35 Annotated Checklist of the of the Four Canyon Preserve, Ellis County, Oklahoma

William Caire, Lynda Samanie Loucks and Gregory M. Wilson University of Central Oklahoma, Department of Biology, 100 N University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034

Brandon K. McDonald Cameron University, Department of Biological Sciences, 2800 West Gore Boulevard, Lawton OK 73505

Desiree A. Early Humboldt State University, Department of Wildlife, 1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA, 95521

Toni Payne PO Box 178, Blanchard, OK 73010

A survey of The Nature Conservancy’s Four Canyon Preserve in Ellis County, Oklahoma, was conducted from June 2005 to April 2006 to determine what species of mammals occur in the preserve. Sherman live traps were used to trap small mammals and reliable sight records documented large mammals. Mist nets and gopher traps were set to sample for bats and gophers, respectively. A literature search identified historical accounts of mam- mals and those species that might eventually be found to occur in the preserve. Compiled in this inventory is an annotated list of the 33 extant species of mammals that presently occur on the Four Canyon Preserve. Also listed are 4 introduced species, 9 species that probably occurred in the preserve historically and 24 species that might be found to oc- cur. © 2010 Oklahoma Academy of Science.

INTRODUCTION habitats are characterized by chinquapin oak (Quercus muhlenbergii), American elm The 1380 ha Four Canyon Preserve (FCP) is (Ulmus americana) and hackberry (Celtis located approximately 16 km southeast of spp.) woodlands with scattered wet mead- Harmon in Ellis County, Oklahoma. The ows and prairie communities. Sandy soils southern boundary is defined by 4.8 km of the northwest part of the preserve which of the North Canadian River. Sandy river was disturbed by cropland and commercial floodplain supports cottonwood (Populus sand/gravel pits support remnant commu- deltoides), eastern red cedar (Juniperus nities of sandsage shrubland, blue grama, virginiana), saltcedar (Tamarix sp.), sand buffalo grass prairie and small patches of plum (Prunus sp.) and sagebrush (Artemisia shinnery oak (Quercus havardii). filifolia). Upland areas support mixed and The FCP characteristically has hot sum- shortgrass prairie communities dominated mers and short cold winters. Temperatures by little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), range from an average daytime high of 33 sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), blue ºC in July to an average low of -7 ºC in Janu- grama (Bouteloua gracilis) and buffalo grass ary. Average annual precipitation is 68.6 cm. (Buchloe dactyloides). Four wooded canyons Winds, averaging 16 kph, are usually from (Cinnamon, Horse, Mulberry and Harsha) the south to southwest (Oklahoma Clima- dissect the upland prairies and open upon tological Survey 2009). the Canadian River floodplain. Canyon Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) 36 W. Caire, L.S. Loucks, G. M. Wilson, B.K. McDonald, D.A. Early and T. Payne Although the FCP area was opened for RESULTS and DISCUSSION homesteading in 1892, the rugged land led to slow rates of homesteading and frag- Fourteen collecting trips resulted in 8,165 mented ownership. During the early years trap nights, 28 gopher sets and 12 mist net of the 20th century, cattle ranchers consoli- nights. A total of 534 small mammals were dated homesteads into larger ranch parcels. captured. Voucher specimens and tissues In 1950, Harold and Tomalene Hutchison are housed in the collection of vertebrates acquired the land that is now the FCP and at the University of Central Oklahoma. maintained it as a cattle ranch until pur- Figure 1 shows the general location of trap chased by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) lines (GPS locations are available from the in conjunction with the Oklahoma Depart- TNC FCP). Tracks, visual sightings and per- ment of Wildlife Conservation in 2004. sonal communications with local residents One primary goal of TNC was to survey verified the occurrence of several species not the biota within the FCP in order to establish captured. This study revealed the presence a baseline inventory against which long of 8 orders and 24 families. The checklist term monitoring and conservation projects contains 33 extant species of mammals could be initiated. One such survey in- known to occur in the FCP and 24 species volved determining what species of mam- (designated by *) not detected during this mals occurred in the FCP and which species study that occur near the FCP and could might have been present prior to intensive ultimately be found in the preserve. Nine cattle ranching. Thus, the objective of