442451.1 1.4% 51 762 301815.2 0.9% 52 990 381863.5 1.2% 53 889 359441.7 1.1% 54 926 366884.5 1.1% 55 895 350497.1 1.1% 56 778 289362.4 0.9% 57 732 292449.1 0.9% 58 669 254828.0 0.8% 59 736 286203.3 0.9% 60 810 355527.1 1.1% 61 492 217531.3 0.7% 62 533 223602.0 0.7% 63 565 232114.5 0.7% 64 583 263562.8 0.8% 65 637 263480.8 0.8% 66 436 177203.5 0.5% 67 585 237073.6 0.7% 68 405 158854.8 0.5% 69 398 155009.4 0.5% 70 414 178994.4 0.6% 71 301 133499.9 0.4% 72 323 140530.7 0.4% 73 275 105959.2 0.3% 74 289 129738.5 0.4% 75 275 91005.8 0.3% 76 221 72945.0 0.2% 77 253 83837.7 0.3% 78 207 68771.6 0.2% 79 190 56781.4 0.2% 80 162 49149.4 0.2% 81 132 47790.9 0.1% 82 146 43204.3 0.1% 83 108 35206.7 0.1% 84 87 26828.0 0.1% 85 91 33191.8 0.1% 86 78 28518.9 0.1% 87 95 27071.9 0.1% 88 56 18841.8 0.1%

- 20 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Age: Age

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 89 68 19483.4 0.1% 90 27 7324.1 0.0% 91 28 11153.3 0.0% 92 28 7395.1 0.0% 93 29 11114.5 0.0% 94 20 4952.0 0.0% 95 11 3400.3 0.0% 96 5 1324.6 0.0% 97 13 4452.3 0.0% 98 8 2845.8 0.0% 99 5 1251.3 0.0% 100 3 838.1 0.0% 101 1 247.1 0.0% 102 3 792.5 0.0% 103 2 366.4 0.0% 105 6 1792.7 0.0% 106 2 794.9 0.0% 110 1 226.0 0.0% 999 Unspecified 131 81019.7 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Agegrp: Age group

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 4-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived from age

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 4 15 - 19 years 12483 4954056.3 15.3% 5 20 - 24 years 10543 4658999.0 14.4% 6 25 - 29 years 8242 4306794.7 13.3% 7 30 - 34 years 7216 3849119.5 11.9% 8 35 - 39 years 6788 2925259.7 9.0% 9 40 - 44 years 5993 2403827.2 7.4% 10 45 - 49 years 5289 2215483.1 6.8% 11 50 - 54 years 4689 1852456.0 5.7% 12 55 - 59 years 3810 1473339.9 4.5% 13 60 - 64 years 2983 1292337.8 4.0% 14 65 - 69 years 2461 991622.0 3.1% 15 70 - 74 years 1602 688722.7 2.1% 16 75 - 79 years 1146 373341.5 1.2% 17 80 - 84 years 635 202179.3 0.6% 18 85 + 580 187378.8 0.6% 99 Unspecified 131 81019.7 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 21 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Popgrp: Population group

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question This is a derived variable indicating the population group of the household member. Population group of the household member is derived from the question E of the questionnare’s FLAP.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 African/Black 57412 25106743.2 77.4% 2 Coloured 10243 2917195.3 9.0% 3 Indian/Asian 1591 891072.9 2.7% 4 White 5234 3483451.6 10.7% 9 Other and unspecified 111 57474.4 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q13aHiEd: Highest education level

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question The derived variable indicating the highest level of education of the household member. . This variable was derived from the question 1.3a.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 No schooling 7819 2612457.2 8.0% 1 Grade R / 0 189 67385.0 0.2% 2 Grade 1 / Sub A 636 218482.1 0.7% 3 Grade 2 / Sub B 903 306381.6 0.9% 4 Grade 3 / Standard 1 1807 614471.0 1.9% 5 Grade 4 / Standard 2 2468 845242.4 2.6% 6 Grade 5 / Standard 3 2715 995534.8 3.1% 7 Grade 6 / Standard 4 3860 1416608.6 4.4% 8 Grade 7 / Standard 5 5695 2199428.8 6.8% 9 Grade 8 / Standard 6 / Form 1 6788 2796506.4 8.6% 10 Grade 9 / Standard 7 / Form 2 7168 3074783.6 9.5% 11 Grade 10 / Standard 8 / Form 3 8360 3806851.5 11.7% 12 Grade 11 / Standard 9 / Form 4 7073 3363655.4 10.4% 13 Grade 12 / Standard 10 / Form 5/Matric 13519 6955261.4 21.4% 14 NTC l 92 39125.4 0.1% 15 NTC II 58 33400.9 0.1% 16 NTC III 213 126911.0 0.4% 17 Diploma / certificate with less than Grade 12 / 173 85604.4 0.3% Std 10 18 Diploma with less than Grade 12 / Std 10 290 152660.3 0.5% 19 Certificate with Grade 12 / Std 10 738 375597.8 1.2% 20 Diploma with Grade 12 / Std 10 2319 1233580.5 3.8% 21 Bachelors Degree 767 515637.0 1.6% 22 Bachelors Degree and Diploma 269 155093.5 0.5% 23 Honours Degree 231 176037.3 0.5% 24 Higher Degree (Masters, Doctorate) 154 135928.0 0.4% 25 Other 65 39966.0 0.1%

- 22 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q13aHiEd: Highest education level

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 26 Do not know 182 86833.1 0.3% 99 Unspecified 40 26512.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q13bArea: Study field

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question The derived variable indicating the study field of the household member. This variable was derived from the question 1.3b.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Communication studies and language 105 67321.9 0.2% 2 Education, training and development 1507 663460.7 2.0% 3 Manufacturing, engineering and technology 555 388929.6 1.2% 4 Human and social studies 189 112571.9 0.3% 5 Law, military science and security 252 132026.1 0.4% 6 Health sciences and social services 558 332662.0 1.0% 7 Agriculture and nature conservation 172 64274.9 0.2% 8 Culture and arts 83 62885.5 0.2% 9 Business, commerce and management studies 958 657852.2 2.0% 10 Physical, mathematical, computer and life 283 190631.1 0.6% sciences 11 Services 73 60406.2 0.2% 12 Physical planning and construction 46 24798.6 0.1% 13 Do not know 5 3342.7 0.0% 88 Not applicable 69610 29599286.1 91.2% 99 Unspecified 195 95487.7 0.3% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q14Skltr: Skills/Training

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question This is a derived variable indicating whether household member have been trainned in skills that can be used for work. This variable was derived from the question 1.4.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6140 3243867.9 10.0% 2 No 67974 28987490.9 89.3% 3 Do not know 465 216094.9 0.7% 9 Unspecified 12 8483.6 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q20SelfR: Person him/herself responding

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Is the person him/herself responding to questions?

- 23 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q20SelfR: Person him/herself responding

Notes This is for the enumerator to answer. It is recommended that if all the members of the household, who qualify for this section, are present they should answer for themselves. It is through this question that the accuracy of the information received can be qualified, as it would reflect whether people answered for themselves or a proxy responded on their behalf.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 41118 17939601.0 55.3% 2 No 33412 14490169.6 44.6% 9 Unspecified 61 26166.7 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21aOwnB: Economic activity: Own business

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Run or do any kind of business, big or small for himself/herself or with one or more partners?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 4070 2041126.0 6.3% 2 No 70521 30414811.2 93.7% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21bPaid: Economic activity: Paid work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Do any work for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind (excluding domestic work)?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 19309 9274342.7 28.6% 2 No 55282 23181594.6 71.4% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21cDome: Economic activity: Domestic work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

- 24 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q21cDome: Economic activity: Domestic work

Literal question Do any work as a domestic worker for a wage, salary, or any payment in kind?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 2718 1148573.1 3.5% 2 No 71873 31307364.2 96.5% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21dUnPd: Economic activity: Unpaid work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Help unpaid in a household business of any kind?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 165 66789.8 0.2% 2 No 74426 32389147.5 99.8% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21eFarm: Economic activity: Farm work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Do any work on his/her own or the household’s plot, farm, food garden, cattle post or kraal or help in growing farm produce or in looking after animals for the household?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 1837 502390.6 1.5% 2 No 72754 31953546.7 98.5% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 25 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q21fCons: Economic activity: Construction or major repair work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Do any construction or major repair work on his/her own home, plot, cattle post or business or those of the household?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 137 43691.9 0.1% 2 No 74454 32412245.4 99.9% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21gCtch: Economic activity: Catch fish

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Catch any fish, prawns, shells, wild animals or other food for sale or household food?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 61 16742.3 0.1% 2 No 74530 32439195.0 99.9% 9 Unspecified 0 0.0 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q21hBeg: Economic activity: Beg for money/ food

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units who are aged 15 years and above

Literal question Beg for money or food in public?

Notes This question is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above, regarding their involvement in the economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. This is part of the questionnaire where there would be a differentiation between economically active population and those who are not economically active. The instruction to the enumerators is that they should consider those activities that lasted for an hour within the seven days. In order to be certain that the categories have been answered there should either be "Yes" or "No" in all of them. Most importantly, is that if there is "Yes" to any part of this question there should be skip to Section 4. If all the categories are "No" there should be a continuation to the next question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 18 6802.8 0.0%

- 26 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q21hBeg: Economic activity: Beg for money/ food

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 No 74572 32449051.9 100.0% 9 Unspecified 1 82.7 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q22HaveW: Temporary absent but have a job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and older who were not involved in economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Even though …… did not do any of these activities in the last seven days, does he/she have a job, business, or other economic or farming activity that he/she will definitely return to?

Notes This is only applicable to household members who answered " No" to all the categories in (Q 2.1). The main intention of this question is to qualify whether people have not done anything in the last seven days as it has been reflected in the previous question. The enumerators are instructed that for agricultural activities, any off-season in that field, people are considered to be active in their current jobs, and therefore economically active. For "No" response there should be a skip to Section 3.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 198 86764.2 0.3% 2 No 46998 19552422.6 60.2% 8 Not applicable 27388 12813935.8 39.5% 9 Unspecified 7 2814.6 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q23Rsnab: Main reason for absence from work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe Members of the household aged 15 years and older who were not involved in economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview but have a job\business to return to.

Literal question What was the main reason …… was absent from this activity in the last seven days?

Notes This question is aimed at finding out the reasons why people were absent from their normal activities in the seven days prior to the interview. If more than one reason is given, only the main one is recorded. A provision is made to specify the reasons that are not on the pre-coded list.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Own illness or injury 53 21055.9 0.1% 2 Caring for family or others (except maternity / 7 1627.8 0.0% paternity leave) 3 Maternity or paternity leave 23 15123.7 0.0% 4 Other family / community obligations (funerals, 8 5826.6 0.0% meetings) 5 Strikes / stay-away /lockout 3 954.3 0.0% 6 Problems with transport 2 646.0 0.0% 7 Bad weather 8 1234.7 0.0% 8 Vacation, leave 24 12024.7 0.0% 9 Study or training leave 6 3420.7 0.0% 11 Temporarily laid off / reduction in economic 44 16787.8 0.1% activity 12 Other reason 20 8062.0 0.0% 88 Not applicable 74386 32366358.4 99.7% - 27 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q23Rsnab: Main reason for absence from work

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 99 Unspecified 7 2814.6 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q24Start: When intend to start working

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe Members of the household aged 15 years and older who were not involved in economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview but have a job\business to return to

Literal question When does …… intend to start working?

Notes The question seeks to find out when the people who were absent from normal activities intend going back to work. After this question the instruction is to go to Section 4 since Section 3 is not applicable to people involved in economic activities.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Within a week 54 22273.2 0.1% 2 Within two weeks 26 10433.0 0.0% 3 Within four weeks 23 8987.3 0.0% 4 Later than four weeks from now 85 40403.8 0.1% 5 Do not know 10 4666.9 0.0% 8 Not applicable 74386 32366358.4 99.7% 9 Unspecified 7 2814.6 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31OddJO: Supported by: Did odd jobs

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Did odd jobs during the past seven days

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 20 7605.9 0.0% 2 No 46911 19520254.1 60.1% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 74 27377.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31inHHP: Supported by: Persons in the household

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Supported by persons in the household

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The

- 28 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q31inHHP: Supported by: Persons in the household enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 33337 13931514.5 42.9% 2 No 13594 5596345.4 17.2% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 74 27377.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31notHH: Supported by: Persons not in the household

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Supported by persons not in the household

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 5353 2371378.8 7.3% 2 No 41577 17155670.8 52.9% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 75 28187.7 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31Chari: Supported by: Charity, church, welfare

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Supported by charity, church, welfare, etc

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 531 202695.1 0.6% 2 No 46399 19324635.5 59.5% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 75 27906.7 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31UIFSU: Supported by: Unemployment Insurance Fund

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

- 29 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q31UIFSU: Supported by: Unemployment Insurance Fund

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 112 77425.0 0.2% 2 No 46819 19450434.9 59.9% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 74 27377.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31Savin: Supported by: Savings or money previously earned

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Savings or money previously earned

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 860 418495.9 1.3% 2 No 46071 19109364.0 58.9% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 74 27377.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31Pensi: Supported by: Old age or disability pension

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Old age or disability pension

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 9250 3370078.7 10.4% 2 No 37681 16157781.3 49.8%

- 30 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q31Pensi: Supported by: Old age or disability pension

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 74 27377.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q31Othrs: Supported by: Other sources

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are unemployed and not economically active.

Literal question Other sources, e.g. bursary, study loan

Notes This is applicable to all person’s unemployed or not economically active regardless of whether a person has worked before or not. The interest in this question is to find out how people support themselves even though they are not working. The enumerator is instructed to ask all the given categories. There should either be a "Yes" or a "No" for each category. For any other reason that is not categorised the enumerator has to complete the information in the provided space. If the answer is code "1 = Did odd jobs during the past seven days" where a person "did odd jobs during the seven days prior to the interview" the instruction is to go back to (Q2.1).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 223 135354.4 0.4% 2 No 46707 19391931.2 59.7% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 75 27951.7 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q32YnotW: Reason for not working

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have a job to return to in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Why did …… not work during the past seven days?

Notes This is applicable to all household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have a job to return to in the seven days prior to the interview. The intention of this question is to find out the reasons people were not working in the seven days prior to the interview. For any other reason that is not specified in the given categories there is provision to specify it. However, if the person has found a job and is supposed to start at a definite date in the future, there should be a skip to (Q 3.12).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Has found a job, but is only starting at a definite 69 26100.2 0.1% date in the future 2 Scholar or student and prefers not to work 12522 5142452.3 15.8% 3 Housewife/homemaker and prefers not to work 2390 1030314.2 3.2% 4 Retired and prefers not to seek formal work 923 485932.5 1.5% 5 Illness, invalid, disabled or unable to work 4698 1626650.4 5.0% (handicapped) 6 Too young or too old to work 6956 2618407.2 8.1% 7 Seasonal worker, e.g. fruit picker, wool-shearer 158 40791.0 0.1% 8 Lack of skills or qualifications for available jobs 1442 582103.9 1.8% 9 Cannot find any work 15986 7107122.9 21.9% 10 Cannot find suitable work (salary, location of 418 218968.1 0.7% work or conditions not satisfactory)

- 31 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q32YnotW: Reason for not working

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 11 Contract worker, e.g. mine worker resting 56 28996.0 0.1% according to contract 12 Recently retrenched 268 134332.7 0.4% 13 Other reason 872 410534.8 1.3% 88 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 99 Unspecified 247 102531.1 0.3% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q33JobOf: Any job offered

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have a job to return to in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Has ……been offered any job in the past 6 months and he/she turned it down?

Notes This question is intended to finding out if people have been offered jobs in the 6 months prior to the interview but turned them down though they are not working.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 559 251858.4 0.8% 2 No 46276 19238191.9 59.3% 8 Not applicable 27655 12926800.2 39.8% 9 Unspecified 101 39086.8 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q34WrkRe: Knowledge of any available work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have a job to return to in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does …… know of any available work for which he/she ….has the relevant qualification but is not willing to do?

Notes The question intends to establish if there are jobs available, for which people are qualified for, but people are not willing to do such jobs. The instruction is to go to (Q3.6) if the answer is "No".

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 295 143190.8 0.4% 2 No 46554 19351761.6 59.6% 8 Not applicable 27655 12926800.2 39.8% 9 Unspecified 87 34184.6 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q35WhyNo: Reason not willing to work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have jobs to return to but know of available jobs for which they are qualified but are not willing to do these jobs.

Literal question Why would ………….not be willing to do this work?

- 32 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q35WhyNo: Reason not willing to work

Notes This question is applicable to people not working, know of available jobs for which they are qualified but are not willing to do these jobs. The question seeks to establish the reasons why people wouldn’t be willing to do the available jobs for which they are qualified for.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Wages too low 59 25852.9 0.1% 2 Job is not permanent 27 9804.9 0.0% 3 Location (work too far) 32 11157.7 0.0% 4 Working conditions unsuitable 38 18301.7 0.1% 5 Work not legal 2 397.3 0.0% 6 Attending an educational institution 47 29295.0 0.1% 7 Other 58 31746.0 0.1% 8 Not applicable 74209 32278561.8 99.5% 9 Unspecified 119 50820.0 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q36Accep: Accept job if offered

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have jobs to return to in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question If a suitable job is offered, will … … accept it?

Notes This question is applicable to people not working, know of available jobs for which they are qualified but are not willing to do these jobs. The interest is in finding out if suitable jobs were offered people would be willing to accept them. If the response to this question is a "No" or a "Don’t know" there is a skip to (Q 3.12).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 19078 8509583.6 26.2% 2 No 27253 10769803.6 33.2% 3 Do not know 514 214513.6 0.7% 8 Not applicable 27655 12926800.2 39.8% 9 Unspecified 91 35236.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q37WhnSt: How soon can start working

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who did not work and did not have jobs to return to in the seven days prior to the interview and are willing to accept jobs if offered.

Literal question How soon can …… start work?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q3.6). It seeks to find out how soon people are willing to start work, if offers are made to them.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Within a week 18170 8078312.0 24.9% 2 Within two weeks 441 190227.5 0.6% 3 Within four weeks 150 69640.2 0.2% 4 Later than four weeks from now 218 124485.0 0.4% 5 Do not know 38 17910.0 0.1%

- 33 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q37WhnSt: How soon can start working

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8 Not applicable 55422 23911117.4 73.7% 9 Unspecified 152 64245.2 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q38LookW: Look for work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above.

Literal question During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action:Look for work?

Notes This question is only applicable if a person is prepared to accept a suitable job offer as reflected in (Q 3.7). The interest is to find out whether a person has taken any action to look for a job in the four weeks prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 9799 4465221.3 13.8% 2 No 9266 4040812.2 12.5% 8 Not applicable 55422 23911117.4 73.7% 9 Unspecified 104 38786.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q38BgnBu: Start business

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above.

Literal question During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action:Start business?

Notes This question is only applicable if a person is prepared to accept a suitable job offer as reflected in (Q 3.7). The interest is to find out whether a person has taken any action to look for a job in the four weeks prior to the interview. The instruction to the numerator is to complete both given categories with either a "Yes " or a "No" answer. If "No" the enumerator should skip to (Q3.11).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 524 232217.1 0.7% 2 No 18538 8272761.1 25.5% 8 Not applicable 55422 23911117.4 73.7% 9 Unspecified 107 39841.7 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q39SeekHh: Steps taken to look for work or start business

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are willing to accept jobs if offered and have tried to look for work in the four weeks prior to the interview.

Literal question In the past four weeks, what has …… done to look for work or to start a business?

Notes The question is intended to find out what the people did to look for work or start their own businesses. If a person has tried several ways of finding work, the most important one or the one on which he/she has spent the most time is recorded.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Waited/registered at employment agency/trade 578 351965.6 1.1% union

- 34 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q39SeekHh: Steps taken to look for work or start business

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 Enquired at workplaces, farms, factories or called 4573 1957871.5 6.0% on other possible employers 3 Placed/answered advertisement(s) 1964 887712.2 2.7% 4 Sought assistance from relatives or friends 998 513355.2 1.6% 5 Looked for land, building, equipment or applied 108 47789.5 0.1% for permit to start own business or farming 6 Waited at the street-side where casual workers 1448 660084.0 2.0% are found 7 Other 127 49397.3 0.2% 8 Do not know 6 2778.2 0.0% 88 Not applicable 64598 27912080.9 86.0% 99 Unspecified 191 72902.8 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q310TimSe: Time seeking work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above who are willing to accept jobs if offered and have tried to look for work in the four weeks prior to the interview.

Literal question How long has …… been trying to find work or start a business?

Notes The question is on the length of time the person spent trying to look for a job.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Less than an month 1186 457492.2 1.4% 2 1 month to less than 2 months 846 347615.4 1.1% 3 2 months to less than 3 months 644 312601.2 1.0% 4 3 months to less than 4 months 409 176012.4 0.5% 5 4 months to less than 6 months 377 162052.6 0.5% 6 6 months to less than 1 year 905 469075.5 1.4% 7 1 year to less than 3 years 2262 1042178.1 3.2% 8 3 years or more 3123 1477879.6 4.6% 9 Do not know 21 8113.5 0.0% 88 Not applicable 64598 27912080.9 86.0% 99 Unspecified 220 90836.0 0.3% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q311RsnN: Reason why not look for work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above, and did not have jobs to return to in the four weeks prior to the interview but did not look for work.

Literal question What was the main reason why …… did not try to find work or start a business in the past four weeks?

Notes The question is seeking for reasons why people, who are not working, did not try to look for work or start their own businesses. It only applies to people who answered "No" to both a) and b) of (Q3.7).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Has been temporarily laid off work 23 10577.9 0.0%

- 35 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q311RsnN: Reason why not look for work

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 Ill health/injury/physical disability 313 119120.3 0.4% 3 Pregnancy 197 89786.7 0.3% 4 Family considerations/child care 529 224262.1 0.7% 5 Undergoing training to help find work 122 61889.4 0.2% 6 No jobs available in the area 4990 2076631.3 6.4% 7 Lack of money to pay for transport to look for 1220 528918.8 1.6% work 8 Unable to find work requiring his/her skills 379 172381.3 0.5% 9 Lost hope of finding any kind of work 836 438382.9 1.4% 10 No transport available 40 18482.3 0.1% 11 Other reason 333 172708.6 0.5% 88 Not applicable 65311 28416187.4 87.6% 99 Unspecified 298 126608.4 0.4% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q312Ever: Ever worked

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above and did not have jobs to return to in the four weeks prior to the interview but did not look for work.

Literal question Has …… ever worked for pay, profit or family gain?

Notes The interest is in finding out if the person has ever worked for pay, profit or family gain. This includes those who worked for some form of payment or worked unpaid for a family business or farming activities. The instruction for the interviewer is to go to Section 5 if the answer to this question is "No".

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 16803 6542000.7 20.2% 2 No 30119 12982264.2 40.0% 8 Not applicable 27586 12900700.0 39.7% 9 Unspecified 83 30972.3 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q313TmGa: Time since last worked

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above and did not have jobs to return to in the four weeks prior to the interview but did not look for work.

Literal question How long ago was it since …… last worked?

Notes This is only applicable if there is a "Yes" in the previous question (Q3.12). The interest in this question is in finding out for how long a person has worked in the last job he/she occupied. The enumerator was asked to probe for more information since people of this calibre are usually uncertain of the required information.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 More than a week but less than 1 month 481 167239.8 0.5% 2 1 month - less than 2 months 685 230936.1 0.7% 3 2 months - less than 3 months 541 202383.3 0.6% 4 3 months - less than 4 months 455 158320.2 0.5%

- 36 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q313TmGa: Time since last worked

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 5 4 months - less than 5 months 331 122192.4 0.4% 6 5 months - less than 6 months 326 140067.5 0.4% 7 6 months - less than 1 year 823 362958.7 1.1% 8 1 year - less than 2 years 1338 545967.7 1.7% 9 2 Years - less than 3 years 1294 527007.3 1.6% 10 3 years or more 9209 3534072.2 10.9% 11 Do not know 59 23546.7 0.1% 88 Not applicable 57705 25882964.3 79.7% 99 Unspecified 1344 558281.1 1.7% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1110-9999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above and did not have jobs to return to in the four weeks prior to the interview but did not look for work.

