Senate Republican Leadership This Legislation Addresses the Dif- for 1 Minute.) Is More Concerned with Giving the Ficult Problem of Meth Lab Remedi- Mr
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2007 No. 23 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. WELCOMING THE REVEREND KENN the war. Even in the supplemental that The Reverend Kenn Hucks, Pastor, HUCKS he proposed, he fails to acknowledge Immanuel Baptist Church, Lebanon, (Mr. COOPER asked and was given the additional cost of the troops and Tennessee, offered the following pray- permission to address the House for 1 support personnel that will be required er: minute.) by the troop surge. Folks, the numbers Our Father, we offer to You our Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, we simply don’t add up. greatest praise and thanksgiving for were privileged today to have deliver I am disappointed that the budget another day to serve You and our fel- our opening prayer the Reverend Kenn fails to include ample funding for the low man. Thank You for the grace and Hucks from Lebanon, Tennessee, Im- Everglades restoration and beach re- nourishment, which are an important blessing to live in this great land. manuel Baptist Church, formerly in asset and resource in our country. The Grant to every American in this BART GORDON’s district, and now in my Everglades and our beaches in Florida great assembly a craving for Your wis- district. We are also privileged to have are not only important to Floridians, dom, the courage to express it, and the his beautiful wife Kim with us today but also national treasures enjoyed by commitment to never turn away from sitting in the family gallery.
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