Gleditsia triacanthos


Ficus macrocarpa var. hillii

Lophostemon confertis

unidentified species 1 movement patterns through the space

the space is a major thoroughfare. People pass through it without regestering their surroundings (save perhaps how hot is at around 2pm on a summer day). The space forms connections between the guild village, the main library and the cricket oval, all major nodes within the university. Corymbia calophylla


Platanus x Acerifolius

Agonis flexuosa

Eucalyptus rudis Shadow analysis morning (top) afternoon (bottom) no sun in the morning, near complete sun in the afternoon unidentified species 2 Obligations and Considerations major thoroughfare major service corridor intense sun in summer edge effects (lawn) little soil present below paving sparse vegetation present no spaces to pause/sit Design Development the layout of the raised planter boxes is derived from mapping peoples movement through the space and the major passages and nodes that surround it. Further more, all service hatches have been left accessable, the planter boxes navigating around them.

The space is to become an exhibition space for endemic and native of the Perth region and surrounds. Due to lack of sub-surface soil and high presence of services and utilities, the vegetation will be planted in large planter boxes.

These planter boxes are to act like plinths; putting Western Perths flora on display. These planter boxes will range from 0.5 to 1.5m in height, forcing pas- sers by to see them up close. People will witness the plants in great detail, in contrast to how the average person sercieves the bush as nothing spectacular, which of course it is.

In place of the 8 Queensland boxes that form the vegetation pallette of the immediate space, 5 native trees will be planted. These tree will utilize the same locations due to lack of areas suitable for ground concept sketch planting. Summer Winter

The raised planter boxes will provide relief from the summer sun for passers by, as well as shaded places to sit for people wishing to dwell in the space. Similarly, in winter, seats are positioned so people are able to soak up the sun.

The space will retain its function as a thoroughfare, provided passers by with both exposed and shel- tered passages. Should people desire to simply pass through the space they may do so.

Master Plan 1

2 1 Verticordia grandis 2 Eremophila glabra (prostrate) 3 Lepidosperma gladiatum 3 4 baueri 6 4 5 Hibbertia cuneiformis 6 Canostylis candicans 7 7 obtusifolia (prostrate) 8 prostrata 9 Corymbia calophylla 10 Darwinia citriodora 8 5 11 Ficinia nodosa 12 Calothamnus quadrifidus 13 Macrozamia riedlei 14 cygnorum 15 Grevillea preisii 10 16 Eucalyptus macrocarpa 11 9 17 Guichenotia ledifolia 18 19 Leucophyta brownii 12 20 Everlastings 21 Westringia dampieri 22 13 23 Scaevola crassifolia 7 24 Beaufortia squarrosa 25 Allocsuarina fraseriana 6 26 Agonis flexuosa 14


20 15 7


16 17

3 18

7 1 19


21 19 22 2 12 3 1 Verticordia grandis 2 Eremophila glabra (prostrate) 3 3 Lepidosperma gladiatum 4 5 Hibbertia cuneiformis 23 6 Canostylis candicans 7 (prostrate) 8 9 Corymbia calophylla 10 Darwinia citriodora 11 Ficinia nodosa 8 12 Calothamnus quadrifidus 13 Macrozamia riedlei 24 14 Adenanthos cygnorum 15 Grevillea preisii 3 16 Eucalyptus macrocarpa 24 17 Guichenotia ledifolia 8 18 Banksia prionotes 19 Leucophyta brownii 25 20 Everlastings 21 Westringia dampieri 22 Banksia menziesii 23 Scaevola crassifolia 13 6 24 Beaufortia squarrosa 25 Allocsuarina fraseriana 26 Agonis flexuosa 20 15 19






? 26 11

? ?

13 1 Verticordia grandis 9 Corymbia calophylla Although difficult to attain, a dozen specimens endemic to Perth. Important tree to Swan will be sought. Beautiful rounded leaves and coastal plain. flowers cream/white in late brilliant red flowers-extenuated when viewed up summer. provides good shade. attractive close. native to Geraldton region (north of Perth). bark and characteristic honkey nuts. small to 60cm. Flowers Aug to January

2 Eremophila glabra (prostrate)

attractive silver foilage. endemic 10 to Perth, low sprawling to Darwinia citriodora 50cm. extremely hardy. Gold claw attractive red/yellow/orange flowers. shrub, like flowers July to January 1-1.5m. Endemic to Perth. Purple red traces on leaves in winter. broad dark green leaves. 3 Lepidosperma gladiatum

Endemic to Perths coast. 1.5m sedge. vivid green ready leaves up to 1.5m long. spiky grey flower stalks. 11 Ficinia nodosa

attractive nodules on stems best observed close up. small ready plant to 1m. endemic to Perth 4 Banksia baueri

endemic to southwest WA (south of Perth) shrub 2-3m high. orange white flowers. flowers may to july. 12 Calothamnus quadrifidus attractive green leaves and large flowers. small red flowers within canopy-small bird attractor. low lying shrub to 1m vivid green foilage. endemic to Perth 5 Hibbertia cuneiformis

endemic to Perth. shrub to 1-3m. flowers january to March and June to November. attractive yellow flowers. 13 Macrozamia riedlei

endemic to Perth. characteristic of Perths bushland. to 1m high. extremely slow growing.

6 Canostylis candicans

endemic to Perth. small plant. beautiful yellow flowers. 14 Adenanthos cygnorum Greeny, silvery foilage. flowers August to Febuary endemic to Perth. shrub to 3m. attractive green/grey foilage with redish tips.

7 Grevillea obtusifolia (prostrate)

endemic to Perth. Low sprawing 15 Grevillea preisii shrub to 60cm high. attractive vivd green foilage. extremely hardy. Spring large red flowers, green/grey flowering. small red flowers-more foilage. low spreading shrub to spectaculare when viewed up close. 2m. endemic to Perth region

8 Hakea prostrata

Low shrub, 1-3m high. en- 16 Eucalyptus macrocarpa demic to Perth. Flowers w attractive grey foilage, large leaves. large red pink flowers. small tree to 3m. 17 Guichenotia ledifolia 25 Allocsuarina fraseriana

18 Banksia prionotes

26 Agonis flexuosa

19 Leucophyta brownii

20 Everlastings

21 Westringia dampieri

22 Banksia menziesii

23 Scaevola crassifolia

24 Beaufortia squarrosa The images to the left show the planter boxes. The image closest shows the heights; black being .5m, grey 1m and the lightest tone representing 1.5m. The varying heights are used so as to provide different perspectives from which the plants can be viewed.

The images above and below show how the surface of the planter boxes will function, they will dome so as to maximise views of the plants.