Literal question What kind of work did …… do in his/her last job? Give occupation or job title.

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have ever worked. It is important that the main tasks should be in English as the occupational codes are only in that language. The instruction to the enumerator is to ask the respondent the main tasks or duties done in his/her last job given in (Q 3.14.a).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1110 6 3202.8 0.0% 1120 15 11239.4 0.0% 1210 2 3111.9 0.0% 1221 11 4886.7 0.0% 1222 16 15459.0 0.0% 1223 2 1275.4 0.0% 1224 29 12321.1 0.0% 1225 7 1559.5 0.0% 1226 7 5342.4 0.0% 1227 38 24978.2 0.1% 1228 1 108.0 0.0% 1229 13 11275.4 0.0% 1231 24 11625.3 0.0% 1232 9 3333.1 0.0% 1233 8 7401.4 0.0% 1234 2 903.9 0.0% 1237 1 313.9 0.0% 1239 7 3459.4 0.0% 1311 12 3140.1 0.0% 1312 1 402.8 0.0% 1313 3 1030.7 0.0% 1314 23 9307.2 0.0% 1315 24 12422.7 0.0%

- 37 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1316 7 1916.5 0.0% 1317 3 702.7 0.0% 1390 1 407.7 0.0% 2113 1 839.6 0.0% 2114 1 453.5 0.0% 2132 2 549.4 0.0% 2141 3 2011.6 0.0% 2142 5 6459.3 0.0% 2143 1 990.3 0.0% 2144 1 99.0 0.0% 2145 4 1391.8 0.0% 2147 1 186.5 0.0% 2148 5 1145.3 0.0% 2149 2 394.7 0.0% 2210 1 2564.7 0.0% 2212 1 241.0 0.0% 2221 10 8047.5 0.0% 2222 1 412.9 0.0% 2224 1 229.8 0.0% 2230 26 13740.4 0.0% 2310 22 10981.8 0.0% 2320 17 9221.6 0.0% 2331 31 15886.9 0.0% 2332 3 557.7 0.0% 2351 2 459.1 0.0% 2352 1 216.7 0.0% 2411 17 13985.7 0.0% 2412 7 3257.1 0.0% 2419 11 6089.3 0.0% 2421 5 1951.5 0.0% 2422 1 59.8 0.0% 2432 4 3050.0 0.0% 2441 1 1787.0 0.0% 2443 1 49.2 0.0% 2444 2 582.5 0.0% 2445 2 5675.1 0.0% 2446 3 3020.0 0.0% 2451 3 1654.5 0.0% 2454 1 2433.0 0.0% 2455 1 434.7 0.0% 2460 6 9193.4 0.0% 3111 4 1492.1 0.0% 3112 2 1235.2 0.0%

- 38 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3113 10 5460.3 0.0% 3114 21 9031.3 0.0% 3115 11 5422.0 0.0% 3118 2 497.1 0.0% 3121 3 1936.6 0.0% 3131 4 1174.8 0.0% 3132 5 1330.0 0.0% 3143 2 156.9 0.0% 3151 3 961.3 0.0% 3152 51 30074.5 0.1% 3211 1 57.2 0.0% 3212 1 216.4 0.0% 3213 1 36.3 0.0% 3221 2 1104.2 0.0% 3222 3 588.5 0.0% 3225 3 2715.1 0.0% 3226 5 7585.4 0.0% 3228 8 2807.6 0.0% 3229 1 2810.2 0.0% 3231 135 53104.6 0.2% 3242 1 210.6 0.0% 3310 153 62332.7 0.2% 3320 26 18501.5 0.1% 3330 4 2693.8 0.0% 3340 3 2368.8 0.0% 3391 55 19274.8 0.1% 3411 4 2305.6 0.0% 3412 6 3455.9 0.0% 3413 8 11600.3 0.0% 3415 13 7843.7 0.0% 3416 28 12497.7 0.0% 3417 1 242.8 0.0% 3421 2 2021.7 0.0% 3423 2 834.8 0.0% 3429 10 5779.0 0.0% 3431 2 367.3 0.0% 3432 5 1269.4 0.0% 3433 26 13383.5 0.0% 3449 6 1766.3 0.0% 3450 6 1544.6 0.0% 3460 15 3734.1 0.0% 3471 20 12193.4 0.0% 3472 2 348.3 0.0%

- 39 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3473 1 240.2 0.0% 3475 9 6095.5 0.0% 3479 3 1051.5 0.0% 3480 1 52.7 0.0% 4111 15 10553.1 0.0% 4112 1 372.3 0.0% 4113 26 14595.5 0.0% 4114 2 622.5 0.0% 4115 64 40570.8 0.1% 4121 83 46170.0 0.1% 4122 17 7656.0 0.0% 4131 86 46553.6 0.1% 4132 5 3109.2 0.0% 4133 12 7273.9 0.0% 4141 90 42599.4 0.1% 4142 22 8653.6 0.0% 4143 26 14334.8 0.0% 4190 169 98779.5 0.3% 4211 359 170538.9 0.5% 4212 40 15477.7 0.0% 4215 5 4614.0 0.0% 4221 3 1124.8 0.0% 4222 82 52725.0 0.2% 4223 22 11952.8 0.0% 4290 1 106.4 0.0% 5112 4 457.3 0.0% 5121 15 9760.2 0.0% 5122 276 104526.2 0.3% 5123 176 83289.0 0.3% 5124 15 6940.7 0.0% 5131 60 26495.7 0.1% 5132 27 9964.0 0.0% 5133 32 14214.7 0.0% 5139 6 1500.9 0.0% 5141 41 19085.0 0.1% 5143 2 1395.8 0.0% 5161 4 1218.8 0.0% 5162 60 26097.8 0.1% 5163 18 4075.9 0.0% 5164 24 13091.7 0.0% 5169 311 151837.4 0.5% 5220 467 214108.8 0.7% 5230 21 9974.2 0.0%

- 40 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 5231 24 7875.3 0.0% 6111 60 15729.5 0.0% 6112 11 2841.7 0.0% 6113 13 4918.3 0.0% 6114 1 141.4 0.0% 6121 19 4388.5 0.0% 6122 1 792.0 0.0% 6129 2 603.4 0.0% 6130 4 612.0 0.0% 6141 22 6580.0 0.0% 6142 1 388.1 0.0% 6152 9 947.6 0.0% 6153 4 737.9 0.0% 6154 1 624.6 0.0% 6190 2 392.1 0.0% 6210 235 48355.1 0.1% 6211 1053 228571.4 0.7% 7111 70 29282.0 0.1% 7112 1 1260.0 0.0% 7113 5 1876.4 0.0% 7121 1 193.9 0.0% 7122 329 143930.6 0.4% 7123 22 8830.2 0.0% 7124 102 50701.7 0.2% 7129 65 23252.2 0.1% 7131 6 3335.4 0.0% 7132 20 8644.7 0.0% 7136 112 53877.7 0.2% 7137 60 28586.6 0.1% 7141 121 58785.1 0.2% 7142 15 6353.2 0.0% 7143 5 1799.1 0.0% 7212 72 30014.5 0.1% 7213 42 13484.2 0.0% 7214 15 6046.6 0.0% 7215 4 1199.8 0.0% 7221 1 72.7 0.0% 7222 1 781.3 0.0% 7223 3 2311.5 0.0% 7224 6 2767.1 0.0% 7231 137 58431.9 0.2% 7232 2 836.5 0.0% 7233 22 7313.7 0.0%

- 41 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 7241 17 8336.0 0.0% 7242 1 366.5 0.0% 7243 9 3961.3 0.0% 7244 8 1449.8 0.0% 7245 22 6806.8 0.0% 7290 1 232.5 0.0% 7311 3 1187.0 0.0% 7313 3 3093.3 0.0% 7321 38 14867.3 0.0% 7322 8 2001.2 0.0% 7331 1 205.3 0.0% 7332 1 116.6 0.0% 7341 13 12371.6 0.0% 7344 1 284.7 0.0% 7411 72 24438.5 0.1% 7412 79 31122.2 0.1% 7414 1 436.0 0.0% 7415 5 1030.1 0.0% 7416 2 757.1 0.0% 7421 1 456.8 0.0% 7422 7 3361.0 0.0% 7424 6 1475.3 0.0% 7432 16 5765.0 0.0% 7433 56 25575.5 0.1% 7434 6 4594.7 0.0% 7435 4 3312.7 0.0% 7436 95 46103.5 0.1% 7437 5 3215.4 0.0% 7441 1 501.5 0.0% 7442 30 11512.9 0.0% 7490 15 8367.0 0.0% 8111 41 12911.7 0.0% 8112 8 1505.2 0.0% 8121 1 562.1 0.0% 8122 11 5012.5 0.0% 8131 9 6981.7 0.0% 8141 23 6661.2 0.0% 8142 3 682.0 0.0% 8143 2 1953.9 0.0% 8151 11 5792.0 0.0% 8152 3 1821.8 0.0% 8159 6 2743.5 0.0% 8161 4 2223.4 0.0%

- 42 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8162 5 2374.7 0.0% 8163 4 2445.5 0.0% 8171 2 1377.8 0.0% 8211 103 50277.0 0.2% 8212 7 2421.8 0.0% 8221 1 356.2 0.0% 8222 4 1640.4 0.0% 8223 4 2280.2 0.0% 8224 1 275.8 0.0% 8229 3 2157.6 0.0% 8231 6 3502.2 0.0% 8232 17 8651.6 0.0% 8240 16 8254.3 0.0% 8251 6 3575.4 0.0% 8253 8 4697.5 0.0% 8261 5 4329.9 0.0% 8262 28 19204.3 0.1% 8263 110 59676.4 0.2% 8264 10 4249.6 0.0% 8265 5 2388.9 0.0% 8266 15 6587.5 0.0% 8269 7 7497.0 0.0% 8271 11 2097.1 0.0% 8272 2 583.6 0.0% 8273 3 340.5 0.0% 8274 6 2767.2 0.0% 8275 17 6964.4 0.0% 8276 3 493.6 0.0% 8277 1 225.0 0.0% 8278 4 4827.0 0.0% 8279 2 366.2 0.0% 8281 14 8226.5 0.0% 8282 3 2177.3 0.0% 8283 2 1144.5 0.0% 8284 2 206.0 0.0% 8285 1 737.0 0.0% 8290 5 1699.8 0.0% 8311 37 15894.6 0.0% 8312 5 1905.8 0.0% 8320 17 8492.8 0.0% 8321 2 2587.5 0.0% 8322 103 47506.6 0.1% 8323 35 17732.3 0.1%

- 43 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q314Occup: Kind of work done in last occupation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8324 263 111000.8 0.3% 8331 58 18399.0 0.1% 8332 17 5134.5 0.0% 8333 39 16100.5 0.0% 8334 33 22781.7 0.1% 8340 1 189.3 0.0% 8888 57705 25882964.3 79.7% 9111 92 41010.2 0.1% 9112 73 33187.9 0.1% 9120 15 8304.0 0.0% 9131 3992 1296039.2 4.0% 9132 625 275316.2 0.8% 9133 34 14408.7 0.0% 9141 15 4580.9 0.0% 9142 16 8729.3 0.0% 9151 77 40413.0 0.1% 9152 14 6798.7 0.0% 9153 11 5914.7 0.0% 9161 15 5026.8 0.0% 9162 84 29385.0 0.1% 9190 5 2022.5 0.0% 9211 1703 477736.6 1.5% 9212 104 27978.9 0.1% 9213 8 2004.4 0.0% 9311 205 85352.5 0.3% 9312 416 160098.3 0.5% 9313 138 58626.5 0.2% 9321 4 2099.8 0.0% 9322 796 366537.8 1.1% 9333 80 36730.8 0.1% 9999 103 39587.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 10-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All household members aged 15 years and above and did not have jobs to return to in the four weeks prior to the interview but did not look for work.

Literal question What were the main goods and services produced at ……'s place of work? What were its main functions?

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior the interview. It is important that the service or main goods are in English as the industry codes are only in this language. Although a person may have certain roles and responsibilities within the company she/he is working for, the enumerator is instructed to record the main goods or services produced by the company. Questions (3.15.a) and (3.15.b) were written-in. The responses were used to determine the industry. The industry was coded to three digits on the basis of the International South Africa Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) 1993 (see elsewhere in documentation for codes).

- 44 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 10 Private households with employed persons 4241 1388069.3 4.3% 20 Exterritorial organisations 13 3489.7 0.0% 30 Representatives of foreign governments 1 138.1 0.0% 90 Other activities not adequately defined 2 612.2 0.0% 111 Growing of grains (eg. maize, wheat, barley etc.), 553 127015.7 0.4% oil seeds (eg. su 112 Growing of vegetables 1043 260224.9 0.8% 113 Growing of other horticultural specialities and 22 10797.7 0.0% nursery products 114 Growing of fruit 362 90325.7 0.3% 115 Growing of vineyards 175 26773.3 0.1% 116 Growing sugar cane 136 39817.0 0.1% 117 Growing of cotton 29 10122.3 0.0% 118 Growing of other crops (eg. Spices) / unspecified 101 40288.8 0.1% (where no other de 121 Animals for meat, including breeding but 262 66232.2 0.2% excluding chicken, game or 122 Chickens, including breeding and slaughtering 40 17724.8 0.1% 123 Horses 2 608.2 0.0% 124 Dairy farming, including milk etc. 23 6871.0 0.0% 125 Sheep 90 9701.6 0.0% 126 Ostrich 5 698.0 0.0% 128 Farming with animals, unspecified (ie where no 4 1147.4 0.0% other details are ava 129 Other animal farming: production of animal 2 516.8 0.0% products nec. 130 Production of organic fertilizer 1 151.5 0.0% 140 Forestry, logging and related services 1 333.0 0.0% 141 Forestry and related services 166 44064.5 0.1% 142 Logging and related services 1 435.4 0.0% 151 Ocean and coastal fishing 5 1467.4 0.0% 152 Rivers and dams (ie. Inland fishing) 12 2229.5 0.0% 153 Fish hatcheries and fish farms 6 1775.4 0.0% 160 Growing of crops combined with farming of 41 12674.3 0.0% animals (mixed farming) 171 Animal boarding activities without health care 1 334.6 0.0% 172 Pest control in connection with agriculture 2 721.5 0.0% 173 Farm development, orchards and field 3 422.2 0.0% preparation 175 Harvesting and related activities 35 9515.0 0.0% 176 Landscaping gardening and maintenance 4 468.4 0.0% 182 Hunting and trapping, including related services 1 86.4 0.0% 190 Farming, unspecified 24 7506.7 0.0% 210 Mining of coal and lignite 76 31247.2 0.1% 230 Mining of gold and uranium ore 229 89959.7 0.3% 240 Mining of metal ores 1 115.8 0.0%

- 45 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 241 Mining of iron ore 20 6514.1 0.0% 242 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores 125 52778.0 0.2% 251 Stone quarrying, clay and sandpits 2 294.0 0.0% 252 Mining of diamonds (including alluvial 55 9876.0 0.0% diamonds) 253 Mining and quarrying n.e.c. 33 11742.7 0.0% 290 Service activities incidental to mining of minerals 1 213.5 0.0% 301 Production, processing and preservation of meat, 189 73898.1 0.2% fish, fruit, veget 302 Manufacture of dairy products 32 13021.0 0.0% 303 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and 35 13546.5 0.0% starch products and 304 Manufacture of other food products 95 46101.3 0.1% 305 Manufacture of beverages 57 32569.3 0.1% 306 Manufacture of tobacco products 6 4034.2 0.0% 311 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles 32 21547.6 0.1% 312 Manufacture of other textiles 60 31245.7 0.1% 313 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics and 26 12940.0 0.0% articles 314 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur 294 157589.1 0.5% apparel 316 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of 4 2284.6 0.0% luggage, handbag, sa 317 Manufacture of footwear 57 29087.9 0.1% 321 Sawmilling and planing of wood 10 5360.8 0.0% 322 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw 101 43946.8 0.1% and plaiting materials 323 Manufacture of paper and paper products 50 28432.5 0.1% 324 Publishing 3 3602.4 0.0% 325 Printing and service activities related to printing 32 26880.9 0.1% 331 Manufacture of coke oven products 7 1488.4 0.0% 332 Petroleum refineries / synthesisers 24 10067.9 0.0% 334 Manufacture of basic chemicals 10 7561.4 0.0% 335 Manufacture of other chemical products 48 27161.4 0.1% 337 Manufacture of rubber products 16 8645.2 0.0% 338 Manufacture of plastic products 43 25641.0 0.1% 341 Manufacture of glass and glass products 17 9191.5 0.0% 342 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 131 53656.8 0.2% n.e.c 351 Manufacture of basic iron and steel 106 51619.8 0.2% 352 Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous 10 5981.8 0.0% metals 353 Casting of metals 2 940.4 0.0% 354 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, 42 19596.9 0.1% reservoirs and stea 355 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; 115 59685.2 0.2% metalwork service a

- 46 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 356 Manufacture of general purpose machinery 16 9741.6 0.0% 357 Manufacture of special purpose machinery 49 30720.5 0.1% 358 Manufacture of household appliances n.e.c. 28 14757.7 0.0% 359 Manufacture of office, accounting and computing 7 4335.3 0.0% machinery 361 Manufacture of electric motors, generators and 5 2309.1 0.0% transformers 362 Manufacture of electricity distribution and 4 2118.2 0.0% control apparatus 364 Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and 3 1587.8 0.0% primary batteries 365 Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting 2 407.9 0.0% equipment 366 Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c. 7 2477.8 0.0% 371 Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and 2 2056.9 0.0% other electronic comp 372 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters 2 673.7 0.0% and apparatus for l 373 Manufacture of television and radio receivers, 2 1357.2 0.0% sound or video record 374 Manufacture of medical appliances and 9 5430.4 0.0% instruments and appliances for 375 Manufacture of optical instruments and 2 711.1 0.0% photographic equipment 381 Manufacture of motor vehicles 24 11357.7 0.0% 382 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor 3 1685.0 0.0% vehicles; manufacture of 383 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor 48 26888.4 0.1% vehicles and their en 384 Building and repairing of ships and boats 4 3779.8 0.0% 385 Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives 3 1221.0 0.0% and rolling stock 386 Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft 3 1672.5 0.0% 387 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. 8 4993.5 0.0% 391 Manufacture of furniture 51 33065.0 0.1% 392 Manufacturing n.e.c. 26 14815.3 0.0% 395 Recycling n.e.c. 9 5479.5 0.0% 411 Production, collection and distribution of 63 32179.3 0.1% electricity 412 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels 1 611.1 0.0% through mains 420 Collection, purification and distribution of water 31 11520.0 0.0% 501 Site preparation 1 736.6 0.0% 502 Building of complete constructions or parts 893 374557.9 1.2% thereof; civil engineeri 503 Building installation 103 60920.6 0.2% 504 Building completion 122 57064.5 0.2% 611 Wholesale trade on a fee or contract basis 31 8950.5 0.0%

- 47 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 612 Wholesale trade in agricultural raw materials, 32 14238.7 0.0% livestock, food, beve 613 Wholesale trade in household goods 8 6931.0 0.0% 614 Wholesale trade in non-agricultural intermediate 3 1958.5 0.0% products, waste and 619 Other wholesale trade 13 4318.6 0.0% 621 Non-specialised retail trade in stores 397 180206.5 0.6% 622 Retail trade in food, beverages and tobacco in 338 124173.3 0.4% specialised stores 623 Other retail trade in new goods in specialised 668 330548.9 1.0% stores 625 Retail trade not in stores 212 89064.4 0.3% 626 Repair of personal and house-hold goods 42 22069.7 0.1% 631 Sale of motor vehicles 39 23964.9 0.1% 632 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 119 51527.3 0.2% 633 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 18 10506.9 0.0% 634 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor cycles and 3 2049.9 0.0% related parts and 635 Retail sale of automotive fuel 94 41410.2 0.1% 641 Hotels, camping sites and other provision of short 204 76860.7 0.2% stay accommodatio 642 Restaurants, bars and canteens 365 170317.0 0.5% 643 Shebeen 17 5698.4 0.0% 711 Railway transport 176 63603.7 0.2% 712 Other land transport 213 102277.1 0.3% 721 Sea and coastal water transport 5 3581.7 0.0% 722 Inland water transport 4 1776.1 0.0% 730 Air transport 10 8928.1 0.0% 741 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; 22 15869.4 0.0% activities of travel 751 Postal and related courier activities 43 23734.3 0.1% 752 Telecommunication 81 40150.5 0.1% 811 Monetary intermediation 115 57429.8 0.2% 818 Cash loans 3 1134.2 0.0% 819 Other financial intermediation n.e.c. 21 9695.0 0.0% 821 Insurance and pension funding, except 37 18158.4 0.1% compulsory social security 831 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, 4 4619.4 0.0% except insurance a 841 Real estate activities with own or leased property 12 9276.7 0.0% 842 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 10 10663.1 0.0% 852 Renting of other machinery and equipment 3 1058.9 0.0% 853 Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c. 2 451.7 0.0% 862 Software consultancy and supply 4 4364.0 0.0% 864 Data base activities 2 1419.6 0.0% 869 Other computer related activities 3 3736.9 0.0%

- 48 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q315Indu: Industry activity of last job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 871 Research and experimental development on 8 6354.4 0.0% natural sciences and engine 881 Legal, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing 45 21781.2 0.1% activities; tax consulta 882 Architectural, engineering and other technical 14 10288.2 0.0% activities 883 Advertising 9 6134.4 0.0% 888 Not applicable 57705 25882964.3 79.7% 889 Business activities n.e.c. 423 231727.9 0.7% 911 Central government activi-ties 98 39292.4 0.1% 913 Local authority activities 235 87891.0 0.3% 914 Provincial administrations 6 2700.7 0.0% 915 S A Defence Force 54 29005.8 0.1% 916 S A Police Service 78 32499.3 0.1% 917 Correctional service 23 6080.4 0.0% 920 Education 487 221132.0 0.7% 931 Human health activities 373 174771.9 0.5% 932 Veterinary activities 2 2451.4 0.0% 933 Social work activities 157 61827.3 0.2% 940 Other community, social and personal service 40 14006.4 0.0% activities 951 Activities of business, employers and 8 2735.8 0.0% professional organisations 952 Activities of trade unions 2 960.0 0.0% 959 Activities of other membership organisations 26 16429.6 0.1% 961 Motion picture, radio, television and other 11 5123.7 0.0% entertainment activities 962 News agency activities 6 2721.4 0.0% 963 Library, archives, museums and other cultural 22 6944.9 0.0% activities 964 Sporting and other recreational activities 39 19313.0 0.1% 990 Other service activities 108 49827.6 0.2% 999 Unspecified 103 39587.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 850-9999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question What kind of work did …… do in his/her main job during the last seven days (or usually does, even if he/she was absent in the last seven days)?

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. It is important that the main tasks should be in English as the occupational codes are only in that language. The instruction to the enumerator is to ask the respondent the main tasks or duties done or usually done in his/ her job given in (Q 4.1.a). Questions (4.1.a) and (4.1.b) were written-in. The responses from both questions were used to determine the occupation. The occupation was coded to four digits on the basis of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO 88) (see elsewhere in documentation for codes).

