' I ■ . I /

< The Weather rofeeuct of Ih S. Weether Banae A r t n g B Daily Net Prew Ron For tho Week Ended Fair tonight. Low 60-65. I*- Jane 4th, 1960 ereaelnc dondlneea FrMtaF moraf ing, ahowera and thunderatorum M 1 3 ,1 2 5 ~ Hlga uenr 80. Member eif the Audit Bdrmu of CXniilutlon Adtertlalug jae Page 16^; MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, IWO (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Ike’s Kishi Refuses to Resign, Wants Pact $40 Billion Outlay State News Leftist Mobs Resume Roundup Wild Demoiistrati^ For Defense .X Hartford, June _16 {IP)— Fifth Senatorial District dele- Manila. June 16 (/P)— President EisenlwB^ W t Mwrila w.ehinotnn June 16 by hia gates will‘f i a go__A to the Demo- aboard a U.S. Navy launch toniRht to cogidude a triampnant Wasnlngton, Jtme 1 tiona------aubconunittee, amvea „ called Icratic* state convention Satur-Satur Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D Philippine tour. it "a Jtrong peace wu. | piedgeiLin favor of bind- 'ftV President, boarded the lau^KW for a short t ^ to tha Tex) told the Senate today he He eaid It would amure deter- C onn ecticut’s 42 nations feels Soviet Premier Nikita rent force* both today and tomor­ heavy cruiser,av. .J..St. Paul, . flagsljii^of^____ — the U.S. 7th Iieet,^B* convention delegates to sup­ v l Khrushchev “ would not have row. .. chored in Manila Bay. 'Th^.St. Paul will carry him to For port U-S. Senator John F felt so free to abuse our Presi­ Nottag that boith Republican* mosa. He is due there &turday. and Democrat* on the Appropria- Kennedy for the presidentia dent if he had had more re- Uona Committee favored increaae* nomination under the Jinit Tokyo, June President Eisenhowers |o^will virit epect for our future military over the Houee bill and the Preal- rule. to Japan was>>fihceled today under the threat of ConimanJst ,gtrength.’* deht'a budget, Chave* aald "there Meeting at Briatol laat mght Johnson said the Commu­ ahould be no partlaan politic* in violence. Tbe'U.S.-Japanese defense treaty still was m dM jer. the district delegate* voted In fa­ The becomes law automatically Sunday unless Prune nists react to strength— are defenae matter*.” vor of the unit rule propoaal. Btict tough when they can gel by A* it went before the Senate, The reablution advocating that "*r Nobusuke Kishi ?:an be forced to dissolve parUam^t with it and soft when there is thi mUitary bill for the the national convention delegate* ^^*ore then. The Communist-led mobs have two niore days in etarUng July 1 totaled I60.3M.- be bound by the will of the ma­ which to try to bring about the downfall of the Kishi govern­ BO other alternative. 897,000. The military appropria­ jority wa* offered by Atty. Wal* tion* bill paaaed by the Hoiwe ment and void the treaty. _ .. v ^ lace Burke of Farmington. Ip announcing the Eisenhower trip is off, Kisni tola ro- Washington, June 16 (JP)— total# 689,387,867.000. about 6121 Political ob#*rv.er* conalder It Sen. Dennis Chavez (D-NM), million more than Preaident Bi- aigniiicant that pie reaolution waa Dorters t saying “ there can be no price aenhower aaked. first adopted _by the Fifth Dia- “ Even if there is the slightest bit of doubt about the P r ^ The Senate measure Included an tag on freedom,” today urged trict, the’ home territory of T ^ . ident’s safety in Japan, it makes it inappropriate for him to -64 mlUion Increaae in fund* .to Senator Thomai J. Ih>dd W ^ iiaa the Senate to vote $40 billion puah development of the apy-in- vigoroualy oppoaed the lde«t of im- visit at this time.” , t rr- i.- i.-. for defense—over $1 billion the-aky Samoa reconnalaaance Eisenhower, in Manila, regretfully agreed. Like lusni, nfi posing the unit


M^CHESTER EVENING HERALDy MANCHESTER. OONK., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 198^ H ELC O M ajr Notiee P A G E T W O Move Office WE HAVE DAILY Photos Going, Bridge Recipients of five nursing nurs-. DELIVERY TO THE London P ark The Hartford Electric Light Ck>. B t a i n S , Emotiifhs Rule Ing scholarships of $100 each'were (HELOO) may relocate Ita Man­ 2 Aircraft Groups End Thp Herald has a large aup- announced today after the spring chester office at 146 Hartford Rd. plv of unclaimed portrait photo­ Water Assn. meeting of the Educational a u b BOLTON graphs. It is the policy of The COUNT OABOS • Horlh dtihr Parker Soren, Mancheater of- Nighty ^Binge ’ Eaters TO JUDGE LUCK Both tidas vutaMUt Herald to keep for,, two years of Manchester. ' j ;e manager, said today the comr Strikes, Mpr^ Going Out portrait photos submitted. , By Alfhsd Shelnwold Papers Filed ■ Two-year partial scholarships Sometimes you need luck of one panjKYeela it could more oonven Anv such portraits which re- two may 11s deep In the con­ rsT fi- were awarded by the club to the AREA By .IOHS' BARBOUR kind or another to liently ie(ve its cuatomeig from main'unclainicd after two years trol fSnter of the brain—the London Park Homes has organ- following seniors of Manchester (OoaUnnM Irom One) fei-s in the aircraft-missile indus- (AP Science Writer) tract. This happens to all of us ai more c^tral location, and the will be destroyed if not called Miami Beach, Fla., June .16 hypothelmue. High School: Miss Judith Chag- for by .July 1 . These pictures times, what with partners and Ired a water company to service not. daughter of Mr. and Mrs reU&ed yesterday afternoon at ^'^bockheed: Union asks hourly (;P,-Night eaters and "binge” Perhaps onrf area of hy- WIOT ^ EAjr company is now seeking new PINE LENOX •may be claimed at The Herald pothalmus controls ' satiety— other natutal misfortunes, and A S 4 2 A Non* about 80 homes planned in the Rene Chagnot. 18 Westwood St., to quarters. The Company would pav hike of 7 per c e n f d i cents), eaters may l)e driven to obea- the important thing Is to know Tulsa snd^ late last night by the phis fringe benefits. Conip^i.V_ of­ office Monday through Friday or satisfaction—tells you when $ K Q I 1 0 I 7 v * 5 * ’'London Rd. area. attend the Hirtford Hospital either lease or sell - JU prtaent ily not by their stomachs— what kind of luck to play p h a r m a c y liong Beach w-virkers. fers 7 cent hour raise second year from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Satur­ . but by their brains and emo­ you’ve had enough. Another tor. ♦ A9 7 ♦ • i f / a . Article^ of association forming School of Nursing: Miss Barbara building. ■ ° Talijs between the 1AM and o f . contract' and tp. make 6-cent day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. are'a may determine the real North stretched to bid thrw A j 4 t Q 9 * S 4 9 Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. At the same time, Soren said tions, a researcher reported spades and should have bid four ^ r. wirra ths London Park Water Assn, 299 E. CENTER ST. -tiockheed ended as the strike dead- i-cost-of-living inefeases part o f . urge of hunger. Lawrence Dunn, 8 Hartland St., to the company is planning to trans­ ' This doesn’t mean that the spades at his next t'*™ A A K 10 9 > 7 were filed in the office of the Man­ attend St. Francis Hospital School fer most local operating person­ Una neared. The next meeting of base pay. (present pay sea es | The night eater is the m - TEL. Ml 9-089S *2,65 an- hour average, plus *l.2.s Jubilee Service low who rarely eats a meal be­ night eater’s satisfaction con­ courage South V « chester Town Clerk yesterday. It of Nursing: Miss Dianne (3ee, nel to the Sheldon, St. .aervlce the company and union was 4 p.m. trol in his brain is irreversibly Slam. North’s cue bid of f ^ r ♦ k (Tb hourly for off-site missile base per­ fore noon—begins In earnest 11) 7 Is a no capital, non-stock organl- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis building in Hartford. The change todav at San jrranciaco. at the evening meal and con- damaged. It's Just thrit dur­ hearU not only showed the jw e ♦ —— Eatlon. Gee, 30 Foster St.. Hartford Hos­ .Would not affect service to Man­ At Center Church ing periods of light stress, his of that suit but also egged South k %mt ' M h Dartmouth Grad Only violence »o far came yes- Convair) Union asks 14 cent linues eating into the night. IHM 1 4 2 V Officers of the association are pital School of Nursing. chester customers, Soren atreesed. terdav at the Sunnyvale plant. hourlv hike, fringe benefits and re­ He rarely speaks of being satisfaction control is disturb­ W. Harry England, president; Lud­ Also. Miss Maryann^ Gnffin Joel B. Alvord, son of Mr. and Crews working in the Manchester Gold certificates will be pre­ Pas* 4 4 PM '“Where most of the lO.noo lAM tention of cost of living. Coinpany hungry-, he just finds ^himself ed, and doesn’t work pro'perly, Declarer saw at a glance that he Pm 6 4 Alt wig Upenleks, secretary;, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Martin E. Alvord, 3 Oakland area would report out of Hart­ people work. offers 11 cents hourly, plus limited senter! to members of the Jubilee nibbiling and he can't stop, Stuinkard said. had to avoid the loss of club DpniDB lead V K Dmar Rupner, treasurer. The three Criffin, 21 Brainard PI., tp' attend St., received his bachelor of arts ford. Now, they report from the Tiresiires were slashed, .-o..a, picketI- * was ■—, cost-ost mof living,Jiving- with current w3-rcnl . . . . . Club who will be honored at the 11 Dr. Albert J. Slumkard of the Thjngs are different fop the trick one way or another. Theta men are building the homes. The St Francis Hospital School of degree from Dartmouth College at Manchester Hartford Rd. office.' ' FACTORY, run rinwa.Jby a car, a nolicc hike mafic part o f perm anent binge eater. It is his hunger run riown,.J5y ^ car, a nolicc offirei a.m. service at Center Congrega,- University of Pennsylvania was a Blight chsJhce of a •ay wan a member or oig- anywhere, were Mra ,C )«>n^r- Officials Greet Her Parcel Pickup fo Your Car! and T-BONE Providence yield^ no sign of ma Kappa, the Mountain CUib •The present staff at the school, president; Mr. and Mrs. Albert ‘ ten, making the slam. wife and two children. laln’s mother, Mrs. Ethel^^nklln. Patch, co-vice presidents; Mrs. and Rural Superintendent Andrew ‘IDEAL FOR THF BARBECUE'69 Hicks. Daily QiieaUon honor group, and the of Scotland. Bo rd of EMucatlon Lawrence Sheehan, treasurer; and In the quiet Rosllndale section of As dealer, you hold: Spades—5 4 Magazine, while a studmt at the members, administrators te»cjiers Manges and Elementary Super- elisor Miss Natalie Hopkins, also Mrs. Edward Arnold,' secretarj'. Boston where Hicks lived in a du­ 2 ; H earts-K Q J 10 8 7; Dia­ college. other staff members, and monds—A 9 7; Clubs—J. What do STANLEY WARNER Btathren Set Picnic from the schools in Ashford, ’Tol­ greeted Mrs. Chamberlain.. Scholarships of $100 each were NO TOIX ON BULKELEV 0R FOUNDERS BRIDGES ECONOMY PAK plex house with his wife Elaine and awarded to Miss Mary Moran and ] yo\i say? School children In the United land, and Andover where she hw Former Andover Rural Super­ their three children—the oldest 7, Answer: Bid one heart. Always taught. The party honbred her for intendent George Graf arrived to Miss Anne McGrath, who are com-1 TENDER. SKINLESS Brethren will hold a picnic on June pleting their freshman year at i the youngest 6 monthg—neighlKirs STATEm 27 at Ocean Beach. All pupils and 25 years in her profession. * laud Mrs. Chamberlain and said: The party wax planned by r i A "Andover Is- the school it is be­ WilUmantic State CoUege. It is j WEEKEND FOODfSPECIALS POUND know him as a good friend. - SHOW STAB’TS AT 6:16 their parents are invited. the second consecutive year Miss j BAG Other news from the Unitea membere and kept « « e t from cause of its principal, and' it is ‘Til bet he’s fixed every kid’s o l.ast Complete Show 7:45 Mrs. Chamberlain, even though Moran and Miss McGrath have | FRANKFURTS Western Music Is Back! Brethren- is that' the sisterho^ among the better schools in the 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD. Near McKEE bike on the block,” one boy said. ILIA (^asT B more than 200 won the PTA-Teachers Assn. | SWIFT’S PREMIUM Hicks worked odd days as a sub- j >Uke Stanko Presenta 'The , will hold a cake sale on July 17 State." Miss 'Yiola Larson, who 1 about it. 'The surprise highlighted worked with Graf in Andover, ^as scholarship for students in the | (BELTSVILLE) BUTTERBALL 'stitute guard at the bank. !■ "COUNTRY BOYS" and August 28. The sisterhood the PTA's annual meeting and pol- field of education. 1 FRESH. NATIVE. PLUMP Correction Commissioner George jA members have thanked Mr. and alsoa)a/\ present.n»*«aanf Dine and Dance Every Inrk. ' A certificate of recognition was F. McGrath said Hicks has no ! _ THUR8 .. ITU. and SAT. Mrs. Charles Keletl for their many A huge cake, a replica of the Nonplussed by the huge turnout criminal record, not even a court presented to M | ». Andrew Gasper ft AIR-CONDITIONED s iM years as members of the syna­ school provided dessert for me in her honor, Mrs. Chamberlain for her services on behalf of Girl : f t ‘ appearance f6r a traffic violation. For Your Comfort! gogue, artd have tender^ their aocial hour. The five Andover wom­ thanked them all and proudly said: B R O W TURKEYS Until he failed to report for work COI.OS *Y oe LUKS Scoi(ta and all girls in the com­ !• " * Chicken best wishes to the family who will "I’ve never had a moment when I en who helped make it said they Monday night and again Tuesday Plus s A Heart-Winning Story I wasn’t proud to be a teacher. And munity. Mrs. Gasper has been an LEGS or BRCASTS I Oak GriH, 30 Oak St. ■ leave Hebron to make their new used 16 pounds of flour and it took instructor in the Red Cross Swim­ (4 to 8 Lb. Avg.) night, he had been kno ''n as a de­ No Cover • No Minimum ‘SMILEY GETS A GUN” home In New York State. I've never had a moment when I pendable employe at the prison. t 24 hour# to bake. wasn’t proud to be in Andover ming program for the past louP' Ask Detour, years, has seryed as leader of S: "He was considered reliable,” Sunday • Monday o ’Tuesday Sei'eral Gifts with you here. ’ Thank you so Motorists are cautioned not to Mrs. Chamberlain ^ « c e jv ^ ^ a 4-H girls club, and has, been a< said William F. Peters, vice presi­ ‘ ‘G IA N T of the M ARATH ON S’* use the Gilead Meetinghouse Rd. much." dent and treasurer of the bank. ‘•PLA’nNUM HIGH St’HOOL" 'large wooden tray made by Harold The cake was baked by Mrs. tive In the PTA and PSA pi] U.S. GOVT. GRADE TOP CHOICE BEEF . f "He had been checked thoroughly while the bridge Is under con­ Dwyer of Bolton, who taught In­ grams. struction. Repairs are now going Lawrence Jillson and Mrs. George by Pinkerton, the state and by us. dustrial Arts. In Andoveir for two Munson and decorated by Mrs. The certificate was from the - T I I K t m : \E HXR-H-QI E BEEF ROAST^ He was a Coast Guard veteran and BURN SIDE ™ on. years, and inscribed by State Eastern Connecticut Girl Scout Counselor Trainees Joseph Remesch Jr.,’ Mrs. James seemed to be a quiet family man.’’ BUHNMDi AVI - I HIM | C ^■“ '1’ .. lAST HARTFORD E llsw orth Covel! of Andover. One Forw , Mrs. Walter Weir and Mrs. 1 Council and the local Girl Scout | BLOCK The money, in $100, $50 and •The annual 4-H Camp ^ u n - of Mrs. Chamberlain’s former atu- Jillson. I Neighborhood CouncU. smaller denominations, was missed H.l, eelor Training Weekend Will be denta. artist Gordon MacDonald of at 4 p.m. Fifteen minutes earlier, a M IK H IiM l m i i y , held June 24r and 25. as announced Andover decorated If with aketrtea STYLE U.S. Trucking Co. armored car R A IU U n.‘ *l c by the Tolland County Ebetension of the three schodla where Mrs. . creA’ had dumped a currency ship­ FEATI BE Service. It will again be held at Chamberlain taught. ^ CHUCK ROASTS ment from the Federal Reserve fllOllglHIul n m « T the Windham County 4-H Camp An antique Windsor rocker / r Mrs. Ghamberln'h’® Colonial home Bank of Boston on the vault floor, 8:00 ALL COLOB In Ablngton. BIRDS EYE (FROZEN) ’The delivery Included a 2-foot can- All those Interested In Junior and In Hebron, and a projector given to Hey Kids! vas bag' containing bills for the S n t w ic k . " D o s ’t Fjit D s UIh " Trnjr DsBshn* senior camp counseling are urged the school in her name were also U S. Govt. Grade Top Choice Bieh. E(SB-D*r«lkT McOolM branch’s large checkTcashing busi­ •■SFMMEB'TMMEB' PLACE"P to attend. The workshop starts at presented last night. j ness on 'Thursday and Friday, and 4 p.m., Friday and lasts through The popular school principal, BONELESS. WASTELESS two bags of coins. Jamet Gamar the-afternoon on Saturday. Fea- linown by her friends as "Mrs. C. COME TO KOFSKY’S TENDER, JUICY. TASTY MEAT PIES When the armored car made its •«CARH MeCAtl.** " tiitas will Include philosophy of wargraduated from WilllmanUc| 'l?f TURKEY, BEEF deliverj’, Hicks was sweeping out camping, discussion ^oups on I’ari- Normal School in June 1935. Her L b. the offices, part of his duty as he out topics, organized games and first Job was as teacher of all or CH ICKEN waited for the vault to be closed B olton N o r c i ^ ^ 5 ) square dancing, group tours, camp­ eight grades in. Ashford s (fid 1 Kid’s Karniyal ■'f for the night, normally at 4 or 4:30 room school, the Ashford Academy. CUBE STEAKS TONIGHT FEA’TURE 1st fire, and lots of food. p.m. No one noticed anything sus­ The c o s t a l be negligible since She taught 20 children her first picious. 1st RUN WAR STORY It is a sponsored event. Windham, GROCERY LEADERS Anyone taking anything fronq ^*A letter from her first CHOPPED (FOR THOSE COOK-OUT PARTIES!) ^WINDSOR , Tolland, Hartford and New t«n - Saturday ■■12 to 3:00 P.M. the vault would have had to .walk dem Counties will particinate. , Intendent, James Frost of AshforcL THE oin HE r u Lly wants In sight of other employes - .for was read during the program and ToHand County Camp '*■ V HOUSEHOLD about 10 feet before taiming intp JAMES STEVM ^ pictures of the school were ^own. a corridor leading to a rear door Tolland County 4-H Camp will ^ MANCHESTER PARKADE Save 40o Only 69c r*stsr« PIrtt again be held at the Windham Former pupils of Mrs. Cham- ALL lb. pkg..| BROOMS and a parking lot* ’ k.nse berlain’a first Ashford class, now IK COLOB County 4-H Center in Abington. iBHiBBJBISmi) Jimlor camp date# are July 24 to grown, drew a laugh from me LEAN BEEF 2 '6b; OZ^BUCKET—CASTANET St«T« B m t *i crowd when they skipped into the FREE RIDES A COLUMOA PICIURES RaEASe 29 and July 31 to Aug. 5. Senior Soviet Plans Open "OIANT or .HABATWOB" CJdnp dates are Aug. 7 to 12. In­ room last night, singing ‘ School ON THE MODEL 'T ' TIN UZZIE POLAROID lAND For 99c Days." Mrs. Maurice Whitehoure, RESH BAKED DAILY STUFFED OLIVES Mlek*r Bmbcp formation and applications will be I Co-Featutaj ‘‘ rHE MOUSE ‘PLATINUM HIGH SCMOOL’ sent to all 4-H Club members sdon. who lived next door to the old Ash­ "FOR THOSE OUTING SANDWICHES Trial for U2 Pilot n iA X ROARED’’—color ford school, and a former Ashford BLUE LABEL MfuMbeater Evening Herald He­ School Board member, Mrs. Eu­ f l a v o r q u e e n ^ 7 99e (Continned from Page On*) Hilarious prixe-winning comedy bron correepondent Miss Susan genie MaOhway, were also present. I'' REG. SWEET PEAS B. Pendleton, telephone AOadeniy After teaching in Ashford for SIZE Soviet Uhion May 1. He is liable wm » " — — ----- V 8-S454. five years, Mrs. Chamberlain went LOAF' HI-C—(46 OZ. CAN) to the death penalty. to the Hicks .Memorial School in ^ B R E A D Moscow Radio today acci«ed Tolland where she taught for two C iq a JL Save 5c On FOR A WONDERFUL TIME . . . ^1 p,™ *ppi.r. d r in k Other Brands 28c American authorities Of intimi­ years. Students from Tolland also at Norman's Incredible Price/ . g r a p e f r i t t EXCELLEN1F FOOD, ENTERljAINMENT, ATMOSPHERE dating r*owers’ father to keep him Pupils Will Dance showed up last night to honor their "-".''.'‘I. from coming to Riissla to see his former tea6her. BLUE LABEL son. DANCINO EVFRY.SATURDAY NISHT At Stale Matinee To Andover In 1943 17 Or Birds Eye ' 6 Or. ■ T O - WHOLE 'The .father, Oliver Powers, In March 1943, Mrs. Chamber­ Birds Eye Cans / Gant 89c Pound, Va., had announced he GORDON kiLPATRiCK ORCHESTRA 6 » 1 .0 0 Orange Jalce KERNEL CORN 6 Pupils from four Manchester lain moved to the Andbver school FLASHBULBS is included. Better come in right away to you can ave > Green Peaa would go to Russia but suddenly NlghUy Dally where she became teaching princi­ called off his trip Jufie 4 without Trio dancing schools will perform in Birds Eye Krtnkle Cat Delicious 1 0 k t 9 9 e Every Friday Lounge Lunches pal in the old 3-room, red school it for Father’s Day! Lemonade h o m e m a k e r explanation. A friend who had Dinners ■pedal stage show at 2 o’clocH house, now an apartment. On hand BOX O F 50 Potatoee 7fr»1.00 28 Or. Bad §at. Evening Entertainment planned to go with him said Pow­ matinee Saturday afternoon at the last night to remind her of that ■•V Oregon Trail Sliced Marshall ^ ^ 3 9 C Cans 99c ers told'him he had received In- CIGARS Birds Eye BAKED BEANS THE BEAUTIFUL, NEW State Theater. The program will move were Mrs. Montague White, WHAT IS INCLUDED; 3fC»1.00 strawberries - * Pkgs. atiiictiona not to' m’5ke the trip at then chairman of the Andover that time. Include 10 cartoons in addition to Made exclusively Board of Education, and Board a rolls of 3,000 speed fUm— that’a The State Department at the tj»6 variety acta on stage. members at that time, Mrs. Thom­ The Polaroid Highlander Innd C ^ - 4 Ume said it had "given no in F in n o ’s Restaurant foroursto enough to make 64 pteturee. X W I X # W V O ROU’TE 6-44A—m i S-tS4S Performers from Gertrude Ty­ as Birmingham and State Rep. era— plcturcM on th^ppot In juit 60 atructlons whatsoever to Mr. Pow- ler’s dance school will be Joyce Ellsworth coveil. They were join­ A mild, L secondM. ers.’! V, J Rvdlewlcz, Barbara Smith, Patty ed by a large group of Mrs. Cham­ 6 deluxe enlargements—your .favor- The elder Powers last Monday Aceto, Dale Canade, Debbie Mc- berlain’s first Andover classes. smoking cigar! ' ite pictures In • ’ benutlful studio obtained speedy, approval from EvltL Kathy Weaterholm, Joan Grade 6, 7, and 8. iF R E G . $ 4 .7 5 The repeating wtak-Ught—winks for mount. both the United States and the M d y g ^ Ciidy Bedurtha. Mariljm Among the photographs Shown 1,000 pictures, flOO worth of flash­ Soviet Union to go to Moscow. The Blanchard, Susan Monette, by Mrs. Steve Ursin, who was In­ bulbs. Soviet embassy in Washington said “ Dine in Authentic Colonial Atmosphere” Poucher. Debbie Taggart and Lin­ Pictures in a Minute—tti® outstand. P oV rs was granted a visa to enter stalled earlier in the evening as Ing book on 60-second photograph;^ Andbver PTA president, were pic­ Russia which is good for 90 days-. da 'Thompson. a hard bound deluxe edition with •Those from Richard Rlsleys tures of the old Andover sthool PICK A PRESENT FOR POP AT O.UR A sUm Une leather carr>lng caw ^ At the State Department, Powers class will be Denise Hutchlemn 372 Ulustratlons. obtained a passport within an hour as It was built in 1903 by Augus­ holds the camera and aU accessories. PYQUAUG INN Beverly Smith, Jean and Billy tus Lindholm. Other picture# of his application. Gaston, Kathleen Burke, David AT THE DAIRY DEPT. ,• The father set no specific date showed it with additions Lind­ e/OAJt Baker and Paul Kurtz. Pupils of holm made later. MAKE CO-SECOND FARM FRESH PRODUCE i for his trip in -his passport appli­ 141 MAIN ST., WETHERSFIELD, CONN. Mary Dunphy will be Lynn I^zl- cation. However, he indicated to Mrs. Chamberlain pointed put GRADE "A " nM, Perkins, Nancy Riley, that the beU that hung in the SWBET. LUSCIOUS, YELLOW, GEQRGIA d o z. 5 0 * newsmen at one point that he plan­ Patty Riley, Janls Busher, Denise PICTURES INDOORS JUMBO ned to go In Aug:uat. *^ school steeple now hangs in the SMORGASBORD Blrtlea and John Shanahan. town’s new school on School Rd. Pupils of Beverly Burton Mol- A feature It was;-she said, taken from a WITHOUT FUSHLIOHTS lino’a class will Include Sandra wiecked train by some enterpris­ P E A C H E S 2 » MEDIUM d b z .'i .WEDNteSDAY, Hunter, Paula Ballsleper, Donna Baraw, Karen Armoglda, Daisy ing person. DUTCH Lost w—k prices 39c lb. SATURDAY, 5 to 9 P.M. Next in the long parade of old MANSFICLDlf^ Dlmock and Judy Frithsen. g r c ia MASTERS FINE q u a l i t y ' IJCL »l-32.WllIllilANTICCt^ IM. . SUNDAY, 3 to 9 P.M. REYNALDO A Jimmy Strwsrt | Dirk Clark THE HOME OF BANKERS GRANDE VALET CASE OF Take Up To 30 Lb. “MOUNTAIN 'BeesmS CROWNS PRESIDENT CIGARS TUB BUTTER 67c BO AD ______I_____They’re Ysnss” GOOD FOOD! BOX OF 50 Months To Pay $2.95 BOX OF SEEDLESS G R A P E S '> 2 9 ° ••TAKE A G IAN T S T E P " ENROLL NOW! 2 2 5 |4S A .A A— » I aa ^ INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED ^ LUNCHEONS served 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. $ 1.25 up 50 . . 10 SUCED CHEESE ^ d r iv e r EDUCATION CUSSES ^ t il l O C T O B W DINNERS served 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. $2.75 up ‘■30-DAY SUMMER COURSES J | i r l FANCYPANS*! VINE viNt RIPENED.Kircncu, lLARGE a k v c SIZE ______SWISS, PIMIENTO 4| [ i z . 49® H O ^ !^b HOURS CLASS and 6 HOURS DRIViWO CHOOSE .FROM THE LARGEST WHITE OB COLORED DELICIOUS SUNDAY: DINNERS 12 Noon to 9 P.M. STARTING JUNE 28, JULY 2S'and AUG. 28 ft M0K ^ ^ » to 11. MONDAY •Thru SATURDAY , CANTALOUPES KRAFT’S PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT— WHARFSIDE DINNER FVENDtM MON., TUBS., WED., THUDS., 7 to 9 SELECTION IN TOWN! 8 OZ. I___ L._ _I. _ *..^ A A ^ — —-- l^a^A sssas i^lr pkgh. TWO TOP HITS Yon Say a^daaaroom -60 days before your 16Ht blrUiday and CREAM CHEESE 4 Alee GelBees Ed. O'BrIeB CLOSED TEL. JA 9-9463 BBrI Ivea Jalle f.oBdoB a*Homa'lW^» 7 ®“ 6®>’ ®®"” Clasaroom $22JW LIGGETT PARKADE DRUG HRST OF THE SEASON—SWEET. LUSCIOUS RESH CALIFORNIA NbcI CBpard la LarslBB Day la MONDAYS IK AMPLE PARKING OPEI^i^Y 9 9 P.IA^-SATIIR0AYS TWi. I TASTV CHEBSE ------‘O U B IIAN_____ IN •‘T H E THIBD------PARKADE SHOPPING CENTER—MI 9-2843 W 41. A c HAVANA" VOICE” -Air Conditioned for,Your Comfort! MORTLOCK’S DRIVIN8 ^HOOL a s. M a m STREET PHONM AI $-7808 \ f t < SPREAD * APRICOTS ■UH. *XAPPmBH**

