Book Reviews
Book Reviews to send him to Georgetown University for a BRACETE $10.95 DROPS OF REMEMBRANCE preparatory, graduate-level immigration law BY Juan M. Bracete course taught by Charles Gordon. Bracete Vantage Press, New York, NY, 2012. 66 pages, $10.95. grabbed the opportunityDrops of Remembrance ,and the bracing soon new memoir com from- author Juan Bracete, recounts his years as a U.S. Immigration Judge, menced work withand the the following Board period whenof Immigrationhe worked as a U.S. Foreign Service officer. Mr. Bracete relates some of the many incidents Reviewed by R. Mark Frey Appeals. Later, hebecause observed, and ofsupplies his poignant grandfather’s anecdotes regarding his terminal illness,work, he as quit well as biographicalhis job notesand about returned the nature of his job and how it profoundly shaped his career. In writing his memoir, OF DROPS A career in the United States Foreign to Puerto Rico.Bracete Bracete acts on his long-heldinitially desire to despairedshare with his readers the R totality of his life experience, and his search for ways continu- E M E Service—the allure of exotic locales, climes, about his employmentally to improve hisprospects journey through Puerto MB RANCE OF cultures, and peoples, has caused many of Rico, but, as he notes, “God provides for DROPS us to consider it. It can be a great way to see madmen, children and fools,” and, not long JUAN BRACETE was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Having earned REMEMBRANCE the world and possibly play a role in world after returning,his he B.A.
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