this species (designated by +) are listed which study was to compile a species list of mam- probably occurred historically but have mals for the FCP. been extirpated and four introduced species (designated by #) are also listed. METHODS SPECIES ACCOUNTS Sampling of small mammals occurred ap- ORDER DIDELPHIMORPHIA proximately each month from 4 June 2005 through 14 April 2006. On each trip, vary- Family Didelphidae (Opossums) ing numbers of trap lines consisting of 50 Didelphis virginiana (Virginia Opos- Sherman live traps (H.B. Sherman Traps; sum) has not been documented as occurring Tallahassee, FL; 23.5 x 7.7 x 9.0 cm) were in Ellis County but tracks were seen in the set in different areas and habitats across sandy roads near the FCP equipment stor- the FCP. Each trap station was about 4 m age shed. The opossum has been verified in apart, set in the evening, baited with rolled nearby counties (Caire et al. 1989; Lomolino oats and retrieved the following morning. and Shaughnessy 1997; Roehrs et al. 2008) Mist-nets were set at abandoned build- and in northern portions of the Texas pan- ings and small stock tanks to capture bats. handle (Schmidly 2004). The former ranch Macabee gopher traps were used to obtain owner indicated that he had not seen any gopher specimens. Sightings of large mam- opossums on the ranch since the 1950s and mals and identification of tracks they were scarce then. by reliable sources were recorded through April 2006. Published literature was used to ORDER CINGULATA determine which species probably occurred Family Dasypodidae (Armadillos) historically and those which occur close to Dasypus novemcinctus (Nine-banded the FCP and might possibly be found within Armadillo) was observed in the FCP on the preserve. The taxonomic and vernacular several occasions. Although reported to names follow Wilson and Reeder (2005), occur statewide (Caire et al. 1989), the first except as noted in some accounts. documented records for Ellis County were Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) Mammals of the Four Canyon Preserve 37

Figure 1. Map of The nature Conservancy’s Four Canyon Preserve showing location of trap lines. reported by Roehrs et al. (2008). Records *Sylvilagus audubonii (Desert Cotton- of armadillo exist from Beaver, Harper and tail) was not documented during this study; Roger Mills counties (Caire et al. 1989) and however, several cottontails appeared to from the adjacent regions in Texas (Schmidly be desert cottontails. None were observed 2004). Armadillos were observed foraging clearly enough to confirm their identity. at night near an abandoned ranch house Records exist from Harper and Woodward and around wood piles during the day at counties to the north (Caire et al. 1989) and the mouth of Cinnamon Canyon. from adjacent counties in the Texas Pan- handle (Schmidly 2004). ORDER LAGOMORPHA Sylvilagus floridanus (Eastern Cotton- Family Leporidae (Hares and Rabbits) tail) was observed in most habitats in the Lepus californicus (Black-tailed Jack- FCP. It is common in other areas of Ellis rabbit) were observed in upland prairie County, in adjacent counties (Caire et al. habitats in the northeast portion of the FCP. 1989) and in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly They have been documented from many 2004). It is probably the most abundant cot- adjacent western Oklahoma counties (Caire tontail in the preserve. et al. 1989) and in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) 38 W. Caire, L.S. Loucks, G. M. Wilson, B.K. McDonald, D.A. Early and T. Payne ORDER RODENTIA dian River. Numerous active runways con- Family Sciuridae (Squirrels) necting burrow systems were seen in sandy Sciurus niger (Eastern Fox Squirrel) areas after several grass fires. Individuals dreys were observed in trees near the mouth were active during the winter. of Cinnamon, Horse and Harsha canyons; Chaetodipus hispidus (Hispid Pocket squirrel vocalizations were heard at the Mouse) is abundant and occurs in a vari- mouth of Cinnamon Canyon. ety of habitats throughout the FCP. It was +Cynomys ludovicianus (Black-tailed found in the upland grass areas between the Prairie Dog) has been observed by local canyons, in the canyons, on the floodplain residents in other areas of the county. The flats and around abandoned buildings. possibility exists that dog towns occurred in *Perognathus flavescens (Plains Pocket the FCP in former times but were extirpated Mouse) was not recorded during this study as part of early control programs related to but will probably be found in sandy areas of the ranching industry. They are reported floodplains or on brushy slopes of canyons. from nearby counties (Caire et al. 1989) and It has been recorded from Ellis County