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iVv'-NVkJ1* M'TK. V'l I "7 SUM HlMALD. 12 PAGES THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NO, 27. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 26, 1920. $2.00 PER YEAR. Do You Want Vegetable or Flower. Mr. Cromwell Says City Should Live Within TAKE DUE NOTICE! Presbyterians Frolic Seedsf Rebuilding No, 1 School Good Friday next week is a legal The supply of Government vege Its ffleans^Favors Moderate B'ld'g on Maple St. holiday. There will be only one to Cost Over $99,000 in Minstrel Show table seeds, which have been dis mail delivery (the morning) from tributed from the Herald office the Summit post office. Therefore during the last two weeks in ac To the Citizen of Summit: our resources we can probably afford the HERALD will have to go to Clever Performance Given by cordance with the request of Con With the exception of the few who a senior high school building on an press on Thursday afternoon in All Bids Were High but Low* Men's Club as Black Pace gressman Aekerman and Senator have Interested themselves in the sub ample site, and use Maple* street order to-have the papers delivered est Combination Was Ac Frellnghuysen has been increased ject, the general public is not familiar building for Junior High School only. on Friday. Artists in Song and Joke by an additional sack of vegetable with the fact that a high sdhool build The Senior building constructed at Everyone having articles or ad cepted by School Board seeds and a sack of flower seeds, ing and a grade school building are that time would be so planned as to vertising to Insert is urged to do sent by Senator Edge. Those who two entirely distinct kinds of build admit of harmonious additions when so early in the week. No adver Some Good Local Hits want some of these seeds may have ings. The No. 1 School" on Sprlng- again an expansion became necessary. tising copy will be guaranteed In Must Be Ready August 31 them by applying at the Herald of flld avenue before the fire was neith By this plan our present expendi sertion unless received "In this of fice, as long as the supply holds er the one kind nor the other, ac ture would -probably be $100,000 less fice by Tuesday afternoon. A rip-shorting, old-fashioned, mod on building, plus the $50,000 or more The Board of Education on Monday out. cording to present day ideas. The evening awarded the contracts to a ernized, minstrel show was presented fire produced a very awkward sit saved on site, say at least $150,000 by an aggregation of black-faced saved now, and, if the rate of Increase combination of bidders for the re uation. Simply to repair the damage building of the burned School No. 1, jokesters and minstrels df the Pres and restore it as It was would have j of" school population should fall off, saved for a long time to conig, Cities totaling ?99,409, byterian Church Men's Club, on Tues- been unwise expenditure of money, I There were nineteen separate bids • day night In the Y, M, a A. Hall, The the result being an obsolete building do get their growth eventually, like "Green Stockings'' children, unless exceptionally located for the various kinds of work, includ show was bright and snappy from the Tax Equalization liable to condemnation by the State ing both local and out-of-town con time the "Gold Dust twins" appeared Board, It was concluded that the on- Jfo r metropolitan importance, and it may be that Summit will not grow at the Playhouse tractors. The awards were made to until the final chorus. Great credit ly advisable and even necessary i local men in every case but two: was reflected on the author, Mr. R. L. course would be to alter the building I always as rapidly as in recent years. Civic dob Subject I do not believe in penny-wisdom, but The successful combination of bids Herrlck and the musical director, P. in such manner as to make a good ; were an follows; S, Gondlt. ! it is well to remember in this day of Local Amateurs Presenting grammar school of it such as would S. L. Wright, mason $29,355 The Gold Dust Twins, W. L, Oropley be approved by the State Board as flippant disrespect for Poor Richard's Assemblyman Pierson and Alnumac and the Proverbs of Solo Very Clever Comedy — Corbett & ("lark, carpenters .... 37,448 * and R. L. Qow, began' things by trying in conformity with the law. ' ' 1 13,330 to break into the stage, a "distillery," Councilman Gilson to mon that it is Important lor a com Cast Is Excellent One J. it. ('root, liuating ...,....,.