PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles OPEN ACCESS online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Short Communication

Three families (: , Hyopterygiaceae, & Pterobryaceae): new distribution records to bryoflora of Andhra Pradesh, India

Ananthaneni Sreenath, Midigesi Anil Kumar, Paradesi Anjaneyulu & Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao

26 March 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 4 | Pages: 15481–15488 DOI: 10.11609/jot.4418.12.4.15481-15488

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) PLATINUM OPEN ACCESS DOI: htps://

#4418 | Received 19 July 2018 | Final received 05 February 2020 | Finally accepted 23 February 2020

S h o Three moss families (Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Hyopterygiaceae, r t & Pterobryaceae): new distributon records to bryofora C o of Andhra Pradesh, India m m Ananthaneni Sreenath 1 , Midigesi Anil Kumar 2 , Paradesi Anjaneyulu 3 & Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao 4 u n i 1–4 Biodiversity Conservaton Division, Department of Botany, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu, c Andhra Pradesh 515003, India. a 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], 4 [email protected] (corresponding author) t i o n Abstract: Our investgaton of the bryofora of Andhra Pradesh carried seven genera and 44 species are represented in India; out during 2015–19 resulted in three new records of moss families: Calymparaceae, , and Pterobryaceae represented comprising 342 species are represented by Calymperes tenerum, tamarisci, and Pterobryopsis by 19 in India (Dandotya et al. 2011; Alam 2015). acuminata, respectvely. Hypopterigiaceae comprises fve genera and 33 species

Keywords: Bryophyte, , new records. (The List 2013), of which four genera and 13 species are represented in India; Hypopterygium comprising 27 species is represented by fve species in India (Dandotya Part of bryophyte inventory during June 2016 to et al. 2011). Pterobryaceae comprises 41 genera and September 2018 in the state of Andhra Pradesh, we 393 species (The Plant List 2013), of which eight genera collected curious moss plant specimens from diferent and 27 species are recorded from India; Pterobryopsis forest localites of Andhra Pradesh. Afer critcal study, comprises 52 species, represented by 12 species in India we identfed the specimens collected from the hill (Dandotya et al. 2011). tops of Sadasiva Kona, Chitoor District belonging Perusal of updated literature on bryofora of to Calymperes tenerum Mull.Hal. (Calymperaceae, Andhra Pradesh (Rani et al. 2014) revealed that tll , Bryopsida); those collected from hills of date, representatves of the families Calymperaceae, Galikonda near Sunkarimeta, Visakhapatnam District Hypopterygiaceae, and Pterobryaceae have not been as Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll.Hal. reported from the state of Andhra Pradesh and hence (Hypopterygiaceae, Hookeriales, Bryopsida) and those the present collecton forms new distributon records of from the valleys of Vantamamidi near Lambasingi, these three families, genera and species for the state. Visakhapatnam District as Pterobryopsis acuminata (Hook.) M. Fleisch. (Pterobryaceae, Hypnales, Bryopsida). Materials and Methods Calymperaceae comprises 19 genera and 1,051 The plant materials were collected by using sharp species worldwide (The Plant List 2013), of which knife and brought to the laboratory in labeled zip lock

Editor: Afroz Alam, Banasthali Vidyapith, Vanasthali, India. Date of publicaton: 26 March 2020 (online & print)

Citaton: Sreenath, A., M.A. Kumar, P. Anjaneyulu & B.R.P. Rao (2020). Three moss families (Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Hyopterygiaceae, & Pterobryaceae): new distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(4): 15481–15488. htps://

Copyright: © Sreenath et al. 2020. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Funding: University Grants Commission, New Delhi; Natonal Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad.

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

Acknowledgements: Dr. Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao is grateful to UGC for awarding One Time Grant Project (2016–2018); second author to NRSC, ISRO for Senior Research Fellowship. Authors are grateful to the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department ofcials for according permission for the feld work.