in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). (Roehrs et al. 2008) and from adjacent coun- *Xerospermophilus spilosoma (Spot- ties in Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) and ted Ground Squirrel) was not found in Texas (Schmidly 2004). the FCP. They might be found to occur on Perognathus flavus/merriami (Silky the sandy floodplains of the FCP or in the Pocket Mouse & Merriam’s Pocket Mouse) intervening grassy upper areas between the specimens were collected in grass habitats canyons. Records exist from Beaver, Harper during this survey and are conservatively and Woodward counties to the north and relegated to P. flavus until a clearer under- from Dewey County to the east (Caire et al. standing of the of these cryptic 1989). It is known from adjacent counties in forms is achieved. A recent analysis of P. the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Xero- flavus and P. merriami specimens suggests spermophilus is used in place of Spermophilus that the two should be recognized as dis- as suggested by Helgen et al. (2009) in a tinct species (Brant and Lee 2006; Van Den revision of the genus. Bussche personal communication). Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (Thirteen- lined Ground Squirrel) was collected from Family Geomyidae (Pocket Gophers) the upland grassy area located between Geomys bursarius (Plains Pocket Go- Mulberry and Harsha canyons. One was pher) mounds existed in many areas of the observed in a Dipodomys runway west of the FCP. Specimens were collected from Cin- old ranch house. This species is probably namon Canyon and on the eastern edge of more common than indicated by the few the preserve on the floodplain. we observed. Ictidomys is used in place of Spermophilus as suggested by Helgen et al. Family (Mice, Rats, and Voles) (2009) in a revision of the genus. *Microtus ochrogaster (Prairie Vole) Family Castoridae (Beavers) will likely be found in prairie grasses, near Castor canadensis (American Beaver) stock tanks and in grassy disturbed areas. It are common along the Canadian River. is known from various counties in western Many young cottonwood and willow trees Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989; Choate 1989; showed signs of beaver browsing. Clark and Tumilson 1992; McCaffery et al. 2002; Stangle et al. 2004) and from adjacent Family Heteromyidae (Heteromyids) counties in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly Dipodomys ordii (Ord’s Kangaroo Rat) 2004). McDonald et al. (2006) first reported is abundant in sandy areas of the preserve, M. ochrogaster from Ellis County and from especially on the floodplain near the Cana- nearby Dewey and Custer counties in owl Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) Mammals of the Four Canyon Preserve 39 pellets. Roehrs et al. (2008) reported them maniculatus (North Amer- from Dewey County. ican Deermouse) occurs in many habitat *Microtus pinetorum (Woodland Vole) types in the FCP but are most common in was not recorded during this study but grassy areas. It is less abundant than P. leu- might occur in grassy areas and near stock copus and sometimes difficult to distinguish tanks. Braun and Revelez (2005) reported from that species. it from Major County and McDonald et al. *Peromyscus attwateri (Texas Mouse) (2006) listed specimens from owl pellets might exist in isolated areas of some FCP from Custer and Dewey counties. Roehrs et canyons which contain rocky habitats and al. (2008) reported M. pinetorum from Dewey eastern red cedars. It has been reported in County. Custer County (Caire et al. 1989) and from Ondatra zibethicus (Common Musk- counties in the Texas Panhandle adjacent to rat) probably disperse from the Canadian Ellis County (Schmidly 2004). River to grassy areas adjacent to stock tanks. fulvescens (Fulvous An abandoned burrow was detected near Harvest Mouse) was found in a variety the edge of a stock tank on the Canadian of habitat types but was most common in River floodplain. grassy areas. These specimens represent * taylori (Northern Pygmy additional records from Ellis County since Mouse) is expanding its’ range northward their first report by Roehrs et al. (2008). in western Oklahoma (Stangl and Dalquest *Reithrodontomys megalotis (Western 1986; Caire 1991; Tumlison et al. 1993, Mc- Harvest Mouse) will likely be found in Donald et al. 2006, Roehrs et al. 2008) and weedy and grassy areas. Records exist from Texas (Schmidly 2004). It might be found in Ellis County (Caire et al. 1989) and the Texas the thick grass in the FCP. panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Distinguishing *Neotoma floridana (Eastern Woodrat) this species from R. montanus is often difficult. was first reported by Roehrs et al. (2008) Reithrodontomys