It was an election promise that I made that would get the opportunity to express its views and vote on moving into the Gold Coast City Council local government area. Over the last 12 months I have listened to what locals are saying. I represent all mountain residents and you know my personal views. I have always said I will abide by the result of any quantitative process to determine the will of the majority.

My election win was substantive on preferences, but the primary vote was split four ways. This process that we are embarking on, and starts with the case FOR AND AGAINST, is the beginning of the lead up to a household plebiscite.

Voluntary experts have been involved in planning for this vote, and will be certifying the process to ensure probity and statistical accuracy.

After the case ‘for and against’ is concluded, more information will be announced.

The case for:

1. REGIONAL COUNCIL RATES EXCESSIVELY HIGH. Gold Coast has exceptionally low uniform residential rates and separate charges which would mean slashing Tamborine Mountain’s rates to affordable levels - as much as up to 50%. The average General Rate and Separate Charge Infrastructure ranks fifth highest of any community in according to the State’s comparative statistics. Our rate contribution does not reflect our share of capital expenditure over the last 13 years of Scenic Rim Regional Council, and our amenity and liveability are on a declining trajectory. It is a structural problem with no solution. 2. NO OVERDEVELOPMENT POSSIBLE WITH GCCC AND THE STATE’S REGIONAL PLAN AND GROWTH STRATEGIES. There is no reason for the GCCC to overdevelop Tamborine Mountain. You only have to look at , Springbrook, the Mudgeeraba Valley, Currumbin Valley, , Mt Nathan, Lower Beechmont and Advancetown to name a few rural areas in GCCC where there are no high rises, and the rural vista has been protected. Even if GCCC wanted to overdevelop Tamborine Mountain, this would be against the State’s SEQ Regional Plan and impossible to achieve. The State would not allow it and with no reticulated water and sewerage it is a fanciful and emotive argument with little substance. Why would it not have done so in those other areas already? The truth is that 95% of high rise is built one block back from the coastline. The single high rise closest to Tamborine Mountain is at Royal Pines Golf Course east of Carrara. 3. $1.7 BILLION BUDGET. Gold Coast has a $1.7 billion operating budget and $575 million annual capital budget. Scenic Rim Council lacks financial capacity (approximately $80 million budget) and the willingness to invest and renew Tamborine Mountain’s infrastructure to a high standard. Yet Tamborine Mountain with 8100 people is the largest population centre in the region, compared to Beaudesert with a population of 6500. Scenic Rim Council has announced upward of $35 million of capital works in the town of Beaudesert this year so far and this again is where the bulk of money is being spent, and potentially more is yet to be announced. 4. COMMUNITY OF INTEREST WITH GCCC. Tamborine Mountain’s community of Interest is not with Beaudesert; it is with Gold Coast because we travel for hospitals, shopping, recreation, beaches, higher education, swimming, sport, and service trades etc. This is one of the key criteria the State will consider in determining whether we go to Gold Coast City Council or not. The GCCC recognises this. This was the reason the locality of Karana Downs, formerly of Ipswich, moved to the City Council local government area. 5. REGULAR BUS SERVICES TO GCCC. Gold Coast City Council can integrate Tamborine Mountain into its transport network. Regular bus services to Helensvale and beyond would end the social isolation of those who do not have access to cars, including the young and elderly. 6. INCREASED CAPACITY TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT AND OUR LIFESTYLE The Scenic Rim Council is smaller than the Gold Coast which has strong environmental and compliance policies and the financial capacity to react quickly and defend them against deep pocketed developers or others that might seek to do illegal vegetation clearing, or activities that create noise, nuisance, or unsightly aggregations on their properties. 7. BETTER, FASTER MORE SUCCESSFUL PLANNING CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE Gold Coast has a strong record of ensuring planning schemes and development conditions are complied with, and enforced, resulting in a higher standard of built environment that is complementary to the surrounding environment and fit for purpose. 8. RECREATION FIELDS INCLUDING TMSA, FULLY MAINTAINED SRRC does not invest in active recreation on Tamborine Mountain. Our once beautiful sports fields on Long Road have been left to struggle as the committee, run by volunteers, struggles to raise funds for their operation and development. Gold Coast operates, renews, and maintains all its sports fields and sports buildings. 9. BETTER MAIN ROADS Gold Coast has an impressive record of working with Main Roads and advocating for a high standard of road maintenance and renewal. The Mountain’s Main Roads are in terrible condition from years of neglect. 