15481 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.

polythene cover, air dried at room temperature and Habitat: Cortcolous on Alphonsea sclerocarpa preserved in brown paper packets (12×18 cm) with (Annonaceae) and found associated with Frullania udarii detailed label (10×17cm). Critcal examinaton of the V. Nath & Ajit P. Singh. (Frullaniaceae). Also found on soil collected specimens were done by using temporary covered rock substratum near the host tree. slides, and plant parts were separated by using micro Specimens examined: 53330-B (SKU) 24.ii.2017, forceps (Varin) VR-15 curved, VR-11straight with 13.7340N & 79.5900E, 508m, Sadasivakona hill top, fne sharp edges. Slides were observed under light Chitoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India, coll. Boyina Ravi microscope (Olympus CH20i), and measurements were Prasad Rao & Ananthaneni Sreenath. taken by using ocular micro meter (Erma) 19mm, 100 Distributon: Aldabra, Australia (northern segments in 1cm. Field photographs were taken by using Queensland) (Fife & De Lange 2009), Benin Bioko, Nikon D3300; microscopic photographs were taken by Brazil, Chagos Archipelago, China, Comoros, Democratc using Moto g3 turboequipped with 13MP camera, 4x Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Hawaiian Island, India wide digital zoom. Diferent dimensions were measured (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, lower Bengal, and identfcatons were done using standard bryoforas. southwestern Himalaya), Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Descripton, phenology, distributon, voucher specimen Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritus, New informaton, microscopic photographs, and illustratons Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Pacifc Islands are provided for all the three species. Distributon (Hawaii, Fiji, Tonga Group, Cook Islands, Society Islands, pertaining to the world is adopted from the Tropicos Marquesas, New Caledonia) Philippines, Reunion, website (Mussorie Botanical Garden 2019). Voucher Rodrigues, Seychelles, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, specimens are deposited in the Sri Krishnadevaraya and United States (Florida). University Herbarium, Ananthapuramu (SKU). Abbreviatons used for collectors are: AS (Ananthaneni Hypopterigium tamarisci (Sw.) Bird. ex Mull. Hal.; Syn. Sreenath), BR (B. Ravi Prasad Rao). Musc. Frond. 2: 8. 1850; Hypopterygium tenellumMull. Hal., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 12: 557. 1854; R.S. Chopra, Tax. Taxonomic treatment Indian moss. 397. 1975; Daniels, Bryophytes of Southern Calymperes tenerum Mull.Hal. in Linnaea 37: 174. W. Ghats 123–124. 2003. 1872: Bureshi in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 13(1): 32. 1931; small to medium-sized, main stem to 5cm Foreau in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 61: 223; 1964 long creeping, secondary stem erect, dendroid to 2.5cm Gungulee, Moss. E. India 1(2): 600. 1971; W.D. Reese & high, yellowish-green to dark green above and reddish- Mohamed in Bryologist 88: 106. 1985; Ellis in J. Bryol. brown below by dese tomentose. Leaves complanate, 15:712. 1989; Daniels, Bryophytes of Southern W. Ghats asymmetric, arranged in 3 rows, 2 lateral rows and 1 56–57.2003. ventral row; lateral leaves ovate-abovate to 0.7–1.1 × Plants small, tufed or forming mats up to 3–7 0.5–0.67 mm, acute to short acuminate, fnally toothed mm high, green to dark green-colored. Stem usually at apex, entre below at margin, bordered by two rows notbranching, very short, without central stand. Leaves of limbidium, linear elongated cells, hylane to 50–145 curled when dry, erect to spreading when moist; x 6–11 µm; leaf apical, middle and basal cells are same dimorphic. Gemmiferous leaves obovate-lanceolate in size shape, rhomboid-rhomboid hexagonal to 20–36 1.6–2.8 × 0.6–1.2 mm., non-gemmiferus leaves obovate × 10–22 µm and some cells slightly larger near at costa to oblong ligulate, 1.1–2.1 × 0.7–1.2 mm; leaf cells base to 30–42 × 12–22 µm. Costa single, more or less ½ unipapillose at apex and middle, papilla reducing of the leaf length, ending much below the apex. Ventral towards base, apical cells 6–14 × 4–12 µm; hexagonal to leaves orbicular-cordate to 0.43–0.47 × 0.4–0.5 mm; quadrate, basal cells 14–43 × 6–8 µm, quadrate, elongate apex acuminate, faintly toothed to entre at margin with and cancellinae 9–13 rows in side of costa at base; 40–90 border of limbidium, linear elongate hyaline cells similar × 40–45 µm. Costa smooth on back side, 70–80 µm wide, to lateral leaves. Costa more are less ½ of the leaf length, fnely toothed at apex, percurrent to excurrent in non sometmes percurent, just below the leaf tp or whole gemmiferous leaves, excurrent in gemmiferous leaves. length of the leaf. Gemmae present as axillary buds. Gemmae green, radiatng stellate, clustered at costal Sporophyte not seen in this specimens. Microscopic apex, and 130–180 × 33–54 µm with shinytransparent photographs and illustratons for the species (Image 2, margins and cells having thick chlorophyll. Capsulesnot A–G; Figure 2, A–G ) seen. Microscopic Photographs & Illustratons for the Habitat: Racophilous on wet tocks near aquatc species (Image 1; Figure 1) areas, found associated with Hetroscyphus hylanus

