The Journal ill of the ■ iiill Aviation Historical Society ■III illiil: ill I of Australia Inc. A0033653P, ARB\ 092-671-773 iiiiiii iiiiiliW ■ The Journal of the AVIATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY OIO of AUSTRALIA Inc. A00336533P, ARBN 092-671-773 Volume 34 - Number 2 - June 2003 EDITOR, DESIGN & PRODUCTION EDITORIAL Bill Baker I believe that this issue of Aviation Heritage has wide and Address all correspondence to; electric variety of interesting articles which I hope you will The Editor, AHSA, enjoy. As you will see there are many aspects of Australian P.O. Box 2007, aviation history that can be recorded. Think about it!! As South Melbourne 3205 Victoria, Australia. always I welcome any new material from members, pictures 03 9583 4072 Phone & Fax from your collection could make an interesting page. E.mail:
[email protected] Don't forget the Newsletter (still looking for a new Editor) do you have a product (book, CD, Models) that would interest Subscription Rates; our members - we would be happy to advertise it. Australia A$45. The September issue will have the second part of Greg Asia-Pacific A$55 Banfield's biography on the amazing Ray Parer, a vastly Rest of World A$68. underrated Australian Aviator Overseas payment to be in Australian currency by International Money Order or Editors wish iist; Bank Draft. Overseas personal cheques Priority 1: First to Fly in Australia.{ Still waiting, waiting.) cannot be accepted. Any facet of Australia's aviation history, Malaya, GAF Articles for Publication; Nomad, Korea, Vietnam, anything that interests you and can Are to be on an Australian theme.