10. PROMOTING TAMBORINE DESTINATION Tamborine Mountain is a major tourism destination, yet there is little recognition by SRRC that infrastructure must keep up with the inevitable visitation. Our tourist information centre is old and should be complemented by a new centre, possibly on Gallery Walk, yet the focus is on building a new state of the art visitor centre in Canungra. Tamborine Mountain needs proper tourism management and DGC (Destination Gold Coast) recognises this fact but SRRC continues to ignore this. 11. WATER SECURITY IN DRY TIMES The Gold Coast would address our water security issues and provide a reliable source of potable water to service our private delivery tankers in dry times, as they do in other areas such as Maudsland and Guanaba. 12. COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATION Tamborine Mountain would have more effective representation in GCCC than it does in Scenic Rim. Our councillors, in the entire history of the Mountain have not been welcome, and are always the subject of a long string of complaints from within, to try and keep them quiet. It seems that in SRRC our rates subsidise the higher standard of living in Beaudesert and elsewhere, as well as going towards fixing up wooden bridges. In Gold Coast, the Mountain would not be used to subsidise other areas but instead our rates would be returned to improve our standard of living and unique amenity and lifestyle. 13. FEDERAL HEALTH SYSTEM. Our Federal Health system (the Monash Model) recognises Tamborine Mountain as an urban centre connected to the Gold Coast. Our State Health system nominates the Gold Coast Hospital as the facility we must use for non-private Doctor referrals and ambulance admissions. 14. INDOOR HEATED AQUATIC CENTRE AT SPORTS GROUNDS. Gold Coast has multiple indoor Aquatic Centres, and more are being built this year. Scenic Rim Council will not recognise the need for such a centre on Tamborine Mountain. This year the Council took over the running and full operating costs of the Boonah heated indoor hydrotherapy pool. In Beaudesert, with a smaller town population, they enjoy a 50-metre heated swimming pool. Our pool is totally not fit for purpose yet there are no plans to address the issue. 15. NO SIGNATURE PLAYGROUND FOR TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN, BUT IT HAS THE MOST CHILDREN OF ANY COMMUNITY. Council has invested heavily in signature million-dollar type playgrounds in Boonah, Beaudesert, and Canungra, (you probably have seen them), yet Tamborine Mountain was not considered for similar infrastructure and doesn’t have one. Lions Park sought assistance from Council for a new playground, and received modest funding by comparison. However the Lions Park job was never finished, and is limited in its use because there is no toilet facility for children, parents, or grandparents. 16. NATURAL BEAUTIFICATION OF TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN. Gold Coast City has an impressive record of streetscape beautification and funds its own botanic gardens. It has the capacity to significantly assist our own botanic gardens to realise their master plan. Have you ever noticed how the Mountain, as a major tourism destination, does not have any flowers in its streetscape planted by Council, yet they are prevalent in most other towns and villages? 17. HIGH RISK TO STAY WITH SCENIC RIM. Former Councillor Phil Giffard made the point in a recent 'letter to the Editor' Scenic News (25th March 2021) that SRRC’s preference for a one- size fits all preference will ‘‘wreck our attractiveness as a residential and regional tourism resource’’ He was spot on with his observations when he headed his column, ‘‘MOUNTAIN CHARACTER AT GREATER RISK THAT EVER.’’ Scenic Rim Council actively markets itself as ‘‘One Scenic Rim’’ in all its promotions, with many asking why Council is attempting to promote ‘‘One Scenic Rim’’ and diminish the stronger brand ‘‘Tamborine Mountain’’. It even attempted to purchase the phenomenally successful Chamber of Commerce website to modify and evolve into its own ‘‘One Scenic Rim’’ promotional infrastructure. (using State Government Grant money) The tourism majors on Tamborine Mountain belong to Destination Gold Coast and many are joining this marketing arm of GCCC as they understand we are the Green behind the Gold in the , and get more assistance from them. 18. SHARING OF BORDER. Tamborine Mountain shares a long border with GCCC. Drive to Eagle Heights Hotel and you are in GCCC, drive to the end of Wongawallan road and you drive into GCCC, drive to the end of Henry Robert Drive and you are in GCCC. Tamborine Mountain can see to the very south and to the very north of the GCCC area on a clear day. 19. ONE SIZE FITS ALL POLICY. The Council’s involvement in the attempted naming of the Botanical Gardens is presently bound up in a confidential Council report. A recent Right To Information application lodged by me earlier this year, seeks to release that information to the public in the near future. The Botanical Gardens committee’s decision, without consultation with the Community, fits with Council’s one size fits all policy to promote the Scenic Rim Brand above all else; and the splitting of the Chamber of Commerce recently, over the issue of a one- size-fits-all tourism organisation, is another example.