15482 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.




Image 1. Calymperes temerum Mull.Hall. A—Plant | B & C—Gemmiferous leaves | D—Non gemmiferous leaf | E—Leaf Apical cells | F—Leaf Middle cells | G—Leaf basal cells with cacellinae cells | H—Gemmiferous Leaf tp | I & J—Gemmae. © Ananthaneni Sreenath & B.R.P. Rao.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 15483 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.

Figure 1. Calymperes tenerum Mull.Hall. A—Plant | B & C—Gemmiferous leaves | D—Non gemmiferous leaf | E—Leaf Apical cells | F—Leaf Middle cells | G—Leaf basal cells with cacellinae cells | H & I—Gemmiferous Leaf tps | J & K—Gemmae.

15484 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.

(Geocaliaceae) and Fissidens sp. (Fissidentaceae). Lambasingi, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, Specimens examined: 55201-A (SKU) 21.x.2018, India, coll. Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao & Ananthaneni 18.3600N & 83.0410E, 1,280m, Galikonda, on the way Sreenath. of Ananthagiri to Sunkarimeta, 1.5km near Galikonda Distributon: India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, view point from Ananthagiri, Visakhapatnam District, Kerala, Khasia Hills and Sikkim), Indo-Burma, and China. Andhra Pradesh, India, coll. Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao & Ananthaneni Sreenath. Discussion Distributon: Belize, Bioko, Brazil, Burundi, Cameron, Bryophytes are an important component of plant Caribbean, Comoros, Democratc Republic of the Congo, biomass especially in forests and play a vital role in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, India (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala soil development, nutrient biogeochemical cycling and Tamil Nadu), Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mascarene and ecological succession (Frego 2007). Studies on Islands, Mauritus, Mexico, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome, bryophytes are, however, sparse owing to the difculty South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe. in their identfcaton, availability of less literature and as Note: Although Dandotya et al. (2011) treated well as high-costs for exploratons. Only a few studies are Hypopterigium tamarisci (Sw.) Bird. ex Mull. Hal. and there on bryofora of Andhra Pradesh and most of the H. tenellum Mull. Hal. separately, the Plant List (2013) bryophytes of the state were recorded in the past three treated the later as synonym to the former based on decades from the state. Past studies on bryofora of Tropicos data. Andhra Pradesh includes: Rao et al. (1999); Sowghandika (2010); Rani et al. (2011a,b, 2012, 2014); Sowghandika et Pterobryopsis acuminata (Hook.) M. Fleisch. al. (2011); Pullaiah et al. (2012). Perusal of literature (Rani Hedwigia 45: 59. 1905; Gangulee, Mosses of Eastern et al. 2014; Manjula & Manju 2016; Pande et al. 2019) India 2(5): 1273. 1976; Manju, Eco-systematc studies on revealed the records of 101 taxa (99 species) belonging bryophytes of Wayanad 259. 