Ci\ T V- '.U ' j-7 .PA6I fIT B MANdnWTEA BVgm yC h e r a l d ,. MA^rCHESTgR, c o n n ; THURSDAY, JUNE Ifi, 1 9 6 0 ^ ^ / ' . . ■ ‘ ^ ^ ' ' S Life Guard* Set GOOD FOOD MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. 06NN h THURSDAY, JUNE 16,. g o o d SERVICI > 4 0 * F 0 U B had made ocanmiUnents S e n a te Freedman ‘“Wdl Fill For Town Pools Popular Market In th* qsntftlf, hut thsr* Tsere sUtt Some District Officers Boltdii » blocks of spiws not\flll*d. ’ Life guards have been nemed for ARTHUR'S Returm to Town Jsrv U offlclftl* w sr* not avall- To Ratify Pact Vacancy on Board duty at Manchester'i four ewlm- LUNOHfeOJ «ble this morning to conwB««t^on in mlrig pools by the Recreation De­ Second Petition Filed Asking the start of construcUon or the (Centtaaed from Page One) partment. The summer iwlt^mlug I Foilulsr Market* Inc., s Sprlng- Popular Markets announcemsnt. season begins June^ 25 and ends on | || TV-Radio J p n ig h i Democrat Philip E. Freedinar4 The new Director candidate has flelO, Mam., grocery chain, an- More recently Jarvis hM hte(ls -of.of thetne J Japanese a p a n e s e govcrmu.i.v. government. Pre..-.-i ^ :L brother. Atty. Frank Freedman, Labor Day. - i nounesd It Trill occupy space to the laghth District voters next week^meetlng, <_>._Waaos Meeting on Machine Votes known plan* to buUd a idiopptog the first time the district govern viouslyi the intention hSd been to today pledgeij to be the voice o( who Is a Republican on the Sprtng- At the new Veriflanck School j proposed shopping cepter off *. center a t Bro4wl S t and W. Mldffie eriU elect offleers to six vacant dls secure S»mat^ ratification by. the | me small bualneaamah' on Man- ftridi'-Mass , enty OunclU pool, William Kelley wTll be in trtet government posts and decide merit hisi approached the election C ement illtltfe Tpke. planned by the Jar­ Tpk*. -A building fo r th e CAD with both a completed budget for time.. __MSI Elsenhower___ 4«« TrARTI*. arrived . X in . Japan ’cheater'a ^Board of « W.!.pirectora__ charge, w’ith Donna. Robb and Ron­ Television Bnica a. RoMon of Bolton C*n-0 to vis Cofistruetloh Co. Cleftners IS underway and will be on a proposed expenditure of no ald Wabrek as assistanli. Kelley, more than $6,000 for constnirti<>n the current fiscal year and a com­ Sunday. The 32-year-old manager of the JS, J.JO The Real McCoys ter Rd. has preaanlod a patltton iiopi to ouA throuBli tho nnKM A spokesniaji for the market the first building constructed at The general assumption is that currently serving in the armed HI « Th«al*r (In prefr«M ) ^ chain said ccmstructlcm would be­ Of an addition to the district fire plete budget proposal for the com­ Biiraack Super Market. 469 Hart­ School Program $.00 ^ , producer's Choice to th# Board of Selectmen aaklng parking plan. that location. ing year. In the past two years, the Senate Will approve the treaty forces, will return July 1. Until he ;»rly Show (In progMMl ^ » Johnny Rlngo ■ttia Town Planning CJommlaaion house. ford Rd.. was endorsed last night returns, Frank,, Badsteubner will ^ ’f l i g h t Thenter (In rrop*»«) « M ichaels In Africa for a towTi m eeting to adopt pro- gin Immediately, with occupancy the distnet has reylswW and im­ overwhelmingly when it does vole (arirn 8how (In profre»?) • » has notlAod th« Bolactman that It of the store slated for November. These are the main items on the by the Democratic Town Commit­ carry’ out his ditties, J dO Mvsteo’ Theater poialB which would require ma­ proved budgeting procedures, on H. tee to take the Directorship va­ '^"^Based on China CISCO Kid K Pat Boons Show chine voting on moat buaineta po'w plana to fiiovo Ita rocorda to tha Lost H abit? agenda for the district's snnusl Badsteiibner vi’ill transfer to the Cnrtoon Ptayhouif ij Bachelor Father The market would cover about lOeCIfijiR largely through efforta of Swan­ Johnson said that unless theie cated by Ted Cumming.H. transacted at town meeting^. town oflloea. eloctlon meeting, to be held Manchester High School indoor 7.ane Grey T heater 18,000 aqusre feet to the proposed New York—A ^country pulv Wednesday, for the first time at son.m, wh(f wno once serveij.as nervrii.iLR a «. director wnbwaa a rnangechange inIn planspin.xi» luv the; treaty Today he said. ’ There have been Pupil* . of ,Mr*.------■'‘‘Ruth EUi*» s n o ru J 8.J0 Untouchables The proposals are Identical with Tha State Hlghawy Dapajlmant 'TTie current accounting sUbWs a would not be brought up un­ pool on Kelley's return. The high shopping center, he said. Popular Re^. 14.76. $ 1 the Waddell School on Jlroad St, 'V.'" “b '’ of no bu.sine.ssrhen on the Board ofor. murth grade clssa at Lincoln The Pendulum those included In a petition signed haa advleod that the ~ dotow^from------Markets formerly operated s llc-optolon poll todhsatea that surplus In the district treasury of o— nf th . school pool will not open Until .Tuly i miSer U My Buslneii 1* Markham t. proportionately, fewer Americana B o x 50. I e# ^ Candidates for election are llrting ipoTtn. Ntwi* W€«h*r ■ ' . The Ford Show 10. M. bypy BUlllCsome OUV300 voters TWA-aiao ca.a monthsssw.w.- ago.1 aws,.Rt. 44A svwss constru^on w. --- work oocanw ■upermark^t at 974 Main St., now about 13,000, according to Marks. ditonsV appropriation ’liilU a ‘ "1" '’'lSchool preaented a program, baaed 5. June .Selpel w’ill be the other • V ids J .A {wSSSaII^I readbooks than those totervlewod up rapidly today, w ith . tw o' new guard 4t the high school. ' RUG and ■.46 Doui Bdwnrds H 10;00 Groinho M arx 10. M. -nils petltldiTwas declared Invalid affective yerterday for an Indefl occupied by Top Notch Markets. Thei lie nilisurplus, jfiMO, he ns said, la one , of athe J eral pay raise bill and another mat-.i ^ hYeednian's candidacy was a (M;,their study of China, for .par- John Daly Citizen SoMlir nite' period. The highway de|>art- to the other four nati(m s-^est faces in the field In a sm all clutch At Globe Hollow. Paul Finkbein Huntlty-Brinklay 10. 10:15 Play of the JWesh by town counsel. Atty. Harold The shopping center was pro­ LIGGETT,^ reasons directors have supported ter. : weil-guar/leti secret 'Until the for- ents and friends today. ,M B arry B arents Garritv of Manchester said It fail­ ment asked that’ police and fire Germany, England, ;,AUstralla, of Intnjmbents eyeing the presi­ W’ill be chief guard, -with Jean L e -1 10.30 Take A Good Look posed by the Jarvis Co. a number dency and taX'Collectorship.' 'the request for an appropriation ” * ^*’***th. wilt ("*(> nomination by Kred . Nassiff ' Reports depicting ways and life Wins High Honors UPHOLSTERY ;00 Johnny M ldnifhl Silent Seoeilie ed to meet requirements of state departmenta be notified. Mrs. and (3anad*. j MU6 non for fire house expansion. ling p riority b^rau** tn?. i**u*8 * .Claire. Mary Moriarty and Wajme Rouih Rldara Death Valley Days of years ago, but work was not IMx posts will be open, those of in (China were given by Raymond Mrs. Joseph J. Haloburdo Jr. of Kuhnly as assistants. Nows fc W eather statutes because It was not on,«r Catherine Perealuha, chiOrman of When quiswk 17 per cent of Marks said the expansion 1* Confidential File begun. Recently, the c(jmpsny said MANOHEBIER president, secretsr>-, tresaiirer, tax not be settled by Sen»t« sctlon. Pace, Dorns Cormier. Jamea Sin- 1 Daniel Dormer w’lll be chief This Man Dawson lliOOThe Bl* iNOws form prescribed »or approved by the Board of transportation < ^ - the America^ were reading SHOPPINO PARKAPK needed. The purchase this year of Once the Senate acts on the de- Hartford was James Ds- Movls at Seven Weather, ,'^ rts A News It-had revised Ita plans and would collector and two directors. The namon, Shirley Nixon, Sharon CLEANING Passport to Dan|er the town clerk and waa not prop­ m lttee, rep o rts th a t sui agreem ent books, M per cent of the Britons, WEST MTODLE TPKE. a nets’ fire engine has created a -fense appropriation, a compromiae' honors -Sunday and was awarded Kathleen Johnston BarryJUirenis Takes Command reach^ With construction . crew construct s slightly larger build-bu a- r q ^ 33 p*r ftmt four posts run for one year, : Kutcher. Robert McKinney,' Mar- ...... snd Gall lO^Paar erly certified by the circulator. The Ing than planned at the earlier « cent of crowded condition in the station will have to be worked out with. 1 cia Matheny, Beth Cone, Miriam her. "B.S. - degree,------from ♦»'-the Univer- — ,g|eson will will be be as.sistants as.siata Htintlev-Brlnkley eSiure 40 petition wras presented to the se­ leaders yeeterday will allow school the director's seats for three. .John Daly and tho Newl Capt. William J. Gettey took date, president Alexander Edward F. Moriarty, a director at Main and Hilliard Sts. ftn ex­ the House mi item s in dispute. i SchetUer, Clynthia I.*Fe\’re, San- .sity of Connecticut School of Nurs- . Swimming ■ -lessons will ■be given TEL Ml 7-1762 ^ ..forld’s Best Morles over command today ®f Niike B a t­ lectmen by Clifford Magnuaon, buses to travel over Rt. 44A as has tra r.all would alleriate the con­ There is expectation That Eisen­ r JO t-aw of Tne Plainsman -ITTSo Jack Paar said a t the time that .aome s to re s ' per cent ,of the Canadians. for two terms, and Denis Frechette, * dra Fox, Siisan McGahey, Gall ing. The graduate, the form.er at all but the high school p(vol be­ or \ Shotrm Slade 1J;15 Starllftht Movie ten’ C, 55th ArtiUen’ Battalion. Joseph Lefebvre and Walter Trea- been oustoinary, for the remainder director for one, ars the two dition. he suggested. hower will veto the pay bill. This j Hampton. Stephen Hahn, John Esther PasquaUni, is the daughter Bat Masterson 13:3(1 Almanac ginning July 5. Books of tickets To Tell the Tnith He has been with battalion supply chuk. t of this school term. whose terms expire. They ssld the> “ Directors have voted to ask for would pose thequestion of whether Miirphv and Patrice Burke. of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Pasqualini, will be sold" for the first time, for Ml 3-5747 12:6(1 News A Weather The new petition presented by Dog Warden Frank Paggloll in I I 00 Betty Hutton Shoiw 1:00 Late News since August. r ^ . 'win not ‘run sgsin. _ ■ _ a maximum of $6,000 for ;lhe ad­ Congress should enact It over the I ’Those who took part in an orig­ 65 Baldwin Rd. She waa gradu­ admission to the Verplanck and Donna Reed I * News. Prayer Ronson la certified by him as cir­ his monthly report to the aelect­ Bat Masterson , Before that, he served for more Neither will President David J. dition. The fire house currently veto. ' inal play. ’'Weaving Silk," were ated from Manchester High School. MHS s\vimmlng pools. Children up WEEH FOR COMPLETE LlSTtNO than two years as executive bffleer culator and approved by Town men, has listed 10 investigations has two stalls to hold the depart- CHairman J. William Fiilbnght Patrice Burke. .Miriam SchetUer. BEE BATUKd A T’B TV’ Clerk David Toomey. It contains Marks, who has served a term and .At UConn School of Nursing. Mrs. to 18 vearil of age w’ill pay $1 for of Batteiry A, sUtioned In East during May. There ivere 18 Inves­ meh-t’a four engines. (D-Arkt of the Senate Foreign Re­ Frances Gunning, -EUen Ijiw son, Haloburdo was president of Sigma a _ book...... of to tickets. __ Adults will 30 names, and requeate a towoi tigations In April. a half In the presidency. latione Committee said today that Garner* 5 Windsor. ' Two Candidates No Tax Hike Barbara Smith, Linda Washburn, Theta Tau. nursing sorority, and i p^v ji for five. Each ticket ■will 8 GRISWOLD ST. capt. Gettsy took over com- meeting be called to consider ap- Picnle Slated •The propoaed appropriation he atm feels the treaty should be proving by machine vote: Candidates for the directorships Dennl-a W inot. C raig Johnson, a member of Phi Kappa Phi, honor entitle the holder to one sw-imming Wo Give Oroen Btamge Radio iMjid from Capt. Robert W. Ev­ The Woman’s Soclaty of Cairla- are William F. Preston, 74_ A-von- would not mean a rise in the dis­ acted on speedily. Nancy Johnston and Douglas 1. All proposed towm ordlnajices; Before the presidential viait to sorority. 1 perioft, erett. who is attending Advanced tian Service of United MeUuxliat dale Rd , snd John Cisreia, 74 Har­ tric t 2..Vmm-tax rate, Marks said. Fisher. APtlllen’ Offloer'a School at Ft. 2. All propo'sed towm expendi­ Church Mdll hold ita annual picnic • Special for Friday Only • ’The current surplus will,go s long Tokvo .was (Mlled off F ulhright h ad ' I lan St. ■ A ChinSkie play. “ Moonbeam Sill, Okla. _ tures of 110,000 or more not set at the home of Mrs. .Edward Rich­ way to offset any need for In­ predicted overwlyflmlng Senate >»u a u ;» Btarliihl, B«rsnad# forth in the annual town budget; 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. June 17 ■ Neither candidate has run or Dares. ” by Sylvia Lee. is’as enrflT- ^ 12:66 Nawi; Slin Off A veteran of 16 years In the ardson on Vernon Rd, Tuesday at New I960 ratification of the treaty. ed by Caro! Andrews. Kenneth Mint n dieir 3 All proposed purchases of Pattern Genuine Lifetime Service | held political office before. Preston crease. he 1[nc*-(*‘*- P*'” ' In view of the Japaneae develop­ 9:00 Nswa, Zatmaa WINK—1**« Army, (3apt. Gettey rose from the 6:30 p.m. la a 19-year district resident, with posed budget of about $82,000 can Ferguson, Thomas Croteau, Paul *rl5 A« Jota*» land, building, additions or Im­ Mrs. Howard Server, Mrs. John ' ■ ments. growing oiil of riotous deni- i'.UO Financial Nswa rank of private. He enlisted in 18 years of service, in the District be tapped for funds to augment Trott. Jean DuxbiuT’, Dianne JOIN THE THRIFT PARADE! 6:46 LoweU Th™” " 6:16 Showeaaa and Naws provements. Chick, Mrs. Grace Skllton and Mrs. ■ onstrationa against the pact, there T:(»:UO AmosAinos rr r« AndywuwT 7:00 Fulton Lewis 1946 and w’as asslgrned to the 4th Volunteer Fire Department. He la those on hand. Thomas. Marcia Matheny and'San­ 7 30 Doubla Your J>leaaur€ Set Tentative Date a a re n c e C uster wUl be co-1 _ were somS indications C..S.. action.^ 7:16,kivenlna Devotions Cavalry Division during the occu­ tream irer of Hose Co. 2. He is a Other elections will decide oc­ dra Fox. w-lth R obert Purvis as 7:46 Bob and Bay 7;8S The Arm y Hour pation of (Jermany. H« returned The'Selectmen have set June 29 ho8tes?a. They will pfovlde des- i ■ might be held up to see what M m e ; tiiio Wmld ronlfhl 24 P(t SET I pattern maker at Pratt ftWhitney cupancy of the secretary’s and announcer. 8:00 News . _ as the tentative date for the town sert and coffee for the potluck B M inister N obusuke K tshi’a go'VBrn- j *:16 Muifo Till On# *:06 The World Tpdsy to the United States in December Aircraft wdth 20 -years' service, is treasurer's positions. Joseph Volz la.OO Nswa J:30 Phowcaee and _ 1948 and reenlisted, having risen meeting requested by the petltlon- event. Guests will bring either cas-! _ COMPLETE SERVICE’ FOR SIX I and Howard B. Keeney, Incum­ ment will do. | U:10 Musle n n Ona 8:00 Mueic In (he A lr-^ '.S Air Force a member of the International As- However. Kiahi served notice, he | Philip E. Freedman _ Off to the rank of staff sergeant. ers. serole or salad dishes as well as^B NOT *14.95 ■ bents, respectively, 'will run again. 1:00 Nawa h1#d *:05 Showcase and Newe their own place servings of silver, | B ioriatlon of Machinists. ^ snd a WHAT—aio 9:4.6 Baseball ^ rm u p He wM In Hawaii on manuevers . The original petition, declared Democrat He served with the Other board members credit both 9:85 New York at Kansas City with the 2nd Infantry Division invalid, asked directly for’ a ref­ plate and cup. . ■ 1:00 Bil Show Navy in World War II, is married men with excellent w’ork during w’hlrh becomes automatic Sunday Ing. Tltfe endorsement waa unan- 6: SO JohnlJaty 12.06 Worlj|L.N«»»—®'*" when the unit was alerted over the erendum. If Ronson wants to du­ Mrs. Robert Richardson, CiviLB Sbow andin hasnas threeinrrr children...... i the .vear in m ^ng financing unless Jh?' parliament la dissolved imouB. and Freedm an la certain 6:40 Korean cortfiict. While in Korea, he plicate this request, he may be ex­ Defense liaison member, has asked Friday ^ to be voted into the post by the SCREENS 7:00 p. Monaa members to turn in their CD check Preston said he did not want to practices more or recessed. -- 7:16 b S Show received the Bronze Star medal, pected to file a third petiUon. . Only i Democratically’ Controlled Board l-TRAOK ALUMINUl 11:80 PJibU c^alra lists at the picnic. discuss the consolidation is.tue a t' There is an ouUide' poe^ility Kishl said he would not discuss COMBINATION LIFE given for heroic or meritorious If he does file a petition ask­ with lingth, but said he felt the distrik , that inciTtobenl ^rector either step—demanded by thS left­ when it meeta June 28. IS-.OfT’Slin. Off Engagement achievement during operations B^ball News Coupon ■ WPOP—1416 , ing for a referendum, and If It la Despite wet grounds and the in­ U not readv for con.solidation 1 f'- ist demonstrators—until, the two He expects to enter the town 6:00 Mem. Waather against an enemy. He wears the valid, the aelectmen would call the this Itme. He also said the t o w n - | the officer a posts, but ^ sftKl to countries had exchanged ratifica­ election ip the fall, he said, after _ 'SITen it evitable wet players as a result, Positively None Sold Before or After 6:it.S(mn. Btllrocaa Andredi-FInkle Korean service medal with five June 29 meeting to order and then Hblton'a junior baseball program Guaranteed Ufetlmo oolld stalnleaa steel CRAFTED by district sewer problems along the day the chance Is remote, tions. This reversed-# previous In­ fllli,gg'’^out Cumm ings’ unexpired WINDOWS 7:00 Bay Som an battle stars. Friday, June 17. A Repre(MinUtlve WIU Use of the, Waddell School Is term . 11:00 Newa„ __ The engagement of Mias Lillian adjourn It to July 6 for a refer­ carried out Its schedule last night NATIONALLY KNOWN SILVERWARE MANUFAC­ district borders could be worked dication that the Kishi government IS silsWtt laltrl U:10 Bay Bemtn The commander was sent to endum. The statutes require that when Sheridan OH defeated M and TURER. .».It la your guarantee of quaHty and life­ Be Here to Conduct Sale. out to the satisfaction of both designed to spread district ection w’ould recess parliament ss,a com­ ('/ommend 'Oimmlngs 1:00 Del Baycee Andreoli of vVapping to Willard Japan early In 1951, and later that to outer district areas, and maiy The comm ittee ^voted a letter wnc-ioM a referendum be called on a petl- M OIU 8-3. Robert Hills was win­ time service. You get a lifetime free replac^ent piar- GUARANTEED , ___ sides. promise to allow Elsenhower s riow- 819.98 nnkle Jr. of Wapplng la announced year returned to the Unite:! States. tion'seven days after the town antee with each 24-plece stainless set for ttos amazing be a precedeni for holding ocher canceled visit to take place. of commendation for Cummings LarsMi’a Hardwaro, tae. ning pitcher, Factory Guaranteed — lifetime. Free (Jlarcis, alao a Democrat, Is an VALUE ^ -flr -ft 6:00 NeWi, WeaUier ft Sports by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred In Ju n e, 1952, he was accepted meeting date asked for in a peti­ Ken Shapazian, pitched for M sale for only 8.97, complete service for six ^ p le. - eperating engineer, currently meetings at other silee in future Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont), who resigned during his second 34 Depot S4|nai« 6:80 Album of the Dsy for OfiScer’s T raining School a t Ft. Replacement. years. Formerly, voters' meetings assiitant Senate majority leader, Board term becavi.se his w’ork as a 6:46 Three SUr Extra Ahdreoli, 64 Beezlebub Rd., Wap- .. . . * ■— .■ M J k ■ ^9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tion. At least 200 or more persona and M and Jeff ^faxwell caught. e NEVER NEEDS POU 8HING J _ working for the Plantation ("on- ’IP DO NOT PHONE Manoheeter Wallpaper 7:00 Dick Bertel ninz Her fiance la the son of Mr. Sill, Okla. and was grraduaied the qualified to vote in the town must Umpires were Bob Stepheni and e WILL NOT TARNISH. RUST OR MAIN ■truction Co. on the new filtra- were held at the Hollister St. said prior to the'Tokyo develop­ Green. Manor construction super­ ](BBtaIlattna Optional 7:30 News _ ' _ following February with the rank Due to limited supply only 2 per eua- S A V I N G S a and Paint Snd Mrs. Willard Flnkle, Elling­ sign the petition. Francis Warren Sr. e REPLACF. WITHOUT TIME LIMIT AND ' tlon plant for the City of Rockville School. , I ments that the SwaU would act intendent takes him out of the 7'46 Public Bervlee Profram of lieutenant. He then spent 21 totner. (100 sets). 249 Brood Str. . 8:06 Nllhtbeat Sheridan Oil Is scheduled to meet WITHOUT CHARGE . ft ■ , He has lived In the district to regardless of any Japsnese delay State. ll:0 0 N e w a ton Rd., Wapplng. , . . months in Europe as forward ob­ Parking Lknlted j NO FEDERAL TAX ____ and L O A N a MIss Andreoll la a graduate of Flano R ealty tom orrow a t 6 p.’m. years, has worked on 'engineering of ratification. Freedman, a Manchester resi­ O. J. Mnrriaon Paint On. 11:16 Bporta Final server, executive officer, and com­ The selectmen have posted "‘•Insofar aa I am cohcei-nwl HOME ,\ s s (> (. 1 \ I I (> 'J Ellsworth Memorial High School. at the Bolton Dairy field on Rt. 85. IS STORE'G'NLYt projects in the far west snd dent since 1956, and a Springfield, 886 Center 8L “ mander of Battery A in the 70 signs on French Rd. between Rt. we ve had the treaty long enpngh Mass . native, attended the Amer- SPECIALTIES South Windabr. She Is employed 86 and Deniing Rd. to limit park­ Alaska. Diinng World War II, he Credit Relax /iV9t//m r'SA V/A/SS Paul’s Paint and by the Connecticut Mutual Life In­ Field Artillery Battalion. Advertisement— 86 SETS—Stainless with and ought to face up to our respo jean International College in that f o r ATHLETE*S FOOT "A t the end of 1956, he returned ing to only one aide of the street. I SERRATED knives. $19.06. was St the Naval Ordinance Test sibilitv regardless of the delay in 89 PURNELL PI.ACE .L aisT rinaaciat maTiTSTiea Wallpaper surance Co. In Hartford. Floilvers for all occasions. Gifts fitatlon In California. (Tty and graduated from the^ Boa- Vse T*4-L fo r 8 to D aayo* to the United States and attend­ The action was taken in the w’ake ; Japan. ” Mansfield told ' reporters. tonT ^niversily School of Law’ in MI 8-3866 646 Main fit. Mr. Flnkle attended East Rdc'-' of experience on weekends when and Greeting, CJards. Lee's F lo rist FRIDAY ^ Cisreia is married snd is the Up to Stores W a tc h freah-aa-»-d*l6y. **ealOiy ed missile school at Ft. Bliss, Tex. and G ift Shop. MI S-8089. I “Congress will be quitting in a lit­ 1951. He served three years in akin replace the Infection. I ^ o t iord High School and is employed overflow crowds at a nearby re­ ONXY .... r... $5.82 father of seven childrenjuhree in in the First National Stores ware­ He first cam? to Manchester in _____ DRUG school, three in grammar tle more than three weeks, it a the U.S. Army Counter Intelli­ d e lle h te d ' with Irtatant-d^ng sort resulted In parking on thd I^HOPPING PARKADE ^ MIDDLE TURNTIKE WEST — high schfwl. three in ' The Chamber of Commerce 1 ^ ^ " “^utuanv advantageous trea- house In Eaftt Hartford. 1957. Manchester Eventog Herald gence Corps, mo.stly in the Balti­ T-4^ your 4*c back from aay The captain la married and lives street. Bolton oorres|MHideat, Doris M. lent executive committee has voted ^ ^ .j„ be approved overwhelm- A July 30 wedding Is planned at Uncontrolled itreet parking pre­ more and Pittsburgh areas. drugglat. Notes T-4;L U (w^teUy with his wife and 2-year-old daugh^ D'ltaila. telephone Mitchell 8-6546. Preeent district officials ha\e lent plan ; bv the Senate,” He belongs to the Democratic for l^©vo^o case#. NOW at #. W. St. Francis of Assisi Church In sented Aasarda and inoonveniemoe South Windsor. ter a t 2 Nike Chrcle. - r Town (Jommittee auitHi^^. and is H ale Corp* United Aircraft Corp- strike. treasurer-elect of the LiiitiA Club, efecting to the board a peraon Thev decided instead that each familiar with engineering ways whose U.N. ea.say contest hSstbeen case should be decided on lU own , Dispute Blamed A iippiiiiiiipiipiiliiilpiiipiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiilliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiHi end problems under his charge for two yeans. as seen on TV Cor/est May Develop merita as provided for “by a firm 's For Rise in Idle He lives with hia wife, the fori F or llL- lax collector's post, normsl credit channels.” mer Beverly Bursack of Manches­ OM FATHERS PAY.SERVE M!>'S... there Mis a cnniesicontest oeveiopingdeveloping be-dc-, , The Chambers policy, ter, at 62 Grant. Rd.. with their tween Incumbent Victor E. Swan-i would not mean • Claiina tor unemployment com- two daughters, Barbara Lynnv 8, ■on and Director Thomas H. El-1 to relax Installment buyingpenaation pn^ to Mianchewer rote iaat and .Tudlth P,andi. 9 month*. llott. Elliott v#*l*rday he rediire*. but would leave week a little more than 11 'per ’The. Freedmans head the Mr. and fieclded to run for the post. ; merchsnt free to evaluate each cent for the second straight week, Mrs. (jlub of Temple Beth Sholom. CARTER'S Elliott also said he would prob-' rase of necessity on its own mer- the State Labor Department an­ Freedman is on the Temple Board SblT resign his director’s post. | its,, nounced today’. ■ of directors and is a former mem­ which has two vears to run^ be.-,,i Csrl Riemer, a committee mem- 'The trend w’as ’he same in Oon- ber of B'nai B'rith. fore throwing his hat in the col- , her. said the decisioh' was made—' necticut aa a w’hole, and Labor Lone Nominee lector’s ring. This would mean ; because general relaxation of ' (^jo^nmissipner Renato E. Ricciuti ”rhe couple itial claims filed last w’eek were 8-0*. JAR SHUBnNT!: rRMC Elliott aald, hriwever. he had not their companies. Some chain store ; 218 and continued claims mim- mittee, said Freedman was recom­ EVISCERATED made up hia mind definitely on tnia branches in .Maftcheater were con- bered 8)2. mended as a hard-working Demo­ IIBTANT BARTLEH score, but would make the deci.sion tacled earlier during the strike' One year ago, rlaima were near- crat hv his district leader. TTiomas before the weekend : situation and sftid their com panies’ I ly the sam e a t 1,039. Elliott'. Freedman's W as the only PEARS Me 'When Swanson said he “ polices prov’ide for credit change* Claima around the SUte roSe name put into nomination. COFFEE 79e TURKEYS - run again for tax colleclor. he de­ at individual atorea in tim es o f ; from 36,0fi8 to 36,789, a jum p of nied he*Jwd any aims on the presi­ emergency. '1.666, the deportment reported - i dent’s position. a speculation playtex' t m a n e u M 8:12 Lbs. Lb. 4 9 c among district observ’ers. Sale of New CNEVROLETS and CORVAIRS The salary of the collector was reduced hv hoard action from cotton-pret^* C M tm A N $2,400 a y ear to $1,800 in a recent directors’ meeting. All district of­ ficers concurred in the decision. ^ THOMPSON DAY CAMP bra (2.50)... CHUCK Baeka Presidency | tH rector Philip L Burge.'vs; , You Want 'Em-We Cot Em , 7»ho«e term has one .year to go, ’2,500“ wa • Comiiltl* Campi9{ Pre$rain for Boys • IN OROeSNIES STEAKS jvaa announced his' candidacy for | TremcperteiHwi and 'Hitpriii^ Includnd free... I preeident. So far. he is unopposed, 7 Ih all styles and cojor combinations at prices you want to pay but he said he fhlnka there will be a contest before the election is when you buy a Lb. 59 c ever. Marks said he will not run again and can aHord to pay because CARTER is trdding high . . . Yes, because of added duties in bpsi- SUMNER THOMPSON, Dlroetor nese He is manager of Piantland. I BU9-M16 e 460 EIXINOTON RD.. EAWR^ARTTORD playtex lAIH HACK HAWK tho C. R. Burr (>. retail outlet on Drying cloth** higher than you can imaginie until you come in and get our deal. ToHand Tpke. ■ - Looking forward to the annual j| is oasy today... magic-ding" strapless A Speeiol (aifi From Bursack's BACON V- ______bra U. SPECIAL COUPON FOR FRIDAY , Irihisinal Right now. you get o fomotn $2.50 jo a wO xsestoe this spseW mtes wertb $2A8#fcomsw( USED CARS Playtex Cotton-Fretty Bro (oH-eotton ityW) (1® 5Lb. R«9 *58 CHEVROLET IMPAIA HARDTOP. - V-8, powergUde, *68 BUICK i-DOQR SPECIAL, V-8. dynaflow, ra- EW A W obeolutely free vAsfi you buy 0 Fleylex A*egte.S7 C .. hS oU N L 3 L \ ■ wbotever you do. Stretch, reoeh, bond! H won^ lUpl wkitowaUs, 2-tone paint. Exerta clesui.C a # F s# *66 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR. V-8 power- SQQC ° Genuine Lifetim* Constni€te4 glide, radio, heater and defroster and many extra#. Super Powered It won't ride op( The lecret? An exdottve eleclk **7 FORD CUSTOM 800 2-DOOR. 8 tan64 PONITAC 2 aod 4-DOORS. Excellent Would Expect You get premium quality | Clean as a whistle. 8 cylinder, hydramatic. A real buy. Mobilheat with RT-98 . . . the , t to Pay You eon wear tbU ttropless bro in heovenly oomfbft . ■(> .BUT ONLY moat completely effective fuel PURE BEEF *5« FORD CUSTOM X-DOOR. ^ _ *68 FORD 3-DOOB MAINLINE. Stronger Power ’ oil doyilong. White. 32A to 3BC. >8t- :::::: Staadaid shift, heater and defroater, signal fights, ^ Q ft C oil additive in use today. And Fresh Fruits and Vegetables S|teclal price. $295 Bigrurer Field you'get premium service. Au­ dark green. Ibla oae la sharp. |. ^ Remember, you get o frM Woytex Colton-M ty ‘ FIRM, RIPE PATTIES of View • tomatic deliveries . . . a bal­ •14 PLYMOUTH BELVEDKKK OONVER'*"BLE. V-8, aute- anced payment plan and many (reg. $2,30) when you buy o AAcgte-Oiiig • « m a ^ Radio, heater and defrestor. Bargain Hunter Specials other extras designed to make TOMATOES L b . A g e e d b o y . *3.99 home heating ready easy. •t $3 95. Hurry though, thli lonaotlonol oNor k 7 9 c' *64 FORD 2-DOOR. STICK SHIFT, *M OLDSMIWBILE 88 HOLIDAY 4-DOOR HARDTOP. V-8, pood for o limited time only. ^ hydramatte, radio, heater aad defroster.'. INTEROEPTOR ENGINE. '^195 '68 ENGUBH FORD. WITH THIS COUPON Mobilheat ;| | | P k g .-1 9 c 2-teae paint. A renl value, ’ ZEPHYR 4-DOOR. BLACK. $95 We Will Allow Only Two (2) Pairs Mm dooH-odMO FANCY NATIVE e ( ^ ] *66 CHEVROLET 4-DOOB. *88 PLYMOUTH 4.DOOR.4 lf naire of luminous 7 x 85 (mated lens to a Coupon Until Our Supply Is Gone. oddRivo SUMMER SQUASH 2 u. 29e 210 model, standard, 6 ^ h a d t r , radio, heater ftft B $175 I WITH CASE. 75 mile range. Compare with ------60 PAIRS------and defroster. Three to ehooee fiSmi. ‘ '48 DODGE 2-DOOR. $150 pair. Only jis ei e For Sports Events e A' M t n MANCHESTER 1229 MAIN ST. OPEN 9 AM. 10 9 PM. ^^OFMN^fAiwAM-ftHBW -I WW. WIST 301-315 Ctnftr Sf. NATIVE STRAWBERRIES

