ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 10TH OCTOBER 2014 THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 31ST OCTOBER 2014 (COUNCILLOR CALL-IN PERIOD) Information regarding Councillor call-in period and procedure for public consultation. Comments and call-ins may be made on any Advertisement Consent, Listed Building, Conservation Area, Householder, Certificate of Lawfulness (existing), Telecommunication and Planning Applications please e.mail:
[email protected] (Please include the Application No (e.g. "5/2009/1234") in the title of the e.mail) Application No 5/2014/2683 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Advertisement Consent - Display of eight non illuminated fascia signs at Unit 11 Brick Knoll Park St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 5UG Applicant: Agent: Travis Perkins Plc Lodge Way Northampton Signs Mr Dale Gasson Unit 5 House Lodge Way Harlestone Road Stour Road Ross Road Industry Northampton NN5 7UG Northampton NN5 5AA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application No 5/2014/2530 Ward: Clarence Area: C Proposal: Change of use to include Class A3 (restaurant and cafe) and Class A5 (hot food takeaway) use, retention of flue and bin store (retrospective) (resubmission following invalid application 5/2013/3026) at 167b Hatfield Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 4LB Applicant: Agent: Miss Natcha Panngam Omsins