2005. to 36 families. Owing to the presence of diversifed Plants small to medium-sized, main stem to 6cm long bryophyte habitats in the state and consequently creeping, secondary stem sub erect, dendroid, pinnate antcipated much more diversity, we explored the state to 4cm high, secondary branches to 5–7 mm, light for the past three years intensively. The present records yellowish to brown when dry, green to dark green when of three bryophyte species are part of the result of this moist and dark brown below. Leaves concave, densely exploraton. lamellose, spirally arranged, stem leaves, branch leaves Calymperaceae is distnct in Bryopsida with slightly diferentated in shape and shape, stem leaves gemmiferous leafips. Calymperes tenerum Mull.Hal., cordate, orbicular-ovate to 1.28–1.5 × 0.8–0.9 mm; an acrocarpous moss is distributed South America, branch leaves ovate to 1.2–1.6 × 0.58–0.64 mm, acute Africa, southern and southeastern Asia, Pacifc Islands; to short acuminate, fnally dentculate but not at apex; in India, the species is having discontnuous distributon: leaf cells are same in stem and branch leaves; leaf apical, in southern peninsular India, southwestern Himalaya middle, basal and alar cells slightly, diferentated in size, and lower Bengal; we could locate it only in one place shape; leaf cells thick walled elongated, basal and middle of Andhra Pradesh. Hypopterygiaceae, characterized by cells to 50–60 × 10–12 µm, apical cells 26–30 × 0.7–10 plants with dendroid habit are pleurocarpous mosses. µm and alar cells diferentated with other all leaf cells, Hypopterygium tamarisci (Sw.) Brid. ex Müll. Hall. are quadrangular to 10–12 × 0.7–1 µm. stem atachment cells distributed in Brazil, Bioko, Mexico, central America, transparent and base reddish-brown to golden brown in Africa, Indian Ocean Islands, and southeastern Asia; in color. Costa more than ½ of the leaf length, single, ending India, the species is known only from southern peninsular much below the leaf tp, costa end simple or sometmes India states; and currently recorded only from one furcate. Gemmae absent some. Sporophyte not seen in locality in Andhra Pradesh. Pterobryaceae characterized this specimen. Microscopic photographs and illustratons by concave shaped leaves are pleurocarpous mosses. for the species (Image 2, H–N; Figure 2, H–M) Pterobryopsis acuminata (Hook.) M. Fleisch. is recorded Habitat: Cortcolous on old, wet tree trunks of only from Indo-Burma, China, and India; in India the branching base, found associated with Stereophyllum species is known from the Eastern Ghats, Kerala, and sp. (Plageotheciaceae) and Erythrodontum julacium northeastern India and presently recorded only from one (Erythrodontaceae). locality in Andhra Pradesh. All the three species reported Specimens examined: 53900–B 13.xii.2017, 17.8250N as new records to states are not falling in any threatened & 82.6180E, 800m, interior forest of Vantamamidi near categories (IUCN 2001).