X"-- J I ■ \ \ \’ \\ r PAGE SEVEN y ■ MANCHESTER EVEN1^^G HERALD, MJ^CHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 16. V II 'SPa Youths Cai MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ltiQ «m 8 T S R . CONN. *lrmJRSbAY; JUNE 1». 1960^ RockvUle^Vernon o State News Ike’s Questioned ill P A 6 B S IX it advocated, but^also bluntly pro­ bu*thes8-llk* preparaUon deeiaions ahead. Th# Republlt^ A Thought for Today Nieeded, Says Powell no tedlcatlMK^M y*t,*that w ••• weuld plunge peat a vaat lea bar­ posed the tax inereasei it would ssirs* to ths Msashssts* WINDOW SHADES rier, which la indeed Jpgt what "new look” did do just that, and we Roun Station Break It with any mor* elartty ana ^ a - Connei*ticui involve. ate Inclined to aalute the party Oennell Of Ohorebs* - -• Canceled by Kishi haa happ#«*ed to all th# worid^i- To these traditionalists, this was LONG WEARING ^ atwn th^i wa had.fnf th* laaua «rf nothing more than reckless imn- leadership and the conwKitlon for mtasing peracn*. The »un ia fiat (Coiittoned from Pag* One) or >nt th« Praafllrnfs sente. One promises the moon. One holding to their preconceived play •More llMui Conqueror*’ INTERSTATE CLEANTIX . Mahehester detective# this atter- last night iald both political par­ ^ t r n \ h Yankee deapite last minute misgivings and Against Consolidation Correction noon were questioning three Hart­ Hutchlnrfon also said the OOP too, a luminoue disc which is 82 does not accompany such a po­ •When th# mother of a famotis a one year sentence to be sus­ (ContiniMd from Page One) ties in Manchrater must hew to to Jaitiwt ahould ha puahed at alarms. The most Important asset JC Made to Order ford youths in connection with a accusation that Demoefata chM— mtlee acroes. The sun move# ao litical promise with the presenta­ painter, looking over her son* pended after the attorney served agreement in capital projects plan­ ped the town budget capital un.-j, ii* tim*. ' , ’\ By A. H. 0. any political party can have today, With Yoor Rollera premeditated violence planned by The Herald erred yesterday in break last night at the Sunoco 1 » W m »11 8tr»»l as to give UI night and day, but tion of the bill. One -promises all ahou(d*r, commented, “I do not 60 days. He also placed him on ning If the projects are"ever to get provementa allocation to outside- of glamorous candidate to •e* In th* sky ths colors that y 9*f>v I to get hi* policy of reconciliation more deadly moment when, with­ Baking shortcakes again this pl#»t tSms, you can be “ more of what i^ best for the town, quick ratification of the treaty and Hartford about 2 a.m. today by cents a year, and on# secretary impossible to deliver eveiything, year will be Mrs. Albert Petke, aa a voter only. Safety Dlvlsibn, explained the ac­ of leftwing rioting $nd demonstra­ should follow a long range pro- there’s only one logical thing fa MF.MBER o r out comment, the convention heard than Conquerors’’ by accepting Schwedel asserted.. asserted: * tions aimed primarily at the new East Hartford Patrolman Joseph ' ' THE ABSOriATED PRESS ! ____and ____ »elf determination off the takes care of *p*nding them all. one usSs Jhe opposition as the Sllbi. Mrs. Raymond Miller and Mrs. , A t the same time. Mayor tion yesterday. He said Go-KarU, ,gram extending over the life of do—issue bonds.” Republican Gil­ the burial, without eulogy, of the Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Notice Other Opinions LeMay who discovered their car on There are no drives, no clambake*, One does hot say, beforehand; that Erna LashtnSke.. ■Flaherty criticized the Fire Dis­ used mainly by adults, can attain I will not resign or dissolve security pact but also at the El­ (icvcrftl boards, wid should b€ kept bert Barnes now says original plank for reform of the one will not even put Up a real In a mors deUlled way. you can trict commissioners, who oppose Support of the District Commis­ parliament until the security pact senhower visit. contained a loaded .32 caliber re­ dt.twich*. w.dtt.d in « nr g,r,„rted for aeveral months, was Mrs. Irvin Secor, Mrs. Anna I will away from my hntl- high speeds and lack many of the as nonpartisan as possible. should be a “last resort” In capital, no ,lectures, no lobbying, no pres­ probate court system. We brought fight fot panacea for Podunk. achieve this aUtus by seeing all th# charter, for deferring the ref­ sioners’ stand against the charter is ratified—I have said it and I Socialists led the opposition in volver, and items which police Grimason and Mrs. Wilma Wiley o f lifs In th* context of God’s basic protective structural fea­ He said It’s hard enough to pro­ planning. , . . ~ s ;’d , ? ; i : V X * r n - - good , participation. b>- nstit^ sure apparatus, no publication*, not It finally into scoring position tiM* from iii»w niiHl Ans* t. erendum# to July 5. came from Vernort Fire Co. I in an win say it now.” parliament to the treaty, claiming say were later identified aa those mote a “yes” vote on projects Thera were enough old profea- are-handling tickets. creation, by seeing God’s purpose tures” required of other racing In another matter last night, tpa. All Ipopid m Ui* recent depsri- even very much public Insistence through the somewhat acrobatic «T believe that every effort official vote. Monday and from The pact originally would have that U.S. base# in Japan laid the stol^ from the garage. without the added dimculties sionals, and enough nervmi* “new Others assisting srs Mrs. Emll^ rsvealed in Jesus, then for your­ about h«lf the District's 80 volun­ cars. Town Committee heard a p r e l^ - on peeping unbelievers from falling catch of a forward pass by Antoni lookers” around this convention to Bronks, Mrs. Anna Stahl, Mrs. for Emorgwiiey Work should be made to provide the be*t The ban doea not_apply to quar­ taken effect sutomatically .on Sun­ country open to attack from foes The break waa discovered a caused by one party “kicking up a inary report on a propotol 'Wr Sac|lak, the party's nomine# for self choosing that purpose and teer firemen in an unofficial vote day, a month alter KIsHi’s major­ of America. couple of hours after th* trio was Tull ..rrlc. cit.nl nl N. E A s j y ,, election of Many off the edge, if that is their inclina­ bring aome of these old wisdoms William Sadroslnikl. Mrs. Jack possible opportunity for every ter midget racing by children, fre­ fuss” or "raising suspicions.” State aid to education being* congressman-at-large, who heart­ into almost every group conver­ Vanwiqk and Mrs. Jennie Kromp#- holding to it with poise and Joy In citizen to vote.” Flaherty said, in last week. . quently confused with Go-Karting, ity in the lower house approved It. There was no great personal ani­ stopped. 5 . Plan Unsatisfactory N h U .r . ,Moslem* to office. t>e .Gaiille'a oh- spits of "the fell clutch of circum-1 C dl The Republican Town Commit­ worked out by Atty. Irving Arofi- tion. ‘ (g ened everybody by proclaiming sation. Perhaps their' sharpest gal. Girls from the Young Psople'* objecting to the referendum# be­ nor will it affect Go-Kart activity The prime minister had planned to mosity throughout against , Eisen­ Judge jlohn Brennan of East Powell said he thought “general Bon, Democratic State representa­ stance." This means both the ac- tee discussed .< the consolidation yVk' chic.im o t I' ’<<"1" effnr* draw the native The IFES, in other words, has a himself part of the “new look." warning was that all this would be Society will be waitresses. ing held on the day after the where motors of less than three postpone this by recessing parlia­ hower. ** Hartford---- ordered------the $10,000 acceptance” existed before, the MKMBF.K AUPTT FlKEcAt ’ •/- All this leaves us fourth down eeptanc* of life, the acceptance of Mofichottor HooNii^i tive. population into the political proc- cause for being quite as eound playing Into the hands of Ribicoft, Fourth of July weekend, a prime charter at Us meeting last night horse power are used, over which ment during Eisenhower's visit to Kishi’.# opposition charged that weapon charge this May referendum. The last-minute The committee also expresa^ eight yards to go for a score, and yourself, and the giving unto God •but did not take a stand. The 15 ease the tension, but it appeared the premier waa using the Presi­ mmi was fought hy the Algerian and respectable and legitimate as by volunteering, beforehand, re­ vacation period, State Police lack Jurisdiction. morning, and ^continued the ease GOP “about face” opposing the a vote of confidence for FrdIJi w* are a little uncertain »s to Just Toiiriata Save B*l*nc« all th# credit and the glory. crhI Plumbing Co. or so members present differed on likely he now would keep parlia­ dent’s visit *(rta means of staying sponsibility for those tax increase.* However, Flaherty said he ac­ Shaw said he will refuse to li for a week. $160,000 West Side sewer and Doocy, w-ho la seeking the Demo-^ rebels, un*ucce8s^llly. most other organisations, plus the how we shall gel the "new look" Let ua prey: O God our Father, whether the committee should sup­ ment in aession ao the treaty in power antr as- a weapon in his Meanwhile, investigations are which he himself ought to be com­ cepted the Jufy 5 dale "with re cense Go-Kart racing “ until we are $400,000 In storm drains “ astound­ cratic nomination for reelectlon #A In his fireside chat to France unique distinction of never trying across the goal line. Vienna—In for the fourth grant ua Thy purpose. Thy peace 117 Birch St. port, the charter, remain neutral,, would take effect a# originally fight for ratification of the treaty. being pursued by Det. Sgt, Joseph pelled to ask for. consecutive year, Austria main­ p e t ” an that referendum* can be convinced by further study that Ostensibly .the President’s visit ed” him, he declared. State senator, * te Th. M»nch».lcr F.r.rlnt H.rald the other nighU-President de Gaulle to push anybody, either its own Our best chance, we would guess, and Thy poise, that in us and or discuss it at another meeting the sport does not present any un planned. Sartor and Det. Thomas Graham He said the $30,000 alternate lies In a salute to that new touch If we are going to get th* “new tained a favorable international heeld In the district and the h" Already Moscow waa crowing was to be a goodwill mission, com­ t>i,r>l»T «dT.rll.ing rlnrina hnt.r. set the stage for a fiew discussion members or, the unbelievers, look” ball over the goal line, we through UI, Thy holy puT>os«» <*«- Td. Ml 9-8778 or 9-8382 w'ith more members present. usual hazards to the spectators br of the Manchester police and Del. West Side project wh^ch the GOP in the party platform to w-hich the balance of payments. Import# dared in Christ may be fulfilled the sarhe date, as required by the The Democratic Town Commit­ over the goveriimeht’i action. A memorating the 100th anniversary Tnr M "nd»r—1 r m of Algeria hy devoting his facile around. And that capacity—of be­ have to give the verdict that when climbed to $1,160,000,000 and ex­ enabling legislation concerning participants." Sgt. Edwin Tully and Det, George favored was, in everyone’s opinion fnr Tu«.d»y—1 b-t" partv and the convention did firm­ here In 'Manchester and through­ tee has endorsed the charter, as Tass agency dlst tch aaid: "By of formal relations between the Garrity of the East Hartford Po­ Baugh Says YGOP one party demonstrates responsi­ port# to 81,010,000.000. Revenue eonsolidatlon. . “t Gb-Karta are small riga consist “ an unsatisfactory, limited, last- fnr Thur.d»v-1 p rn Wrdn.rd.r pen. flrst. to the issue of colpnlal- ing able to hold an Idea without ly adhere despite considerable self- out -the world. In Jesus’ holy have the Jayceea, the, Rockville canceling the invitation to Presi­ United SUtes and Japan. bility and candor,' that is really from tourism reached a record WALTER D. KOHLS Hrhwedel Rap* Risley ing of tubular steel framework Ther* was no enmity displayed lice. ■' resort thing.- This Is what they T?r Prld.v—1 pm I ism. as (oliows: trying to push everybody else in­ questioning and uneasiness over name. Amen. Rotary Club, and the Citizens four wheel* and a motor mounted dent Eisenhower, the Kishl govern­ Included among the Items found- Training Ground T«r F*mrd.y— nm the reparture from political tra­ confpulsion upon the other to do high of 8204.000,000 to overcome PLl'MBINO and HEATtNO Additional criticism waa leveled ment actually admitted Its bank- against Americans generally Jn pushed for. .because It waa clieap.” _ „. •»rh 'It 1* useless to enumerate th# to conformity with it—is often the the same, rather than license it Rev. Clifford O. Simpson Committee for Better Ooveriiment at th* rear. in the car and identified by C. Aus­ But Democrats, said Po'well, will C1»».iri.d d««dlln> lb JUltllHST— * tb dition which it so clearly represent- the trade deficit of mot* than 204 MAPLE 8T. ■ft th* Dtatrict commiasloners an^fl Japan. A group of 250 student d»T ,nf ruhllctlnn .Tcrpi causes of the ev^olutlon that have real mark of the strength and to'"continue ducking reality. The $140,000,000. Center Church. (CCBG). - tin Bass, owner of the station, wer'e continue to “ face” the GOP with Briggs Baugh. membership, at the first selectman’ iBih night The CCBG Tuesday Unanimoualy decision came ** Tokyo was demonstrators broke -into a U.S. tires, a new battery chargei^ an S ».m led us to put an end to colonialism. validity of the idea involved. Not '''r h ii was in itself a “new look" situation really Is that the expen­ by Nat N. Schwedel, a leading threatened with another day of Air Force compound early today, what he said was the need for cer­ chairman df” tlw, .State Young ,R«- Thursday June IS diture# in question are going to be agreed that June 28, the date outboard motor, four gallons of By tha very fact of the progress onl.v can we afford the 70 cents a conyentlon, but there were enough Itockvitle industrialUrt. recorntpended by the Consolidation leftwing violence. but did not enter any of the 48 tain projects, and will not atop publioan Club."' last night saiff made, and the t»x Increase# are oil, and a number of pints of-spe­ until the GOP Is persuaded into ac­ political traditionalists still pres­ Schwredel termed the commls- and Charter Commission, was Approximately' 15.000 studenta homes occupletl by American faml- YGOP organization*-serve as traln-r achieved, in. our territories, by the year, as soon as an American sec- going to be voted, and that the Obituary cial oil. cepting a program, however “mini­ ^T iy The Mohs M'in ent to transmit rather widely their ^oners’ action “undemocratic ideal” as tfie day for the refer­ and labor union members renewed Ue$. or molest any of the resi­ ing grounds for political--leadeiais mold that we give to their elite, by 'T-etary is named to receive it. but only real question has been that of Entry was gained by breaking a and teach political organization,* own instinctive *hudder over a and "highhanded’’ and noted that endum. their demonstrations this morning denU. It was the flrst trespass­ large window p.ane. mum." Bo a Joumey ends that ahoiild the movement toward freedom that we woyldn't be eurprieed If tha platform which not only itemised which party , w*s going to face up; Today I ing on U.S. property in the month Democratic Director John Hutch­ principles, and service, . v to th* futitre honestly and with a his firm, Amerbelle Corp-. The controversy over setting a Mrs: Anna O. Boucher i.ear the parliament building where never hay-a begun, with the Kiahl carries along all the people of the earth is flat. the coet of the spending programs U.S. Envelope, both em ployl^ date was cited by the CCBG as one girl student was killed and long demonstrations, and the chief inson also Look a swing at Repuh The Greenwich Republican ad­ irovernment in Japan retracting, Friday l&rg* number* of people, will be typical of the dlfficultlea that arise Mrs. Anna G. Boucher. 82, of purpose seemed to be to escape llcans during the Democratic Town dressed the third annual lnstalla-i earth, we have recognized the right 159 Prospect St., Willimantlc, more than 1,000 police an” chanted The street demonstrations at to dispose of themselves. 1 artll not be able to vote, he said, Involved in making this type of yesterday at Windham Community HIU OOP Stand gins was installed aa president. er wiadom of Washington Memorial Hospital after a long 111- In a driving rainstorm. first were the work of the ex­ "To have rehised this right would Rlsley was accused by Schwedel clsion and there IS linnecessa^ When they got the news that the treme-left Zengakuren Student '\’isiting'hours: Adult* 2 to 8 He said the GOP stand on West The affair took .place in the Man-,^ decision cwould have put on th* confusion." a CCBG statement sMd n#M. Federation and the leftist-led Soh- p.m. .Maternity 2 to 4 and 6;.70. to Side sewerage was motivated “by cheater Country Club. have been to contradict our own ■f “pussyfooting” and “stalling She la survived by two sons, cabinet had withdrawn the in­ shelf anyt»-ay after the summit col-1 today. “ In many other areas under yo Labor Federation. But in re­ 8 p.m. Children's Ward 2,, to 7. political gain only, and I don’t I ideal, to have' started interminable when Schwedel. as a m em ^r of Francis A. of 35 Princeton SL, vitation to Elsenhower, they chant­ ANNUAL CLEARANCE tha Citizens Committee for Better our present system this same con­ ed in jubilation: cent days it was reported the think it’ll help them one bit.” ' lapaa. battles, to have drawh on us the j Manchester, and Delphls G. Bou­ Oo'vemment, sMied that he i**'** dition exists. . ; . W* have two and "Eisenhower’s not coming. ®i- CommUnlaU had taken oyer direc­ Patients Today. 201' He said the GOP is more con ■’ifiow a whole naUonal decision- reprobation of jth* world, aiid all j I sometime# three department* or cher of WiUimantic; *lx grand­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Lu cerned with party welfare, than malting apparatus could have blun­ ■ "consolidation proclamation children and a great-. ■enhower’a not coming!” tion of the demonstrators and were About Town :i this in exchange for aomething tl urging electors to acquaint them­ board* perfor.ilng the same rarv As Kishi talked to the aevMal spurring the atudenU and union anne Heck, 297 Henry St.; Frank town welfare. dered into thinking that trying to ice. There ia no doubt that it la She was born -'In North Wind­ Denette, 420 Lake St.; Mrs. Freda Hutchinson added that' some that would Inevltabij’ have crum­ selves with the Issues and vote ham, July 21; 1877. daughter of hundred newsmen, the marchers members to violence. A false alarm called out tha- push through the scheduled Far Bchwedel claimed the first select vital to make a change to unified snake-danced through the rain out- The possibility of violence to Kleinachmidt, 54 Fairfield St.; Hy project}!, especially drains, are bled away in our hands. government and bette- under Mt. and Mr*. Alphonse Gellnss. “ immediately needed,” and their To-wn Fire Department shortly be-., Faatem tour would provide aome man “ ignored” and avoided him side, chanting “Down with the the President became apparent man Rabinowitz, WiUimantic; Mrs “ It is quit# natural to feel a noa- standing of services to the voters. She was a parishioner of St. Muriel Adams 117 Prospect St. absence is expensive to taxpayers fore 11:30 this morning. Box 28 klndv of curt and healing for th* for three days on the matter. Maiy’i Church of Wllllmantic >and treaty! Down with Kishi. last Friday, 'when thousands of at High and Cooper Sts. was rung. talgi# for what was th* empire, , Pre-Inventory The CCBG urged that votera speaker announcements of the caV Rockville; Frank Ixiomls, 140 El and the town. The drain# and uncertainty of American policy and In rtoly read the charter. Copies* will h* tjMi' SL Cecil* and the St. Ann ■tudenU and union memberb Just as you may regret the aoft- ' Brtvwedel Indicated he would Inet .rfM.iainn decision brouehtbrought cheers of dridge SL; John Lynch, 42 America* reputation after the distributed Saturday to homes Nocietlea of the church. swarmed over the car bringing Coolldge St.; Elizabeth Helfricht, ness ot oil lamps, the to'endor of i tough by Uking my refusal to the Funeral aarvlces will be held at “Bonzai! (hurrah)." White House press secretary Hag- eummlt failure la beyond the com­ Three hundred helmeted police 14 Westminster Rd.; Gary Wolver sailing ships, the charm of the time I St. Mary’s Church, .Willimantlc, erty and Ambassador MacArthur ton, 75 Wedgewood Rd.; Pame­ prehension of less responsible of horae-'drawn carriages. But Now It Whon W« Do Saturday at 10 a.m. With a solemn guarded the front gates of Kishl i into Tokyo from the airport and official residence. The prime min­ la Moriarty, 185 N. Main St.: Juan minds. Ilk# our*. 40e VALUE requiem Mass. Burial will be in St. kept them prisoner for more than Gomez, 72 Seaman Circle; .Henry what of It? There is no valid policy ister and officials used the rear But perhape one key has been Mayor’s Stand Risley’s Stand Joaejih’s Cemetery, Willimantlc. an hour.).. " , Knosp, 112 West St., Rockville: outside realities.” Our Moute Cleaning. Friends may call at the Bacon entrances. , The atZack on Hagerty brought 60 MERCURY an under-aaeeesment and . mlsin- Miss Mildred Robertson, 130 Ver­ Having thus disposed of ookmial- ele^ifiiah George E. Ria- Funeral Home. 71 Prospect. St.. There were indicGtlon® Gnti- outraged criticism from Japanese terpretetlon at th* true situation CHCCOLATl-TOfREO DAIRY QUEEN "As mayor of the City of R ocy First Sele^ non Ave., Rockville-:-Cj’nthia Hall, 1am in general, de Gsull* then dls- ley iN_____ u ed^ijlae la atatement■- today: Wllllmantic. today from ,7 to 9 Kishi demonstrations would hit a newspapers and brought indica­ Heavy Mark-Downs ▼me. it U a privilege for me to new fever pitch between now and 13H Ford St.; Fred Server, 47 ’ MONTEREY Mi Japan itself, a mlslnterpreU- cusaed th# particular problem of STRAWMRRY-TOf FED DAIRY QUEEN As a.Vbter In the Town of Ver- p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and tions from the SocialisU and other Maple St.; Joan King. 218 Henry ! tlon now being oontlnued end ex­ proclaim the Month of June. Con- nom I should like to state my posl- 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. _» moderate opponents of the gov­ Algeria in the following language: ONLY iolidation Month and to urge all of Klrtii made the announcement St.; Joseph Tremano, Skinner Rd., ' 2-DOOR SEDAN panded as w* lash out In our tiiffi regarding the proposed char ernment that there would be no Rockville; Howard Del Bene, 10 “No on* anywhere any longer Are The Result SFECIAL CUFCAKE and CANDLE the voters In our City of Rockville and why I Intend to vote Mrs. Jeannette Barbler before the request to Eisenhower (^sgrln. over the collapse the demonstrations against ther Presi­ Webster St.. Rockville; Mrs. Val- I 1 disputes that the self-determination and our Town of Vernon to v o y ■No” to thla charter.. Mrs. Jeannette Barbler. 82. of was officially received in Manil^ SERVED IN A PLASTIC PARTY DISH The formalities for calling off dent on his arrival. But the riot­ erie Stykweather, 65 -Deepwood j Japanese visit. of the Algerians abou* their des­ tn the referendum. "The charter Ukes away the Franklini). Ind., and formerly oj ing around the parliament build­ - I t is comfortable, and soothing "I have been deeply Interpeted In two separate taxing districta and Manchester, died this morning at the in-vltation were accomplished DELIVERED e^ tiny is the only, way out of this We Want To MOVE THESE Ckmsolidation of our threpris) over- by Foreign Minister Alichiro 'Fuji­ ing yraterday— the inoat iriolent IN to us, to label the successful mob DAIRY QUEEN NO. 2 doe# not provide equal representa­ the Methodist Ho»P*^* In Indian- to date—made clear £hst there complex and painful dram*. j DAIRY QUEEN NO. 1 lying governments fj;>^any year*. tion to the two diatricU. I feel that yama, who called U.S. Ambaa- MANCHESTER ietlon In Japan a Communist ae- $07 MTODIJC TVR.NPIKE WT.BT apoUi, Ind., after.* long Illness. still was a grave threat to Eisen­ “In this respect, it 1* guarsn- $00 HARTTOIU* ROAD It haa been my pprilonal feeling sa a charter which Would be fair to eador Douglas MacArthur II to ■V, • (■ AL EIJKIN. Prop. Born In Madison. Ind., Mrs. hower. , « &m. If that were all It were, it teed that the choice will be entire- AI-LAN COE'JB., Prop. s Ilfs long resjd^t of this commu- all of the people In Vernon should Barbler had lived In MancheateF the foreign office to notify him of Personal Notices Equipped with radio, heater, defroster standard t^ sm i^ O T ^ To Moke Room For The New ■Ity. that cpdroltdatlon Is essential TOuld • never have won. ly tree, that the reporter# of the | have one tax district for the area for six years until she moved to the cabinet’* decision. tubelMS tires, deluxe Interior, self-adjusting brakes, economy V-8 ;T h * controversy In Japan. It to the gp ^ th , development and fu of the City of Rockville with equal Franklin to Hve at the Franklin Up to the second cabinet meet­ whole world vi-ill have Rtll and en­ ture of^our town. Thi# is my per- | representation. Oust be repeated, la primarily Mfuronic Home a year ago. She ing Fujiyaina had inslted to news­ Geyer, Mortensert In Memoriam tire latitude for noting it. and that Si obser\‘atlon. \ ^ax district of the area of men that Eisenhower would come In lovinr m^moiy* of Robert D. Mc­ ^^•inst Premier Kishl. and only was a member of South Methodist all, yes all, shades of opinion will . '"However, I have a greater re- the City of Rocjirille would have to Tokyo aa planned. But 20 mem­ Connell. who pRRsen sway Junr 16. 195n. ■ponsibility than that of an in­ Church and the 'Thomas Spencer Senate Candidates -ATTENTION- toeldentally against th* Pre«idAif* be able to take pari in the discus­ a separate additional tax for sew­ Circle of WfiCS. Mrs. Barbier was ber# ot his own Conservative Alwa.vR RlnillnK and happy I S Q Q i: dividual In this matter. The people party, the Uberal Democrats, Precious memories, my son. ^ t . Th# President came into it sions that will determine the condi­ MORE TV MARKMWNS erage and any other utilities with­ the mother of the late Walter of the City of Rockville have every in the city limits alone. The tax cabled thU plea to ESsenhower at The Republican convention to Pratt and Whitney Employes! k ^ u s e hla visit w'aa seen, in Ja­ tions of the referendum, in the elec­ REO. DAUB right to expect that their Mayor Barbier of Manchester. name a Fourth District State sena- Mother and M ister. , DOWN pan, as something that might try district of the are* of the 'Vernon Survivors include a daugrter-in- Manila; Do Not Let Present Condition* toral campaign and in control of ; (RAND OPENING 1 will study the Charter proposed to Fire District would have a sep­ "For the sake of everlasting toriaf candidate begins at 9:30 a.m. I..OW Bank Ratoa law, Mrs. Lucil# Barbier, 189 W. In Memoriam I ia sava Kishl. | ■ee how it will benefit them and to arate additional tax fot fire pro­ friendship between Japan and the Saturda.v in the Howard Johnson In lovinif memory of Mrs. Anna Aceto UP TO 36 Slop You From Buying A Car the voting. . . . m M 27iM Middle Tpke.; a granddaughter, MONTHS TO iT h a t th# Communist* havS.en- Z**Hh Lo-Doy Om m I* Naho$any or Oak Insure that their interests are pro­ tection. United SUtes, we beseech you to ^stauranL Manchester. who pasei>d away June 16. 1947. i No Payment Until Sept. 1st I "Once more I turn in th# name I tected. I have done this and I firm- uu.ci «=. ______Mrs. Robert Bartoo, 185 Thomp­ Contenders for the nomination PAY! 0yed and encouraged and agitated “ All the other services, such aa son Rd.; a grandson. WaKer Bar­ postpone your Japan visit at this Sweet Im the word of remembrance 1 I ot France to th# leader# of the In- a$jQ ly'belleve that the best interests of roads, zoning and planning, time of emergency.” are Ken E. Ge.ver of Wethersfield, Dear Im ihe one who Im Rone Ola situation, that Moacow’ and ! surrection. I aay to them openly ! ZMiith TakI* Hm NI wllli Swiwl Bi n 299.9$ the a t y will be .served by consoli- , o„pcUng etc.* could be con- bier Jr. of New Palestine, Ind., and State representative and manager In memory we will alway.M keep her, i six great-grandchildren. Kishl said he did not know at JUMt an the years roll on. ' 1 Fslplng have been jubilant' over it, that we are waiting for them here , SPECIAL datlon. I also believe that the be# one tax. For ex- what future date a president of of the Connecticut Milk producers’ ipea without saying. Tha real basis icuneral services will be held Assn.; and Elmer A. Morlensen o'f Sons nnd daiiirhterM. \ in order to discover together with i 299.9$ 2 N M JUNE 10 to JI^LY 16 InteresU of the i ample! the two public works de- Monday at the *C. M. Sloan and; the United States might be asked tor all this troubls, however, is re- ZN itk Lo4oy On n I*H* to visit Japan, but that when the Newington., president of the Ber­ and Sedans for Immediate Delivery! them an honorable end to the fight- ; ■*** We w-A havehive aa°dl«lcult difficult taskt^sk asaenasked , par^ihents ^ could competitive be combined, ekamlna- and Sons Funeral Home, 1327 Wells lin Turnpike Businessmen’a\Assn. In Memoriam '■ A ^ ted tn a public opinion poll in St.; Fort Wayne, Ind., with burial time came he would be given a , , In Invln# niPtnnrv nf mir «nn anti Ing that atm drags on, In order to ' ZlSiO ,o f ua as a , community to provide tion between the two heads, the representative from Xapan. -TTils ahows two things, 249.9$ ’ at a reasonable tax rate the type in Fort Wayne. warm welcome. *■*’'* State I brnlh-r CpI. K-nn-th M. rhurch, who settle the destination oi arms and ^ ZNith TabI* Mw|*l N Swivtl B m highest one would be the depart­ He added that the cancellation 1956-58. \ psssod away Jiin- 1(>. 1S.54. fir s t . It shows that Premier of services and educational facili- “ Buy With Confidence From Hartford County’R in order to assure the fate of the gav« 20 to doller* on Zenith, RCA inllMTI! ment head and the other his dep­ Mr*. Clara K. Fean of th# Ksenhower invitation Delegates will .‘onvone from the ' fishl'a party, the Liheral-Demo- 40 *0 porlebit TV COMPLETE MARFAK ' tie# heeded in a rapidly expanding towns of Manchester, South Wind­ I.,ovlng momoria never ili<> i combatants. C* 4, '■rea'of population. We can do this uty. Mrs!'Clara Kasper Fenn, 59,-wife would not affect the plana of As vsara roll on and days pass by Oldest Lincoln-Mercury Dealer” "■^Jatlc. woyld still win an election PLUS "This type of consolidation sor, East Hartford, Glastonbury,' yin our bsarls a msmory la k»pl “ Once this haa been don*, we job bv enlisting the best talents of Henry R. Fenn, 359 High St., Marlborough, Rocky Hill, Newing­ 'Of one we lovrd and will novsr forget. Otar the opposition Socialists. But and by utilizing the best govern­ would do away with any and all shall set everything in motion In Inequities and would be fair to all East Hartford, died yesterday at ton. and Wethersfield. ' Moih-r. father, brother and sistsra. it also shows a someyvhat aatound- mental struct-ire^ We need one Bast Hartford Hospital. order that the Algerian people can FREE BRAKE ADJUSTS government responsive to, and un­ taxpayers. Among her survivors is a aon, MORIARTY BROTHERS ti^ \-erdlct 58 per cent against, as "I have given considerable In Memoriam speak its mind in an appeased at­ derstandable to all the citizens of Robert H. Fenn of Manchester. itily IJ per cent for, th# con- thought to this as a voter and tax- ovlnz ntrmory of Robsrt D. Mr- mosphere.’’ j TAPE RECORDERS ON SALE *WiTH EAQH ^OIL' c h a n g e our community. We nee;! one gov­ Funeral services wiTl’-t'e held to­ Connsli. who passod away Juns IS. 1959. i| “C(3MET — IJNCOLN — MERCJtlRY — Qhuance in office of Premier Kishl ernment that can sell industry on jjayet, since my total assessjnent morrow at 11 a.m. at the Rose Hill CONTINENTAL — ENGLISH FORD” He then referred to an “ Algerian-- REO. ^ SALE in the Town of Vernon is $283,741 Thp nowyrn I lay upon his grave \ our. town. Wtd his Cabinet. Algeria” as tha best result of such . of which $113,000 Is In the City of May wlth\r and d»ray. : MI S-5135 ; i t is from this unpopularity of “I urge everyone to vote for a But lovp for him who slpsps bsnrath, | ,301 CENTER STREET a free decision. I 370.8$ 206JO ■onsolidated government." Rockrille.” Will never ^de away. j film ier Klshi, whose own party The signifleant points In this de- i YM 2 SystMn 6 SfiMker SttrM faspeciofize In Seryice Friends may call at the' funeral howerThe tonominee postpone is expectad indefinitely to op-his 1958, but lost to Doocy in the elec- Wife and sons I member* and newspapers have Gaulle language, which make It an ; home tonight from 7 to 9. - 1 visitpose toDemocratic Moscow. IncumbentMany observers Fred I1 tlon. arged his resignation, that there 246J0 T e x a c o TEXACO J. Doocy of South Windsor, who is important new approach to the’ Al- i 299.9$ £aa come the side dividend of op- BOA YIstor CartiiiRt Sttrto seeking another term , gerian rebels, are the specific , BRAKE SERVICE Sewer Appeal Delayed Atty. John S. G. Rottner ^ Man­ poalUon to the visit of the' Presi- I guarantee -to the rebels of their ; 2$9J$ 136J0 chester narrovriy beat out Morten- Sant as the (piest of Kishl. Psfliron 2 Spuktr* 2 Sq m A . . ! participation in airangementa ffit TUNE-UP T teji for the GOP nomination .n _But when w . ssk .why Kiahi is referendum, the ckmpaign, and, For Valuation Detail 149 JO 1 2 0 ^ W HAT A BARGAIN! Now you can get to know tim Big unpopular with his own people, w# the bkllotlng, the direct appeal to j | Tslsctro 2 Unit Btorao Oompltte do come Into tha situation again, the rebels themselves as leaders, a GENERAL REPAIRING New Flavor of new Chase & Sanborn Coffee-^nd with our whole concept of policy 06J0 dignity not hitherto conferred up- , 89 JS n,d„.„ w„i h.v... «i; undeveloped acreage 'JS W.S! toward Japan Involved. .The basic Reeonllo Portablf ‘ ■Mmmer, and possibly^ until fall, in saye'100 at the same time! New Chase & Sanboiuis j on them by de Gaulle, and his om is-, We Also Service Sports Cars find Compacts End: and $25,000 for the Sewer fact# are almost tod simple to be Sion of hints of i<’hite flag or sur- the case of appeal? brought against Department. packed faster than any other leading canned coffeev^ j The appellants are challenging Ignored. We do ignore, them, hut I render in the .process of opening the Town of Manchestor by.West ■ That’s why it’s the freshest can of coffee you can buy! Bnd residents who feel they should the town’s rig^jt to levy charges at Inevitable cost The fa'ct is that i discussions wdOi-them. on them for what they feel are w* maintain our military .presence I Perhsps because of these new.j fire^fone *ot b« assessed for sewer facilities public vtllltiea which will indirect­ on th# soil of'Japan 1,5 years after tmiches, there may he validity In ' s t e r e o hi-f i .|r< their area. ly benefit the whole town. our'defeat of Japan. Our view of de Gaulle’s own assertion that “weij ^ RBOi Judge Aaron Palmer, who waa presiding in the Hartford County the new defense treaty is that it have never been so near achieving CHAMPIONS makes concessions to Japanese 6.70x15 Blabk Court of Common Pleas this morn­ 'a real solution.” i49.9S Tube-Type ing, suggested the postponement. sovereignty In the conditions of SymiihNie ( Sp**k*r RertakI* I He said that, in order to weigh our military presence on Japanese ■-.^•Ihe arguments in the case, he Z' 2 LB. ~ : One To Join 2M.95 Plus Tax and Recappable Tires Three persons have been arrest­ sod. The Japanese riew may be ZNith Self CNlalMtl MahogaRir T/?e Economy ^thought a great deal of informa­ H C O M O I* ^ Y merely that it prolongs that pres- Organizations are. in the main, tion on the value of the properties ed by Dog Warden Lee Frafcchia Black* White* Tire Involved In the case should be pre­ SBC# for...... to more. years...... the death of even the very cziuses StOJO on dog law violation charges. ZeR ith t U*it Early AimriN* sented. We should be prepanng to get! they themselves seek to profnote. «.00xl6 10.95 For Thrifty This Information would take a They are WiUlam P. Klotzer, 23, 'fitjur out ot‘ Japan, not to stay there. The world was better off when long time to gather, he said. And, of 235 Hackmatack St„ and Doris TYhatever the prospective costs i there were individuals her* end Strominrg CarlM i Early AnwrlN* 499.9$ 6.70x15 11.95 14.95 Buyers alnce the present court aession will M. Holmes, 45 Victoria Rd„ both and risks of. getting out. they are] there, with opinions of their own, SMBDVyAV last only one more week, he might charged with allowing a dog to PROVED 7.10x1.5 13.95 17.95 roam, and Robert L. Schugf, 29, of osrtaln, in the long run.' to be less and these opinions sufficiently di- not get to any other case on^the port This low-prioed tire docket. 62’ i Park St„ charged with keep­ than the costs and risks of trying . vers* to defy unification In *h>’ |j TURrSPiKE 7.§0xl5 • 15.95 19.95 features exclusive For this reason, he suggested re- ing an unlicensed dog. to stay. Kishi is in trouble because I common stated purpose or plan Tested, Delivered, Guaranteed and Serviced OAPETY ¥ Firestone Rubber-X (arring the case to a "refereie,” who The Klotzer dog reportedly he la an unabashed pupporter of . of action. Becaiiae it haa long been • ephis Tax and Recappable Ttre for added mileage. can investigate the matter during killed a rabbit belonging to Mrs. our continued military preaence in ' obvious that any really'good ideal the summer, and present his find­ Francis Sullivan of 134 Diane Dr. By Our Own Mechanics AH'Tires, Mounted Free ■ See l)s Now ings, probably at the next court The dog belonging to Mrs. Japan, and becauae. in his effort die* about the tinie it acquires an aession In the fall. , Holmes was caught by David A. on the new 2-lb. to cany out this policy, he resorted organization to support it; w# nor- EVERY The name of Judge Richard Fletcher, 194 Center St., on the to dictatorial tactics with the new mally advocate an abhorrence of DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY Phillips, who has retired from Su­ Fletcher property, according to treaty. The tactics in question bred ^ organizations as such. If you he- perior Court, was mentioned for Fracchla. The dog allegedly bit referee. . . Fletchee’s son June 7. economy can of new th* immediate resentment. But it j lieve in something, don’t spoil It by ; Priee$ a$ Low--Service That’s Setter Oounsriors Agree , „w>57:- la not in the nature of nations and joining. Klotzer and Schug will be ar­ ■ .J I 5Pown Counsel Philip Bayer raigned Saturday. Mrs. Holmes psopjea that the presence of even j There are exceptions to every the counsel for the more than 100 and June 25. th* most benign conquerer should ! rule, or prejudice, however, and we appellants, Atty. Leo Flaherty, Chase & Sanborn! ■Sfeed to the postponement. Dale C. Henthorn, 31. of 10 grow, more popular with the yeerit. I are thinking of underwriting a cni- FISCHER Depot Sq., was arrested yesterday, The aewer projects for which the Our prospect of lasting friend- ^ aade for mehiberahip in the Inter- ■asessments were, levied against charged with intoxication; Hent­ ship and Xthance with Japan prob-! naUonal Flat Earth floclety, a Brit the West End property owmers horn waa fined $25 Monday tor aseTsii fiat rteeteT #t ttaaiatt ttaata lae. rtUan , . kindling a fire In a mattress In his ably depend* directly upon how' iah ' ’ organization which has n o ; .have already been rejected by P o tte r to n Manchester voters In a May .25 room. quickly w* get out of Japan, American branch as yet. This is an I Fred Shea, of no certain addresa Bond referendum. . , whether we leave graciously and organization which believes that i MoidiMMr’t L«e«t

. / ' ' . - FAQSMIMB lIAl^CHESTKfe EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, J t ^ 16, 1960^ "through which Braall vrill supply their photographic work. Hmr pany’s canoMlatlon of insurance Russia With 1.300,000 bags G O P A d d » , the taking of motion pictures of have appeal^ their caeci; or*t 6 0 for striking workers nras an nn- the next three years,— rtANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MAMCHESTER, OOMk, TOURSDAY. TONE 1«, W6» Mediation Stalled pickets at Sikorsky Division plants Baker contended that the June in Bridgeport and Stratford. falr labor practice. - A company; spokeemen com­ 6 walkout at ’fiUcoinky vvaa legltl- PAROUE GROUP RU iCri Deqaocrate 50 Eisenhower Pledges In Aircraft Strike The UAW also accused the com­ rnkte because no contract-was in mented: - ij East Lyme, June 16 {Ai— AL^Women Pick pany of discriminating agsilnst 860 effect at the pUnt. r MHS Majorettes Sikorsky employes by suspending ’’Anyone cian file unfair labor ConnecUcut ProbaUon and Pa­ Republicans gained 10 » » » iGrealer Setback Than Paris Officers Mionday (Oofl|la«ed from Page One) them June 7 after they sUged a pra^cee libargea, no matter how role Assn, has chosen Oiarlea J. ora than D a m oer^ brief walkout the previous day. ridlculoiii the charges ere.*’ CoffM E xporf Sink Klernan, New London, as Its new voUr-making session Twirling Champs Thq lAM’s charges against the There were 164 new voters quali­ LYNN POULTRY FARMS Philippines Defense An lAM spokesman said his Baker said the etrikers sc^ Si­ president. These other officert Offlem of the American Lffflon company wore filed with the NLIW fied. with 60 registered a* wffUWI- union accused United Aircraft of korsky were picketing peacefully R l o " ^ JanelMH-Braall’s c ^ - were Installed at the asioclaUtms The Manchester High flciiool j^yxlliary will be elected at the in Boston. The United Auto Work'* but the company still t o ^ mo­ annual meeting here yesterday: cans and 50 as DOmocratS.Ths re­ 'Collapse of Ike’s Tour •eason'a final meeting Monday Wrtcl from f*m to era filed charges with the NLRB in intimidating strikere by having fee exports to the United States maining 54 did not indlcau a pany majorettes Are twirling ch^- ^ Choicfl Frtflh Cpniitcrtciif f oultry fniB Pafla Oaa) and the nuclsar m tn M ■upervisora telephone them and tion pictures of the picket Mnes. and other countries In the first Ellen Dunn, Torrington, vice p ts«- pions of the NoHheast, and Pa even lii at the home of Mrs. J. < Last week, three compeny pho. dent; William Carey. Hartford, brought opfi**’ oontroj •mthout New-York. . , TT.iiir threaten loes of their Jobe at Pratt quarter of this year fell 13 ^ r ^ Thesession wss-held in the towg tricla MtUe. capUln of the group F. Wallet, 147 Whranoke Rd. appeasement or surrender,^ con­ Daniel Baker, counsel for UAW, togra^ers were found guilty in secretary; and Francis Cunning­ A potluck at 6:30 p.m. wljl pre­ flavaa Moscow or Pai|iing directed A Whlthey and Hamilton Stand cent below the 1969 level de- ' clerk’s office from 5 to 8 psn. is champion strutter of the North­ tinuing a course of patlrft, re ■aid the charges by hU union In- Stratford court on charge* of ham, treasurer. Held Costly U.S. Defeat cede the business meeting. Mrs. the riots, agohiat Klohi, Hagstly vohr* alleged interference, coercion ard Division plants. ■_____ a_ rt^veevtAoti/in ilrith ■nite shipments under a deal east. sourceful and-buslnessllke dealings The lAM also charged the com­ Charles Romanowskl, chairman of n p H od :-. and intimidation of employes by The majorribes brought h ^ e aie nominating committee ' will with the Soviet leaders," frpiB P »»* <>■•) fou f’ trophies from the North­ "fToUgbly both." present a alate of new officora Hagerty aloo. reported thgt until eastern Open Championship Baton Delegates and alternate will also OPEN^UNDAY A .M . to P.M . in w -lo n Ki-hi the 'twirling Festival held at Moun­ - 1 0 2 today noenhower had no indica­ »- win the form of » vic- be selected to attend the annual tion that the Japaneso would adc tain Park, Holyoke, Mass., ^ n - department convention In Hart ? S ^ ^ r U 8 u e of iU tntlflceUon far an indeflnlte postponoment of cJav* ford July 13 to 16. -. faut It nray'provB to b« wi empty TTiey won first place In the Sen­ Member* are to bring either < FRESH CONNECTICUT CROWN the trip. t S e ii Hew poliUcal fo rc^ The Japaneae govemmant’a de- ior High School Division with a ,l,hot dlah or salad and their own Whole, Split, Quartered or into play In Tokyo now that ■core of 94.60. They wore - the sealon placed a pall of ragrat and silverware./ Ea. smoertainty over the Preeidenfs the vlalt haa been canceled. school's red and white Indian uni­ C ut-U p— Min. Weight IH Lbe. In the present circumstances cq> forms. . ontourage. But tha regret was ndxed with relief that the Presi- ponents of the new They also won first place in Uie / Pig Farm Automated upear to have gone a long way Open Groups with a 92.10 score. /dont wotUd ndt have to rMt .his toward undermining: tha U.S.-Jap The girls. wore white blouses and Graduate Oslo—Norway’s first automated peraonal aafety in a ndsalon that anese alUance and discreditlng^e red pleaUd skirts. hog farm, owned by packer Gun- U». H a g ^ y aald only yesterday Hh- whole military-political arrange­ In the Djnce and Twirl Team Thomas James RiddeR, 67 nar Nilsen, was dedicated recently j ■srihower was determlnsd to ful- ment between ,Washlngton and competition', the group won second Thomas Dr., was graduated June near Fredrikstad. One attendant, flU “as a sokUer." , Biisenhower is known to have Tokyo. It is not only the fo m of place with 90.60, 13 with a bachelor of Arts degree bv pushing buttons, can feed wa- a treaty but also the broad po­ in sociology from the College of ter, and shower home 4,000 pigs. turned down the. adlvce of some Miss Little won firsi; place In Arts and Sciences, Boston College. Nilsen plans to add three similar | aides who suggested he cancel the litical accord which It represents the Fancy St^rutting. competition. that la vitally important. ^ He has been active, as a mem­ farms. Japanese visit after the collapse Judging was based on such con­ ber of the Dormitory Council, o f plans for a goodwill vUlt to Rus- The Communists did not create siderations as showmanship, preci­ Orientation Committee, and Con- fla. the anU-trealy. anti-Elsenhower sion, variety, speed, and difficulty necUcut Club.______gisenhpwer appeared determined furor in Japan. That of routine. allv and over a period of monuia The majorettes are Mi.ss Little, ARTHUR DRUfi to snow that even If he was not fiiun the emotional atUtudes cre­ Hellpem Photo Kerry Getchell, Connie Wehner- phles in the Western Massachusetts welcome in Russia, other nations ated by Japan’s defeat In World gren, Marilyn Kaefer, JoAnn Baton Twirling Festival at East would be happy to hail him as a War n and by the resolute determ- Recedes DMD Lucas, Gerry 'Verge, Mary-EIlen Longmeadow, Mass. ^ FREE DELIVERY symbol of American democracy. InaUon of the United, SUtes lUelf Clark", Gail Oullette, ,Mary-Ellen 8 A.M. to 10 PJ«. He also wanted to continue on to during the occupation yea™ Edward Grryb, 158 Silver ^ n e Avocados vary In shape and p a y (Japan to ahow that minority riots East Hartford, and formerly of Jeffries, and Elaine Ka.seVich. convince the On April 30, the Manchester be round, egg-shaped or in the /cou ld not disrupt Japanese demo­ Manchester, on June should never have anything to do twlrlers won two first place tro- shape of a bottle. - cracy. . with war again. his D.M.D. degree tr®*" The fear of violence worried U.S. official's say they were con­ of Dental Medicine at TufU Uni­ security as well as State Depart­ vinced by the millions. For years versity in Medford. Mass. ment officials for three weeks be- they have disliked the presence of A graduate of Manchester High -fore Eisenhower left Washington- United States forces in their coim- School, Dr. Grzyb served three 1 Advice from Ambaasador Doug­ try and they particularly ™je"ted years with the Navy in the Pacific las MacArthur II in Tokyo had tha formation of a new pact with during World War II. He. was been that the Japaneae left wing­ the United States which could con­ graduated with distinction ^rom ers would not dare demonstrate tinue American bases in Japan for the University of Connecticut . against EiaenWower, particularly at least another 11 years. where he received a B.S.E. degrw. when be was accompanied by Em­ U.S. authorities on Japan say He is a member of Tau Beta Pi peror Hlrohlto on hia drive from there are many other elements m and E ta " Kappa Nu honorary the airport to downtown Tokyo. the extremely complex set of fraternities. At Tufts, he was a TOP Security authorities became leas forces which erupted in the demon- member of Psl Omega fraternity. TOP NOTCH "TENDER TASTE" MEATS ARE BEST and less convinced of this as fana­ ” atrations arid rioting. these of- Dr. Grxyb, who is married to the tical Japanese student groups step­ ffcit^ agree fully with Klshl s be­ former Ruth L. Heritage, plans to ped up the tempo of their demon­ lief that Communists played a key enter private practice about Aug. 1. strations against Kiahi. n le in the final fevent leading up \ The ■ Secret Service men, whom to the decision to call off the would have had prime responsi­ President’s trip. Klshl there was ‘‘obvious, premeditated Father a -treat on his day! bility for Elsenhower’s safety In Girl Scout Notes Tokyo, heard the news of the can­ iSSSice planned by the Oommu- Give cellation with undisguised pleasure. SUCCULENT. JUICY. DRICIOUS. A DEtlOHT TO AN YM AN j^ AfW ^ The dramatic blowup of the Jap­ U S. officials are convinced t^hat Proficiency badges, year stars Russia and Red China were behind anese -visit overshadowed a rous­ and membership cards were pre­ ing Filipino farewell in Manlla’i a ruthless and well-financed cam­ sented to Girl Scouts of Intermedi­ paign to exploit the M U-v^r sen- liuneta Park to climax XUenhow- ate Troop 26 at a_Cpurt ®)t .Awarts ar’s visit—probably the single most Ument in Japan, to turn the stu­ recently at the RobertsonID School. dent and leftwing labor demonstra­ successful trip of any during his Original skits were presented presidential travels. tions into violent rioting where about the child care, magic carpet | possible and to overthrow the pro- Tens of thousands of happy Fili­ i^erican Kishl government by and camperaft badges. pinos massed In the park at the Those who received first class RIB ROAST any possible means. ▼ary moment the Japanese g b ^ If the treaty is now 4 writer and sports; Alice Holmes, stUinment of an equitable agree­ pkg balanced agsdnst the potential cost FRESH ment difficult. Moreover, the rec­ of a decision not to go. cook; Barbara Knybel, child care, COPPER 4H-OC. MEAT POT PIES Soviet propaganda, though re­ camperaft and cook; Barbara NATIVE CHICKEN PARTS ord of Communist vjolatlon* is flecting Khrushchev’s post-summit Lalashuis, needlecraft, child care, long. The continuation of Com­ attacks on Eisenhower, has been camperaft, cook, rock and mineral munist provocations, .subversion * REGULAR O R GOLDEN CHICKEN less preoccupied with the Japanese and hprsewoipan; Peggy Lucas, ] and terrorism while' negotiations 25 TURKEY - altuaUon than the Peiping broad- magic carpet, campera/t, house­ SAVE24ealb. CANISTER SET are under way serves only to eon. KITCHEN C A R D IN 4 s 7 9 ‘ E l I casU. But last night the Moscow keeper, photography and' sports. found the difficulty of arriving at I goremment took a direct hand in Also, Lalia Machie, magic car-j LEG S '^ 4 S* sirr peaceful settlements." . . • ■ HAWAIIAN PUNCH the light by sending a diplomatic pet, camperaft; cook, aports, draw­ V SET OF 4— EACH CANISTER IS^ BEAUTI­ Elsenhower said some tyran­ note to the Japanese government. ing and painting; Sue "Mitchell, FULLY LABELED IN SCRIPT— ADDS- WMh Purchase nical governments "are blatant in OORANN CbPiEY ISIANO ‘The Kremlin told Japan it risk­ camperaft, child care, cat and dog BEAUTY TO ANY HOME Of 88,e0 Or More their boasts of eventual eupermaCy SALAD DRESSING ed terrible tragedies if it continued and sports: Donn. Mordavsky, SAVE 30c A lb.] over continents and even w e to make bases available to the. housekeeper, child care, camperaft world; constant Ih their boast that fREMCH FRIES and cook; Dale Mullen, garden B R E A S T S >^4 9 * United SUtes. It assailed the bases eventually they wiU bury all the as assisting American “aggressive flower, child care, cook, camperaft systems of freedom.” and mammal; Donna Parclak, cat I \ The President assured ms lU- 97 STRICTLY FRESH alms'against the Soviet Union-and the other eouhtrles neighboring and dog, cook and magic ciui>et. GREEN BEANS teners that this Communist boast Japan.** Also, Pamela Rines, drawing and will never come true, declaring, painting, magic carpet,- camperaft, W AX BEANS "even in the lands that Commu­ cook and sports; Joyce St. Pierre, nists now master with an iron rule, POIMPIE PLUMS Z5‘ EARLY M ORN homemaker, seamstress, child care CREAM CORN the eternal aspirations of human­ and. sports; Judy ^mmers, draW-1 GRAOE "A” EGGS B O Y SCOUT KERNEL CORN ity cannot he forever suppressed. ing and painting, magic carpet, iKisenhower pledged anew that IDEAL DOC FOOD A 89* camperaft and dressmaker; Noreen WHOLE BEETS le United States “ shall never MARGARINE Notes and News Southergill. child care and camp- craft; Unda Taft, cat and dog, siclose the door to peaceful negbtls- TENDER PEAS ttons" with the Communist na magic carpet and camperaft; Un-1 GRAHD CAT FOOD 3 1 lb Den Mothers, leaders and com­ da Trombly, cook, magic carpet, $100 G I A N T S * ^ ' Ha also declared once more that mittee members volunteered for camperaft, i^ t e r and sports. i Sweet Life A J T PULLETS DOZ. next year’s Cub Scout priigram at Parents Inspected displays which 46 Ox. O - ' ft A is convinced that the arms race p k q s ^ ^ 85c Detergent It^ x . Tin "• For ■•W ar POTATOES “**” ‘ST 31* an organixational meeting of Cub included camp kitchens, hike sticks Royal Gelatins 12 „«»1.00 Piheapple-Grapefruit Drink Tin « Fer Pack 151 recently at ’Verplanck and knapsacks mads by the girls e HI-C SALADA II^TANT TEA ...... Vd-o*. pk^. 49c School. during their pioneering nights at 2 The leaders will be Ben Marino, Camp Merrie Woqd, examples of 'VISIT YOUR GRAND UNION ' submaster; Harold Smith, assist­ lashing and knoU and emergency F R O.X E N HAFT'S GRASS SEED ant, cubmaster; John Walsh, Webe- fuel, articles made for the dress­ loh, and Howard Taylor, assistant BRAB W. H. England Lmnber Co. g r a n d t r ip l e c o a t e o NAHa ITNN PATHirS M T IFfOAlt , maker and needlecraft badgea, rock b u r n 540 BUddle Turnpike, Bast APPETIZING sad DELICATESSEN QEPT. Webelos. and mineral collections, drawlngps Den Mothers are Mrs. George G. ■ “"ALL Ml 9-5201 AT MANCHESTER*— 410 MIDDLE T f KE. WEST and paintinge. ' Open AU Day Saturday W A X P A P I R Poltras, Den 6; Mrs. Thotant J. Refreshments were served by the f l a v o r s lOevil's food luyli’ CpM Morrer Jr., Den 1; Mrs. Robert W. girls. At a surprise party earlier HAWAIIAN PUNCH ISO II.. Our new Reaming modem Delicatessen Departmmt offers PNIY •a* ' Bailey, Den 4; Mrs. PhlUp Savva, the girls of the troop presented a ••St a tantilizing array of your favorite delicacies. Daily de- Dsii 2; Mrs. Chester Klelick, Den nylon robe, gift to their troop lead­ 8, and Mrs. Harry S. Mumford, liveries insure only the freshest finest quality merenan- X er, Mrs./Cllfton Rines. Den 6. Swift's Loin Luncheon Steaks Iteg.69oTaliie Fkg. 39c dise for your family. Committee members are Ken r e e d c r r i t e s s e t Boll, chairman; Charles Welch, as- Greenwich, June 16 Uf)—Fu­ CHIF40Y-AR-0EE sistu t chairman: John Gibson, Food fhQHV^I treasurer; Mrs. Henry T. Becker, neral services will be held here PRODUCE GIVE WORLD Friday for John F. Reeder, a top SLICED TO ORDER secretary; Mrs. Joseph M. Dona­ V lAIOM • lAVlOU • SPACWm SA0« hue, assistant secretary; John executive of a New York adver­ • SFACim il OriTM MEAT HALU Walah, finance drives; Burl Albee, tising firm. Reeder, a senior vice Notivo Gordon Ffosh Vogctablos Afo Here! advancement; and Chester Klelick, president and director of Benton GREEN STAMPS outings. Jk Bowles, Inc., died yesterday In Greenwich Hospital. He was 57. BOILED HAM He had been a vice president of Suffragist State Walt Disney Productions until 1952, when he Joined Benton & The aUte constitution of Bowlee. A native of Toledo, Ohio, STAMPS Wyoming is the only one which lETTUCE...... '-. DOUBLE i C Reeder resided in Greenwich. Sur­ granted both men and women the 10 vivors include his .widow, two sons right to vote fwwn the beginning of Statehood.. I and two daughters. RADISHES or Qc EVERY WEDNESDAY l b . 89 SCALLIONS . . O SFECIAL AT MANCHESTER ONLY FULL PRICE __ % Plenty of FREE PARKINCI Special! CALIFORNIA EATING ^^TATHER'S OAT IS JOKE IW i.s.llOW IS ^ THAI TO OSt 1955 F O R D "At Both Siorot At All Timoo FAUILANE ORANGES TMPLE-S BUIE STAMPS for FREE GIFTS! 4-door sedan, V-8 engine. Auto­ QhIib ’s Phamaei matic transmission, power .steer­ Sfc, Maneheatee—1180 Bnmalde Heat Hartford—Opea 1U1 f P Jl W ^ , Thnia,, M . IMk. Wa Bksemi tha M iht ta JJseH pRmnUUtm. ing, power seat. An excellent run- tTAMaln m MAIN ST. m m Hiw la n— Catty Iharaiay, Ji m IMh W i * "ninf e*r—at a bargain price! 50 FREE WORLD GREEN STAMPS H n w H I M I M IQ U A B A MBW1NG9EON HARTFORD ROAD EHTERPMSES with purchase of 3 qt*. COTT SODA I I HAMFOWD BO AD - m s-U M I/'

5? MSKCHKSrEB BVBNINO HEBAtP. MAMCmBIEB,. CONK. THOB8PSY, RWS 1*. IMO ;--■»•... . /•• X Manchester e v e n i n g herald. Manchester, c o m . Thursday, June 16. i960 Dubaldo, Nancy Boulet, Mary Jane Marjory Moyers WWMwwIci. Btelaki and Unda Watobum Kenneth Hiffiis, ReiinU Margaret Morin, 87 DulitiJdo StudenU Also, Carol Olekalw, Roy Wiars- Lynnetto MexwaB, IMnna ^ Rockville-Vernon leone, Barbara Oburekl, Alan ^ Finch Case Pair jkSi*MleO e eoct a< nratotoffl Been Named ••• Mancheeter Jaycees for the heneflt scheduled conference with the dis­ L oveett \ The recital was toe eecond of ner, Mary Atm DubBddo, Eric Chicago police TeWeles was wit I of the,|Luts Junior Museum. trict attorney’s office after a pro­ Hi# lUcraatlon Commission vrill two-racltals at toe Waddell Schwl. Jobiuton, Dennis Miller, Gall Cor- more than 40 per cent by- VaaMt-1 Booster tickets will entitle the secutor said charges against the open an ol^co In the Lottie Fisk Lowait temperature ever Those who took part wew rentl, Claire Pavelack, Alan Stri- Ung small fin u to enter toe sjB*l Memorial Monday for the schedul­ thony DlPerrto, Patricia and Cathy malUe, Linda Costello, and Busan ding. By letting bids purchaser to a reserved seat at red-haired beauty would not be ed to the United Statee wae W ^ Bhaw. Paul Mlltor, Jim Anffislo, any of the three performances at dropped. One of heir lawyers ha!d ing of ^cUvltles at the park and Jim Stackpole. each police vehlde repair dtotil^ low xero at Rogers Pese, Richard Dabate, Janice and_Tom $ wiU be saved tola ys«r. ths 1,' 3:30 or 7 p.m. "The names of all aaid earlier that he would ask a ^oughout the summer. on Jan. 20, 1954. » < « « « Also, John Harris, Grog Dwyer, 18,000 "Boosters” will be placed on’ an Mrs. Evelyn Roden has been en­ of Yellowstone National Heal. Gary Klnel, MJlton Bette Turcotte, Ronnie Plrkey. city purchsssr rsperts. dlamissal. gaged as office secretary and will north Stephen Snprenaiit, Arme Marie honor roll at the museum for the In the othet reversal yesterday, Park. 5Iul His mstemsl grandmolhrr is Mrs. S. „ coming yesr. The Jaycees inltl^ed Catole’s co-defendant. Dr. R. Ber­ keep the office open from 1 to 6 the boostet* idea to help itlniulate nard Finch, was told by the district p.m. Monday through Friday for r r » s j ! - f u ..„ : the growth of t)ie museum. court of appeal that a private con­ the summer ■ '?'ster P, Stephen 7 and Joseph. 2; and a sister, Marie, 5. At preaent, the Luta Junior Mu­ AU facilities at the park must be ference room will not be available reserved through the recreatlOT seum derives the bulk of its in* for the retrial scheduled to start U P SUPIR JURKIT M MMKWSTa - come from adult and family niem- office. These Include picnic facil­ Monday. , ■ ities, tennis courts, ball diamonds bershlps and from the Board of During the first trial, In which ter Memorial Hospital. «er paternal grand^rents are Mr and and the Fiek building. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. Education for the museum’s part the jury deadlocked. Dr. Finch and Reg. Mrs. Aubrey <^ E"tr*mont, Beveriy. In augmenting classroom studies. Gets Master’s Donald Berger, recreation chalr- Carole were allowed to hold prlv N finishes wth vwlcanizei) hard rub­ mkn, reminded groupe today that L l«, 2t4. and Contributions and support from Robert A. Thomas o f '27 Jarvis vate courthouse conferences with the Parkade merchants enabled $5.00 In reserving facilities they m ^t Rd. was graduated June 12 from their attorneys. ber stems. Gift Boxed. y ji uny y .* ■ ^ *"* • the Jaycees to hire the circus for * designate the sire of the group.Jme ^ ^ the University of Connecticut with The two are accused of murder­ FREE type Of activities planned and give its performances in South Wind.sor, ing the physician’s wife last July. TO PREVENT PIPE -^’KOM Mark Jon, son of Mr.'and Mna Joseph Slivlnsky. Hunter^^,' snd proceeds from s * ticket ssies a master of s'cience- degree In me­ nOLUNO OVER ON .98 the name of a responsible person V \ \ 1 T //• will directly benefit the LuU chanical engineering. He previous-, PIPE STAND TABLE WHILE AT REST who wlU bo in charge. Groups also Museum. Pacific Current Studied * must clean up the area when l«*v- ly received his bachelor Af; science Ing. Soda must be served In Is. c"i^:r Flag ^Battle Born* degree from the University of Den­ Washington—The Cromwell cur­ oo" that no bottles will be left In a sister, Deborah Lee, 4. ^ ^ ^ ^ ver. rent, discovered in 19M, moves the park. 9 He is a diember of Tati Beta So­ 3,500 miles eastward near the LIGGETT PARKADE DRUG the Recreation Commission CHICKENS Bu§ iiawt EAUt j.a . daiiehter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah O’Sullivan, 444 W. Carson City, Nev. — Nevada’s equator from the Chriatmaa la- meet Friday at 8:30 p.m. a t ^ s k ' / / / / I ' v ' is one of the State flags that were ciety, Omicrori Delta Kappa, and '' MMrtu Toke *"she was bom Jtine 13 at Manchester Memorial Pi Delta Theta. He is also a mem­ lands to the Galapagos Ulands. It ★ PARKADf SMOFPING CENTER ★ Memorial to complete Its rales HospiUl.'