I have looked at all the ‘Letters to the Editor’ over the last 12 months and present the arguments for the NO CASE to stay in Scenic Rim with my response.

1. WE SHOULD BE HAPPY TO PAY HIGH RATES AS SCENIC RIM IS BETTER THAN GCCC WITH A SMALLER RATE BASE. Logically this make sense, and many will not want to change because they are happy with things staying the same and do not want change. For many, money is not an issue and they can afford any level of rates. The Division 2 Councillor expressed this view in the Scenic News Councillor Comments, but he does not live on the Mountain and is conflicted because he is on a councillor wage and may believe there are electoral benefits in supporting some elected officials who are favouring mostly Beaudesert where his Division also extends to. 2. TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN WILL END UP LOOKING LIKE GOLD COAST WITH HIGH RISE AND SMALL LOT SUBDIVISIONS, TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND THEME PARKS. Some have expressed this view. Response: These are arguments that failed to consider: a. Tamborine Mountain has little developable land left. b. It does not have reticulated water or sewerage therefore ruling out all little boxes and high rise. c. The planning scheme of SRRC would transfer to GCCC until reviewed. It limits subdivision to large lots. d. Community Plans protect a community from overdevelopment as do planning schemes. e. The State’s Regional Plan and Vegetation and Koala Habitat Zones and National Parks as well as Native Title laws, to name a few, designates only small areas where development of large lots may occur. f. All councils are required to formulate growth management strategies to be endorsed by the State through public consultation. No council can make arbitrary development decisions as is being suggested. 3. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT WILL INCREASE UNDER GCCC. There is concern even more tourists will be attracted to the Mountain if we are in GCCC. Tourism is a major industry for the Mountain, it is a ECO destination and is unique. Response: Our own amenity and lifestyle, and employment opportunities are linked to a quality tourism industry. We need infrastructure which SRRC has not addressed, and after 13 years the problem of congestion, roads and need for better infrastructure is becoming chronic. GCCC promote us as the Green behind the Gold as they recognise the value of Tamborine Mountain. GCCC can mitigate these risks with its larger budgets and capacity. 4. WE WILL BE A SMALL FISH IN A BIG POND AND MAY NOT GET A TAMBORINE RESIDENT AS COUNCILLOR. GCCC has 17 divisions representing around 27,000 voters each. It is a possibility a Mountain resident may not be elected in the greater council area. Response: It does not mean we will have less representation. Councillors in GCCC have significant discretionary funds and councillor support staff and sub-offices to ensure the needs of constituents are met. It is still highly possible that a Tamborine Mountain candidate has a chance of winning given the size of our community, and option of preferential voting. 5. MOVING TO GCCC WOULD WEAKEN SCENIC RIM COUNCIL. This is a legitimate question. It is not really relevant to the vote because it is a question the Change Commission would consider based on all the quantitative data. Response: I have an opinion based on many years’ experience in such matters. The council population would reduce from approximately 43,000 down to 35,000, still making it among the top 20 councils by population in Queensland. Tamborine Mountain does contribute a massive rate subsidy to the rest of the region, which means it will have to live within its means by redistributing rates or reducing expenditure. The Mayor is on record as stating at the Vonda Youngman Centre that if the majority supports moving to the GCCC, he would support the wishes of the people.