montanus (Plains in Ellis and Roger Mills counties. Other Harvest Mouse) was collected in small records exist from adjacent counties to the numbers in grass habitats on the floodplains. east and southeast in Oklahoma (Caire et al. This species is difficult to separate from R. 1989). It might be found in rocky habitats megalotis and a good series of the two species in the FCP. helps in proper identification. Neotoma micropus (Southern Plains Sigmodon hispidus (Hispid Cotton Rat) Woodrat) was the only species of woodrat was the most commonly trapped mammal found during the survey. This species was in the FCP. It was frequently captured in common in rock ledges on canyon slopes, most all grassy areas. in canyon bottoms and around abandoned buildings. In some areas of western Okla- Family Muridae (Old World Rats and homa, it is difficult to distinguish this spe- Mice) cies from N. floridana(Caire et al. 1989). #Mus musculus (House Mouse) was not Onychomys leucogaster (Northern captured during the survey although it has ) was collected in been reported in Ellis County (Roehrs et al. sandy areas, brush and grass. It was com- 2008). It is an introduced species typically mon in areas where Dipodomys was found. found in association with humans and prob- Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed ably existed in the FCP during the times it Deermouse) was captured in most habitats was an active cattle ranch. in the FCP. It is common in areas that have #Rattus norvegicus (Brown Rat) might numerous eastern red cedar trees. This spe- have occurred in the FCP during its ranch cies is sometimes difficult to separate from days. It has not been documented in Ellis the deer mouse (P. maniculatus). County, although it is recorded from Harper Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) 40 W. Caire, L.S. Loucks, G. M. Wilson, B.K. McDonald, D.A. Early and T. Payne County (Caire et al. 1989) and from owl and a skull was found near the mouth of pellets in Washita County (McDonald et al. Cinnamon Canyon. 2006). None were found during the survey; however, Girard et al. (1990) suggested that ORDER CHIROPTERA very localized populations might exist in southwestern regions of the state. Family Molossidae (Molossid Bats) #Rattus rattus (Roof Rat) was not *Tadarida brasiliensis (Brazilian found during this survey. Sometimes feral Free-tailed Bat) maternity colonies exist populations exist and some probably occur in gypsum caves to the north and south in urban settings in the area as well as on in Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) and occa- some of the ranches near the preserve. Mc- sionally individuals can be found roosting Donald et al. (2006) reported Rattus (skull in buildings. Although none were docu- fragments – not relegated to species) from mented, this migratory species has been owl pellets in Roger Mills County. found in most counties of the western part of Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) as well as Family Erethizontidae (Porcupine) the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). There Erethizon dorsatum (North American are no large caves in the FCP, but migrating Porcupine) was observed several times individuals might occasionally be found at during the survey. They were seen near the preserve. This species is known for long the canyon mouths in the late evenings and distance foraging trips (often up to 80 km) early mornings. which could carry them to the area in the summer (Caire et al. 1989). ORDER SORICOMORPHA Family Vespertilionidae (Vespertilionid Family Soricidae (Shrews) Bats) *Blarina hylophaga (Elliot’s Short- *Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat) was tailed Shrew) might be found in the FCP not found but it might frequent wooded but has not been reported from Ellis County. canyons, stock tanks and the Canadian Specimens are reported from Dewey and River. Records exist from Woodward Custer (McDonald et al. 2006) and Major County (Caire et al. 1989) and in the Texas (Braun and Revelez 2005) counties. panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Cryptotis parva (North American Least *Lasiurus borealis (Eastern Red Bat) Shrew) was captured in Horse Canyon by was not found during the study; however, Chris Hise (FCP manager) in pit fall traps. it occurs in adjacent Woodward, Dewey and *Notiosorex crawfordii (Crawford’s Gray Custer counties (Caire et al. 1989) and in Shrew) probably occurs in the FCP. It has not the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). This been reported from Ellis County; however, a tree bat probably occurs along the Canadian record does exist from Woodward County River, in the forested canyons and at stock (Caire et al. 1989) and counties to the west