Department of Physical Education /PE/ of 2nd and 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague Bruslařská 10, Prague 10 E – mail :
[email protected] Phone number: 272 082 504, 720 406 900 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING STUDENTS - master study We congratulate you to be accepted at the Medical Faculty and at the same time we want to remind you the pleasant part of your study - optional course - Physical Education. In advanced society sport and physical education are considered a significant factor of human development in the sphere of physical and social qualities of young men Developing physical skills the students gain interest in doing sport activities which leads to a healthy lifestyle, enables you to gain some fitness and compensate the lack of active movement in your student way of life as well as get some experience with active prevention of modern civilization diseases. Regular attendances at the lessons of PE enables you to get 3 credits in one academic year /two terms/. During your studies you can also participate at winter skiing courses with three credits and summer course also with three credits. University facilities provide you with a sophisticated Sports center in Hostivar – Bruslarska 10, Praha 10, where you can spend pleasant time doing various sports – aerobics, aquaaerobik, athletics, basketball, flexi bar, football -soccer, futsal, golf, canoeing, fitness training, rock climbing – wall, overballs, pilates, swimming, beach volleyball, workout, power yoga, self defense, softball, squash, stretching and health PE, table tennis, tennis and volleyball. The entire Friday is reserved for your PE activities, you can choose from all the schedule of the department of PE web:.