eyeeye THESUNDAYEXPRESSMAGAZINE PUNE, LATECITY OCTOBER18,2020 PAGES 11, 12, 13 14PAGES,`5.00 Talkin’About aRevolution Ahandfulofcontemporarypractitionersare trying to DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM negotiate aplace forDalit identities in the Indian art world JAMMU AND KASHMIR PANCHAYATI RAJ ACT AMENDMENT HEALTH MINISTER, PMO OFFICIALS AT MEET NosignofAssemblypolls,Centrefloats PM: Learn from ` 105 per kilo polls to prepare for ` 133 per kilo newlocallevelgovtinJ&K:distcouncil vaccine delivery ` 165 per kilo UT administration says will empowerthirdtier;PDP’s Naeem Akhtar calls it end of politics Says involvedistofficials, civil society Eachdistrict will be divided NAVEEDIQBAL into14territorial constituencies organisations, volunteers, experts THE CITY SRINAGAR,OCTOBER17 forwhichelections will be held, WhatistheDistrict and the winners will elect achair- the participation of States/ UTs/ WITH ALL senior political lead- person and avice-chairperson DevelopmentCouncil? KAUNAINSHERIFFM District Levelfunctionaries, civil ers including Mehbooba Mufti from amongstthemselves. The NEWDELHI,OCTOBER17 society organisations, volun- released, the CentreonSaturday councils will replace the District teers, citizens, and experts from amendedthe Jammu and Development Boards, which THE DDC will comprise elected representativesfrom14 CHAIRINGAmeeting to review all necessarydomains,” the Kashmir Panchayati RajAct, earlier (when J&K wasastate) territorial constituencies
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