- 49 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 850 Occupations not adequately defined 1 1460.9 0.0% 1110 Legislators 21 6854.8 0.0% 1120 Senior government officers 70 66805.7 0.2% 1130 Traditional chiefs and heads of villages 3 660.9 0.0% 1141 Senior officers of political party organisations 1 62.0 0.0% 1143 Senior officers of humanitarian and other special- 1 92.5 0.0% interest organisations 1210 Directors and chief executives 22 24285.0 0.1% 1211 Rectors/principals of universities/colleges 1 963.3 0.0% 1221 Production and operations managers/department 45 17447.3 0.1% managers in agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing and mining 1222 Production and operations managers/department 52 39698.4 0.1% managers in manufacturing 1223 Production and operations managers/department 18 16387.1 0.1% managers in building and construction 1224 Production and operations managers/department 96 56095.5 0.2% managers in wholesale and retail trade 1225 Production and operations managers/department 48 29042.4 0.1% managers in hotels, restaurants and other catering and accommodation services 1226 Production and operations managers/ 34 32738.0 0.1% department managers in transport, storage and communications 1227 Production and operations managers/department 161 125517.3 0.4% managers in business services 1228 Production and operations managers/department 4 2400.2 0.0% managers in personal care, cleaning and related services 1229 Production and operations managers/department 40 19181.5 0.1% managers not elsewhere classified 1231 Finance and administration managers/department 87 89373.8 0.3% managers 1232 Personnel and industrial relations managers/ 45 35287.7 0.1% department managers 1233 Sales and marketing managers/department 40 31825.4 0.1% managers 1234 Advertising and public relations managers/ 1 1119.0 0.0% department managers 1235 Supply and distribution managers/department 9 8348.1 0.0% managers 1236 Computing services managers/department 5 2782.1 0.0% managers 1237 Research and development managers/department 2 1768.9 0.0% managers 1239 Other managers/department managers not 31 15279.8 0.0% elsewhere classified 1311 General managers in agriculture, hunting, forestry 83 16787.6 0.1% and fishing 1312 General managers in manufacturing 10 5886.0 0.0%

- 50 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1313 General managers in construction 41 19805.1 0.1% 1314 General managers in wholesale and retail trade 181 91702.0 0.3% 1315 General managers of hotels, restaurants and other 99 52329.4 0.2% catering or accommodation services 1316 General managers in transport, storage and 101 44488.1 0.1% communication 1317 General managers of business services 98 74393.0 0.2% 1318 General managers in personal care, cleaning and 3 293.5 0.0% related services 1390 General managers not elsewhere classified 9 8768.8 0.0% 2111 Physicists and astronomers 1 336.3 0.0% 2113 Chemists 4 1785.0 0.0% 2121 Mathematicians and related 1 1117.8 0.0% professionals,analysts and methodology research 2122 Statisticians 1 420.9 0.0% 2131 Computer systems designers and analysts 10 14876.8 0.0% 2132 Computer programmers 9 7715.6 0.0% 2139 Computing professionals not elsewhere classified 4 7372.8 0.0% 2141 Architects, town and traffic planners 12 6888.1 0.0% 2142 Civil engineers 15 10210.3 0.0% 2143 Electrical engineers 14 12104.6 0.0% 2145 Mechanical engineers 13 12374.0 0.0% 2146 Chemical engineers 3 3041.7 0.0% 2147 Mining engineers,Metallurgists and related 7 2141.0 0.0% professionals 2148 Land surveyors,Cartographers and other 11 9328.1 0.0% surveyors 2149 Industrial/production engineers,Quantity 6 2811.7 0.0% surveyors,Architects, engineers and related professionals 2190 Physical, mathematical and engineering science 1 508.7 0.0% professionals not elsewhere classified 2210 Scientist 1 81.9 0.0% 2211 Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related 4 2313.4 0.0% professionals 2212 Chemical,Medical,Veterinary,Biological and 2 1207.0 0.0% Physical sciences 2213 Agriculture,forestry,food scientists,Agronomists 2 394.2 0.0% and related professionals and Natural sciences technologists 2221 Medical practitioners, physicians Medical 39 39453.8 0.1% specialists and Medical occupations not elsewhere classified 2222 Dentists (general),Dental specialists and Other 8 4884.9 0.0% dental occupations 2223 Veterinarians 2 3201.2 0.0% 2224 Pharmacists 9 8947.8 0.0% 2229 Health professionals (except nurses) not 3 1302.7 0.0% elsewhere classified

- 51 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2230 Nursing services managers,Professional 41 17210.4 0.1% nurses,Nursing and midwifery professionals 2310 Technikon, teacher training, technical and other 72 71992.6 0.2% colleges, university and other higher education institutions teaching professionals 2320 Secondary education teaching professionals 166 61013.9 0.2% 2331 Primary education teaching professionals 173 73985.2 0.2% 2332 Pre-primary education teaching professionals 8 2121.7 0.0% 2340 Special education teaching professionals 5 3931.5 0.0% 2351 Education methods specialists 5 3526.3 0.0% 2352 School inspectors 1 109.2 0.0% 2411 Accountants,Auditors and Articled clerks with 49 42243.1 0.1% accountant/auditor 2412 Personnel and careers professionals,Management/ 26 16927.6 0.1% personnel consultants 2419 Consultants and Business professionals not 83 62589.6 0.2% elsewhere classified 2421 Advocates/barristers,Lawyers/ 33 17952.8 0.1% attorneys,Prosecutors,Articled clerks and related occupations 2422 Judges and magistrates 5 2458.1 0.0% 2429 Legal professionals not elsewhere classified 7 4340.8 0.0% 2431 Archivists and curators 3 518.8 0.0% 2432 Librarians and related information professionals 13 7489.8 0.0% 2442 Sociologists, anthropologists and related 2 1557.5 0.0% professionals 2443 Philosophers, historians and political scientists 1 437.4 0.0% 2444 Philologists, translators and interpreters 2 1397.9 0.0% 2445 Psychologists,Psychometricians,Psycho- 5 1204.5 0.0% technicians 2446 Social work professionals 20 9101.4 0.0% 2451 Authors, 9 12919.9 0.0% journalists,editors,Reporters,journalists,writers, poets, playwrights,commentators and proofreaders 2452 Sculptors, painters and related artists 5 5070.5 0.0% 2453 Composers, musicians and singers 3 3882.0 0.0% 2455 Film, stage and related actors and directors 3 3052.8 0.0% 2460 Religious professionals 31 16998.8 0.1% 3111 Natural science technicians 19 10032.7 0.0% 3112 Assistants, technical, civil engineering 26 17032.3 0.1% 3113 Assistants, technical, electrical engineering 38 26334.1 0.1% 3114 Assistants, technical, electronic engineering 60 43226.4 0.1% 3115 Assistants, technical, mechanical engineering 24 20849.0 0.1% 3116 Chemical engineering technicians 6 3371.0 0.0% 3117 Mining and metallurgical technicians 3 1193.3 0.0% 3118 Draughtspersons 8 3969.2 0.0%

- 52 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3119 Assistants, technical, engineering, not elsewhere 4 1839.2 0.0% classified 3121 Computer assistants 19 23154.2 0.1% 3123 Industrial robot controllers 1 40.6 0.0% 3131 Photographers and Sound or image recording 15 11399.1 0.0% equipment operators 3132 Broadcasting and telecommunications equipment 2 1699.0 0.0% operators 3133 Medical equipment operators 1 250.1 0.0% 3143 Navigators,flight engineers,aircraft pilots and Air 2 1375.4 0.0% transport supervisors 3144 Air traffic controllers 1 595.3 0.0% 3151 Building and fire inspectors 7 3515.9 0.0% 3152 Safety, health and quality inspectors 109 64899.0 0.2% 3211 Biological, medical science and Life science 3 808.8 0.0% technicians 3212 Assistants, technical, agriculture, technicians, 5 2272.0 0.0% agronomy and forestry 3213 Farming and forestry advisers/consultants 4 641.3 0.0% 3222 Sanitarians 6 1690.4 0.0% 3223 Dieticians and nutritionists 5 1960.2 0.0% 3224 Optometrists and opticians 1 98.0 0.0% 3225 Dental assistants 8 2153.2 0.0% 3226 Physiotherapists,Masseurs,radiographers, 7 13813.3 0.0% diagnostic,therapeutic,chiropractors and podiatrists 3227 Veterinary assistants 2 938.0 0.0% 3228 Pharmaceutical assistants 14 6122.4 0.0% 3229 Homeopaths, speech or occupational therapists 5 2409.1 0.0% and health services professions not elsewhere classified 3231 Nursing associate professionals and 301 140496.2 0.4% senior,student, pupil nurses 3241 Traditional medicine practitioners 112 46228.3 0.1% 3310 Primary education teaching associate 528 203443.0 0.6% professionals 3320 Pre-primary education teaching associate 82 36972.8 0.1% professionals 3330 Special education teaching associate 8 5150.9 0.0% professionals 3340 Other teaching associate professionals 12 4998.2 0.0% 3391 Teaching associate professionals not elsewhere 264 105712.2 0.3% classified 3411 Securities and finance dealers and brokers 21 12311.1 0.0% 3412 Insurance representatives 43 22702.0 0.1% 3413 Estate agents 39 28186.5 0.1% 3414 Travel consultants and organisers 3 1222.0 0.0% 3415 Technical and commercial sales representatives 33 31892.6 0.1%

- 53 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3416 Buyers 82 50422.6 0.2% 3417 Appraisers, valuers and auctioneers 8 7106.2 0.0% 3419 Finance and sales associate professionals not 3 667.8 0.0% elsewhere classified 3421 Trade brokers 4 4326.4 0.0% 3422 Clearing and forwarding agents 1 867.4 0.0% 3423 Employment agents and labour contractors 12 15192.4 0.0% 3424 Accounting assistant 1 508.9 0.0% 3429 Business services agents and trade brokers not 18 8787.6 0.0% elsewhere classified 3431 Administrative secretaries and related associate 12 8586.6 0.0% professionals 3432 Legal and related business associate professionals 26 16645.5 0.1% 3433 Bookkeepers 55 41450.2 0.1% 3441 Customs and border inspectors 3 905.8 0.0% 3442 Government tax and excise officers 1 1480.0 0.0% 3443 Government social benefits officers 2 389.5 0.0% 3444 Government licensing officers 2 593.9 0.0% 3449 Customs, tax and related government associate 2 2059.0 0.0% professionals not elsewhere classified 3450 Police inspectors and detectives 46 20177.2 0.1% 3460 Social work associate professionals 49 15389.8 0.0% 3471 Decorators,commercial,graphics,interior 54 45032.1 0.1% designers,product,industrial,textile,clothing,fashion designers 3472 Radio, television and other announcers 2 675.9 0.0% 3473 Street, nightclub and related musicians, singers 3 2119.4 0.0% and dancers 3474 Clowns, magicians, acrobats and related associate 2 1036.7 0.0% professionals 3475 Athletes, sportspersons and related associate 25 21632.6 0.1% professionals 3479 Art, entertainment and sport associate 16 8907.1 0.0% professionals not elsewhere classified 3480 Religious associate professionals 13 4651.1 0.0% 4111 Stenographers and typists 23 10243.6 0.0% 4112 Word-processor and related operators 2 859.0 0.0% 4113 Data entry operators 70 49728.5 0.2% 4114 Calculating-machine operators 2 597.9 0.0% 4115 Secretaries 122 76073.2 0.2% 4121 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 216 125708.2 0.4% 4122 Statistical finance clerks 103 67971.3 0.2% 4131 Stock clerks 196 108772.3 0.3% 4132 Production clerks 11 6559.8 0.0% 4133 Transport clerks 22 9649.8 0.0% 4141 Library and filing clerks 154 90402.4 0.3% 4142 Mail carriers and sorting clerks 36 22066.8 0.1% - 54 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 4143 Coding, proof-reading and related clerks 26 10162.3 0.0% 4144 Scribes and related workers 6 4946.6 0.0% 4190 Other office clerks and clerks not elsewhere 438 244135.0 0.8% classified (except customer services clerks) 4211 Cashiers and ticket clerks 498 248320.6 0.8% 4212 Tellers and other counter clerks 77 48897.9 0.2% 4213 Bookmakers and croupiers 3 1639.9 0.0% 4214 Pawnbrokers and moneylenders 2 409.6 0.0% 4215 Debt-collectors and related workers 16 11461.7 0.0% 4221 Travel agency and related clerks 3 2846.2 0.0% 4222 Receptionists and information clerks 171 115780.3 0.4% 4223 Telephone switchboard operators 22 14741.7 0.0% 5111 Travel attendants and travel stewards 3 3468.0 0.0% 5112 Transport conductors and transport occupations 6 2034.6 0.0% nec 5113 Travel guides 12 6397.4 0.0% 5121 Housekeepers and related workers 31 20643.4 0.1% 5122 Cooks 327 138320.7 0.4% 5123 Waiters, waitresses and bartenders 146 75270.1 0.2% 5124 Tavern and shebeen operators 167 77687.1 0.2% 5131 Child-care workers 105 43670.5 0.1% 5132 Ambulance men, first-aid attendants,nursing aids 61 23213.3 0.1% and institution-based personal care workers 5133 Home-based personal care workers 74 23733.4 0.1% 5139 Personal care and related workers not elsewhere 21 5461.4 0.0% classified 5141 Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and related 134 91001.1 0.3% workers 5143 Undertakers and embalmers 10 9619.2 0.0% 5149 Other personal services workers not elsewhere 1 73.4 0.0% classified 5161 Fire-fighters 15 5688.6 0.0% 5162 Police and traffic officers 239 104515.1 0.3% 5163 Prison guards 110 34246.1 0.1% 5164 Armed forces 39 25964.4 0.1% 5169 Rangers,game wardens and protective services 678 389475.0 1.2% workers not elsewhere classified 5220 Shop salespersons,demonstrators and petrol pump 748 392145.1 1.2% and filling station attendants 5230 Stall and market salespersons 74 31696.5 0.1% 5231 Spaza shop owner 340 145571.1 0.4% 6111 Field crop and vegetable growers (farm owners 82 25449.2 0.1% and skilled farm workers) 6112 Tree and shrub crop growers (farm owners and 30 6365.0 0.0% skilled farm workers) 6113 Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers 31 17835.9 0.1% (farm owners and skilled farm workers)

- 55 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 6114 Mixed crop growers (farm owners and skilled 7 475.1 0.0% farm workers) 6121 Dairy and livestock poultry producers (farm 108 24577.9 0.1% owners and skilled farm workers) 6122 Poultry producers (farm owners and skilled farm 4 1076.2 0.0% workers) 6123 Apiarists and sericulturists (farm owners and 1 92.4 0.0% skilled farm workers) 6124 Mixed animal producers (farm owners and skilled 7 2179.8 0.0% farm workers) 6129 Market-oriented animal producers and related 9 2190.9 0.0% workers not elsewhere classified (farm owners and skilled farmworkers) 6130 Market-oriented crop and animal producers (farm 10 3823.1 0.0% owners and skilled farm workers) 6141 Forestry workers and loggers 26 6341.4 0.0% 6142 Charcoal burners and related workers 3 875.6 0.0% 6152 Inland and coastal waters fishery workers 27 8482.7 0.0% 6153 Deep-sea fishery workers 5 420.9 0.0% 6154 Hunters and trappers 11 4545.6 0.0% 6190 Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery 4 762.1 0.0% workers not elsewhere classified 6210 Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers 174 48164.3 0.1% 6211 Subsistence farmers 1153 321742.5 1.0% 7111 Miners and quarry workers (including 156 91840.9 0.3% apprentices/trainees) 7112 Shot-firers and blasters (including apprentices/ 6 2785.3 0.0% trainees) 7113 Stone splitters, cutters and carvers (including 27 14134.1 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7121 Builders, traditional materials 11 2981.3 0.0% 7122 Bricklayers and stonemasons (including 491 242252.5 0.7% apprentices/trainees) 7123 Concrete placers, concrete finishers and related 33 19533.7 0.1% workers (including apprentices/trainees) 7124 Carpenters and joiners (including apprentices/ 193 101761.8 0.3% trainees) 7129 Building frame and related workers not elsewhere 100 49214.4 0.2% classified (including apprentices/trainees) 7131 Roofers (including apprentices/trainees) 11 4885.5 0.0% 7132 Floor layers and tile setters (including 46 34109.4 0.1% apprentices/trainees) 7133 Plasterers (including apprentices/trainees) 1 31.7 0.0% 7134 Insulation workers (including apprentices/ 3 911.0 0.0% trainees) 7135 Glaziers (including apprentices/trainees) 1 1104.8 0.0% 7136 Plumbers and pipe fitters (including apprentices/ 185 113832.7 0.4% trainees) 7137 Building and related electricians (including 197 99610.4 0.3% apprentices/trainees)

- 56 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 7141 Painters and related workers (including 178 82299.2 0.3% apprentices/trainees) 7142 Varnishers and related painters (including 23 17046.6 0.1% apprentices/trainees) 7143 Building structure cleaners (including 7 4661.0 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7211 Metal moulders and coremakers (including 4 6182.3 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7212 Welders and flamecutters (including apprentices/ 193 106577.8 0.3% trainees) 7213 Sheet-metal workers (including apprentices/ 102 59650.7 0.2% trainees) 7214 Structural-metal preparers and erectors (including 30 9282.6 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7215 Riggers and cable splicers (including apprentices/ 4 3154.0 0.0% trainees) 7221 Blacksmiths, hammersmiths and forging-press 2 354.0 0.0% workers (including apprentices/trainees) 7222 Tool-makers and related workers (including 12 9172.3 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7223 Machine-tool setters and setter-operators 9 4578.6 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) 7224 Metal wheel-grinders, polishers and tool 14 7780.8 0.0% sharpeners (including apprentices/trainees) 7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters (including 474 243624.9 0.8% apprentices/trainees) 7232 Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters (including 3 948.5 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7233 Agricultural or industrial machinery mechanics 46 21850.6 0.1% and fitters (including apprentices/trainees) 7241 Electrical mechanics and fitters (including 77 40255.2 0.1% apprentices/trainees) 7242 Electronics fitters (including apprentices/trainees) 1 609.1 0.0% 7243 Electronics mechanics and servicers (including 35 21901.7 0.1% apprentices/trainees) 7244 Telegraph and telephone installers and servicers 8 8942.5 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) 7245 Electrical line installers, repairers and cable 17 7671.4 0.0% jointers (including apprentices/trainees) 7290 Metal, machinery and related trades workers 10 4887.6 0.0% not elsewhere classified (including apprentices/ trainees) 7311 Precision-instrument/instrument makers and 5 2061.4 0.0% repairers (including apprentices/trainees) 7312 Musical instrument makers and tuners (including 1 244.8 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7313 Jewellery and precious-metal workers (including 9 3918.3 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7321 Abrasive wheel formers, potters and related 99 40347.3 0.1% workers (including apprentices/trainees) 7322 Glass-makers, cutters, grinders and finishers 19 10445.8 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) - 57 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 7323 Glass engravers and etchers (including 2 285.8 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7324 Glass, ceramics and related decorative painters 6 2308.0 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) 7331 Handicraft workers in wood and related materials 7 1380.1 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) 7332 Handicraft workers in textile, leather and related 9 3230.0 0.0% materials (including apprentices/trainees) 7341 Compositors, typesetters and related workers 25 16978.0 0.1% (including apprentices/trainees) 7342 Stereotypers and electrotypers (including 1 726.5 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7343 Printing engravers and etchers (including 3 1890.6 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7345 Bookbinders and related workers (including 2 1396.5 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7411 Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers 80 27038.6 0.1% (including apprentices/trainees) 7412 Millers, bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionery 128 58247.4 0.2% makers (including apprentices/trainees) 7413 Dairy products makers (including apprentices/ 2 125.2 0.0% trainees) 7414 Fruit, vegetable and related product preservers 3 436.3 0.0% (including apprentices/trainees) 7415 Food and beverage tasters and graders (including 3 263.5 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7421 Wood treaters (including apprentices/trainees) 3 539.2 0.0% 7422 Cabinetmakers and related workers (including 15 5665.6 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7423 Woodworking-machine setters and setter- 1 445.3 0.0% operators (including apprentices/trainees) 7424 Basketry weavers, brush makers and related 17 10498.2 0.0% workers (including apprentices/trainees) 7432 Weavers, knitters and related workers (including 19 7684.2 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7433 Tailors, dressmakers and hatters (including 130 64085.3 0.2% apprentices/trainees) 7435 Textile, leather and related material pattern- 3 3284.0 0.0% makers and cutters (including apprentices/ trainees) 7436 Sewers, embroiderers and related workers 118 55991.6 0.2% (excluding apprentices/trainees) 7437 Upholsterers and related workers (including 15 10779.0 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7441 Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers (including 5 2243.9 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7442 Shoemakers and related workers (including 30 12444.2 0.0% apprentices/trainees) 7490 Other craft and related trades workers not 18 7686.5 0.0% elsewhere classified (including apprentices/ trainees) 8111 Mining plant operators 73 28284.4 0.1% - 58 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8112 Mineral ore and stone processing plant operators 18 6561.0 0.0% 8113 Well drillers and borers and related workers 1 991.5 0.0% 8121 Ore and metal furnace operators 4 900.2 0.0% 8122 Metal melters and casters and rolling-mill 15 10616.1 0.0% operators 8123 Metal heat-treating plant operators 1 635.9 0.0% 8124 Metal drawers and extruders 1 493.8 0.0% 8131 Glass and ceramics kiln and related machine 12 11076.9 0.0% operators 8139 Glass, ceramics and related plant operators not 2 1115.6 0.0% elsewhere classified 8141 Wood-processing plant operators 40 12157.6 0.0% 8142 Paper-pulp plant operators 1 235.9 0.0% 8143 Papermaking plant operators 5 1713.9 0.0% 8151 Crushing, grinding and chemical mixing 16 8372.9 0.0% machinery operators 8152 Chemical heat-treating plant operators 4 3456.7 0.0% 8153 Chemical filtering and separating equipment 2 416.5 0.0% operators 8155 Petroleum and natural gas refining plant 3 1301.4 0.0% operators 8159 Chemical-processing plant operators not 14 6574.2 0.0% elsewhere classified 8161 Power-production plant operators 7 8611.0 0.0% 8162 Steam-engine and boiler operators 8 2627.3 0.0% 8163 Incinerator, water-treatment and related plant 26 11253.8 0.0% operators 8171 Automated assembly-line operators 2 451.4 0.0% 8211 Machine-tool operators 145 80026.7 0.2% 8212 Cement and other mineral products machine 6 5859.2 0.0% operators 8222 Ammunition and explosive products machine 3 619.6 0.0% operators 8223 Metal finishing, plating and coating machine 5 1861.2 0.0% operators 8224 Photographic products machine operators 4 2882.8 0.0% 8229 Machine-operator, linoleum production and 7 3411.1 0.0% chemical products machine operators not elsewhere classified 8231 Rubber products machine operators 15 5102.6 0.0% 8232 Plastic products machine operators 28 19548.5 0.1% 8240 Wood products machine operators 12 9069.9 0.0% 8251 Printing machine operators 14 8982.8 0.0% 8253 Paper products machine operators 22 12498.2 0.0% 8261 Fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine 9 7509.2 0.0% operators 8262 Weaving and knitting machine operators 36 17818.5 0.1% 8263 Sewing-machine operators 144 62349.9 0.2%

- 59 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8264 Bleaching, dyeing and cleaning-machine 8 6063.4 0.0% operators 8265 Fur and leather-preparing machine operators 5 2731.3 0.0% 8266 Shoemaking and related machine operators 14 6388.2 0.0% 8269 Textile, fur and leather products machine 8 10289.7 0.0% operators not elsewhere classified 8271 Meat and fish-processing machine operators 22 6688.9 0.0% 8272 Dairy products machine operators 7 5135.6 0.0% 8273 Grain and spice milling machine operators 6 4128.5 0.0% 8274 Baked goods, cereal and chocolate products 7 7167.9 0.0% machine operators 8275 Fruit, vegetable and nut-processing machine 25 10897.9 0.0% operators 8276 Sugar production machine operators 3 592.5 0.0% 8278 Brewers, wine and other beverage machine 32 11825.5 0.0% operators 8281 Mechanical machinery assemblers 19 17301.7 0.1% 8282 Electrical equipment assemblers 6 1912.5 0.0% 8283 Electronic equipment assemblers 3 1781.1 0.0% 8284 Metal, rubber and plastic products assemblers 7 4742.4 0.0% 8285 Wood and related products assemblers 1 264.8 0.0% 8286 Paperboard, textile and related products 1 476.4 0.0% assemblers 8290 Other machine operators and assemblers not 11 5237.4 0.0% elsewhere classified 8311 Locomotive engine drivers 80 40069.7 0.1% 8312 Railway brakers, signallers, shunters and related 2 1203.2 0.0% workers 8320 Taxi drivers, informal 75 41329.7 0.1% 8322 Car, taxi and van drivers 319 183314.7 0.6% 8323 Bus and tram drivers 61 28036.8 0.1% 8324 Heavy truck and lorry drivers 553 252770.9 0.8% 8331 Motorised farm and forestry plant operators 192 47069.3 0.1% 8332 Earth-moving and related plant operators 23 6710.2 0.0% 8333 Crane, hoist and related plant operators 120 81247.3 0.3% 8334 Lifting-truck operators 78 41508.1 0.1% 8340 Ships# deck crews and related workers 1 82.0 0.0% 8888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9111 Street food vendors and related workers 821 411564.5 1.3% 9112 Street vendors, non-food products 420 202678.4 0.6% 9113 Door-to-door and telephone salespersons 1 318.5 0.0% 9120 Shoe cleaning and other elementary street 29 13895.5 0.0% services occupations 9131 Domestic helpers and cleaners 2292 961345.3 3.0% 9132 Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels and other 855 368970.2 1.1% establishments 9133 Hand-launderers and pressers 33 12652.2 0.0% - 60 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q41Occup: Kind of work done in main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 9141 Building caretakers 44 16945.7 0.1% 9142 Vehicle, window and related cleaners 31 14671.3 0.0% 9151 Messengers, package and luggage porters and 86 48986.8 0.2% deliverers 9152 Doorkeepers, watchpersons and related workers 14 6341.9 0.0% 9153 Vending-machine money collectors, meter 25 15168.3 0.0% readers and related workers 9161 Garbage collectors 32 14416.0 0.0% 9162 Sweepers and related labourers 119 44105.1 0.1% 9190 Elementary sales and services occupations not 12 7159.0 0.0% elsewhere classified 9211 Farmhands and labourers 2711 700821.7 2.2% 9212 Forestry labourers 187 53171.3 0.2% 9213 Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers 3 426.8 0.0% 9311 Mining and quarrying labourers 152 72588.0 0.2% 9312 Construction and maintenance labourers: roads, 639 274440.5 0.8% dams and similar constructions 9313 Building construction labourers 190 78214.3 0.2% 9321 Assembling labourers 5 3328.8 0.0% 9322 Hand-packers and other manufacturing labourers 888 398462.7 1.2% 9331 Hand or pedal vehicle drivers 4 1047.8 0.0% 9332 Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery 2 348.7 0.0% 9333 Freight handlers 105 60543.3 0.2% 9888 Beggar 7 2351.4 0.0% 9999 Unspecified 42 19626.1 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 10-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question What are the main goods and services produced at ……'s place of work? What are its main functions?

