PROUD TO BE iNOlAh\ PRIVILEGED to st; a,OBAl I JEGI SECIT/2018 11th (\liay, 2018 1 SSE Limited ~ 2 INational stotk"E~change -of India Limited 25 th Floor, P JTowers I Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor Dalal Street i Plot No.e/l, G Block, Bandra - Kutla Complex MUMBAI - 400 001, I Bandra (E), Scrip Code: 509631 I MUj\.'1BAI ~ 400 051, I Scrip Code : H~g __ J Sub: Investors ptesen,t-ation on the Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter & finantial yeM ended 31 Sf March, 2018. Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a copy of Investors Presentation on the Audited financial results of the Company for the quarter & financial year ended 31$1 March, 2018 for your information and tc'Cord please. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For HEG lIMITED (VIVEK CHAUDHARY) COMPANY SECRETARY
[email protected] End; as above HEGUMITEO CorPorate Office: Regd. Office: Bhilwam Towers. A·12, Sector·1 Mandideep (Near BhOpal) Dislt Raiset) - 4$2046 Naida ~ 20t301 {NCR·Delhi}, India (Madhya Praoosli),.llidia Tel. :+9H20439D300 (EPAaX) Tel, ' +91·7480405500 . 2335~4 10 233527 FaX: +91.1204277841 Fax; +91-7480-233522 Wei>s~e :www.!nj!Jhilwata,com Website : www.heglktcom Corporateldentificatlol1 No.: L2.3109MP1S72PLC008290 HEG Limited - Profile .:. HEG Limited is a leading graphite electrode manufacturer & exporter Globally. •: . The company produces two grades of graphite electrodes - Ultra High Power (UHP) & High Power (HP) - used in producing steel through the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route . •: . Exports approximately 70% of its production to about 30 countries around the world . •: . Diversified customer portfolio -supplying large proportion of our volumes to top 20 steel companies ofthe world.