^ Her maternal (jrandparents are Mr, *"<1 born In battle. The Nevada stand­ Is 190 miles wide and 650 feet thick regulations and fees for park fa FR ES H , t e n d e r , U.S^ GOV'T. INSPEaEO i € 8 B l , P O ^ ard even bear.s the words. "Battle ber of the American Society of • a 'O T CoroUv. West Newton, Mass. Her patemal grandparenU are Mechanical Engineers, Knights of and sandwiched between west­ ellltles. X « I ularvamitim Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah tl’Sullivan,^ Hyde Park, Mass. , ^ Born.” aignifyinp that the state bound currents, International Geo­ Market Street Meeting WHOLE, READY-TO-COOi 2’/2-3 LBS M was admitted to the Union during Columbus, and the Church of the Assumption Holy Name Society. physical Year scientists report. Pereone InUrested In ^ e 'U Cynthia Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 7 ? ? the Civil War. vl^toaUon of the Market St. huM- *sguli*r, Pppwlsr Brsnde, Priced for Conn. (SPLIT OR CUT4JP .13 S8o) i *1 ■Brian Rd Waoping. She w|as bom June 1 at Hartford Hos nau stotlon toS .Mlw* I W Hermatemal grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. IX Dero- meeting tonight at 8 o clock In r T lE S S IS li Crt WaxBBOBS Ewian. Wethersfield. Her paternal GgorettM ^ 'SIT* ^ 2.16 Mrs. R Kaloustian, Watertown, Maas. She has two brothers, ^M ayo” Leo B. Flaherty J r - ^ David,«. and Gary, 2%. , , , , , caUed the meeting t o w to And Bome way tojteep builnw C h o c o k r t t s MAitoAMoSIwd^ KG 7 9 ^ 7 A&P Applesavce... BTv amH rSiarlfwi.' soil Of Mr. and "Mrs, Peter C. MacDonald, 7P on Market St. during the n « l HOUANDBARUCUr 9 Oft ' RIB ROAST Mather Str "H T^as bom May 24 at Hartford HoapiW. ***■ three years while redevelopinent w i l l K>»TABII"K>LD.AWAY- 8A 8 .T D plans are underway. ,. litu m a rW d p a ren U are Mr. and Mrs. William P. Cross. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, Wethersfield. His paternal gmndparenU He haa specifically Invit^ f^***!’ tov#M9«,isrs:i: 4 's r 4V 8 Sliced Baets . . . or Peter MacDonald, East Hartford. He has a brother, William, m*h, department heads, business­ men and proper^ 7" CUT — NO SHORT RIBS ARE INCLUDED IP months. ^ • HoTM Show CrsshneM - Chpjce of flavori (S H tlO IN TIP 1 It 2 Ribt lb D9c) John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J- Wilaom Bch^l St. SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- BLOCK STYLE, TENDER The annual summw “ om ^ ow 10 'SJS'SSSSr Wlel TIssBe...... or He was bom June 13 at Manchester Memorial HMpital. His of Vernon Valley aUPER-KMHT tc GREEN tw ter asaster of oeremoniea. WHITE A 1-aoj play entitled “If Girls MaachMter Evening Herald PEPPERS Sonth Windsor correiipondent El-| EDUCATOR HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT ...... 16 oz. pkg. 49c JTSli’;, STMIUSS ORAPIS Asked Boys for Dates,” by Anne CLEAN STOCK more Burnham, • telephone Mitch­ GIVE FATHER A *UNJHPEN JUICY C. Martens, will be featured. Wil- KEEBLER CHOCOLATE FUDGE SANDWICH .... .16 oz. pkg. 49c TABLEWARE |0 kam Bralthwaite, Karen Klambt, ell 4-0674. PIACMIS NEW ONIONS Karan Adams, Lynn Oomeliuson N ' . V Parker Jotter 1.98 Start your let to­ FIRM HEADS n«SH TENDER _ . and Tom O’Meara compose the day. A newflmlt NEW an A O E east. Southergill Gets on tola each OREINBfANS Karen Adams will read the class SWEET. JUICY, YELLOW DEWEY-RICHMAN <;<><^T**^i^''*r.v.‘!‘MacMMte T’i*ittr‘i..>i>iiiiw»*toiae>aeeaeee Watifiry. and Nancy Roman and Sociology Degree \\,\? 767 BtAIN ST. weeki Jane Perker-Reg 69e Roger l&nsur will present the THIS COUPOl' Jane Parker. Jane Parker-pkg of 12 eUuH will. Burrill, Judy Cutler, UNIT 1 Ace Royal Southergill, 8 Hendee lb Kay Roberta and (Serry Monis will lbs." POUR-PtECE PUO SqaarejCahe read the class prophecy and Janet Rd.. recently received his master’s Donuts, degree In sociology from the Uni­ SETTMC ON SALE Adams will give the class promise. Plain, Cinn., "Choc, or K a C In eoncluaion, the entire class will versity of California, Santa Bar­ 9 9 c '8 IN. SIZE n n C bara, Calif. Cherry Iced 49 ^ In the class song written by FANCY, FIRM ONIY REG.53c- 39 Sugar, Comb. I T ^ Judy , Maaoieotte and Beverly Southergill received his B.A. . ffirogard. degree in sociology at the same FREE $3 Z)A A T Y O V R - A e P . On Wednesday evening the sen­ university last year.,He served for W ior banquet was held at Gallo’s four years In the U.S. Navy from •acon iw oz g t c ar Rantaurant on the Berlin l^ke. January 1951 to December 1954. Nobisco Tbhif ___FLAVORED. . FK« Peanut Butter ’“ “ 59® He served two tours of duty over- 3 4 9 ' . w ^ d '" ’or STAMPS OUR OWN NABISCO vrith the high school faculty as 2 ;k^ 5 1 ' inv4tod guests. Short .talks were iieas during the Korean conflict. He STAMPS 1 ^ Strowborry Proiorvbt 65^ C r a c k e r s PREMIUM given by School superintendent was discharged with the rank of | With thlM rnupnn and,, the soz ^ ^ aviation ordnanceman third class. TEA BAGS 9 B. Woodmansee and Princi­ JUICY, RIPE* SEEDLESS purchaee of 2, 1 Ih.- pkgii. of Ann Pago Mayonnoiie OTS’^^ BonedChicken LYNDIN- JAR pal Henry J. Adams. .Several va­ He is a member of Anderson Shea With this roupon and the 10c off rbgular price riety acts prepared by the seniors Post, VFW. purchase of a large pkg of SWEET LIFE Ann Pogo Salad Drossing qt$ 45*^ Deviled Ham underwood ‘*1^ 33‘ were featured. Maxine Boxer was 12SFTM9 C chairman of the banquet com­ Drete Up Syntem TOO 79" BISQUICK instant CoHoo a., * u 8 9 ' Waxed Paper ROLLS mittee which arranged the affair. OLEOMARGARINE 2 The Couples’ Club of Our Savior 'The Paris Academy of Sciehces, | OFFEB EXPIRES JUNE l i COMB S ll. . . Lutheran Church Is sponsoring a In 1791, drew up the metric system I OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 18 Cannon-Oulitanding Veluel Twin Size 1.79 TMf OREAT ATIANTIC a PACIEIC TEA COMFAMT, IWC” ws^end outing- at Bear Rock of using the meter, gram] and liter YOUOL SA V I Ledge, Washington. Mass., tomor­ as the basic standarda' of length, FANCY WHITE ' AT AAPI Muslin Sheets99 PrIM MM a ail M row ftrougtw Sunday. All members weight and volume. lUrMlM. Un I.I., AM J^arkets n mi ««Klln M AU GOLDEN BOOK, A WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE UP tmm s*ae« a as hd. S OIPIHDABK 000 WIBCHftHT SINCE U.59 m*HY M4 taasf Cauliflower "FranMiy" St»y«— Picture Atlas v,r;*t!.99 "GCr GO AKIN AN M n. niborts tUNKIST CbNCeWTRATI Jff Amesite Drives M A H O W M N ^ E ” Zn-Rox LemeMide 2 25* Poanat Bvttor BY GP H H V STAMPS asiorted noiT yrups Mergnrino SUNKIST concentraji ^4 1 LI 2 oz jy C 12^z 3 9 ^ THC BUICK, ’ OAC 0ran|9BMe2^«»»29 ns 33= 1 le PKfi AW YOUR Thomas Colla CO. DYNAFLOW m f-5224 JA 2.5750 Rimo Blno . REPAIR Ad Dftorgont A|ox doonior Silvordust Bluo cKoia • nUEB ESnMATES LARGE PKG e A IX WOBK GDAKANTEED LACOe M C large pkg FKO w Y RaSPKfiS zv e wM cr. p i m V F snd D E t lV E B Y ' ■ ' ■ • L Speeiair ■ Only Autoentte fSlM Parts Deed! FrtMi a— a es.sss Ra- | Fab DotorgoRt All worit by FACTORY Lux Toilot Soap All Extra FluKy 1955 FORD - ‘ TBAINED Mechanics! S-doof sedan, 6 cylinder. Standard tmhmnlision, new motor. Xlrab WCHCfi 34 I- RMWtE LARGE PKG33S ^ this ene! PAUL DODGE 3 29^ >T*'v i ■ STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. nobtomitv famom ' *• JC, PLENTY OP FREE PARKING PONTIAC ^r- HARTFORD ROAD EKTERPRISES kCONOMY *44 CEWER STREET. "•Sr-'i—r- m MAKTrORD BO AD Ml I-34M h A ) ■ . h Vr \- ■\ -i

■ , , , ■ ■■' ^ XANCBESTlia EVENINO EEEALD, MAKCHEETEE, OONM. THURSDAY. JTOIE H. 1»«0 Msyo, trump** ;.ah8 Bri»« Oiulhtl, lora ^ar# praaented' h ltt achool MANCHESTER EVENING HBBALD, llXkCH E t E B , QOIW h T H T J B D A Y . J U N E 8 8 dtplomaa by Charlea O'FUnn, rep- MHS Music Units ^*plrinaU Farkar was alaetsd p m - DAILT CROBBWORD PU SH * , , reaewtlng the Board of EJducatlon. Ident, and Haney Hall aadretary- MO* OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR H 0 0 R L B | High School Principal Joaeph Mc- Select Officeri treasutar, of tha orehaalra. ff* * ’ BUG6S BPNNY ’s K itchen Cutker will preoent awerda and A aummer Instrumental muplc | 200 G raduate Ofllcera and section leader# of >,POC!TEN • From acholarahlpa. program will bo held at the high - : ' : i . AWWtr to Pr»vlo’u» P u iiis achool for eight weeks from June , WVEFUN, OOPS! T CAREFUL, fs GONE AtREADYlJ the Mancheiter MT|fh School band e«Al>.TWWW'i"WB C^A^^^P SOOaWT ^ 27 through Aug. 16. SLudenta of •MOPSI'TH' PORKY! mr M A O * , F L Y N N j Cwhott Oracle and orchestra were alacled at a 9 1 T H w M iK rtm cw . A. . G irls . Fro m Sylies; 1 all agaa, elementary. junior high b o a t s VEK, jr/TTW AtR Oid-EMhioned ciiocnlate cake (a recent meeting at ‘be achi^L PERSUADS HlllVW ACCOMPAiW MB HOMW and Wgh achool, are eligible, and ^ \ r FEg AN HOUgj^ I °v,bly one of the aU-tlm# favor-1 Bern. SwlUerland— Some Swiaa Bruce Badger was elected prM AND XVlILL HMSr EARNED IMBBTWWAI A C a O M iriB tln lM Ident of the band. Other band offl- may obtain registration form* at a . K IW Irll i U k a W id {STdaworU ahywhara. Mra. I^ a ld RHS Tonight who believe In fhpat'y oraclea eeek ' ^RATmJDSOFMV COt>iftKV/ appallatlen cers are Patricia Bumford, aacra- any achool offlee CMERU t — 4 era g irl I OxldUIng f^nrad, 1* Harvard Rd., haa a the advice of an 1 8 th Century Bern I BUI • O m of t h f patrolt, a General Lentulua, when­ ilry, and Jame. Kerrigan, treSa- ITLIII—FLAiH * U ^ enxyme - r.mlly recipe for a 1-layer choco- Vomon'a largeat eighth grade DATB CAPITAL . DiBoouHT ntiocsn i i o i 'FBARf4or^DAM/X H o u n U n it o f l!te cake which aha laamad bow to ever SwltEerlaijid la in dangc". Th-- urer. S e ction leader.# Indio, In the Coachella Valley of r b m o 'Jeth a t pl a ^ ol. S imian 4 graduating claaa received di'plom- l>amie, baritone horh; Robert Rc- 11 Sottan in rtiu ita n e a from hor mother Invthe MW- gd to hia aoUtakry aummer house at California, la the "date capital of . FROMYOOR PEPAM«UI.Ar<« in cellente. clarinet; Robert Johna, tampar I Chemical ^ S S n n S S m ? « wi^ y aa laat night|liv aa thavaaw town'#------antall the easeedge Ulof «a wood WWVM neara.v-* Koniz,---- - call - the world." Refreshment atande | ARTHUR DRUR ^----- ^rtBTvJlNKLIN* 1 5 . M_ M-tA «a»atf tn flute; M lkk Hlnnov, souaaphone; 11 Expungar iuflIxP-/ ’^Thia recipe with peppermint school •eniof.vClM* hi o out u t toUU him I»im Aza*for IBXS..--,advice, and --- there eell date candy, date fte | IE ,|sa asiisi eat h igh Ronald Plrkey, French horn; Jef­ 14 Anointa • Anger Mating U a popular 1-meal cake caoant yoara prepare# for com­ hear hla ghostly reply through the cream and date m ilk ahakea. 15 Sm allar frey McCormick, trombone; Jerry 7 Short-napped 38 More faeiia iTthe Conrad household and for mencement exorcleea tonight. closed shutters, 16 Extinct bird fabric 11 Hobo 16 Beglna ' ^ ool and chur^ E x a c t ly 200 proapeetive fraeh- 17 MinMt I H c b m r IS Indivlduala one Layer Chocolate Cake City in Tha European 40 IrriU taa men were preaenfed with their 16 aaectle 17 gcant cup auger Kctharlanda riv e r (coll.) 1 Junior high achool diploinaa by • Required L, teaapoon aalt le Formerly SI Abaoluta 42 Cudgel William E. Stllea, B<«d of Edu­ 10 Strayed Luieloua 1/3 cup ahortenlng IS K f rrow Inltt llF o n n a r 10 Repeat 44 cation member, dnd Supt. of BY V. T. HAMLIN Woody fru it I 'l oupa cake IS B o y 't Ruiaian ruler 34 O ir l'i nama 46 flour School# .R a ym o n d R a m a d o ll In Bitter vetch A L L E Y O O P nicknam e IS Anna —— IS One of the 50 6 Tablaapoona cocoa Syken Auditorium. 5 Stitch baking powder .N rtiM lirly 14 Oo by aircraft Rooacvalt g trii 2 1 teaapoon TY»e faculty award to tha moat ...IHCBEAUT^ 5 G olf te ach er' n o t T ^ ^ t f Ie w w 24 Followed attar I I P a ltry 18 canine animal 3 V, cjip aour m ilk outatanding student waa present­ BfOlNNEHILPEl wAmNS-IE HOME OF Tm ' Rodent ' 1 ^ Cream augar. aalt and ahorten- Ftnt N itioM l. I'm e m M r o ^ . ' . USKTOFMYIIFE 31 Edith Ward, 76 Orchard St., re- ItPaMcd away r r -I iT T mg Add egg and beat well, am oeivod the 160 Rentachler Award Seottifh flour cocoa, and baking powder 37 HI for elementary algebra. iheepfoldf r r three timea. Add to creamed mlx- American Legion Awswda, given l e a s t , G y p iy N B 'L l . 4 0 23 fiira alternately with aour milk. to a boy'and a girl, were present­ husband 5T T p z y - *-/t Rtart and flnUh with flour. Stir ed to Whitnev Ferguson HI. son 41 Steal mm !T ' H I. vanilla. Add aoda to boiling of Mr. and Mra. Whitney Fergti- •ONI-IN - Cut Irom HMvy'w.it«n'St.r'I.J • * ^ Ov.n lout 41 Slangy J *.gter Stir into cake. Batter la son n of Vernon Center, and to axelamatloa CHUCK w l i „irly'thin. Bake 40 to 50 m inutea Carol Poole, daughter of Mr, and W ar god BY DICK TURNER 41 in a greaaed floured pan, eight Mra. George,Poole, Box Mountain CARNIVAL 41 Era s r inchea round or aquare or a 7 x 11 Dr.', Vernon. hnid anant !T u I t Inch oblong. > Bight Whitlock award# ware u R M in t fYoaJflBg 41 Small flndi presented to top students in vari­ LB t lT b w a r U 43 t riipa confectionera augar ous subjects. ! „ BY AL VERMEER 1 14Lact 1 . j -4 clip aoft butter The Junior High School Band IT - r 1 Tableapoona acalded light cream and Glee Club provided mtiaie for PRISCILLA’S POP 11 Rounded 1 WL T WISM TIOIJD BE MORE IV M C h a ira or m ilk the oommenceihent program. NONSENSE j O E ^ T «" Ja II ^ ^ ^ UL^ EN I FEEL 17 Moat T 1 o r 1 drop# of oil of poppermlnt TYie Rockville High School Band I TH»NK 'ttOU’RE, vriU play tonight when » Sen- ^ iN G r J U S T F I N E I u B p la a m t BT H I or 4 dropa green ooloring 1 DOWH J Cream butter. Add augar alter­ RO N I-IN - WELL TRIMMED •/ nating with hot cream. Boat wall iB o d U y t r II ,fter each addition. Add oil of pep- Chuck Sfeaks ■ atm etuN iwnnlnt and coloring, the amoimU Herald Photo bf aatemli varying with taate ahd dealt red 30.MINUTE FtEE tO N IL IS S • TENDER. FLAVORFUL eolor. Oamlah with ahaved aioc- INSTALLATION u6S* BY FRANK'OTreAL vrard AccomasBO of Bolton, cousin | Chuck Roasts S H O R T R I B S Mr#. Conrad waa bOm In Tal­ o f^ a brtdogroom, sorved ^as best ^ low Springs Ohio. She trained a# W e d d i n g SKMLISS a nuraa at Miami Valley HoaptUl; Inimbdisiely following the wad-j MUFFLERS SHOUIDIR - WfLL'*TAIMM!D m In Dayton, Ohio, where ahe waa a ding, a recepMon w m held at the ALL \ bride'a mother's home for the Im­ •taff and private duty nuraa She Hagenow-DeNies M a k e s Frankfurts -55 V lf waa a cl^llan nuraa for the Army mediate family and friends. Smoked Butts ^ 59' %( K . n m m . at Langley Field, Va„ during the Miss Rjt^nna Lee DoNiea of The couple traveled to upstate Manchester became the bride of New York on their wedding trip. B l M l aariv year# of World W ar II. Her hu^bamd. c h ie f o f aalea operationa Harold Robert Hagenow Jr., also The bride la a student, at Mc- Twin-Pock Bologna or BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS for Prgtt and Whitney Alreraft, of Manchester. In a candlelight Keown Secretarial 8 chool_^in H a r t ­ SAVE waa engaged in teat work for ceremony on .May 27 at Center ford. The bridegroom is em ^yad Cooked Luncheon Souaoge l o n g S A M by Underwood Corp., Hartford. PAW A at^tenglay Field for two Congregational Church. PUSH LB The bride is tha daughter of Sliced Halibut yeara. k o w a i b k i n a m e d The Conrada hkra two children, U n . Guasle L. EiaNtes of 17 D u v a l SEAT COVERS 2 ;;S', 5 9 ‘ Meriden. June — R * P Jeannette, , a Junfocat Manchaa- St. and the late Joseph L. DeNiee. 18 18 Frank Kowalaki haa been named tar High School, and Dpnald Jr . The bridegroom'ia the son of Mr. to head a Democratic subcommit­ . a th grade pupil at Bowera a n d ------Mrs.------Harold Robert Hagenow ( B U T H 8 11 6 tee studying foreign affaire. Hla gchool. Mra. Conrad is a member 8 r., formerly of 72 W e lls St. NEW BIKE DEPT. office announced ■ that JCowalaki B i q V a LU 06 f o r tJour (^ooL» Out! of South Methodist Church, ' a The K«v. Clifford O. Simpson waa elected chairman of. the aub Wa repair all makes. Ton leader of the Stanley Circle, o< Center Congregational Church committee which la a unit of the can nao yanr old biko aa a •\ WSC , and eecretary of the Com- performed the double ring cere- 38 Democratic study group. Kowal- tra d o-la. mlaalnn on Rducatlon at the IRIQUETS 10-LI n>ony. s ikl waa choaen when the group church. She la preaidant of the The bride wore a light tweed njet Tueeda.v to divide unit# for JD-LB BAG 1.19 BAG L iita Ju n io r M uaeum , peat praeH- suit with powder ^ e acceaaorlea ■tudying specific problem*. The TR/PLEM 6 9 ’ dent of the Bowera FTA, and peat and an orchid' corsage. She car­ Charcoal ■ubcommittee, called a foreign af­ ■ w > r M M » W l— .BfcJ ried a white Bible with streamers. prerident of tha PTA Council. fa ir* ta s k force, ■will look in to a p ­ L FeOA-Ai *NbW M m 8 Blaine Smithy waa her C«P». 1*40 bv IMM «MM»l|fB6MaA proaches for peace, diaarmament S T O R E S ^ FINAST PINT * * M a y b « i couain'a maid of honor. She wore BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD a navy blue suit, white acceasor- and a possible end to nuclear testa ^Se OFF SALE JAR under aafeguarda. 1 4 ’ J U D D S A X O N School Menus ories, and an orchid corsage. EM- M ustard THl SUBJECT WECROPPEO- B Y R O U S O N C O U E S E — LITTLE SPORTS Lunch## win be aervsd tha Irat SWEET UET^ FORSCT CLAYMORE... TT two days of school next week in | PINT JAR a b o u t SCHOOL, BUT FORSET (T - F SALE J EOTE. THAVS ' HOW a b o u t the elamanfary and Junior high AT 2 8 ’ 1 THREE MONTHS THOSE achoola. Menus are the following. Relish AWAY. HOW ABOUT HAMBURSWS: Blewaaetary REG I BOAT RlDE-f Monday; Toaited chsaaa sand­ LT.WObO 14-OZ wich, y’egaUbt# aticka, orange ROLL ^6 oco! m i FINAST BTLS 351 Reynold's Foil , WORK UP AN juice, Ic# cream, milk. Ketchup r APPETITE U ' \ Tuesday: Hamburga. green LOCKER rORCOUBLC salad, chocolate cake With white , HAMBUR ERS mK 6 C««r. ^ Csnl Fae iv'et Corfb frosting, milk. TW-W^MMiWlred. HATURRL FLAVOR Jnnisr High PLANT.p, ^uaeanieed S ’reik Piwluee / BY JOHNNY HART Monday and Tuaaday: Frank­ Syavin^A t S r o x e n m m n ■ ■ V ’ furt ,«*i roll, applaaauca, pouto y w r i f f r ^ ' » B . C . F*r Ptayor and Fraahnaaal Chlpa, fru it, m ilk . AND COLOR... " Y o r GARDW A v*RY' Nice ftesruRB, 8trawb#rrl«s BY ROY CRANE I OUST PRBSeNTEO pbtEr . what pid yoo m m oiH CK ana i a d y m WiLBY WITH N(S F ll^ r eRANGE JUICE CANTALOUPES BUZZ SAW YER rUT IT T »» f^ O U R P ^ V A P O C A N MAH, THE 010 HUMPH! YOU OUST V/ANT STOP HERB AT TMEPn SHOP iM M lW M l Honw PLACE IS ■ ARIZONA - JUAAiO NEARER. ------K AT THE MONKEYS ' fm n im C ia W itwa a ? s 6 S . a s W ' lA C H IE WINPOW. 101 FIOZIN 01 FtESH SLICED FRUIT COOL. REFRESHING Specials! PIB T v B hr 6 9 c Wl«t,* Vl*-I~»l"« l™« « S i " IK PINT B in 79 c C L O V IR O A tl hams, you1l-#st ksH e r-le e kin f, in riiw ra iy ll* wHn aaw ACM — 9-OZ Q U A R T M m 9 9 c ’ll DONE $2H5 a nj M Hiieoijomiion dua ta nah»^ exldelleei. iFreEich Fries PKGS- I *" LIDS B he S 5e I e u e a e iA - g o l d e n r i h l i S ia ira *-door 6-pasoanger a U- Pmtseta yaurw afkIafaiHrkiHtW ovw n paaiey ■ pmeA. A M O RTO N 'S • Strawberry or lenana Peaches 19< tibn wag««. fu lly equipped In - 4Vi as. boffWi lra«** 30 Rba. af Irv it, yet caal* anly a*B8 uB prra a u $ a im INCH i d 1 eluding power a tssrlB g , power EACH brakes, electric rear window. C r e a m P ie s 1 Woternnelons ^ S bS pe^ ^ 5^ • n a u t t w ______BY DICK CAVALU I STAHL MEYIR SUCH! W iL C H A M - With lemon m m UUTMS • CALWORNIA M O R T Y ^ M E E K L E *$9 Q H E V . $ 2 i w l j | L A M B F O R E S REFRESHING “ J t a * # * YOUtte M»W keH OtAB. fl«ST n u r ^ irw-y rviw ■ ^ llB - fX’T INTO CHOP* and HTEIV Grape Drink , 4 49< Plums W t o V " OOlHaiO^TUNT I MILD CURCO • 'P O N T HAVE AN V a S A R ^ < S S i\ pr.anv POR YOtTR FREEZER SXT^i *»-l6 m v c b o w t h . Bsl A ir V-S 4-dobr sedan. Fully ORIGINAL BY LANK LEONARD I equipp^. * 7-OZ 0 0 Cherries '^^^arcy^Smeet***^ *4 59« MICKEY FINN 6KGS [u. u i t j a r Crispy Pines 3 jMeWe^ »!■>■■» I IT'S LUCKY Y EA H -SH E'S BEEN HE'S Mubt BETTER, ^ \ t>ONNA WAS IN 1 SWELL! JUST IMAGINE MR. BRENTWppO.' THi ’$S GHEV. sins f t Blueberries 35« GIRL IS IN THERE WITI F iN p O U T , BACWh ® THE CAR WITH (.'— BEING WILLING TO YOU - TO BACK Y TAKE A TOTAL HIM — IF YOU WANT- T< JtO W >(E I 1 Bol Air V -l Holiday aodan. 4 u” f F “ ® a UP VDUR STORY.' / STRANGER INTO TO HER! Ceeked Shrimp Vc 49 Sweet Corn 6 '^«29c ^ HER HOME! I’MGkDI. SMK HAMBURG U. S. D. A. CHOICE Lettuce XI 2 17c Ooupa DeVllle. BxcepUonally CitJ Camiuaf! low mlleaga, fiilly equipped. SHOULDER STEAKS Cucumbers >nR!^iSf 3 /®* 17* S z > Spsybatti MiATMut 2 .aw.eAPAeii 17 FORD 31235 f o r o c t d o o r b r o il ^ Green Beans 2 25^ BY LESLIE TURNER 2 - n ® ® FR e S h l Y GROrND FROZEN O B l u -door aUtibp wagon. Standard CAPTAIN EASY 2 READY FOR Y’O rR FRF.EZER BKla* STEAK c m I transmiaelon.' B W a ro n i 2 1^ 4 7 1 l b . o r 1 ! LB. P K G . w sa. UR. McKee.xHBfiv 11SH OZ C k J . % «dff S a v in f A ! ------1 plant WHERE UPPV ' j RI iS e c t io n W k i w ’s m ^ [ » BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEW AY WACKBU ^H15CRONES5TA6EP'------WITH i l l P ■ I CANS MR. AB#|ftNATHY | 'S6 MGRG. 21095 R avio li THE STATE (W/ROLL ROSBERYl STEPOM STAHL MEYER, FIRST PRIZE. f r e s h l y g r o u n d , m i l d l y s e a s o n e d ...COAAINS t r i KEEPS FOOD FRESH Va ^a a . a a a J I Monterey t-door hardtop. i&ROTE & WEIGEL fAUCIS t - '* VAXAAA WGHTUP! MEAT ■ MUSHROOM AAFLABEBNATWj; WOULdA V A A A y LAMB PATTIES Spaghetti 1 1 6 l o a YOU MIND WeSING THE | “■------SALT?> '55 OLOS. 21095 ISaran Wrap Oven-^redli &a!ttr^ \)atuti ! 1 Super 88 4-door sedan. Fully COLD CUTS I FRANCO AAAIRICAN equipped inehiding power steer­ f t ing, power brakes. 46 VABIE'TIE*— SLICED TO ORDER NOT PACKAGED STRAWBERRY PIE \r/t Q l CAN I AN AmmiNC Ml e A . jSpaghetti 25 O L D S . Regular Price 5 f e ^ KRAFT DINNER U ! S t i2!S&M.$aUB»l

iBURSDAY, JUNE 16, IMO ’ MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERAXJ)» MANCjtEfl'fERi THE Biding *Rotteh from Top to Bottom PA6 B FOURTEEN on Base Paths Prove Cosily Herald Angle t i g e r s A i c q u i r e 1u i a b m e * B f ' ■ Senate 1 f r a n k CLINE ) d g e r s F o r $ $ f] r o m U ( Asslstaat Sport* Editor W ediiefidaV8 Hontert • ='Washington. June 16 (A>)—Senate investigators said today I Sport Schedule | . -■ '^riterPIck'iCCIL All-Star Squad they are watchintf for any moves by racketeers to cMh in on (Season Total In rt^ O ie a e s ) Surprise off Deotlnnlng against Steve B ^ ( « ^ . AMERICAN LEACSUB Tpday Los Angeles, Junis 16_(ff) — ■tngle It seems to the writer that the 'major baseball sea- the Johansson-Patte^n heavyweight champiom^^ (/p i_ * N e w York and Cleveland each are# Marls’ ^ The flret of Johnny Romano s pair Held, Indians (12) Cen. Congo ra.^Kaesy, Philadelphia. June 16 U P ) Th* The gam e'was'ovef and Clem New York, June 16 1 ------— • »_ . fc.ie- Klely. But Kansas City, winieas m con started only yesterday or the day before but in a little Monday,'Sem Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) told p/reporter-ne 29-21. That figures out to a half of two-pm homers settled Romano. Indian* 2 (6) Charter Oak. ^ ' Philadelphia Because what shouW have nine consecutive tries against Nsw Berra. Yankees (7) nounced the trade 1 iR iip\__The St. Louis^tfardinals are 8cve?| Lahine was sauntering Into game edge for Baltimore, but per­ S ‘th^n a month it will be All-Star game time. had a-uthorized this scratiny.t Renn’a vs. Telephone, 6:16, Nebo. New \ork. June 16 . gy yp been a sacrifice fly was con­ Woodv l^eH Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mlch), who n a t i o n a l LEAGUE Royer, Yankees (1)_ ■ Harry Andereon nnd Wally Bo*! the dresglhg room tunnel yhen centages form ths basis of the York, squared it again on one on for the Indians. Jim P t ^ Itagrof the season that most people agree is the nud-pmnt of Kefauver heads the Sehate Anll- BanUy vs. Blk*. « :l^ Charter he heard''an annoimcement Daley’s two-run pinch-homer w iruat and Monopoly Suhcommlttee prealdod at the hearing* while Sievenv White Sox 2 (5) and a minor gam es verted into a doubleplay, the standings. a fa . won It. putting kw«y W« ♦ht^annual pennant races. Again this summer there will be MorlaHy’a (6-3) Oak. Jerry now invaatigatlng imderworld_Jn- Kefaufar waa In Tennessee, told a Manchester Auto Parts U-9) deep­ PHarclk; Oriole* (2) Hopke of Buffalo, to C l^ll9»U . coming over the • press box New YorH Yankees have only The Chicago'White Sox regained Ryne Duren. a single by sixth in a row with a six-hitter. i WO All-Star contests. This year both will be play^ m Amen- PontlcelU’s V*. Htfd. Nat.i 6:16, for^^Tony Gonzalez, Leo Walta and P.A. system directly above Russ fluence In profeaalonal Two newsman it Is too early to say er into the collar laat night with Triandoa, Otiol** (1) a share of the American fourth place with a-6-4 decision taun\p« •I'd • triple by ran League parks w'lth the firsts » ----- *. whether federal controls are need p. Daley, A’* <1) Kseney St. . „ « a minor league player to bo name^ days of public hearing* which end- a 7-4 win at Buckley Field. Sulltvan'B va. Army A Navy, 6 him. League lead instead of being all over Washington, Boston spiued Snyder. WHITE SOX «. "JW A’T O I W ^ schedufed at Kansas City July Ilf Boone* later. , less since opening d a y .^ a lly wim '‘And that was the-first he • • • ed yiesterday contfludad the flrtt ed. Phil Cataldo got credit for the ■ Ifid-bipppst bulge Of It when the Braves beat Seth alone on top. ' Detroit to fifth place by beating Roy Sievera drove i"- four runs and the other two days later, July phase of the atudy. Further hear­ He aaid the testimony shows NATIONAL LEAGUE Waddell. . « In other deals that In tbe majors—^afler »orki knew that after some 10 sea­ INDIANS io-6. OBIOLE* 2-1* wtn' while Paul Serrell knd Don Manor vs. Naaslft’s, 6. Buckley^ Morehead (0-4i , with a two-nm The boo-boo came in the •third- the Tigers 4-3 in 10 Inninga for’ ^the White Sox with two h ^ - 13 at Yankee Stadium in New ing* wUl be held later, but poaslbly mobatar* and racketeers have pul Matliaws, Brave* j5 (U ) midnight trading deadline Md place Pan Francisco. U - sons he had been sold by the inning of last night’s game at Kan­ —An eight-run inning did It for McGill blasted homers for the Lawyer* v*. Aceto’s, 6, ninth capped b>’ A1 Spanglers • • • ers against hie old males, ^ e York. Selection of Ui* players for not Unttl fall. boxing in a pitiful plight Covington, Braviw (5) cago Cubs sold outfUd And thcij Dodgers to the Detroit Tigers. sas City. Hector Lopez left third the Orioles in the second game af­ MBs. Rich Macalone had two hits planck. B4oryn to ri»e 5t. L ou ^ Caxdl^lB YANKS 7, A’ft-7 — That third- second cracked a #-4 Ue. m ' the American and National League Rand Dlxoo, the aubcommlttea’a But he said h* wants to hear a* did Serrell. Mike Davis (2 for 4) Thomas, Cubs (18) B-vav' from third, plajje Milwa\ik>!» "WTiat did you do when yo^ base too soon on a fly ball and 'w** ter home runs by A1 .Pllarcik and saiiads will be left up to the man- Friday, June 17 and PhUadelphla /PhllHen^ jfut-. . * * ' ’ inning run that nei-br got home Oils Triandos had overhauled a enth and beat Pete Ramos (^ 8t. chief counsel, charged that bOTlng from some state athletic and ^ x - and Dan O'Connell (2 for 3) led the Bouchee, Cuba (2) sn ef the Braves rnahaged heard I f” ’ a newman asked doubled up by the A’i —who then r.erry Staley i - i was the ^ agers of Ih* *‘ 8^1 respective teams Nasaiff’a va.” Trust, 6:16, Char- pitcher Ruben Goinez to Buffalo a srht vnth the Ciibs in , PIRATES 14, GIANTS 6.—'The | kept the Yankees from an eighth 5-0 Cleveland lead. Jim Buebj^ 7 2 la "Rotten from top to bottom ,ano init cortunlssioners aa to "w hat Cepeda, Giant* (12), later. ,, ,. twice overcame three-run n#r with thr^ Inninfs of icoreiOM in each league. Mays, Giants (9) tar Oak. of the Intemattonal lAaguo and tud-night doubleheader Pirates battered Billy O'Dell (2-61 straight victory. Home runs by just back from the minors, doubled needs federal regulation. they can do, what they actually M a r t y ’s ...... 199 Fire A Police va. Manor, 6.16. and five relievers for 19 hits while ”I just kept walking, said and held the Yankees to e 7-7, 12 'This writer lias always felt tkat Demeter. Don rtoak drove in four runs with of life where you sort of ex­ the Yankees were all square with throughout the coudtry w m the Flood, Card* 2 (S) ' ' t-^ed to look like possible chal- Cleveland. And the Baltimore to work on starter Ralph Terry Grant (4-2) was the loser, in re­ secutive singles b>’ Pete BunAcls, champion, and Floyd Patterson from Gov.----- Edihund Brown , - V.of O’Connell and Barton. thr*» hit*. Dick Groat and winner pect things like that.” case when the Jate S - ^vith a 6-0 victory over _, The 33-year-old pitcher^ Orioles, who split a twi-nighl pair and relievers Bobby Shantz and lief. Hoyt Wilhelm (3-4). won it Ted Williams and Frank Malzone iDadini: promoter among: Chicago will be witness** in later hearings California, who has stated-- he Harvey Haddix each had four hits Johnny James, scoring three for a dirt it for the Red Sox, Tom Mor- might recommend his rtate'outlaw —Joe. (Buaa) ' tay- „ ____ ... M var-1 Pieiaall, Cleveland, 9; Broedtag, rinc^nati It was the ftfth success ' emerged from the showers with the Inldans. were just one with fmir innings of two-hit shut­ sports writers at the lime, eon- on alleged Irregularitiei concern­ The Chicago Cub# haven’t fin­ New York, stopped Johnny Wood*, Anaaldl’a va. Paganl’i, 6, Haddik (4-31 join ^ Vern ^ w tie on'Norm Siebern's sacrifice fly gan (3-11 was the loser and Mike ing the promotion aide of their professional boxlng-'iinlesa U.. is Baltimore and Landla, Chloagxs ,T. Tn rix games for the fourth place srniling, shook hands with as CLEM LA BINE percentage point back. out relief. the idea of an ished hi the Naitional League's first Pittsburgh. 