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview. It is important that the service or main goods are in English as the industry codes are only in this language. Although a person may have certain roles and responsibilities within the company she/he is working with, the enumerator is instructed to record the main goods or services produced by the company. Questions (4.2.a) and (4.2.b) were written-in. The responses to these two questions were used to determine the industry. The industry was coded to three digits on the basis of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) 1993 (see elsewhere in documentation for codes).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 10 Private households with employed persons 2685 1138677.6 3.5% 20 Exterritorial organisations 6 3715.1 0.0% 111 Growing of grains (eg. maize, wheat, barley etc.), 473 124532.2 0.4% oil seeds (eg. su 112 Growing of vegetables 831 233979.3 0.7%

- 61 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 113 Growing of other horticultural specialities and 74 22816.7 0.1% nursery products 114 Growing of fruit 693 130604.7 0.4% 115 Growing of vineyards 284 40896.1 0.1% 116 Growing sugar cane 215 47578.2 0.1% 117 Growing of cotton 10 3463.4 0.0% 118 Growing of other crops (eg. Spices) / unspecified 92 23453.5 0.1% (where no other de 121 Animals for meat, including breeding but 756 206870.3 0.6% excluding chicken, game or 122 Chickens, including breeding and slaughtering 117 35024.0 0.1% 123 Horses 21 6319.4 0.0% 124 Dairy farming, including milk etc. 92 23891.6 0.1% 125 Sheep 249 31268.4 0.1% 126 Ostrich 13 1677.9 0.0% 127 Goats 56 16527.9 0.1% 128 Farming with animals, unspecified (ie where no 20 4454.5 0.0% other details are ava 129 Other animal farming: production of animal 8 4538.9 0.0% products nec. 141 Forestry and related services 308 87127.3 0.3% 142 Logging and related services 1 114.6 0.0% 151 Ocean and coastal fishing 9 4209.1 0.0% 152 Rivers and dams (ie. Inland fishing) 34 6899.6 0.0% 153 Fish hatcheries and fish farms 12 3416.2 0.0% 160 Growing of crops combined with farming of 85 20793.3 0.1% animals (mixed farming) 171 Animal boarding activities without health care 5 4337.8 0.0% 172 Pest control in connection with agriculture 2 700.8 0.0% 173 Farm development, orchards and field 1 269.4 0.0% preparation 175 Harvesting and related activities 38 14700.3 0.0% 176 Landscaping gardening and maintenance 38 18508.0 0.1% 178 Manure gathering, dipping 2 794.7 0.0% 182 Hunting and trapping, including related services 13 3273.3 0.0% 183 Game breeding 11 3191.5 0.0% 190 Farming, unspecified 77 23304.2 0.1% 210 Mining of coal and lignite 117 44544.6 0.1% 221 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; 2 2749.5 0.0% service activities i 230 Mining of gold and uranium ore 384 188640.4 0.6% 240 Mining of metal ores 3 439.9 0.0% 241 Mining of iron ore 64 14391.6 0.0% 242 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores 228 174472.2 0.5% 251 Stone quarrying, clay and sandpits 6 2449.5 0.0%

- 62 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 252 Mining of diamonds (including alluvial 62 10961.3 0.0% diamonds) 253 Mining and quarrying n.e.c. 55 17356.5 0.1% 290 Service activities incidental to mining of minerals 1 250.9 0.0% 301 Production, processing and preservation of meat, 216 61542.1 0.2% fish, fruit, veget 302 Manufacture of dairy products 36 21396.2 0.1% 303 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and 35 20732.0 0.1% starch products and 304 Manufacture of other food products 129 75077.1 0.2% 305 Manufacture of beverages 144 68727.2 0.2% 306 Manufacture of tobacco products 3 1248.9 0.0% 311 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles 19 11158.3 0.0% 312 Manufacture of other textiles 93 52404.4 0.2% 313 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics and 24 9159.1 0.0% articles 314 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur 403 212115.2 0.7% apparel 315 Dressing and dyeing of fur; manufacture of 1 571.5 0.0% articles of fur 316 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of 5 2230.9 0.0% luggage, handbag, sa 317 Manufacture of footwear 33 16060.0 0.0% 321 Sawmilling and planing of wood 20 7843.1 0.0% 322 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw 163 80803.5 0.2% and plaiting materials 323 Manufacture of paper and paper products 77 48285.3 0.1% 324 Publishing 7 8707.5 0.0% 325 Printing and service activities related to printing 64 49960.1 0.2% 326 Reproduction of recorded media 1 972.0 0.0% 331 Manufacture of coke oven products 17 6269.7 0.0% 332 Petroleum refineries / synthesisers 47 25327.2 0.1% 334 Manufacture of basic chemicals 30 13390.0 0.0% 335 Manufacture of other chemical products 89 60058.5 0.2% 337 Manufacture of rubber products 43 20825.8 0.1% 338 Manufacture of plastic products 62 47719.7 0.1% 341 Manufacture of glass and glass products 27 19118.8 0.1% 342 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 251 118732.0 0.4% n.e.c 351 Manufacture of basic iron and steel 180 98065.7 0.3% 352 Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous 7 2223.8 0.0% metals 353 Casting of metals 3 3338.4 0.0% 354 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, 153 96438.6 0.3% reservoirs and stea 355 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; 188 102708.8 0.3% metalwork service a

- 63 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 356 Manufacture of general purpose machinery 26 18721.3 0.1% 357 Manufacture of special purpose machinery 77 40098.2 0.1% 358 Manufacture of household appliances n.e.c. 52 29830.2 0.1% 359 Manufacture of office, accounting and computing 9 10036.6 0.0% machinery 361 Manufacture of electric motors, generators and 3 1755.1 0.0% transformers 362 Manufacture of electricity distribution and 7 3637.3 0.0% control apparatus 364 Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and 4 1387.3 0.0% primary batteries 365 Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting 5 1809.8 0.0% equipment 366 Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c. 20 16486.4 0.1% 371 Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and 2 1534.0 0.0% other electronic comp 372 Manufacture of television and radio transmitters 6 6424.6 0.0% and apparatus for l 373 Manufacture of television and radio receivers, 2 384.2 0.0% sound or video record 374 Manufacture of medical appliances and 28 22721.1 0.1% instruments and appliances for 381 Manufacture of motor vehicles 87 66210.4 0.2% 382 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor 10 7414.4 0.0% vehicles; manufacture of 383 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor 105 73854.9 0.2% vehicles and their en 384 Building and repairing of ships and boats 8 6208.8 0.0% 385 Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives 7 5756.0 0.0% and rolling stock 386 Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft 10 4268.6 0.0% 387 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. 12 3888.7 0.0% 391 Manufacture of furniture 88 58326.3 0.2% 392 Manufacturing n.e.c. 48 24987.6 0.1% 395 Recycling n.e.c. 25 11666.6 0.0% 410 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply 1 99.9 0.0% 411 Production, collection and distribution of 138 79984.7 0.2% electricity 412 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels 3 3476.8 0.0% through mains 413 Steam and hot water supply 4 1013.4 0.0% 420 Collection, purification and distribution of water 48 19137.7 0.1% 502 Building of complete constructions or parts 1505 694613.3 2.1% thereof; civil engineeri 503 Building installation 207 152667.7 0.5% 504 Building completion 244 129099.6 0.4% 611 Wholesale trade on a fee or contract basis 50 14349.8 0.0%

- 64 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 612 Wholesale trade in agricultural raw materials, 48 29692.6 0.1% livestock, food, beve 613 Wholesale trade in household goods 16 7528.6 0.0% 614 Wholesale trade in non-agricultural intermediate 8 8228.2 0.0% products, waste and 615 Wholesale trade in machine-ry, equipment and 1 584.8 0.0% supplies 619 Other wholesale trade 14 7036.8 0.0% 621 Non-specialised retail trade in stores 633 283348.8 0.9% 622 Retail trade in food, beverages and tobacco in 491 203811.5 0.6% specialised stores 623 Other retail trade in new goods in specialised 1122 638154.8 2.0% stores 624 Retail trade in second-hand goods in stores 3 770.9 0.0% 625 Retail trade not in stores 1654 781200.5 2.4% 626 Repair of personal and house-hold goods 145 85140.8 0.3% 631 Sale of motor vehicles 111 71904.7 0.2% 632 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 454 279789.3 0.9% 633 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 21 9325.5 0.0% 634 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor cycles and 12 5373.3 0.0% related parts and 635 Retail sale of automotive fuel 221 120571.0 0.4% 641 Hotels, camping sites and other provision of short 313 134060.4 0.4% stay accommodatio 642 Restaurants, bars and canteens 497 274548.7 0.8% 643 Shebeen 127 59536.9 0.2% 711 Railway transport 99 37019.8 0.1% 712 Other land transport 649 368605.6 1.1% 721 Sea and coastal water transport 11 6230.0 0.0% 722 Inland water transport 1 577.7 0.0% 730 Air transport 13 15344.0 0.0% 741 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; 40 26744.9 0.1% activities of travel 751 Postal and related courier activities 48 32427.7 0.1% 752 Telecommunication 136 100345.7 0.3% 811 Monetary intermediation 217 174984.9 0.5% 818 Cash loans 22 11034.1 0.0% 819 Other financial intermediation n.e.c. 72 52286.9 0.2% 821 Insurance and pension funding, except 88 61319.0 0.2% compulsory social security 831 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, 29 15436.6 0.0% except insurance a 841 Real estate activities with own or leased property 53 41692.3 0.1% 842 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 40 28775.3 0.1% 851 Renting of transport equipment 6 2044.5 0.0% 852 Renting of other machinery and equipment 17 9659.0 0.0% 853 Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c. 11 6526.9 0.0% - 65 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q42Indus: Main industry activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 861 Hardware consultancy 5 4864.1 0.0% 862 Software consultancy and supply 45 54970.5 0.2% 864 Data base activities 10 11732.0 0.0% 869 Other computer related activities 24 25701.4 0.1% 871 Research and experimental development on 27 14740.6 0.0% natural sciences and engine 881 Legal, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing 175 117856.0 0.4% activities; tax consulta 882 Architectural, engineering and other technical 53 51746.9 0.2% activities 883 Advertising 25 19929.3 0.1% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 889 Business activities n.e.c. 963 635096.6 2.0% 911 Central government activi-ties 307 129877.9 0.4% 912 Regional services council activities 2 1830.5 0.0% 913 Local authority activities 586 245948.7 0.8% 914 Provincial administrations 24 19258.0 0.1% 915 S A Defence Force 80 46947.6 0.1% 916 S A Police Service 324 136759.9 0.4% 917 Correctional service 126 43600.9 0.1% 920 Education 1731 748821.1 2.3% 931 Human health activities 1010 456255.4 1.4% 932 Veterinary activities 5 4069.9 0.0% 933 Social work activities 277 109420.6 0.3% 940 Other community, social and personal service 71 26126.5 0.1% activities 951 Activities of business, employers and 49 37657.5 0.1% professional organisations 959 Activities of other membership organisations 93 49490.1 0.2% 960 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 2 1209.1 0.0% 961 Motion picture, radio, television and other 22 24704.9 0.1% entertainment activities 962 News agency activities 19 17628.6 0.1% 963 Library, archives, museums and other cultural 51 13439.3 0.0% activities 964 Sporting and other recreational activities 81 50716.8 0.2% 988 Begging 8 2674.8 0.0% 990 Other service activities 251 165888.3 0.5% 999 Unspecified 39 18829.2 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q43Mwork: Main work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

- 66 - File : LFS15WORKER_032007_F1 # Q43Mwork: Main work

Literal question In ……'s main work was he/she

Notes This question establishes whether people are employers, wage earners, self-employed, etc in the main economic activities they are involved in. Only one category must be chosen.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Working for someone else for pay 19177 9228513.0 28.4% 2 Working for one or more private households as a 2725 1152002.1 3.5% domestic employee, gardener or security guard 3 Working on his/her own or on a small household 1535 433056.1 1.3% farm/plot or collecting natural products from the forest or sea 4 Working on his/her own or with a partner, in any 3985 2014589.3 6.2% type of business (including commercial farms) 5 Helping without pay in a household business 132 53546.0 0.2% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 38 20997.9 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 67 - # Q44NrEmp: Number of employers working for

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does …… work for

Notes This question is intended to pick up people such as domestic workers, who are employed by different people at different times. It only applies to people who work for someone for some form of payment.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 One employer 20908 9916569.2 30.6% 2 More than one employer 664 302763.8 0.9% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 368 182179.9 0.6% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q45Years: Year commenced working

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 8888-9999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question When did …… start working with the (main) employer mentioned above (firm, institution or private household)? Give year.

Notes This question is intended to establish when people started working for the main employer for whom they are working with the aim of checking whether people are staying in one job for a long time or changing jobs often (job stability).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1932 1 308.9 0.0% 1937 1 24.1 0.0% 1944 1 383.1 0.0% 1950 1 31.4 0.0% 1952 3 911.3 0.0% 1954 1 90.4 0.0% 1955 2 292.0 0.0% 1956 1 542.1 0.0% 1957 3 840.6 0.0% 1958 1 437.4 0.0% 1960 6 2061.1 0.0% 1961 3 1584.0 0.0% 1962 2 1255.4 0.0% 1963 4 354.2 0.0% 1964 3 1278.5 0.0% 1965 7 3161.7 0.0% 1966 6 2054.6 0.0% 1967 10 2424.1 0.0% 1968 8 3429.0 0.0% 1969 16 6694.0 0.0% 1970 49 20449.9 0.1% 1971 28 13430.2 0.0% 1972 32 15207.0 0.0% 1973 37 12920.2 0.0% 1974 48 20340.6 0.1%

- 68 - # Q45Years: Year commenced working

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1975 61 25141.1 0.1% 1976 60 23864.4 0.1% 1977 92 32246.7 0.1% 1978 67 38199.8 0.1% 1979 109 47146.6 0.1% 1980 142 72393.3 0.2% 1981 154 72238.5 0.2% 1982 182 70942.7 0.2% 1983 164 69584.7 0.2% 1984 165 76128.5 0.2% 1985 199 89609.5 0.3% 1986 244 112975.2 0.3% 1987 279 133567.2 0.4% 1988 230 109446.4 0.3% 1989 319 127712.8 0.4% 1990 375 166506.8 0.5% 1991 297 123568.2 0.4% 1992 363 156957.4 0.5% 1993 301 132876.1 0.4% 1994 404 177842.4 0.5% 1995 450 192642.2 0.6% 1996 503 240126.4 0.7% 1997 523 254622.2 0.8% 1998 563 257914.3 0.8% 1999 704 341949.5 1.1% 2000 1026 464820.1 1.4% 2001 928 483179.5 1.5% 2002 991 513534.4 1.6% 2003 1259 619738.3 1.9% 2004 1483 748959.6 2.3% 2005 2003 1011514.4 3.1% 2006 4242 2077982.2 6.4% 2007 2654 1162367.8 3.6% 8888 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9999 Unspecified 130 62708.2 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q45MnthS: Month commenced working

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question When did …… start working with the (main) employer mentioned above (firm, institution or private household)? Give month.

Notes This question is intended to establish when people started working for the main employer for whom they are working with the aim of checking whether people are staying in one job for a long time or changing jobs often (job stability).

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 January 5319 2451428.9 7.6%

- 69 - # Q45MnthS: Month commenced working

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 February 2887 1268586.4 3.9% 3 March 2591 1235798.7 3.8% 4 April 1789 877735.7 2.7% 5 May 1109 568131.5 1.8% 6 June 1628 762964.3 2.4% 7 July 1161 584169.5 1.8% 8 August 1120 516581.0 1.6% 9 September 1272 626896.9 1.9% 10 October 1059 527032.1 1.6% 11 November 1098 536797.0 1.7% 12 December 753 375785.5 1.2% 88 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 99 Unspecified 154 69605.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q46LengJ: Work status

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is ……'s work

Notes This question seeks to find out how many people, and what types of people, have different levels of job security.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Permanent 15037 7288993.4 22.5% 2 A fixed period contract 1231 624216.3 1.9% 3 Temporary 3207 1503635.7 4.6% 4 Casual 1882 833841.5 2.6% 5 Seasonal 475 85237.0 0.3% 6 Do not know 35 23198.7 0.1% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 73 42390.2 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q47Tools: Tools and/or equipment

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Who owns the tools and/or equipment that …… uses at work?

Notes The question is intended to find out whether the tools and/or equipment people use at work belong to them, their employers or both.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 The employer 21344 10111570.3 31.2% 2 The person him/herself 291 131156.5 0.4% 3 Both the employer and the person him/herself 88 39217.0 0.1%

- 70 - # Q47Tools: Tools and/or equipment

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 4 Tools and/or equipment are rented/hired or 40 19643.9 0.1% owned by an outside person or organisation 5 Not applicable - equipment not used 102 57158.7 0.2% 6 Do not know 2 338.0 0.0% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 73 42428.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q48WrtnC: Written employment contract

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does …… have a written contract with the employer?

Notes The question is intended to find out if people involved in economic activities have written contracts with their employers. Most domestic workers have written contracts but they may not know it. The interviewers are instructed to probe and make the respondents understand that even a one-page written agreement regarding their work between themselves and the employers qualifies.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 14475 7246208.4 22.3% 2 No 7247 3035350.4 9.4% 3 Do not know 140 74180.2 0.2% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 78 45773.9 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q49Super: Work under supervision/independently

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does anyone directly supervise the work …… does or does he/she work independently?

Notes The question seeks to establish if people involved in economic activities work under direct supervision of some people senior to them or they work independently.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Work supervised 19497 9097768.6 28.0% 2 Work independently 2345 1240206.7 3.8% 3 Do not know 15 14188.8 0.0% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 83 49348.9 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q410WhoP: Who pays income

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Who pays ……?

- 71 - # Q410WhoP: Who pays income

Notes This question is intended to test the extent at which workers are being employed indirectly and what type of worker is affected. There are indications that more and more workers are not being employed directly by the main employer at the place where they work. Contract workers are covered by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), but may have different conditions and benefits than directly employed workers.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 The establishment/enterprise/individual for which 21204 10046421.7 31.0% he/she works 2 A labour broker 113 45292.8 0.1% 3 A contractor or agency 490 239419.2 0.7% 4 Other 48 23764.7 0.1% 5 Do not know 8 2178.5 0.0% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 77 44436.1 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q411Pens: Contribution to pension or retirement fund

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does ……'s employer contribute to any pension/retirement fund?

Notes This question intends to find out if employers contribute to the pension fund for their employees because this is one of the important benefits that some employed workers get. The information gathered through this question will help the government in its plans for state pensions and other social security schemes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 10180 5300548.8 16.3% 2 No 11473 4937082.0 15.2% 3 Do not know 199 109025.7 0.3% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 88 54856.5 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q412Leav: Paid leave

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active and are working for someone for pay in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does …… get any paid leave?

Notes This question aims at finding out if employers give their employees paid leave since this is a law requirement. The law states that the employees are entitled to three weeks paid leave in a year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 12062 6152497.5 19.0% 2 No 9655 4122341.4 12.7% 3 Do not know 133 70057.9 0.2% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 90 56616.1 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 72 - # Q413TrdU: Trade union membership

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is …… a member of a trade union?

Notes The question is intended for establishing if people are registered members of trade unions.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6528 3067484.7 9.5% 2 No 15052 7113003.6 21.9% 3 Do not know 234 154658.5 0.5% 8 Not applicable 52651 22054424.3 68.0% 9 Unspecified 126 66366.1 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q414Typbb: Type of business or enterprise

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the business or enterprise/branch where …… works

Notes The question seeks to find out how many people are working for the government and NGOs as well as the numbers working for private companies and those self-employed.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 National government 725 339391.8 1.0% 2 Provincial government 2496 980213.3 3.0% 3 Local government 940 366035.5 1.1% 4 A government enterprise (Transnet, Telkom, etc.) 463 257410.5 0.8% 5 A club, community organisation, welfare 271 118054.0 0.4% organisation, NGO or a church 6 A co-operative, self-help association, labour 433 206729.3 0.6% union, professional association, or business league 7 A private business or a private household 18113 8640220.4 26.6% 8 Self-employed 4028 1917785.8 5.9% 9 Do not know 33 21269.1 0.1% 88 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 99 Unspecified 90 55594.6 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 8888888-9999999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question What is ……’s total salary/pay at his/her main job?

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview (from (Q 2.1) and (Q 2.2): "Yes"). The total salary includes overtime, allowances, bonus before any deductions or tax. The enumerators are instructed to give the amounts in whole figures without any text or decimals.

