Extensions of Remarks E1879 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE HON. SAM

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Extensions of Remarks E1879 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE HON. SAM December 16, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1879 In addition, freedom of expression continues Ghost on March 18, 1963, and began preach- During his fifty years of ministry, Bishop Bry- to be under fire. The current interim govern- ing on March 25, 1963 at the age of 15 under ant has been the recipient of many awards ment has been arresting and jailing journalists the late Elder Eddie Davis. He was licensed and honors, including the following: Meri- critical of the military government, jamming the under the late Bishop C. H. Nelson and or- torious Services To The Community by Mayor broadcast signals, deporting foreign reporters, dained by the late Bishop S. M. Crouch of Los Fred Hofheinz; Meritorious Service To the and otherwise closing the offices of news out- Angeles, California. Community by Mayor Kathryn Whitmire; Hous- lets that are ‘‘broadcasting lies.’’ Bishop Bryant was attended public school at ton Police Department Public Service Award; In his September 23rd speech to the United Concord High School in Mt. Enterprise, Texas. Service Recognition Citation by Councilman Nations General Assembly, the President stat- He later attended LIFE Bible College, Los An- Shelia Jackson Lee; Distinguished Service ed that his ‘‘. approach to Egypt reflects a geles, California, from which he received his Award and Outstanding Leadership Award larger point: the United States will at times Bachelors of Theology; and the Family Bible from COGIC Texas South Central Jurisdiction; work with governments that do not meet the Institute in Denver, Colorado, from which he Excellence In Service Award by United Min- highest international expectations, but who was awarded a Doctorate of Divinity in 1993. ister’s Institute of Texas Southern University; work with us on our core interests.’’ These Bishop Bryant began his pastoral ministry Special Achievement Award from The Reli- core interests were earlier defined in the on August 6, 1969. Over the next 50 years, gious Workers Guild; Outstanding Leadership speech to include the ‘‘Camp David Accords pastored six churches: Bethlehem COGIC in AIM 2000 Church of God in Christ National and counter-terrorism’’ efforts but not, I believe Mt. Enterprise, Texas; Evangelist Temple Auxiliaries In Ministry Convention; by Bishop mistakenly, to include human rights. COGIC in Bay City, Texas; Eastside COGIC in J. W. Macklin-AIM Chairman, Charles Harrison Human rights, and the intrinsic dignity of Lufkin, Texas; and The City of Refuge COGIC, Mason Award The Religious Workers Guild, every human being from womb to the tomb, Livingston Memorial COGIC, and The Island Visionary Pastors Award from the Houston are important in and of themselves. But for of Hope COGIC (formerly Anderson Memo- Forward Times. those who fail to grasp this, there is another rial), all in Houston, Texas. He remodeled or On October 17, 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, the important point to be made: It is in the stra- built three of these churches. African Children’s Hostel was named The Bishop Bryant has served the church from tegic interest of the United States to encour- Bishop Prince Bryant, Sr. African Children’s his youth to present in many capacities: as age governments to respect the rights of their Hostel in his honor. Sunday School Superintendent, Jurisdictional people, because governments that fail to do Mr. Speaker, Bishop Bryant is married to Chaplain, Jurisdictional Young People’s Willing so are in the final analysis unstable: This Mrs. Yolanda Howard Bryant and they are the Worker President, District Superintendent, Ju- should be the abiding lesson of the Arab proud parents of five children: Superintendent risdictional Executive Secretary, President of Spring. Prince E. Bryant, II (Candies); Dommonique Jurisdictional Minister’s and Worker’s Institute, The president also stated that future U.S. Jeannie Bryant; Phillip Paul Bryant; Elder Chairman of Jurisdictional Annual Leadership support to Egypt ‘‘will depend upon Egypt’s Desmon Ryan Bryant (Franchell); and Conference, and as Administrative Assistant to progress in pursuing a democratic path.’’ Tymorra Mishon Bryant. the late Jurisdictional Bishop, Bishop N. H. Again, it is unclear what criteria this entails. They also have been blessed with five won- Henderson. What if the democratic path does not include Nationally, Bishop Bryant has served the derful grandchildren: Prince E. Bryant, III, protection of human rights, such as what we Church of God in Christ as a member of the Paiton Anise Bryant, Pierce Edward O’neal saw under the Morsi government and now the General Assembly Executive Committee, Bryant, Madison Danielle Bryant, and John interim government? Commissions for Constitutional Convention Patrick Bryant. It is not democracy per se that is to be the Committee, General Council of Pastors and Mr. Speaker, for 50 years Bishop Bryant goal, but rather a duly-elected constitutional Elders Judiciary Review Committee, and Ex- has provided remarkable service to our nation government that respects minorities, the sepa- ecutive Board Member of the Church of God as a community, state, and national leader. ration of power, and human rights. Tyranny of in Christ Urban Initiative. I am proud to call this remarkable American the majority is not an acceptable option. Bishop Bryant has also actively involved hero my friend and I offer him my heartfelt What is clear is that the U.S. needs a new himself in the civic life of the community. He congratulations on the 50th Anniversary of his approach. This administration’s short-sighted served two terms as President of the Advisory service in the ministry of the Gospel. approach of not clearly linking aid to the pro- Board to the Mayor of Houston under Mayors Bishop Bryant truly is a ‘‘Soldier of the tection of human rights in Egypt has been un- Kathryn J. Whitmire and Mayor Bob Lanier. Cross.’’ I offer my best wishes for his contin- equivocally ineffective. It is my hope that our Bishop Bryant also served on the Civilian ued success in ministering the Gospel for hearing today will shed light on what went Review Committee for the Houston Police De- many years to come. wrong and how the United States can be more partment, as Chairman of Religious Com- f effective in protecting human rights going for- mittee, as founder of the Project David Ex- ANNOUNCING RECIPIENTS OF THE ward. Felon Re-Acclamation Job Program, as Vice 2013 CONGRESSIONAL VETERAN f President of the Houston Northeast Quadrant Citizens Chamber of Commerce, as Chairman COMMENDATION FOR THE THIRD HONORING BISHOP PRINCE E.W. of Houston-Harris County Regional Substance DISTRICT OF TEXAS BRYANT, SR., OF HOUSTON, Abuse Faith-Based Task Force Committee, TEXAS, ‘‘SOLDIER OF THE and member of the Executive Board of the HON. SAM JOHNSON CROSS’’ WHO HAS MINISTERED Minister’s Conference at Prairie View A & M OF TEXAS THE GOSPEL FOR 50 YEARS University. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In times of disaster, Bishop Bryant can be Monday, December 16, 2013 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE counted on to provide comfort and assistance. OF TEXAS In 1983, he organized and chaired the Emer- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gency Disaster Relief Texas Inter-Jurisdic- it is my privilege to honor fourteen distin- tional Council, which coordinated government guished military veterans, community servants, Monday, December 16, 2013 entities and non-profit charity organizations and American patriots who call the Third Dis- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to such as FEMA, Red Cross and United Way. trict of Texas home. All faithfully answered the pay tribute to Bishop Prince E.W. Bryant, Sr., When Tropical Storm Allison hit in 2001, call of duty and placed service above self for the legendary pastor of the legendary Island of Bishop Bryant facilitated a benefit service. In the sake of our great nation. Each one leaves Hope Church of God in Christ Church in 2005, during Hurricane Katrina he organized a legacy to be remembered, for future genera- Houston, Texas. This year marks the 50th an- the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund and was the tions to follow, a legacy of bravery, loyalty, niversary of Bishop Bryant’s service in the Coordinator of the Church of God in Christ dedication, and sacrifice. For their selfless ministry of the Gospel. Distribution Center, a 20,000 square foot service, bold leadership, and undying commit- To mark this great occasion, Bishop Bryant warehouse which distributed food, clothing, ment for their neighbor and nation, the fol- is being honored as a ‘‘Soldier of the Cross’’ and non-perishable goods to thousands of dis- lowing individual has been selected as a re- by the Texas South Central Jurisdiction of The placed Katrina victims. cipient of the third annual Congressional Vet- Church of God in Christ, Inc. In 2008, in response to Hurricane Ike, eran Commendation: Born in East Texas, Bishop Bryant was the Bishop Bryant again chaired the Emergency Lance Corporal John Wangler served in the fifteenth child of Deacon Bishop and Mamie Disaster Relief Texas Inter-Jurisdictional United States Marine Corps from 2007 to Bryant. He was saved and filled with the Holy Council. 2011. His commitment to the military began at VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:29 Dec 23, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\DEC2013\E16DE3.REC E16DE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 16, 2013 a young age, learning from his grandfather, a compromise will maintain a majority of cuts what we want? The roles seem to be back- Korean War Veteran, the value of placing duty imposed by sequestration. wards if you ask me. to country above self. Immediately after grad- When sequestration went into effect, the People would like to have you believe that uating from high school, he enlisted in the Ma- NIH saw a $1.55 billion cut to its budget.
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