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 15485 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.









Image 2. A–G: Hypopterigium tamarisci (Sw.) Bird. ex Mull. Hal.: A—Single branch | B—Elongated view of apical porton | C—Lateral leaf | D—Ventral leaf | E—Leaf apical cells | F—Leaf middle cells | G—Leaf basal cells. H–N: Pterobryopsis acuminata (Hook) M. Fleisch.: H—Dry plant | I—Wet plant | J—Stem leaf | K—Branch leaf | L—Leaf apical cells | M—Leaf middle cells | N—Leaf basal and alar cells. © Ananthaneni Sreenath & B.R.P. Rao.

15486 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.

Figure 2. A – G: Hypopterigium tamarisci (Sw.) Bird. ex Mull. Hal. A—Natural habit with single branch | B—Apical porton of plant elongated view | C—Lateral leaf | D—Ventral leaf | E—Leaf apical cells | F— Leaf middle cells | G—Leaf basal cells H–M: Pterobryopsis acuminata (Hook) M. Fleisch. H—Single branch | I—Stem leaf | J—Branch leaf | K—Leaf apical cells | L—Leaf middle cells | M—Leaf basal and alar cells.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488 15487 J TT New distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh Sreenath et al.

References Missouri Botanical Garden (2019). Missouri botanical garden. htp:// (Accessed on 8 August 2019). Pande, P., P. Srivastava & A.K. Astana (2019). Additon of two Alam, A. (2015). Moss Flora of India. An Updated Summary of Taxa. pleurocarpous mosses to the Bryofora of South India. Indian GRIN Publisher, Germany, 195pp. Journal of Forestry 42(1): 99–103. Bureshi, P. (1931). A census of Indian mosses with analytcal key to Pullaiah, T., A.S.V. Kumar, S.S. Rani & M. Sowghandhika (2012). genera. Records Botanical Survey of in India 13(1): 1–135pp. Bryophyte Diversity in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Chopra, R.S. (1975). of Indian mosses, CSIR publicatons & the Indian Botanical Society 91(1–3): 264–271. Informaton directorate, New Delhi, 397–398pp. Rao, R.S., S. Sudhakar & P. Venkanna (1999). Flora of East Godavari Dandotya, D.H., Govindapyari, S. Suman & P.L. Uniyal (2011). Check District. The Indian Natonal Trust for Art and Culture Heritage list of the Bryophytes of India, Archive for Bryology 88: 1–126. (INTACH), Andhra Pradesh State Chapter, Hyderabad, xi+947pp. Daniels, A.E.D (2003). Studies on Bryofora of southern Western Reese, W.D. & M.A.H. Mohamed (1985). A synopsis of Calymperes Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India. PhD Thesis. Department of Botany, (Musci: Calymperaceae) in Malaysia and adjacent regions. The Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, vi+370pp. Bryologist 88: 98–109. Ellis, L.T. (1989). A taxonomic revision of Calymperes in Southern India Rani, S.S., T. Pullaiah, D. Ramanjaneyulu & M. Sowghandika (2011). and neighbouring islands. Journal of Bryology 15: 697–737. htps:// Bryophyte diversity in Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 36(3): 674–679. Fife, A.J. & P.J. De Lange (2009) Calymperes tenerum Mull. Rani, S.S., M. Sowghandhika, B. Suseela, K.S. Nagesh & T. Pullaiah Hal. (Calymperaceae) on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. (2011). Additons to the bryofora of southern peninsular India. Australasian Bryological Newsleter 57: 14–16. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 90(1&2): 75–79. Foreau, G. (1964). Some south Indian mosses. Journal of the Bombay Rani, S.S., M. Sowghandhika, T.V.K. Kumar & T. Pullaiah (2012). Natural History Society 61: 223–226. Bryophyte Diversity in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. Frego, K.A. (2007). Bryophytes as potental indicators of forest Journal of Plant Science Research 28(1): 101–109. integrity. Forest Ecology and Management 242: 65–75. Rani, S.S., M. Sowghandhika, K.S. Nagesh, B. Suseela & T. Pullaiah Gungulee, H.C. (1969–1972). Mosses of Eastern India and adjacent (2014). Bryophytes of Andhra Pradesh. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal regions, a monograph,Vol-1 (Fasc. 1-3) Calcuta, xix+830pp. Singh, Dehra Dun, iii+279pp. IUCN (2001). IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. Sowghandika, M. (2010). Bryophytes in Visakhapatnam District, Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland Andhra Pradesh. PhD Thesis. Department of Botany, Sri and Cambridge, 32pp. htp:// Krishnadevaraya University, ix+220pp. cats_crit_en.pdf Sowghandika, M., S.S. Rani, B. Susheela & T. Pullaiah (2011). Musci in Manju, C.N. (2005). Eco-systematc studies on bryophytes of Wayanad, Visakhaptnam district of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Economic and Kerala, PhD Thesis. Department of Botany, University of Calicut. Taxonomic Botany 35: 516–528. Ii+456pp. The Plant List (2013). htp:// Accessed on 08 Manjula, K.M. & C.N. Manju (2016). Genus Fissidens Hedw. August 2019. (Fissidentaceae; Bryophyta) from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 1(2): 1–15.

Threatened Taxa

15488 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 March 2020 | 12(4): 15481–15488

PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at OPEN ACCESS All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

March 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 4 | Pages: 15407–15534 Date of Publicaton: 26 March 2020 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2020.12.4.15407-15534

