QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER AND CALENDAR SUMMER 2007 Meadowcroft Rockshel- ter and Museum of Rural Life operates in associa- tion with the Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center. PHS JOURNEY TO WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA The next Signature Series bus tour will take PHS members and guests to two significant historic sites in western Pennsylvania. A two-day, overnight excursion will visit the 16,000-year-old MEADOWCRFT ROCK SHELTER Meadowcroft Rockshelter—a National Day one of the trip will embark from Historic Landmark—and the PHMC’s the Harrisburg area, arrive at Meadow- nineteenth-century Old Economy croft for lunch, followed by tours of Village on Wednesday and Thursday, the rock shelter led by Dr. James Ado- October 17–18, 2007. vasio, the archaeologist who is world- Located in Washington County, renowned for his excavations at the site. Meadowcroft Rockshelter is a massive Day two will include an in-depth tour of rock overhang used by Native American Old Economy Village with site staff. PHS peoples as a campsite during the Paleo- members, $295; Non-members, $375 Indian, Archaic, Woodland, and His- (double occupancy). The cost includes toric periods. This remarkable archaeo- bus transportation, overnight accommo- logical site has revealed the earliest dations, lunch and dinner on day one, evidence of people in North America. and continental breakfast and lunch on Old Economy Village on the Ohio day two. Space is limited; please call the River in Ambridge, west of Pittsburgh, PHS office at (717) 787-2407 or e-mail was founded in 1824 by the Harmon-
[email protected] for details and PHMC OLD ECONOMY VILLAGE ists, a Christian communal society.