Out of all the compelling reasons why Tamborine Mountain should go to the Gold Coast is the travesty of the rate burden, which is never likely to change, but more likely to become more acute if we stay with Scenic Rim Regional Council, no matter who is your mayor or councillor. We are simply in the wrong council. Prior to the amalgamation in 2007, a survey was conducted asking if we should be part of Scenic Rim or Gold Coast. The survey indicated a desire to be part of the amalgamated council. Many felt this was a failure of leadership, devoid of facts and based on emotive sentiment, and we have paid a heavy price in rates, deteriorating infrastructure and democracy ever since. At this time, you elected me for Division 1 - unopposed.

Our standard of living has fallen in the last 13 years, compared to other smaller population centres in the Scenic Rim where infrastructure and services have increased. In the last nine years I estimate that no more than 4 per cent of the entire capital budget has been spent on our infrastructure (averaged over the last nine years). Every ratepayer has paid more for less.

Each council sets its own rates. The SRRC’s long-term financial plan shows an annual 3 per cent rate increase over 10 years, which means the current rates we pay will compound, and many homeowners may no longer have the financial means to hold their properties. It is happening already.

Discussions with Gold Coast leadership confirms the Gold Coast Uniform Residential Rate will remain uniform and apply to Tamborine Mountain in any boundary change.

Based on the advertised General Residential Owner-Occupied category rate in the dollar, GCCC is 47 per cent less than SRRC, and GCCC’s separate charges are 59 per cent less compared to SRRC; the savings per household are huge.

For my property I would save a small fortune over 10 years, even with compounding and rate increases along the way. Possibly enough to cover the cost of a small new car or for a house deposit. Instead of paying excessive rates to SRRC, we could spend the money from our rate savings on our families or inject it into local businesses. Imagine more than $6 million per year saving on rates being injected into the local Tamborine Mountain community and economy.

The table below is a rates comparison of my residential property which shows the differences.

Do you think rates is enough reason alone to vote to be in GCCC? Do you think our community of interest is with SRRC?

When was the last time you went to Beaudesert for recreation, or to shop, work or play? I will be announcing all the details of the household plebiscite, when and how, in the coming weeks - You will have your say.

TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN FORMING ITS OWN COUNCIL IS NOT AN ALTERNATIVE I understand that there is a view that Tamborine Mountain could form its own Council instead of joining with Gold Coast. I haven’t advocated, or even considered this an option, as it is unlikely to happen. Reasons being:

o Politically it would never be entertained by any State Government. It would be an unsustainable proposition that could not be applied across Queensland. o A Council of just 8000 people and an area of 28 square kilometres would not have the economies of scale which would mean rates would be higher, or services lower, or both. o It would not satisfy any criteria set by the Government to make councils stronger and more sustainable. Duplication of resources needed to comply with legislative requirements contained in Queensland legislation alone would consume a large part of the budget, like the cost of having new councillors and a mayor, and the duplication of administration, hundreds of plans and new local laws and policy. We would need to do hundreds of new plans such as town planning schemes, financial plans, community plans, waste and environmental plans. We would have to recruit staff, purchase new cars, trucks, earthmoving plant etc, and purchase and install new computer systems. Where would the new council administration building go? All this is not easy to achieve or afford. o Having worked in the industry for 40 years, from a labourer to a CEO and everything in between, I can assure everyone unequivocally it’s not an option. I have worked on amalgamations recently in NSW as well as Queensland’s last round, when Scenic Rim was formed, and it is not plausible from any viewpoint that a place like Tamborine Mountain would succeed in such a proposal, especially when straddled by a super council, where we have our strongest connection. A vote in the Household Plebiscite to not go to GCCC because of the hope of a second option of forming a Tamborine Council would be a vote to stay in Scenic Rim, with all the issues I’ve talked about and double the rates. TRANSPORT IS NOW CRITICAL FOR THE HEALTH OF OUR COMMUNITY It is acknowledged that transport is essentially a State Government function. However, the question that needs to be asked is: if the Mountain had a strong advocate with the State for this service would we be more successful? What would the future look like for our community if we can achieve this with Gold Coast City Council?

