Artomatic 2015 Pops up in PGC Riley Isakower Arriving at the Festival Wednesday, Mally Empty and a Developer Partners Enced Artists Can Also Have a Learning Young D.C
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In this issue CyTy says it’s News 1–4 easy to find out what Lifestyle 5 Muslims were really doing Entertainment 6 D.C.’s WWI Sports 7 after 9/11 attacks Viewpoints 8 memorial page 5 On the Street 9 pages 2 & 3 Volume 25 • Issue 25 • November 2015 • Artomatic 2015 pops up in PGC Riley Isakower Arriving at the festival Wednesday, mally empty and a developer partners enced artists can also have a learning Young D.C. Nov. 11, YDC was greeted by a four- with Artomatic. This is why the event experience with the professional de- This month, the Artomatic art fes- floor, seven-section exhibition ranging only happens every couple of years. Yap velopment workshops that are offered tival came to the Hyattsville, Md, in from simple paintings and drawings to said that they filled every corner of the throughout the event. Prince Georges County. Artomatic is a glass sculpture and ceramic artwork. building with artists’ works. She added festival where local artists display and The huge variety of artwork ranges that the event that can take six months Riley Isakower, 16, is a junior at the sell their work in a common place with from the realistic to the absolutely ab- to coordinate but can be put together in Lab School of Washington in the other artists. Do you need to buy a gift surd. Most, if not all, of the artwork on a short period of time. This years’ event District of Columbia. for an art enthusiast in your family? display seems to be for sale from the art- was put together with great ef- You can find some great local art that ists. Every form of art you could think fort in two months. There are so he or she will like. of is on display: photography, painting, many incredible, unique works If you want a social event you can sculpture, mixed media, cartooning, of art, that are all the product of go to Artomatic and socialize with all movies, kinetic art – even slam poetry. a free, open to all-ages, un-juried the other art enthusiasts at the event. The staff members of the festival are art show that you need to see it to This event is free for all ages for people mostly artists volunteering their help in believe it. of all ages. Thousands of people visit exchange for display space. And for the future, if you are Artomatic every time the festivities YDC spoke to Artomatic director, an artist who wants to get your happen. There are many different kinds Wuiping Yap. She said that each event work out there, Artomatic selects of arts at the Artomatic showing that is driven by the space that organizers the art that is shown on a first- their really is something for everyone. can secure for the massive exhibit. The come-first-served basis. Inexperi- It even has live music, performing arts, building used each time for Artomatic and filmmaking for people to enjoy. dictates the size of the event and how The show features sculptures, many artists can exhibit each time. The paintings, drawings, films, and music. Hyattsville show includes over 700 art- There are many different forms of vi- ists exhibiting their works. sual arts to be explored and enjoyed. Buildings that are selected are nor- Photos by Riley Isakower Artomatic offers four floors of diverse art and installations at 8100 Corporate Ave., Hyattsville, Md. News t Young D.C. t November 2015 New national WWI Young D.C. is an independent newspaper memorial may eclipse written by and about metropolitan area teens. Address correspondence to: [email protected] or tribute to D.C. WWI vets Young D.C. 1904 18th Street, NW Unit B Celia Parr Washington, D.C. 20009-1707 Young D.C. tel: 202.232.5300 fax: 202.232.5306 Last year, 2014, marked the centennial city alongside monuments for the other wars of the beginning of World War I, which started of our history. Copyright. All rights reserved. with Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war on This past May, a bill was passed to pro- Reporters: David Anderson, homeschooled (Md.); Zawadi Serbia on July 28, 1914. By the end of that tect the current D.C. War Memorial and to es- Carroll, University of Wisconsin (D.C.); Liam Connolly, summer, most European countries were par- tablish Pershing Park as a national memorial. Lab School of Washington (D.C.); Che Demczuk, Lab ties in the Great War, but the United States “The D.C. War Memorial is a historic but lo- was neutral until April 1917. In observance of cal memorial that deeply symbolizes the con- School of Washington (D.C.); Kellyn Henry, University of the centennial, the US World War I Centen- tinuing