ponds. in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). *Lasiurus cinereus (Hoary Bat) was not found; however, it occurs in Ellis (Roehrs et Family Talpidae (Moles) al. 2008) and Beaver (Caire et al. 1989) coun- Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern Mole) ties and in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly tunnels were observed in many sandy and 2004). Likely habitats for this tree bat loose soil areas and were especially common include wooded canyons, stock tanks and on the floodplains near the Canadian River. along the Canadian River. One mole was caught in a live trap on the *Parastrellus hesperus (Canyon Bat) floodplain near the eastern edge of the FCP probably will be found in the wooded can- yons, at stock tanks and along the Canadian Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) Mammals of the Four Canyon Preserve 41 River. Records exist from southwestern Family Canidae (Canids) Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989). Canis latrans (Coyote) scats were ob- *Perimyotis subflavus (Eastern Pip- served in most areas of the FCP and in many istrelle or Tricolored Bat) was not found; habitats. Tracks were observed around stock however, it occurs in Dewey (Roehrs et al. tanks, on roads and on banks of the Cana- 2008), Woodward and Custer counties (Caire dian River. Howling coyotes were heard et al. 1989) and in the Texas panhandle throughout the preserve. (Schmidly 2004). Most likely foraging habi- +Canis lupus (Wolf) existed in western tats include wooded canyons, stock tanks Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989), the Texas pan- and along the Canadian River. Roosts might handle (Schmidly 2004) and probably in the include rock crevices. FCP prior to the development of the cattle ranching industry. With the decimation of Corynorhinus townsendii (Townsend’s bison herds in the 1870s, and the reduction Big-eared Bat) were observed in July 2009 in numbers of deer, the wolf’s primary food in a cave on the east side of the FCP (Chris sources disappeared and it began to prey on Hise, personal communication). This cave cattle for food and was quickly killed off. might contain other bat species but was *Urocyon cinereoargenteus (Gray Fox) unknown to us during this survey. was not documented during this study; *Antrozous pallidus (Pallid Bat) will however, it does occur in Woodward County likely be found roosting in crevices of rocky (Caire et al. 1989) and the Texas panhandle outcrops in canyons and near stock tanks (Schmidly 2004). This fox will be found to along the Canadian River. It occurs in occur in the FCP. Woodward County (Caire et al. 1989) and *Vulpes velox (Swift Fox) might oc- in the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). cur in the FCP. A road killed V. velox was *Lasionycteris noctivagans (Silver- reported from Ellis County by Hoagland haired Bat) occurrence across Oklahoma (2000) and records of this fox exist from the and the Texas panhandle is spotty and rare Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989; Hoagland 1995; (Caire et al. 1989; Schmidly 2004). It has Lomolino and Shaughnessy 1997) and Texas been reported from Beaver County (Caire et panhandle (Schmidly 2004). al. 1989). Because it roosts in trees, riparian Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox) was observed areas and forest areas of canyons L. noc- by Chris Hise (personal communication) tivagans might be found in the FCP. Myotis near the tractor barn in the FCP. Records velifer (Cave Myotis) was documented for of red foxes exist from several counties in the first time in Ellis County by Roehrs et al. western Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) and (2008). Several thousand M. velifer were ob- the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). served in an abandoned ranch house at the Family Ursidae (Bears) FCP during the spring and early summer. +Ursus americanus (American Black Bear) occurred historically across most of ORDER CARNIVORA Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) and probably in the FCP, but it was eventually extirpated Family Felidae (Cats) by humans. Records exist from Harper, Lynx rufus (Bobcat) was observed at the Woods and Woodward counties (Caire et al. mouth of Cinnamon Canyon. Tracks were 1989) and in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas seen near several stock tanks. (Schmidly 2004). Puma concolor (Cougar) tracks and scat +Ursus arctos (Brown Bear) histori- were seen in Cinnamon Canyon. Chris Hise cally existed throughout much of Oklahoma (personal communication) reported two (Caire et al. 1989) and probably in the FCP. suspected deer kills in Mulberry Canyon. They were extirpated as the ranching indus- try developed.

Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) 42 W. Caire, L.S. Loucks, G. M. Wilson, B.K. McDonald, D.A. Early and T. Payne Family Mustelidae (Mustelids) the FCP, it will probably be found in rocky +Lontra canadensis (North American outcrops and forested areas of canyons. River Otter) occurrence has been rare to non- Most records of occurrence are from the existent since they were extirpated in the late southwestern part of the state; however, 1800s and early 1900s from western Okla- there is a record from Woods County (Caire homa. Only one documented record exists et al. 1989). from Woodward County (Caire et al. 1989). Procyon lotor (Raccoon) tracks were *Mustela frenata (Long-tailed Weasel) observed in a variety of habitat types in is uncommon in Oklahoma and the distribu- the FCP. One was observed at night in a tion and ecology within the state are not well tree near a storage building. Although it known (Caire et al. 1989). Only one speci- is probably common in the county, the first men has been recorded from the Oklahoma reported occurrence in Ellis County was by panhandle (Caire et al. 1989) and only one in Roehrs et al. (2008). the Texas panhandle (Kramler and Ballard 2004). ORDER ARTIODACTYLA +Mustela nigrepes (Black-footed Fer- ret) occurred in many prairie dog towns Family Suidae (Pigs) in western Oklahoma (Caire et al. 1989) #Sus scropha (Wild Boar and Domestic and the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Pig) were not observed during the survey. Black-footed ferrets were extirpated during Harold Hutchison indicated that about the extensive poisoning campaigns used twenty years ago forty feral hogs (including to remove prairie dogs from cattle ranches young) were seen on the ranch. (Caire et al. 1989). Family Cervidae (Cervids) Taxidea taxus (American Badger) burrows Odocoileus hemionus (Mule Deer) was and tracks were observed on the banks of observed in the mornings and near dusk in drained stock tanks in Harsha and Cinna- most habitats throughout the preserve. mon canyons. Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) was seen frequently in a variety of Family Mephitidae (Mephitids) habitats. It was observed at all times of the Mephitis mephitis (Striped Skunk) was day and night. not observed during the study; however, the +Cervus elaphus (Red Deer) was his- skunk odors that were noticed were prob- torically common in western Oklahoma but ably produced by M. mephitis. It is the most was extirpated by 1890 (Caire et al. 1989). common skunk in the general area. Records They probably occurred in the FCP in earlier exist from adjacent counties in Oklahoma times. (Caire et al. 1989) and the Texas panhandle (Schmidly 2004). Family Antilocapridae (Pronghorn) *Spilogale putorius (Eastern Spotted +Antilocapra americana (Pronghorn) Skunk) is uncommon in Oklahoma (Caire probably occurred historically in the FCP. et al. 1989) but has been reported in riparian They were extirpated about 1910 from Ellis, areas of Ellis, Harper and Woodward coun- Beaver, Harper and Beckham counties (Caire ties by Lomolino and Shaughnessy (1997). et al. 1989). These nocturnal skunks might eventually be found in upland grassy areas, rocky out- Family Bovidae (Bovids) crops and canyons. +Bos bison (American Bison) bones were found in Mulberry and Cinnamon Family Procyonidae (Procyonids) canyons. Bison herds existed in the late *Bassariscus astutus (Ringtail) was 1800s in western Oklahoma before being not found during this study. If it occurs in extirpated (Caire et al. 1989). Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) Mammals of the Four Canyon Preserve 43 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hoagland JW. 1995. Distribution and ecology of the Swift Fox in Oklahoma. In: Allen SH, Hoagland JW, Stukei ED, editors. Report of the Swift Fox We thank The Nature Conservancy for mak- Conservation Team. p 33-38. ing the project available through a grant Hoagland JW. 2000. Swift fox investigations in Okla- homa, 1999. In: Schmitt G, editor. Swift Fox Conser- to William Caire. We are grateful for the vation Team 1999 annual report. New Mexico De- assistance and information provided by partment of Game and Fish, Santa Fe. p. 48–58 Chris Hise about the Four Canyon Preserve. Kramler JF, Ballard WB. 2004. First record of a long- We also appreciate the many University of tailed weasel from the Texas Panhandle. Prairie Nat 36:141-142. Central Oklahoma students who assisted us Lomolino MV, Shaughnessy MJ. 1997. Distribution and on the numerous collecting trips. We also ecology of the swift fox (Vulpes velox). Okla Dept thank Gail and John Rogers, Juliette and Wildlife Conser Final Report, Grant Number E-35-3. McCaffery RE, Wallace MC, Kamler JF, Ray JD. 2002. Tinker Hulen, Danielle Grant, J. Fuchs, Paul Noteworthy distributional records of the prairie Barby, Gloria Caddell and Jenna Hellack for vole in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. South- assistance in the field. west Nat 48:717-719. McDonald BK, Wilson PW, Caire W. 2006. New county records of Oklahoma mammals based on REFERENCES remains identified in owl pellets. Proc Okla Acad Sci 86:47-52. Brant JG, Lee Jr. TE. 2006. Morphological analysis of Oklahoma Climatological Survey. 2009. Climate of Perognathus flavus and P. merriami (Rodentia: Het- Oklahoma [on line]. Available from: http://climate. eromyidae). Southwest Nat 51:79-86. mesonet.org/county_climate/Products/Quick- Braun JK, Revelez MA. 2005. Distributional records Facts/ellis (Accessed and comments on Oklahoma mammals. Texas J Roehrs ZP, Coyner DS, King KN, Martinez DL, Braun Sci 57:3-24. JK, Hamilton MJ, Leslie DM, Van Den Bussche Caire W, Tyler JD, Glass BP, Mares MA. 1989. Mammals RA. 2008. New records of mammals from western of Oklahoma. Norman (OK): University Oklahoma Oklahoma. Occa Papers, The Museum, Texas Tech Press. 567 p. Univ 273:1-15. Caire W. 1991. A breeding population of the northern Schmidly DJ. 2004. The mammals of Texas. Austin (TX): pygmy mouse, Baiomys taylori, in southwest Okla- University of Texas Press. 501 p. homa. Southwest Nat 36:364-365. Stangl FB, Dalquest WW. 1986. Two noteworthy records Choate LL. 1989. Natural history of a relictual popu- of Oklahoma mammals. Southwest Nat 31:123-124. lation of the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster, in Stangl FB, Goetze JR, Spradling KD. 2004. Historical southwestern Oklahoma. Occa Pap Texas Tech zoogeography and taxonomic status of the prairie Univ 129:1-20. vole (Microtus ochrogaster) from the southern plains Clark BK, Tumilson R. 1992. New records of mammals of Texas and Oklahoma. Occa Papers, The Museum, from Washita County, Oklahoma. Proc Okla Acad Texas Tech Univ 235:1-11. Sci 72:37-38. Tumlison R, McDaniel VR, Duffy JG. 1993. Further Girard B, Paul V, Tyler JD. 1990. The status of Rattus extension of the northern pygmy mouse, Baiomys rattus and Rattus norvegicus in southwestern Okla- taylori, in southwestern Oklahoma. Southwest Nat homa. Proc Okla Acad Sci 70:43-44. 38:285-286. Helgen KM, Cole FR, Helgen LE, Wilson DE. 2009. Wilson DE, Reeder DM, editors. 2005. Mammal spe- rd Generic revision in the Holarctic ground squirrel cies of the World. 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins genus Spermophilus. J Mamm 90:270-305. University Press. 2141 p

Received: Novwember 30, 2009; Accepted August 23, 2010.

Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010) 44 W. Caire, L.S. Loucks, G. M. Wilson, B.K. McDonald, D.A. Early and T. Payne

Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 90: pp 35-44 (2010)