o As the population ages we will have access to specialised health care. Many in our aging sector will not have to sell up and move closer to these services against their wishes. o Our teenage children will have reliable, safe, and affordable access to Helensvale Station and the light rail, and they can get to anywhere within the Gold Coast TransLink network and beyond. o For those who cannot afford to have a car or families that have just one car, the isolation many feel can end, impacting positively on their social, mental and financial health. Simply put: All the benefits of accessing services and exercising choice of where to shop, where to belong, or tapping into special interests in sport, recreation, or education etc that are presently denied to the younger and disadvantaged in our community and is impacting on their lifestyle and liveability. ENVIRONMENT AND COMPLIANCE Having lived on Tamborine Mountain for 35 years, and having worked in both councils, my view is the substantial size, strength and resources of the compliance functions of GCCC would mean far better outcomes for Tamborine Mountain. Make the change possible by voting in the Household Plebiscite to move to Gold Coast City Council where we belong.

Change is needed. I trust this is all food for thought. Could we do much better for much less in GCCC? IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The Household Plebiscite will commence on Monday 24 May, with ballot papers delivered by Post to 3094 households in the postcode 4272. Firstly, my thanks to all those involved in putting this plebiscite together. Voting is by a secret ballot - one vote per household. Voting can be done by using the QR Code on the ballot paper with a smart phone or iPad, or simply by placing the marked ballot paper in one of the secure RED ballot boxes placed at: The North Tamborine Medical Centre foyer, The Eagle Heights Pharmacy or at the North Tamborine Suncorp Agency. These locations have 24/7 CCTV video surveillance. Voting is voluntary but I urge you to have your say. It is a statistical sample. Full instructions are on the front and back of the ballot paper. Each ballot paper has a random number. Watch out for your ballot paper in the mail in the week 24 to 28 May 2021. The envelope is easy to spot with a description on the front. Ballot papers have been printed and certified, and only 3094 will be delivered by Australia Post - -- the exact number of households in the post code 4272 - as per their records. All printed ballots are strictly accounted for and will be balanced at the poll’s conclusion. This will be supervised and certified by HALL HANNEFORD Chartered Accountants. VARRO CLARKE SOLICITORS will scrutinise the physical ballot box counts and data entry into the computer tally system at the conclusion. This ballot is being undertaken to determine what the majority view is on this issue. If the result is to go to Gold Coast City Council at the next election, Gold Coast City will be requested to support the application with Tamborine Mountain to the Local Government Minister, and to assist in preparing a report examining where Tamborine Mountain’s Community of Interest lies, using the most up-to-date demographic data available. It is then up to the Minister to make a referral to the Change Commission to further examine the case in accordance with legislative requirements, and to make a recommendation - to proceed, or not proceed - taking effect at the next Local Government Elections. There is unlikely to ever be another opportunity to do this again, so this may be a defining moment in the future of Tamborine Mountain. THE MAJORITY WILL DECIDE, and I will honour the result. I have endeavoured over the last seven weeks to present the case, so that you can make an informed decision. I respect everyone’s views, as we should all respect each other’s views, and appreciate those who have contributed their opinions publicly. Voting is open for two weeks and will close on FRIDAY 11 JUNE AT 12 NOON.


The Red Ballot box at the Tamborine Medical Centre has been relocated to a more accessible and populous location in the IGA Centre in the Thirsty Camel Bottle Shop. It is just in the door on the left as you walk in. I hope this makes it easier for you to access, in a larger carpark.