„... The plans made .to this end are ap munity to live within Its means. The J, H. ('root, plumbing .............. 6,770 and were informed It was "the wettest proved by the State officials and will 4,300 place in Jersey tonight," by Mayor Speak at Next Meeting schools should be cared for liberally, J, H. Nelson'"& Son, painting .... result in an^ excellent grade school,\\ we must" bow to facts Oliver B^ Merrill, the interlocutor. mi Benefit Serbian Relief Work Harry Kiefer, cornice, skylight Then came some altercation between building nearly, if not quite, equal to I hope that Summit will have a high 3,186 Open Discussion to Follow any we have, and in making these school worthy of our splendid staff and roofing •.;.., 225 Woody Wilson, (Chester H. Lane) and Wm. A. Vought, electrical ........ H, G. Lodge, (E. S. Bancroft). Wilson plans not a dollar of avoidable ex- of instructors, and alio that the City Those who attended the opening 4,855 The committee in-charge of the next pense has been sanctioned, everything j wlu possess an Athletic Field'-il i night of the Playhouse Association'^ Wm. A, Klnzie, iron work ........ N sang a little song which hit the , nail #99,469 X. on the head and ended something like meeting of the Civics Club Have ar- Tt ^S nWe?Bary«.beSf ^"j^ttlnlmemorSto^u^iSo^he new production, "Green Stockings," last night saw the local players in a The work is to be started as soon this: ! ranged to hold it at Blackburn House, out. Nevertheless when the bids for World War to develop a splendid man- as satisfactory bonds are furnished by / My friends, this lesson I have now he work opened on Monday evening it' hood to succeed them. This ™a"t most delightful comedy which ought to Thursday evening, April 1. The dln- became apparent that the cost would , however, does not come within the fill the little Playhouse to capacity to the successful bidders. The Board's / learned*..... , aim is to have the building ready by. 4»*M1 will be served promptly at 7,15 in be Sinfully high. It was a solemn "J night and tomorrow night and tomor BtrgnrWTuWe Ttflttwtt u yeais am; sphere of the Board o( EdueatIon next Septembor, Specifications re One man can't do it all. order that there may be plenty of time time The Board went Into Committee „eed not be and had better not be row afternoon. Aside from the fact on the State of Schools to weigh the j an appendage of the fflgh School' that the proceeds are for the Summit quire the completion of the building He should helpers 'round him call, to present and discuss the subject: by August 31st. Or he'll go where now 1*11 have to go. matter very seriously. At first it i am sure thttt an ample sSi can be Branch, Serbian Relief "Work, a very "The Equalization of Taxes." seemed that ail bids must be rejected \ obtained for a Memorial Athletic Flell worthy cause. Summit folk have an Other bids were as follows: The opening chorus was, "When it's and others advertised for. But that Heating—M. Chrystal, $14,977; Fred Moonlight on the Swanee Shore." Mr, Hon. Arthur N. Pierson of Westfield by voluntary contributions, opportunity to enjoy a performance of will be the guest of the club and open meant a long delay and no sort of cer JAMES W. CROMWELL. good comedy (in which Margaret An- A. Vanderhost, $16,237; Fred p, Mer- Merrill sang, "We Went in Like a tainty of a better result. To the ex kle, $18,408; Jaehring & Peoples, $16,- Lion," and Mr. Gondii sang "Miami the discussion, Mr. Pierson is well glin, starred on Broadway) very ably known in Summit as the authority tent of the capacity of that building Mr, Wiamherlin Offers His Property. produced. If you haven't seen it, see 374. Shore." the School is homeless, dependent for Plumbing—M. Chrystal, $7,739; Rob , A roll call of some of the famous in the State legislature on questions It by all means. of finance and taxation. He is the present existence upon the generosity, To the Editor of The Summit Herald: ert Hallan, $7,386; Jaehring & peo men present In disguise, in addition to of other Institutions which have given Sir;-—I have been much interested "Green Stockings" is the most am ples, ?7,678; Fred A, Vanderhost, • those already mentioned, showed father of the laws reorganizing the municipal and county financial and us temporary shelter. To allow this In reading the letters of Mr. Bassett bitious three-act comedy undertaken $8,125. Wood, Mr. J. C. Armstrong; Hoover, to extend beyond the present school and Mr. Williams in regard to the se by the Playhouse Association, which George Marvin; MoAdoo, Ed.