Management Direction ■■ Introduction ■■ Management Goals, Objectives and Strategies ■■ General Refuge Management Direction
Chapter 4 Kaiti Titherington/USFWS Roseate tern Management Direction ■■ Introduction ■■ Management Goals, Objectives and Strategies ■■ General Refuge Management Direction Introduction Introduction This CCP is a 15-year management plan that provides long-term guidance for management decisions on the refuge and sets forth goals, objectives, and strategies needed to accomplish refuge purposes. We propose to undertake activities in the next 15 years that will enhance management of habitat and species, wilderness resources, and public uses on Monomoy NWR over the long- term. This chapter begins with a description of our process for developing our management direction, and includes brief descriptions of the two management alternatives that were not selected for the final plan. The final management direction is then presented in detail, organized by goals, objectives, and strategies. The chapter concludes with a description of other actions or activities incorporated into the plan that are either cross-programmatic, relate to multiple goals, and/or represent general administrative or compliance activities. Developing Management Relationship Between Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Direction As described in chapter 2, the first step in the planning process is to map out the refuge’s resources of concern and prioritize focal management species. These identified resources and species were used to develop a set of refuge goals, objectives to achieve those goals, and a series of strategies to implement them. Refuge goals are intentionally broad, descriptive statements of the desired future condition of refuge resources. By design, refuge goals define the targets of our management actions in prescriptive rather than quantitative terms. They also articulate the principal elements of the refuge’s purposes and vision statement, and provide a foundation for developing specific management objectives and strategies.
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