- 73 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 5 1 396.1 0.0% 10 2 577.3 0.0% 12 1 215.8 0.0% 14 1 123.9 0.0% 15 1 217.2 0.0% 16 1 442.6 0.0% 20 28 10469.4 0.0% 24 2 677.6 0.0% 25 8 3447.8 0.0% 26 1 293.6 0.0% 30 44 16876.2 0.1% 35 3 706.0 0.0% 40 22 8535.3 0.0% 45 2 1100.2 0.0% 48 2 959.9 0.0% 50 110 46512.8 0.1% 55 2 177.2 0.0% 56 1 214.8 0.0% 57 1 100.2 0.0% 60 51 21132.4 0.1% 63 1 1068.0 0.0% 65 1 354.6 0.0% 70 28 12339.1 0.0% 75 8 2207.9 0.0% 80 51 20504.4 0.1% 82 1 131.5 0.0% 85 2 753.3 0.0% 89 1 77.6 0.0% 90 22 6087.8 0.0% 91 1 50.6 0.0% 92 2 200.9 0.0% 95 3 1758.8 0.0% 96 2 1279.7 0.0% 100 282 116267.7 0.4% 104 1 121.6 0.0% 105 4 1002.2 0.0% 110 18 7139.2 0.0% 115 2 667.3 0.0% 120 83 29537.3 0.1% 123 1 118.2 0.0% 124 1 293.8 0.0% 125 10 3318.6 0.0% 126 2 811.7 0.0% 128 2 385.0 0.0% 130 8 3259.2 0.0%

- 74 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 133 1 99.3 0.0% 134 1 268.2 0.0% 135 2 943.1 0.0% 136 1 120.3 0.0% 140 29 13537.1 0.0% 145 1 52.9 0.0% 150 358 135162.2 0.4% 155 2 472.9 0.0% 158 1 417.2 0.0% 159 2 1242.9 0.0% 160 32 10289.1 0.0% 165 2 410.8 0.0% 168 1 304.8 0.0% 169 1 93.3 0.0% 170 16 7555.1 0.0% 171 1 340.5 0.0% 172 3 325.7 0.0% 173 1 258.8 0.0% 175 8 2102.8 0.0% 180 61 20421.7 0.1% 183 2 774.1 0.0% 184 1 161.6 0.0% 185 3 697.8 0.0% 186 1 170.3 0.0% 190 23 3656.2 0.0% 195 2 219.2 0.0% 196 1 186.8 0.0% 198 1 117.1 0.0% 200 642 238291.5 0.7% 201 1 406.2 0.0% 202 4 622.7 0.0% 203 1 322.1 0.0% 204 9 783.9 0.0% 205 5 794.0 0.0% 207 8 3135.2 0.0% 210 36 9026.6 0.0% 214 2 67.5 0.0% 215 2 297.4 0.0% 216 4 724.9 0.0% 217 2 179.6 0.0% 218 1 277.2 0.0% 219 1 193.6 0.0% 220 35 8980.3 0.0% 221 1 125.0 0.0% 222 1 107.2 0.0%

- 75 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 225 32 7404.8 0.0% 226 1 116.0 0.0% 228 4 632.6 0.0% 229 9 1627.4 0.0% 230 51 8934.2 0.0% 231 1 19.2 0.0% 232 1 80.3 0.0% 233 1 252.2 0.0% 235 3 604.1 0.0% 239 1 79.0 0.0% 240 64 21230.0 0.1% 241 1 225.5 0.0% 243 1 173.5 0.0% 245 6 874.6 0.0% 246 1 69.6 0.0% 250 444 171927.1 0.5% 251 1 191.3 0.0% 253 1 61.9 0.0% 254 2 162.0 0.0% 255 6 1043.3 0.0% 256 1 459.9 0.0% 257 1 81.7 0.0% 258 1 226.7 0.0% 260 46 13886.2 0.0% 261 1 269.2 0.0% 264 4 1184.1 0.0% 265 2 871.2 0.0% 267 3 435.5 0.0% 268 2 270.4 0.0% 269 1 51.1 0.0% 270 35 11360.8 0.0% 274 2 488.0 0.0% 275 21 5858.5 0.0% 277 2 469.3 0.0% 278 3 255.3 0.0% 279 2 204.6 0.0% 280 49 20041.3 0.1% 282 4 954.4 0.0% 284 1 118.1 0.0% 285 2 225.7 0.0% 287 1 155.8 0.0% 289 1 46.4 0.0% 290 17 3641.9 0.0% 293 1 835.4 0.0% 294 2 355.8 0.0%

- 76 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 295 6 1229.5 0.0% 296 1 107.0 0.0% 297 2 212.5 0.0% 300 740 297695.4 0.9% 305 1 72.8 0.0% 306 1 49.6 0.0% 307 1 90.9 0.0% 308 1 158.8 0.0% 310 7 1646.2 0.0% 312 5 2041.1 0.0% 314 2 333.7 0.0% 315 2 992.4 0.0% 316 1 550.7 0.0% 317 1 241.7 0.0% 318 1 88.2 0.0% 319 1 659.4 0.0% 320 42 10458.0 0.0% 323 1 698.1 0.0% 324 1 1602.5 0.0% 325 8 2550.5 0.0% 326 1 498.9 0.0% 328 2 361.7 0.0% 329 1 92.7 0.0% 330 14 6092.3 0.0% 332 2 801.0 0.0% 335 3 572.4 0.0% 339 1 49.7 0.0% 340 14 6604.1 0.0% 341 1 187.0 0.0% 343 1 394.0 0.0% 344 1 144.7 0.0% 346 1 242.8 0.0% 350 360 181564.5 0.6% 355 3 1087.4 0.0% 357 2 273.6 0.0% 360 50 18140.8 0.1% 365 2 169.3 0.0% 367 1 99.8 0.0% 369 1 176.1 0.0% 370 27 15305.5 0.0% 372 1 33.2 0.0% 373 1 988.4 0.0% 375 11 7076.3 0.0% 378 1 18.3 0.0% 380 53 17850.5 0.1%

- 77 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 385 5 763.7 0.0% 387 1 103.1 0.0% 388 1 1888.8 0.0% 389 1 604.3 0.0% 390 35 7314.1 0.0% 394 1 91.9 0.0% 396 2 379.5 0.0% 400 686 312265.3 1.0% 408 3 359.5 0.0% 410 11 5533.1 0.0% 415 2 839.1 0.0% 416 1 411.5 0.0% 418 1 233.0 0.0% 420 25 8387.1 0.0% 423 1 35.6 0.0% 425 3 356.7 0.0% 430 10 3249.5 0.0% 436 2 115.7 0.0% 440 5 2963.9 0.0% 444 2 1533.5 0.0% 445 2 199.3 0.0% 450 178 78743.4 0.2% 459 2 669.6 0.0% 460 17 7739.6 0.0% 464 1 73.7 0.0% 465 1 158.0 0.0% 470 9 3873.0 0.0% 474 1 57.5 0.0% 475 4 4335.7 0.0% 480 44 20296.1 0.1% 481 1 451.2 0.0% 486 2 808.1 0.0% 490 7 1743.2 0.0% 495 2 1266.6 0.0% 500 849 374348.7 1.2% 501 2 474.6 0.0% 504 1 102.0 0.0% 506 1 1257.9 0.0% 510 5 832.0 0.0% 513 1 675.7 0.0% 516 2 1357.3 0.0% 518 1 624.0 0.0% 520 10 4923.3 0.0% 525 5 2403.8 0.0% 527 1 206.4 0.0%

- 78 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 528 1 648.8 0.0% 530 7 4550.8 0.0% 531 1 1455.6 0.0% 533 1 674.1 0.0% 535 1 182.2 0.0% 537 1 1016.9 0.0% 540 9 4290.0 0.0% 541 1 534.0 0.0% 550 73 33519.3 0.1% 554 1 314.4 0.0% 559 1 55.4 0.0% 560 12 5528.2 0.0% 563 1 1026.1 0.0% 567 1 35.9 0.0% 570 5 2685.2 0.0% 571 1 27.4 0.0% 574 1 1436.9 0.0% 577 3 1590.9 0.0% 578 1 474.7 0.0% 580 8 4689.4 0.0% 581 1 237.3 0.0% 582 1 64.5 0.0% 584 1 454.9 0.0% 585 3 926.7 0.0% 590 6 1436.9 0.0% 591 1 210.9 0.0% 592 1 211.7 0.0% 595 1 1176.3 0.0% 600 573 271414.3 0.8% 603 1 61.3 0.0% 609 2 442.4 0.0% 610 1 202.4 0.0% 617 1 1257.9 0.0% 618 1 794.2 0.0% 620 9 4495.1 0.0% 623 1 74.3 0.0% 624 1 1310.1 0.0% 630 10 1728.9 0.0% 632 1 385.6 0.0% 637 1 95.8 0.0% 640 11 4556.4 0.0% 646 1 173.5 0.0% 648 3 735.6 0.0% 650 103 42543.1 0.1% 656 1 508.7 0.0%

- 79 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 660 3 1364.1 0.0% 670 6 2908.0 0.0% 671 1 266.7 0.0% 675 3 1043.2 0.0% 680 18 10597.3 0.0% 685 1 1731.1 0.0% 687 1 211.1 0.0% 689 1 1904.2 0.0% 690 6 1121.3 0.0% 699 1 36.5 0.0% 700 505 193581.1 0.6% 710 1 195.8 0.0% 712 1 308.9 0.0% 714 1 285.5 0.0% 720 26 9089.4 0.0% 723 1 745.0 0.0% 725 1 470.5 0.0% 726 1 363.2 0.0% 730 5 838.2 0.0% 731 1 271.5 0.0% 735 3 482.8 0.0% 740 8 4590.4 0.0% 742 1 326.8 0.0% 748 1 226.0 0.0% 750 136 59599.7 0.2% 752 1 26.5 0.0% 754 1 252.8 0.0% 755 1 172.9 0.0% 760 17 2502.7 0.0% 764 1 45.5 0.0% 765 2 1911.4 0.0% 768 4 337.3 0.0% 770 1 140.8 0.0% 775 1 73.6 0.0% 776 1 242.1 0.0% 778 1 1619.0 0.0% 779 1 1440.2 0.0% 780 26 8351.3 0.0% 790 4 837.9 0.0% 792 1 274.0 0.0% 795 1 64.7 0.0% 796 1 54.0 0.0% 800 839 338343.8 1.0% 803 1 240.1 0.0% 805 1 115.9 0.0%

- 80 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 810 2 230.5 0.0% 812 1 116.5 0.0% 814 3 1278.9 0.0% 815 2 390.5 0.0% 816 5 800.7 0.0% 818 3 123.2 0.0% 820 8 2629.5 0.0% 822 1 37.4 0.0% 824 1 137.0 0.0% 827 1 1331.3 0.0% 830 6 2152.1 0.0% 832 1 124.6 0.0% 834 1 59.1 0.0% 835 1 87.2 0.0% 836 1 518.9 0.0% 840 15 4176.6 0.0% 841 2 131.9 0.0% 844 1 67.5 0.0% 845 4 1366.0 0.0% 850 113 38444.5 0.1% 852 1 205.3 0.0% 855 4 673.7 0.0% 856 1 256.1 0.0% 860 16 3691.0 0.0% 862 1 597.5 0.0% 863 2 102.5 0.0% 865 1 47.5 0.0% 866 1 407.8 0.0% 870 13 3041.6 0.0% 871 1 293.4 0.0% 875 4 680.4 0.0% 876 1 199.8 0.0% 880 32 6543.4 0.0% 884 1 23.3 0.0% 885 33 5768.0 0.0% 886 5 754.7 0.0% 887 1 88.4 0.0% 888 3 2075.7 0.0% 890 9 3039.0 0.0% 895 1 63.2 0.0% 897 1 168.2 0.0% 899 1 703.3 0.0% 900 387 159800.3 0.5% 902 1 366.2 0.0% 904 1 731.5 0.0%

- 81 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 910 4 1040.5 0.0% 916 1 645.7 0.0% 917 1 77.1 0.0% 920 14 4769.0 0.0% 924 2 616.3 0.0% 928 1 376.2 0.0% 930 3 1077.8 0.0% 935 1 98.1 0.0% 936 4 1563.7 0.0% 940 5 2927.2 0.0% 944 1 189.8 0.0% 945 3 1702.1 0.0% 950 52 20715.6 0.1% 954 4 2200.3 0.0% 956 1 43.0 0.0% 960 16 10243.4 0.0% 963 1 668.7 0.0% 965 1 602.2 0.0% 966 1 201.4 0.0% 968 1 501.3 0.0% 970 3 864.8 0.0% 980 16 6142.4 0.0% 981 1 149.4 0.0% 986 1 284.7 0.0% 987 1 833.3 0.0% 989 4 674.9 0.0% 990 8 2757.8 0.0% 994 2 165.2 0.0% 995 2 667.0 0.0% 997 1 1190.7 0.0% 998 1 489.1 0.0% 999 1 281.4 0.0% 1000 823 344509.0 1.1% 1006 1 485.4 0.0% 1007 1 197.4 0.0% 1009 1 265.2 0.0% 1010 1 138.5 0.0% 1015 2 826.8 0.0% 1020 2 1315.3 0.0% 1024 1 31.0 0.0% 1025 2 499.9 0.0% 1032 1 195.4 0.0% 1033 1 54.0 0.0% 1035 1 203.6 0.0% 1037 1 1268.3 0.0%

- 82 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1040 9 4432.3 0.0% 1050 19 3792.8 0.0% 1057 1 37.8 0.0% 1058 1 110.0 0.0% 1060 5 1908.8 0.0% 1075 1 96.1 0.0% 1079 1 309.9 0.0% 1080 8 3206.0 0.0% 1089 1 137.0 0.0% 1095 2 442.2 0.0% 1100 143 55523.4 0.2% 1113 1 516.2 0.0% 1115 1 134.3 0.0% 1116 2 655.9 0.0% 1120 1 453.7 0.0% 1125 1 158.9 0.0% 1127 1 1310.3 0.0% 1130 3 1073.0 0.0% 1140 6 3942.2 0.0% 1150 11 4568.5 0.0% 1151 1 87.0 0.0% 1154 1 450.4 0.0% 1162 1 182.9 0.0% 1165 1 446.6 0.0% 1170 1 148.8 0.0% 1176 1 54.0 0.0% 1177 1 137.5 0.0% 1180 7 2936.6 0.0% 1188 1 475.8 0.0% 1190 1 277.2 0.0% 1200 673 328541.3 1.0% 1204 1 214.6 0.0% 1208 1 87.0 0.0% 1214 1 245.6 0.0% 1240 3 1029.4 0.0% 1250 12 5762.7 0.0% 1260 3 900.8 0.0% 1270 2 62.9 0.0% 1273 1 316.6 0.0% 1275 1 763.6 0.0% 1280 2 676.0 0.0% 1283 1 25.7 0.0% 1285 1 154.7 0.0% 1286 1 305.3 0.0% 1290 1 152.3 0.0%

- 83 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1299 1 66.8 0.0% 1300 195 91104.0 0.3% 1305 1 295.6 0.0% 1320 1 286.3 0.0% 1340 2 344.5 0.0% 1344 1 83.8 0.0% 1350 10 5928.6 0.0% 1360 1 491.0 0.0% 1370 1 954.1 0.0% 1379 2 355.0 0.0% 1380 1 114.0 0.0% 1390 2 1082.8 0.0% 1400 212 106126.3 0.3% 1420 1 293.0 0.0% 1425 1 1227.9 0.0% 1430 1 304.6 0.0% 1438 2 208.4 0.0% 1440 2 1076.0 0.0% 1445 2 379.9 0.0% 1450 3 1397.8 0.0% 1455 1 258.5 0.0% 1470 1 1694.3 0.0% 1480 2 1409.2 0.0% 1484 2 1223.4 0.0% 1490 2 1533.8 0.0% 1500 678 313150.4 1.0% 1501 1 27.1 0.0% 1520 1 221.6 0.0% 1530 1 245.7 0.0% 1540 1 32.3 0.0% 1550 5 4652.3 0.0% 1555 1 631.6 0.0% 1560 1 48.1 0.0% 1580 2 976.2 0.0% 1595 1 1473.4 0.0% 1600 218 116260.8 0.4% 1620 1 155.4 0.0% 1626 1 1190.7 0.0% 1650 13 6099.7 0.0% 1652 1 37.6 0.0% 1660 2 445.2 0.0% 1670 2 1562.0 0.0% 1677 1 1417.5 0.0% 1680 1 129.5 0.0% 1690 3 2499.1 0.0%

- 84 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1700 124 59806.1 0.2% 1703 1 443.0 0.0% 1708 1 118.0 0.0% 1750 7 1284.0 0.0% 1760 4 5101.5 0.0% 1794 1 146.8 0.0% 1800 292 147162.7 0.5% 1848 1 239.5 0.0% 1850 7 3608.1 0.0% 1872 1 1190.3 0.0% 1890 1 383.2 0.0% 1892 1 403.9 0.0% 1900 79 40443.1 0.1% 1920 2 879.8 0.0% 1935 1 284.7 0.0% 1944 1 843.1 0.0% 1946 1 269.5 0.0% 1950 4 1917.0 0.0% 1956 1 315.4 0.0% 1960 2 3509.1 0.0% 1968 1 367.2 0.0% 1980 1 100.0 0.0% 1999 1 473.0 0.0% 2000 698 345263.9 1.1% 2001 1 82.7 0.0% 2003 1 1182.0 0.0% 2004 1 330.3 0.0% 2005 2 1269.7 0.0% 2007 1 589.8 0.0% 2008 1 294.4 0.0% 2009 2 227.8 0.0% 2011 1 636.3 0.0% 2030 1 2221.2 0.0% 2037 1 200.3 0.0% 2050 2 164.1 0.0% 2060 1 1012.1 0.0% 2070 1 42.1 0.0% 2080 1 234.7 0.0% 2090 1 1037.9 0.0% 2100 51 24008.0 0.1% 2141 1 420.6 0.0% 2148 1 810.1 0.0% 2150 3 2964.7 0.0% 2170 1 283.7 0.0% 2184 1 636.0 0.0%

- 85 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2200 85 47378.4 0.1% 2235 1 210.1 0.0% 2240 2 1133.3 0.0% 2242 1 50.2 0.0% 2250 2 1352.0 0.0% 2270 1 217.9 0.0% 2277 1 829.3 0.0% 2300 74 39315.9 0.1% 2346 1 638.7 0.0% 2384 1 97.7 0.0% 2400 119 62257.9 0.2% 2420 1 3.6 0.0% 2430 1 236.9 0.0% 2450 2 1341.3 0.0% 2460 1 415.0 0.0% 2480 3 4359.0 0.0% 2490 1 266.0 0.0% 2500 419 226866.7 0.7% 2501 1 843.4 0.0% 2550 1 455.1 0.0% 2560 1 35.7 0.0% 2568 1 538.6 0.0% 2600 72 43306.0 0.1% 2619 1 417.4 0.0% 2670 1 383.6 0.0% 2700 53 29321.1 0.1% 2739 1 259.8 0.0% 2750 2 710.9 0.0% 2800 124 57313.8 0.2% 2829 1 453.8 0.0% 2836 1 230.9 0.0% 2850 2 2260.6 0.0% 2872 1 179.5 0.0% 2878 1 255.2 0.0% 2880 1 210.5 0.0% 2883 1 221.3 0.0% 2900 38 17605.4 0.1% 2910 1 366.7 0.0% 2931 1 353.9 0.0% 2940 1 46.5 0.0% 2950 1 333.5 0.0% 2980 1 66.2 0.0% 2999 1 1133.1 0.0% 3000 647 336091.6 1.0% 3001 1 581.6 0.0%

- 86 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3003 1 182.9 0.0% 3010 1 219.7 0.0% 3025 1 211.7 0.0% 3050 4 607.3 0.0% 3060 1 516.8 0.0% 3062 1 110.0 0.0% 3067 1 131.6 0.0% 3070 1 348.1 0.0% 3089 1 401.5 0.0% 3100 25 10191.2 0.0% 3103 1 78.4 0.0% 3170 2 812.6 0.0% 3185 2 299.7 0.0% 3199 1 1093.0 0.0% 3200 110 50126.9 0.2% 3216 1 84.4 0.0% 3223 1 546.7 0.0% 3235 1 95.0 0.0% 3240 1 52.2 0.0% 3256 1 539.8 0.0% 3260 1 168.5 0.0% 3293 1 513.2 0.0% 3295 1 108.5 0.0% 3296 1 1491.0 0.0% 3300 22 6702.2 0.0% 3325 1 74.5 0.0% 3330 2 2240.6 0.0% 3344 1 562.3 0.0% 3350 1 1033.8 0.0% 3400 34 14422.0 0.0% 3460 1 30.5 0.0% 3480 1 1379.4 0.0% 3485 1 160.4 0.0% 3488 2 661.0 0.0% 3493 1 247.0 0.0% 3500 285 145240.4 0.4% 3501 2 339.7 0.0% 3516 1 403.9 0.0% 3530 1 213.7 0.0% 3556 1 525.1 0.0% 3581 1 84.4 0.0% 3590 1 248.5 0.0% 3600 45 21583.3 0.1% 3650 1 398.7 0.0% 3675 1 174.9 0.0%

- 87 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3700 45 20793.8 0.1% 3703 1 498.9 0.0% 3740 1 671.9 0.0% 3750 4 2598.5 0.0% 3777 1 686.0 0.0% 3790 1 638.2 0.0% 3800 61 29855.8 0.1% 3850 3 1509.8 0.0% 3852 1 365.2 0.0% 3855 1 346.7 0.0% 3861 1 192.7 0.0% 3872 1 231.5 0.0% 3889 1 173.1 0.0% 3900 30 11893.1 0.0% 3980 2 338.2 0.0% 4000 386 179219.7 0.6% 4020 1 65.0 0.0% 4050 2 530.7 0.0% 4060 1 37.8 0.0% 4070 1 447.5 0.0% 4100 17 7833.5 0.0% 4134 1 172.2 0.0% 4150 1 464.9 0.0% 4160 1 196.3 0.0% 4200 37 16584.1 0.1% 4205 1 86.9 0.0% 4300 32 15432.3 0.0% 4320 1 37.9 0.0% 4350 3 2286.7 0.0% 4351 1 213.9 0.0% 4400 13 5852.8 0.0% 4413 1 1230.9 0.0% 4450 1 590.1 0.0% 4495 1 76.8 0.0% 4500 180 87153.3 0.3% 4501 1 815.3 0.0% 4588 1 208.3 0.0% 4600 23 11395.7 0.0% 4602 1 663.1 0.0% 4637 1 91.2 0.0% 4671 1 393.5 0.0% 4700 22 14691.7 0.0% 4714 1 204.3 0.0% 4729 1 776.7 0.0% 4770 1 661.2 0.0%

- 88 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 4773 1 138.1 0.0% 4800 37 21043.1 0.1% 4850 1 117.1 0.0% 4888 1 1113.0 0.0% 4892 1 303.3 0.0% 4900 12 3208.9 0.0% 4968 1 510.1 0.0% 5000 387 203006.9 0.6% 5010 2 257.2 0.0% 5020 1 296.1 0.0% 5030 1 304.9 0.0% 5050 4 1696.0 0.0% 5100 7 1981.9 0.0% 5120 1 409.6 0.0% 5148 1 131.8 0.0% 5165 1 177.4 0.0% 5200 12 6221.3 0.0% 5220 1 338.1 0.0% 5228 1 375.9 0.0% 5300 7 1713.9 0.0% 5362 1 592.7 0.0% 5400 16 6806.4 0.0% 5475 1 344.7 0.0% 5500 50 24839.3 0.1% 5550 1 356.9 0.0% 5590 1 115.7 0.0% 5600 17 10322.5 0.0% 5641 1 271.8 0.0% 5700 13 5067.1 0.0% 5788 1 176.7 0.0% 5800 11 2804.7 0.0% 5817 1 407.1 0.0% 5821 1 70.4 0.0% 5900 10 4098.6 0.0% 6000 304 158464.3 0.5% 6001 1 566.1 0.0% 6050 2 1186.0 0.0% 6059 1 390.2 0.0% 6100 2 356.3 0.0% 6146 1 292.5 0.0% 6165 1 811.9 0.0% 6180 1 1436.7 0.0% 6200 12 4609.1 0.0% 6219 1 1092.4 0.0% 6222 1 60.4 0.0%

