4455 yearsyears ofof ccoveringovering SSouthouth BBeltelt The Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, March 4, 2021 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 46, No. 5 Heavy trash pickup set City residents south of Fuqua will have heavy trash pickup Thursday, March 11 (second Thursday Hays accused of killing grandmother, brother of the month). City residents north of Fuqua and west of the Gulf Freeway will have heavy trash pickup Fri- A double homicide took place around 11 tracking the suspect down, eventually con- day, March 12 (second Friday of the month). March a.m. Tuesday, March 2, in the 11100 block of fronting him in the parking lot of the Academy is for tree waste. Due to a larger amount of debris be- Cayman Mist Drive near Beltway 8 and Black- store in the 10400 block of the Gulf Freeway. A ing discarded during the COVID-19 pandemic, pick- hawk. struggle ensued, with Hays being struck in the ups may be delayed. For information, visit www.hous According to police, the victims were the head at least once. He was not seriously injured, tontx.gov/solidwaste or call 311. shooter’s grandmother and younger brother. police said. Drive-thru fish fry continues The suspect was apprehended near the Gulf Family members were able to detain Hays St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church, 11011 Freeway and Edgebrook shortly after the inci- until police arrived. The suspect was arrested Hall Road, will host a drive-thru fi sh fry Fridays dent. without incident and taken into custody. through March 26, 4 to 7 p.m.