• Did you know that both Boonah and Beaudesert towns are considerably smaller than Tamborine Mountain, yet they have a Government Agency which includes a Transport and Main Roads Office, but Tamborine Mountain doesn’t? WHY IS THAT? • Did you know that Scenic Rim Regional Council (SRRC) built three “signature playgrounds in Boonah, Beaudesert and Canungra but not on Tamborine Mountain? WHY IS THAT? • Did you know that over the last nine years more than $100 million has been spent on Scenic Rim bridges, and $100 million on roads. Firstly, we don’t have any bridges nor has money been spent on a single major road project on Tamborine Mountain since SRRC began. The state of our roads and pothole is appalling! WHY IS THAT? • Over the life of Scenic Rim Council less than 4 per cent of the Council Capital Budget has been spent on Tamborine Mountain yet it has the highest population and pays the highest average rates. WHY IS THAT? • Did you know that Beaudesert has a Government subsidised TransLink bus service (Route 540) to Browns Plains that operates Monday to Friday leaving and returning to Beaudesert hourly from 6.50am to 6.15pm in the evening? Tamborine Mountain has a once-a-day service to Beenleigh Station? WHY IS THAT? • Have you ever noticed the public gardens in almost every other Centre and Town in Scenic Rim has Council-maintained flower gardens, yet not a single flower is planted at council roundabouts, the cenotaph, or in road landscaping on Tamborine Mountain, the tourist capital of the SRRC? WHY IS THAT? • I average nearly one Office of Independent Assessor complaints a week about Council internal matters from anonymous complainants (up to 40 now in just 13 months) that most often try and stop me from writing my columns to keep you informed, and former Councillor Nigel Waistell received similar treatment about forwarding emails. WHY IS THAT? • Did you know that most State Government grants are channelled through the Scenic Rim Regional Council, yet when both the State and Federal Governments are throwing money at infrastructure projects, Scenic Rim Council has made no applications for major funding such as ... an aquatic centre to replace our “unfit for purpose pool”, or the Long Road extension to mitigate fire risk, or for our clogged and in disrepair Main Western Road, or for a western escarpment bikeway; and no funding for Stage 2 of the Tamborine Mountain Sports Association Clubhouse after waiting for nine years, or for a new indoor basketball facility, a toilet for Lions Park, or parking area for the buses at Tamborine State School ... just to name a few. SRRC has no plans for facilities that would house numerous much-needed State- provided Social Services for the Mountain. WHY IS THAT? • Despite thousands of people signing petitions, Council closed down the pig and calf saleyards in Beaudesert as it objected to its being Heritage listed and had made plans to remove all the mature shade trees in the beautiful Boonah main street without community consultation. WHY IS THAT? • Did you know that your Council rates support the operation of a Cultural Centre in Boonah, an indoor Aquatic Centre in Boonah, plus an Administration Centre that has had hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on upgrading it in the last few years? Beaudesert also has a Cultural Centre that cost about $3 million to convert from the former Civic Hall, and Beaudesert has a very large administration centre, soon to have an approximate $12.5 million library added to it as well as an $8 million parkland precinct with ancillary works. Yet no Council or State funds have been applied for to create or assist any type of Cultural Centre or Artisans Centre for Tamborine Mountain, the capital of the Scenic Rim for creative industries? WHY IS THAT? • Council has a “One size fits all approach” to Planning and Council Policies and a “One Scenic Rim” Marketing and Renaming agenda. Tamborine Mountain is unique, an international brand and does not want to morph into, or become JUST like Beaudesert. WHY IS THAT? • Yes … we are great rate contributors to Scenic Rim, but the cards will most likely always be stacked against us economically as we are only 1 per cent of the footprint. Your living standards stagnate and/or go backwards, your rates increase, while the rest of Scenic Rim infrastructure prospers. WHY IS IT SO?

Voting is open for two weeks - The Household Plebiscite commenced on Monday 24 May with Ballot Papers being delivered by Australia Post to 3094 households in the postcode 4272 and will close on FRIDAY 11 JUNE AT 12 NOON.

Should you wish to discuss anything with me the following are my contact details: Derek Swanborough: 0401 306 659 Email: [email protected] These are my own personal views & I do not puport to speak on behalf of Council. Decisions of Council are made only by majority vote.