- 89 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 6300 2 1638.4 0.0% 6400 8 5132.7 0.0% 6415 1 97.1 0.0% 6450 1 244.4 0.0% 6460 1 139.5 0.0% 6500 62 39083.6 0.1% 6600 4 1392.4 0.0% 6618 1 15.7 0.0% 6676 2 409.0 0.0% 6700 7 4461.7 0.0% 6793 1 238.8 0.0% 6800 15 9076.9 0.0% 6809 1 120.0 0.0% 6817 1 92.0 0.0% 6819 1 133.0 0.0% 6846 1 218.5 0.0% 6900 2 430.2 0.0% 6999 1 181.8 0.0% 7000 202 121712.5 0.4% 7010 1 556.4 0.0% 7014 1 194.2 0.0% 7075 1 156.1 0.0% 7100 5 7328.7 0.0% 7200 9 3757.0 0.0% 7208 1 143.6 0.0% 7240 1 95.7 0.0% 7241 1 445.5 0.0% 7300 7 6250.4 0.0% 7365 1 815.3 0.0% 7400 3 784.7 0.0% 7486 1 262.0 0.0% 7500 51 33296.4 0.1% 7504 1 135.5 0.0% 7589 1 321.7 0.0% 7600 2 421.1 0.0% 7643 1 587.3 0.0% 7680 1 116.4 0.0% 7700 2 637.6 0.0% 7740 1 433.7 0.0% 7758 1 1441.7 0.0% 7800 7 5822.4 0.0% 7868 1 202.0 0.0% 7900 8 2970.6 0.0% 8000 252 144273.1 0.4% 8001 1 27.1 0.0%

- 90 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8046 1 36.6 0.0% 8065 1 156.1 0.0% 8090 1 74.4 0.0% 8100 3 254.6 0.0% 8200 9 4121.5 0.0% 8243 1 460.0 0.0% 8283 1 21.7 0.0% 8300 5 2633.6 0.0% 8400 8 4976.1 0.0% 8490 1 440.7 0.0% 8500 30 17288.4 0.1% 8513 1 709.8 0.0% 8517 1 193.9 0.0% 8531 1 1246.9 0.0% 8540 1 331.5 0.0% 8594 1 254.7 0.0% 8600 4 1774.8 0.0% 8620 1 351.3 0.0% 8700 11 3095.4 0.0% 8715 1 89.5 0.0% 8800 3 1143.8 0.0% 8850 1 173.4 0.0% 8900 11 3471.2 0.0% 9000 101 65699.0 0.2% 9047 1 348.5 0.0% 9078 1 504.2 0.0% 9098 1 81.4 0.0% 9128 1 254.7 0.0% 9130 1 257.8 0.0% 9162 1 486.6 0.0% 9200 1 366.5 0.0% 9300 3 2463.3 0.0% 9347 1 242.5 0.0% 9386 1 414.7 0.0% 9400 2 1308.6 0.0% 9500 25 14172.3 0.0% 9600 2 870.8 0.0% 9700 3 2264.6 0.0% 9756 1 466.2 0.0% 9762 1 1167.7 0.0% 9800 9 5540.2 0.0% 9900 5 1073.2 0.0% 9902 1 194.2 0.0% 10000 204 116731.7 0.4% 10006 1 265.0 0.0%

- 91 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 10050 2 160.2 0.0% 10055 1 743.4 0.0% 10100 1 136.5 0.0% 10200 2 679.4 0.0% 10250 1 208.6 0.0% 10300 2 98.2 0.0% 10302 2 447.9 0.0% 10320 1 160.8 0.0% 10405 1 186.7 0.0% 10446 1 385.4 0.0% 10500 5 3537.4 0.0% 10509 1 105.1 0.0% 10600 2 208.4 0.0% 10614 2 869.6 0.0% 10640 1 123.2 0.0% 10700 2 375.8 0.0% 10720 1 400.5 0.0% 10780 1 85.2 0.0% 10800 6 2025.2 0.0% 10812 1 233.6 0.0% 10856 1 379.6 0.0% 10857 1 445.5 0.0% 10900 2 680.8 0.0% 11000 54 32032.0 0.1% 11036 1 30.8 0.0% 11046 1 1571.9 0.0% 11085 1 141.9 0.0% 11100 3 558.1 0.0% 11121 1 186.7 0.0% 11200 2 850.3 0.0% 11400 3 1025.8 0.0% 11500 5 6277.2 0.0% 11608 1 157.2 0.0% 11700 2 2714.3 0.0% 11800 1 1445.1 0.0% 11900 1 637.4 0.0% 11940 1 1769.5 0.0% 12000 81 48337.5 0.1% 12090 1 718.7 0.0% 12147 1 177.9 0.0% 12200 1 3451.6 0.0% 12300 1 465.0 0.0% 12500 7 4293.8 0.0% 12600 1 511.3 0.0% 12701 1 158.3 0.0%

- 92 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 12800 1 201.1 0.0% 13000 26 12914.0 0.0% 13069 1 1347.2 0.0% 13200 1 292.8 0.0% 13308 1 231.0 0.0% 13333 1 1032.9 0.0% 13500 1 352.9 0.0% 13767 1 475.4 0.0% 14000 19 13739.9 0.0% 14100 1 295.0 0.0% 14500 1 2086.8 0.0% 14600 1 304.6 0.0% 15000 58 39139.7 0.1% 15500 1 595.3 0.0% 15563 1 142.0 0.0% 15812 1 2086.8 0.0% 16000 27 21333.6 0.1% 16500 1 80.3 0.0% 17000 6 4800.7 0.0% 17500 1 2548.2 0.0% 18000 18 11264.9 0.0% 18042 1 242.5 0.0% 18500 1 313.7 0.0% 19000 7 6833.5 0.0% 19370 1 94.0 0.0% 19455 1 31.1 0.0% 20000 50 39537.0 0.1% 20031 1 189.7 0.0% 20700 1 785.2 0.0% 21000 3 2600.9 0.0% 22000 6 11350.2 0.0% 22500 1 231.0 0.0% 23000 2 3386.2 0.0% 24000 5 1791.1 0.0% 25000 16 12851.7 0.0% 26000 2 473.8 0.0% 27000 3 841.5 0.0% 28000 2 1267.0 0.0% 29000 3 3480.2 0.0% 30000 24 19297.0 0.1% 30250 1 785.2 0.0% 30900 1 793.5 0.0% 32000 1 1311.1 0.0% 34000 1 1537.0 0.0% 35000 3 3777.9 0.0%

- 93 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 36000 2 3586.9 0.0% 37000 1 119.6 0.0% 37198 1 161.7 0.0% 38000 1 1315.2 0.0% 39000 2 5115.0 0.0% 40000 4 3048.3 0.0% 42000 1 463.6 0.0% 43000 1 426.9 0.0% 44000 1 90.3 0.0% 45000 3 3933.9 0.0% 46000 1 270.8 0.0% 49000 1 369.3 0.0% 50000 5 10355.0 0.0% 55000 1 762.0 0.0% 55100 1 88.6 0.0% 60000 4 617.4 0.0% 61000 1 284.5 0.0% 66000 1 79.5 0.0% 70000 1 145.3 0.0% 73000 1 42.0 0.0% 78000 1 491.8 0.0% 79000 2 2577.0 0.0% 80000 6 4333.7 0.0% 92000 1 684.9 0.0% 96001 1 815.3 0.0% 97000 1 208.6 0.0% 98196 1 974.2 0.0% 99540 2 812.2 0.0% 100000 7 6057.1 0.0% 101500 1 97.9 0.0% 102000 2 1333.6 0.0% 105000 1 369.3 0.0% 109000 1 88.6 0.0% 113000 2 298.9 0.0% 115000 2 538.5 0.0% 118000 1 214.3 0.0% 120000 3 699.7 0.0% 130000 1 701.7 0.0% 134000 1 279.8 0.0% 148000 1 97.6 0.0% 170000 1 311.7 0.0% 180000 1 335.4 0.0% 200000 3 172.3 0.0% 250000 1 863.4 0.0% 267801 1 276.7 0.0%

- 94 - # Q415aSal: Total salary/pay

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 286000 1 934.8 0.0% 289000 1 424.7 0.0% 400000 1 196.3 0.0% 480000 1 424.7 0.0% 530000 1 391.9 0.0% 580000 1 2815.2 0.0% 2000000 1 409.8 0.0% 3501380 1 1084.8 0.0% 8888888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9999999 Unspecified 7660 3841876.6 11.8% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q415bSal: Salary period

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview and have provided their total salary.

Literal question Only if amount given in 4.15.a Is this

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview (from (Q 2.1) and (Q 2.2): "Yes") and have provided an amount in (Q4.15.a). Based on the information given in (Q4.15.a), this question seeks to find out if the given amount is on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Per week 5051 2195858.9 6.8% 2 Per month 14774 6819381.7 21.0% 3 Annually 94 38945.0 0.1% 8 Not applicable 54659 23395109.6 72.1% 9 Unspecified 13 6642.1 0.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q415cSal: Income categories

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview and did not provide their total salary.

Literal question Derived variable

Notes This question is applicable to household members who have been performing certain economic activities in the seven days prior to the interview (from (Q 2.1) and (Q 2.2): "Yes"). This question is only applicable if there was no answer in (Q 4.15.a), thus in case of a non-response, refusal or don’t know. Since this kind of information is very personal the enumerator is instructed to show a "score card" to the respondents for them to choose the category in which they fall. They are also asked to inform the respondent that there are certain acts that protect individuals in cases of these nature, so Statistics South Africa as a government department is therefore compelled to abide by them.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 NONE 1512 449497.8 1.4% 2 R1 - R200 Per Month 213 91023.0 0.3% 3 R201 - R500 Per Month 296 116424.8 0.4% 4 R501 - R1 000 Per Month 436 180096.4 0.6% 5 R1 001 - R1 500 Per Month 437 186622.3 0.6% 6 R1 501 - R2 500 Per Month 532 288239.7 0.9% - 95 - # Q415cSal: Income categories

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 7 R2 501 - R3 500 Per Month 520 275101.7 0.8% 8 R3 501 - R4 500 Per Month 435 232696.8 0.7% 9 R4 501 - R6 000 Per Month 539 278860.2 0.9% 10 R6 001 - R8 000 Per Month 523 278190.7 0.9% 11 R8 001 - R11 000 Per Month 490 279937.0 0.9% 12 R11 001 - R16 000 Per Month 317 213814.2 0.7% 13 R16 001 - R30 000 Per Month 194 169704.1 0.5% 14 R30 001 or more Per Month 96 75342.8 0.2% 15 Do not know 343 213127.8 0.7% 16 Refuse 670 447516.0 1.4% 88 Not applicable 66931 28614060.6 88.2% 99 Unspecified 107 65681.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q416NrWo: Number of employees

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many regular workers has the organisation/business/ enterprise/branch where …… works, including him/herself?

Notes Interest in this question is on the size of the organization/business in terms of it being formal or informal. The question seeks to determine how many people are usually employed per type of organization/business.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 1 5674 2491661.5 7.7% 2 2 - 4 4247 1813997.0 5.6% 3 5 - 9 2946 1296636.1 4.0% 4 10 - 19 3945 1825936.5 5.6% 5 20 - 49 4571 2130945.3 6.6% 6 50 or more 5901 3161905.6 9.7% 7 Do not know 215 129195.8 0.4% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 93 52426.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q417Regi: Registered company or close corporation

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where… works a registered company or close corporation?

Notes The aim of this question is to establish if the organizations that people work for are formal or informal based on whether these businesses/organizations are registered and provide their employees with basic benefits.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 17127 8316463.1 25.6% 2 No 10154 4399598.1 13.6% 3 Do not know 216 127588.8 0.4%

- 96 - # Q417Regi: Registered company or close corporation

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 95 59054.2 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q418UIFC: UIF Deductions

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where… works deducting UIF contributions for him/her?

Notes The aim of this question is to establish if the organizations that people work for are formal or informal based on whether these businesses/organizations are registered and provide their employees with basic benefits.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 13775 6937551.3 21.4% 2 No, because his/her income is above UIF limit 13531 5814562.8 17.9% 3 Do not know 185 93425.0 0.3% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 101 57165.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q419MedA: Medical Aid or health insurance

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Does the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where…works provide contributions towards membership of a medical aid fund or health insurance for him/her?

Notes The aim of this question is to establish if the organizations that people work for are formal or informal based on whether these businesses/organizations are registered and provide their employees with basic benefits.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes, for him/herself only 1453 823756.7 2.5% 2 Yes, for him/herself and his/her dependants 3630 1993793.6 6.1% 3 No, because he/she is covered by someone else's 911 470802.6 1.5% medical aid fund/ health insurance 4 No medical aid benefits provided 21378 9496999.9 29.3% 5 Do not know 130 66053.4 0.2% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 90 51298.2 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q420VatR: Registered for VAT

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where…works registered for VAT?

Notes The aim of this question is to establish if the organizations/buisnesses that people work for are registered for VAT.

- 97 - # Q420VatR: Registered for VAT

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 15794 7691417.3 23.7% 2 No 11386 4962844.5 15.3% 3 Do not know 325 204458.1 0.6% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 87 43984.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q421Inco: Registered for income tax

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where…works registered for income tax?

Notes The aim of this question is to establish if the organisations/buisnesses that people work for are registered for income tax.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 16194 7937416.6 24.5% 2 No 10993 4731635.4 14.6% 3 Do not know 309 184409.3 0.6% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 96 49243.0 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q422Sect: Type of business sector

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Definition Formal sector employment is where the employer (institution, business or private individual) is registered perform the activity. Informal sector employment is where the employer is not registered.

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Is the organisation/ business/ enterprise/ branch where …… works

Notes The question is intended on finding out, in the respondent’s opinion, if the organizations they work for are in the formal or informal sector. Formal sector employment refers to cases where the employer is registered (i.e. registered for VAT) to perform the activities, if not the employment sector is regarded informal.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 In the formal sector 18922 9161628.6 28.2% 2 In the informal sector (including domestic work) 8470 3631966.5 11.2% 3 Do not know 101 57983.0 0.2% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 99 51126.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q423Locaa: Location of business/enterprise/branch

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Where is the business/ enterprise/ branch where …… works located?

- 98 - # Q423Locaa: Location of business/enterprise/branch

Notes The interest in this question is in the location of the businesses where people work. These include private households for domestic workers as well as street for street vendors.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 In the owner's home/On the owner's farm? 6917 2242412.5 6.9% 2 In someone else's home / Private household 3054 1349952.4 4.2% 3 Inside a formal business premises such as factory 10324 5678882.3 17.5% or office 4 At a service outlet such as a shop, school, post 5264 2586255.5 8.0% office, etc 5 At a market 49 26443.0 0.1% 6 On a footpath, street, street corner, open space or 612 295335.1 0.9% field 7 No fixed location 1229 644808.1 2.0% 8 Other 43 27662.8 0.1% 88 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 99 Unspecified 100 50952.6 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q424aHrs: Hours worked past week: Main job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Definition Hours worked

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours, including overtime, did …… work during the last seven days

Notes If there are multiple activities performed in the seven day prior to the interview as indicated in (Q2.1), the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 122 48651.0 0.1% 1 50 15999.2 0.0% 2 72 21746.4 0.1% 3 91 29244.2 0.1% 4 95 30255.1 0.1% 5 92 30463.5 0.1% 6 103 33562.7 0.1% 7 98 34436.2 0.1% 8 169 56651.2 0.2% 9 66 26021.9 0.1% 10 211 76848.7 0.2% 11 17 5742.7 0.0% 12 168 70022.3 0.2% 13 12 5170.6 0.0% 14 180 60385.5 0.2% 15 144 61692.3 0.2% 16 193 75232.4 0.2% 17 11 2614.3 0.0% 18 127 54287.8 0.2% - 99 - # Q424aHrs: Hours worked past week: Main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 19 5 2920.5 0.0% 20 376 142369.4 0.4% 21 128 55383.2 0.2% 22 23 9157.1 0.0% 23 7 1418.9 0.0% 24 246 123989.3 0.4% 25 290 128921.0 0.4% 26 14 3506.8 0.0% 27 76 31976.1 0.1% 28 118 40368.5 0.1% 29 7 5640.7 0.0% 30 605 233634.2 0.7% 32 165 73630.6 0.2% 33 20 8216.8 0.0% 34 21 8778.8 0.0% 35 1236 505593.2 1.6% 36 182 77247.1 0.2% 37 27 15094.5 0.0% 38 62 35887.9 0.1% 39 16 6275.2 0.0% 40 6345 3461398.8 10.7% 41 43 13979.2 0.0% 42 404 186610.1 0.6% 43 102 37064.1 0.1% 44 113 37936.4 0.1% 45 5005 2323471.0 7.2% 46 121 58951.1 0.2% 47 60 27349.9 0.1% 48 1283 650900.3 2.0% 49 292 114009.8 0.4% 50 1625 717097.2 2.2% 51 26 12462.0 0.0% 52 126 66716.9 0.2% 53 31 15600.7 0.0% 54 390 175267.9 0.5% 55 602 226829.2 0.7% 56 753 364620.2 1.1% 57 28 15331.7 0.0% 58 42 17749.1 0.1% 59 22 8012.2 0.0% 60 1242 604918.2 1.9% 61 20 8047.6 0.0% 62 29 9985.5 0.0% 63 358 164733.2 0.5% 64 70 27141.6 0.1%

- 100 - # Q424aHrs: Hours worked past week: Main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 65 121 59287.5 0.2% 66 128 62043.6 0.2% 67 12 5426.7 0.0% 68 47 16240.0 0.1% 69 10 3813.2 0.0% 70 549 249260.9 0.8% 71 4 1559.0 0.0% 72 282 145761.6 0.4% 73 7 1679.6 0.0% 74 30 10255.4 0.0% 75 47 19491.0 0.1% 76 19 9035.3 0.0% 77 191 90522.5 0.3% 78 29 14607.0 0.0% 79 5 4157.8 0.0% 80 103 45442.0 0.1% 81 3 1815.8 0.0% 82 12 4753.1 0.0% 84 599 269513.8 0.8% 85 20 7253.8 0.0% 86 14 2767.1 0.0% 87 2 986.9 0.0% 88 10 5144.1 0.0% 89 2 1017.1 0.0% 90 67 39079.5 0.1% 91 103 45696.8 0.1% 92 3 847.5 0.0% 94 24 8541.8 0.0% 95 9 2457.5 0.0% 96 37 21251.2 0.1% 98 81 37219.1 0.1% 99 5 1096.1 0.0% 100 6 1996.9 0.0% 102 4 4238.5 0.0% 104 1 222.3 0.0% 105 35 18735.4 0.1% 106 2 578.8 0.0% 107 1 214.1 0.0% 108 5 2152.8 0.0% 110 2 1341.2 0.0% 112 12 5617.3 0.0% 114 3 763.7 0.0% 118 1 1190.3 0.0% 119 6 1960.1 0.0% 120 10 5785.4 0.0%

- 101 - # Q424aHrs: Hours worked past week: Main job

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 125 5 2104.0 0.0% 126 3 2100.0 0.0% 130 1 1096.6 0.0% 133 1 349.0 0.0% 144 1 277.0 0.0% 150 3 294.3 0.0% 168 7 2740.0 0.0% 180 2 460.6 0.0% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 999 Unspecified 129 65239.8 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q424bHrs: Hours worked past week: Other activities

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Definition Hours worked

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours, including overtime, did …… work during the last seven days

Notes If there are multiple activities performed in the seven day prior to the interview as indicated in (Q2.1), the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 26843 12661797.0 39.0% 1 34 6067.4 0.0% 2 61 15419.1 0.0% 3 75 19071.7 0.1% 4 50 17332.4 0.1% 5 41 8851.8 0.0% 6 55 15234.5 0.0% 7 38 7949.1 0.0% 8 52 17845.2 0.1% 9 7 1394.1 0.0% 10 72 20808.0 0.1% 11 5 2159.6 0.0% 12 14 5276.6 0.0% 13 2 796.5 0.0% 14 15 3556.9 0.0% 15 18 6606.3 0.0% 16 5 3413.5 0.0% 18 12 6476.2 0.0% 20 25 6297.1 0.0% 21 4 1281.5 0.0% 22 1 301.2 0.0% 24 10 3750.8 0.0% 25 5 956.5 0.0%

- 102 - # Q424bHrs: Hours worked past week: Other activities

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 30 5 1945.2 0.0% 32 1 33.0 0.0% 35 1 363.6 0.0% 37 1 262.2 0.0% 38 1 248.4 0.0% 39 1 183.3 0.0% 40 2 399.1 0.0% 41 1 441.7 0.0% 45 1 47.8 0.0% 50 4 524.0 0.0% 64 1 373.4 0.0% 888 Not applicable 0 0.0 999 Unspecified 47128 19618472.8 60.4% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q424cHrs: Hours worked past week: In total

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Definition Hours worked

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours, including overtime, did …… work during the last seven days

Notes If there are multiple activities performed in the seven day prior to the interview as indicated in (Q2.1), the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 126 50975.5 0.2% 1 48 15642.4 0.0% 2 71 21499.5 0.1% 3 85 27701.6 0.1% 4 95 30322.2 0.1% 5 97 30846.1 0.1% 6 104 33891.8 0.1% 7 94 33241.4 0.1% 8 162 54470.2 0.2% 9 66 25373.8 0.1% 10 204 76257.0 0.2% 11 17 5493.2 0.0% 12 165 69222.7 0.2% 13 12 5170.6 0.0% 14 178 58719.6 0.2% 15 147 61887.4 0.2% 16 187 74812.6 0.2% 17 12 2680.7 0.0% 18 128 54928.6 0.2% 19 6 3290.2 0.0%

- 103 - # Q424cHrs: Hours worked past week: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 20 365 139493.2 0.4% 21 125 52805.6 0.2% 22 27 10893.9 0.0% 23 8 2179.1 0.0% 24 246 122229.3 0.4% 25 284 128420.5 0.4% 26 13 3036.4 0.0% 27 73 30488.0 0.1% 28 121 40248.7 0.1% 29 12 8217.6 0.0% 30 591 229384.8 0.7% 31 5 2008.8 0.0% 32 162 72123.1 0.2% 33 25 8999.9 0.0% 34 23 9689.9 0.0% 35 1206 495506.8 1.5% 36 186 77810.7 0.2% 37 31 16650.9 0.1% 38 68 37609.8 0.1% 39 17 6259.8 0.0% 40 6233 3422501.5 10.5% 41 51 15634.1 0.0% 42 415 188467.1 0.6% 43 109 39014.9 0.1% 44 130 46109.1 0.1% 45 4934 2309451.5 7.1% 46 143 66838.6 0.2% 47 76 29536.6 0.1% 48 1293 655909.3 2.0% 49 295 114310.5 0.4% 50 1632 720309.7 2.2% 51 34 13481.5 0.0% 52 138 68831.6 0.2% 53 44 19179.5 0.1% 54 387 174414.6 0.5% 55 601 229212.6 0.7% 56 737 360633.8 1.1% 57 38 18798.4 0.1% 58 60 22598.8 0.1% 59 37 11895.1 0.0% 60 1238 603840.4 1.9% 61 27 10532.4 0.0% 62 33 11464.6 0.0% 63 363 165158.7 0.5% 64 75 28098.8 0.1%

- 104 - # Q424cHrs: Hours worked past week: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 65 134 62037.8 0.2% 66 135 65487.3 0.2% 67 12 5426.7 0.0% 68 49 16187.6 0.0% 69 13 5435.5 0.0% 70 538 246950.4 0.8% 71 5 1644.7 0.0% 72 283 146866.5 0.5% 73 8 1960.1 0.0% 74 31 11208.8 0.0% 75 50 19575.3 0.1% 76 23 9847.6 0.0% 77 192 92007.3 0.3% 78 32 15495.3 0.0% 79 7 4552.9 0.0% 80 108 46216.7 0.1% 81 5 2656.9 0.0% 82 14 5158.8 0.0% 83 1 72.1 0.0% 84 595 269448.4 0.8% 85 26 8078.7 0.0% 86 14 2914.0 0.0% 87 3 1181.5 0.0% 88 9 5000.2 0.0% 89 4 1091.9 0.0% 90 71 39578.5 0.1% 91 105 46387.7 0.1% 92 3 847.5 0.0% 93 1 218.2 0.0% 94 24 8541.8 0.0% 95 9 2457.5 0.0% 96 38 21335.0 0.1% 98 75 35933.0 0.1% 99 5 1096.1 0.0% 100 8 2281.2 0.0% 101 3 1114.3 0.0% 102 4 4238.5 0.0% 104 4 385.8 0.0% 105 37 18700.4 0.1% 106 2 578.8 0.0% 107 1 214.1 0.0% 108 7 2474.1 0.0% 110 2 1341.2 0.0% 111 1 441.7 0.0% 112 11 5502.4 0.0%

- 105 - # Q424cHrs: Hours worked past week: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 114 3 763.7 0.0% 115 1 1167.0 0.0% 116 1 114.9 0.0% 118 1 1190.3 0.0% 119 6 1960.1 0.0% 120 10 5785.4 0.0% 125 5 2104.0 0.0% 126 3 2100.0 0.0% 130 1 1096.6 0.0% 133 1 349.0 0.0% 137 1 183.3 0.0% 144 1 277.0 0.0% 150 3 294.3 0.0% 168 7 2740.0 0.0% 180 2 460.6 0.0% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 999 Unspecified 129 65239.8 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q425aHrs: Hours usually worked: In his/her main job/activity

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours per week, including overtime, does … usually work?