2. (*) planck. Cards, who took three of and Bob Friend aa the only Hues The third place Orioles, beating and a pair of bases-loaded walks. Fomieles (4-1) the winner, both r* part of the 1934 World’* Fair in I first bout,* year-ago. cleaned up. division since 1946. with complete games although al­ many, of his teammates as he The Yankees scored three more The Tribe took the opener with tJie>iratP5th^irates last weekend, and the> could-find. then retired to his later, but Tiger President Bill Injuns, 13-5, after a 10-2 first four nma with two out In the first in relief. fh/windy City Of course thla had, No one ’has raised the 9ueRl‘° " did irtiehind the tlyee-htt pitch- lowing a dozen hits. He walked no dressing cubicle and offered DeWitt said only cash was in-, game loss, have, a 33-24 record in the 12th, capped by Roger o be changed a few yeara ago about the fight itself. Both flghttrs ing cf rbokte Ray Sadecki one and struck out eight. Orlando these reflections on his depar­ volved. ' This contradiction when Cincinnati newapaperi, have been deacribed aa Pr°*PW-' Cepeda and Willie Mays homered ] was not Immediately straight­ LOS AneHes wallopH last place ture: , . radio and television people^ * ■ ■■ tlve expert witnesses to advise, the FhUadelphia V4-2 in the other NL for the Giants, who now have losj "I ^ e s s there are only two ened out. , , j eelhcr and "a.aiidbagged ’ the bal- subcommittee on what ateps might three in a row for the first time ■■■ - ’r r . game.. - , \ . of' the oldttmers left now— -, The blondt. Rhode Islander fnimx so that ho leas than seven help clean up boxing, this season. the Duke (Snider) and Gil came up to the Dodgers brief­ hedlfgt wound up in the starting u Kefauver said he felt It waa only ly in 1950. came back for a Winner Ortii Alters Tune, Un^S ^or-lhe National League logical that ‘‘If we look at the flrit BBAVEP 6-5. CARDS «, REDS O—Sadecki. a (Hodges.) seventh-place, cubs, who •■'Well. I’m going, but a little^ spell again in 1951 and return­ JOE TH'ABONITO Johanakon-Patteraon b o u l.^ we made it a sweep by junking ^6Iar 19-year-old lefty, walked eight but bit pf me has gotta stay h « e ed to stay in 1952. ^*^ell there we go again,- emplpy- should also look at the other. struck out nine for his first major Appearing almost exclusive­ last year’s West Hartford Laglon Ten Spahn's Tour-hit for some time anyway. Who inc our long-winded way of getting John Bonoml. Dixon’s associate league victory In three decisions. ly as a reliever, he won "0 Ing our luiis___ „,h)ect mat- champ* and showed plenty of con­ fnur ninth-inning nms in knows?- Maybe they’ll hang up around to the origlnal^subject mat counael. added that ’’All aapecta It also was his first complete games for the Dodgers and Offers Duilio Loi Rematch ,,r of this column. No. we re not fidence on the baseball field. For er. came from old No. 41 for a while. outfield reserves we’ll take Ma- of evei^^ Important bout" are un­ runs in the nightcap eighth. An game and first shutout by the "You know, the worst of it lost 52. His major league going to try and name the "tarting Card staff. The three hits were earned run, average going into •' . Liooez or wait lonfey’s Neil McCollom and the der scnitiny. error bv Red Schoendienst. which is cleaning up this mess in my NATIONAL LEAOt'B Indiana’ Dick Sylvester. Backing During the two day* of hearing* made four of the runs imeamed, doubles—by Billy Martin. (Jus Bell this season was 3.59. He has grosa $20,411 A’lstan w^ho w'ill be the managfers Mocker, and packing—and w'hat Wednesday’* Reeults 140, "belt IAP had it for Ortiz. 145-143. up Maneggia behind the plate we which ended yesterday: and five singles did it as the cubs arid Frank Robinson. Curt Flood, had only one decision, a loss, in San Francisco. 1® <^^tSrtiz* m ^. and Loi of the American and National to do with the car. Pittsburgh 14. San Francisco 0 There were no knorkdownn ur- would like to have Wethersfield a I. Fomier nfiddleanslght oham tagged starter Carl Willey. who hit his first 1960 homer arid . \"I had a great association 17 Innings, ib is year. Labine —Junior------elterweight - Cham-j , , . each other. worked in three World Series Milwaukee 5-5, Chicago 4-8. from tiz want do.wn In the young Bob John»on. plon Jake LaMotta relatad ttat rehfver Ron Piche l0-2i and Lew drove in the Cards’ last four runs pion changed hisi loi, a 3i-year-oirt ‘y';T I’* Bvbee called n a with”^ c l u b . 1 guess I’m hot for the old Brooklyn Dodgers, ifvTown'r^adrn'---^^^ Burdette In the big frame. Tuesday night, batted In their the first guy this happened St. Louia 6, Cincinnati 0 t^une today and o ffe re d Italian Milan who but b > bee .What would we do for pitching? i ho had loot a fixed fight In 1947 first four in this one with a palrj winning two and losing two. Loa Angeles 14. Philadelphia 2. S^iir-r^-'oT^rv^rii^ Actually, we could come up with a ] to Billy Fox. Ho said he turned Moe Drabowskj’ (2-0) won it In Pet. G.B of homers off Joe Nuxhall (1-31. He pitched one inning fo r Los W. L. Duilio Loi. 1o.ser in a close and fn^^e wcond round^ The hurt; Stev* Klaus. I^t a ^ rxpr for the lineups and pre-game pretty good array of fiingera from down a $100,000 bribe offer, but relief after the Braves icored ^1 *** 1 jhin* was asked If he .630 ^\ * * thought he had enough If ft to Angeles In the 1959 W orld Pittsburgh - ■ .34 20 gruelling l-'i-round title fight,l h,d caiiaed a two-week ^ aai^if^^t^ hav, c.u« ll-. e-™ - the above mentioned boya Driscoll agreed to loae tn \retum for the their runs on homers by BO Series without a decision. .571 3 promise of a future chance at the Mathews, who socked two, .and DODGERS 14, PHILS t —'Duke do the Tigers'any good. San Francisco .32 24 themaelvea oh television. hurled most of the big games for One of. the reasons the .26 22 .542 5 ” Ortii!' 24-year-old Puerto R ^ o -, ’^"^'Twld he would welcome a re- was Rut we do have . an All-Star Conard’s CCIL champs when not title he finally won in 1949. W’es Covington. Snider and Don Demeter hit two- "Sure I can," he said. "No Milwaukee .. Dodgers sold him was to make .27 27 I ,, i bom New, Yorker, before the first ■ match. team which we would like to offer in the outfield while Molloy of Ma­ ,2. Irving Mlahel, a convict and Ed Bduchee's three-nm homer run homers for the Dodgers while doubt whatsoever." St. Louis . . . . Scoring C$o«> Wvhe. aairt he thought Ortiz wa* Sandy Koufax (2-8) allowed the For Lablne, one of the finest room on their roster for pitch­ Cincinnati ... .26 2fi .473 • 8^^ I roundro,,nd 6o PICK Francisco (Sanford 6-2). 4:30 pm i » « t three plavers on this year * j ihe Indians in the final regular aea- has delegated Iron hand |k»wer* 6:15. It will be the open­ Friday’s Schedule Manchesler High t?am who were g-ame. won three decisions to to mobster Frank tBIlnky) Pal­ ing game for each team. Chicago at 'Cincinnati, 9.05 p m. ' as good as anyone in the leagi^al Ueep the Eagles’ in the ermo to run the sport until Carbo Steve McAdam, above, is YOUR St Louis at Milwaukee. 9 p m. thefr resoectlve positions. They ! flght right down to the final day of finlshen a two-yenr prison sen­ expected to pitch for the Philadelphia at Sail Franclaeo. Yanks Put Back in Business I Major iMigu* arffltatCem .n Joe Tw-aronite/campaign. -The southpaw on tence for upnlorcovor ncGrtties In locals. 11-;15 p.m. ^ ♦bird hasenian Paul Sartor and our staff would have to be Wind- boxing. QUALITY Pittsburgh at Los Angles, H __ iLeodGTS: Bill Maneggia. ' ham’s Pete Slymah. He’s the lad AMERIC.AN LEAGt'E With Help from Grid Trainer i=l-n«iJ«rsn a t i o n a l IJSAOrE.^---- didn't have R .300 who cooked the Indiana Twnronile, . ------SMewiae Traetloa Stopping Traetloa Wednesday's Rosulta average, batting a respectable tournament hopes w'hen he blank­ Forward Traction Balling - - Burges*. Pittsburg. ed them 1-0 late in May at Wil- Deep tread depth Boston 4, Detroit 3 (10) .363; CTemente. Pittaburgh. .841; 282 but packed plenty of power. Extra traction edge* Z lg -n g grooves help Cleveland 10-6, Baltimore 2-13 New York (NEA r—Dick Spas-t^tion He never hart worked )iis knee Umantic. It was only one of several prevent from sway- and extra traction the right way." Groat. Pittaburgh and Curry, Over half of his U hiu were for grip the road . etlgea make faster Easy Credit Chicago'6, Washingftpn 4 - soff leaned on the top step of the extra bases. -The lefthanded swing­ fine games pitched by the Whip­ even when In ra- ' ing to left or right. Mantle started a regular routine Philadelphia. .336, Adcock, Mil­ Btopa. Terms For New York 7. Kansas City 7 (12 rtugout and grinned Ilk* a new fa­ pet’s lefthander who last year verae. AU riRfS MOUNTED FREE! ther aa Bill Skowron stretched for and even asked for extra training waukee, .333. er connected for three inning Tie, Calle^m «th,^Ram> two triples and two doubles to played hi* baseball at Army camps | DRIVE THROUGH Everyone a high throw just in time to nip from the affable Spassoff. The knee Run* — Hoak, PlU*burgh. 4.5; In Germany where his father w a s' Skinner Pittaburgh. 44; Mays, No Cash , ..^ 9 21 580 — the funner. ceased to swell. Two doctor* pro­ share the teen* stationed at the time. , Hurry fo ALLSTATE Ttr» THumpli /CHCCK THESi FREE EXTRAS Cleveland . 8 "No b r a c * nounced Mantle physically fit and Satt FrAncUco. 43; MathtWi. MU- 10 with Sartor. The latter finished FREE FLATS FDOCD ^ -Needed New York . ,...2 9 21 .580 r - his senior year wrtth a 317 aver­ ___ 33 24 .579 — :|neerted there." he he started to hit. wAUktA And Boy#(r, ®l- - - - .fk, 20-MONTH GUARANTEE PTyOE—F lat* fixed fo r the life o f m e Ore Tour Old Baltimore . ;said. "And that "I don’t know what the guy Run* Batted In — Banks. Chi­ age and tied for most hit*. 13, by Chicago ...... 29 25 .537 2 Some (iiMxl Ones If^ored SUMMER WITH A when poiehaaed from ns. Tire* Can Be ...27 24 .529 2'V 48uy could hardl.v has." said Bob Flshel of the New cago. 51; aemente Pittsburgh. 46; any Indian this year in addition , FREE TIRE ROTATION , - Detroit ■ • . touch his toes at Cepeda, San Francisco, 42; Me- to sharing the RBI leadership. Of course there are still some STRONG NYLON CORD Your Down Washington .. . 22 29 .431 7 ', York club's front office, "but I had FREE—'ilree rotated every 6,000 mUee for ___ 22 32 .407 9 | one time last a strained back once and all he did Covey. San Francisco, $9. Mays, Maneggia. a* most everyone fairly good looking players left the life of the Ore when purchased from us. Payment Kansas City year. ■’ San Francisco, 37. knows, led the Indiana in batting off this ' AU-Star squad. Included Boston . , . .18 33 .353 i m ! was snap it and apply heat and I’ve IS-In. TubdBW FBEE—Braked Checked 8 A-M.-0 P-M. Spassoff has had no more trouble. ” Hits - - Grost. Pittaburgk. 80; wlUi a .333 average with a great in this group would be Indian 15*in. T ^ -T yp« Today’s Game* treason to grin pitchers’ Pat Mistretta and Steve GOOD USED CAR Spassoff concerned himself with 1 Clemente. PiU.sburgh, 76; Pmson, stre’uh run. Baltimore (Fisher 4-4) "t CTeve- He I o n s id e r s McAdam. Mistretta finished with \ I Mocfcwdl AU TIRES SOLD UFETIME land (Bowsfield 1-2 or Hawkins 4- Skowron for a good part of the Cincinnati. 69; Mays. S*n Fran­ Rounding out our infield we M oek w oN Skowron's nim­ .•spring working the first baseman cisco and W?hile. St. Louis, 68.. would like lo have Maloney » ssv- a 4-2 won. lost record while Mc- ;| ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE ble brace - free Doubles - Robinson, Cincinnati ond baseman Bruce, Malloy and Adam, who won only one of three i STRONGEST OCABANTEE AVAH-^LE ^^Boston (Caaale 2-6) at Detroit to improve his back. play at first-base Followed Rxceriaa and Groat, Pittsbiirgli, 15; Bruton, Hall shortstop Dave Gibson. In our decisions, pitched excellent ball U n c o n iU o ^ y Guaranteed all (Foytack 1-4). ■ , ro,i for the Yankees Milwaukee and Chinningham, 8t. every time he was given a start­ FROM ROY MOTORS Washington (Stqbbs 3-2) at Chi­ , "Bill s injury had to be exercised book Malloy waa probably beat i Rtm Icb Bruises Bottles, Spikes. Chuck Holes. Etc. in m a w a personal vic- ing assignment. ^ cago (Baumann 3-3), 9 P-t” the right way," the trainer went Loui.a. 14; Five w'lth 13. high school • - baseball player In FOR LJFETIME. Prorated Adjustment on Per Mantle toi-j’. Triple* • Pinson. Omemnati, Other boys who certllnly rate ' | 1 W « r ^ ^ « a » l e price. Ckmiplete CueU^er SatiafacUon New York (Ditmar 4-3) at Graying, b u t on. "He knew this, but he didn’t Connecticut this Spring. If there Kansas Ci.ty (Daley 8-2), 10 p.m. know how. After he started s daily Bruton. Milwaukee and Kirkland. waa ono any belter w*e certainly a mention are Hall's pitcher-first Convertible e e u p e, 1 Guaranteed at ALL TIMES! ______the picture of health and physical San Francisco. 6; Skinner,. Pitts­ baseman Don Tucker, pitcher- 195t power windows, dyna- ' Friday’s Schedule condition. Spassoff popped into exercise routine the way I prescrib­ would have liked to see him play. Boston at Cleveland, 8 p m. ed, he immediately showed im­ burgh. 5; Five with 14. MaJioy went five for five In the third btaeman Fatsy Papandr^ flow, radio and heater. Yankee Stadium early this aeason Home Run* - - Banks, Chicago and shorUtop Bobby Chester, both , Good top. runs good. " 8.70x18 ~ 8.70x15 PICK YOUR PRICE-QUALITY New York at Chicago, 9 p m, at the request pf.hia friend co-own­ provement. The way he stretches second meeting with the Indians BUIW Baltimore at Detroit. 9M5 p.m and hit* now, he doesn’t look like * and Boyer, St. Louis, IT; Mathews, and had a streak of nine for 10 of Maloney, first baseman John­ E a ^ Phis Tax. And Tire Off Car Regardleaa Of Ctaiittloa 10 er Dan Topping. He came to aaaiat Milwaukee, 14; Thomas. CThicsgo ny Reid and catcher Paul Slyman, Washington at Kansas City, Trainer Soares when Gus man -who needs a brace for hia at one stage of the year thla . ’ ' . "f . ■ , back, does he?" and Aaron, Milwaukee. 13. Spring. Gibson, although only from Windh*(Oi. Wethersfield TIME SERVICE GUARANTEE Maiich fell ill. He. proved a valu­ Stolen Baaes — May*. San shortstop Pat.,HunUey and Bristol ] V-8 straight stick, 2-. • GuoroRtMd «29oiiMt aH lypM of reod-lKeei* BOLD SEAL able aaael fo. one reason: He There's nssre. to muscle rubbing sophomore, w'a* a sure-handed 1953 door aedah,' radio and against aH typea of road hasard* pro­ READY ON FIRING LINE—Gary Playor lays out the. than brawn when Spassoff. who Francisco. 1.5; Rnaon. Cincinnati, fielder and a- consistent hitter Eastern fly chaser, Phil Lewis. cured the aches and. pains of 14; Taylor. Philadelphia. 11; Blas- heater. rated on the nMotbi naed based on 'HRE aid TUBE clubs he had ready for the United Stales Open Champion­ Mickev Mantle and Skowron. holds a masters degree in peych- ■' spraying base knocks to all field*. You know what ? The above I FORD currant priee . . . without trade-in at • High inUoago "oimilBamlx" Womlod nibbof. One Price Arrned with bis whirlbath, mus- ology and' therapy, take* over. He ingame. San Franciaco, 10; 'Willa,' A member of last year's West menUoned club probably co^d All Size* ship ov®er the Cherry Hills Country Club course, near Lo* Angeles. 9. post a winning record even If they time of retnnu______■ i. 8.00x16 7JM)xU .r r r ir.AGITB ktard plasters and horse liniment, blends a- formula of mental and Hartford'Junior American Legion 8.00x14 K in v e r. intermediator . fSpassoff. who was a member of the i phy.sical exercise. Pitching—Williams, I>oa Angeles, Regional champions. Gibson had wound up with ME as manager!' ' 7.10x15 5-0, 1.000: I.*w, Pittsburgh, 9-2, Tube-Type Blackwall Tube-Type Whitewall 8A0xl4 Scoring four runs 1 Bulgarian gjmnastlcs team in the I "It sound* a bit corny," he said, the poise of' a pro whether at bat "88" 4-door sedan, ra­ $- NO MONEY DOWN whtn 7.00x15 .818: Burdette. Milwaukee and 1953 Price Price With Price price 8.00x15 6.40x15 -Course Tabbed Ensy- Bolton went on to 1928 Olympic Games, went to work but you have to know how to talk or In the fle'ld. dio and heater, hydra- With SAOxlO tc Fire last night at •*« on his specialty of healing athletes. to men to keep them in the right Sanford,. San Framhaco, 6-2. ,750; malic. you trado-in your old tiro. Without Trade-In, Without 6.00x16 Friend. Pittsburgh. 8-3, .727. For our'outfield we would nomi­ OLDSMOBILE rTrade-tii, Srede-lB* Wbltewall add $l.M Joe Aubrey tossed a Old Hat to Spassoff mental shape as well s* physical nate Wlndham’a Johnny'Wheaton. size Trade-In, Each hitter and drove in two runs to Strikeout* Dryadale. Uoi A Each Plua Tax Each BUghtly used. goaranteed Palmer Rules Solid Favorite Mending twisted muscles Is old condition. When s team Is think­ Wethersfield’s Billy Stewart and Plus Tax pias rrax set the pace; hat for Spassoff, who has held a ing positively, it play* that way. Angeles. 104; Friend, Pittsburghi' Plus Tax 82: KoUfax. Los Angeles. 79; Jones, Conard’s Ed Driscoll. Wheaton, a AHENTION TRUCKERSr Bill Maheggia and J.acwe Jm - similar position with the football Mickey saw he could nin and bend three-year, three-sports star .for 6.70x15 22.45 15.88 26.45 18.88 As Play Begins in Open Golf sen each had two hits for the win­ world champion Baltimore Colts on that knee without any pain so San Francisco, 68: WMllianis, Loys V-8 2-door sedan. $■ Angeles. 65. ^ ■ the Whippets, played just about 1954 28.95 20M ners while Larry Bates’ tnple was for five years. His son is s mem­ he started to hit. The same with every position but catcher while at heater. Rayon Light Deliye^ 7.10x15 24.95 17.88 the best bingle for the PFs. John­ ber of the United States Olympic Skowron. And all you have to do .AMERICA.N U5AOIY5 30.45 2'^88 Despite a.* PGA (Champion Bob ' Rosburg, Windham. Tho versatile Stewart FORD 7.60x15 26.45 20.88 Denver. June’ 16 i/P) ny Lucas and Jimmv Menditto gvmnaatics team. is keep a core of Mantle, Skow­ Batting—Runnels, Boaton. .374; with a .334 batting mark, was an­ who played the first nine in a four- were the only other players to “"These guys (Mantle and Skow­ ron, I Roger) Maria and (Yogi) •Mari*. New York, .354; -Pierpan, course tabbed ao easy that even under-par 31 and decided not to other who could play several posi­ Buy oF the Month the boys have aa good g chance as solve Aubrey’s oKerings^ ron) knew what it would take to Berra well and the rest w;ill come. Cleveland. .329; Gentile, Baltl- press his luck further, smooth hit­ get rid of the miseries, but they tion and could beat you in many the men, Arnold Palmer rules a “ You can tell the difference in mol-*, .326: Lopez, New- Toril, way* which included his bat, that Savoy- 4-door . sedan, Tubeless Whitewall ting Ken Venturi, radar putters PAF.....0001000Bolton ...... " " 2 5 ^ i 1-3-6 didn’t know' exactly how to do it,’ 1954 Tubeleea Blackwall solid 4-1 .favorite today as first attitude and in the batting aver­ .324. . packed a lot of power despite his radio and heater, au­ Price FHoe Art Wall and defending champion Aubrey and Maneggia; Lucas explained Spassoff. "Mantfe’s knee Runs • Mantle, New York. 46;C tomatic transmission. Price Price ’ round plav begins In the National Billy Casper, and steady money ages now . . He stopped abrupt­ . size, his blazing speed on the bases EXPRESS Without .'^WMh Open Golf Tournament at meek was swelling, not because he start­ Maris, New York. 37; Woodling, PLYMOUTH Very nice. . Wltheot With , winners Dow Finstenvald and and Menditto. ed working late in the spring. You ly as Mantle limped in from center and his breath-taking catches In size Trade-In, Trade-la. Trade-In, Tnde'-la, andptnild. mile-high Cherry Hills O n e Littler form the other chief ALUBiINI l e a g u e field with a pulled groin muscle. Baltimore and Allison. Washing-'-'-, . the .fields DriscoU waa a key factor Each Each can't hurt a knee that way. He had ton, 36; Brandt,\;Etaltimor* and Bach Each . I Country Club; threats Police & Fire may have been a a slight strain from a weakened Spassoff. the spiall miracle work­ in manv games as he led Conard Plus Tax Plus Tax Plus Tax Plan Tax Even a somewhat balky putter, loser In tbp Interrhediate League er, w'eht back to w-ork. Minoso, Chicago. $4. ■" to the CCIL baseball crown. South Africa’s Gary Player and muscle because of an old opera- Runs Batted In — Ifkris, New Plymouth 2-door hard­ . x “ 1 the absence of hia go(xl luck charm, Canada’s Stan Leonard head the but in the Alumni loop at Charter 1953 top, radio and heater. 6 70 15 .S 28.95 20J 8 . and eome fantaatic pracUce rounds Oak the entry bearing that name York, 47; Hansen, Baltimore, 42; . x 3^t;95 17 8 foreign challenge, seeking -r-the Lemon. Washington, 41; CHcowroft, Scarce model. , gjOOxlS 7 60 14 by,many of his challenger* failed first non-American triumph ihriee outlastad AAI. 8-7. , I Plenty of Pitcheri PLYMOUTH . x ' to dampen the enthuaiaam for the After two and ^one-half innings, Ingo to Rest, Regain Strength, New York, 39; Minoso,- Chicago, For infield reserves our cholfces plus tax 7 10 15 31.45 22,88 Ted Ray of England in 1920. Ray, 38. ' 27.45 19.88 husky, handaom e 29-year-old at 43, also was the oldest Open the PFs trailed 6-0 hut rallied to would be Hall’s Dick Prindle ^ d . 8.00x14 Masters champion from Ligonier. H its- Runnels, Boston, 78; Mln- '“ 32.95"" ~ 25.88“’ NEW NYLON winner—a fact Hogan, Snead, Jpr- pull the game out of the fire. Conard’* BUlv Julavlts. Like Gib­ PAUL SARTOR 18.95 plui tax 7.60x l5‘ '' 28.95'' “ 22.88"' Pa, ry Barber and CJlaude Harmon, Paul Richards and Dick Marsh Before Taking on Challenger oso and Smith, Chicago, M ; son, both-lads were members or 1953 4-door sedan, radio and 6.50x16 e e a e e a h r s t q u a l it y Palmer, who meet* a challenge among others may have In mind. were the big, stickers for the wiii- Breeding. Baltimore and Gardner, h e X t e r ," Mercomalic. like an old friend, tees off at 1 ;52 Then there’s the amateur threat ners. Each homered, the latter’s Washington, 03. Original Jet black. p.m. (MST), or nearly six hours of defending U.S. Amateur Cham­ Grosi)inger. N. Y., Juhei.l6 (^^^Aing behind him eince he resumed Double* Lollar, Chicago and MERCURY SALE coming in the sixth to knot the training here May 9. While he alter the first threesome In the pion Jack Nicklaus of Ohio State, score. Richards connected in. thp A year ago, before hia fltat TlgHt Skowron, New York, "16; Marts, 6.70x16 . , 811-95 •select field of 150 professionals and 1959 British Amateur king Deane with Floyd Patterson, Ingemar didn’t do much yeaierday, Johans­ New York and AlUsom, Washing­ fifth with two mates ' on base. son has shown a lot more-in hia 12-MONTH NATIONWIDE GUARANTEE 6.00x16 . . 11.96 amateurs gets this 60th Open un­ Benian of, Maryland, and Jack Johansaon told newsmen he was ton, 14; Hansen. Baltimore, Run­ Powermaater ’4rd o o r ...... 13.96 However, it was Frank Vaccarb's workouts this year than a year $ ' 7.10x15 . derway. He has good company, Konsek of Purdue.who beat Nick­ single that drove in the all Im- going to finish up his training five nels, Boston, Biehem, kansa* City 1954 sedan, radio and haat'^ 7.10x16 Tubeieaa 15.95 laus the last two years for the Big davs before the battle and "Let ago. and Kiibek, New York, 12. AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS , I p la y in g with a pair of former portent ,wuj. er, PowerFllte trans­ 7.60x15 ■nibelM* 17.96 [champions. .1949-1956 winner Cary. Ten title. strength and power flow into my "He did a lot more this year Triples—Fox, Chicago, 6 ; Ap- mission. Nice car. IVhItewall add Stf.OO For the losers. Chris McHale DeUOTO Mlddlecoff .of Memphis. Tenn.. and You could add just about every and Pete Sylvester each went two body. said sparring partner Artie arico. Chicago, Snyder, Kansas "Every day I rest I will get City and Becquer, WasMngton, 4; the startling, 1955 champ, Jack other golfer in thS lineup the way for three with McHale getting a Towne." He ahowed a greater va­ the 65s and 67s have been piling up stronger and stronger.” said the riety of punches. I guess being Eight tied with 3. Fleck of Los Angeles. double. ' T e r m s - t r a d e s THE ALLSTATE Eighteen holes today and an­ in practice. But Palmer, who seeks ^ e d e , an unknow’n quantity then, the champion makes the differ­ Home Runs—Maris, New York, his first Open championship as the F * P ...... 0 0 2 1 3 2 X 8-7-3 ^r^ost everyone at the press con­ other 18 tomorrow over the decep­ A*1 . ..T . .4 0 2 1 0 0 0 7-8-2 ence. He didn’t let anyone bull 18; Lomon, Washington, 16; Held, second leg in a bid for a four-ply ference, including this- reporter, Cleveland and Mantle, New York, 6.70x15 TUBELESSi tively short 7.004-yard, par 35-36— Coleman, Marsh (6) and Rich­ him around thla year like he did professional grand slam, remains snickered. a year ago. He has been especially 12: Colavito, Detroit, 10. Tube-Type 71 Cherry Hills course, will cut the ards; Barrera, Wright (6) and LOW, LOW BANK RATES HRST LINE bulky field to the low 50 and ties the one the experts talk about and Well. Ingemar said the same vicious with his short rights to Pitching—Coats, New York, 7-A BlaokwaU 1 for Saturday’s 86-hole windup. The the others fear. Sullivan. thing yesterday, just five days be­ the body. 1.000; B. Daley, Kanaas City, 8-2, Plua Tax I extended weather forecast .calls for In twinning five tournaments REC SOFTBAU. fore his return title bout with Pat­ "And don’t let anyone tell you .800; Fomieles,' Boaton and Tur­ And Old Ttfe SALE high cloudiness, high winds at this year, including the Masters Home runs by Ken Melley and terson at the Polo Grounds Mon­ that he just flicks wdth his left ley, New York, 4-1, .800; Staley, Off Car 7.50x14 813.95 times and possible showers. . with ‘ a birdie finish that nipped Tom Corcoran in the first inning day. jab. You can feel it. Sometime* Chicago and Perry, Cleveland, “ 6.40x15 ■' 14.95 Most think the neaUy manicur^ Venturi,- Arnold haa accumulated aparked Mai T& l to a 9-5 win No one laughed. he soul of waves’ it at you. I like 7-2, .778. 10 6.70x15 16.95 CJherry Hills course, considerably over 852,(X)0. First prize here over Gus’a last night at Mt. Nebo. "Yes. the strength Is going to to slip a punch and move in. Well, Strikeouts — Pasousl,. WashiM- • Strong fyrox cord eonstruetion 7.10x15 17.95 revamped from the layout on which would be Worth 814,400 of a gross Hal Carlson also homered for the flow In,” said the,perfectly relaxed most everytime I tried that I ■ton, 90; Bunning, Detroit, 87; 8.00x14 17.95 Ralph Guldahl won the 1038 cham­ pot of 860.000, the highest ^ open winners while Carl Peterson had heavyweight champion. "I'm going would get a atiff left jab to the Bell. Cleveland, 76; Mofibouquiett*, H-hltewaU add $4.00 history. After that, Palmer looks • Cut-skid trood dosign foriofBr, f«Btor stops pionship, will yield Itself to a a double and homer for Gua’s. to fiil up. . head, ^ lie v e me. you can feel it." Boston, 50 : Eatrada. and Barber, PartteAa tournament scoring record unless to the British Open and the PGA as Mai Tool 0 2 2 0 1 9-11-1 "From now' on I’m Just going to MOTORS, liK. ..4 0 How much has Johanseqn Im­ 'Baltimere, 46. the winds are extreme and the-aun parta three and four In an unprece­ Gus's .*...... 0101210 5 -7-2 take easy walks and maybe shad­ All Price* Plua Tax, Exchange Becappabla Tire dented grand slam. ow box-a little," said the champ. proved in a year? I comes out to bake the greens. , ■ Melle and Belgdine; Carlson and "Twenty five to 60 per cant," YOUR PLYMOUTH • DeSOTO • VALIANT D E ^ E R Htad.. T li^ FA, IS aj Perhaps even 47-year-old Ben Palmer missed a few six and “The hardest thing I’Vn going to Twi League “Tryoutfi seven footers in a pracUce spin Plagge. do is cut off the''top of eggs.” said Johansson. MlS-1581 Hogan, who set the mark of 276 at "Sixty per cent." said Barney 155 CENTER ST.p—MI 3-2708 ^ **Sati8faction guarantee or your money back** SEARS yesterday and spent a long after­ "I’m ready to go right now. I the Riviera Country' (Jlub in Loa ELLINGTON WINNERS Roas, the former and Praetioe aeaelena ioraiiatatar- Angeles in 1948, could set a new noon shaking his head on the put­ juat took it easy—went through ting green. He also got word that Lacliea Nine Hole Toumamisnt welterweight champion who haa eated In playing In Um TwOlght OPEN EVENINGS J mark -while winning an unprece­ Yesterday at Ellington Ridga the moUons," he said after hia fi­ IN HlRTfCHO IN YiNCHtSTER hia wife, Winnie—hia k«»d luck nal boxing session of three round* been watching him dally. Ross BaaelMU Leagne will he haM .to- dented fifth crown. Country Club found Mrs. Eleanor was. one at the few to pick Jo­ nlght and Friday dl|^t etMUaf O R af TILL t r.M. THURSDAY aad nUDAY—ALL DAT SAT, Sam Snead'a also here, making charm—coulcJn’t get here from vestarday. He concentrated main­ Pennaylvania for lack of flight Scranton scoring low net la’ith 24 hansson in the first fight. at 8 o’doek at MemerlalJH^ his 20th try for bis first title, and Second low net was Mrs. Bea ly on hlB laft hand. He threw the 3S7 RROAO $T.. MANCHESTER drawling “Ah’U take four more reservations lift 97 tlm eij^, one Ona JjuagSto par caBt," A fear-team leagae Is p e w ^ "But he'a atUl the one to heat, Kelth’a 26. Tile Uttar ■** ■Tswea. Lart a l| M n maa algaad ^ Ml 3-2444 hiat like that’’ after Wring a two- haadkiap, Mri.- BerMitt* wor. But Umo haii T4B nuBda at I Iu8dar>par 6S,Ib hla ftoaMtuna'gm aaid Rofibuzg. { A-