struggle of District residents, particu- Virginia (Va.,); Layla Huff, Walter Johnson HS (Md.); Ri- nial Commission, established in 2013 with the larly our veterans, who served without equal ley Isakower, Lab School of Washington (D.C.); Jack Ka- goal of planning, developing, and executing congressional representation, equal rights ltenheuser, Lab School of Washington (D.C,); Gigi Levin, projects and activities commemorating the as citizens, or equal control over their local Parkmont School (D.C.); Celia Parr, The Madeira School centennial, undertook a redesign of Pershing government,” said D.C.’s Congresswoman (Va.,); Anna Prytkova, James Madison HS (Va.); Abby Park – located on 14th Street near the White Eleanor Holmes Norton on the subject. “I am Tanen, Woodrow Wilson SHS (D.C.); Bezawit Tefera, Park- House – to turn it into a national WWI me- pleased that, with today’s bill, this status will mont School (D.C.); William Walde, Lab School of Wash- morial. It would honor the more than 116,000 be protected and maintained, while simultane- ington (D.C.); Biniam Zemedkun, Parkmont School (DC); Americans who died and 204,000 who were ously achieving another important goal – giv- wounded in the war. It is expected to draw ing Pershing Park the attention and care it de- Photographers: Grayson Butler, Lab School of Washing- different types of people, including WWI en- serves to honor World War I veterans.” thusiasts, those paying their respects to fallen The monument will be funded solely by ton (D.C.); soldiers, D.C. residents who would use it for public donations, and the organizers hope to lunch or for a walk, visitors, commuters, and raise around $15 million. In May 2015, an Board of Directors: George Curry (chairman), Rich Fos- those who see the park as a work of art. international competition opened to find the ter, Mary Hanley, Barbara Hines, Judy Hines, Kathleen There is some dissention on the place- design for the park. Submissions were judged Reilly Mannix (ex officio), Flo McAfee, Phillip Reid, Terry ment and existence of this national monu- by a jury of people from the military, the arts, Thielen ment. Some are content with the D.C. War and government, as well as ordinary citizens. Memorial, which is located at 1900 Indepen- In August, five finalists were chosen from the Advisory Board (Emeritus Directors): Hector Ericksen- dence Avenue, SW, across from the Martin bunch. The winning design concept will be Mendoza, Sean Jensen, Cynthia Farrell Johnson, Rosa- Luther King Memorial. Built in 1931 and announced in January 2016. To look at the de- mond King, Sarah Menke-Fish, Bob Neuman, David R. renovated in 2011, this neo classical temple is signs, visit http://www.worldwar1centennial. Rapp, Samara Sit the first monument on the National Mall that org/index.php/stage-ii-finalists.html. includes African Americans and women in a The World War I Centennial Commis- Volume 25 of Young D.C. is supported by The Herb Block salute to military service. A national memo- sion expects the park to be dedicated by Nov. Foundation, sponsors of Cartoons & Cocktails 2015, an rial at Pershing Park might overwhelm this 11 2018, the anniversary of the end of the auction of editorial art tp be held Nov. 19, 2015, and the monument. Others argue that there is already Great War. YDC alumnae/i who funded the 25=Thrive Project (see a national monument to WWI in Kansas City. page 4). However, it seems about time that the Great Celia Parr, 18, is a senior at The Madeira War should be recognized in the US’s capital School in McLean, Va. Letters to the Editor are welcome and sometimes published, whole or in part. Letters are subject to Note to readers: See the D.C. War Memorial on page three, right column, second from bottom image. editing. Readers writing to the editors should include contact information: name, age, telephone number. What’s your topic for YDC to tackle in Viewpoints? The editors would love to hear about things that inform, concern, inspire, disappoint or drive you crazy. Email your Viewpoints idea to [email protected] Correction The first name of cartoonist Ann Telnaes was misspelled in the May 2015 issue. Young D.C. regrets the error. November 2015 t Young D.C. t News YDC checks out memorials to US vets Grayson Butler, 16, is a junior at the Lab School of Washington in the District of Columbia. News t Young D.C. t November 2015 StoryCorps encourages teens to enlist in its Great Thanksgiving Listen Biniam Zemedkun Young D.C. StoryCorps latest project is to save a generation’s ideas and stories for future generations to learn and enjoy. When you sign up for The Great Thanksgiving Listen, you get a free specially designed edu- cator’s toolkit from StoryCorps.