Notes If there are multiple activities that a person usually performs the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 19 5303.6 0.0% 1 44 14405.6 0.0% 2 64 20056.9 0.1% 3 80 26005.7 0.1% 4 75 24002.4 0.1% 5 78 23823.3 0.1% 6 97 29544.7 0.1% 7 96 35511.4 0.1% 8 150 51562.9 0.2% 9 58 20953.0 0.1% 10 191 72435.4 0.2% 11 14 5487.6 0.0% 12 152 61398.9 0.2% 13 11 4575.0 0.0% 14 181 58952.6 0.2% 15 162 66756.8 0.2% 16 184 71795.0 0.2%

- 106 - # Q425aHrs: Hours usually worked: In his/her main job/activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 17 12 2789.8 0.0% 18 129 54098.4 0.2% 19 3 1382.3 0.0% 20 368 140684.5 0.4% 21 124 51322.3 0.2% 22 24 8496.8 0.0% 23 8 2510.3 0.0% 24 232 117016.4 0.4% 25 298 128674.6 0.4% 26 14 3910.5 0.0% 27 70 30663.7 0.1% 28 126 41442.8 0.1% 29 6 5266.9 0.0% 30 608 240479.5 0.7% 32 148 64899.2 0.2% 33 17 7198.9 0.0% 34 17 8488.7 0.0% 35 1275 524102.8 1.6% 36 166 70723.3 0.2% 37 24 12963.2 0.0% 38 62 32021.4 0.1% 39 19 7253.6 0.0% 40 6434 3546927.7 10.9% 41 41 12924.5 0.0% 42 409 191500.3 0.6% 43 102 35228.8 0.1% 44 116 41184.1 0.1% 45 5183 2392572.1 7.4% 46 125 59649.1 0.2% 47 62 28555.1 0.1% 48 1302 664652.6 2.0% 49 261 101420.8 0.3% 50 1660 722252.8 2.2% 51 30 12603.2 0.0% 52 125 60273.0 0.2% 53 28 33622.4 0.1% 54 391 172274.3 0.5% 55 606 204928.7 0.6% 56 740 336720.0 1.0% 57 21 11211.6 0.0% 58 46 20607.4 0.1% 59 26 9583.6 0.0% 60 1276 622977.3 1.9% 61 21 8398.4 0.0% 62 25 8345.5 0.0%

- 107 - # Q425aHrs: Hours usually worked: In his/her main job/activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 63 330 150998.2 0.5% 64 74 27608.3 0.1% 65 125 61255.3 0.2% 66 121 55309.9 0.2% 67 9 4726.1 0.0% 68 41 14290.9 0.0% 69 8 3473.3 0.0% 70 532 247972.5 0.8% 71 2 1116.1 0.0% 72 265 137964.3 0.4% 73 5 1198.3 0.0% 74 33 12037.9 0.0% 75 47 18933.7 0.1% 76 15 6540.3 0.0% 77 191 89922.7 0.3% 78 27 14631.8 0.0% 79 6 4490.4 0.0% 80 105 43514.9 0.1% 81 1 256.1 0.0% 82 12 5094.3 0.0% 84 591 262699.8 0.8% 85 20 7370.2 0.0% 86 14 2767.1 0.0% 87 1 273.9 0.0% 88 12 5530.6 0.0% 89 3 1163.9 0.0% 90 76 46712.4 0.1% 91 94 42034.3 0.1% 92 4 1101.3 0.0% 94 28 7338.5 0.0% 95 9 2457.5 0.0% 96 38 21412.8 0.1% 98 77 37479.3 0.1% 99 5 1096.1 0.0% 100 6 1996.9 0.0% 102 3 1863.8 0.0% 104 1 222.3 0.0% 105 34 18450.7 0.1% 107 1 214.1 0.0% 108 4 2070.1 0.0% 110 2 594.4 0.0% 112 13 6044.9 0.0% 114 3 763.7 0.0% 119 5 1887.4 0.0% 120 9 4304.3 0.0%

- 108 - # Q425aHrs: Hours usually worked: In his/her main job/activity

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 124 1 756.4 0.0% 125 5 2104.0 0.0% 126 2 1759.6 0.0% 130 1 1096.6 0.0% 133 1 349.0 0.0% 144 1 277.0 0.0% 150 3 294.3 0.0% 168 7 2740.0 0.0% 180 2 460.6 0.0% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 999 Unspecified 131 66307.0 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q425bHrs: Hours usually worked: In all other activities

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours per week, including overtime, does … usually work?

Notes If there are multiple activities that a person usually performs the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 26855 12656300.3 39.0% 1 35 7882.7 0.0% 2 48 11044.9 0.0% 3 64 13245.2 0.0% 4 56 21459.8 0.1% 5 47 10766.0 0.0% 6 46 11653.7 0.0% 7 36 7666.9 0.0% 8 42 14192.3 0.0% 9 8 1750.2 0.0% 10 61 19266.0 0.1% 11 2 244.6 0.0% 12 16 4826.0 0.0% 13 2 1027.7 0.0% 14 22 7535.0 0.0% 15 27 10736.0 0.0% 16 9 5058.9 0.0% 18 11 6921.4 0.0% 19 1 217.9 0.0% 20 32 10668.0 0.0% 21 4 1603.4 0.0% 22 1 301.2 0.0% 24 6 2496.5 0.0%

- 109 - # Q425bHrs: Hours usually worked: In all other activities

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 25 5 1808.1 0.0% 27 1 262.2 0.0% 30 6 2521.2 0.0% 32 1 207.6 0.0% 35 1 363.6 0.0% 38 1 248.4 0.0% 39 1 183.3 0.0% 40 3 1508.3 0.0% 45 1 47.8 0.0% 48 1 53.2 0.0% 50 5 892.0 0.0% 60 3 1063.8 0.0% 64 1 373.4 0.0% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 999 Unspecified 131 66307.0 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q425cHrs: Hours usually worked: In total

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 888-999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question How many hours per week, including overtime, does … usually work?

Notes If there are multiple activities that a person usually performs the number of hours worked in the main job should be stated in part a), number of hours worked in other work activities should be stated in part b) and the overall total in part c) of the question.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 18 6411.4 0.0% 1 43 13880.7 0.0% 2 64 20357.5 0.1% 3 77 25321.8 0.1% 4 78 24428.2 0.1% 5 79 23854.4 0.1% 6 95 28787.3 0.1% 7 94 35240.7 0.1% 8 141 48321.6 0.1% 9 58 21035.6 0.1% 10 183 71679.7 0.2% 11 16 5615.9 0.0% 12 150 60321.8 0.2% 13 11 4428.5 0.0% 14 179 57449.2 0.2% 15 164 67574.8 0.2% 16 178 70280.1 0.2% 17 13 2856.2 0.0% 18 134 56269.0 0.2%

- 110 - # Q425cHrs: Hours usually worked: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 19 5 1961.2 0.0% 20 359 138023.7 0.4% 21 121 50135.0 0.2% 22 28 9910.6 0.0% 23 7 2754.8 0.0% 24 230 114920.3 0.4% 25 293 128220.4 0.4% 26 12 2876.5 0.0% 27 67 28821.3 0.1% 28 126 41319.6 0.1% 29 10 6561.1 0.0% 30 602 238372.2 0.7% 31 4 1791.8 0.0% 32 146 64332.1 0.2% 33 21 7810.8 0.0% 34 18 7569.4 0.0% 35 1243 514042.1 1.6% 36 169 70849.6 0.2% 37 30 15524.8 0.0% 38 66 33762.1 0.1% 39 21 7769.5 0.0% 40 6324 3503195.8 10.8% 41 48 14171.4 0.0% 42 417 192894.7 0.6% 43 110 36583.1 0.1% 44 131 49686.1 0.2% 45 5112 2380291.0 7.3% 46 142 62752.6 0.2% 47 74 30188.5 0.1% 48 1304 667492.5 2.1% 49 273 104172.9 0.3% 50 1665 726487.7 2.2% 51 38 14476.7 0.0% 52 139 63776.3 0.2% 53 39 36649.2 0.1% 54 390 172087.3 0.5% 55 608 209359.7 0.6% 56 725 333148.5 1.0% 57 31 14003.3 0.0% 58 63 24098.8 0.1% 59 41 14053.2 0.0% 60 1281 625082.0 1.9% 61 31 11243.4 0.0% 62 28 9125.0 0.0% 63 335 151630.7 0.5%

- 111 - # Q425cHrs: Hours usually worked: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 64 80 29039.3 0.1% 65 136 64735.8 0.2% 66 124 57889.6 0.2% 67 10 5462.8 0.0% 68 43 14824.6 0.0% 69 10 4476.0 0.0% 70 516 243430.5 0.8% 71 2 1116.1 0.0% 72 265 138713.7 0.4% 73 7 1591.3 0.0% 74 36 12857.7 0.0% 75 52 19657.1 0.1% 76 20 7768.6 0.0% 77 192 91491.0 0.3% 78 31 15557.1 0.0% 79 7 4677.9 0.0% 80 111 45292.1 0.1% 81 2 984.8 0.0% 82 12 5094.3 0.0% 83 2 349.7 0.0% 84 591 262783.2 0.8% 85 24 7952.7 0.0% 86 13 2653.8 0.0% 87 3 676.0 0.0% 88 11 5386.7 0.0% 89 5 1238.7 0.0% 90 84 48608.0 0.1% 91 97 42943.4 0.1% 92 4 1101.3 0.0% 93 1 53.2 0.0% 94 28 7338.5 0.0% 95 9 2457.5 0.0% 96 39 21496.6 0.1% 98 72 36998.3 0.1% 99 5 1096.1 0.0% 100 6 954.9 0.0% 101 3 1114.3 0.0% 102 3 1863.8 0.0% 104 3 335.6 0.0% 105 36 18737.7 0.1% 107 1 214.1 0.0% 108 6 2391.5 0.0% 110 2 594.4 0.0% 112 12 5930.0 0.0% 114 3 763.7 0.0%

- 112 - # Q425cHrs: Hours usually worked: In total

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 115 1 1167.0 0.0% 116 1 114.9 0.0% 119 5 1887.4 0.0% 120 9 4304.3 0.0% 124 1 756.4 0.0% 125 5 2104.0 0.0% 126 2 1759.6 0.0% 130 1 1096.6 0.0% 133 1 349.0 0.0% 137 1 183.3 0.0% 140 1 1109.3 0.0% 144 1 277.0 0.0% 150 3 294.3 0.0% 168 7 2740.0 0.0% 180 2 460.6 0.0% 888 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 999 Unspecified 130 65313.1 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q426Fixe: Flexible working hours

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Can …… decide on the number of hours per week during which he/she works, or are these fixed by the employer?

Notes The aim of the question is to find out if people have a say in the number of hours they would like to work per week, whether they can decide to work flexi hours or they have to work the hours as stipulated by the employer without a say.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 He/she can decide fully for him/herself 5980 2722517.9 8.4% 2 He/she can decide, but within a limited range 897 513070.6 1.6% (e.g. flexitime) 3 Number of hours are fixed by his/her employer 20578 9592001.8 29.6% 4 Do not know 49 32891.1 0.1% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 88 42222.9 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q427More: Willing to work longer hours

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview.

Literal question Do/Does …… want to work longer hours?

Notes The question seeks to find out if people are willing to work longer hours than the number of hours that they normally work in a week or not.

- 113 - # Q427More: Willing to work longer hours

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 4101 2016281.8 6.2% 2 No 23334 10793840.9 33.3% 3 Do not know 63 46183.3 0.1% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 94 46398.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q428Star: Willing to do extra work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview and are willing to work long hours.

Literal question If extra work was available, would …… be able to start such work in the next four weeks?

Notes The question is intended on establishing if people would be able to start extra work in the four weeks after the interview, if such work was available.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 3158 1534416.3 4.7% 2 No 965 497845.0 1.5% 3 Do not know 37 25967.1 0.1% 8 Not applicable 70333 30347073.8 93.5% 9 Unspecified 98 50635.1 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q429Look: Action to look for extra work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview, willing to work long hours and can start work in the four weeks after the interview.

Literal question During the past four weeks, has …… taken any action to look for or prepare for any

Notes The question seeks to find out if people have taken an initiative to look for or prepare for any extra work.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 1127 584305.0 1.8% 2 No 2051 966592.2 3.0% 3 Do not know 17 9486.1 0.0% 8 Not applicable 71298 30844918.8 95.0% 9 Unspecified 98 50635.1 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q430Seekk: Activities done to look or prepare for extra work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview, willing to work long hours and can start work in the four weeks after the interview.

Literal question What activities did …… do to look or prepare for extra work?

Notes This question is applicable to people who have taken action to look for or prepare for extra work. The question is intended on finding out about the types of activities people did in search for extra work.

- 114 - # Q430Seekk: Activities done to look or prepare for extra work

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Enquired at workplaces, farms, factories or called 473 217720.5 0.7% on other possible employers 2 Waited/registered at employment agency, labour 85 59781.5 0.2% broker, department of labour or trade union 3 Placed or answered advertisements 221 115148.7 0.4% 4 Sought assistance from friends or relatives 235 132933.5 0.4% 5 Looked for land, buildings or equipment or 25 11862.8 0.0% applied for permit to start own business or farming 6 Waiting at the street-side 49 27577.3 0.1% 7 Other 37 18251.9 0.1% 8 Do not know 0 0.0 88 Not applicable 73366 31820997.2 98.0% 99 Unspecified 100 51664.0 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q431TypX: Type of extra work looking for

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were economically active in the seven days prior to the interview, willing to work long hours and can start work in the four weeks after the interview.

Literal question Was …… mostly looking for

Notes This question is applicable to people who have taken action to look for or prepare for extra work. The question is aimed at establishing if people have been looking for jobs similar to the one that they are currently doing of different with more hours.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 The same type of work 333 170783.8 0.5% 2 Different type of work 786 410600.9 1.3% 3 Do not know 3 1195.2 0.0% 8 Not applicable 73366 31820997.2 98.0% 9 Unspecified 103 52360.3 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q51Epwpk: Ever heard of the EPWP programme

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Has …… ever heard of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)?

Notes The EPWP is a nationwide programme which will draw significant numbers of the unemployed into productive work, so that workers gain skills while they work and increase their capacity to earn an income.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 25717 9563723.2 29.5% 2 No 48078 22484057.5 69.3% 3 Do not know 496 279170.2 0.9% 9 Unspecified 300 128986.4 0.4% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q52Epwpt: Participation in the EPWP programme

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*] - 115 - # Q52Epwpt: Participation in the EPWP programme

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Has …… participated in any EPWP programme or project during the past six (6) months?

Notes Job creation programmes can involve persons being trained in the manufacturing and sale of goods, e.g. growing vegetables for sale.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 784 302325.0 0.9% 2 No 24551 9099929.8 28.0% 3 Do not know 3 1114.7 0.0% 8 Not applicable 48574 22763227.6 70.1% 9 Unspecified 679 289340.2 0.9% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q53GovJo: Participation in the job creation programme

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Did ……. work in any government job creation programme or project during the past six (6) months?

Notes Note the reference period, the past six (6) months.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 699 269072.0 0.8% 2 No 72745 31679064.8 97.6% 3 Do not know 373 189903.3 0.6% 9 Unspecified 774 317897.3 1.0% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q54ProgN: Name of the job creation programme

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question What is the name of the programme or project that ……. worked/participated in during the past six (6) months?

Notes Record the name of the programme or project that the respondent participated in. For codes see Expanded Public Works Programme Code list.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Asisebenze 1 335.9 0.0% 2 Bambanani programme 3 1599.0 0.0% 3 Building for Sports & Recreation Programme 3 2782.3 0.0% (BSRP) 4 Community Based Public Works programme 17 2884.6 0.0% (CBPWP) 5 Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme 41 12601.9 0.0% (CASP) 6 Early Childhood Development (ECD) 6 2339.3 0.0% 8 Home Community Based Care (HCBC) 72 28613.0 0.1% 9 Integrated National Electrification Programme 1 169.1 0.0% (INEP) 10 Labour Based Construction Programme 199 72612.3 0.2%

- 116 - # Q54ProgN: Name of the job creation programme

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 11 LandCare 4 773.2 0.0% 12 People and Parks 3 913.2 0.0% 13 Repair and Maintentance Programme (RAMP) 1 177.9 0.0% 14 Saamstaan 1 50.4 0.0% 18 Siyazibambela 1 571.3 0.0% 20 Vukuzakhe 1 2873.2 0.0% 21 Working for the Coast 4 291.9 0.0% 23 Working for Waste 1 223.0 0.0% 24 Working for Water 11 3945.3 0.0% 26 Working on fire 1 117.1 0.0% 27 Zenzele 1 480.8 0.0% 28 Zibambele 56 10471.1 0.0% 29 Zivuseni 7 1932.9 0.0% 30 Not part of a programme 2 598.4 0.0% 31 Do not know 3 1667.8 0.0% 32 Other 196 77882.5 0.2% 88 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 99 Unspecified 837 360061.9 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q55aProvv: Province of programme/project

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Where was/is the programme or project in which ….… worked/participated based?

Notes Ask the respondent to tell you the province as well as the nearest town in which the programme or project that he/she participated in was based. Mark the corresponding box for the province and record the name of the nearest town in the space provided.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Western Cape 59 19871.3 0.1% 2 Eastern Cape 77 34133.8 0.1% 3 Northern Cape 73 10203.3 0.0% 4 Free State 83 25779.4 0.1% 5 KwaZulu-Natal 179 44825.7 0.1% 6 North West 40 16271.3 0.1% 7 Gauteng 77 55716.9 0.2% 8 Mpumalanga 38 16214.9 0.0% 9 Limpopo 24 11833.8 0.0% 88 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 99 Unspecified 823 352118.7 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 10106-99999] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

- 117 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Literal question Where was/is the programme or project in which ….… worked/participated based?

Notes Ask the respondent to tell you the province as well as the nearest town in which the programme or project that he/she participated in was based. Mark the corresponding box for the province and record the name of the nearest town in the space provided.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 10106 Matzikama 1 156.9 0.0% 10108 Vanrhynsdorp 1 156.2 0.0% 10201 Cederberg 1 20.9 0.0% 10202 Citrusdal 1 245.8 0.0% 10408 Saldanha Bay 1 196.1 0.0% 10611 Wolseley 1 334.6 0.0% 10706 Paarl 3 697.4 0.0% 11001 Ashton 1 250.6 0.0% 11107 Grabouw 1 51.6 0.0% 11302 Arniston 1 65.5 0.0% 11307 Napier 1 49.3 0.0% 11308 Struisbaai 2 136.2 0.0% 11609 Langeberg 1 518.9 0.0% 11715 Mossel Bay Part 1 1 389.3 0.0% 11802 George Part 2 1 221.6 0.0% 11810 Wilderness 1 264.3 0.0% 11906 Oudtshoorn Part 1 1 328.4 0.0% 11910 Oudtshoorn Part 2 1 255.1 0.0% 12201 Laingsburg 1 58.2 0.0% 12202 Laingsburg Municipality 1 48.0 0.0% 12203 Matjiesfontein 1 50.4 0.0% 12303 Prince Albert Part 2 3 84.6 0.0% 12401 Beaufort West Part 1 1 24.7 0.0% 12404 Beaufort West Part 2 5 138.6 0.0% 17106 Cape Town 8 10249.0 0.0% 17138 Parow 2 1845.8 0.0% 19301 Overberg 2 198.5 0.0% 19503 Murraysburg 1 55.5 0.0% 19504 Murraysburg 2 90.8 0.0% 20207 Somerset East 1 147.9 0.0% 20403 Grahamstown 2 246.5 0.0% 20601 Addo 1 158.8 0.0% 21005 Ebotwe 1 233.6 0.0% 21113 Lindinxiwa 6 2726.0 0.0% 21123 Nqamakwe 1 817.9 0.0% 21303 Amazizi 1 358.2 0.0% 21431 King Williams Town 1 2873.2 0.0% 21611 Fort Beaufort 1 831.2 0.0% 21907 Tsolwana 2 657.2 0.0% 22112 Queenstown Part 1 2 810.4 0.0% 22204 Cofimvaba Part 1 1 567.9 0.0%

- 118 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 22404 Engcobo 4 738.5 0.0% 22610 Maclear 2 276.3 0.0% 22614 Mount Fletcher Part 1 1 177.9 0.0% 22619 Ugie 1 230.1 0.0% 22707 Hlubi 1 1003.2 0.0% 22717 Sterkspruit 3 512.7 0.0% 22803 Jamestown 1 250.8 0.0% 23207 Flagstaff 1 872.5 0.0% 23308 Port St Johns Part 1 1 894.1 0.0% 23524 Qumbu 1 815.9 0.0% 23614 Mqanduli 1 219.9 0.0% 23626 Umtata Part 1 4 3985.2 0.0% 23804 Fikeni 2 1599.6 0.0% 23816 Mount Ayliff 1 434.2 0.0% 23817 Mount Frere 19 6772.9 0.0% 27514 Motherwell 2 901.3 0.0% 27515 Nelson Mandela 8 2856.1 0.0% 27516 Port Elizabeth 1 488.6 0.0% 30106 Port Nolloth 2 152.5 0.0% 30210 Springbok 4 249.1 0.0% 30301 Garies 7 494.5 0.0% 30306 Karkams 1 65.1 0.0% 30402 Calvinia 5 513.4 0.0% 30504 Williston 2 84.5 0.0% 30605 Pofadder 1 76.5 0.0% 30801 Colesberg 1 56.7 0.0% 30904 Emthanjeni 1 97.7 0.0% 31002 Kareeberg 2 202.1 0.0% 31203 Strydenburg 2 204.7 0.0% 31302 Marydale 1 85.8 0.0% 31403 Douglas 4 345.8 0.0% 31404 Griekwastad 2 205.2 0.0% 31609 Keimoes 2 220.7 0.0% 31711 Upington 3 397.4 0.0% 31902 Boitshoko 1 51.5 0.0% 31908 Postmasburg 1 173.6 0.0% 32101 Galeshewe 15 3893.9 0.0% 32102 Kimberley 3 696.1 0.0% 32105 Roodepan 1 304.0 0.0% 32203 Delportshoop 1 244.4 0.0% 32301 Ikutseng 1 152.3 0.0% 32303 Warrenton 1 135.6 0.0% 32404 Kathu 3 406.3 0.0% 39101 Namaqualand 2 193.7 0.0% 39503 Kalahari 1 119.2 0.0%