PAGE SEVENTEEN 19601 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,^ NANCHESTEfi. CONNa THURSDAY, JUNE 16, Hooss# for Salo 72 Wantfd— Real Estatfi T7 72 Housos for Salt 72 HoiiMfi for Ssle 72 Houses tor SaU IP YOU WISH personal asnrtee, Rooms tor Saifi 72 8DC ROOM colonlAl on Vernon St., Jarth, Broker. MX HoiwfihoM Good* 61 Apartment*— Flats— BUCKLEY AREA — Unusual Cape $14,500— SIX room -Olonlal in caji Joseph AJ, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COIW^ THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1960 MANCHESTER — Special (Buy) nice yard. 1V4 bath*, ene Week to Tenement* 6* COVENTRY— Waterfront cottage of five rooms, first floor, two nice, Bowere School section. Deeply school and shopping. Belflore 9-0310. BoaU and AccMsbriw 46 s t o v e Mitten. This month only. Nice 2- shaded yard. Belflor* Agency, MI BY FAGALY and flHORTBN Situatloiia Wanted-Malo 39 Z T S e n a C , gaa r s fr ig ^ - furnished. Nice spot. ly finlehed rooms second floor. Agency, MI 8-8121. ______1 box, two-burnbr gaa coffes HEATED FIVE room apartment, Broker,-118 Main St., Ml 8-6321. family duplex, central, 8-car ga- 3-6121. ARE YOU CX)NSIDERING t h e r e o u g h t a b e a l a w a l c o r t s u p e r , third floor, centrally located, near Hot water oil heat Full basement, AutomobOes for Sale EXPBRIBNCBD^-gardener desires VSiLra old. CXCCUont COIlfllllOfl» ^aker *-«**9 after 8 p.m rage, Juat reduetd to 115,800. mortgage may be assumed. $16,900'- THREE bedrootn ranch SELLING YOUR '•bus line. MI 9-7289 after i P,m. MANCHESTER — Delightful Colo­ Beautiful 7 room Dutch Colonial, ALPINE S'TREET part-time work for the summer. aluminum mast, nylon saU. In Asking $16,600. Madeline Smith, with heated aunporch. One block p r o p e r t y ? OLDSMOBILE, 1950, 88 hardtop, MX 8-0078 after 6 p.m. \ '.M2 G.E. REFRIOERA’TOR nial, built by Rossetto, 6 rooms, 1*A -8-car garage, good location, to from Green School. Belflore Agen­ on cartop or BtaUon wagon, $175. condition. Reasonabls. O il FOR RENT—Why look further? hatha, formal dining room, extra settle setate, juet r e c c e d ' to Realtor, MI 9-1642. Juet Usted-8 room cape cod, 4 yew automatic transmission, radio and VEtWETTA IE THE «0UI OF SVMfWHV '»WEM HER B ut huesv cah be sHAwiHa hands with the bedrooms, combination etorm* and cy. MI 8-5121. ______We wiU estimate value ot Ml 8-4920. ______1(19.7800 after • P-to-______We have new 8% room, hsatad larve Hvlnr room, nice yard with $16,600. Nice home plua income 116 CONSTANCE DRIVE-Charin- W« heater, good condition but needs mooch of k eaOTHffikMOAHft Mour HU health AHGEU5 AHDIISTEH HOH COHCESHED SHE IS • apartmenta In realdanUal area of screens, full cellar, walkout door to property without obUgatioo. CLASSIFIED tires. Best offer. -MI 8-8861. Dogs—B irds— Pets fireplace. Belling for $17,200. R. live rent free, full price, $10,600. int ranch clo«e to iichool. Land- SO. WINDSOR. West Redid— Five also buy prmerty for catii. -I960 WEST BEND outboard motors, ■ ^ e e Rooms of Furniture Rockville Juat W minutes from patio, oil heat,, well *** AtlClIOO! CO TAME AH (wr display. One fuU jrear F. Dlmock Co., Ml 9-5246 or 7 room cape, 2-car garagb, 1% leaplnt: prc^etilonally . planned. room ranch, attached garage. Just Member Multiple Listing. NO PAYMENTS till September — OOTAmiH. 'oH-SOUfOOROARUNaf] 1 t h r e e f r i s k y ‘well-marked kit- Hartford by Wilbur Crose High­ Johanna. Evans, MI 9-6663. acres land can’t be beat for with tree*. The owner will leave like new. A. J. Buckley, Coventry. bMOOEElB ASPiRlHAND gUMWitce. C. J. Morrisqn way. Kitchen appllancaa fUmlabed. Newly inatalled pass-through cabi­ Stove. refrigerator. automatic 1957 Pontiac Station Wagon, hy- iHbWBACR? . loa«LU!OBTTHE feiUh seven weeks old, to go to f r o m m o d e l H O ^ $18,600. S-bedroom split, a steal nets. two separate 220 outlets. PI 2-7982. STANLEY BRAY, Realtor HEATIW PAO.AND , ALL CL006ED QOTOeiiEP? Co., 385'Center St. ______MI 9-4824, TR 6-1186. washer and dryer. A real w y at advertising dramatic drive, radio, heater, very MUSTASraAlHEDi families who will enjoy^^them. MI NICE 9 ROOM Colonial with Hr#- at $18,200. Many more at all price Plastered walls, disappearing at UP.'XTHINGDX QUIET? X'H Cost Over $700 place. Bait Middle Turnpike, $13,600. Only $1,000 down. Hurry on 366 WOODBRIDGE St.—Five room BRAE-BURN REALTY clean. Ready to go to California rrWHEHX ^CALLTHE DOCTOR? 9-723A _ _ _ _ FULLY EQUjfPEp 1* lap- FOUR ROOM garden apartment, ringea. Call the Ellsworth Mitten tic ladder. Ha* dlepoeal. Early Mexico or anywhere. Drive it to- IEAH0HMC.DEAR? GOT A FEVER laVlHO TO ^ h n y.Tohnson $14,900, J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., Agency, Realtors, MI 8-8930, MI thl* one. Cape, fin* condition inside, new 8EU ASLEEP WATCH MT TV strake cruiser. ro^Ji p. qle8m. well maintained buinUng occupancy. Bclflora Agfency^ MI Ml 3-6273 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS daj^ Bank terms. Good trades. OH THE t'LLHELPWU X'H BURHlOCr electric, Gater trati6|k(^ 9-4770. n e v e r b e e n u s e d MIgi6129. 9-5524. \ V* paint outside, reS'r porch, 12x22 CLASbll"lisu a V io 4:30 PAI. Off*' ^PROORAML KITTENS t o BE given aWay free, heat, hot water, stove, refrigefa- 1-6121. garage. Owner MI 9-7824. Brunner’s your L*irk dealer, in COUCHf 10 BED.' 1 Sale-Price $888 “tor and parking, $119. Ml 8-1809, MANCHESTER REALTY Talcottvllle. Open evenings. Tel. COUGH? MI 8-6919. \ EIGHT FOOT hyd: . ilane'tlbMglas , 80-62 PORTER ST. Exceptionally MANCHESTER vlcInlty'-Slx room NORTH MANCHESTER — Seven AD 6-1269. large two-family, now vacant, ex­ oversized, cape, full shed dormer, Legal Notice C L A S S ! MI 3-5191. COUGH? paint, wheel a^accessories. Pay Only $4 Week room single, all- '’■onveniencee CO. Lot* tor Sal* 73 m P V CLOSING TIME FOR FIEP APVT. cellent condition. Priced right for large kitchen with adjoining utility room for expaneioti. Call Ml 8'0916 S S S »A f^ S T ^ A Y lOlSO AJIL-8ATimDAI • AJ«. A rticles For Sale 45 3-7642 or 37 READY FOR occupancy—New 8 quick sale. Ml 9-5229, 9-6^______at a court o r hddjtt 1959 FIAT. Model 1200. 4-door sedan a«priHclng complete bedroom room apartment with ceramic tile room. Reduced tor quick sale. S after 6 p.m. THREE B ZONE lot# with city A. Beechler, Realtor, Ml 8-6969 MI 3-0000 At Andover within and for thA very clean, firm piHce $1,260. Must ..omnlets iMbK room and kitchen bath, built-in oven and stove, DUPLEX 9-6. 94-96 School St,, mod­ water. Union St. Manchester of AhdovRr on the 8th day of J w be sold. Ml 9-0911. I HOME MADE ravioli, fresh ot ding Biatertals 47 PLEASE READ YOUR AD frozen, 30c doz. 248 Avery Street, IS^^stw furolture from model dls- quiet neighborhood, $128. MI ern bathroom*, two-car garage, WOODLAND STREET—Six room COUNT THESE O FF!!— VALUES! 'VALUES! $2,600 each. Ml 9-8498. Hon. Charles H. NleboJroB. h o r n e d will give you free 8-2578. excellent location. Reduced. J. D. Wapping. Ml 4-0604. ______BUILDING material for single, hot Water heat, overrized Manchester. 96 Hawthorn* St VALUES! TWO'CHOICE loU lii AA zone, one motion of Laura L. SqulerywejM' Trailers, 6-A r 2x3s and up, sheathing, stor- §ehvery and free^atorage up to one Realty. 470 Main St.. MI 3-5129. one-car garage, nice lot. Only New 8 .bedroom Cape, ceramic-tile ^CHARLES H. NICHOLSON. Judge- fering classroom and behind Ml 8-6712. WoodrtSTOW aifford,...... 829.. ' START PA’nN G ROCKVILLE—8H room apartment, Robertson. Broker. Ml 3-5963. place with slat# hearth. Bedroom COVENTRY LAKE — Enough modern resldentiaT location, shop­ room ranch, large lot. Assumable rated 'Six roorifi ranch "" ^*1' Automobiles for Sale 4 wheel instruction for teenagers see* tretA A ., Woodland St. IN AUGUST 414% mortgage. Asking $12,500. built-in*, amesite drive, concrete Offers Choice Building AT A CODRT OF Lost and Found boards, studding, siding and floor­ $ r o o m s f u r n it u r e ping, cnurches^at walking dis­ $17,325. 29 AUBURN ROAD —Llv- landscaped lot. Seconds to Lota For Sale at Andover * i‘ bln and for the Ml 9-6076. 0g7A»rAF.M1^“ ®” ’ night at Brunner’s to Talcottvllle. CHAIN SAW work — T r w cut. set kitchen , set. gs* range, re ; A SYMBOL OF VALUE recreation room with fireplete, ALL TYPES of carpentry work [e x t e r TOR HOUM Pain^^ Se^- time.' Good wages Apply In I»r- j q q l a ND Equipment rentals. next three days.______six large rooms and sun parlor, VERNON—Deluxe six room ranch many fine fcatiicea. Must be seen. MI 3-1153. Not a small loiui or HnMce com­ Open evenings. Reasonable rates. Call PI S-J658 son. Parkade Bakery Shopping STRAWBERRIES—Pick your own, frigerator. $12 weekly. .Apply done. Alterations, dormers, roof- Ice. Free estimates. *’ Fully In Sales and service. AP Equipment, 9EVEN CUBIC font refrigerator, iwo-ctr garage, excellent condi­ on 200 x400’ lot. Large flreplacefj Price *20.900. Paul J. Correntl, pany plan. Douglas Motors. 883 il960 STUDEBAKER Lark convertl between 1:30-4:80 or any tlme| Center. 25c quart, bring containers. Carl Apartment 4, See These Homes Today! VERNON—5>i room attractive 1988 Ings. porches, finish upstairs, bas^ sured Quality workmanship guar­ 945 Center Street, MI 9-2052. Open good running condition, clean. Ml tion. Owner, Ml 3-7444. living room, spacious dining Ml 3-5363. Main St.______ble. It has everything. New car Saturday or Sunday. _____ Leiner Tinker Pond Rd., Bolton. room, fantily sized kitchen plus ranch, 22x44, aluminum etorms, Eniploye Charged ments and garages, etc. Call MI anteed. Edward Yeomans. PI evenings. ^ 4.0643. r ______FIVE ROOMS near stores. Reason- $14.700-k room older home. Just warranty. JSave $800. Also 1960 MI 9-S637. Able, Improvements. Middle-aged MANCHESTER— Off East.Center three large bedrooms. Recreation LOADED AND nric.ed for a quick screens. Tree shaded lot (average J9S9 CHEVROLET coupe, Stu^e. TAMKIR ’TREE removal. laito| 0-5981. 2-8002. Help wanted— Male golf off Onter St. on Olcott St. Three white Hav/k, V-8 with automaUc FIVE (WOMAN’S) Spalding couple only. Write Box L, Herald. St. 6 room home, excellent .condi­ room with fireplace. BreeMway, sale. Over Ism *q. fr*t this 108x100). Stone 'k’all, split rail With Iona Theft '-iiaker V-8 engine. Ready for the cleared, firewood cut. Insured. Call hedroom*. 1-car garage. Many fence. Beach privileges neat’. $125.----- Call after 3. drive heater, whitewall, tires, Call Paul A. Ellison, Ml 8-8742. REMODELING’ bathroorns, addi­ PAINTING, ranches $99.60; capes AMBITIOUS married man with clubs and^bag, never used. PICK YOUR own strawberries, CHAMBER’S FURNITURE tion. Large apaeioug rooms. patio, double garage. Under ranch, mahogany paneled living - road. Asktog and split levels, $119.50 plug paint. appliances. Priced under $11,500 to allow in­ MX 8-6452. priced for a quick sale. No pay- tions, rec rooms, porches, aU typM car for Fulier Brush sales work, MI 3-5583. bring baskets. 612 Keeney St. Screened porch. 2-car ger*f*, $36,400. Catherine V. O’Leary, room with fireplace. IH baths, ga-. An Bsaembler 'at Iona Manufac­ menU till September, Open eve­ GONDER’S TV Service—Moto^a of carpentry and patottog. Call Ml Call MI 9-9229. ' SALES Buaines.s Locations,., $15,900 Philbriek Agency, MI Real Estate, MI 3-6530. $16,900—Custom built 5 room Cape race, 90x180 well landscaped lot. stallation of your preferred heat­ full or part-time. Manchester-East PLANTERS JR. ’TRACTOR with ing system, (gas space heater now turing Co. on Regent 8t., ha* been 1959 lARKS by Studebaker, 2-diwr nings. Brunner’s, your Lark deal­ and Phllco factory service. Hl-Fl, 9-4291. ______Hartford area. MI 9-0090. .o(i3 E. Middle Turnpike for Rent 64 9-8464.’ ' An 8t. John 8t. Extra ■ large VsUic at a low, low price of onlv sedans, 2-door wagons, All TOlid attachments.' $50. One Detert^ $600 DOWN G.I., split level, three rooms. Ceramic bath.vDeep, land­ $17,900, Tnilv magnificent, Ca41 used). Selling because of illnes4. charged with theft in connection er. _____ phonos and auto radios. 214 Spruce very matic hanging fruit and vegetable Honsehold Goods 51 BOLTON—Custom 5 room ranch, jj «\AW c&r wftrrftniy* Prices _._ St. MI 9-1488. BIDWELL HOME Im ^ vem snt I OUTSIDE PAINTING done PART-TIME Service station man, FATHER’S DAY SPECIALS FOR OFFICK or business use. bedrooms, bullt-lns, 26 foot rec scaped lot. 1-car garage. Assume now' Paul J. Correntl, MI 3-5363. 6 miles from Manchester off +4A. with the disappearance from to* B tm 'ht $1398 No payments till NO'PAYMENTS till Septeml^r on Co Alterations, additions ga reasonable. MI 9-9853.' scale, $25. MI 8-039L______' 16” CXINSOLE TV $15. Hi-Fi, artistic stonework, huge porch, room, 125 foot frontage, $15,780. Walton vy. Grant Agency, Realtor, few evenings and weekends. Ex­ - . . € 10 6 iin- radios' Main St. near Center, 3 rooms', V.A. mortgage. company of two electric can open- r a d IO-TV r e p a i r s , any m ake- rages. Roofing an-" sldtog experts. ■breezeway, two-car garage, land­ September. Bnmner’s, your Larkj me 1957 Ford- - - - V J ■ 4-door station perienced preferred. MI 9-8198, be­ USED AS display—40% off, For­ needs repair. $5. Pair of maJorelU ,?t.t4nrm^’rocker* ' ground floor, plenlty of parking, Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. MANCHESTER HEIGHTS- Two- MI 3-1153.‘ w^on^It has a Fordomatic drive cars amplifiers, phonographs and Aluminum clapboards a specialty. from 114.95 up : platform ro< kers, ■ a 9.5229 9-5 scaped, reasonably priced. Carlton $16,900—Extra special 8 4 room Co­ ere. ■■ , , dealer, to Talcottvllle. fore 6. mica tops and birch base cabinets boots, size 6V*. $4. Work bench W, famiiy. 5-,5, ideal tor inlaws, city George Richard M acl^lan. 18t power steering, brakes, and^i changers. Over 47 years total « - Unexcelled workmanship. Easy Conraea and Claasea 27 spotlight $1. Kelvinator electric $55: reclining cfi'Slr* from $55 up: ______’ ______------W,^ Hutchins. MI 9-8182. BOLTON—A real bom* In the coun lonial. 1-car garage. IH baths. water and sc>wer. oil hot air, barn, new motor—not a rebuUt. The budget terms. Ml 9-6496 or TR all sizes. MI 8-0391. try. This is the place you are Irok Wfifitefl— Ret! Estate 77 of North Coventry, perien?e. 90 days guarantee on aU ELECTRONICS Offers weil-paylng TAILOR stove $40. Ml 9-0744. cook-mu charcoal broilers. D2.50: redecorated and Assume V.A. mortgage ehd *ave. two extra* 50x150 lot* in Zone B- wagon is just like new. See and work. Potterton’a, Ml 9-4637. ___ 5-9109.______with electric roUsserie, $23 95. MANCHESTER — Custom built, ing tor 8 room ranch, beautifully ralgned Saturday in Town positions to technicians and serv­ modernized building with air con­ oversize 6 room Cape, on bua line, Priced mid-tW’enties. M. Kenneth SELLING—BUYING—TradlBf? W# NOTICE drive it at Brunner’s on the Man- Manufacturer has opening for j ft. freezer, $76. ditioning and private parking tor landscaped lot. 100x264, with $17,200—South St., Bolton I* address Ostrinsky, Realtor, MI 3-5159. Meanwhile, DeL S ^ . CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, I w. F. DION Construction Company. icemen. ” Laarn-by-doing” —train FOR SALE —21 CU shrubbed lot, with shade trees. trees .^rubs, amesite drive and ol this modern white stucco ranch offer you free confidential in­ w«r*/ir and Det. Thomas Graham chester-Vernon town line in Tal- man with kniwledge of ladies’ MI 9-9959. lease. Building contain* 1800 sq. In accordance with the require- cottville. Open evenings till 9. available al) hours. Satisfaction Alterations, additions, gardes, now at Connecticut!! Olde.st EHec- One-car. garage, amesite drive, guritg#. piclur# book iTome. 6 rooms. 2 twin sieedjbed^ | j,((jgT SOLD—8 room colonial, spections and arrange all financ­ are continuing their coats and suits. Excellent oppor; THREE YEAR old Westinghouse ft. o f'Office ipace and 1500 sq. ft. ing from start to finish. Mittw ments of the Zoning Regulations! guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1816, formica counters, rooflnjt siding, trcmics School. Day and evening, STORM WINDOWS and screens city water, sewer and aidewsjks. /kitchen.” Large living room, f i ^ rooms. I'-j baths, enclosed 4 .bedrooms, living room with fire­ MacLachlan waa arrested yester- classes. Summer term starts JUftF automatic wAaher. MI 9-5186, I •for basement storage. 88 Oak St., ced for quick sale. Philbriek will work hand and glove with for the Town of Manchester, Conn., 1950 CHEVROLET pick-up truck ___A bmia wttm I painting. Plans drawn. Ml 8-0895. tunity for advancement. Apply. two size 24x55, two 31-55, one L o ts of yard space surround or call Ml 3-8271 for appointment. Price place, many extras. Charles W breezeway and 2-car garage. place. 2 full baths, walkout base' .clean. 'TWo western saddles, both typewriters and office m a-1 ------— 27. Free , .catalog. New England Agency, MI 9-8464. ^ , ■ '■- you. Member Multiple Uatlng the Zontog Board of A-PPea'? 30x55, two 24x39. Screenp same this 4-room Cape Cod. 2 « • d rapes” BED^READ.S, food Lathrop. Agent, MI 9-0314, Over $1,000 worth of shrubs on ment. garage, amesite drive.' *^*'The openera valued at about gJO hold a public hearing on black. MI 9-9471. chines—repairs, sales, service and U n Y KIND of carpentry and cabi­ Technical Inatitute, 68 Union PI., HOUSE FOR rent as office tor park-like lawii. Close to lake. Buy 80x175 lot. Paul J. Correntl, MI Service. Call the Ellaworth Mitten each were stolen May 26. -rentals. MI 9-3477. net work done. Honest and relia­ MANCHESTER MODES, size as above. $1 each. Combina­ finished up. Ideal for the chopper and miscellaneous Items. MANCHESTER — Salt Box—large Agency.-Realtors 'MI 8-6930. Hartford. Conn. Phone JA 6-3406, tion door one 36x81, $5. Please call professional or business use. Plen­ MANCHESTER— Six room cape now! S-53B3. ' P M ^ to th ^ H e^ lig^ I^ m ^ of the [1959 PL-mOUTH FURY, two-d^r ble workmanship. Cal) R o s ^ young family or the senior , MI 9-9810. Near living room, with fireplace! dW ug with one-car garage. Full base Thompaon. Ml 1-1695 for esO- after 5. MI 9-3022. citizens. Selling below FHA | ty of parking. On bus^liq^. Municipal Building on the follow-1 ^aHtop^ M INC. shopping center on Hart’ford Rd. room, modern kitchen, two spa­ ment, oil heat, combination storm $18,600—Custom crafted ranch MORTENSEN TV Sj eclallzed RCA| mataa. Private Instructions 28 appraisal. $1,890 down. HOTPOINT stainless steel built- cious bedrooms with bath on sec­ Ing applications: a 6-4641. ONE-HALF h.p. motor, like new. in range, 30x21” stainle*.* 'Meel MI 3-T796. windows and screens, all city irtlll' ■ home On Brent Rd. In Woodhlll Keeney St.; television, aervlce. Pine Street ond floor. Forced hot water heat,' Height*, S' bedrooms, IH baths,^ Edith Prior; 116 LATIN AND English, private $16 1714" portable Sllvertone TV, Sink with faucets, 30" 'tolnles* oa*eboard heat, fire­ 1957 PLYMOUTH m s to enlarge porch which will be School and Utilities District of RAY’S ROOFINa CO., shingle and 1-hood grocery store, rent $75 a 4 b^room Cape Cod with right real buy. Ken has all the j model, sUghtly used. Selling at And hot water, 3 blocks from State place, walk-out basement. Small twln-slz* bedrooms, dining" rrom. Manchester. Conn., Will be heldjm buUt-m roofs, gutter and conduc- month, completely equipped with ■ sacrifice price. GArfield 9-4695. 80x200. Marion E. Robertson, natural woodwork. Close to schools j closer to rear yard line than regula­ ALL TYPES screens repaired with of way to lake. details. Theater. Adults only. $90 monthly. Broker. MI 3-5953. cash assume* mortgage. Robert Club Sedan, radio and tions allow. ' J Wednesday evening June 22nd Alcoa Bcreenlnga. New screetw tor work; roof, chimney repjtirs. modern equipment, beer permit. TEACHERS 8 room all year residence sit­ Call MI 3-5879, between 6 8. B. Anderson Agency, JA 8-0189. and shopping. Belflore Agency. heater, automatic trans- ’William Leonard;. 857 East Mid­ 1960 at 7:30 P.M.. U.S.T. n the made up. 447 Mato Street or call Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-2214; Ray| Put in stock and you are in busi­ uated on a 100 foot water­ ' t ' ' MANCHESTER— FOUR bedroom ------_ ^ ^ Ml 8-5121. miaaion, 2-tene. paint, low at the Waddeli Jackacm MI 8-8826. ness. $750. full price. Tel. MI Teachers needed for spe- Everyone loves a bargain. W irin g Apparel— Furs 5? dle___ Tpke.;_____ Rea. ^ Zone AA. Exten^ .Assembly Hall Ml 9-4533 for free pick-up. front lot Three family Investment | NEWLY DE(X)RATED —4 room Colonial, in good condition, tnllcage. slon «rf permission is requested to school for the following purposes, 9-0474. . *clal summer assignments. house for rent or option to buy, 6-5. Needs some repair. Ten acre* $12,500—CENTRALLY located rix 1959 FORD *1795 bedroom summer cottage on DRESS AND sport Maternity heat, attractively landscaped lot, HI-FI COST too much? Buy a kit. Call MEdford 3-7130. 7-9 property. ExceUent, Income- of land, large frontage. Future room Cape, nicely shaded yard. h a ve’TtWrlst Home. - to wit: 100 foot waterfront lot, clothes, practically new. sizes 16- $110 monthly. Leas* required. Box one-car garage. See this excep Lela/Tybur; 118 Prospect St.;| igt To choose a moderator. Expert advice on your needs. Free Roofing and Chimneys T6-A | x h ig h gallonage modern service p.m. • One apartment vacant. poesibiUties. Tongren, Broker, 113 . Belflore Agency, MI 3-8121. 9 room authentic Colonial, 6 Needs work, hot more Inr | 1* Reasonable. Ml 9-3665. K, Herald.’ ' ■ ' tional value before you buy. 4-dckor sedan, radio and Rea. Zone AA. Extension of per­ 2nd To hear the reading of the estimates and reasonable rates on Main St., MI 3-6321. fireplaces, built in 1780, 4 come could'be realized. Ask $15,900. Philbriek Agency, MI 9 NORMAN ST.—Here la an Ideal heater. Power Glide, 2- mission Is requested to conduct warning. acres of beautiful grounds, 9-8464. home tor the retired couple. 5 3rd To hear the report o f the Call#-■-11 MIvrr 3-0204n.n'ini now. I roofs Of all kinds. New roms^ gut | gg^ithboimd lane with established Bob about this ond. Wantetl— To Buy 58 Suburban for Rent _ 6§. MANCHESTER— ROwera aection, tene green. Real nice. kindergarten school. ter work, chimneys cleaned re­ and growing community nearby. right of way to lake. six room cape, 'excellent condition, room bungalow with excellent | 1958 CHEVROLET *1595 STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Print-Mart Co.; Sunset St.; Res. President. paired. Aluminum aiding. Ml 8 bedroom Capo Cod near lake 8-5 FLAT, exceptionally fin* condi­ garden space but little lavt-n to RUBBISH R E M O V ^ Service—At-1 CtJl J. F. Sullivan. ORchard 7-1651 WE BUY, SELL or trade antique R(XKVILLE-24 Grove Street tion, near school, bus, shopping, price reduced for quick sale. Own- Zone B. Extension of permission is 4th To hear the report of the .years' . experience. Free e ^ Cali MI 8-6318. with water privileges. N othing here to suit you? Well furnished two room ■, apart­ msintain. Property la n°w vacant Treasurer. tics, cellar and atorage rooms after 8 p.m. ^ _ and uaed furniture, china. gl“ *- churches. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI er MI 9-2785. ______requeeted- to conduct printing busi- cleaned. Also yard cleaned. Rea­ mates. Call Howley, Ml 8-5361, M3 | 5 bedroom waterfront cottage, Just ask and we’ll show you ment. Inquire,Apt. 9, first floor. and priceil for ouick sale at $w.»00. 2-door, radio and heater, 11658. 5th To hear the repqrt of the Tax 8-0768, Situations Wanted— ».«180 foot lot. rooms for do­ onr other Hstinifa'nnd those ■liver, picture frame# and ^ d 9-5132. - SECXUDED among trees, six w m Robert J. Smith, Inc.. MI *9-5241, | hydramatlc. Collector. sonable. MI S-2W5. coins, old doll* and guna, ^ poCKVILLE—The Majvina House *1 Max Zucker; 250 West Middle Help Wanted— Female 35 Female 38 mestic help in rear of-garage. tn MI.S, Ohn how, that’s MANCHESTER^ room ranch. 4 ranch, buUt-in stove, garage, huge Tpke.; Business Zone Extension 6th To hear the report of the Several of these properties collections, attic content* ^Beautifully decorated twro-room SEVEN ROOM apHt.level, built-in 1955 PONTIAC n. TOWN AND CXDUNTRY ameslte— ] MI 9-5291. years old; can be used a* a 4 or 8 lot, excellent condition, only of permission is requested to have (Jhief Engineer of the Man­ Heating and Plumbing 17 CLERK COLLEGE STUDENT desires sum­ being offered for the first estates. Furniture Repair Service furnished apartment. Adults only. •$15,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI ktove dlahwaaher. rec room, ga- ameslte driveways and aprons. Talcottville, Corjl,; Tel. MI 8-7449 bddroom home, 2 full baths, one repairer’s license. . , chester Flrie Dept. Specialists In patching driveways. mer Job. Experienced in office time, References. Inquire 12 Ellington rkge ' aaaumef 4% % ■ mortgage, 7th A. The'election of the Pros- PLUMBING AND heating - re- JOHN H. LAPPEN, Inc. car garage, forced hot .water heat 9-5132. 4-door sedan, radio and . y Lawrence Johnson; 447 -Hilliard No Job too small. CH 7-1701. Office ««perience not required. work, typing. MI 9-0846. _____ Ave: rear, Mrs. Todd,’ TR 5-5689. $101 monthlv? $17,900. Carlton W. j heater, automaUc trana- ■ denl. modeltog tostallatlona, repairs. H. S. COLLINS, Agent INSURORS REALTORS Shown by . appointment 11 r. vr-mr^iTFR Six room single S t; Res. Zone A. Variance Is ‘re­ Interestiiig and varied work, pleaa- Rooms Without Board -ig $19,900. Philbriek Agency. MI MANCI^STER ^Six g^^ Hutchins. MI 9-5132. _____ ^ lesion. Very clean. quested to dlmtnirtj lot frontage. . B. The election of the Direc­ BOOKKEEPING—Payroll services. AU work guaranteed 26 y e a rs ^ ; RELIABLE WOMAN would like - Office at Collins Garage, MI 9-6261 1955 DeSOTO pertence. 24-hour aervlce, 1 ant air-conditioned office. ExceUent Dante Balbonl; 32 Washington tors. Complete or partial business serv­ babysitting evenings or light Columbia Center MI 9-2445 MI i-5219 COMFORTABLE room for a gen­ Summer Homes for Rent 67 I block from Main St. Business n VERNON—SH minutes from turn­ C. 'The election of the (Xerk. ices for the small businessman at Bari VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. benefit program. Apply housework. Call MI 3-1734. Phone AO 8-8210 zone. Price reduced. 8. A. Beech­ pike, spotless 8 room ranch, M- S t: Res. Zone A. Variance is re- tleman, separate..entrance, park­ IJtKE (HAFFEE—Lakefront cot­ BOLTON—This Caps Cod is qu^ed to erect attached garage D. The ejection of the Tax reasonable rates. Tel. MI 9-8736, ing. MI 3-1618 or Jin 9-295L____ _ treasure you will altyays cherish. ler, Realtor, M I'8-6969. sume 4H% G.I. or FHA 10% Relvedere v-8 4-dqor se­ which will be closer to , sideline Collector. STORES, tage ^sleeps six fireplace, boat, down. Reduced to $13,800. Call E. i dan, automatio transmla- , Millinery PresBrnaking 19 FIRST N A T IO N ^ shower, $65 weekly. MI 9-0710. S1.X rooms,. IH I IMMEDIATE OCXTUPANCY- Four than regpilatlons allow. E. The election of the Treas­ ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, bedrooms, one acre of land, brand E. Bushey, Real Estate, MI 9-2083. 1955 PLYMOUTH aion. Real sharp car. L R. Stich • Assoc., Inc.; north urer. RUBBISH REMOVAL from cellars complete light housekeeping fa- surrounded by *695 SEPTIC TANKS GIANTS NE(H HEIGHTS, next to new, priced at Oaly $16,800. R. F.l bedroom ranch, 8th To see if the District will and yards. MI 3-0187. Park and Oakland Ave, trees. Lots of extras. .MI 4-1779 f r o m o w n e r . 8 bedroom ranch, comer Denting A Avery Sts.; Res. ALTERATIONS made quickly and] AND •cllitles. Prices *» low a* $10.week­ Rocky Neck four room modern ’Dimock Co., MI 9-5248 or Barbara Zone A. Variance Is g u e ste d to vote to pay salaries to any _efficiently.______MI_ 9-5555.______East Hartford ly. Central. Children accepted — after 8 p.m. radiant heat, fireplace, tile bath, cottage. Knotty pine all electric Woods, MI 9-7702. aluminum storms, enclosed knotty Belvedere Sedan, fully maintain free standing ground of its officers. Household S e r r ic e S ------, ------limited. 14 Arch St., Mrs. Dbrsey. kitchen, patio « hot water, sleeps SOUTH WINDSOR—Off Kelly Rd., A. Salary'of the President. Offered 13-A [expert tailoring- ^ ladleaj refined______woman__ with car to PLUOGED SEWERS EIGHT ROOMS—Can be uaed as ine porch, outside terrace, den. equipped. One owner. sign. $ six, $65 per week. Mrs. Carter, 5 year 3-bedroom' ranch, half acre Stirub enejioeed yard, stove, . g a -] and gentlemen’s clothing. 1*91 caro for two boya In our home. 15,900 B. Salary of the Clerk. Ckjmumnlty Child Guld«»ce Clin' p i ’2-8142. one or two-family. New gas heat­ wooded corner lot. double carport, 1959 PLYMOUTH *1745 rage, sidewalks, curbs and sewers. Ic; 60 Haynes S t; Res.' Zone B. C. Salary of the ’Treasurer. TV SERVICE — Potterton’a aU Woodland St. Call any time. M il Some light housekeeping duties. Maehiae Gleaatd Nic e f r o n t room, next to bath, er storm windows, large iot. Call 9th To designate the official de­ makes. Highest quality guaranteed 3-2264. A-1 references required. Phone Mi with shower. MI 8-5422. drive" fenced cement patio, 9x12 Excellent condition throughout. 82 | Variance is requested to erect free Septie Tanka. Dry W ella,^w er COLUMBIA LAKE — • bedroom MI 3-6304. playhouse, 21x12 kitchen, planter pository for the funds of the work and parts, over 47 years ex- 8-1519. Lines Ihatalled—Cellar .Water­ waterfront cottpge, for eeason or Conwsy Road. MI 9-3364. i-door aedan, radio and standing ground sign. ATTRACnVB cheerful room for $10,500 5 ROOM ranch, aluminum divider, sliding glass doors to Jarvis Acres, Inc.; north side ■ District. Derience. Fair tor service since Moving— ^Trucking- proofing Done. / half season, sandy beach. Call heater, automatic trans- m i . Phone Ml 9-4637 tor beat 4 ft SECOND MAID tor church Instltu- gentleman in quiet home, cehtral- storms, amesite drive, 200’ front­ screened porch, living room red­ SUt ROOM cape, combination win­ East Middle Tpke., west of No. 741; 10th To see if the voters will vote Storage tlon, live In. Pleasant quarters, Serrigno Agency, Harrison 3-1886 wood paneled fireplace wall. dows and *creens. blinds, Jtn'i misoion. to lay a tax and to make the ly located. Private telephone on age, view. Carlton H. Hutchlna, 1958 MERCURY *999 aervlce. Res. Zone A. Extension of permis­ f o ^ salary. JA 9-3639.______floor. KH 8-6881. aqy time. 'American Standard heating and wall to wall carpeting. Near] sion Is requested for free standing ' rate therefor. MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ McK in n e y b r o s . m 9-5132. CAPE CQD—Chatham—Two bed plumbing Basement game room, echoole and bus,: 14 Hawthorne St. ground sign. 11th To see if the voteiy will vote ing Company. Local and long dis­ l a r g e ROOM, completely furn­ W . shuffle board. Many extras 'to authorize its officers to tance moving packlna and aW^ Sawtroqa Disposal Co. room cottage, hot water, fireplace TOLLAND—70 foot ranch with fire­ Owner. ______LOW, LOW BANK TE^-TRAD ES Jarvis Manor, Inc.; southwest NO'nCE 180-132 Pearl St.