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JBR–BTR, 2012, 95: 243-244.


L. Dewachter, P. Aerts, I. Crevits, R. De Man1

Milwaukee shoulder syndrome or rapid destructive of the shoulder is a rare form of arthropathy that mainly affects elderly women. It is characterized by a rapid destruction of the glenohumeral and the rotator cuff and by an important noninflammatory containing hydroxyapatite crystals. Radiography plays an important role in the evaluation of patients with articular . However, magnetic resonance imaging is the method of choice for assessing the full extent of osseous, chondral, and soft-tissue involvement.

Key-words: Shoulder, .

Case report

An 84-year-old woman presented to her physician with right shoulder pain and a restricted active and pas- sive range of motion of the affected shoulder. Swelling of the shoulder was absent and there was no history of recent trauma. Her medical histo- ry was unremarkable. Radiography of the right shoulder (Fig. 1) showed a destruction and cranial subluxation of the humeral head with intra-articular calcifica- tions. A chest radiograph taken six months earlier (Fig. 2) showed none of these findings. CT scan (Fig. 3A, B) revealed a deformed humeral head with intra- articular and peri-articular calcifica- tions and a large joint effusion. MRI (Fig. 4 A,B) also demonstrat- ed an effusion, destruction and sub- luxation of the humeral head, thin- ning and destruction of the cartilage Fig. 1. — Radiograph of the right shoul- Fig. 2. — Normal glenohumeral joint and subchondral bone. There was der. Partial destruction of the humeral on a spot film of the right shoulder taken some synovial thickening and abnor- head with cranial subluxation and intra- six months earlier. mal bone marrow signal (arrow). A articular calcifications (arrow). partial undersurface tear of the supraspinatus tendon was demon- strated. Synovial fluid contained no leuco- Rapid destructive arthropathy calcium hydroxyapatite. In 10% cytes and culture was negative. mainly affects elderly woman with an admixture of calcium pyrophosphate Based on these imaging findings age ranging from 50 to 90 years old. crystals can occur (2). and the rapid destruction of the Both shoulders are affected in It is believed that calcium hydroxy - gleno humeral joint over a short peri- 64% with preferential involvement of apatite andcalcium pyrophosphate od of the time, the diagnosis of the dominant side (1). crystals develop in degenerative car- Milwaukee shoulder or rapid destruc- The knees are affected in 50% (2). tilage and in altered synovium and tive arthropathy of the shoulder was Symptoms include joint pain and are released into the joint. made. tenderness, restricted range of These crystals, phagocytosed by motion or less frequently excessive- synovial cells , then stimulate the Discussion ly mobile glenohumeral . release of collagenase and active Swelling due to an effusion is seen protease. The release of these prote- Milwaukee shoulder syndrome is in most of the cases. Analysis of the olytic enzymes results in joint and a relatively uncommon entity first synovial fluid reveals a high number rotator cuff destruction with further described by McCarty et al. in 1981 in of erythrocytes, a low leukocyte release of additional crystals into the Milwaukee, Wisconsin. count and large concentrations of joint and thereby creating a vicious cycle and aggravating the destruc- tive process (3). Predisposing factors are recent trauma (most often fall on an out- From: 1. Department of Radiology, Heilig Hart hospital, Roeselare, Belgium. stretched hand) or joint overuse, Address for correspondence: Dr L. Dewachter, Department of Radiology, Heilig Hart associated pyrophosphate deposi- hospital, Wilgenstraat 2, B-8800 Roeselare, Belgium. tion, neuroarthropathy, dialysis and E-mail: [email protected] hyperparathyroidism (1, 4). dewachter-_Opmaak 1 21/08/12 11:56 Pagina 244

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glenohumeral joint, thinning of the cartilage and destruction of the sub- chondral bone (5). Ultrasound may show calcific foci, joint effusion and an absent rotator cuff but it has no added diagnostic value. In the differential diagnosis we must consider neuropathic arthropa- thy of the shoulder (frequently asso- ciated with syringomyelia), avascu- lar necrosis, dialysis arthropathy, and (2). Treatment is symptomatic and A B includes physical therapy, non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Fig. 3. — Coronal (A) and axial (B) CT image. Deformity and subluxation of the humer- and intra-articular injection of al head with intra-articular effusion, calcifications (arrow) and subchondral sclerosis. steroids. by a shoulder prosthesis is a theoretical option but is technically challenging without the stabilizing effect of the rotator cuff. Tidal irrigation followed by intra- articular injection of steroids and tranexamic acid could affect the long term outcome of some patients with mild Milwaukee shoulder syndrome but is still controversial (6).


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