- 119 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 40107 Letsemeng 1 63.7 0.0% 40204 Fauresmith 1 53.6 0.0% 40209 Jagersfontein 1 71.6 0.0% 40210 Kopanong 2 103.0 0.0% 40218 Reddersburg 11 667.2 0.0% 40303 Mohokare 4 276.4 0.0% 40305 Rouxville 1 64.8 0.0% 40306 Smithfield 2 100.9 0.0% 40307 Zastron 1 343.6 0.0% 40407 Wepener 1 522.2 0.0% 40501 Baralong Boo Moroka 1 511.2 0.0% 40502 Bloemfontein 5 2025.8 0.0% 40503 Botshabelo 2 1245.8 0.0% 40510 Thaba Nchu 1 357.6 0.0% 40511 Mangaung Part 2 6 1270.8 0.0% 40607 Mantsopa 1 569.5 0.0% 40611 1 214.8 0.0% 41008 Matjhabeng 3 1188.4 0.0% 41020 Virginia 1 480.4 0.0% 41022 Welkom 2 919.8 0.0% 41301 Bethlehem 2 1125.0 0.0% 41403 Leratswana 2 1066.9 0.0% 41405 Mamafubedu 1 744.5 0.0% 41512 7 4310.9 0.0% 41513 Thaba Bosiu 1 364.5 0.0% 41701 Kroonstad 6 1852.2 0.0% 41703 Matlwangtlwang 1 332.7 0.0% 41704 Moqhaka 1 178.5 0.0% 41709 Viljoenskroon 1 301.1 0.0% 41802 Heilbron 1 442.7 0.0% 41806 Ngwathe Part 1 1 235.4 0.0% 41903 Deneysville 1 227.0 0.0% 41909 Sasolburg 5 2027.7 0.0% 50214 Umdoni 1 85.5 0.0% 50215 Umzinto 2 372.1 0.0% 50307 Ndelu 1 104.2 0.0% 50403 Harding 3 686.0 0.0% 50501 Ezingoleni 2 327.4 0.0% 50605 Hibiscus Coast 1 187.3 0.0% 50620 Port Shepstone Part 1 3 421.7 0.0% 50716 Wartburg 1 280.0 0.0% 51109 Pietermaritzburg 13 4466.0 0.0% 51302 Richmond Part 1 1 234.2 0.0% 51403 Emnambithi/Ladysmith 1 138.5 0.0% 51407 Ladysmith 11 2650.0 0.0%

- 120 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 51710 Okhahlamba 1 172.5 0.0% 51715 Bergville Part 2 5 950.2 0.0% 51804 Estcourt 1 241.6 0.0% 51901 Dundee 5 847.0 0.0% 51908 Wasbank 2 424.7 0.0% 52010 Nqutu 11 2005.6 0.0% 52202 Bomvu 1 147.3 0.0% 52210 Mtungwa 6 1279.8 0.0% 52305 Greytown 3 461.9 0.0% 52307 Kranskop 1 435.4 0.0% 52404 Newcastle Part 1 8 2871.2 0.0% 52501 Utrecht Part 1 5 812.5 0.0% 52604 Gule 1 289.1 0.0% 52703 eDumbe 4 946.1 0.0% 52901 Abaqulusi 4 814.4 0.0% 52913 Vryheid 2 466.5 0.0% 53205 Tembe 1 209.4 0.0% 53207 Zikhali/Mbila 1 121.3 0.0% 53308 Myeni/Ntsinde 6 1369.2 0.0% 53312 Jozini Part 1 2 344.1 0.0% 53408 The Big 5 False Bay 1 263.1 0.0% 53612 Mtubatuba Part 2 1 339.0 0.0% 53802 Dube 4 1624.8 0.0% 53803 Empangeni 2 1192.0 0.0% 53804 Esikhawini 1 329.5 0.0% 54027 uMlalazi 2 872.7 0.0% 54304 Mandini 1 141.6 0.0% 54410 Stanger 2 920.3 0.0% 54507 Iqadi 1 1201.9 0.0% 54709 Ingwe 6 430.1 0.0% 54711 Madzikone 2 597.2 0.0% 54904 Matatiele Part 1 5 677.1 0.0% 55003 Kokstad 12 1198.4 0.0% 55105 Ixopo 1 169.1 0.0% 57218 Durban 2 441.4 0.0% 57223 Ethekwini 1 286.9 0.0% 57289 Verulam 1 225.2 0.0% 60207 Brits 3 2311.0 0.0% 60315 Rustenburg Part 1 1 553.0 0.0% 60816 Mafikeng Part 1 2 512.4 0.0% 60823 Mafikeng Part 2 1 258.4 0.0% 60905 Ditsobotla 1 243.0 0.0% 61017 Zeerust Part 2 3 1399.7 0.0% 61204 Vryburg 1 250.4 0.0% 61403 Bathlaping Ba Ga Phuduhutswana 3 733.0 0.0%

- 121 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 61604 Lekwa-Teemane 1 280.2 0.0% 61703 Part 1 1 413.0 0.0% 61803 Part 2 1 278.9 0.0% 61902 City Council of 3 2108.4 0.0% 61911 Khuma 2 617.3 0.0% 61912 Klerksdorp 1 346.1 0.0% 61916 2 599.8 0.0% 62005 1 307.9 0.0% 67605 Mabopane Part 2 1 836.8 0.0% 67606 Soshanguve Part 2 1 1169.3 0.0% 68103 Kuruman Part 1 3 217.0 0.0% 68104 Mothibistad 2 216.4 0.0% 70102 Krugersdorp 2 778.7 0.0% 70109 Mogale City Part 2 1 670.1 0.0% 70205 Randfontein Part 1 3 1261.0 0.0% 70316 Westonaria Part 1 2 876.2 0.0% 70409 Vanderbijlpark 1 267.5 0.0% 70410 Vereeniging 10 2969.9 0.0% 70503 Meyerton 1 326.3 0.0% 70602 Heidelberg 1 1295.5 0.0% 70703 Kekana Gardens 2 231.3 0.0% 70707 Refilwe 4 423.0 0.0% 77301 Alberton 1 1812.2 0.0% 77305 Boksburg 1 969.2 0.0% 77309 Daveyton 1 957.1 0.0% 77315 Germiston 5 4927.6 0.0% 77321 Nigel 1 3953.5 0.0% 77323 Springs 6 7220.5 0.0% 77409 Johannesburg 4 6146.1 0.0% 77417 Orange Farm 1 1424.1 0.0% 77426 Soweto 1 1613.0 0.0% 77606 Hammanskraal Part 1 1 703.3 0.0% 77612 Pretoria 11 9212.9 0.0% 77614 Soshanguve Part 1 1 1057.7 0.0% 78203 Kungwini Part 2 11 2097.0 0.0% 78803 Carletonville 2 781.6 0.0% 80107 Eerstehoek 2 520.2 0.0% 80309 Piet Retief 1 108.8 0.0% 80408 Volksrust 1 275.5 0.0% 80501 Lekwa 5 1440.3 0.0% 80602 Dipaleseng 1 386.8 0.0% 80948 Witbank 3 1531.7 0.0% 81002 Hendrina 1 564.1 0.0% 81006 Middelburg Part 1 2 1113.6 0.0% 81109 Waterval Boven 1 249.9 0.0%

- 122 - # Q55bTown: Nearest town to programme/project

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 81503 Hazyview 4 1652.7 0.0% 81511 Mbombela 5 2733.9 0.0% 81517 Nelspruit 2 1174.9 0.0% 81601 Barberton 1 369.6 0.0% 81715 Nkomazi 1 307.9 0.0% 88202 Kungwini Part 1 1 121.9 0.0% 88301 Greater Marble Hall 1 517.1 0.0% 88302 Marble Hall 2 1149.0 0.0% 88402 Groblersdal 1 397.0 0.0% 88502 Burgersfort 4 1674.5 0.0% 88888 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 90111 Giyani Part 2 4 1924.1 0.0% 90312 Tzaneen 2 887.5 0.0% 90803 Dzanani 1 330.8 0.0% 90908 Matlala 1 729.7 0.0% 91103 Dendron 1 727.2 0.0% 91215 Pietersburg Part 1 2 989.0 0.0% 91216 Polokwane 3 3060.3 0.0% 91502 Ellisras 2 485.9 0.0% 91801 Belabela 1 475.7 0.0% 92008 Pedi Mamone 1 274.1 0.0% 92011 SMN 1 198.8 0.0% 98507 SD 2 897.2 0.0% 99999 Unspecified 880 373275.7 1.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56aCons: Acquired skills: Construction related

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 342 112465.1 0.3% 2 No 294 111988.2 0.3% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 837 362516.0 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56bHome: Acquired skills: Home based care

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

- 123 - # Q56bHome: Acquired skills: Home based care

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 60 24995.1 0.1% 2 No 575 199344.7 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56cChil: Acquired skills: Early childhood development

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 15 5451.4 0.0% 2 No 620 218888.5 0.7% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56dFore: Acquired skills: Forestry

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 33 9229.1 0.0% 2 No 602 215110.8 0.7% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56eAgri: Acquired skills: Agriculture and animal husbandry

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 64 18743.0 0.1% 2 No 571 205596.9 0.6%

- 124 - # Q56eAgri: Acquired skills: Agriculture and animal husbandry

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56fNume: Acquired skills: Numeracy/ literacy

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 5 1176.6 0.0% 2 No 630 223163.2 0.7% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56gHiva: Acquired skills: HIV/AIDS awareness

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 54 22309.5 0.1% 2 No 580 201557.9 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 839 363101.8 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q56hCare: Acquired skills: Career awareness

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 33 11918.0 0.0% 2 No 602 212421.9 0.7% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 838 362629.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 125 - # Q56iBusn: Acquired skills: Business related

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 48 18859.8 0.1% 2 No 588 205730.9 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 837 362378.6 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 126 - # Q56jOthr: Acquired skills: Other

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Which skills (if any) did ………. acquired during participation in any of the programmes or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the kind of skills acquired during the programmes.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 50 26813.8 0.1% 2 No 584 197011.6 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 839 363143.8 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q57Still: Still working in the job creation programme

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question Is …… still working/participating in the programme or project?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the trend of people who participate in the programme.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 321 103903.9 0.3% 2 No 318 121048.5 0.4% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 834 362016.8 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q58aSust: Benefit of participating: Permanent job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question What, if any, were/are the benefits of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the benefits of attending these programmes

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 108 40577.0 0.1% 2 No 526 183092.9 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 839 363299.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q58bStar: Benefit of participating: Start business

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

- 127 - # Q58bStar: Benefit of participating: Start business

Literal question What, if any, were/are the benefits of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the benefits of attending these programmes

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 92 34752.9 0.1% 2 No 542 188917.0 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 839 363299.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q58cFurt: Benefit of participating: Further training

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question What, if any, were/are the benefits of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the benefits of attending these programmes

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 145 59989.9 0.2% 2 No 489 163680.0 0.5% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 839 363299.3 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q58dTemp: Benefit of participating: Temporary work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question What, if any, were/are the benefits of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the benefits of attending these programmes

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 245 67122.7 0.2% 2 No 391 156770.4 0.5% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 837 363076.2 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q58eOthr: Benefit of participating: Other

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above and who participated in a job creation programme or expanded public works programme in the past 6 months.

Literal question What, if any, were/are the benefits of participating in the programme or project mentioned in Q5.4?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing the benefits of attending these programmes

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 43 17926.4 0.1%

- 128 - # Q58eOthr: Benefit of participating: Other

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 No 589 204844.0 0.6% 8 Not applicable 73118 31868968.1 98.2% 9 Unspecified 841 364198.9 1.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q61FarmA: Farming activity

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question Did …… grow or help to grow any produce, e.g. maize or other crops, vegetables or fruit, or keep, or help to keep, any stock, e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, horses, even chickens, for sale or for household use during the last 12 months?

Notes The question is aimed at establishing if people aged 15 years and above were involved in any agricultural activities, either for household consumption or for sale.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 11792 4687193.8 14.4% 2 No 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 263 120562.7 0.4% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Mar06: Farming activity: March 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 7258 2738914.2 8.4% 2 No 4460 1914293.3 5.9% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 337 154549.1 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Apr06: Farming activity: April 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 7010 2650027.8 8.2% 2 No 4698 2000203.1 6.2% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 347 157525.6 0.5% - 129 - # Q62Apr06: Farming activity: April 2006 Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62May06: Farming activity: May 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6907 2632048.6 8.1% 2 No 4799 2013356.5 6.2% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 349 162351.4 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Jun06: Farming activity: June 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6744 2625213.0 8.1% 2 No 4954 2020107.8 6.2% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 357 162435.7 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Jul06: Farming activity: July 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6510 2527559.3 7.8% 2 No 5189 2115918.6 6.5% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 356 164278.6 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

- 130 - # Q62Aug06: Farming activity: August 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 6909 2621144.0 8.1% 2 No 4786 2020188.6 6.2% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 360 166423.9 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Sep06: Farming activity: September 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 7711 2925002.8 9.0% 2 No 3992 1720499.5 5.3% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 352 162254.1 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Oct06: Farming activity: October 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 8587 3331380.4 10.3% 2 No 3110 1310825.1 4.0% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 358 165551.0 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Nov06: Farming activity: November 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

- 131 - # Q62Nov06: Farming activity: November 2006

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 9597 3797060.2 11.7% 2 No 2100 845488.2 2.6% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 358 165208.1 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Dec06: Farming activity: December 2006

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 10075 4057769.1 12.5% 2 No 1632 587635.0 1.8% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 348 162352.4 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Jan07: Farming activity: January 2007

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 9473 3855795.7 11.9% 2 No 2229 788798.0 2.4% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 353 163162.8 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q62Feb07: Farming activity: February 2007

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question During which months was …… engaged in growing produce or keeping stock in the last 12 months?

- 132 - # Q62Feb07: Farming activity: February 2007

Notes This question is applicable to people that answered "Yes" in (Q6.1). The interest in this question is on the information regarding to the farming activities throughout the year.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 8764 3560673.3 11.0% 2 No 2935 1083125.8 3.3% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 356 163957.4 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q63FarmW: Reason for farming

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in agricultural activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question Why does …… grow or help in growing farm produce or keep stock for the household?

Notes This question seeks the reasons for growing farm produce or keeping stock for the household as a way of establishing the extent to which the household depends on what it produces or if the household does these activities for leisure or as hobbies.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 As a main source of food for the household 999 403087.0 1.2% 2 As the main source of income/earning a living 393 125513.2 0.4% 3 As an extra source of income 634 251802.2 0.8% 4 As an extra source of food for the household 9230 3721365.1 11.5% 5 As a leisure activity or hobby, e.g. gardening 439 141895.5 0.4% 8 Not applicable 62536 27648180.8 85.2% 9 Unspecified 360 164093.5 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q64Volun: Voluntary work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above.

Literal question In the last 12 months, did …… do any uncompensated work for the benefit of a community, neighbourhood, or an interest group?

Notes This question seeks to establish if people were involved in any voluntary work where a person works for no pay. Usually people volunteer their services in churches, hospitals, old age homes, etc. Activities such as singing, ball playing, or hiking, are included only if they were performed primarily to benefit a broader group of people.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 3538 1626139.1 5.0% 2 No 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 349 156340.4 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65aVday: Voluntary work: Help the sick

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

- 133 - # Q65aVday: Voluntary work: Help the sick

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 877 335240.7 1.0% 2 No 2618 1271735.9 3.9% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 392 175502.9 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65bMedC: Voluntary work: Medical care

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 519 218030.5 0.7% 2 No 2975 1388634.8 4.3% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 393 175814.2 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65cTrai: Voluntary work: Provision of training

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 345 191038.0 0.6% 2 No 3148 1416053.9 4.4% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 394 175387.5 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65dLawk: Voluntary work: Law and order

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

- 134 - # Q65dLawk: Voluntary work: Law and order

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 409 188245.4 0.6% 2 No 3082 1418063.1 4.4% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 396 176171.0 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65eComu: Voluntary work: Maintenance of community resources

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 500 250493.5 0.8% 2 No 2993 1356259.3 4.2% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 394 175726.7 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65fOrge: Voluntary work: Organise cultural events

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 709 345110.2 1.1% 2 No 2784 1261562.6 3.9% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 394 175806.7 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65gColl: Voluntary work: Collect money

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-8] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 557 236783.6 0.7%

- 135 - # Q65gColl: Voluntary work: Collect money

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 2 No 2935 1369660.6 4.2% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 395 176035.3 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65hFund: Voluntary work: Fund raising

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 309 124667.7 0.4% 2 No 3183 1481776.6 4.6% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 395 176035.3 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Q65iOthr: Voluntary work: Something else

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Universe All members of the households in selected dwelling units aged 15 years and above who were involved in uncompensated activities in the 12 months prior to the interview.

Literal question In which areas was the uncompensated work …… did in the last 12 months?

Notes This question is intended to find out what voluntary activities people were involved in for no pay in the twelve months prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Yes 553 282995.9 0.9% 2 No 2935 1321864.4 4.1% 8 Not applicable 70704 30673457.8 94.5% 9 Unspecified 399 177619.2 0.5% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Sector: Sector of work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable: Derived from Questions 4.1 and 4.22.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Formal 18782 9126368.4 28.1% 2 Informal 6330 2712727.0 8.4% 3 Do not know 96 53863.8 0.2% 4 Domestic workers 2291 960929.3 3.0% 8 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 9 Unspecified 93 48815.9 0.2%

- 136 - # Sector: Sector of work Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Indus: Main industry

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable: Derived from Question 4.2.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 4640 1149537.0 3.5% 2 Mining and quarrying 922 456256.4 1.4% 3 Manufacturing 3211 1780619.6 5.5% 4 Electricity, gas and water supply 194 103712.5 0.3% 5 Construction 1956 976380.6 3.0% 6 Wholesale and retail trade 5940 3014712.9 9.3% 7 Transport, storage and communication 997 587295.3 1.8% 8 Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate 1882 1340396.9 4.1% and business services 9 Community, social and personal services 5111 2330141.9 7.2% 10 Private households 2685 1138677.6 3.5% 11 Exterior organisations and foreign government 6 3715.1 0.0% 12 Other 0 0.0 88 Not applicable 47012 19557354.5 60.3% 99 Unspecified 35 17137.0 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Occup: Main occupation

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable: Derived from Question 4.1.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Legislators, senior officials and managers 1462 938470.2 2.9% 2 Professionals 953 598854.4 1.8% 3 Technical and associate professionals 2292 1186542.9 3.7% 4 Clerks 2218 1271729.8 3.9% 5 Service workers and shop and market sales 3341 1649895.4 5.1% workers 6 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 1692 475400.7 1.5% 7 Craft and related trades workers 3488 1793092.1 5.5% 8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2394 1182355.7 3.6% 9 Elementary Occupation 7409 2821917.6 8.7% 10 Domestic workers 2291 960929.3 3.0% 88 Not applicable 47012 19557354.5 60.3% 97 Occupation not adequately defined 1 1460.9 0.0% 99 Unspecified 38 17933.8 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # IndusP: Previous industry

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

- 137 - # IndusP: Previous industry

Literal question Derived variable. Derived from questions 3.8 and 3.11.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 7 2117.2 0.0% 1 Agriculture, hunting and forestry 3152 791051.2 2.4% 2 Mining 542 202741.1 0.6% 3 Manufacturing 1971 1010969.0 3.1% 4 Electricity, gas and water 95 44310.4 0.1% 5 Construction 1119 493279.7 1.5% 6 Wholesale and retail trade 2603 1164795.4 3.6% 7 Transport, storage and communication 554 259920.8 0.8% 8 Finance and business services 715 398293.9 1.2% 9 Community, social and personal services 1775 775714.7 2.4% 10 Private households 4241 1388069.3 4.3% 11 Exterior organizations and foreign government 14 3627.8 0.0% 12 Other/Activities not adequately defined 2 612.2 0.0% 88 Not applicable 57698 25880847.0 79.7% 99 Unspecified 103 39587.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # OccuPrev: Previous occupation

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable: Derived from questions 3.8 and 3.10.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 Legislators, senior officials and managers 272 151126.8 0.5% 2 Professionals 207 130304.0 0.4% 3 Technical and associate professionals 690 323808.4 1.0% 4 Clerks 1130 598383.5 1.8% 5 Service workers and shop and market sales 1583 705909.3 2.2% workers 6 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 1438 316623.6 1.0% 7 Craft and related trades workers 1766 771273.8 2.4% 8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1175 547653.6 1.7% 9 Elementary Occupation 4551 1697084.3 5.2% 10 Domestic workers 3971 1291218.4 4.0% 88 Not applicable 57705 25882964.3 79.7% 99 Occupation not elsewhere defined, Unspecified 103 39587.4 0.1% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # IncmGrp: Income group

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived variable. Derived from questions 4.15.a, 4.15.b and 4.15.c.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 1 NONE 1512 449497.8 1.4% 2 R1 - R200 Per Month 888 356297.1 1.1%

- 138 - # IncmGrp: Income group

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 3 R201 - R500 Per Month 2454 940904.3 2.9% 4 R501 - R1 000 Per Month 5470 2009825.3 6.2% 5 R1 001 - R1 500 Per Month 3487 1549872.8 4.8% 6 R1 501 - R2 500 Per Month 3847 2005677.1 6.2% 7 R2 501 - R3 500 Per Month 2310 1191975.5 3.7% 8 R3 501 - R4 500 Per Month 1439 713439.9 2.2% 9 R4 501 - R6 000 Per Month 1579 808468.0 2.5% 10 R6 001 - R8 000 Per Month 1272 709347.1 2.2% 11 R8 001 - R11 000 Per Month 1091 606315.1 1.9% 12 R11 001 - R16 000 Per Month 604 399213.1 1.2% 13 R16 001 - R30 000 Per Month 364 304460.6 0.9% 14 R30 001 or more Per Month 141 123358.5 0.4% 15 Do not know 343 213127.8 0.7% 16 Refuse 670 447516.0 1.4% 88 Not applicable 46999 19553233.0 60.2% 99 Unspecified 121 73408.2 0.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Status1: Official unemployment definition

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived from a logical series of questions: see metadata

Notes According to the official unemployment definition, a person must satisfy the following three conditions: The person did not work during the seven days prior to the survey interview, and does not have any job attachment; Wants to work and is available to start work within 2 weeks; Has taken active steps to look for work or to start own business in the 4 weeks prior to the interview.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 Not economically active 37488 15210709.8 46.9% 1 Employed 27579 12898582.8 39.7% 2 Unemployed 9524 4346644.7 13.4% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Status2: Expanded unemployment definition

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 / 32455937.29 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ]

Literal question Derived from a logical series of questions: See metadata

Notes According to the expanded unemployment definition, a person must satisfy the following two conditions: The person did not work during the seven days prior to the survey interview, and does not have any job attachment; Wants to work and is available to start work within 2 weeks.

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted) 0 Not economically active 29403 11697079.3 36.0% 1 Employed 27579 12898582.8 39.7% 2 Unemployed 17609 7860275.2 24.2% Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest. # Workers_wgt: Weight

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 3.5533-20840.42] [Missing=*]

- 139 - # Workers_wgt: Weight

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=74591 /-] [Invalid=0 /-]

- 140 -