—Bfil 8-6808 ished, with complete iigitt JJP'***' place, full basement, three bed­ $17,900. Owner. MI 4-8159._____ comer HllUard A Duval Sts.; Res. borrow; sufficient money’ to age Regular service throughout keeping privileges. MI 9-4776. near several beaches. Call MI A public hearing will be held by BARTLEY and CORONER rooms, eight closets, two-car base- CARMEN ROAD ~ Zone A. Elxtension of permission is meet the necessary obliga­ New England Stotes and Florida. 3-6777, ____ g iS g V = y ^ 24X26. SEVEN ROOM Cape Cod. two Large aeven room Cape with the Board of Directors o f the Town ROOMS AND cabins, all conven­ j requested for ifree standing ground tions of The District, and MI 8-6563. lot 150x700® - “ with . - spring fed -bub ' ceramic baths, screened porch. five rooms and bath, down, two give .the District's note, notes of ManchesUr at 8:00 P.M., June. iences, free parking. SerMton a 68 garage, large lot, near echooU and sign. 21, 1960, in the hearing room of the TREE REMOVAL Wanted to Rent Wing brook. Low taxes. Priced for rooms and, bath up. Attached ga- Jarvis Manor. Inc.; north side of other obligations or obliga­ Motel. 160 Tolland T^ke. MI 9-0826 quick sale J. D. Realty, 470 church. Owner MI 9-48H. _____ rage, beautiful yard; nice view. ( West Middle Tpke.; 1800’ West of tions therefor when in their Municipal Building, Manchester, p l a n t i n g between 6-7. WANTED TO RENT with option to Connecticut, for the purpose of m - # PEPTIC TANKS Main St.. MI 3-5129. Owner# are transferred. Broad S t; Res. Zone A. Extension opinion it is -for the interest b u il d in g LOTS and buy 3 year or more lease with $18,600 SANTINA. WUVE - - Six of permission is requested for free of The District to do so. sessing one-half of the coat of the CLEANED and INSTALLED rooms, shed dormer, IH teths, InsUllation of sidewalks, and to de­ tAND CLEARED n ic e FURNISHED room, Please option. Will pay $100 monthly, aih MANCHESTER—Pour room single T. J. CROCKE'TT. Realtor standing ground sign. 12th To see if the voters will au­ gle home, three or four bedrooms with garage. Owner transferred large lot fireplace. Owner fr*"*; termine whether or not the public LOAM call MI 9-0641. ferred. Jack Lappen Agency, m MI 3-1577 MOTORS, thorize the officers to engage • SEW ERS Robert J. Smith; south side Ford interest and convenience require RMiMnabla PricM school district. Manchester, for to Florida. Must sell. Only $11,900. B t! Res. Zone B. Extension of per­ engineers to make a survey MACHINE CLEANED MANCHESTER executive family by July 1. MI S. A. Beechler, Realtor. M l 3-6969. 9-4506, evenings MI 4-1894, M-i ROLLING PARk—Spic 'n span 8 mission Is requested to have park® of the District sewer plant the construction of sidewalks upon For Sale * 4-0149. ______Y-OUR M.YMOUTIW)aSOTO-VAUAWr DfALIR the following highways to the Ml 9-5023 • Apartmfints— Flats— 9-8300. room cape, 2 unfinished, rear ah^ }ng lot. _ ^ and facilities, at a cost not to • INSTALLATION 18-room Colonial on a well landscaped lot. Good location. . Tenements 63 ST JAMES t»ARI8H—Beautiful 6 plus 2 front dorm ers.' oil hot Alice Lamenzo: 19 Jean Rd.; exceed Six 'Thousand ($6,000) Town of Manchester: 4-S-6-7 Yd. LOADS Ofte-ear garage. Don’t sorry tomorrow— Buy it today. room Garrlaon Colonial, brand •niREE UP, three down in thl* water, combinations. amealte, Ml V 27W m i d d l e t u ^ p i k e e a s t — SPECIALIST I t s BUDBIDOE ST. Vernon Street home. Oil, hot air Res. Zone AA. Extension of per­ Dollars. TiniEE OR eOUR room apart- Bufdness Property for Sale 7i i new IH ceramic tile baths, all nicely landscaped 78x125 lot. Price UB CIWIIR ST. • OHW IVINIM« • J3th To transact any other busi­ north side—from Summit to Park­ heat. Reduced to $13,900. Jack mission is requested to conduct CoH menta Including heat, hot water, BUSINESS BUILDING In a bust - plaatered walla, fireplace. Easily fourteen end a half. M. Kenneth j kindergarten sdiool. ness proper to come beitore er Streets .. T owr aii GoHiiry PI- -Can Philbriek Agency gas tor cooking, electric refrtgera- . hnanred. J. D. Realty,to70 Main Lappen Agency. MI Oetilnaky, Reeltor, MI M189. All petaons interested may at­ the meeting. PORTER STREET—north aide NonfMHi LotuHppa ness section. Owner, leaving town n in o MI i M i i , M l 4:1994. — from WiUow Place to Steep Hol­ joH tm rs ESSO aaa lor and ga* *tov*, C*U Ml #-7787 Phona Ml 9-0728 for di^dU. > Bt. Ml 3-6129. ' J tend this beattng. THE EIGHTH SCHOOL A Drainasa Co. Ml 3-7172 : NH j - m u I fi.7 f.Zu. ^S)NINO BOARD OF APPEALS im LITIES DISTRICT low Lane Ml 9-8242 . David J. Marks, President Richard Martin Daniel L. Hair, Chairman M l f -4143 "A Bdw«d II. Baari. Becretsry D«tad at Mandiester, Conn., this Oaneral Manager AdTt No. A IGtb 4ay o f Jun9i I96Q, jAdvt.No. IM V ■

I *

^ .... THURSDAY, JUNE 18, I960 Average Daily Net Press Run For too Week Ended ’ ■ V UKatttb^ater 1Ettwtitt0 1jgfaU> June 4th, 1960 tAGlE JSIGHTEEN 13,125 m er St., was named sonhomore representative' to the student 'gov- Member e t the Aqdit ‘n. # The Manchester High School ^ r g e R. BnglUh, past Four from Town n w r o f Manchester U>dge o f Elks, eriunent. He is a sophomore major- Burea^i of Otneolation Manchester— A Cily of VUlage Charm Class of 1935B, which held *ts M* win act as grand tog to history. A 1968 graduate About Town year reunion * » «>• tee George Caillouette will act as tras- At Central Static Mahchester High School;, he is oh (ClMsUted Advertl^ ______A Saturday, has donated 825 to the MANCHESTpR, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1960 tee, on the InsUllatlon team S a t^ the dean^s list and a member of Y O U - (TWjELVE PAGES-^TV SECTION) Court. Order of Ame ljuts Museum. day when a new Elks L ^ e y d l ^ Get Class. Posts College Theater, Social Sraence VOL. LXXIX, NO. 221 instituted at West Hartford^ The aub, the Liberal Party and Mens Femple on Friday J:4R p.m. for Teenagers of the BalyaUon exercises wlU take Four Manchester students a t , Athletic Assn. Y riaitUiK associate matrons and pa Army wHl have an Informal pro­ West, Hartford Armory at 2 P-m-^ Central Connecticut State College i 1 Miss Susan C. Buckley, daugh- ^Srwtf night gressive dinner tomorrow ewnln^ class of 350 new members vrill he In New Britain were elected to ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Buck- T B t B ^ ^ M n d hr Mrs. Edward WiUtert, Members are to meet at the church Initiated. class offices recently, and one re­ ley 41 Cone St., was eletced fresh- HELP pin M lo w the mecUng. at 6 o’clock. ■ .. ceived a scholarship award. main class rtpresentaUve^ the Bents win be served by Mrs. Twenty-eight 4th grade pupUs •^omas J. Sullivan, son o f Mr. student government. A 1959 gradu- Charles Lemhert. Manchester Barracks. Votersns of the Robertson School vislteu and Mrs. T. George Sullivan, 5 ste of Manchester High SchTOl, w ilK ^ Y o u r Mwal- of World War I, snd Its ladles aux- Old Sturbridge Village, Mass., yes­ Waddell R{1., was awarded a $100 she la majoring In elementary edu­ W 1 Mrs. John Pickles. 66 HoU S t. lllarj'. will hold a Anal meeting of scholarship from the Parent- cation. She was a candidate .for Plonning Problems returned home-yesterday the season Sunday « t 3 p.m. at t™ terday. ______Teacher As ociation of Connecticut tending her class reunion at Mount queen of the winter weekend, and VFW Home. Delegates for the for excellence In scholarship. A is a member of toe modem dance State convention will he elected. Onion College Jn graduatr-’^of Manchester High group and girls’ softball team. 1*7 She also visltW her son. W U l ^ A potluck hupper w ill be Wrved Surprise Shower School In 1958, Sullivan la a sopho­ W|i«lW yoi^re ln*vi"8 Pickles, and f a ^ y after the meeting. more mkjoring In social science. ten, ymi'll Mnd m* Inlereiled ond burg. Pa. A granddaughter, K a tl^ For Future Bride Sullivan was also elected vice qvick to help with menu Weof. You PlcWes. 8. returned with Mrs. Art McGlnley, sports editor of president of toe Junior class, He Is ' ROVAL ICE CREAM CO. ' PlcWes for a visit here. the Hartford 'nmes, wUl be guest Mias Marcia Peterson of Weto- a member of the executive board nioy Be ■ urpHtod to 8nd how much Wreck Mili\ speaker at a meeting of th« H ersfield was honored by 40 rela­ for the Connecticut Intercollegiate 28 Warren St.— Ml 8-8960 wo know about roelpo* ond 0ood 300,000 Foes of Kishi A cake sale will be apoMored la Club of Manchester Tuesday student legislature. Student Coun­ tives and friends recently at a ‘•FLAVOR of the MONTH" tty the S t Cecilia Junior Ctolr of noon at the Manchester Country cil, Social Science Club and Geog­ cooldns — wfwt foods flo host Bt. John s Polish NaUon^ Ca^o- miscellaneous shower Club. of Mrs. William Flynn, 148 Cooper raphy Club. ORANGE-PINEAPPLE llc Church In the pariah hall Sun "Vlth whol weots — «hh* Leo J. Cyr, son of Mf. and Mrs. day after the 8:30 a.m. Masa HUl St. ^(Camnks of tasty orange and' how much of ovorytWnp Contempt John E. Beaser, son o f Dr. snd The hostess, sister of Al^bert J. Arthur P, Cyr, 90 Jarvis IW., was pineapple blended Into dell- Mrs. Edward L. Besser. 114 Ade­ Robinson Jr., Miss Petersons elected treasurer of the Student ^clonsly smooth vsnlUa. to buy. So, If It’s a party laide Rd., received a religious stud­ fiance, was assisted by her aunts, Council. A 1967 graduate of Man­ ies award at class day exercises Mrs Fred A. Johnson o f Bolton, chester High School, he Is major­ What a treat! Get some at or picnic, family moal or Conviction Crr.^wooD CO. recently at Mount Hermon School Mrs. William Robinson, Mrs. ing in elementary education. He is t.your nearest Royal Ice^ church suppor — odi any for Boys, East Northfleld, Mass. Ernest KJellson, Mrs. K a rl Niel co-captaln o f the baseball t^ m Cream dealer’s store, or at and a member of the basketball I c i ^ M N T sen, all of Manchester. Yhe plant. In pints and gal- of our moot poopio for 61 BISSEIX ST. I Mark Scott Traut. son ^ Mf- Armand I^ubuc of SprlngimlQ* foam. ^ Vlons. , moal planning holp. R eversed and Mrs. Carl Traut, 100 W . Middle Steohen W. Hubbard, son of Mr. Maas. and M^s.^J..a^pl(l Hubbard, 41 Sum­ Toke, wa« graduated with honors The bride-elect opened WashiTigton, June 18 UP)— rwently from the Leland Powem while seated beneath a bridal bell School of TV, radio and theater m decorated with white streamers. \ ______The U.S. Ctmrt of Appeals to­ Boston. Traut was named to the 'Mrs. G. Philip Peterson, mother of day struck (fewn the contempt dean'Cllit1181 UU1U1|^during a*s«his j years the bride-elect, and Mrs. Albert J. "Q iidify WorkmonsMp of Congress ^^onviction pf GIVE FATHER A ^^warded a dean'a pin. andWM ■ " ^ Robinson, mother o f toe hrld«- At Lowest Possible Mary Knowles, librarian of a B ILLFO LD groom-to-he, poured. The table A f Piriehurst Grocery's modern service meat department you do not Quaker-operated library at A street service will he conduct­ was decorated with bride and P rk M !" ed tonight at t:39 by the Salva­ bridegroom dolls within a fem and 'find a sign "Ring bell for service" as a substitute for a friendly, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. tion Arm y at Main and Birch Sts. help­ TTie court also -set aside the con­ DEWEY-RICHMAN rose wreath. Major E, Walter L*m le^U be to A n August wedding Is planned. N e ^ r ^ e linythlng by price alone! The hist ful butcher. Cl?«rlie McCarthy. Alfred Weigel. Tony viction of Goldie E. Watson, a 167 MAIN^T. charge. ^ by a maater craftsman with a fair price on the Item, is without Richard Baxter are really meat specialists— m 7,,*® former Pliilafielohia schocl teach- a doubt your best buy. Our RoputaHon Is Your Guarantee of |cr and upheld the conviclion.a of ful thht they almost cook and slice jt for you. This week they q ! six others. . i Just 'That! gest trying native grown, plump, tender, meat^chicke . ^ I All of the eases involved refus- j i als to answer, in one way or an- ' other, questions involving commu­ JUST EVERYONE LOVES MARLOW'S SHOE REPAIR ■ nism before the House Commit­ Lower Store Level Phone MI 9-6221 tee on un-American activities or | i the Senate Internal Security sub- ! ccmmittce. ■ Convictions affirmed were those &MIGEL : Robert Shelton and William A. ■ CMCKEN £ Price. New Ymk newspapermen. ' John T. Gojack, a leader of th,e NOTICE-WE HAVE MOVED! United Electncal.Workers 'LE I. | *l5r. Bernard Deutch. .Springfield, ' \ NICK DCLLA FERA, PROPRIETOR OF I Pa., a nuclear phy.sicist. i Norton Anthony Russell, an en­ Frankfurts iT»arii.h »vnrM8 thc sentlmentE of the crowd lining the atreels of Taipei gineer of Yellow Springs. Ohio. Herman Liveright. a former New .. , ...irinff demonstration Orleans television executive. Placard carrying Japanese students link arms " new military- allil HARTFORD TAILORS ' t Tokyo in last ditch Attempt to block their countrj | In none of the cases decided to­ ,MADE OF PURE WESTERN (AP Photofax via radio from Tokyo). ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OF HIS SHOP TO day did the witness invoke the PORK AND REEF AND Fifth Amendment guarantee THESE 2 1/, (AVERAGE WEIGHT) Ike Denounces Ch inese Reds, against self-incrimination. Instead, 32 OAK ST, NAHOHESTER-NI 3-70W FOR FRYING, BARBECUING AND BBOIUNO. all relied, expressly or by implica­ NATURAL SPICES. tion, on the First Amendment, which guarantees, among other State News \].S. to Uii aeeaU iMufrieoda In our new location. . . , Repeats Quemoy Guard A im things, freedom of speech and as­ sembly. , .. __ f Mrs.IVLl B. Knowles’sxiiv w sx..-. convicUon *^4V« g r ^ m ade Lb. SUITS TO MEASURE The demand for juicy, tender, heavy CHUCK STEAKS UUL VA ------R OP ft d EiRslro ♦Quemoy with a death-dealing rec-«' Their acclaim ^ i SenaU rt^.^r“s«uritv“Internal Security aX:om* subcom­ X ^ y S o m e T o d a y : corn fed steer beef block c h u c k ^ t By MARVIN ARBOW8MITH ------— _ today words, however, seemed genuine .3-IN-ONE M IXTURE ord-bremktng barrage mittee to September 1955. She See Us for Quality— roasts was so great last week that we Taipti, June 18 UP,—To the thun- They fluttered banners such as; ‘ Stamford, June 18 (IP>—Six per­ their guns were silent. was given a sentence of .four sons were injured early today in are again offering BEEF-VEAL-FORK u. 79t Getone roar of approvaT "from a The crowds loosed cheer sfter “ Welcome to Ike, World antl-Ag- • Tune 18 Iff*. U.S.tpBr AvaHcMe at gression Leader,’’ and "Long -live months to jail and a $500 fine. an accident invoking three cars Waahin^om be- Bii! IN ROCKVIILE • UYEING vast banner waving throng, ««• * ■ In the case of Mrs. KnowJes, the cheer. Sino-U.S. Friendship.’’ and a tractor-trailer truck pn the officials today he’ ^ U,at the! mnl dent Ehsenhower today denounced It was typical Chinese as­ Appellate Court said that w'hile III MANCHESTER Communist China as a bnital s Onnecticut Turnpike. lieve to be abaoUito P ^ ^ H. BA'CKOFEN’S • CLEANING Uan CHUCK OROUND Lb 79e sembly. gay and exuberant, like Directly in front of the huge the government took the position iLow einicK tyranny bent on enslaving hun­ rostrum from which Elsenhower SUte Police said the chain re­ Castro regime 60 SI.CHOOL STREET one out to celebrate a noisy new the subject under inquiry when plot to -mbarass , S BURSACK BROTHERS dreds of millions of mainland spoke, 100 specially selected Que­ action mishap began when one boll « PRESSING year. ■ she was called as a witness was car hit the rear of another auto 469 HARTFORD ROAD M ERTEN’S M ARKET SIRLOIN FATTIES Lb *l " Oilnese. ^ The turnout., complete with ex- moy inhabitanta stood With a h u ^ "an Investigation into coramun- States. , wrap the frf.forl Speaking in a plaza facing the, which was parked on toe highway. 24 WINDSOR AVENUE • REPAIRING eplodirtg firecrackers, toy balloons sing sajlng "RepresentaUvs of i.sm.” • There was little Indication They plan jnio a bundle of m»| KLEIN’S MARKET POT ROASTS Chinese Nationalist defense M in-' Kinmeh (Quemoy.)’’ The parked car, police said, ap­ Chester -ggented to Inter-1 R'" that she had been advised of this. > 161 CENTER STREET HILLER’S MARKET Utry, Eisenhower pledged before thousands of crimson banners and parently was disabled. CHUCK PATTIES Lb. flags, was the biggest Eisenhower Eisenhower, dressed in a blue T h e court said the government evidence f'committee to' a vi.^ 21 SPRING STREET at least a half million Free Chinese This Ls what followed, State Po­ KNARPS FOOD MARKET has -faced since his memorable summer suit, stood bareheaded un­ failed to establish the subject mat­ American Peace m aimed that tos United States would aUnd der an enormous velvet canopy. lice .said: ■ month or so. tn e e j.g^.j,,,,tionary 1 840 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, EAST « ROCKVILLE PUBLIC MARKET speech before nearl.v one million ter of the inquiry, or that it was The car that struck the parked CHICKEN LEGS Arm behind them in resisting any ' Indlaiis to*N iw ’ Detoi last Decern-! Above him, and his h o s t^ e n e r - at showing upsetting *r' 118 UNION STBEET (bene In) > made clear to Mrs. Knowles. vehicle bounced off and hit a third MANCHESTER PUBLIC MARKET Red5U ChlneaeV./UUM5WX' aggression.----- . allssimo .."w —and ------Madame Chtang w Mrs. Watson appeared before auto. The tractor-trailer truck Havana 8'’''®'^^ribbean. , 806 M AIN STREET - ^ SCHAEFER’S MARKET - And. to an houi^and 40-mtou^^^ ^ banners it j towered hup 3-story ^gh Ameri the House committee on un-Amer­ peace in the ‘“ % jc a r « ’guan exile i CHICKEN WINGS swerved to avoid the cars and Lacavo Is a Nwa e _ _ 86 PARK PLACE C m i w C u r ...... lb. M e private talk with President C lu ^g^ resembled a Communiat May day can and Chinese n « s . hx«t)u can get-the brightest, freshest, most mrother token of that solidarity. toe pertinenej" of the questions. convention, will have that same tantalizing strawberriea in town. By Slate Democrats The court directed that indict­ that the tops are aa tender as regular beet Chiang said that with 1 du<.y at this year’s convention next m m en s- so you get two different vegetables help. Formosa had been built toto , ments against both MrS. Knowles m and Mrs. Watson be dismissed. month in Chicago. ""The®- documents^ P u r ^ e m y j "a base for the eventual liberation The former Republican national for the price of one. This means that they <»nnot be show Lacayo meeUn? State l>e 1 of our people Iri the (Chinese) . Bv WILLIAM BENDER *developer has three or more rent- chairman from Suffleld was elect­ tried again. THMUllMIldi’V • i ! Hartford, June 18 (Ah—The State al or sale units. The ban now cov­ ed chairman yesterday at a meet­ MEN’S WATCHES • / CANTALOUPES • On the eve of his arrival on ! Democratic convention today for­ ers units of five or more. (Conttoned on Page Five) ing of the 22 delegates and altM- In the new knife edge cese. Luxurious Formosa, the Chinese Communists Bailev was slated to be reelect­ nates who will represent Connect!;;,^ ■ ■ ■ ■ mally endorsed Sen. John F. Ken­ imniCEST MEATS plastered the offshore Island or nedy for the nomination for presi­ ed by the SUte Central Commit- cut. : ■ c* * ^ dress witches in handsome designs. GREEN BEANS Each 23 tee to his eighth straight 2-year c dent. . , Alcorn was' nominated by Staw Wo_rds-Ni Try these large,; ripe cantaloupe! with It also adopted a platform that term as state chairman. Republican Chairman Edwin H. LOOK AT WHAT YOU OET! Prosciutto ham or hot spiced ham, or if calls for. an increase in taxes Bailey and Gov. Ribicoff, lioUi May Jr., who was elected vice vou prefer with naUve strawberries to the Heroic Airman fiSIHER, — • Lb. 1 5 ,^ chiefly for School purposes. The fervent stliporters of Kennedy News Tidbits chairman of the delegation. . • WATERPROOF center. Each melon at Pinehurst is ^marked platform was virtually unchanged for the Democratic presidential The delegates also reeletced Al­ Don't pass up these vitamin packed ten­ ripe when it is at its peak flavor—y w do- a ofCOUISS^ from recommendations^f the plat­ nominatioh, had supper last night Culled from AP Wires corn to his post as national c ^ - In der, crispy*-«l«ppy young green beans. not have to guess whether they are ripe. ■SHOCKPROOF ReaUy Died in form reaearch committee. with Gov. David L. Lavn-ence of mitteeman and eletced Mrs. Ba- Pennsylvania. ' PLU M P, n a t i v e The convention Instructed its bette Ransohoff «f Stamford to * PUSTPROOF c Insurance Plot delegates to vote as a unit for the Lawrence, the convention's key­ American Red Cros? says con­ four years as national committee- BV THE a s s o c i -ATED U. S. Choice CORNED BEEF Massachusetts Senator at the na­ note speaker, is generally thought tinuing campaign for relief of woman. a -job she took on an. in­ T, Aircraft Corp and) CHICKENS > SPECIAL tional convention starting at Los to be partially favorable .to Adim earthquake-tom Chile has brought terim basis six months ago after The are sinking OUR OWN CURE! Ijoe Angeles, June 18 (/P) Resi- Angeles July 11. The state has 21 Stevenson although he is »iill pub­ in $1,018,089 to oash. and $1,275,192 the death of Mrs> Julia A. Keeney two unions - ^ ,var of P| denU watched in horror as a twin- licly uncommitted. in supplies. . . . Investigation is against it ov®r the 1c| Lean. Boneleee, Briekct ^ For Frying pr BroUlng votes. „ J of Somers. GIANT EGC^MY IIOTANT engine plane roared overhead, The endorsement of Kennedy Did. the three men discuss na­ continuing into multiple passport These other assignme^its^ have words in'! "®^the walkout, effectiveness of yesterday trailing flames. - was no surprise. Gov. Abrahani A. tional politics? activities of Ifrancis P. irockey, been made: The pilot opened his eecape Riblcoff, State Ctoalrraan John M. “Naturally,” Lawrence told a who killed himself in city jail. San Mrs. Arline Ryan, Branford, dele­ MAXWELL HOUSE iws conierence. PranriscoT yesterday . . .' Domestic ■% LB. hatch, but didn’t jump. Bailey and other party leaders news conference. gation secretary: John Alsop, Pt'i.dTeturneA to the i-ven ^ But he shook his head when I airline fares will go, tip 2 'j per Ing force had reiu AVERAGE He stayed .with the fiercely were among Kennedy’s eai’B'st . . .1 T__ a S «1 BMirphArP'A fnr ^acn Avon, treasurer; Edmund O'Brien, burning craft until it smashed into supporters. a,aked if Bailey and Ribicoff .had cent,' plus $1 surcharge for each ■Waterford, executive secretary; plants hit by . branded as ''rt-' lb. Rtigulor price $1.59. one-way ticket, starting July 1. . . COFFEE a remote canyon— and died what Resolution supporting Kennedy talked him iiito backing Kennedy; Mrs. Anna-Mae Sw’itaski, New '? ‘"p cPe1-ou..-'The Irate Brittany growers plan to diculous and P ^ ^^e I'l was called a hero’s death. was offered by National Commit­ "W e don’t try to sell each Britain, Edwin F. Blair. Fairfield, That was three years-ago. Po­ teeman John , M. Golden of New other,” he said.' "W e're old choke Paris market with artichokes and Roebrt Keeney, somers, con­ —about 80 million of them as a " w " o S „ " . friends.” vention arrangements committee; lice yesterday tarnished James Haven. . . . matter of fact .. Board of gover­ the production ’in to* tHilon- h| .(Afterwards the convention pick­ ' Lawrence declined to make any Ambassador John Lodge, honorary PLUMP. MEATY, TENDER Gibbs’ claims to glory: nors of Taiwan Golf Club. For­ • Radium IMal Gibbs, they said, took toe plane ed delegates to the national con­ prediction as ■ to who might win vice president of toe convention. • Stainless Steel Back vention. The 42 delegates will have mosa, designate tomorrow as "Ike had lost the strik holly'v’ J S & W Specials this Week ' up to crash it on purpose— for a the Democratic nomination and as Day’’ at course, which overlooks Sen. Prescott Bush and Mrs. 5-10 LBS. • Full Year Timex Guarantee Bhare in $50,000 insurance money. a half vote each. to how' Pennsylvanii's 81-vote Ransohoff, convention resolutions the 7 "th e assertion the s| Ahead lay the renomination of Formosa Strait •. Soviet Union disputed wito ^ dj,..h lb S A W Very Yeunq Medium Smell Sweet Pees ...... 4 m fw $1.00 And Gibbs’ boss, they said, de­ delegation might go. claims new air, record of 1,306 mph committee; Theodore Ryan, Shar­ ' FRESH PICKED Congressman-at-large Frank Ko­ on, credentials committee;. State company a * ^ " " o u r position in the b i r c h m o u n t a i n . liberately sabotaged toe plane, to Lawrence's' speech, interrupted in Turbojet aircraft. attempt to place JUST IN TIME FOR.. . S A W Stewed Temotees ...... - ...... make sure that It wouldn’t return walski. He had no announced op­ Sen. Wallace Barnes, Bristol, rules Pope John X jon receives Presi­ worst POMiPj^ June- M to the TURKEYS S & W Cieom Style GeWen Sweet Cam ...... « eon* ter ei.w# aafelv from the flight. position. (Continued on Page Three) dent Arturo Frondizi of Argentina committee; and Mrs. Katherine meeting schMUie STRAWBERMES FATHER’S DAY DRADUATIOH The platform was approved last wi Detectives yesterday booked in 20-mtaute private audience in Brown, Colebrook, committee on governor’s offic^ in Richard E. LoomLs, 45, on sus­ night by the convention’s resolu­ throne rrom of Papal palace .... permanent organization. tion committee with what a LIVE picion of murder. Police said he Earth^shocks continue to rock order to ahatter , spokesman said were' only a few SEE OUR VAST DISPLAY OF OTHW collected $47,000 in insurance af­ southern CbUe nearly a month after Qt. Bskt. 5 9 c clarifying changes from the draft Heal Thyself^ said it hasf« ‘’ ®^varren‘ (Tiamber- FROM RNE TIMEX WATCHES FOR LADIES ' New From Nabisco ter the crash—and refused .to death-dealing quakes devastated recommended by the platform re­ J\’eMJ ISortcich Hospital pletely.” sai^d a n d CHILDREN Bhare It with Gibbs’ survivors area .. Reports' reaching Saigon, Hartford, June 18 iJP)— A lab­ MAINE search committee. • South" Viet Nam, aay Vinglong lain, P>'e*“ ’ ^ ‘ °ke-a of America, LOBSTERS FANCY, FIRM. NATIVE Did, Gibbs, 32, know he. was go- Other high points of the plat­ Doctors Told oratory r-bulldlng to cordinate all ed Auto ' ^ ' ^ " f workers at the Famous Cookie Assortment tag to die? > rovince chief Khun Van Ba and State mental health reaearch will form would be toe alwUtion of ia driver were killed by Commu. which reP>'***"„fanl of the giant ,J,'H4 ceitalnly didn’t go up there the probate courts Ujrough inte­ Miami Beach, Fla., June 18 P be built at the Norwich State Hos­ North Haven pi“" ‘ CABBAflE.il. Sa to commit suicide,” said Det. Sgt. nist rebels Thursd*y about 82 miles coloration gration into a Btate court system '(iP)— Physician, heal thyself. southwest of Saigon while driving pital. Pierce Brooks, who worked four State Public Works Commla- and reduction of the size of toe Thkt was the word to num­ back from ^ Gov. from both aides months on the bizarre case,. "A p ­ state house of representatives to bers of the nation’s doctors af­ A House-passed $3,684,500,^ sloner Timothy J. Murphy, who vited fop hia office next yXXLOW, SWEET. JUICY parently he just didn’t get a Chance to a- conference assure ’’fair representation.” ter the traditional physical foreign aid appropriations Will announced plans for the project BISQUICK to jump." While calling for higher taxes check-ups given at the Ameri­ yesterday, said the 4-story build­ Monday m ^ largest The plane was a DeHavilland which represents partial victory PEACHES to provide new education monies, can Medical Assn., convention for President Elsenhower is at ing will cost about $800,000. 'The some basis for , . Mosquito bomber, built in Britain the platform also opposed imposi­ which ended yesterday. project will be let out for bids strike in the 7 at of plywood during World War U. mercy of Senate Appropriations tion of a atate tocome tax. Twenty per cent have heart within three weeks. They were frequently called Committee . . • Arrest «»* D W .W •• “We pldge to work for a state abnormalities and 106 exhibit­ A State Mental Health Depart 2 Lbs. 3 9 c "Flam ing Coffins” because .the ply­ more men charged with complicl^ tax structure which will fairly ed abnormal chest conditions. In faked holdup of Yonkers, N.Y. ment apokeaman said the building Nabteeo All American Aaeorted Cooklea •eoaeeae Lb. 49e wood was so quick to bum. diatribute the obligation of sup­ Thlrty-flve were told to go to will coordinate all SUte-aupportod -When Gibbs took toe plane off bank last Monday is announced by 302 MAIN STREET porting vitally needed programs.” eye specialists to he-treated mental health research now being — from Lockheed Air Terminal, Bur- H. G. Foster, special agent in Where toe tax Increase would for possible glaucoma. conducted on an individual baaia. 'A T THE ' bank, July 1, 1957, witnesses no­ charge of Federal Bureau of In­ be applied was not, speoifled. D r., Charles McArthur, Tne issue* autoiMkx ticed that the craft’s landing gear vestigation here . . ■ Gov. Nel- It win be the firat SUte-owned The platform alsij proposed ex­ physician who supervised the OPEN THURSDAY and didn’t retfhet properly. Bon A. Rockefeller of N.Y. chargee building for this purpose, ha said tioA, tovaoO PARKADE CHOPPIHC JI E lir a tending the present ban on hous­ examinations, said lack o f ex­ le paurolsf*. right WEST MIDDLE TFKE— MI f-2848-FIlEE DEMVEHT Invqstigatora said excessive drag ercise probably contributed to that Democratic bickering 1b stajl- HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ing dUcriminaUon to cover any « I aa Pof* n v«) FRIDAY to 9 P.M. the dootora’ poor Ohewtof. ? 1 ^ pwtwBB et ctvll ri^to. Ml 3-427 I aa Fac* Twol altuatloa to wtaichiaa vwnar or 317 HIGHLAND ST.. MANCHESTBR

■\ ,