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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07346-3 - A Journey through the Universe: Gresham Lectures on Astronomy Lan Morison Index More information Index 2003 UB313,26 Bayer, Johann, 212 gravitational microlensing, 3C 273, 125 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 243 75-metre Mark I radio 322 Hawking radiation, 252 telescope, 247 Bell, Jocelyn, 159, 161 Hawking temperature, 253 Belville, Ruth, 264 intermediate mass, 240 active galaxies, 246 Bessel, Friedrich, 121, 151 Kerr black holes, 242 NGC 4261, 248 Bethe, Hans, 146, 321 Monoceros X-1, 245 Adams, John Couch, 60, 77 Bevis, John, 154 neutron degeneracy Airy, George, 60 Big Bang theory, 294 pressure, 240 albedo, 33 closed universes, 337 no-hair theorem, 241 Earth, 33 flat or critical universe, Omega Centauri, 240 Enceladus, 63 337 Penrose process, 242 Mars, 33 flatness problem, 296 Schwarzschild radius, 240, Mercury and Moon, 63 Friedmann models, 338 241 Venus, 33, 63 Heisenberg’s uncertainty singularity, 240 Alpher, Ralph, 321 principle, 295 size of emitting region, 249 Alpher–Bethe–Gamow paper, horizon problem, 296 super-massive, 240 321 inflation, 295 what are they?, 239 anthropic principle, 148 initial singularity, 294 X-ray binary systems, 244 apehelion, 28 Omega, 337 Bode, Johann Elert, 55 Apian, Peter, 94 zero energy content, 294 Bondi, Herman, 339 astronomical unit, 10 binary pulsar, 233 Brahe, Tycho, 4, 91, 155 Aurora Australis, 21, 22 Birr Castle, 122 British eclipse expedition, 229 Aurora Borealis, 21, 22 black holes, 239 Brown, Mike, 28, 67 auroral corona, 23 A0620–00, 246 Burke, Bernie,
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