Conservaton Applicaton New to Myanmar: the Rosy Starling Pastor roseus (Aves: Passeriformes: Sturnidae) in the Hkakabo Razi Landscape Do wildlife crimes against less charismatc species go unnotced? A case study – Sai Sein Lin Oo, Myint Kyaw, Nay Myo Hlaing & Swen C. Renner, Pp. 15493– of Golden Jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 poaching and trade in India 15494 – Malaika Mathew Chawla, Arjun Srivathsa, Priya Singh, Iravatee Majgaonkar, Sushma Sharma, Girish Punjabi & Aditya Banerjee, Pp. 15407–15413 New records of Heloderma alvarezi (Wiegmann, 1829) (Sauria: Helodermatdae) on the coast of Oaxaca and increases to its distributon in Review Mexico – Jesús García-Grajales, Rodrigo Arrazola Bohórquez, María Arely Penguilly Hazards of wind turbines on avifauna - a preliminary appraisal within the Macías & Alejandra Buenrostro Silva, Pp. 15495–15498 Indian context – Himika Deb, Tanmay Sanyal, Anilava Kaviraj & Subrata Saha, Pp. 15414–15425 Descripton of a new subspecies of the genus Microcerotermes Silvestri, 1901 (Amitermitnae: Termitdae: Isoptera) and the frst record of another Communicatons termite species from Meghalaya, India – Khirod Sankar Das & Sudipta Choudhury, Pp. 15499–15502 Analysis of stereotypic behaviour and enhanced management in captve Northern Girafe Girafa camelopardalis housed at Zoological Garden Alipore, A new record of the hoverfy genus Dasysyrphus Enderlein, 1938 (Insecta: Kolkata Diptera: Syrphidae) from India – Tushar Pramod Kulkarni, Pp. 15426–15435 – Jayita Sengupta, Atanu Naskar, Aniruddha Maity, Panchanan Parui, Sumit Homchaudhuri & Dhrit Banerjee, Pp. 15503–15506 A new species of shieldtail snake (Reptlia: Squamata: Uropeltdae) from Kolli Hill complex, southern Eastern Ghats, peninsular India First record of Banded Lineblue Prosotas aluta Druce, 1873 (Insecta: – S.R. Ganesh & N.S. Achyuthan, Pp. 15436–15442 Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Bangladesh – Rajib Dey, Ibrahim Khalil Al Haidar, Sajib Rudra & M. Rafqul Islam, Pp. The insect fauna of Tenompok Forest Reserve in Sabah, Malaysia 15507–15509 – Arthur Y.C. Chung, Viviannye Paul & Steven Bosuang, Pp. 15443–15459 Notes on Ptlomera agriodes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) from Tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelinae) of Davao Region, Mindanao, Philippines Eastern Ghats, India – Milton Norman Medina, Analyn Cabras, Harlene Ramillano & Reagan Joseph – J. Deepa, A. Narahari, M. Karuthapandi, S. Jadhav & C. Shiva Shankar, Villanueva, Pp. 15460–15467 Pp. 15510–15513

An assessment of the conservaton status of a presumed extnct tree species Didymocarpus bhutanicus W.T. Wang (Gesneriaceae): a new additon to the Wendlandia angustfolia Wight ex. Hook.f. in southern Western Ghats, India herbs of India – Chellam Muthumperumal, Paramasivam Balasubramanian & Ladan Rasingam, – Subhajit Lahiri, Sudhansu Sekhar Dash, Monalisa Das & Bipin Kumar Sinha, Pp. 15468–15474 Pp. 15514–15517

Short Communicatons Rediscovery of Epilobium trichophyllum Hausskn.: a rare and endemic plant from Sikkim Himalaya, India Additonal morphological notes on the male of Icius alboterminus – David L. Biate & Dinesh K. Agrawala, Pp. 15518–15521 (Caleb, 2014) (Aranei: Saltcidae) with new distributon records from India – Dhruv A. Prajapat & R.D. Kamboj, Pp. 15475–15480 Additons of woody climbers (Lianas) to the fora of Manipur, India – Longjam Malemnganbee Chanu & Debjyot Bhatacharyya, Pp. 15522– Three moss families (Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Hyopterygiaceae, & 15529 Pterobryaceae): new distributon records to bryofora of Andhra Pradesh, India – Ananthaneni Sreenath, Midigesi Anil Kumar, Paradesi Anjaneyulu & Molecular characterizaton of stnkhorn fungus Aseroë coccinea Imazeki Boyina Ravi Prasad Rao, Pp. 15481–15488 et Yoshimi ex Kasuya 2007 (Basidiomycota: Agaricomycetes: Phallales) from India Notes – Vivek Bobade & Neelesh Dahanukar, Pp. 15530–15534

Matng behavior of the Yellow-throated Marten Martes favigula (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae) – Abinash Parida, Meesala Krishna Murthy & G.S. Solanki, Pp. 15489–15492 Publisher & Host


Threatened Taxa